The most EXPENSIVE KATANA I’ve ever reviewed - Thaitsuki Omukade SO5L katana review

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greetings I'm shad and greetings I am Tyrant and Tyrant we have something quite special today we do actually we have the most expensive sword I have ever owned yes and well I'm not going to spoil anything but maybe we might even get more expensive in the future we maybe doing that this review I feel is actually going to be very instructive because we hope to let you guys see and know what you should expect with swords in this price point not many people get to handle swords this expens because they're expensive you know not everyone can afford them not even I can afford them all the time I I have only splurged on two swords over the ,000 mark of my own money y so this one has been sent to us for review and I'm grateful for that because we are willing to risk a couple of things with this sword that I wouldn't want to do if I spent my own money on it yes now the reason why something like this is important to me personally is because we've done so much Katana content and we have come to conclusions we've said things and it's angered lot of people and when we get a sword like this uh traditional katas we are willing to put them on the line to put our money where our mouth is and do the testing that's required to prove ourselves right because there are some just basic things you need to understand about the traditional way katas are made this Katana has been made in the most traditional way out of any of the katas we' reviewed we've reviewed katans that are more even mostly traditional this one specifically is made in the three grades of Steel method H my is called you remember I already know that is the layering technique that is used in this particular Katana there's lots of different ways they lay steel but that's the more more classic way that when people think of katas they're thinking of that method this method and specifically it has a harder steel grade on the edge medium steel grade on the sides and a soft steel grade in the core and back now there is one difference in in this Katana versus a truly traditional one doesn't seem like this is tamahagane steel yes now this is a little bit of a caveat here we're assuming that it doesn't actually say what steel it's made out of so where which is odd yes and like you said before uh before we started recording if it was made out of tomag they would probably they would promote that as a big premium thing which is interesting because traditional tamahagane steel just by the way it's made means it can never be as good as modern steel yet swords with this tamahagane Steel in sold as at a higher premium for the artistic historical value and this is where which I think is valid it is valid is valid and and this is an important thing to mention in this review that makes a bit of a distinction difference between high-end katas versus many other high-end sword the most expensive high-end katas are the ones that are made more in the traditional way which inherently leads into weaker less durable blades this shouldn't be controversial even if you love katas you should be able to acknowledge that using more historical methods traditional methods in making a sword just leads to a less durable sword than advanced modern Steels that are made with modern technology I mean this is also the reverse for something like long swort now we've spoken at length that you know spring steel was historical but it still doesn't negate the fact that modern Steels modern spring Steels these super Steels are obviously better than historical Steels this particular blade here is by uh tatsuki tsuki tsuki and it is I've actually I actually kind of like this now we've done a lot of katana reviews at this point it's kind of ridiculous and they're all kind of out of the box stock standard stuff this one is a little bit different and special there's a lot more custommade features that's the key this should inform you what you should expect in a highend expensive sword this one retails for around 3,000 us that means for converting it to Australian dollars as well General import costs a lot more this would actually be about $6,000 sword almost double the price so the S here is made out of Rosewood and then all of these little fittings here like on uh the habaki and the uh subba is actually silver which is really cool now before we get into the the finer details I want to just quickly compare um some of the standards you should expect in highend swords we're talking about the $1,000 Mark and higher and we do have two other swords well actually have a couple of Swords to compare to so let's grab those and just compare it so by comparing this tit suuki sword to the others I hope we can show you how much this actually stands out this I feel does deserve its price points okay well let's go over some of the prices here so this one here how much was that one about 2,000 us yes this one here about 1,000 us yeah 900 something like that this one here is like a about 170 yes 170 180 and it it's very sharp I actually really like these sorts that's for a different video we will talk about it I want to illustrate a point right now just so you understand so we've got uh nearly 2,000,000 and then like 200 let's have a look at these fittings here they're all very standard uh and same on these same in actual fact when we got this sword we got this one with a $200 sword by the same manufacturer and I was about to say you can even it's I think does this one have it no it doesn't but it had the same habaki these are cheap fittings okay this one looks nice I don't get me I like the subar on this sword but it is cheap like it's cheaply made mass manufactur mass manufactured um and I still think it's quality but are you really getting the price point in $1,000 sword if it has these stock standard fittings the ti suuki sword here all custom fittings not only that artistically made like there is a patent and story that it's telling here on the fittings and it even has silver inlays on on it like this is premium yeah uh even the skin has been wrapped over to you know has that more the thickness of the ray skin and then even this wrap here is beautiful it's tight it's not moving the wrap stands out not only does it have like it looks traditional but if you come in close you will see individual cords overlaying each other on the thing that is gorgeous even things like the pins I don't think these ones are bamboo they look like a hardwood to me yeah um just little details like that where when you get even in like the 2,000 range like this they're all kind of still the same as the like the I would say probably like the 700 us to like 2,000 range you're going to get all kind of the same thing it's not until you get past that point where you're going to start to get into the more actually custom stuff yes and you should expect that cuz this is the interesting thing the price point of these two swords here are actually somewhat close to these European swords this is one of the Lockwood long swords that I have here his price point is over the $1,000 Market can R vary between 1,200 1,500 and we also have a uh Todd Cutler arming sword here and these are both beautiful swords gorgeous swords like these the quality of these is genuinely on par with this with one difference it doesn't have kind of artistic engraving on it yes but that's like a personal taste thing I think that actually is a difference between a price point from 1,000 to like 3 to 5,000 when you get to 3 to 5,000 it needs something special above near Flawless fit and finish you should expect a near Flawless fit and finish on a th price point sword but when you're going beyond that what are you getting your money's worth it needs to have something better in addition and that's where we get into detailed Engravings really fancy scabbards even maybe some gold or silver thrown on yes I agree with you in principle but in personal taste I don't really have any I don't want my long sword to have Engravings and the things I just like it nice to be useful beautiful accurate yeah functional but in that in that sense I don't see why You' be going past ,000 the most $2,000 for a sword in that range spoiler alert I I wouldn't yeah I wouldn't either I wouldn't either it needs to have something really special about it to make me willing to Fork out more money and this is where the katana like highend katas do you have some weigh in it because it is more expensive to make a traditional Katana because it's more labor intensive yes so this one is what around the $3,000 mark would I say personally that this particular sword is worth it I think we're getting there I think I think we are I think that's actually a fair price for the artistic elements to it and the traditional higher manufacturing nature of it this is being properly um clay tempered to get an authentic Hammond line it's made out of different grades of Steel you can even see like there's a Hammond line but there's an additional line where you can see the steel separates from the high carbon Edge to the sides I think the only question in my in my mind if I was buying something like this is what is the function of it if I'm buying this as something that can cut but it's just going to sit on my wall it's a beauty maybe it's something I give to my children or whatever sure yes Shad from the future here we've just wrapped up the review and really interesting results guys and so we have reviewed a number of katas up to this point which now tyren and I are wondering what is our favorite Katana we have reviewed having reviewed so many so to cover that we're going to be filming an exclusive video Tyrant and me discussing out of all the katas we've reviewed including this tauki one which actually is our favorite one that we have reviewed that we could give the highest recommendation for as well so if you want to see that video just sign up and become a supporter either through Channel memberships here on YouTube patreon player or subscribe star subscribe star is actually giving the biggest return to creators if you're wondering it helps out so much in fact it's the only reason we're able to keep making the content you guys are supporting us because you love the content so thank you to everyone and if you want to help ensure us making these videos that's the only way we're able to do it supporters like you and then you get the exclusive videos check it out find out what is our favorite Katana we have reviewed thank you to everyone and now let's get back to finishing the review of this one and like I said yeah quick caveats that we do need to mention all right is this sword has come very sharp okay as should be expected this has beautiful Edge on it in terms of weight and heel pretty much pretty much perfect for what you would want in a katana katas are a little more topheavy but this has like a tiny distal taper on it which uh some yeah traditional Katan has not always had a disal table some did this one has it and it just makes it feel beautiful uh in the hand let's see how well it cuts that was very nice and hang on can we just appreciate the uh Edge alignment on that that is like nearly ruler straight okay I'm happy very happy with that cut I need to give a shout out to our Anonymous donor they sent us a box of tatami because they must have been aware that it's very expensive to get Tatamy over here in Australia and so they decided to send us a whole heap and as a result we have some Tatam to cut that did feel a bit more resistive than uh the pool noodles I used to um which is kind of expected pool noodles can be interestingly unforgiving with poor Edge alignment but that was that was nice sorry that is a like that is a very straight line cut I happy with that horizontal cuts are ones that I have the most difficulty with you suck at them shut up see fing it cuts like look that should be expected uh the weight handling gorgeous we're upgrading this is a double roll of tatami mat I've never tried this before I don't know don't know how well go we'll [Music] see oh come on look at how straight that is very nice that is damn near Flawless cut man that's like one of the best cuts I've ever done look at that oh my god really if I do this it's you're not going to do it you're just going to ruin it again if I do [Music] this damn it deja vu I hope you stuff up on your horizontal well I'm going to be a lot quicker I think you reckon yeah all right coming in this Angle now my angle cuts are just look how straight that is sorry I'm just I'm very happy with these my Edge alignment just this is nice and the sword is performing excellently I got to I you should damn well [Music] expected that happened once damn close though look at that that was fun I'm nervous I don't want to ruin my Tommy what are you nervous about there uh Tyrant I am actually genuinely nervous about cutting not because I I'm going to beat him that's easy oh really that's the easy part oh L's see I just don't want to ruin my tatami it's not like we get to cut tatami much here so I don't want to ruin it I want to get all nice cuts and let's do this all right all right [Music] I am Zen I am Zen time he's a bit harder with Horizon Cuts just must be the tatami I think I actually ashamed of myself right now you know I mean do you see how the top part is on a different angle to the bottom part yeah yeah [Music] I cut that so tyren y feeling a little nervous eh I am yeah for the first time it is crazy so uh it's not that I would want any nervousness to affect your uh performance at all cuz that would be kind of bit mean no hang on screw that you try and throw me off all the freaking time if you do not get this you are going to be shamed shame on your family shame on your ancestry shame on on your armor shame on your haircut shame on your shoes all right guys should I play it safe and just do boring Cuts but I'll get them all right or should I go for gold and just do some awesome stuff they know they want you to go for gold I know I know all right all right I can do this let me get some practice in this is a double roll you try hang you're trying to do a draw cut on a double roll yes single-handed all right if you can pull that off I will give you props our table isn't made for this very well to be honest if you fail I will never let you live it down all right it is what it is I guess Shad could you go away for a while please just so I just to see the performance I got to watch this maybe it's the armor maybe I'm just coning the armor you know maybe yeah look I can't see I kind of want him to do it now he's so invested in this like I'd feel bad I'm starting to feel bad for me if you'd [Music] fail it's still good it's still good it's a double roll why are you trying to do one of the more difficult cuts on a double roll I almost got it look no it's still a attach yeah just my a little bit I mean if that was lower you would have gotten stuck that a Tommy police can I can I let us let us see not bad not bad um actually damn near perfect I'm actually surprised at that that was crazy I've always been annoyed that you do one-handed strikes with a katana yeah know he's annoyed with everything and that's what happens they caught on and pulled it out because your grip wasn't as strong being one-handed it rotated down that was because you were doing one-handed it shouldn't have done that that's that's like a 10in cut look look that is a weak wrist right there I what you say cuz no it shows the rotation that's what happen yes yes yes I don't even know what's left to cut to be honest yeah uh the sword performed flawlessly I mean we've had multiple swords perform just as well you should expect that with a highend sword like this uh uh like there's a there's the tiniest bow like right here what do you think about that was that already there it's it's almost imperceptible like that is invariance that it might just be a manufactur exactly that's why it's so tiny but you can there a thing here I I don't think you know that was from the cutting in terms of The Cutting though it was beautiful and cutting tatami is always a treat no matter what it is it is cut tatami is fun man uh and that was the first double rolls uh as well I think it was the first double roll yeah first double roll for me uh that was that was a lot of fun but Tyrant he likes to do one-handed you know stuff he thinks it looks cool I think it's a little little pointless with the two-handed sword but all right all right fine let's let's uh let's do a tyrant here ready where he just comes in just [Music] goes I'm Tyrant very clumsy but yes oh look at me one handed cutting here you go have another one I will do some Proper Cuts do some do some Shad do some Shad Cuts I will show you some Shad Cuts ready they're called cuts that don't go all the way through no no they're called beasty machine gun cats you ready for the machine gun I [Music] miss there you go oh don't oh skill Baby D that's not funny one-handed a katana as a true Master should sorry I couldn't say that was a straight [Laughter] face that was a bit Rippy it was a little Rippy to be honest [Music] but and it cuts beautifully which is actually to be fair that is a good thing most katas that we get are kind of have an edge on them well not only that what we have seen before katana's dull mid mid testing that that was the $1000 one wasn't it yeah halfway through literally cutting pool noodles it just went blunt and then we weren't even able to get through a pool noodle this is one of the virtues of katana the traditional made method a super hot Edge holds its Edge longer yeah uh the problem is the durability when it comes to stresses well we'll see how that goes I think it's actually proving itself in terms of you know holding its Edge so far trying water bottles now I'm actually quite interested cuz there's only been one sword where I did not feel it go through the water bottle it was so effortless this sword so far is performing Pretty Dar well just it's sharp it's super well it's not shaving sharp right but it is sharp right let's see how well it does okay okay I didn't feel it I literally didn't feel it that was it looked oh that's nice that was good that's nice a sword so good that even Shad can cut with it that's a good that's a good tagline you've been having a bit of trouble though today T yeah I'm salty now he's trying to rub it [Laughter] in that was delicious not only that remember one of the weaknesses I swear if you've just of super hard edges oh my that's this is PVC hping Shad this is one of the weaknesses of this style of swordman oh no it got a tiny it's Chip it's it's not a chip it's like a roll there's a crack in it though is it either side have a look oh was that just water let me see that was probably just water it's not a chip it's more of like a yeah it's a roll it's like a that shouldn't happen with this that's what I mean that's why I'm rasterizing in my brain we've hit the PVC with uh swords before yes and they haven't damaged well they shouldn't be able to because there's no way that this even this should be able to no no this is the thing like I'm not surprised that's what you expect out of the edge that high hardness all right let's see if I can cut water bottles now with rolls on the edge so if I fail it's not my fault [Music] right beautiful did you feel it no I didn't [Music] actually I didn't even feel it yeah same that's all right that's good yeah that is on that is some of the highest level cutting performance we've had yeah and overall pretty darn good yeah pretty good however we've got one more test uh which we put all our swords through not just this one and is the wood test it it needs to hold up I'm not holding back no I'm in a bad mood now cuz I did bad there I'm going to hit that thing hard will you say that uh someone won The Cutting I don't disagree with you Shad okay how's that I'll take it so now we're up to the part of the review that I'm most nervous about this Katana is is the one of the features of it is that it's traditionally made yes we' already seen some signs that that might not help out its durability yes we'll talk about it in the thoughts we're not going to be doing full destruction testing but it's only fair to put it up to the same level of stress that we have put every sword up to most katas that we we've done this test on have performed reasonably no problem at all there was only one where like with a very soft strike on the first one it bent and it was the more traditional Katana we had reviewed up to that point ah and because of the damage it's already taken I'm wearing this during this test because there's a chance this could perform really badly yes remember you're paying for the artistic traditional element of this sword having said that this should give us some insight as to how durable some of those traditional swords were in reality and like we said about this one it's not really how much damage we do to the wood it's how much damage the wood does to this we do a sing what the first strike is a little less power and then the second one put a little bit more into it and that's how we do this test so you can go first now I'm nervous that was soft hit all right harder hit did it take a set look at towards the tip this is what we've been saying I think we've mentioned in one other video when you fix a set it's actually this is the thing taking a set with a katana isn't the end of the world but it does create a permanent weak point in the sword fixing a set is really just you bend it back that's it I want to turn Shad DAV we already proven something no no no no you you you know what's going to happen if I if I yeah I know right let's say that for the destruction review Ty is going to go harder than me I am I am yes like like look it's small it's a small set but it's a distinct set right at yeah right at the tip that was not there before yeah not only is that a set that's actually a bit of a warp as Ah that's ridiculous I this is an IOU shed when we do this video I going to be the one to break it let's get to final thoughts all right let's get to final thoughts fine that was nothing you didn't even hit that hard you know sometimes getting proven right isn't fun yeah no it's always I enjoyed this is fun I enjoy look I was expecting this and this was I have a video on the Shad lands which is uh a new channel shorter content prelim the review of this stating I had a you know a conflict because the more traditional a katana is made now this is consistent the weaker and less durable they are all right let's start with the simple stuff let's start with the PVC because that's where even I am taken back by this we got rolling on the Edge in two spots so it's not even like it was a fluke just getting it once it was in two spots right where it hit the PVC piping and we got a roll on a hardened Edge this isn't like the soft part this is this is supposed to be the hardest part of the sord that should not be possible I don't see how that's possible with a hardened it should have chipped there instead of rolling the rolling is a little bizarre for me it is and now they say that this uh Edge is a what 60 60 Rock so I don't see how that should have happened especially on PVC I can't get over the PVC part I'm just going to keep on about PVC piping then we get on to the set the role this is interesting because the last time we took a a set like that it was maybe a little bit of uh Edge uh Edge alignment so maybe the sword hits and then it a little bit of that momentum carries by the way as a durable sword should be able to survive that yes your this uh rooll this set that you did straight flat was straight flat that's what makes it even more concerning cuz that means under its own pressure with good Edge alignment it's still warped M I don't like that I expected that if like they were say this is not that type of warping on a hard Edge people people underestimate how weak a lot of traditional katas were that's the that's the takeaway like they're functional swords right but there are counts of Samurai having swords that bent on the battlefield and just needing to bend it back yes I lots of katas can take sets and you can bend them back they're a little bit weaker for it but whatever this was too weak this was was too weak we chopped you chopped a tiny little bit of wood with one of your weak little strikes and it took a s weak little strikes off that was my second was a hard strike you bastard it was mid at best and then you hit the PVC piping and we've taken rolls not even chips rolls I look I am not necessarily thrown out by that I was like I am disappoint I was hoping it would perform better but I was cautious from the very beginning that if this is as traditional as there was saying we would run into problems yes but not to this degree and for $3,000 like I said right at the start I'm I understand all the Artistry and in that perspective yeah we can say it's worth it I can recommend it for the Artistry still but as a tool I cannot this is a this this is not a sword to me this is just a sharp bit of little steel as I I don't know if I can recommend it I could recommend it because of the traditional value like I would still want to own a katana that has that traditional aspect for it be out of the kind of Nod to the historical methods that they were done it is a piece of art it's a work of art it's just annoying that it it confirms what I was saying as a functional sword if you wanting a sword out pure durability and function you wouldn't want a traditionally made Katana that is true that's true like regardless of this sword this manufactur any of that that is true but in this uh specific case I am disappointed more than I thought I would be if you interested in the TI suuki Katana we have here we have an affiliate Link in the description you do get a bit of a discount if you use the affiliate link if you're interested 5% so if you use the affiliate link you will get 5% off not just on this tit suuki sword but on any purchase or you could enter the coupon code shaders to get that 5% discount but it is a beautiful sword for that artistic value so it's there if you are interested in it and look some of the things that I can still praise about this Katana the handle like this the most beautiful handle finish all that sort of stuff beautiful I am talking purely about my disappointment in terms of the perance the blade that's that's almost not only I think that is confirmation that this is actually a traditionally they're not faking you if you if they're trying to sell look this is actually got different grades of steel made in the traditional way right if it performed like a spring steel sword I would have question marks about what they're selling this confirms that what they're selling is authentic and also confirms what we be saying about authentic katas well I to put a pin in that point there will be a follow-up video at some point where we will take this Katana and you will look because we've already damaged it I'm willing to now it's $3,000 we're going to be doing a destruction review specifically comparing now because this is still made out of modern steel it's not tamahagane but just made in the traditional way how do you think that's going to go everyone well I didn't get my turn so it's not going maybe it'll be a short who knows but I think that's all for today and look tsuki you have made a beautiful sword it is beautiful and if you're interested affiliate link thank you for watching guys hang out for we going going to destroyed yep yep and if you want to check out one of our other Katana reviews where we've did done destruction testing it'll be right here thanks for watching guys
Channel: Shadiversity
Views: 155,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: iXo4NG8uaXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 50sec (1970 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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