What Mary said about Russia and Ukraine

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hi everyone adam and bethany here with bishop sheen rosaries hello we are excited to bring you a video uh today together but uh before we get into the heavier content we're going to talk about something light and fun um and that is i'm pregnant yeah we're pregnant we are seven months pregnant uh we're expecting our first baby in may so uh at this time we're preparing our heart and our home for uh the newest member of the camp family so we're really looking forward to that so thank you uh please pray for us and no we're always praying for you guys so i guess the obvious question is why are we talking about russia and ukraine on a channel about mary and the rosary and for that why are we doing that bethany first of all this topic is super relevant obviously because of the invasion which started two days ago in the ukraine from russia and i was thinking about just i know that in various apparitions mary has talked about russia and the ukraine so i wanted to look into exactly what she said and how she's recommended we pray in these circumstances yeah it's not just random countries these are countries that she's very specifically picked out as messages to the world and specifically to catholics so that's why we wanted to dive a little deeper into that today we're going to talk about two apparitions in specific today that is the apparition at hershev in ukraine and at fatima actually in portugal only the apparitions of fatima are actually approved by the church as actually approved apparitions that have happened uh that have been corroborated historically and the vatican has confirmed however uh the hershev apparitions are not quite to that same level of scrutiny as the fatima apparitions but there is historical evidence that they happened and many people have witnessed these events so we're going to talk about these in order um the first one happened may 12th in 1914 at hiroshiv and my apologies to any ukrainian watchers who might be thinking i'm butchering the pronunciation of that i'm ukrainian it sounds good to me um so what happened in hershey in 1914 our lady appeared to 22 farmers who were plowing the fields near a church called the holy trinity and it's reported that she told them this message there will be a war russia will become a godless country the ukraine as a nation will suffer terribly for 80 years and will have to live through the world wars but will be free afterward people gathered from all over the area to see the apparition and it lasted within to into the next day so that was in 1914 she was prophesying about world war one and world war ii and she was actually correct about 80 years later to the date the ukraine became an independent country yeah that was in 1991 but ever since that time there have been i guess threats on ukraine's independence from russia and we'll see this church of the holy trinity actually appear later in 1987 as well but the important thing to take away here is that the nation of ukraine was consecrated very early to our lady in a very special and very intimate way so now we're going to go forward three years to 1917 and move over to portugal and our lady of fatima and talk about what mary said specifically about the nation of russia bethany is going to pull out a few key lines now she said when you see a knight illumined by an unknown light know that this is the great sign given you by god that he is about to punish the world for its crimes by means of war famine and persecutions of the church and of the holy father to prevent this i shall come to ask for the consecration of russia to my immaculate heart and the communion of reparation on the first saturdays if my requests are heated russia will be converted and there will be peace if not she will spread her errors throughout the world causing wars and persecutions of the church so what specifically did she ask us to do um in regards to russia in her message so she asked us she asked that the holy father consecrate russia to her immaculate heart then she also asked us all as all catholics to be making reparations on the first five saturdays which is a devotion i didn't actually know anything about until i started doing this research we're going to make another video on that but in 1984 pope john paul ii offered a prayer of consecration for the world and the human race and it is believed that that is when her request was fulfilled i think i don't remember the exact year that she asked she finally asked lucia because she continued appearing to lucia throughout her life and lucia lived to be 98 years old cardinal joseph ratzinger who is eventually pope benedict asked sister lucia if pope john paul ii consecration fulfilled that request and lucia said that it did and that's when in 1989 um communism fell without the firing of a single shot there is a little bit of debate of as to whether or not this i guess vision was fulfilled in the way that some people say it was that the errors of russia are still being spread throughout the world and that john paul ii's consecration was not the the end-all be-all of the spread of the errors of communism if you will and now we will jump back to 1987 and hershey for the second time and talk about the apparition to marina kizen so exactly one year after the chernobyl incident an impressive silver dazzle shown on the same church where our lady appeared um earlier i think we did 1914 yeah to the shepherds so a great light shone on to the church and then our lady appeared above the church and began talking to this 12 year old girl named marina kizen and she called her mother and her neighbors and they all saw our lady there too and she continued appearing there up until i believe august 15th of 1987. and we know august 15th to be the feast of our lady's assumption into heaven as well but would you like to read the message that she said at hershev in 87 so that she said several messages if you look this up there's all sorts of things that were recorded but i thought this was the most relevant and the most poignant so she said forgive your enemies through you and the blood of martyrs will come the conversion of russia repent and love one another the times are coming which have been foretold as being those in the end times see the desolation which surrounds the world the sin the sloth the genocide pray for russia oppression and wars continue to occupy the minds and hearts of many people russia despite everything continues to deny my son russia rejects real life and continues to live in darkness if there is not a return to christianity in russia there will be a third world war the whole world will face ruin so i guess this is a stern warning but also a call to prayer no yeah so i want to make it clear that the reason we're sharing this information isn't to scare everybody and say oh the world is ending oh no no which you could take that away from what she said for sure but um i think so personally hearing the news seeing all these images um horrible atrocities committed against civilians adam and i were sitting down to lunch yesterday and i just i think suffering and evil in this world is one of the greatest mysteries we experience i get to sit here and eat my warm food in my warm house with my husband and not be afraid where as there's people in the ukraine who are hiding in bomb shelters being separated from their families having their homes destroyed and it's horrible and it's really hard as a human being to make sense of something like that that that could happen so i think like our lady's message well it is a little scary also provides hope that we can do something about it she's given us very clearly russia's conversion will be made through her immaculate heart through her prayers and she's imploring us to call on her because she has all this abundant grace that she wants to bestow upon the world and she's told us many times through all these apparitions that she's the key and her grace is the key to assist the situation however we can so um we can pray our rosary that's that's what we should i guess do today is pray our rosary for ukraine for conversion version of the hearts of russia and to the immaculate heart the immaculate heart of mary that's right i couldn't have put it better myself i think you covered exactly what i hoped you would bethany thank you for joining me here today um i do want to also say um we'll do another video on that first five saturday's devotion i think it's really doable and our lady specifically asked us to do it so that's something that we're definitely going to be doing in our purse for the world right now yes pray your rosary and then we'll talk about the first five saturday's devotions very soon and they include praying the rosary so just rosemary can never point you in the wrong direction and remember your rosary is a weapon it could be used in times of battle to uh to pray for those who need it most so take take your rosary out tonight pray for the nations of ukraine and russia for the whole world if you need a rosary go to sheenrosaries.com thanks for sticking through this video with us i know it was probably a bit longer different than what we normally do but from us to you through mary [Music] you
Channel: Bishop Sheen Rosaries
Views: 1,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BishopSheenRosary, BishopSheen, Mary, Catholic, Christian, meditate, therosary, MysteriesOfTheRosary, Saints, CCC, heaven, devotion, Ukraine, Russia, ImmaculateHeart, FirstSaturdays, Rosary, Fatima, Hrushiv
Id: k0cnluPvqWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 26 2022
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