"What Lurks On The Backroads Of Minnesota" | 5 Scary Stories!

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you in tonight's video I'll be narrating five stories the first three will be dealing with the outdoors and the potential monsters it contains then I will be telling a story from a prison guard and in the last story I will be telling the tale of a young couple who picked the wrong first house a huge thank you to the writers for allowing me to share their stories they are the ones who make these videos possible remember you can send in your own story to our while each stories at gmail.com if you enjoy these hour-long videos please be sure to drop a like rating as it lets me know that you want more of them subscribing if you're new is also very much appreciated enjoy the video and as always I hope you all have a great night stories of skinwalkers Bigfoot and many other mythical beings seem to be a hot topic when it comes to scary stories there seems to be tales to share no matter where in the United States here is iDEN i live in northern minnesota although we have some myths such as The Iceman the mystery monster and even Wendy Gauss I've always chocked these up to nothing more than stories I mean why would I believe otherwise I didn't even believe in ghosts I thought it was all a bunch of mumbo-jumbo made up to keep people on their toes maybe just ancient tales to keep people from trespassing or making bad decisions such as camping alone I've always lived a rather careful and isolated lifestyle anyway so what stock did I really have to put into these tales the story that I'm about to tell is going to sound crazy I'm going to try and explain it to the best of my recollection even though adrenaline leaves more minor details in a bit of a haze you see I'm having a hard time digesting this something like what I encountered exists because this leaves all other possibilities on the table skinwalkers big fun everything they may be real as well and that thought terrifies me as I said I live a very isolated life this means I don't even know my own back roads very well if at all so when the main road was closed whilst I went to pick up my brother from the bar in the city about 20 miles away I silently chewed myself out for not bringing a GPS I do however have a general sense of direction and figured if I just headed south and went back a little to the west roughly 20 miles in I could figure it out I won't bore you with directions the important part is as I mentioned I would have to take foreign back roads let me start from the beginning of the night and tell you some more about myself to add some more context I was a 19 year old shut-in I spend most of my nights playing video games and feeding my caffeine cravings I did have a part-time job working at a farm a few miles down the road the pay wasn't great but it did pay for new games would have wanted one and other miscellaneous things I was in that in-between spot in life where I knew I wasn't adults but trying to find out what I wanted to do my life was a daunting mystery my skill sets were and are far and few between and living in the middle of nowhere opportunities were at a minimum one late June nights I was up playing video games as I normally tell I think the game was destiny though it doesn't matter it was roughly 12:30 a.m. when I got a text from my brother asking me to pick him up from the bar keep in mind bar closes at 1:00 a.m. in for me he had no other ride and I was his only option it was just like him to pin something like this on me last minute I wanted to chew him out for going out drinking all the time but I felt it wouldn't help the situation currently at hand instead I told him I'd be there ASAP and to not venture off he has ventured off in the past leaving me to look for him on the streets since he's awful at replying to texts I slammed the rest of my can of Mountain Dale grab the keys to my shitty 2002 Corolla and headed out right away about a mile in is where I made the realization that the main road was closed so I took a second to think to run my blinker and took the gravel road closest to it if memory serves me right I thought I remember this being a straight shot with maybe one turn at the end not a big deal right of course not if I made it in time it really doesn't matter which route I took a couple miles into the road I was starting to really like the scene of my environment the area I live in is fairly forested but the trees here just seemed denser somehow the road was as dark as it could possibly get and it made me feel like I was in a horror movie which brings me to where things started getting strange about 10 miles down the road I started swearing the shadows weren't coordinating with my headlights properly it's tough to explain but it's like they were going outwards up top and inwards on the ground in front now I'm no expert when it comes to how shadows should react but it was one of those gut feelings that something about this wasn't right before I knew it I came to the end of the road there was a tea section and I promptly took a right one mile down that road and it brought me directly into the city is simple enough I had a moment of self congratulatory celebration as I was proud of myself for figuring on first try I knew the city fairly well while I say city but it really only has a population of 15,000 people around here though that is a city I got to the bar and found my brother just coming out with a few of his buddies perfect timing as well I pulled in hitting the curbs I did so making it sound like my car was going to fall into pieces they grabbed the attention of my brother and his friends and they all started laughing is my brother waved them goodbye and made a light trot to my car he hopped in I backed out and we were back on her way to the secluded road we made some conversation as I drove with my window halfway down and to not get a contact drunk believe me I've seen my brother drunk many times but him going all out tonight was quite apparent it wasn't long before I came across the tea section again and took a left my brother made a joke about me having to not take the main road and how this is probably the first time I've seen a new road in years I would have made a joke back but I knew he was right a couple miles in I started noticing the shadows again brushing it off as nothing was my plan but then my brother spoke up does something seem off to you he's son I was a bit taken aback wondering if he was noticing the same thing I was I responded with and what do you mean he set up a bed surveying the shadows above us as he leaned forward maybe I've had too much to drink at this point my curiosity was piqued no come on what's on your mind bro I don't know these shadows just seem off to me my suspicion was correct it couldn't be a coincidence that we both noticed the same thing he started shuffling around looking more and more uneasy we should turn around he said this was an odd request I mean I'm sure there are other routes we could take at this point though we were about 5 miles into the stretch it seemed like a waste of time to do so odd shadows can't hurt us right he started to open his mouth again when his eyes widened and he yelled stop I didn't hesitate I hit the brakes as hard as I could without losing control 1 what happened I asked there's something in front of us I looked ahead and couldn't see anything past the gravel cloud we sat and waited for it to clear my heart beating faster and faster with each passing second just as it seemed as though it would totally dissipate something happened that I will forever have nightmares about a face about two feet long and two feet wide slammed into my windshield with so much force that caused the windshield to start to crack the face seemed to be made of shadows as if it jumped off the ground and formed before us there was no hesitation between me seeing this and shoving the shifter into reverse and punching the gas as we were backing up at speeds too fast to truly control the shadow started seeping in through the cracks we were both panicking as my brother took off his shirt and began pushing it against the cracks how he made this quick decision else being wasted still puzzles me but maybe the adrenaline made him sober up fast I started to slow down so I couldn't as safely as possible turn around I whipped the wheel to the left and threw the car in a 90 degree angle kicking up more gravel clouds as I did so I went to shove the shifter into drive when I realized my car had stalled out turning the key over and over again I was looking around for where this creature was then I saw it through my open window about 10 feet away inching closer and closer with a grin that told me it knew it had us trapped I took my hand off the key to reach for my window scroller to close it say what you will about this cheap design but if I hadn't had it in that moment I may not be typing this out right now the creature noticing that the window was going up moved with much more haste closing a split second before the creature got to it this seemed to anger it it began screaming in a high-pitched wheel that deafened me for a few seconds will solve this was happening my brother had the mental capacity to keep trying to start the car noticing that it was still in Drive I pushed into park he turned it one more time in the car started putting it back into Drive I took off once again in the opposite direction we drove it speeds way too fast as we heard the stomping of this beast trying to keep up it wasn't long before we reached the t-section again I took a right turn going as fast as I felt I could control no one we weren't out of the woods yet I stayed on it until we reached the city once more finally hopefully in safe territory we parked on Main Street to catch our breath my brother apologized profusely for making me come get him it wasn't his fault how could either of us have known something like this could happen how could anybody luckily there were many more routes we could take back home and he knew them all we took the one with the least amount of trees and made it to home safe and sound it's been a couple years since then my brother and I don't talk about it but we always advise people to stay off that road anytime it is mentioned he's quit drinking actually I don't think he's had a sip since that night I'm still a shut-in but I do now have my own apartment in the aforementioned city I work an office job there and though it's nothing special it works for now that night left many scars on me every time I see a shadow I wonder if it has come back for me I've come to the conclusion that as long as I stay off that road I should be safe there have been a few disappearances in the area over the last year or so however and I think it is directly linked as for windigos and other things of the like I know believe they could be out there too I still don't know what that creature was a demon a super-powered shadow person perhaps something else it's tough to say all I know is it doesn't hurt to keep your guard up most importantly it doesn't hurt to stay off less traveled roads what bothers me more than anything is not knowing if the shadows in the corners of my room and nights are just shadows or perhaps something more malevolent waiting for its opportunity to strike once again my grandparents live in southern Michigan I'd save 40 minutes from Toledo the house itself is on a lake front in the lake connects to other lakes and eventually all the way out to the Erie it's home to a lot of college resorts and a lot of OSU students have lake houses up there normally there would be barely anyone up there because winter makes it a bitch to live there I go in the winter for hunting mostly during November and I haven't stopped but this year I am reconsidering I start planning for these trips around June so that I can set aside equipment for it and avoid any further financial issues that might come up in between May and December these hunts are really important to me and I've been making these trips for years with my grandpa but he's gotten too old to keep going in the winter and he wanted me to keep up the tradition so one last November I went up there to hunt my grandparents locked their house when I got up there but one of the neighbors they are good friends with has a second house across the street it's really just a garage with an overhead room but they furnished in finished the top room above the garage they gave me the keys and let me stay there for however long I was going to be up there about two weeks I unpacked turn the lights on and I used the oven as a heating source and went to sleep and the next day I started out on hunting I use an old bolt-action big caliber not exactly a hunting rifle but I still use it I love shooting it and hunting just gives me a reason to I can't use it at a range because of the caliber and it's illegal to use in home defense because the bullet could exit the home and go into a neighbor's house 762 by 54r is a powerful round and that's what still throws me off about this whole thing anyway I went out the next day all the way up to the northern part of the peninsula my grandpa took me up there when I was 16 for squirrel hunting and that was one of the defining experiences of my life we had a lot of fun up there and I got to take home six pounds of squirrel meats that fall but I was up there for alq and I saw a lot up there when I hunt I'm really selective in the process I like a certain look and a know and I'll watch groups of them for a few hours to find the right one this has cultivated a good idea of how to keep myself quiet in the woods and I had a camera with me I could be a good wildlife photographer some of the elk I've seen have been such an experience that you'd think it was a staged photo shoot I finally found the one I wanted this beautiful bull elk maybe five feet tall at the shoulder six pointed antlers just amazing that was maybe 80 yards from the herd and well a scope would be nice Mosin scopes might as well be a toilet paper roll with a pin poked through the middle and glass pieces in either end and my rifle isn't set up for that either so I'm stuck with my plain old eyesight I lined up the shot and I barely saw it into my peripheral vision it pulled my attention away from the herd in the woods about 30 degrees to my left and about 40 yards ahead was something white the only reason I saw it was because it walked in front of a grey outcropping of rock that stood out against the snow whatever it was it was bipedal and quick I barely got my eyes on to it before I vanished into the white of the ground hunters don't go into the woods without some kind of identification I wear an orange sash across my back if I know I'm not alone but I thought I was alone so no sash the guy gave me a fucking heart attack but I was still thinking about the elk there was drinking with the rest of the herd another elk head swapped out with an on guard duty I didn't want this guy taking my game I wasn't going to kill him that'd be out of the question but if I took a shot killed the elk he'd stay away from it try and find me and we could talk then go our separate ways it might have been selfish but you have to understand I'd been stalking this herd for nearly four hours it was cold and the only thing making the entire effort worth it was the six by six antlers on that bull's head I didn't want to leave with nothing so I shifted my view back to the elk exhaled and squeezed the trigger the report was deafening it reminded me how silent the woods were before it just the loud and proud crack of a rifle and the firm push of the stock into my shoulder the herd noticed him and I was ecstatic to see that I hit my target it dropped immediately I wasn't sure where I hit it but wherever it was the bull dropped like a rock the rest of the herd took off and soon Michael was alone by the river I left the bushes where I den and hiked down the hill towards the riverbed well I was heading towards it I stumbled lost sight of the body and when I looked back it was gone instead there was a bloody streak leading across the ice to the other side of the river the way it was set up was the river ran parallel to me my side was a gentle hill leading down to the water and the other side was a cliff it was only six feet high almost sheer but angled just enough that climbing it wouldn't be impossible on the top I saw the bushes rustle whatever was there led farther into the woods shocked I ran down to the river where the elk had been my eyes followed the blood trail as if it went across the river up the hill and into the bushes on the other side of the river I thought maybe I hadn't killed it and the bullet just knocked it over for a little bit but it was bleeding profusely it might be on the other side of the hill for all I knew so I did what hunters do and I went after it I think I might have gone maybe half a mile and the blood trail was consistent to follow a small pool of blood on the snow maybe a splatter on a tree but when I got to that half mile point the snow had an imprint in it with blood all around it just know where it should have been was nearly all melted by the amount of blood that had pulled around where the body should have been that's when I noticed the white figure again passing in front of a tree to my right in my peripherals again he was 20 yards away but I lost him in the snow the guy was freaking me out and I was really really put off by him he knew there was another hunter in the area he had to have heard the shot there's no way he didn't he didn't try to contact me didn't let me know he was here at all no shouting nothing I already drove all the wildlife away by no there was no point in hiding here so I did what I thought was sensible I shouted to him a man over here nothing he didn't say a thing once again he didn't do anything that was it for me I had no idea where this guy was he was wearing camouflage and he wasn't responding to me if he dies it's his fault nobody's got to know I forgot about the elk and to my left far far to my left I see him in my peripheral vision again pass in front of a tree he's too far out of the way for me to gauge how far away he was its Hearne aim and he was gone again I'm starting to lose my nerve and it's just barely showing it took me a second to realize that there's no physically possible way for this guy to have circled me so quickly unnoticed that's it for me if I see him he's getting shot I'm in panic mode and my brain is still deciding between fights or flight the next time I see him he's in front of me ten yards I got a good look at him and felt my arms freeze he's now wearing camouflage or at least not any winter gear this guy was naked and there was something wrong with him his skin was pure white no hair and his hands were covered in blood I could see black veins in his legs going up to his hips and he had no genitals like a doll I watched him open his mouth as wide as it could possibly go and just repeated me amen over here the earth just fell out of his mouth and I broke out of my freeze up I squeezed the trigger and hit him in the upper torso I turned and ran I didn't see if he fell if you followed me I just left I ran until I got back to my car and I drove back south 230 miles later I get back in the middle of the night it's even colder I'm too exhausted to do anything more than get inside lock the door trudge upstairs and go to sleep I didn't even take my clothes off I just fell onto the couch and I was out like a light during the night though I woke up plenty of times I'd opened my eyes because I felt uncomfortable in my sleeping position I'd moved myself around readjust the pillows and go back to sleep about the fifth time I woke up and had to go to the bathroom I did what I had to and while I was washing my hands I thought to myself and he'd be you overreacting maybe that guy needed help maybe I should go back I was very tired so I barely noticed myself saying the last thought maybe I should go back I thought I mumbled it or something so I dismissed him I went back to sleep I woke up the next day and found to my surprise an elk sitting in the driveway well not sitting more like smeared on the fresh snow the thing was torn apart its antlers were snapped off and all of its entrails were spread around it I'm lucky that I didn't eat anything that morning I'm used to Gore I put her my own game but this was different it looked like roadkill but the house that I was staying at was on a gravel path the max speed is 15 miles an hour or you punch holes in your radiator with gravel guards this far south either someone took this corpse from as far away as 50 miles butchered it on my driveway then left it here on display for me I packed my stuff and left I made sure to shovel what was left of the elk into that tree line nearby before I den and I was on the road a week early on the way back into Ohio I got a sinking feeling while I was reflecting on the whole event I remembered when I woke up to go to the bathroom when I mumbled to myself I realized that my voice sounded funny like it wasn't underneath my ears but rather to my right it doesn't make sense because the bathroom has a wall that functions as a divider between the bathroom sink in the bathtub I chalked it up to the acoustics but now that I've been thinking about it the voice was a bit weird like when you watch a recording of yourself and how it sounds deeper than when you hear yourself talk I don't know but I'm not going back up there this winter I'll be staying in Ohio and I think I'll hunt in the south instead I didn't take anything home with me other than my rifle and I've had issues listening to recordings of me recently I won't be going up north for a while at least I advise you if you go to Michigan to hunt to watch your surroundings and avoid going alone if at all possible make sure you bring something that hits hard if anyone who has experienced something similar let me know you this happened last year and I've only now gathered enough courage to share my story I think it's because I'm not completely blameless and that's terrifying to me in fact I'm probably the main reason this happened and I live in guilt of this every day still my therapist said it'll help if I share this incident with someone I trust but it felt more difficult for me to say the words out loud rather than type them out so here I am posting this online hoping this will help in my journey to heal from a rather traumatic experience hoping nobody would judge me for my actions so here goes on the 4th of July weekend last year a few of my friends and I plan to hike a trail up a mountain it's a pretty popular trail and the hike is only supposed to be five hours round trip and the view at the top is spectacular we packed a small lunch and filled up our bottles with water we needed to take two cars since there was a seven of us I immediately opted to go into Rebecca's car when I told my best friend Kevin who was driving the other car he just sighed and rolled his eyes and muttered about how predictable I was my other best friend Taylor wanted to come in Rebecca's cart sale I was hesitant because I wanted to spend some time alone with Rebecca but Taylor had been really adamant saying that I never hang out with her anymore never mind that Rebecca and Taylor didn't get along very well needless to say I wasn't too happy about the arrangement but I relented since it would balance out the cars more evenly Taylor complained the whole car ride that there would be too many people on the trail since Rebecca had picked us up 20 minutes late I could see Rebecca's hands tightening on the steering wheel every time Taylor made a comment so I made a few lame jokes to try to defuse the tension Taylor just said you're such an idiot Jackson every time we were running late meanwhile Kevin's car pool had got there on time we told him they could start the hike and we'd catch up after 10 minutes of driving around looking for parking we finally found a spot when his solo hiker left his face was pale and his eyes were wide I asked him if he was okay but he just hurriedly got into his car and drove away as fast as he could as if he couldn't get away quick enough I caught a strange whiff of rotten eggs from his BL as he pulled out he kept his eyes glued to the rearview mirrors until he was completely out of sight we shocked it off just happy to find a parking spot as they fer mentioned this was a pretty popular trail and while people are pretty weird we won't even get to see the others we might as well have gone on a different hike Taylor whined I thought Taylor had a crush on Kevin I asked her once and she looked angry for a second before letting Otis I and responded with a you're an idiot Jackson Taylor said that to me a lot I'm her best guy friend so maybe she was embarrassed to talk to a guy about it Rebecca and I exchanged a look I said we're going to meet up for drinks after anyway I was getting pretty short with Taylor after a whole car ride of her non-stop complaining we got to the trail and it was nice to finally be in nature Taylor's mood was also lifting it wasn't so bad to have just the three of us and it has been a while since I've actually hung out with Taylor we were actually having a really good time but the crowd was so thick we were having a hard time making up for lost time we definitely were not going to be meeting up with the other group until drinks I hoped we would catch them on their way down till about a third into the trail Taylor stopped whining Rebecca and I were so deep into conversation that we had to backtrack for a good minute Taylor was waving her phone around to him its I can't get my phone to loud Taylor's son there's no reception my son gesturing to the trees and well nature in general you can upload it on Instagram later Rebecca son and I noticed she rolled her eyes the problem was so did Taylor I could practically see Taylor shaken anger I'm not trying to upload anything onto Instagram Taylor bit out at this point Rebecca and I are getting pretty impatient as a large family bypassed us we were sure to move along but Taylor wouldn't budge her head snapped up from her phone okay I remember it's this way Taylor's son what's that way I asked ok so on the drive up I was looking up shortcuts up the no way I cut her off I could just picture this ending horribly with three of us being rescued and being put on the front page of our shitty college newspaper Taylor rolled her eyes I want to meet up with the others she looked around and pointed somewhere into the trees it's over here no way I said firmly don't trust me I actually remember the way this tree with the super gnarly ruts and we walked closer to the incline and her eyes lit up in a recognition the whole of one right beside it to the left for five minutes and we'll see another dirt path she sounded really really confident which in turn made me believe her Rebecca and I looked at each other Taylor continued trust me it's steeper but there's also less people and it cuts the hike up by 40 minutes the idea of there being less people was appealing to me and Taylor sounded really certain of the directions um you're sure I asked Rebecca shook her head in disbelief what I asked you can't actually be serious Rebecca son Taylor grab my arm come on it's just this way Jackson I have no reason to doubt her and she sounds like she knows exactly where she's going so I hesitantly follow I look back at Rebecca and there's her to follow us she shook her head I mumbled out an apology to Taylor taking my arm out of her grip let's just go the regular path will see them when we see them Rebecca looked upset and now I was really feeling bad Taylor let's just go the regular trail Rebecca son I don't want to get lost Taylor scoffed if you two assholes want to go the long way then go there's no way I'm spending two more hours of you two ignoring me I made a disbelieving sound we're not ignoring you can you please just do the regular trail with us instead Taylor just grabbed on to the hollow tree and pulled herself up onto a Ledge no screw you Jackson don't bother I'm not waiting for you guys she's son then she turned to Rebecca and dad and there's no way I'm getting into your cheap-ass car ever again Rebecca called after her fine then get a ride from someone else Kevin's car is a hundred times nicer than yours tailor shop back then she turned around and sumptin to the thick forest Rebecca and I just stood there for a while and decided to go on the hike at a leisurely pace I know I should have gone with Taylor but she was being so difficult hopefully this would give her a chance to cool off Rebecca and I didn't really talk much nor did we end up seeing our friends at the top we must have missed them on their way downtown I hope Taylor was with them when Rebecca and I got back to her car we got right in and we decided to go straight home instead our friends wanted to go for dinner and beers after but I wanted to spend some time with Rebecca and it wasn't really in the mood to see Taylor life went on Rebecca and I started seeing each other it wasn't anything serious but at the beginning of something you're so wrapped open the other person you lose touch with everything else a couple of weeks after her mutual friend Kelly was having a birthday party at her place and everyone was invited I was still a bit pissed at Taylor but Kelly's pretty cool and it would be unfair to skip out because I've Taylor before the party I got a call from Taylor I guess she was trying to squash the beef before we saw each other so I picked up in nothing all I heard was static I wondered if I paid my film bill on time this month we're all college students and the rent of housing near campus is our real killer I have three roommates which I barely ever talked to I think our only friends that have their own places our Taylor and Kelly I got a text from Taylor it's son come here her place wasn't exactly out of the way but I didn't really feel like going over to let her know I wasn't still mad I wrote back I'll see you at the party and she proceeded to text me I see you she probably meant I'll see you so I just wrote back see ya then I got five more texts from Taylor I see you you're an idiot Jackson I see you you're an idiot Jackson I see you okay this was weird suddenly I got a weird chill as if someone was watching me I'm getting paranoid I convinced myself that she was probably having connectivity issues and the texts were resending on a glitch I figured she probably wasn't receiving my texts either and I would see her at Kelly's anyway I got another text I put my phone on silent as the notifications kept coming up I looked down just as a call was coming through the phone which was now on silent and decided to pick up Taylor what's wrong with your phone I asked more static the feeling I was being watched returned something felt wrong behind the static sounds I could hear heavy gasps of breath as if someone was choking in desperate ferrer then a huge crunching sound in a thick squelch as if flesh was being torn apart the hairs on my arms were raising with an impending feel that something was actually very wrong now Taylor I shouted what is going on the raspy breaths started getting faster and more ragged this isn't funny again no response just breathing and then choking wheeze as if air was being squeezed out of her I'm coming over right now though I secretly hoped it would be a joke rather than having her call me while choking or being attacked by someone I hang up so I can drive to her place another text I looked down at my phone a bit confused because I know for a fact I put my phone on silent it was another text from Taylor ICU I started suspecting that it was a really shitty joke or her way of getting me to come over to her place before the party I pushed back the strange feeling to the back of my mind I was a bit irritated when I wrote back a short I'll see you at Kelly's I see I had gotten a few more missed calls and a few more messages but I didn't check them when my car pulled up at Kelly's apartment I see Rebecca waiting at the curb I got out and waved at her and started making my way towards Kelly's when she said we needed to check on Taylor like right now I looked at her and laugh to bed trying to play it cool is she met a u2 she looked very serious I think something's wrong what why Rebecca looked at me nobody has seen her since since when I asked dumbly am I missing something since hiking she never met them at the top I felt sick the heavy feeling in my gut comes back and a huge weight settles over my chest as if blocking it from moving when I breathe how how do you know Jackson nobody has seen her heard from her since we left there two weeks ago we have to check on her what if she didn't get back home at this point I honestly can't tell if my friends are all in on a prank they would do something annoying like that but I don't Rebecca would volunteer to be front woman of the joke there was also the possibility that Rebecca might not be in on the joke I was certain are you that they're not joking she just texted and called me this sounds like some shit Kevin would come up with my son Rebecca looked surprised when I flashed her my phone to show her over 70 messages from Taylor so maybe Taylor is in on a prank with all her friends to get us back for leaving her to climb the shortcut by herself or that she probably got some other friend to come pick her up from the hike it's a pretty far drive I get why she's pissed it was shitty of us to just leave her but it's not really our fault she wanted to scale the mountain rather than hike it Rebecca suggested we go look for Taylor since we were the last ones to see her just in case even though I was hoping Taylor would just be at the party we hopped into my car and I drove to Taylor's luckily Taylor's apartment doesn't have security since it's not a very nice overpriced apartment near the college despite Taylor's parents being very well off and dishing out a fortune for her place the student housing areas are actually the worst it crossed my mind that we could be burglars as we walk up the stairs to her apartment since there are no elevators either I guess nobody would climb up a flight of stairs to rob broke college students anyway I knocked a few times and nobody answered is if on cue my phone gives out a resounding thing even though I definitely still have it on silent I looked down at my phone as I felt my browsing it together in confusion is nobody else getting any texts Rebecca shakes her head no I take my phone out and surely there's a text from Taylor it's just another ICU text we hear a loud bang inside she's definitely inside my son as I said that the door creaked open and a strong sense of rotten eggs permeated the air I choked back a gag and my hands flew instinctively to block the smell from my nose Rebecca covered her mouth and held back a gag from the stench I peeked inside and called out to Taylor Taylor's apartment is pitch dark I flicked the light switch but nothing happens Rebecca flashed her phone's flashlight around as we cautiously walked into the apartment I followed her lead because I'm scared as hell we get to Taylor's room and Rebecca pushes the door open the foul odor gets stronger by tenfold I feel my eyes watering and my throat starts to convulse feeling to hold back the bile threatened in a spill itself when I finished losing my dinner right on the floorboards I noticed that Rebecca is frozen at the doorway of Taylor's room I peered in to see what she was so fixated on Taylor was sitting at her desk with her back face towards us but something was horribly wrong her hair is completely matted down with dirt and her neck is bent in a weird angle Taylor are you okay the words flew out of my mouth Taylor's body flinched as if struck and I automatically moved forward to see if she's okay Rebecca grabbed my hand and jerked me back I almost fought her off until I see Taylor's desk chair turning Taylor's face was so pale an ashen her eyes were bloodshot and her nose was broken her neck was jutting out and she let out a wet choking gasp I wanted to go forward and help her but I feel a weird sinking feeling in my stomach telling me to run her eyes were intensely trained on me and the ends of her mouth shaken Lee it turned upwards until split her face into a grin so why'd it look as if it hurts I could feel that something horrible was happening in my gut and the hairs on the back of my neck were standing up Rebecca yanked my arm back as I reached forward again almost as if my body was moving on its own we need to go Rebecca son keeping a firm grip on my bicep and pulling me towards the door well not taking her eyes off Taylor and nodded dumbly I heard the door to Taylor's room creaking shut behind us but Rebecca's hand shot out to stop it before it could close all the way she used all her strength to keep it open while still holding my arm with her other hand finally I snapped out of whatever reverie I was in and I helped her pull the door wide enough so we could both slip out behind us I could see Taylor stumbling out after us and her lips were still split shaking Lee into its sinister smile she reached out at me and it looked like her mouth was trying to move to form words but couldn't because of the smile I looked at my best friend knowing everything was wrong I couldn't help but sob Taylor again she flinched as if pained but the grin remained we gotta go Rebecca said forcefully she kept holding my arm and practically manhandled me all the way to my car I could feel the heaviness on my chest lift a bit but I was a mess I unlocked my car and Rebecca and I both got in I kept replaying the scene over and over in my head when I closed my eyes I could see that smile on Taylor's face and the intense look in her eyes Taylor was what exactly was wrong with her Rebecca was already explaining everything to the police panic evidence in her shaky voice I tell no but something is definitely wrong please come to Taylor's address a welfare check then anything right now please it is an emergency when she hung up I finally found my voice I cleared my parched throat from a combination of running and fright what happened in there I can't I don't understand I asked trying to study the cracks in my voice I don't know she replied she looked over at me eyes imploring I mean how do we know we're not imagining it it might have been guilt no okay I was lying to myself again I should call her mom my son I pulled out my phone and it was blowing up for messages from Taylor to the point it was draining my batteries I actually didn't have Taylor's mom's information but I was friends with her sister on Facebook her sister immediately wrote me back that her family was worried since Taylor hadn't contacted them at all since the day before the hiking trail I filled them in that something was wrong when we saw Taylor at her apartment and would call the police I was at a loss of what to even say since I'm not exactly sure what I witnessed as I finished corresponding I told Rebecca they're going to drive over tomorrow morning I paused and then son why couldn't she just follow us on the regular trail Rebecca bit her lip and looked as if she was ready to break down into tears she should have come with us we should have waited we should have made sure she was okay I knew in my heart and gut right then and there that Rebecca was right we should have waited and made sure she was okay about two weeks passed and I continued getting random phone calls and texts from Taylor it got to the point that I don't even keep it charged anymore they officially declared Taylor dad and Rebecca and I were the last people listed to have seen her I wonder if maybe we should have stayed and tried to help her in her apartment if there was anything at all we could have done the doorbell rang and it was Rebecca what is it I wasn't really in the mood to see anyone and things have been weird since we saw Taylor it was hard for us to look at each other without remembering that incident why didn't you answer your phone Rebecca asked you of all people should know why my son the autopsy is back she said quietly that was really fast I knew something was wrong by the way she spoke and avoided eye contact I stayed quiet and let her continue Taylor's sister was messaging you to let you know but you never responded she she reached out to me instead Rebecca worried her lip between her teeth as it a ting to say something i weekly rasp down what is it she died a day or something after the hiking incident a bunch of her bones were broken after she died they got the results back yesterday I thought you should know too and you you weren't picking up your phone Rebecca's son my eyes widened wait wait wait how we saw her two weeks ago still moving in her apartment you saw her too right in her apartment yeah I saw her till I don't know and she lamely added maybe we imagined it I blurted how how do you unsee that they think someone picked her up on the way back from the hike they're opening up an investigation I don't think Taylor's sister was supposed to tell us anything about the autopsy but the police know it wasn't us Rebecca sounded emotionless as she recited this as if she was detached this was so wrong the words exploded from my mouth we saw her move she cut in you think that we found her dead and imagined it from the guilt we stood there in stunned silence neither of us believed this we could both tell what do we do now I asked we have to move on she said I smiled weakly and son okay what else could we do I've only seen Rebecca a handful of times since that day and we both pretended that incident never happened I got a new phone number and it seemed to stop Taylor's messages that was shocking that it worked I've been living day by day it doesn't get better and it doesn't get easier but the days do go by slowly the burden of guilt gets later on some days some days I don't think about it until I close my eyes and I remember the stench coming from her apartment and I almost swear I smell it coming from right next to me I work at a prison nothing bigger fancy just a minimum to medium security facility a few things to note we don't have any high-profile criminals that I'm aware of mostly it's used for minimum custody inmates who go out on work release at all hours of the day or night and medium security inmates we're doing their programs to try to rehabilitate or when they are released we've had some higher security inmates but it's not to normal in they're put in a different housing unit altogether that's empty most of the time now on the grounds is an old abandoned military base it sees being used somewhere in the 60s as I've heard but I don't have an exact date the buildings are still there though and inmates are now permitted anywhere near it other than some work crew inmates some of them have crap in there that's rotted through the ages the prison uses the land to keep stuff plow trucks storage containers etc with that son our outside Patrol has to make at least two sweeps through the night one before midnight and one I have to I've been that guy a few times and I'm not sure if it's the dilapidated buildings or just at being night but you see some weird stuff there I've done two rounds in could swear that I saw someone in the buildings with it being a minimum to medium facility we were not issued a firearm for our outside Patrol so I had to clear the building with a flashlight and pepper spray in case an inmate had walked away from the minimum side there was nothing there but clearing each room with just pepper spray was creepy looking back I wish I'd found an inmate in there I'd rather be creeped out by something tangible than the perspective of ghosts I stick to the medium side as much as I can I was trained in a maximum-security facility so the medium side feels more familiar I've done rounds and heard bangs and empty units you need to check that obviously and again obviously they are empty throughout the facility in in each cell our emergency call buttons which inmates can use if they are having an emergency and need immediate help in between our rounds maybe an inmate feels like they're having a heart attack for example they get abused for sure with inmates using it like a doorbell but we still have to respond I was sitting in central control one night in a call button from an outside of rec yard started going off there shouldn't have been anyone out there it was the middle of the night but I had to send an officer to go check it out anyway he opened the door looked around the yard surprise surprise nobody was there he closed the door and walked back to central well he was on his way back again it started to ring again the same call button he went back to check again and confirmed it was nothing as soon as he started walking away it went off again I wasn't out there but he told me it sounded like someone slapped the door but nobody was there we just chalked it up to it's an old facility weird stuff happens the way an old sergeant of mine put in we're in a cage where evil people come and die if any place is going to be haunted it's going to be a prison the last experience will talk about happen about a year ago we have an assisted living units on our medium side we use it to house inmates who as the name implies need help but basically everything inmates who have severe dementia inmates who are dying of cancer and in the end stage I was doing my rounds there one night in an inmate told me his roommate was asking him to tell me he was cold and having some issues breathing they send me to who I talked to had pretty severe dementia and his last roommate had died about a week before I tried to chalk it up to an inmate who was losing his mind but that stuck with me there are many other stories I could tell both about this facility and my days in the Supermax where I trained and worked for years but I'll leave it at those ones right now house-hunting is hard no doubt about it my wife and I searched for five months with no luck so it was only natural that when we found a perfect house for a perfect price we jumped at the opportunity when we originally viewed the house we immediately knew that it was perfect four bedrooms two and a half bathrooms on a huge plot of land out in the middle of the country it was literally our dream house only problem was that it wasn't for sale the home was a rental with an option after a year to rent to own we figured it shouldn't be an issue considering we were looking to buy anyways what we had to do was follow the rules of the lease until that year was up when we got to the Realtors office to review the lease and signed the agreement we quickly scanned it for anything that seemed odd it was all normal stuff like landlord must give 24 hours notice prior to inspecting the property and tenant must give 60 days notice prior to vacating the property we signed in a week later we were in the house it was perfect my wife who was expecting our first child couldn't think of a better place to raise the baby I saw a yard with tons of possibilities a gazebo and fire pen maybe you pull sometime down the line things were great there was even an apple tree on the property that seemed to produce tons of beautiful healthy granny smith apples we did live in a somewhat nervous anxiety however we had a cat and the least did present a clause that stated no cats were allowed we figured since the landlord had to give 24 hours notice before inspections we would be able to move the cat Nicki and any evidence of her existence to one of our parents house the night before the inspection the fact remained that we could be evicted from this perfect home because of the cat and that left us on edge our second day came about and it was time to get back on the grind my wife Samantha worked for a local city government and I still had a few vacation days before I needed to get back to work I decided I'd take the opportunity to unpack and take care of some chores around the house our morning alarm went off and we knew that it was time to start our day we both lived there for a moment when suddenly we heard something coming from the living room a slight scratching sound followed by the loud creak of the front door inaudible footsteps moving across the hardwood floor did someone just walk into our house Sam asked me fear in her eyes I'll go check as soon as I hopped out of bed and began scrambling to put on some clothes I made my way out of our bedroom through the hallway and into the living room to find a petite young woman walking through the house she had long blond hair and wore bright red lipstick her pale skin appeared to be glowing but that could have easily been my eyes adjusting to the light she was dressed professionally and carried with her a large box can I help you I asked trying to look and sound as intimidating as possible oh you guys are here she said rudely rolling her eyes oh well I'm here to drop off these air filters she placed a large box on the floor in front of her and began casually walking around the house she examined the miscellaneous items throughout the house things were still in boxes and the boxes were in no particular order she made her way through the living room and into the kitchen she stopped for a moment and looked around thanks for the filters can you please leave I said sternly she glanced at me and scoffed look I said in my lease it says that you have to give us 24 hours notice before any inspections you need to leave now or I'm calling the cops I noticed Sam come out of the bedroom what's going on she asked yawning your husband is trying to kick me out of your house the woman said sarcastically Sam get my gun I called to my wife motioning toward the bedroom and then call the police the woman looked at me and rolled her eyes once again before Bree grudgingly walking toward the front door I heard Sam's feet move into the bedroom and heard six loud beeps followed by a bolt on latching on the small electronic safe we kept in the bedroom you know she started you really should be nicer you know get you farther in life she opened the front door oh and this wasn't an official inspection she said if she stepped out turning towards us otherwise that cat that I smell would have put you both out on the street she turned away and stepped out slamming the door behind her who the hell was that Sam asked me emerging from the master bedroom with a gun in hand we were both shocked at what just happened a random woman who was not the property manager or the realtor we dealt with just came into our home I have no idea I started did you order air filters Sam shook her head I felt a large wave of dread creep over me as I looked at the box neither one of us had asked for this box yet here it was I didn't even think Realtors provided air filters I'd always bought them on my own in the past we both moved toward the box hesitantly the tension in the air was thick as we reached for the brown clipboard flap on the top of the box I grasped it and pulled it back revealing nothing more than 12 whites air conditioner filters Sam and I laughed for a moment but soon realized unless we did something about this there would be no stopping this exact same incident from repeating itself Sam got dressed and soon was off to work I also headed out making my way to the local hardware store I needed to pick up a few tools to install the mounting bracket for the television and figured I might as well grab a new set of locks while I was there upon my return home I quickly changed the door locks and check them to make sure everything was working they certainly seemed secure I decided that the TV mount could wait until later that night and that I would take advantage of the daylight to do some yard work I made my way out back and examine the yard there were two magnolia trees on either side of the apple tree that made for a picturesque view the only problem was the magnolias were extremely overgrown I decided to trim those first I grabbed a small handsaw from the wooden shed that set caddy cornered to the house and began trimming after about 45 minutes the trees seemed to be in good shape i raked up all the trimmings into a neat pile but realized I didn't have any trash bags to put them in I decided to leave them there grabbing a large bright green apple off the tree before I'm making my way inside I pulled a bottle of water from the fridge and plopped down on the couch ready to relax for a minute and catch my breath I examine the apple carefully before biting into it the crunchy juiciness was so refreshing but I noticed it tasted off something like metal and as I chewed I noticed the texture wasn't quite what I was accustomed to in a nap I looked down to examine the inside when I noticed something that both sent chills down my spine and made me gag the inside of the Apple rather than being whites and crispy was a rat and seemed to be soft like human flesh blood red liquid poured from the fresh bite and it seemed to pulsate sending the bright red fluid running down my hand I jumped up and ran to the sink spitting the chunks of flesh from my mouth and rinsing thoroughly with tap water I'm founded by what I was seeing I ran the Apple out to the trashcan and tossed it in hopefully that was just some freak of nature Apple I said as I closed the lid to the trashcan and shuddered I spent the rest of the day doing chores unpacking boxes and hanging up frame photos I tried to forget that horrendous sight but it stuck with me I couldn't understand why I saw what I did I'd never seen an Apple like that before but then again I've never had an apple tree before was i hallucinating after hours of chewing I seemed to make some headway most of the boxes were unpacked and most of the photos and other decor had been put in their respective locations I noticed head lays clear through the living room window and peeked out to see Sam pulling up in the driveway she made her way inside and had the usual greetings I changed the locks my son giggling as I handed her a new key hopefully no more rude folks find their way into the house Sam laughed as she said her purse down on the small side table next to the front door and began adding the key to her already full keyring oh my son changing my tone I also tried one of those apples from the tree oh yeah how was it she asked they look yummy I paused for a moment before continuing well I think the one I got may have been rotten I'm not sure what does a rotten apple even look like I asked almost a shame that I didn't know she said thinking well they usually shrivel up and the inside turns brown and tastes really bitter I felt a sense of dread creep over me as I thought back to the disgusting Gore that I sink my teeth into previously this was no ordinary rotten apple hang on I said running out the back door to the apple tree examine the tree in plucked a large firm green apple from a low-hanging branch before running back inside you want to try it I asked handing her the Apple she eyed me for a moment before taking the Apple from my hand she examined the Apple looking for any imperfections or signs that it may be rotten before sinking her teeth into it bright red blood squirted out as she dug her teeth deeper into the Apple and ripped a large chunk off the side i sat there staring at her in awe and disgust as she chewed the Apple and swallowed yeah that is a perfectly ripe Apple she said going in for another bite what no I shouted grab her hand and pulling the Apple out you don't see that I asked her pointing to the red dripping blood and torn flesh inside the Apple see what she asked staring at the Apple intensely it looks like a normal Apple and I want more gimme she snatched the Apple from my hand and took another bite the sound it made as she ate was nauseating it squished and blood gushed out of a gaping hole as she ate it I stared in shock and trance by what I was witnessing how could she not notice then was I going crazy I went into the bathroom and vomited unable to bear the horrific sight any longer when Sam finished the Apple she came into the bathroom to check on me babe she started is everything okay I looked up at her to see her lips covered in bright red blood I turned back to the toilet to heave yeah I'm fine my son trying to slap myself back into reality I think I'm just seeing things she shrugged before saying yeah I think so too because there was nothing wrong with that Apple we started getting ready for bed trying to forget the gruesome scene that played out before us I couldn't sleep though the vision of her eating that Apple continued playing over and over again in my mind along with the constant paranoia that someone would just come barging into our house once again after a long struggle I was finally asleep I couldn't have been asleep longer than thirty minutes before our alarm went off and it was time to start our third day in the house see I'm Jo go to bed quickly and made her way to the bathroom I heard the faucet turned on followed by her laughing honey come here she yelled I sluggishly rolled out of bed and made me wait to the bathroom to see my wife she looked different though her skin was glowing not like a normal pregnancy glow either this was a true glow light was emitting from her pores she also looked about five years younger almost like a high school student what wow I said dumbfounded how what I couldn't find the words I know right she said doing a twirl as if she were on a catwalk this pregnancy glow is no joke she moved her face closer to the mirror examining it and tugging on her skin the crow's feet that began forming over the past few years were non-existent now the small bags under her eyes were no longer there she looked refreshed and new she continued getting ready for work and soon departed I headed back to bed once she left determined to get a little bit more sleep oddly enough I knocked out almost as soon as my head hit the pillow I was awakened a few hours later by the loud sound of a lawnmower going by my bedroom window I was in a daze confused at what was happening this house didn't come with lawn care so who was mowing the grass I got dressed and headed outside standing by the shed with a door swung open were two children maybe ten and twelve one boy and one girl they wore odd outdated clothes something like colonial era attire and both had blank expressions on their face their skin was pale and their hair was like colored they had heavy bags under their eyes and stared blankly off in the distance I noticed the lawnmower passing through the yard out of my peripherals writing on top was a woman with long blond hair she looked to be older than the woman who came to day prior but wore the same clothes and had on the same bright red lipstick excuse me I showed it over the roar of the lawnmower she didn't acknowledge excuse me I shouted louder this time waving my arms over my head she turned her head to meet my confused gaze and turn the lawnmower off I made my way over to her and asked her what she was doing well we've got to get this place ready for the big day she said just as rude as the lady before him and what are you talking about I asked bewildered by her vague answer what big day this is my house you can't have some big day here you need to leave I extended my hand toward the front of the house and take those kids with you she looked at me confused what kids she asked curiosity piqued in her voice those creepy kids by my shun I turned and noticed the kids were gone frustrated and fed up with this whole debacle I told her one last time that she needed to leave my property before making my way inside and locking all the doors and windows I got the gun from my safe and had my phone ready to call the police when I noticed her get down off the lawnmower and head towards the front of the house shaking her head as if she were disappointed I breathed a sigh of relief as she left the property adrenaline continued pumping through my veins after she was gone making it difficult if not impossible for me to concentrate on anything other than defense of my property i sat on the couch most of the day gun in one hand cell phone in the other I was ready for anything before I knew it I know his headlights gleamed through the living-room window I looked at the large clock mounted on the wall and noticed it was already 5 o'clock wow I sat here all day sin is a strong sense of shame crept over my body say him entered the house looking orderly defeated the youthful glow had subsided and her skin hadn't returned to its normal appearance she had deep dark bags under her eyes and appeared to be in pain is everything all right yes she plopped down on the couch next to me I have a splitting headache she's son and I'm dead tired I'm going to go lay down I nodded helping her up off the couch and into the bedroom it was only five o'clock but I decided I wouldn't let her sleep alone I talked her into bed and cuddled up next to her they say oxytocin released through hugs and other acts of love helps a person feel better so that was my goal I fell asleep cradling her into my arms my eyes slowly opened to the darkness through the sheer white curtains I could see a faint orange glow I set up in bed noticing my wife was no longer cradled in my arms I looked around for a moment confused I could hear the faint sound of chanting coming from outside I got up and peered out the window outside I noticed a large bonfire in front of the apple tree with a dozen middle-aged women surrounding it they seem to be chanting or humming something but I couldn't quite make it out I saw a familiar figure in the mix Samantha she stood in the group of women holding hands with the aged blonde woman who had invaded our property the day prior I looked at the clock and notice the time 11:58 why would there be a gathering of women on our property this late at night or even at all for that matter I stumbled through the darkness back into my room and pulled the gun from the safe this was the final straw I stormed out of the house to the campfire I noticed something on the ground next to it a small black bag tightly wrapped around something it appeared to be moving wiggling up and down in a vain attempt to get free was it a child one of the children I saw the day prior Hey I showed it over there inaudible chants they did not acknowledge me I moved the gun up over my head and fired a shot the piercing crack caused my ears to ring but still the circle did not break get off my property I yelled trying to intimidate the formation still they didn't budge seem to be in some sort of trance as I walked closer I noticed their eyes rolled into the back of their heads exposing lay the whites the eerie scene sent chills down my spine I continued around the circle frantically when I approached my wife Sam I said shaking her shoulder Sam come on we've got to get out of here she didn't budge Samantha Lin come with me I shouted pulling her from the circle as she broke formation the group of women quickly turned to face me eyes piercing through the orange glow of the bonfire they screeched and scowled exposing blood-soaked teeth they reached toward Samantha pulling her back into their circle Andrew I must stay here she said in monotone her eyes stared off into the distance I must eat the fruit that the great one bears for us I must bathe in the fountain of youth she joined hands with the two women on either side of her and they continued chanting i sat there staring at the insane ritual and complete shock and disbelief I heard a loud gong shatter through their chants and one woman who stood next to the small garbage bag that continued writhing on the ground stepped out of the circle she lifted the bag over her head and began saying o great one we sacrificed this gift of youth to you tonight so that we may remain forever young please accept our gracious gift and continue to bear the fruit that keeps us alive she hurled a bag into the fire smoldering coals shot out as the bag fell in the small bag began to wiggle viciously and I could hear the faint sound of a muffled screaming coming from inside suddenly the night grew quiet and all around us I saw hundreds of children come seemingly out of nowhere they held hands as they encircled the small formation of women surrounding the tree I recognized two of the children they were the children I had seen outside of my shed staring blankly into the distance fear and pain swept over my body as I made the chilling realization about what was going on these women were sacrificing innocent children they were doing it all in the name of the great one I remember the day prior when Sam woke up and gleam like a high school youth the apples what did that to her and now she was part of this sick cult this coven of youth seekers no I couldn't allow this remembering the gun that I held in my hand I pulled the magazine out and checked how many bullets were in thirteen plus one in the chamber I had enough to get the job done but I couldn't afford to miss I lifted the sight up to eye level and aimed directly for the one who threw that child into the smoldering pen the shock connected and I saw the woman fall to the ground the women all turned towards me fear and pain in their eyes as they scowled and exposed their blood-soaked teeth I turned the gun toward another the familiar face of the woman who had invaded our property the days prior I aimed at her head and fired the shot connected and she fell to the ground the women began to scatter making it difficult to aim at them suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder Andrew why Samantha stood to my sign sobbing what do you mean why I shouted not breaking my aim these freaks are sick they're sacrificing children Sam doesn't that bother you at all you're pregnant for God's sakes I've fired again hitting a small brunette woman and she fell to the ground Andrew they just want us to be happy they want us to stay young she said continuing to sob I can order cries continuing to take out the psychotic witches that were running throughout the property one by one they fell until there was no longer any commotion they began jolting in wiggling uncontrollably aging before our eyes until they turned to dust the ghoulish children still surrounded us though I thought for a moment before I had a revelation I knew how to end it all I went to the shed and grabbed a small hand saw that I used to trim the magnolia trees a place that the base of the tree and began cutting blood poured from the trees the saw dug into the thick bark tearing and shredding the human-like flesh underneath Sam cried out in pain and agony begging me to stop I continued slashing away the trunk ignoring the blood and gore that spilled out of the tree until it began to tip following directly onto the fire it ignited immediately as if it were soaked in gasoline or something as it burned it screeched and cried out in pure agony Samantha fell to her knees watching the horrific scene play out as the tree burned into ash she continued crying and panting asking why over and over again I looked around and noticed the children who previously seemed to have a look of dread on their faces I'll began to smile one by one they disintegrated into ash a slight breeze carried the dust through the night sky and I knew at that point that it was over Sam sobbed for a moment before I notice her come till she jumped to her feet and looked around confused why what's going on she asked examining her body and surroundings why are we out here and what happens to the apple tree I had done it my wife was back and it was over nothing honey I said wrapping my arm around her let's go back in and go to bed
Channel: Slumber Reads
Views: 32,738
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Keywords: slumber reads, night drive stories, night drive, true scary stories, scary true stories, scary stories, true horror stories, true stories, scary horror stories, creepy stories, horror stories, scary stories to tell in the dark, true creepy stories, scary story, true scary horror stories, true scary stories reddit, scary, real scary stories, true scary, creepy true stories, scary true, true scary stories august
Id: w_qw87B55ZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 35sec (4235 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 07 2019
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