Life on the Other Side

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[Music] for people who believe in an afterlife it's hard to imagine what life is like on the other side the question is are there big fluffy clouds and lots of white light what's it really like Phil Quinn is a medium and lifeguide who says his gift has enabled him to actually see and experience heaven and he's here to share what he's learned this is great Phil thank you so much for being here thanks for having me Phil you are the best time good to see you again to see yeah let's tell us a little bit about your understanding and where this comes from um my understanding of Heaven is comes from the people that have already crossed over and it's the souls that communicate with me repeat this information to me and also visually what I've been able to see all right Phil this is a little bit off the center here and I ashed it before just so I didn't throw a curve at you can you sense in this room where we are today when we're doing this program this afternoon that there's there's Spirit around us so yes anytime typically when I meet people I often see people standing behind them can you give us an idea of what's going on it's they're they watch over you trying to see how your day is going just that's what happens from heaven and not just communicating with you they're not bothering anybody they're just anybody they're they're mostly just observing really yes what do they what do they do in heaven I mean when again as you believe when you cross over what's happening up there well Heaven is is very much like Earth without the violence the war the pollution all those things are gone there's no disease and you they take on a role of guiding you here on your path about uh trying to accomplish any missions you have set forth why it's school why it's career why it's relationships and our family constantly gives us advice are we talking white fluffy clouds I mean what do what do you think yeah uh not exactly white fluffy clouds but it is in its Perfection so um if you can just imagine Earth in its complete uh Perfection that's how Heaven is so when when I when they're what are they they're they're watching over us all the time all right now do they ever P do they ever see that we're doing okay we'll come back later are they always there there times they look closer yeah when you're in the shower they're not not in my shower so they're not but uh yeah when things are stressful for you your family will tend to come around um or if you're having a happy event if was a birth of a child they'll be there with you if you're loved ones already crossed over or for weddings and things like that right I love hearing that that's great let's talk about angels angels in heaven what roles do they play um they're angels in Heavens are the Guardians Of Heaven if you can imagine that and and that off Earth as well and they play a major role in protecting um Earth and the people that are on it all right so now we say to somebody hey she finally earned her wings you know do do how do how do angels become Angels how do they how do a regular person be a regular person up there and an Angel become an angel they all become Angels or what no angels are created they've never been in a human form and guides have once lived on Earth so there's there's two separations yeah so they're specifically created now I heard sometime and again this gets into a whole another thing that we can't do here and I'm throwing curves at and you're throwing it no but I did have somebody say to me one time we unfortunately we hear about people who let's just say they make decisions to not carry on and not have children or let's say they make decisions to stop a life from coming into this world I had someone telling me one time actually a priest who said it's important that people pray to those angels did not that did not have a chance to come into our lives that you got to explain this soon to me it make sense or what you know prayer is a is a form of meditation and for people for Souls um that have already crossed over or past um the prayer connects you close with that so regardless of whatever your religious belief is and um your angels again will facilitate information to the person that you've lost and vice versa so what about the souls that have already crossed over what are they doing how are they spending their time they have jobs and their assignments yes they um part of their job would be to look after us and come and visit us and and then part of them if you interested in history you can study history and of the earth and it's very cool how it's all set up so there's there's no boredom now we we do I like when you were talking about the power of prayer yes and you can really can let's just say you're not really focused like I I will say that you know I went through a dark a dark time in my life and I found that I really couldn't focus and I felt like not that God had turned away but I just had a really hard time communicating what's the if you can't like if you can't do the the regular prayers that you were taught as kids can you just have a conversation with god or a conversation with who do you talk to I mean it's everybody's opinions different well and again everyone's opinion is different some people talk to the people that they've lost some people speak directly to their their God and who they believe in and some people just talk to their angels and guides and ask for clarity and communication of how to get to the end of this path that they're on and particularly that when you're in a dark time um people often do not feel connected with their higher power um but God never abandons us so the souls are always with us they're always around us we just may not be able to feel or sense them at that time but I'm sorry T but but God also understands those times when maybe we're having a hard time con absolutely so we're not turning away from him he knows we're just having a tough time and he's always there yep I'm sorry I see the emails coming in already where are we going with this but I do want to ask you because you're the expert what do we need to know to maybe get to the other side um well there's no there's no getting to it but part of the thing is if you accomplish your contract that you're setting up and one of the thing is is Do no harm to to others and uh that brings you to a different elevation on the other side so there's not to my knowledge a judgment if you're going here or if you're going there it's just a matter of when you get to the the side how did you grow what did you learn what did you achieve and cuz you get to look back in your life and see you know the good and the bad of it make the best of it right yes absolutely yeah try to be conscious on a daily basis powerful powerful stuff Phil thank you so much for coming thank you guys for having me it's great seeing you once again we are definitely definitely blessed if you want more info on Phil Quinn this man is amazing go to and click on Connecticut Style
Channel: Connecticut's Morning Buzz
Views: 365,365
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Id: 7-x6UezxLxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 53sec (353 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 06 2012
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