What Makes Legolas So Special? | Lord of the Rings Lore

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foreign [Music] welcome to this video about the legendary Alvin Warrior from Middle Earth Legolas Greenleaf since his first appearance in J.R.R tolkien's the Lord of the Rings series Legolas has captured the hearts of fans around the world with his incredible skills as an Archer his unmatched agility and speed and his calm and collected demeanor in the face of danger in this video we'll explore what makes Lego lass so special and why he has become one of the most iconic characters in fantasy literature and film from his background and training as a member of the Woodland realm to his bond with his best friend Gimli and his pivotal role in the battles of Middle Earth will delve into all the reasons why Legolas is a fan favorite so whether you're a die-hard fan of The Lord of the Rings or simply curious about what makes this character so special sit back and enjoy as we explore the many talents and qualities that make lagolas Stand Out amongst the heroes of middleair fill me alone Worthy remember everyone if you find this video helpful informative or entertaining today please remember to hit that subscribe button below by subscribing you'll never miss out on any of our latest videos and you'll be supporting us to continue creating great content like this while Lego ass features prominently in The Lord of the Rings films we would be far from the first to point out how different the two characters are from the one in the book in translation from book to film some things are lost or lessened and a lot of what made Legolas such an engaging member of the fellowship is lost in that translation in the film we have a stoic near ethereal being who is not overly troubled by his emotion in the book however Legolas wears his heart on his sleeve and in one moment on the path of karadras he sings a song that is so moving he brings himself to tears and has to stop but really he is a much more cheerful character and is marked by his sheer throughout the quest of the Ring and you have my bow but to return to that moment on the mounting we have a nice quote here to introduce us to the personalities of everyone at the moment of the quest as they are attempting to make this perilous Crossing it is a bit of a longer quote but it informs us of the characters at play so well that I figured it was worth quoting in full if Gandalf would go before us with a bright flame he might mount a path for you said Legolas The Storm had troubled him little and he alone of the company remained still light of heart if elves could fly over mountains they might fetch the sun to save us and said Gandalf but I must have something to work on I cannot burn snow wow said baramia when heads are at a loss bodies must serve as we say in my country the strongest of us must seek away see through all this now snow cloud our path as we came up turned about that shoulder of rock Down Yonder it was there that the snow first began to burden us if we could reach that point maybe it would prove easier Beyond it is no more than a fur long off I guess then let us force a path thither you and I said Aragon avagorn was the tallest of the company but boromier little less in height was broader and heavier in built he led the way and Aragorn followed him slowly they moved off and was soon toiling heavily in places the snow was breast high and often baramia seemed to be swimming or burrowing with his great arms rather than walking Legolas watched them for a while with a smile upon his lips and then he turned to the others the strongest must seek away say you but I say that's a Plowman plow but choose an otter for swimming and for running light over grass and leaf or over snow and Alf with that he sprang forth nimbly and then Frodo noticed as if for the first time though he had long known it that the elf had no boots but wore only light shoes as he always did and his feet made little imprint in the snow farewell he said to Gandalf I go to find the sun then Swift as a runner over firm sand he shot away and quickly overtaken the toiling men with a wave of his hand he passed them and sped into the distance and vanished round the rocky turd in addition to this Legolas represents the elves of the once greater Greenwood realm known in the time of The Lord of the Rings as merkwood as Legolas has for centuries been at war with and under the shadow of the spreading Menace of dogaldo he represents the Sylvan elves of the former Greenwood the great and when we first meet him at the Council of alwant it is due to him bringing them the sad Tidings that Gollum had escaped their guard and was once again at large it is very unlikely he ever would have predicted what quest was to come from this journey this though is largely absent from the films that Aragorn had also then hunted down Gollum prior to his entry into the story on behalf of Gandalf we are working on a video dedicated solely to the Council of alwand yet here we wanted to Mark the importance of lagolas's representation there as the prince of the Woodland realm son of thrandwill the Alvin king or of course King of merkwood the character of lagolas in the films is somewhat Switched Off from gimli's film character as logolas is more of a an emotional jokester he wears his heart on his sleeve as we set dimly is far from the comic relief that he is shown to be in the later films especially in the two towers in the Return of the King though you could say his portrayal is somewhat closer in The Fellowship of the Ring we are not now saying one is better than the other they are simply different representations for different mediums the same can then be said of Legolas his ethereal stoicism is in great contrast to Gimli and it makes their friendship one of contrasting personalities this is what really makes their eventual Brotherhood all the more remarkable shall I describe it to you or would you like me to find you a box being an alpha Ford slagolas certain abilities that are not available to the other characters given the other elves present at the Council of alwand there were other options for an Alvin appointment in the fellowship not least of all glorfindel or the sons of alwand eledana and Allah are here or even gildal not to exhaust the list of potential candidates but of them few had experienced what Legolas had growing up in the darkness of mirkwood fighting against the growing strength of Sauron and growing strength of dolgodor too not only that he was a skilled tracker Archer and had experience dealing with the great spiders of mirkwood those of The Offspring of Sheila and therefore I guess you could see the grand spiders of angoliant herself his skill set lent itself perfectly to the other members of the fellowship this was an inspired choice on behalf of our wonders put in Legolas in the company of the Ring allowed for The Mending of relationships between the Elves and the dwarves as well an enmity which we have addressed in recent videos which dated back thousands of years allowing for Legolas to bring dimly alone among his people to the uttermost West in the end neither of them would ever marry or have children and as such their progeny would be the lasting friendship they paved the way for by their example as brothers in arms not only that but he was also a personal Confidant of Aragorn Aragorn's childhood was spent at imladris and at times he likely had more in common with the elves more than so the Manish Kingdoms of Middle Earth and its inhabitants such as the likes of boromia or theodon his enhanced hearing and vision would help them along their way on numerous occasions as he was Brave and open to meeting and befriending new people he was perhaps chosen for his fortitude of heart and character more so than any of his particular qualities as a warrior this brings us to the mysterious letter then that Galadriel sent to lagolas by way of Gandalf when returning to the three Hunters by way of lothlorian after he had fought the balwa she sent this word Legolas Greenleaf long in the tree and joy thou has lived Beware of the sea if thou herest The Cry of the girl on the shore thy heart shall then rest in the forest no more galadriel's warning to him that if he remains in one place for too long he could end up experiencing the type of longing for the sea that happens to other characters or a hint that the joy he has experienced despite the constant fighting against the dark Forces of mercury was soon to come to an end and that an important choice was before him when they would see him follow his comrades all the way to the battle of the pelinal field and to the very black Gates of Mordor 2. along the way he is able to allow for the fellowship to pass when they might not otherwise be allowed such as with their approach to lorian when the guards recognize him as kin and help the fellowship escape from the Orcs Pursuit yes they are elves said Legolas and they say that you breathe so loud that they could shoot you in the dark some hastily put his hand over his mouth but they say also that you need to have no fear they have been aware of us for a long while they heard my voice across the nimrodal I knew that I was one of their Northern kindreds and therefore they did not hinder our Crossing and afterwards they heard my son now they bid we climb up with Frodo for they seem to have had some Tidings of him and of our journey the others they asked to wait a little and to keep watch at the foot of the tree until they have decided what is to be done it is a combination of his skill set his mentality and his personality that make him an underappreciated and much needed member of the fellowship and one of the persons most responsible for its ultimate success he sees it through to the very end and continues on in acting good in the world beyond the war when the horns of battle have fallen silent the singing laughing Legolas is a different character than we have in the films but he is just as interesting and dynamic a character some of the flashiest moments in the film are given over to him since he has few moments to personally shine and for that I guess it means that we can forgive some of the silliness of the abilities that he is able to display [Music] however that is not to say every single one so there we have it Legolas Greenleaf was an integral part of the Fellowship of the Ring though we could have been replaced by other elves few among them if any could have provided his precise knowledge or skill to Aid the company of the Ring to the extent Legolas himself was able what makes him even more remarkable is his work following the war he not only participates in battle but in the reordering of a much better more prosperous world that the free peoples of Middle Earth are happier and safer to inhabit in no large part thanks to Legolas Greenleaf Prince of the Woodland realm and the most underrated member of The Fellowship of the Ring for the running Battle of who took more Orcs at hounds deep he might have finished on 42 with Gimli besting him with 43 but for one Legolas did not care as it meant his friend was still alive and safe and also 42 is reflective of a Fierce and loyal Warrior and that is the least that can be said of Legolas Greenleaf already dead switching with that now though it is time for my question of the day which is do you think Legolas is the most underrated member of The Fellowship of the Ring or does someone else deserve that title let me know all of your thoughts and opinions on that in the comment section down below and I'll shout out our patrons you guys have been amazing in supporting our short film Project we have got some amazing updates coming soon we are really making good progress and I cannot thank you all enough we have the divine power tier member of Kevin the fire demon tier member of nishith and the wizard staff tier members of John Andrew and Hunter you are all true Legends of the prohibit finally I really appreciate your time in watching this video today if you've enjoyed the content please consider hitting that subscribe button and the bell icon with notifications enabled so that you will get notified when all future videos are released thank you once again for your support and I look forward to seeing you next time on the broken sword good
Channel: The Broken Sword
Views: 218,252
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Keywords: The Broken Sword, History of Middle Earth, Lord of the Rings, Lord of the Rings Lore, Middle Earth Lore, The Hobbit, Lotr lore, legolas, legolas greenleaf, legolas and thranduil, Thranduil and legolas, legolas and gimli, gimli and legolas, does legolas become king, how strong is legolas, legolas aragorn, legolas bow, legolas kill, legolas shield, legolas mumakil, legolas best moments, legolas kills oliphaunt, legolas and tauriel, legolas the hobbit, legolas kill count
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2023
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