What Makes Gimli So Special? | Lord of the Rings Lore

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there's plenty for the both of us may the best fourth win it's a little tight across the chest welcome everyone today's video is all about delving into the extraordinary world of characters that truly stand out and in the spotlight of our discussion today is none other than the iconic dwarf from The Fellowship of the Ring Gimli healing from the Blue Mountains gimli's Journey was far from conventional although he missed out on Thorne's Epic Quest in The Hobbit due to his young age come the Lord of the Rings he was more than prepared to wrap these and his people with unmatched Valor so what sets Gimli son of gloin apart from the rest what makes him so special let's look at this today build me along Worthy remember everyone if you find this video helpful informative or entertaining today please remember to hit that subscribe button below by subscribing you'll never miss out on any of our latest videos and you'll be supporting us to continue creating great content like this [Applause] character is almost like marmite talking to love him or they hate him but I would often say that he doesn't get the recognition that he does deserve okay yes he did not necessarily earn his right to be in The Fellowship of the Ring as such he just happened to be there at that time as one of the representatives of Dean sent to rivendale foil a different reason at that time in fact Gimli had wanted to be a part of the quest of arabor years before with his father but he had been considered Too Young at that point so he wasn't allowed to go so maybe that was just a hint of Fate about his timing now my ax there are many moments that really show Gimli for who he is whether that is his joy for battle and having a kill count competition with his Alvin friend Legolas or perhaps when facing down one of the most terrifying moments of his life when taking the paths of the Dead seems first of all it must be said that it has been exaggerated to what extent the Jackson films changed gimme the argument that he was turned into nothing but comic relief in the films can be debated whereas he is to some extent used for moments of levity in the book it is a less defining aspect of his character the difference in the movies is that we often laugh at him whereas in the book his humorous moments come from his dialogue his quickness to show admiration and his chivalrous attitude towards the lady galatria his reverence for her cannot be understated either as at one point Gimli even literally threatens aomi's life for refusing to declare Galadriel the fairest of them all this represents a form of courtly love a concept that Professor Tolkien would have been well acquainted with due to his deep knowledge of medieval Traditions such as chivalry and courtly manners this aspect of gimney's character goes beyond mere comedic effect it underscores the depths of his commitment to his companions once gimme establishes a friendship it becomes unwavering and enduring while readers might recall in an instance where Gimli seemingly threatened to part ways with Legolas during their journey to Isengard taking a deeper look at the situation shows that his exaggeration is intended for comedic impact his tendency to inject humor during intense situations is evident in his remark about karadras where He humorously suggests that the mountain has a bias against dwarves and elves these instances provide moments of light-heartedness within the gravity of the narrative interestingly Professor tolkien's intention for gimli's character was to counter the stereotypical portrayal of dwarves as surely comical figures Gimli stands as a bold and courageous individual yet he also displays moments of vulnerability as seen in his experience traversing the paths of the debt and if we do return to the paths of the dead now upon reaching the stone of Eric Aragorn blows his horn and in response several other horns Echo Hal barad and fills their carried standard it's at this point that Gimli becomes visibly scared as they Journey Through the paths of the Dead they notice the ghostly figures trailing behind them when they near the caves gimli's fear is the most pronounced among the three this is despite his earlier mockery of the others fear when they were in Moria now the situation has been reversed on the ground when it was still not oh when they are to enter the paths of the dead at that point in the story that the trio have just left the wreckage of Isengard his fright upon entering the paths under the haunted mountain is well known and often commented upon by book readers what is often glanced over though is his reasons for continuing on despite this obvious fear his devotion drives him even when he has to crawl forward through this terrifying path he continues on at the side of his friends we have looked at the importance of the Friendship of lagolas and gimlich in a previous video which you can of course check out on the channel but it must be said again before Gimli and Legolas The hatred between their respective peoples had continued on for Millennia for longer than many people would remember not only did they break a cycle of hatred as old as our current Civilization by example but Gimli is also shown to be a thoughtful Warrior poet these things would just not overly expect it while they wander on he sings enchanting songs and even attempts to teach Sam when he asks about the lyrics he is a thoroughly realized character and a man of his word while they are preparing for the battle of the hornbook he makes a promise to show Legolas the glittering cave of Helms Deep a promise he will keep of all the story's culmination not only is he unique in his friendship with Legolas he becomes the first known dwarf to travel beyond the circles of the world and reach those shores of valinor imagine how far this humble dwarf has come in his life altogether it can be said that Gimli is a much deeper and more serious character in the books than from when in the movies but as with everything involving the Lord of the Rings it can all be debated and I am not here to say anyone is right or wrong for their opinions we can disagree without being disagreeable and I would love still to hear what your thoughts are regarding Gimli in the books versus his role in the film so I will also add personally although his character was changed I cannot deny as I really did love John Rhys Davis in the rock still only counts as one and I feel it will be nice now to look at the book itself again to get those great words from Tolkien about just how Gimli does react after leaving the Beautiful Lady Galadriel and her wondrous home of Lorien as it really does give us a great insight into Gimli himself suddenly the river swept around the bend and the banks rose upon either side and the light of Lorien was hidden to that fair Lounge Frodo never came Again The Travelers now turned their faces to the journey the sun was before them and their eyes were dazzled for all were filled with tears Imlay wept openly I have looked the last upon that which was fairest he said to legolas's companion henceforward I will call nothing Fair unless it be her gift he put his hand to his breast why did I come on the quest little did I know where the chief Peril lay Truly alwant Spoke saying that we could not foresee what we might meet Upon Our Road torment in the dark was the danger that I feared and it did not hold me back but I would not have come had I known the danger of light and joy now I have taken my worst wound in this party even if I were to go this night straight to the dark lord alas for Gimli son of gloin for she is more fair than all the jewels beneath the Earth so there we have it a warrior poet and Speaker of The Secret Dwarven language Gimli is a Fierce and loyal friend who is willing to Brave dangers and death to stay by his comrades on a point of Honor he twice throws Down The Gauntlet to fight all of Rohan he is also deeply respectful of his friend's emotion in the first chapter of the two towers Aragon laments his bad decisions suggesting that all his choices were the wrong ones Gimli is able to comfort his friend delivering one of the most profound lines in the book when he tells his regretful friend maybe there are no right choices this shows that he not only has the brawn but the brains as well a deadly combination and a great Ally to have on any Quest a great and defining moment of Gimli which shows us that there is more to him than his bravery loyalty and fearsomeness as a warrior at the end of the day his example of break-in barriers and befriending lagolas manages to end a feud which had lasted for centuries this is what makes Gimli so special and a memorable character among so many in The Lord of the Rings and the rest of Professor tolkien's legendary it is safe to say if you're going to die fighting side by side with anyone Gimli is the friend to do it with I could do that with that though it is time for my question of the day which is how do you feel about gimli's depiction in the movies was it good was it bad or is he just a character you're not really that bothered by either way let me know your thoughts and opinions on this in the comment section down below and now to shout out to our patrons you guys have been amazing in supporting our short film Project we have got some amazing updates coming soon we are really making good progress and I cannot thank you all enough we have the divine power tier member of Kevin the fire demon tier member of nishith and the wizard staff tier members of John Andrew and Hunter you are all true Legends of the prohibit finally I really appreciate your time in watching this video today if you've enjoyed the content please consider hitting that subscribe button and the bell icon with notifications enabled so that you will get notified when all future videos are released thank you once again for your support and I look forward to seeing you next time on the 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Channel: The Broken Sword
Views: 24,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Broken Sword, History of Middle Earth, Lord of the Rings, Lord of the Rings Lore, Middle Earth Lore, The Hobbit, Lotr lore, gimli, gimli son of gloin, gimli dwarf, gimli and gloin, legolas and gimli, gimli and legolas, does gimli become king, how strong is gimli, gimli aragorn, gimli axe, gimli kill, gimli jump, gimli toss, gimli best moments, gimli laugh, gimli the hobbit, legolas kill count, gimli moments, gimli destroys the ring, gimli galadriel, gimli toss me
Id: imG8PAU02e0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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