Weapons that a FAIRY could use effectively in real life: FANTASY RE-ARMED

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get your medieval geek on with Shanna versity hoodies available through teespring link in the description greatings i'm shad and welcome back to the series that i haven't properly named yet where i look at the best medieval weapons for a certain fantasy creature maybe I could call it best weapon phase you see it's too wordy best weapons for fantasy creatures real world weapon reconnaissance I will get it we'll figure something out this is just like what the 8th or maybe even night video maybe the series still don't have a name but anyway yes in this episode we're going to be looking at a very unique kind of a fantasy creature quite common in many different fantasies but one thing you might not necessarily consider one that would use weapons quite readily and that is the fairy now what I just said is actually quite true so much so that I didn't think I could cover the fairy in this series because it just like what type of weapons could really could they really use there and they're not generally given an iconic weapon that they're always using it though having said that in terms in certain depictions of the fairy and stuff like that if they are using weapons seems to be like rapier esque needle kind of weapons sometimes even very small bows so there's a couple of things to kind of consider and to see if those kind of weapons would be effective or not and then of course I'll be sharing with you a weapon that came to my mind after pondering about this wonderful nerdy question in in depth yes I have thought of a weapon that my goodness or so we'll get there alright ah the first start first thing did I consider when we always consider you know these fantasy creatures in the in this series is what type of fantasy creature cuz just like all the other creatures there are different versions now when I look at the theory I do feel there is a fairly standardized kind of interpretation which is a creature of about yay big sometimes they like really small sometimes they can be a bit bigger but I think about you know yay big theory is what we really think about or what theories are more often shown to be then of course they can fly and sometimes they go some times they don't sometimes they have magic sometimes they don't well this isn't a discussion about magic and because that is very much dependent on setting as well primarily we're going to be looking at a physical characteristics and so the biggest one of course is flight and they seem to be how to fly decently fast faster than at least as fast or faster than a human can run and they have great maneuverability with their flight where they can zip around all over the place they can move stop really quickly and they're moving in another direction which is our much higher level of maneuverability st. Birds have but then of course we have certain other issues like strength and a fear he obviously would not be very strong at all so those are the physical characteristics based on the more standardized kind of interpretation that seems to be how fairies are represented across the board and in regards to environment I don't really think their environment will be affecting their weapon choices too much I may be in regards to resources but what are the interesting things about fairies they're very small so they don't need a lot of resources and I could just steal it from other people in fact that does seem to be one of the main ways which fairies have sometimes been shown to get their weapons they you know and pick up a needle and they use it as a rapier kind of thing but they seem intelligent nothing I think they'd be out of craft smaller versions of many different types of weapons and they can just steal those materials from the big people so well I think our options are very open in regards to that and now let's look at certain types of weapons and one of the first things is this kind of consider these needle kind of rapier II things that fairies have would they be dangerous tricky okay for a human be very annoying okay and I'm sure getting there like a long pointy thing and interfere is this big interesting thing okay the square-cube law works very much in a fairies favor so though their strength would be much much smaller in regards to a human the comparative ratio of weight they could lift in comparison to their own weight would actually be much higher you see when something reduces in size it does a mass or weight reduces at a much greater rate and this is the same when you're increasing it so if you were to take a cube and double a cube in sighs well you've doubled its size but in terms of its surface area I think you increase that by a factor of four and its internal volume you've actually multiplied by a factor of eight so this is why ants are considered to have such great strengths and it's not really because if you would increase an ant sighs there would be the strongest creatures in the world no because as you increase in size the strengths that they have needs to be dedicated more and more to supporting their own weight but when you reduce something they requires far less strength to support their own weight because their weight is reducing at a much greater you know ratio in comparison to just their size reduction which means that it can dedicate more strength to lifting external things so in actual fact if you were to take an ant and increase it to the size of a human or even an elephant their legs wouldn't be thick enough to even support their own weight and the muscles wouldn't be able to it and they're probably their legs would probably snap under their own weight and they wouldn't even be able to move so the thing about you know giant ants being incredibly strong no not true but this is very interesting in regards to the sizes of weapons that a theory would be able to use okay whenever you see artworks of fairies using weapons stuff like that the ratio always seems to be at the same ratio as a human with a sword okay when in actual fact the type of sword that a fairy would be out I'll pick up and swing around with a decent malady certainly with combative kind of moves could be closer to the set the same size as themselves or even doubled the size of them soul so you see I can fantasies guys using swords that are just insanely huge in comparison to their own size well in regards to fairies and the sizes we're looking at and the types of strength that I would have it in a percentage ratio to the size of things their actual weapons sizes would be in my opinion far larger person to their own size than what we are naturally used to you sorry you have a fairy about that big if they're using say a rapier thing the rapier actual needlepoint could be twice as long as themselves and they'd still be able to use it really quickly and effectively so this raises the next very important question about is how deadly would a needle kind of saw the e weapon be in the hands of a fairy and we've just considered a very significant point here is that neither weapon would be much bigger than we probably would have supposed in regards to the sizes of ferry because it wouldn't be the size of a rapier in the terms of ratio percentage scale it wouldn't be the same princess calluses to human we can expect to be much longer so the actual rapier thing could instead of being yeah big - you know you know human ratio sizes it could be about this big and suddenly a spike okay I need a leaf weapon this big is far more deadly all right it's a big this big that only had the width and weight of a needle of something this big that you could put in spike you know realms all right through the eye you did that that's a lethal strike right there like in an artery maybe and stuff like that combine that with the insane amount of speed and agility fairies have while flying that's already getting pretty fun scary to be flying around things and because a fairy is so small right the open areas if they're fighting gets to human are massive open targets in comparison them getting through a nice lip you know for like a human's helm if they're wearing a helmet getting through that isit I slid on a human helmet it a lot easier for a fairy that is human this is a big open target and with their flight they just fly in quickly and they can fly from the back and zip around and then spike through the eye into the brain the humans dead already fairies are so much more lethal than we might have considered because think about trying to fight against this okay a fairy is a very small target alright and this isn't even the same as trying to hit a baseball bat we're sorry I'll try to hit a baseball with a baseball bat because it depends what type of weapon you have and if one our more common ones is swords and the sword has a much smaller surface area and striking kind of line than what a baseball bat has that's why baseball bats around and thick so there's more chance of you actually hitting the ball or the target so if you're fighting us a fairy you'd be actually better off using you know a baseball bat Thai weapon or or tennis racket or something to give you more chances of hitting this smallsy be flying around thing because hitting it is going to be so much more difficult and many of you are missing it you can't you know fighting or and then bang spike through the eye oh gosh so already I think oh yeah a rapier like spike weapon is very effective for a theory so which things to be a common type of weapon ascribe to them just in the incorrect way I think would be much much larger than what they're often shown and with that size comes a much greater level of lethality the next interesting webinar fair is often that a given I like very scaled-down Baro types of weapons now the Boro effect would have the exact same effect in terms of the ratio and size scale in which a fairy I feel would be a de use a much larger bow in comparison to its own size then what a human can in comparison to the human size and sorry if a fairy is say yay big the boy that they are using is probably this big but is that enough to reach lethal level projectiles not really in my opinion and really why do fairies need to use projectile weapons when they're a projectile in and of themselves they can project anything while holding it and just go right into the target which increases their aim so much higher for their you know because they can get right in close point-blank range in comparison to them so no it's useless fairies using projectiles when they are projectiles so throwing bows or smaller scale down bows out the window now the other kind of seemingly obvious weapon type thing that fairies would use would they would assume to be poisons but poison isn't really a weapon in my opinion that something you put on weapons to increase their lethality potential so yeah poisons me I'd rather focus on the best kind of weapons because yeah you could put poisons on there spike rapier kind of sword things but I don't really think it's completely necessary because generally for you know humans if they're fine against humans stuff like that they're they have a direct target that is perfect to try and strike out the eyes completely and adding poison to a spike and go through someone's eye into their brain would really increase its ability to kill someone then if it didn't have poisons so poison mmm now this really is one of the most effective kind of weapons that I can that is coming to my mind there is another variant on these scaled-down swords or a sword scaled appropriately to a fairy size than just a big pokey spiky thing and that is in cutting now cutting is interesting because dependent on the situation you do need a certain level of strength to perform a good cut but that is because of many factors our edge alignment is one the type of material you're cutting into the thickness of the cutting implement implement all right the thicker the cutting implement the harder it is to do deep you know severe cuts combining that with the sharpness of it as well so when I say thickness I am talking about the distal width of a sword blade then there's edge alignment and which part on the body you're actually striking into we humans don't have perfect dameWare combatants swordsman or warrior can generally hit in the roundabout area his aiming for but pinpoint accuracy you don't see people often just doing thrusts right through eye sockets and stuff like that they ain't either aim for the general area and if they want to really do pinpoint accuracy there is a half sorting and things like that so strength comes into play where if you're aiming for the knick and you miss and you just get the skull if you really want to do a devastating cut right through into a scholar or even right through strength very useful so when it comes to cutting through thick material like bone definitely strength now fairies don't have that but if they were to use bladed like weapons they might not actually need nearly as much strength as what we humans need to do lethal cuts the first thing to consider is what type of bladed weapon would best suit them in regards to their physical characteristics and when I think about it I think like long razor blade kind of weapons and already it can be much larger in comparison to its size as we've kind of discovered in this video already so if it ferries this big the sword or bladed you know razor blade with a handle kind of thing wouldn't have to be that big it could be up to this big and think about how thick like it would actually need to be for a ferry so we really are talking about a razor blade maybe half a mil thick cuz if you have a look at you know pick up a razor blade if you have it or even a scalpel cry okay and have a look how thick those blades are they like half of thick to a millimeter all right now the reason being is because by having a blade so thin it needs to push aside less material to cut in and combine that with an insanely sharp edge with one of the most acute and fine edge angles you have a blade that can cut so easily and need almost no strength behind it to get really deep and they don't have the strength to try and deflect blows or anything like that so they don't need a robust edge that can handle you know a lot of damage like swords need they can just focus on the thinnest finest but most crazy sharp you know blades so imagine that like a fairy with like a razor blade basically this long in hand with wife's flying around lightning fast and so you've got a guy you've got a human and you're flying and imagine this if they do if they do glow something not all fairies do there's ball like flying and suddenly someone's wrists I just cut open and they have no idea what happens but they're then arteries like even worse you're trying to find a fairy and this flash of light or just a blur zips past and suddenly your entire neck has been cut open arteries blood and then it's off and you can't fight against it and you're just dead right on the only way you could defend against it is with a significant armor but with significant armor you still need to see and so their backup weapon could be that big spike sword thingy so now fairies are basically tiny balls of unstoppable death and we already know they're fast they don't seem to get tired from flying so you wouldn't really be able to outrun them gosh the Erdal what could you do to survive these call up and curl up into a ball throw someone else behind you let them get slashed to death thing you know next sand wrists slashed open the backs of their knees tendons slice so they can't run away and then getting finished off with a big spike through your eyeball gosh maybe fire my fairies afraid of fire alright that's that's a more specific setting kind of thing but if you are getting these ideas in any you know medieval fantasy setting and stuff like that it might work well to have something fairies that particularly hate and maybe you like it because imagine like you know a small flame this big two fairy is suddenly bigger than itself and so waving a big you know five tortured a fairy could engulf it in flames and if their wings are fumble or you might be out of fire them off that was I so that's a sitting kind of thing and I just have to add what a great setup for like a horror fantasy story when you got some adventurers trying to get through a wood that's infested with fairies out for your blood you have to keep the torches lit if the torches go out they're dead I'll come in and slash us to ribbons keep the torch is lit but if they're able to dodge it and stuff like that fairies are just crazy scary evil deadly little balls of insanity run away you're dead but there we go I think that those would actually be the best weapons for a fairy to use alright so basically razor blades that are twice the size in comparison to themselves as well as spikes were the same you know size ratio and they're scary so it has been an absolute pleasure in thinking up ways to make scary's a thousand times more dangerous and scary than they have you know being considered previously perhaps maybe I don't know but I love making these videos thanks for watching guys I hope you've enjoyed and I do hope to see you again but until then
Channel: Shadiversity
Views: 286,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fairy, fairies, fantasy, mythological, creature, monster, fairy tale, tinkerbell, disney, pin, wing, wings, dust, sword, swords, weapon, weapons, medieval, castle, dungeons and dragons, mtg, magic the gathering, dnd, d&d, game of thrones, lord of the rings, skyrim, knight, samuria, roleplaying, game, video, role, playing, peter pan, pixy, imp, mythical, folklore
Id: iV-g88OMzcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2017
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