Could Anduril Have Hurt Sauron? | Lord of the Rings Lore

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[Music] Andrew flame of the West a blade made from the shards of narcel the sword that was reforged and then wielded by Aragorn it is one of the mightiest blades from all of Middle Earth but even in the hands of someone as great as algor could it have caused any real damage to Sauron or could it instill fear in a different way let's look at this today [Music] remember everyone if you find this video helpful informative or entertaining today please remember to hit that subscribe button below by subscribing you'll never miss out on any of our latest videos and you'll be supporting us to continue creating great content like this something we never quite get from the films is that the blade when reforged has been infused with runes and of the skills of the Alvin smiths in fact the inscription on the blade reads I am anjuril who was nasil the sword of elendil at the thralls of Mordor flimy when it was first forged though it was said to have been done by the legendary dwarf Talca of norgrott this dwarf is considered to be one of the greatest Smiths to have ever lived in Middle Earth having created some other legendary items like the dragon Helm of dorleman so by the time Aragorn wielded it it was a blade forged by the dwarves reforged by The Elves and handled by a man quite fitting really ah foreign if you think just of the battle of the pelinal fields for example that allows us to see that no foe can stand to the blade Sauron at this moment in the story has encountered Aragorn not too long before they engaged in a battle of wills through the palantir of orthak an argon holds his own wrestles it back to his own Mastery Sauron is put to fear by the mere sight of the blade the Sigil of the family of elendil which cast him down and cut the ring from his corpse when it was known as narcill it is important to note that Sauron had no concept of a person who resisted the One Ring much less the idea that someone might intentionally attempt to destroy it at this point Sauron believes that Aragon the arabicildor with the blade of anjuril has the power of the one ring with him and is coming for Sauron Aragon's explanation of the encounter with Sauron provides us with several insights into many aspects of the story firstly it foreshadows the circumstances that will eventually lead to dinosaur and his tragic End by fleeing from the parapet of ministerin Aragorn's brief confrontation with Sauron highlights the Relentless struggle that danathur has endured throughout his entire life showing how hard it truly was facing sound directly in a battle of Wells is a bitter and intense conflict as Aragon conveys to his companions he drew a deep breath it was a bitter struggle and the waviness is slow to pass I spoke no word to him and in the end I Ratched the stone to my own will let alone he will find hard to endure and he beheld me yes master Gimli he saw me but in other guys then you see me here if that will Aid him then I have done ill but I do not think so to know that I lived and walked the Earth was he blow to his heart ID for he knew it not till now the eyes in orthank did not see through the armor of Theoden but Sauron has not forgotten hisildor and the sword of elendil now in the very hour of his great design the heir of his sildor and the sword are revealed for I showed the blade reforged to him he is not so mighty yet that he is above fear nay doubt evernause him despite their ability to instill a certain fear into Sauron the struggle was far from over even in the aftermath of the battle of the pelinal fields when Gandalf Echoes these same sentiments as the captains of the West contemplate their strategy going forward Gandalf hints at the reforging of the blade as a sign that gives Sauron reason for concern now Sauron knows all this and he knows that this precious thing which he lost has been found again but he does not yet know where it is or so we hope and therefore he is now in great doubt for if we have found this thing there are some Among Us with strength enough to wield it that too he knows for do I not guess rightly arable that you have shown yourself to him in the stone of author again here argon confirms what is said is true and clarifies that this event occurred before he left the horn book he thought it was the right time and his purpose was to divert sauron's attention as Frodo had left rauros and was moving Eastward in Aragorn's opinion Sauron hadn't faced many challenges since he returned to barodor and this wasn't right however he admits that if he had known sauron's Swift response he might not have taken the risk of revealing himself at least so soon the others are not against what Aragorn did although eomir does question the value of their efforts asking why Sauron would attack them if he did believe that they possessed the one ring it is Gandalf who then speaks here and his lengthy response is worth reading as it gives us a good insight into what he's thinking he is not yet sure said Gandalf and he has not built up his power by waiting until his enemies are secure as we have done also we could not learn how to wield the full power all in a day indeed it can be used only by one master alone not by many and he will look for a time of strife here one of the great Among Us makes himself master and puts down the others in that time the ring might Aid him if he was sudden he is watching he sees much and hears much his Naz goal is still abroad they passed over this field ear the sunrise though few of the weary and sleeping were aware of them he studies the signs the sword that robbed him of his treasure remade the Winds of Fortune turning in our favor and the defeat and looked for of his first assault the fall of his Great Captain since being reforged and Gerald was not the same as it had been at the time it aided in the removal of sauron's finger and the one thing which it bore as a symbol of Aragon's lineage and the house of elendil Sauron studied the signs as Gandalf says and believed a true heir to the legacy of the faithful had shown himself in our video of whom Sauron fears the most we do look in depth at why Sauron had reason to fear Aragon as he thought he would come at him in possession of the One Ring consider what might be four Aragorn should he take and claim the ring for his own I mean consider what happened to Sam when he wore the ring for a short time in the tower of kirathangal terrifying the Orcs that remained there with the blade sting and the file of galatria yeah ah and that was just a Hobbit we must consider that when narcel was reforged it was not only remade but engraved by Alvin Smith's on its blade was traced a device of seven stars set between a crescent moon and the raid sun and about them was written at many rooms for Aragorn son of aberthorne was going to war upon the marches of Mordor this might explain why nofo could stand before the blade once Aragorn wielded it as at that moment it had been remade and imbued with a special purpose it is perhaps akin to the specialty item that was like the barrel blade which Mary used to help take down the witch King a blade that had been forged for its role and this one to take out only Sauron and his minions foreign important about the blade is not so much its physical components nor the skill with which it was made only that matters to the extent it is in the right place and carried by the right Master as the air V cell door and the Scion of the House of elendil the legitimacy granted by Aragorn by way of its inheritance is a sign that allows for the assault on the black gate to draw the enemy out of his black lands and give Frodo and Sam the chance needed to be rid of the burden that was the one ring forever [Music] of Sauron was the reason Gandalf was returned to Middle Earth he was as the blade reinvigorated with a special purpose in the end Sauron had not the humility to consider the true purpose of the errand on which salmon Frodo busied themselves that the ring could be destroyed such a concept to his Peril had never truly crossed his mind that anjurio could take down Sauron we are perhaps less confident what we are sure of however is that he had been taken down before that he could be taken down again and at less than full strength was a certainty especially with iluvatar himself in the opposing corner of this war alongside the many forces arrayed against the evil that threatened the whole of Middle Earth so could anjurl actually harm Sauron maybe in terms of a physical body but the psychological damage it could do was by far more important the sword of elendil was forged Anew by Alvin Smith and on its blade was traced a device of seven stars set between the crescent moon and the raid sun and about them was written many rooms for Aragorn son of arathon was going to war upon the marches of Mordor very bright was that sword when it was made whole again the light of the sun Shone readily in it and the light of the Moon Sean Cole and his Edge was hard and keen and avogon gave it a new name and called it anjura flame of the West the flame of the West forged from the shards of narcine [Music] so there we have it the Legendary Blade and Dural flame of the West carries not only physical power but also a profound symbolic significance I personally love how it was crafted through a collaboration of Dwarven craftsmanship Alvin enchantment to then be raised by a king of men the sword represents a fusion of middle Earth's diverse strengths its inscription I am Andrew who was narcel the sword of alendel led the thralls of Mordor fleem reflects a legacy of defiance against Darkness Aragorn's encounter with Sauron while wielding Angel showcases the sword's ability to strike fear into the dark lord Sauron fear and the Aragon possessed the One Ring highlights the psychological impact of the blade history moreover Angel's reforging symbolizes a turning point in the struggle against sauron's Dominion its existence hints at the potential to challenge the Dark Lord's power yet the Blade's potency goes beyond physical attributes it embodies the lineage of isildor and The Valor of gondol's numenorian Heritage as Aragon wields it in the assault on the black gate the blade becomes a Beacon of Hope and Defiance its light represents the rallying cry for the forces of good drawing sauron's attention away from Frodo and Sam's perilous quest to destroy the one ring in the history history of Middle Earth and Joel stands as a testament to its people's unity and their spirit's resilience its fiery Brilliance illuminates the path to Victory underlining that while it may not have directly struck down Sauron its symbolic might was a vital thread in the fabric of Triumph against the overwhelming odds the blade was broken with that now though it is time for my question of the day which is what is your favorite sword from the histories of Middle Earth is it the almighty and girl perhaps it's Gandalf's Glam drink or what about Anglican or anguiral the two swords forged by ale the Dark Elf or maybe it's a different one entirely I'd love to know your thoughts and opinions on this in the comments section down below and I'll shout out our patrons you guys have been amazing in supporting our short film Project we have got some amazing updates coming soon we are really making good progress and I cannot thank you all enough we have the divine power tier member of Kevin the fire demon tier member of nishith and the wizard staff tier members of John Andrew and Hunter you are all true Legends of the prohibit finally I really appreciate your time in watching this video today if you've enjoyed the content please consider hitting that subscribe button and the bell icon with notifications enabled so that you will get notified when all future videos are released thank you once again for your support and I look forward to seeing you next time on the broken sword [Music]
Channel: The Broken Sword
Views: 65,517
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Keywords: The Broken Sword, History of Middle Earth, The Lord of the Rings, Lord of the Rings, Lord of the Rings Lore, Middle Earth Lore, The Hobbit, The Silmarillion, Tolkien Lore, Lotr lore, can sauron die, how strong is sauron, how strong is aragorn, aragorn vs sauron, what if aragorn, what if sauron, aragorn anduril, aragorn sword, is anduril magical, aragorn, aragorn kill, anduril flame of the west, shards of narsil, anduril reforged, narsil reforged, anduril replica, lotr
Id: Jz7OeHH10fs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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