"I Broke Into Area 51, I Wish I Hadn't" | 5 Scary Stories!

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we've all heard of the area51 raid coming up in September the memes are pretty funny but it does bring a lot of lights and questions to what they could possibly be housing there tonight I'll be telling five stories from no sleep we will be starting things off with a story of a man who claims to have infiltrated area 51 but as always this video has even more to offer stories of psychological origin a bad camping trip a monster in the Attic in a bad hotel stay a huge thank you to the writers for allowing me to share their stories they are the ones who make these videos possible and there are links where you can find more of their work in the description remember you can send stories to our ylh stories at gmail.com if you enjoyed these hour-long videos please be sure to drop a like rating as it lets me know that you want more of them subscribing if you're new is also very much appreciated enjoy the video and as always I hope you all have a great night I've always been a fan of conspiracy theories and it's not that I believe that the earth is flat or we faked the moon landing but they are fun to research and hear what people have to say about these things area 51 and aliens however have both been some of my favorites so it was a no-brainer when my girlfriend told me she wanted to go to Nevada to visit her parents since her dad's health has been rapidly deteriorating the flight from Seattle to Las Vegas was bumpy and full of turbulence which didn't help the fact I have never been a fan of airplanes once we landed her parents picked us up from the airport and took us to their tiny suburban home just north of the city the whole ride I began researching area 51 I wanted to know as much as possible before I journeyed there tonight I decided I would set off at sunset using her father's cars since he can't drive anymore due to his Alzheimer's I was able to get an idea of where the base is since it's surprisingly a pretty popular tourist spot within a couple of hours I'd arrived a long approach road to the base now obviously I can't just walk on to the base but I know a guy that used to work here he said there were tunnels all through the desert that led to area 51 all I had to do was plant a small explosive in the correct spot and I should be able to get in I parked the car on the side of the road and began walking I glanced back at the car it was almost impossible to see in the shadowy darkness that consumed the whole landscape my friend who I shall call Mike gave me specific coordinates that I should plant the explosives Lake is a former soldier who was stationed here on the base he was kicked out of the Air Force a few years back and refused to tell me why when I had first told Mike about my idea he pleaded with me not to go because it's not what you think and those things will haunt you Mike has been having some mental health issues for a long time now so I brushed his comments off as him being crazy and not knowing what he's honestly talking about nonetheless Mike after a few beers explained I could get in using the explosives it was about midnight by the time I reached Mike's coordinates I dug a hole with my hands into the sand and place the bombs inside and then lit the fuse with my rusty lighter and bolted behind a large nearby Iraq the explosion was loud and rocked the environment and I knew I had to hurry since someone would be coming to check this out after carefully inspecting the small newly formed crater I noticed the rusted steel hatch door I was honestly shocked to see that Mike was right in deep down I wish he had lied so I could have just gone home the door creaked open revealing a ladder that goes down into darkness I used my iphone for light as I descended into the darkness below surely after my feet landing firmly on the ground I dropped into a small dimly lit hallway that stink of anti septic and the walls were made of grayish stone like material there was a sign on the wall and it read homey airport facility with an arrow pointing to the left and groom lake research in development sites with an arrow to the right after some time I decided to follow the sign to groom lake after some time walking the empty Hall for what seemed like forever I reached a steel door with a large sign sang groom lake research and development the door was hard to open but after pushing against it with my side I was able to get in before me was a maze of white-walled halls I had no idea where I was going to go next I decided to start aimlessly walking and soon stood before me was a large room with a transparent window it looked like a break room by the stove microwave and table amongst other things but I couldn't help but notice the small plastic card sitting on the table and it was at that moment I knew I was a moron for thinking I would be able to see all the things I wanted to see without an ID card the name on the ID was dr. Richard elder Richard was a middle-aged slightly overweight man with shorts balding hair but what stood out to me was his security level a red level axe as far as I was aware there were only three security levels a B and C but this was new to me I decided I would see what I could get into with us so I entered the elevator on the side of the elevator was a screen and a QR code reader I put my ID under the reader and a slight buzz was made as the screen displayed floors 4G security level and then at the bottom was labeled Project X I selected this mysterious floor and the elevator hummed as it descended after about five minutes the elevator halted to a screeching stop as the doors open I was greeted by poorly lit white walls leading to a sizeable airtight steel door I scanned the keycard and it opened revealing a large control room but my eyes immediately were fixated on a large sign saying level X creature detainment facility I had no idea what that sign meant but I just had to see inside were countless prison-like cells except noticeably more substantial and the bars appeared to be much more robust than what you would see in any ordinary prison all the cells were empty except for one on end this cell was noticeably more substantial than all the other cells and I couldn't see the other end of it but I knew something was in there I could hear it like a stupid idiot I turned on my phone's flashlight and began scanning the cell I blacked out I don't know how long I was out for but I'd made a terrible mistake I woke to an alarm and flashing red and white lights I looked up and saw a huge sign that red protective headgear must be wore inside the detainment facility the door leading to the cell area got ripped off its hinges thrown about fifty feet in the opposite direction and you did to get out of here it's not safe with this thing lurking around as soon as I reached the main level of the facility musty smell of smoke consumed me it appears the facilities running off a backup generator now as the lights are incredibly dim and the glistening red alarm lights overshadowed the LED lights on the walls as I walked I noticed shattered glass and bullet holes becoming more and more frequent and then I saw a body limp against the wall and looked like security I approached the man to inspect him and I couldn't help but vomit upon seeing his condition a huge bite was taken out of his neck revealing muscle and tissue and the man's face was mangled and twisted in ways not humanly possible his facial expression described pure horror I did this I thought I caused this man to lose his life and it's all my fault I needed to leave I lingered on passing blood splattered walls and dead scientists security pilots and people of other various careers on base all with the signature bite mark on their neck I found the letter I used to enter and made it back to my car in ten minutes I need to leave and I need to get my family and leave this godforsaken place on my way out I passed an f-35 jet crashed in the desert the aircraft was engulfed in flames at least they died quickly and painlessly unlike the people that thing killed Sue and I passed by a tan Humvee with no occupants to be found except for the gunner who had been bitten in the neck and his body looked like his blood had been drained from his body the goddamn thing made it out it's been a few weeks since the incident and I've been trying not to think about it I've been having trouble sleeping even though that thing can't get to me nothing was ever told to the public and the Air Force made a statement claiming over 200 people lost their life due to a massive fire that broke out none of the families were allowed to see the bodies of their loved ones I'm not sure what excuse they gave them but whatever it was I'm sure it was complete bullshit I've been seeing more and more news reports about people being bitten in the neck and sucked of all their blood Lincoln County blamed rabid dogs but I know the truth the truth that that thing is still out there in the Nevada desert I don't think I'm me anymore it's not really I don't know maybe I'm crazy I hope I am because the alternative is bad about half a year ago something happened to me that was so insane so unbelievable that well no one believed me you probably won't either but I have to leave something behind to tell my story before I go before I'm gone to a jail to an asylum or something else it happened on one of my evening runs I've had people call me an idiot for jogging at night and for the longest time I have just laughed them off it's rarer than most people think to just get attacked by a stranger usually it's someone you know someone you love and when it's someone familiar like that they're going to figure out a way to get you alone even if you keep your exercise under the Sun besides I live in a relatively affluent neighborhood in the kind of place where crime is something that happens to other people imagine me a man in his mid-thirties wearing glasses in cursed with prematurely graying hair migrating from top to bottom I'm running a sedate pace on a concrete path that winds through my local park phone held out in front so I can use it as a flashlight the shadows are strange shifting and bobbing is my handheld light catches trees and branches throwing out dark twisted shapes around me as I go I've been running this path for so long now that it's very eeriness as a comfort like a scary movie you've watched enough to remember each scene line for line that's when I saw it a thing the being huge as wide as it was tall and it was tall I couldn't make out any details it was simply too dark the creature too far away for me to properly see anything except a dark silhouette dimly visible against a far-off park light I wouldn't have even seen that I don't think if it hadn't been on the same path as me moving at a speed I never could have matched moving towards me the realisation of the dark shape and I would meet flooded me with raw fear in my heart race in a way that held nothing to do with physical exertion stupidly that fear that god-given gift which allows man to recognize that which may cause him harm and provides him with the motivation and energy to run like hell in the opposite direction when he sees that I don't believe in monsters you say or I didn't it had to be a man I told myself at the time a really big man they exist I know they do people large enough to make the rest of us look small in a week by comparison just watch basketball or Game of Thrones just a very large man out for a nice late night run through the park I never even considered that it might be a bear or some other kind of dangerous animal the area I live in is too urban too developed nothing larger than a squirrel had been seen around there in decades so the large man ran towards me and I ran towards then my breathing growing sharp and erratic a sense of absolute dread filling me up like a water balloon sucked around a tap of liquid fear that terror built and built until I felt as if just one more drop might pop me and I would turn around and run screaming like a little girl I wish I had I really really wish I had the closer I got the more I realized how incredibly wrong I'd been what came towards me wasn't him bad at all it was a woman a small woman petite even her long hair bunched up in a ponytail behind a cap with a Superman logo on it despite the other lack of Sun all at once my dread turned to embarrass confusion how had I mistaken her so completely the shadows and rationalized a confusing perspective that's all as she came close I turned the harsh white light from my phone away so I wouldn't blind her and raised a hand in quiet greeting already I had shifted my thoughts away from monsters to a more mundane curiosity no one else as far as I knew ran the same path as me this late and so meeting her here now was interesting she responded with a wave of her own along with us small smile we came together side by side or on my left our shoulders practically touching I wonder what it might be like to meet her again along this path I was single and I thought she was pretty and for the briefest moment I imagined a montage of us slowly developing a connection as we met each other again and again over weeks or months of shared nighttime runs it would make for a good romance movie I thought if it hadn't already been made and she twisted jerking with unnatural motion to grab me around the neck we stopped in a way that shouldn't have even been possible one instance we were running in opposite directions the next we were standing motionless her hand around my throat holding me still with iron strength I gasped and gagged to shocked and stunned to fully understand what was happening and then something pulled at me pulled out me and that don't just mean my body I mean me in a way I simply can't even begin to describe when I think of that moment all I can imagine as a young kid sucking loudly at a milkshake through a straw but the metaphor doesn't even approach the sensation I experienced my vision faltered and I blacked out for what I'm pretty sure was only moments when I came to I was alone and on the ground alone and scared alone and confused but alone the woman was gone I picked up my phone and sprinted home faster than I ever had before and I don't mean that as an exaggeration I mean that literally I tracked my runs using my phone's GPS and it had been pretty easy for me to check and then life went on like nothing had happened I don't know that I can explain how horrible that feels to have something so completely unimaginably strange and terrifying happen and for it not to matter in the slightest if you've ever lost a loved one you probably understand what I mean if you like something should give should shift under the momentous weights of what has happened but the world is simply too big you know I'm caring to pay much - something so smalls of death or what happened to me at first anyway I made an appointment with my doctor and asked for a check over I dig Lee encouraged her to focus on my neck where the woman with the Superman hat had grasped me but apparently that had left no mark because she'd found nothing out of the ordinary according to her I was in perfect health I told the story to my friends but they just laughed asking me whether I'd emptied out my small stockpile of shrooms before the run after a few months of absolutely nothing strange happening I even believed them I started to run again after that it was horrible at first and I found myself jumping at every shadow which as you can probably guess I made myself react limit eyes to it forcing myself to believe my fear was irrational faking it until I eventually made it locking the memory away so I could get on with my life then I started losing time hours of memory simply erased from my mind I'd be at home or leaving work or eating lunch or whatever and then I'd be somewhere else somewhere I didn't remember going a streets I didn't recognize a shop I'd never been to once I even ended up in a park late at night and for a moment I thought it was the usual one that I ran through it wasn't as it turned out just a random park and those were only the times I actually realized something wasn't right according to the psychologist I started seeing I had something called disassociative amnesia and it was likely that most of the time I didn't even notice that I'd forgotten things this was because well I had forgotten them it's hard to notice a thing you don't remember without explicit evidence that contradicts your own personal timeline according to him I'd probably been suffering with this condition my entire life and just never knew until now I don't think I believed him he can't be right not about something so essential can he god I want him to be right please please just let me be crazy people have gone missing lots of them enough that our local newspaper had a reoccurring story a kind of Perpetual article they update with fresh victims on a weekly basis they call the person responsible the Vanisher because no one has ever found a body some say that the Vanisher doesn't really exist that all that's happening is an unusually large number of people deciding to run away to Canada or whatever they say the publicity itself is what's driving people to vanish troublemakers hoping to stir the pond I know better I think I might be the vanishing or not me me but what I am shit this is hard to explain I feel crazy even thinking about it typing it out just adds the word batshit as an adjective but it's good that it's insane insanity is the only thing that gives me help at this point I swear I don't remember doing anything to anyone but about the same time folks started going missing I started dreaming about people in places I never knew I'd never been till random faces I thought until one of them appeared right in front of me on the TV a mother crying desperately asking for people to come forwards with information about her son claiming she'd pay any ransom the kidnapper wanted so long as she got her boy back safe I recognized her from my dreams that prompted a search on my part an investigation into the people who disappeared into their family and friends I watched a video after video read an article after article anything with pictures or footage of people the vanishes victims might have known I recognized far too many of them even though I'd never seen them before in my life I even guessed their names before reading them how how could I possibly know them dark thoughts imagine me as the serial killer psychotically killing people during my blackouts like I was in some cheesy crime serial but even if that was happening even if I was a modern-day Jack Ilyn hide how the fuck did I know their family members was I casing them stalking them surely there wasn't enough time for that in the hours lost to me in my search which began calm and rational only to devolve into something mad and desperate I found a web article claiming that the vanish here wasn't new that he or she had been active for years without anyone noticing well be it's on a much smaller scale desperate to find some evidence that would prove I was wrong that I had nothing to do with what was happening I clicked the link turning blue purple to my horror the picture was a selfie of three women smiling happily as they pressed their cheeks against each other I don't know that I would have recognized the woman in the middle if she hadn't been wearing a cap one with a Superman logo on it her name was hailey and she'd gone missing five years ago the picture on the website was the last ever taken of her taken mere hours before she left her friends to go home never to be seen again except by me on the night she detect the night I've convinced myself had never happened the discovery took place over a month ago according to the calendar on this computer and since then I've been losing more and more time I'm disappearing fading away I went to my sister desperate to find someone who could help me in a lie someone to hold on to a shoulder to cry in to someone who could explain that I was wrong that everything was okay I can't believe I was so selfish she let me into her house and I closed the door behind me as I stepped inside OSes have a smell to them now bad usually but unique like a fingerprint my sister's house smells of old wood and popcorn and as that scent familiar from countless movie nights waved it over me and relaxed my last recollection of that day was my hand outstretched and reaching for her she was crying though I didn't understand why later and don't know when exactly I was walking inside a mall when I saw my sister's face staring back at me from a newsstand family torn apart as Vanisher continued spree the headline read the one her face was plastered under this was the article I described earlier the one the paper keeps updated with the latest victims it wasn't just my sister on that page my own face was there too smaller picture about halfway down nestled amidst the grid of those other victims the lost only I'm not a victim am i I tried to scream to shout out that I wasn't missing but I was standing right there right in the middle of the crowd but the words never came out after briefly looking over the stand I just stepped away uninterested in my own damned disappearance I caught a reflection in a window as I passed by and watched with abject horror as I idly examined myself in a complete stranger a man I'd never seen before stood in my place checking his hair once more I attempted to shout but once more the sound refused to escape from my mind into reality I simply continued walking along the streets hands comfortably cozy inside the pockets on my jeans jeans that were far tighter than yet I have previously felt comfortable wearing my thoughts were muddled and confused the stranger's actions felt like my own right up until I directly tried to oppose them that I felt trapped a passenger in a body that was and wasn't my own eventually the world dulled then outright vanished a few hours ago I awoke lying on top of a public bench and covered an old newspaper a dog's lead grasped in my hand I have no memory of how I got there and the dog I didn't know yapped and growled at me and I left I went to a nearby library looking for somewhere warm and hopped onto a computer the one I'm at right now I spent the last hour writing this out trying to sort through my thoughts to leave behind an explanation I hear voices screaming in the back of my head it's so quiet but so loud I think they've been there for a while except I've only just now noticed I think I recognized one of them more than the others amber sis if you can see me typing this I'm sorry I'm so so sorry the next time I fade away I don't think I'm coming back not really I think I'm going to be one of the screaming voices I hope I'm insane I hope that the next time I wake I'll be wearing a straitjacket and stuck inside a padded white cell but I don't think I will so fucking scared I'm a 22 year old male who lives in a small house surrounded by miles of expansive fields and greens I work as a financial advisor and I'm a huge fan of the countryside so as soon as I could afford to move out I did the listing for this house indicated that there were two bedrooms one living area one kitchen and one bathroom everything was kept on one floor then there was a hatch on the ceiling near the back of the house that led into the Attic the price was extremely affordable in a location was stellar so without hesitating I got in contact with the family living there and took them up on their offer they were interested in moving to the city for their kids education I needed to move quickly before the school year began I had been in this house for two weeks when then noises started coming it started one evening when I was sitting on the sofa watching TV at about 8:00 p.m. when I heard a quiet rustling sound coming from above it was the sound of something screwing across the floor almost as if it were a mouse not bothered and simply attributing the noise to a mouse I carried on watching TV as per usual however not 15 minutes later I heard a similar sound once again but this time it was audibly louder sounding like soft footsteps instead annoyed I figured there must have been multiple insects and mice in the attic and chastised myself for not getting an inspection done before moving in the exterminator nearby was out for the evening so I set a reminder on my phone to set an appointment with him as soon as possible to sort the issue out I'm not easily scared by rodents and insects but I certainly have heard horror stories about what uncontrolled mice can do to a home so I was looking to get rid of them once the reminder was sent I was comforted knowing the problem would soon be gone we went back to relaxing in winding down for the evening slowly drifting out to the soothing sounds coming from the TV suddenly I heard a huge crash and bolted upright jumping out of my groggy state I checked the time and it was 9:30 p.m. the sound had come from the Attic and sounded like something had just been shattered on the floor knowing there was nothing of mine in there I started to think about what could have made that sound I was getting anxious is this was starting to sound less and less like mice and more like a large animal living up in the attic I needed to get the issue solved once and for all and before the thing started to break whatever was left in the Attic by the previous owners acting on this I walked to the closet in my bedroom where I cut my old little league baseball bat and headed over to the hatch grabbing my phone in turning on the flashlight I illuminated the dark on the ceiling to get up to the attic you need to pull down and reveal a foldable ladder that you could climb to go up I sign annoyed by the disturbance to my evening and stood up tall to reach the hatch just as my hand touched it something from the attic seemed to have jumped on top of the hatch because the wooden door pushed downwards like a large animal was standing on it I could hear a loud growl coming from up signifying that there was indeed a massive animal in my attic having been brought up in the country myself I wasn't a stranger to animals roaming around freely and was rather quite comfortable right and was rather quite comfortable around them unfazed I noticed that whatever was in the hatch seemed to have walked off so I reached up once again and pulled the retractable ladder down I climbed up the ladder and stepped into the attic which was quite spacious until enough for me to stand fully upright I shined my flashlight around the room trying to identify where this animal was hiding when I found it or rather when it found me it was this beast the size of a small bear hunched on low fours with razor-sharp teeth its eyes were too bright blue circles each roughly six inches in diameter the beasts had a mouthful of teeth as small as thumbtacks but as sharp as a razor it was salivating looking greedily at me almost as if it wanted to use me as a meal horrified I jumped back and shouted letting out a string of curse words I didn't even know I had in me the Beast raised itself on all fours and let out a gutter all shriek that's what confirmed that this was no ordinary animal it seemed like a crossbreed between multiple animals with ominous dark energy radiating from it it screamed and lunched straight at me melt wide open ready to close down on me I'm ashamed to say that I froze it was the fight-or-flight response that saved me my hands took over and swung hitting the beast with a satisfying impact the Beast howled and staggered back and it took this time to gather my instincts and follow up on the staggering beast I jumped forward and swung again I was becoming blinded by fear it just kept swinging over and over even after I knew the Beast was no longer moving the sounds of its waning howls that go through my ears as it kept trying to fight back but the adrenaline pumping through my veins overpowered it in shock I stood over the dead beast with horror and fear I had never seen anything like it and it was sure to give me nightmares for as long as I will live I grabbed the Beast by its neck and lugged it over to the corner of the Attic I didn't want to take it out because it might attract too much attention from people passing by and considering I had no use for the Attic you'll be the perfect place to keep it that was three days ago I'm writing this unsure what to do because just an hour ago I started hearing faint soft footsteps coming from the Attic I think there are more of them you I run a private campground my family has owned it for three generations now it's about 300 acres also that shaded by Forest in the rest is an open field we host events like dog clubs music festivals etc we've also got open camping weekends throughout the year and in the height of summer were open full time for general camping a lot of people take advantage of that it's a cheap and pleasant vacation a mix get erected in the trees girls get unloaded from the backs of trucks there's some pretty elaborate setups from the people that come back year after year the returned campers are smart they know what they're doing everyone knows their job when they roll in they unload as a group tent start to go up community areas and kitchens go in the same place year after year where they found the land suits their setup best tent locations might change but every camper knows where their tent is going in their allotted land it's a far cry from the disheveled masses that show up and simply expect everything to work out with no prior planning by noon on setup day the experienced campers are sitting under their day shades sipping beer well the newbies are relocating tents because they didn't leave enough room for walkways I've tried to help I put together a guide that everyone receives in the mail once I have their registration info and Payman sure the postage is a bit of an expense but I feel having a hard copy makes them more likely to read it not having to fill out as much paperwork with the police is worth the money I've titled a brochure how to survive your camping experience I wish people would take that name more seriously the first page is full of practical advice stuff like one Evis 30 waterproof container that holds a spare change of clothes and a blanket this will ensure you have something warm and dry if your tent floods to place solar lights near your tent stakes this will keep people from tripping over them or the ropes at night 3 if the ground is soft from heavy rain reinforced tent stakes either by weighing them down or by using longer stakes they can get pulled out of the ground by a strong wind otherwise for when planning your camp locate three extra feet pretend this leaves room for ropes and stakes the second page is advise more specific to the area this campsite has been in the family for generations after all and a parcel of land obtains us sort of significance when it's been passed down from hair to hair it is an old place in the world perhaps not an ancient place but old enough to have attracted the attention of those things that prefer old places to make their homes we will have to sell the campsite before it becomes an ancient place as it will be unusable at that point but there are still many generations to go before that happens this is the part that the new campers don't take seriously they think it's a prank some little joke of the reclusive camp manager who perhaps doesn't spend much time around other people the experienced campers try to tell them otherwise but they don't listen I feel my rules aren't sonorous here's a sampling one if you hear something trying to enter your tent at night sit up and say in a clear calm voice that you are not receiving visitors but it is welcome to visit in the morning if a stranger appears the next day asking for entrance to your camp invite them in and give them food and drinks this will give you a good look for the rest of your stay two fairy rings are generally benign if there are the remains of a small animal inside the ring however inform camp management immediately three don't follow the lights I can't believe I even have to say this one don't follow them for if you see a group of people dancing in a circle around a fire you may join them if they welcome you in dance with them until the music ends do not look at the musicians if they do not welcome you but instead stop and stare back away slowly and then leave if they follow you you can try to run but it is likely already too late pray that death comes swiftly I confess it's a haphazard list but there's a lot of vicious things out there and they all function in slightly different ways I do some things as part of camp management in an effort to minimize the danger of my campers we set out traps for the creatures stupid enough to fall into them so they can be dispatched to my uncle and his two sons we're closed during Pentecost on midsummer day and other significant times of the year but we can't do everything we can't save people from themselves every morning I circled a camp on a four-wheeler my staff does the same a couple times a day we look for any new developments on the land a tree that needs pulled down for example in campers know they can heal any of us if they need something I leave directly after I finished my breakfast and a cup of coffee my house is on the campsite so it's especially easy for me to take the morning shift there's never many people awake yet so it was especially noticeable when I saw man approaching me ahead walking down the middle of the road he looked unremarkable they always do but he walks slowly and deliberately his head bowed so that I was difficult to see his face and he carried before him in both hands a human skull I pulled the four-wheeler over and waited my stomach twisting with fear rule number 12 if you're approached by a man offering you a drink from a cup made out of a human skull accept it will taste foul and you will not be able to eat without vomiting for the next 24 hours but this is better than what he will do to you if you refuse I have drunk from the cup before it is how I learned of his existence and subsequently added him to the rules he stopped me on the road and at the time I thought he was a camper needing assistance until he handed me the skull Cup and made me drink I did as I had already learned when a being of power ask something of you it is better to comply it may not be enough to save you sometimes they invite you to partake in your own demise but the odds of compliance are better he lifted the cup to my lips and I drank one swallow another he kept the cup there his thin fingers brushed my hair back when it slipped past my ear and I drank it an entirety the water inside tasted bitter and salty my stomach twisted and I swallowed hard struggling to keep it down thank you for the drink I when I was done trying to sound sincere he knew I lied or he smiled briefly in wry humor his dark eyes flashing with cold amusement it was wise to not refuse he replied he told me what he would have done had I not drunk and my insides crawled with horror as he spoke and I wanted him to stop but to interrupt would have been a dire insult his words were etched into my memories and four days after I wept whenever I thought of the fates I had so narrowly avoided I still feel cold and small and I think of the things he told me that evening I threw up my dinner I threw up the crackers I ate I even threw up water finally I stopped eating and drinking altogether and waited a full day to try again I was weak and miserable but I survived now seeing the man approaching on the road I mentally cursed my misfortune this was our busy time of year I couldn't afford to be sick for a day he stopped just before he reached me raised a hand and beckoned for me to come closer he didn't raise his head until I stood just across from him and when he did he flashed that then dry smile and seeing the expression of dread on my face are you not thirsty he asked mockingly not particularly but if you wish to offer me a drink I will not be so rude as to refuse my heart hammered in my chest let him release me he silently pleaded he put a hand over the top of the skull covering up the carved opening and the water inside be at ease I did not come to offer you a drink I came to give you a warning some of your charges have conducted business with the children I stood there staring blankly at him in incomprehension he sighed almost imperceptibly and even though his expression did not change I felt the weight of his disapproval when he spoke next these ancient beings do not enjoy having to explain themselves the children with no wagon he said speaking slowly as if that would help me understand someone bought ice from them Oh Oh God he won't save them the man walked past me his shoulder brushing against mine is he dead no one well rule number 18 you can buy ice from the children that approach your camp only if they have a wagon those are the children of other campers trying to make some extra spending money they only up charged by a few dollars so consider tipping if a group of children approach without a wagon to not buy from them act like they don't exist they will eventually leave it wasn't until he was almost out of sight that I realized I didn't have any idea which campsite had purchased the ice and there were a lot of people here right now I did the dumb thing I jumped on the four-wheeler turned it around and went after him I pulled up along the side of the road a respectful distance away and called out to him hey what campsite was it he paused almost imperceptibly are you thirsty after all he asked and even though his words were mild I understood it for the threat it was nope I'm good sorry for bothering you I drove away before he changed his mind on granting me mercy this was a terrible dilemma for me I hadn't had anyone buy from the children without wagons before most people find their silent stares creepy and the normal children are pretty aggressive with their ice routes anyway so that no one needs ice by the time those other children show up I had no idea what to expect I had no idea how to undo what had been done there was however someone I could ask I went to my most senior camp there a group of friends that have been camping here for over two decades the members have changed to the point that the founders have all been replaced but they've kept the traditions and are willing to work with me as a result I've given them the best campsite it's up on a hill nestled in a clear spots amongst the trees so that their camp has shade most of the time and there's spots to hang hammocks a gas line runs up the hill so I have to keep part of it free of trees which funnels the breeze straight into their camp it's noticeably cooler there than the rest of the site it's also the most dangerous I heard their shouting before I arrived I slowed cutting the noise of the engine down enough that I couldn't make out words I didn't have bothered it was nothing but cursing I couldn't tell if it was inner camp dispute doubtful they kept the drama to a minimum or if they were angry at another group plausible they had a couple feuds going on with the younger camps or if it was something else bracing myself I hopped off the vehicle and walked in past a line of tents that marked their boundary there were five people in the common area clustered around the beer kegs they had a cooler that was outfitted with four taps and they ran lines up through a steel plate that was packed with ice providing access with chilled beer from the tap at any time the kegs were all homebrew right now they had all four taps open and dark liquid was spilling out onto the ground there was an odd smell in the air that turned my stomach like a butcher's shop I thought finally placing the smell is to have blood I ventured walking closer yes the woman that did the brewing kicked one of the kegs all of them are blood I told him I've come to talk to the thing in the dark I had a question I said and I could also ask about the kegs while I was at it sure she jerked her head at the back of their camp where the trees crowded in close enough so that their shadows overlapped and the forest floor was noticeably darker under the lattice of their branches we haven't seen the Soler's go out all week though so maybe it's not home rule number ten keep track of what time the charge on the solar lights typically runs out if the solar's go out before them do not leave your tent until sunup do not open the tent not even to look stay in your tent try to sleep and wait for daybreak I crept into the forest wincing at the branches that cracked under my feet some of the creatures in the campsite were less malevolent than others so long as they were respected they wouldn't kill you or even seriously harm you I'd spoken to the creature in the dark only once before when I thought to put the senior camp near its lair I asked if their proximity would disturb it they replied that they would not but nor would it hesitate to take any of them were they out in the open when it passed by I don't know what happens to the people it takes their bodies are never found the entire camp dreams of dying however of slow and torturous death and whatever men are they fear most I dream of the little girl and the Beast and when I wake I know that I'm going to be talking to the police yet again the creatures lair is nothing more than a mound of broken branches easily mistaken for a pile of stacked debris there are some signs however the air grows colder as you approach sound falls away encasing you in silence so that the only thing you hear is your own heartbeat when it was growing steadily faster as I drew near and it felt like that darkness in between the piled branches was reaching out gathering up all the light and dragging it to its dim flowers littered the forest floor the white parasitic ones with bowed heads feeding on the tree roots running below the barren soil excuse me I whispered my voice cracking I coughed and tried again sorry to bother you but I have a question a long silence I waited wondering if this was in vain in perhaps the creature wasn't there then it spoke and it's words were rough like stones rolling against each other and I winced in pain for a felt like my head was between those stones and my skull would crack under their way it asked me what I wish to know I told it about the children as someone had bought ice from them and also about the kegs as an afterthought the children are displeased by their lack of prey if finally replied and I pressed my fingers against the bones near my ear as if that could help relieve the pressure they rejoice at finally being given an opportunity to do what the pile of branches shifted the earth shifted and I stumbled realizing in sudden tear that that small lump of debris was not nearly enough to contain the creature inside it was far larger and perhaps far more terrible than I'd imagined it's shrug and nearly thrown me to the ground the kegs are just a start its side more will suffer all will suffer and then the dying will begin my entire campsite was at risk I felt cold inside I could evacuate I thought I could claim there was something a gas line rupture disease outbreak there were some options available that would explain why I was throwing everyone out but then what about my livelihood would people return I'm a little ashamed that greed factored into my choices but this campsite has been in my family for three generations you know I wasn't going to ruin it all now eliminate the one that started at the ground bucked violently and I was thrown to my hands and knees everything else will unravel I stumbled to my feet thinking it profusely i jus bird my apologies for disturbing it in my gratitude for its advice and I flattened fighting the urge to look back the entire time eliminate the one that started in those words rattled around in my head as I went from campsite to campsite asking if they bought ice from children today I received quizzical looks from the newer campers but the older ones answered solemnly understanding the gravity of my question they'd read the rules finally I found the camp that bought the ice and they identified the person that had made the purchase he was elsewhere at the moment but I could stop by later they suggested I said it was fine I wasn't ready to talk to him I wasn't ready to take the creature in the darks advice I thought how bad could it be it was only just the beginning perhaps I could find some other way to resolve the situation I spent the evening digging through my books of camp management and folklore trying to find some sort of ritual or appeasement I could try if the creature said that the children were tired of not having pray pray I denied them with my rules and that this would only get worse and worse until people started dying that everyone was in danger night fell and I reluctantly abandoned my efforts until the morning I worried made it impossible to sleep through the little girl weeping outside my window and begging to be let in she's not nervous she only harasses members of my bloodline I was almost relieved when the Beast came and dragged her off while she screamed in morals hair signaling that dawn was near I threw us some clothing and jumped on my four-wheeler I even skipped making coffee I needed to see what had happened overnight men with a skull Cup stood on the road staring off into the trees and calmly sipping the water inside like he was taking his morning tea I pulled up close by and killed the engine so he could talk skipped your coffee did you he asked want a drink I am quite satisfied but I will gladly accept if you wish to share I replied with gritted teeth that ten smile again now he was just messing with me I looked in the direction he was staring a slew of people twelve and all dangled in midair for one brief horrifying moment I can only think of the time I'd found someone that hadn't heeded my rules there got it body dangling uncomfortably close to my house like it was a warning all the police had let me do most of the work getting it down while they waited on the ground with their damned paperwork I don't make my staff clean up the remains that's asking too much these were alive I almost wept with relief they've been pulled from their tents and strip naked then taken into the woods their bodies were covered with bruises and scratches from being violently dragged across the ground and they'd been hoisted up into the trees and left hanging by their ankles from bows next time it'll be their flayed skins hoisted in the branches the man's son you should end this quickly I'm surprised by your concern I need people to share a drink with you murmured I can't do that if everyone dies I had to get my brother in both my uncle's to help get the terrified campers down they didn't fight much while we were doing this just along there limply crying or whimpering softly it made the job a lot easier deadweight is predictable and we could pull them towards the ladder get a good hold on them and then cut the ropes and pass them down to the ground eliminate the one that started with it as the abducted campers were taken off to the local hospital for treatment i delegated the police paperwork to my brother and jumped on my four-wheeler I returned to the camp that had bought the ice and called the man responsible aside for a conversation I asked him if he'd bought the ice from some creepy children with no wagon and when he said he had that's why he'd broken one of the rules of how to survive camping it was rule number 18 and he read it oh he said bleep Lee that one well there are a lot of rules I took a breath held in a moment reminded myself that the majority of people have good intentions and don't do things simply to be contrary or cause trouble that is my responsibility as both camp manager in a decent human being to be understanding and help people because we have a common goal I want them to have a safe and fun camping experience so they come back and they want to have a safe and fun camping experience so they can come back this man didn't ignore my rules simply out of spite it was an accident an unfortunate accident I asked him why he glossed over that role my tone was polite and friendly without a hint of condemnation or judgment that's the important bet people respond in kind so long as I didn't accuse you wouldn't become defensive and we could have a productive conversation I've done a lot of reading on conflict resolution and behavioral change he hadn't taken them seriously he admitted he'd certainly read them intently in fact because he thought it was a joke but it was a clever joke and he enjoyed it but real no he pointed to his ten showing how it had three feets of clearance between the other tents rule number four and if they'd brought a longer hose so they didn't have to split the closer one more than three times rule number six the will was there my system was flawed it didn't change what I had to do I thanked him for talking to me and walked away then I went into the woods and gathered some things it took a while to find them all but I'm familiar with my campsite and I know where these things are likely to be found then I returned to my house with the mushrooms in hand they're called destroying angel Amanita virosa I crushed it in took the resulting juice careful not to touch it with my bare hands back to his camp I poured it into his reusable water bottle rolled around to coat the sides and then left it to dry they wrote the initial symptoms off as mere food poisoning by the time his camp mates took him to the ER he was suffering from liver and kidney failure they did their best but I had put a generous dose in that bottle and his body simply could not keep up not even with medical intervention he was dead within 36 hours the police dropped by of course I talked with them for a bed we commiserated on how difficult it can be to protect people from themselves and that was the end event they understand what it's like in the forest I feel I am to blame and no rules are ineffective but they were easy and that's what I relied on I wrote off the deaths as isolated incidents instead of warning signs but I wasn't doing enough to determine if my rulest and other measures were accomplishing their intended purpose you know what does help people change their behaviors storytelling it's one of the most effective techniques far more effective than a list of rules which according to research is the least effective method in the most prone to anti-social behavior which is basically people deliberately sabotaging the system out of spite instead of telling someone do this you tell the person a story that demonstrates the behavior you want preferably true is that carries more weight and the more personal it is the more the individual will relates and subsequently accept what you were trying to tell them to do I'm a camp manager I don't have a list of rules because I'm trying to ruin your fun I have a list because I'm trying to help you from coming back to camp and finding your tent collapsed and full of rainwater and having no dry clothes or nowhere to sleep I'm trying to keep you from spending a half a day setting up tents because you didn't plan where everything would go in advance and I'm trying to keep you from doing small simple things that could result in a horrific and most assuredly agonizing demise I reside primarily in Southwest Virginia where I do work as a fiction author for a small publishing company seeing as how I've been suffering from a bit of writer's block lately I scented take a spur-of-the-moment trip to Virginia Beach completely unannounced it's about a six and a half hour drive which may seem slightly ridiculous for a simple retreat as a young child however my family and I used to regularly come to this Beach for vacation so I suppose being there just strikes a nostalgic chord in me somewhere I arrived at the coastal city around sunset I was so taken in by the sight of the golden amber sky being held gently by the illustrious ocean but I almost didn't notice that I was in what now seemed like a ghost town no don't get me wrong Virginia Beach is in Venice Beach or anything even close however it was the tail end of summer in a bustling beachside city with a population of roughly half a million and somehow there wasn't a soul around I'd been to Florida once when they were suffering from a severe bouts of red tide so I presumed there was something similar going on at this Beach that was the only explanation I could think of that explained why the entire beach and boardwalk was void of people I was actually somewhat relieved initially seeing is how I was coming here to get away from the distractions of everyday life anyways I pulled into my hotel parking lot a rundown but still decent and cheap holiday in the parking lot was empty too I'm certainly never one to complain about Rockstar parking but my suspicion and wariness was mounting I walked into the hotel lobby cautiously approaching the front desk I waited there for what must have been five minutes I knew that I had arrived a bit later than expected but surely there had to be someone working I thought but there was absolutely nobody I poked my head over the receptionist counter trying to see if there was any sign of life in the nearby vicinity all I saw was a note with my name and room number written on it with a room key taped to it I found this very odd the more unprofessional than anything I swept aside my minor aggravation and tried to find the silver lining in my situation once again I had to remind myself that I came here to escape a knee all distractions in the first place this included interactions with other people nonetheless I couldn't escape this uneasy gut feeling I had that something was really really wrong I made my way towards the elevator secretly hoping that the doors would open up to reveal at least one other person staying at this hotel but of course when the elevator doors opened there was nobody inside I reluctantly lumbered my overstuffed suitcase towards the elevator prepared for my ride in soliton my room was on the 12th floor the top floor of this hotel which meant that I had a long elevator ride up this was when things started to become truly strange non-settling as I was coming up on the fourth floor I could hear what distinctly sounded like footsteps running to the elevator doors just as I moved up past the floor I thought this seemed odd but also slightly comforting to know that there was actually other people at this hotel but then I heard the same thing for the next three floors shook it off as probably just being some kids running up and down the hallways or something of that nature the elevator then abruptly stopped once reaching the ninth floor I expected the elevator doors to open and reveal a fellow hotel guest but there was nobody I slowly peered out of the elevator and down the adjacent hallway scouring every inch of the carpeted corridor once again there was nobody around I shook my head partly in mild irritation and partly out of confusion then I heard it again just as the elevator doors were nearly shut the sound of footsteps came rushing towards me except this time they were louder and falled with what sounded like a child's laughter I was a bit spooked and caught off guard to say the least again I went with the most likely explanation of it being kids horsing around in the hallways the rest of the write-up was non-eventful thankfully upon reaching the 12th floor I hurriedly made my way to my hotel room and quickly locked the door behind me I set my suitcase down and flicked on a bedside lamp floating the retro-looking a hotel room in a blue fluorescence the room smelled vaguely of steel cigarette smoke which didn't bother me since I'm a longtime smoker I contemplated laying down on the bed for just a few minutes to get what you need addressed however I knew those few minutes would quickly turn into 20 minutes which would then turn into a deep slumber I shook off the desire and grabbed a half empty pack of Camel Lights along with my messenger bag I then headed out to sit on my balcony and hopefully get some writing done upon opening the sliding door leading out to the balcony I was immediately hit with the salty ocean there as I looked out onto the shore I sat down in a flimsy green lawn chair and began working on an outline for a horror screenplay that I had been commissioned to write about two hours passed by before I realize how much writing I had actually gotten done I'll admit that I was actually somewhat impressed with myself seeing as how little I had written in the past year so I saved my work and turned off my laptop ready to head back inside for a quick break before returning back to my writing however I noticed something strange in the reflection of my laptop screen before I closed it completely at first I thought it was just a smudge on my screen upon closer inspection though I saw that it was actually a woman she was just standing right there in the middle of my hotel room terrified and in a state of shock I quickly spun around to find my hotel room completely empty I was quite confused initially and thought that perhaps my fatigued mine was playing tricks on me I slowly turned back around and looked at the reflection on my laptop again she was still there in the reflection completely static and unwavering but when I turned back around to look for her she was gone I had no idea what to do or what was even going on perhaps I was just overreacting and there was a rational explanation for all of this however I couldn't think of any I tried to take a picture of her with my laptop camera but she didn't show up in it either only in their reflection was I able to see her I began to try and think of a plan to get out of this situation and off of this balcony going out the front door of my hotel room didn't seem like a likely option I wasn't certain just yet if the mystery lady would indeed hurt or attack me but I couldn't help but feel a sense of menace coming off of her I looked over the guardrails I knew that jumping wasn't anything but a last resort leaping from the 12th or would come certain death in the back of my mind though I knew that I'd rather jump and take my own life than to leave my fate in the hands of whatever was waiting for me inside I tried to contact someone through my laptop as it was linked to my cell phone but I stupidly left inside my hotel room but as soon as I began typing out a message my laptop suddenly died despite being nearly halfway charged it didn't make any sense but that didn't matter no the screen dimmed to reveal the woman except something about her was different now it took me a minute to realize what it was she had both of her arms outstretched as if she was reaching for me but she was still just standing there completely frozen I decided I needed to make a decision and I needed to do it quick I leaned one leg over the guardrail struggling to gain my footing on the other side I eventually got both legs around so that I was facing the inside of my hotel room I looked to my left and saw the leg of someone else sitting on the balcony of the room beside me I called out to them to try and get their attention but they didn't budge or respond I knew that I needed to get over there but I also knew that all it took was one careless slip and I would be plummeting to my death I swung my left foot over and grabbed on the guardrail of the neighboring balcony I was trying to get a firm grip with my left hand when I noticed that I could now see the woman she was standing right at the sliding doors it was still so dark outside that I couldn't make out any features on her it was almost as if she was nothing but pure darkness afraid of her getting any closer to me I decided to let my right hand go and try to swing my body over to the other balcony my hands were too sweaty from the fear and anxiety and I accidentally let go the last thing I remember was falling backwards and looking up towards my balcony I saw the shadow lady looking over that guardrail at me she was just standing there staring straight down at me and then everything suddenly went black I eventually came to after what seemed like days to find that I was standing upright in my hotel room I didn't know how I got there but everything looked exactly the same except it was darker in my room much darker almost jet-black I looked down and couldn't even see my hands or feet I tried to take a step forward but found that I was completely unable to it was as if I was paralyzed yet still able to look around that was when I noticed someone's sitting out on the balcony it was me I didn't know how it was possible but I was now watching myself sit out there and type as I did only a few hours or however long before I continued to watch myself act out everything in the exact same manner as I had done previously I saw myself react to the shadow woman I now realized was me I watched in horror as I fell to my death I tried to reach out to myself but I was unable to move hardly at all and definitely not quickly enough to save myself I looked over the balcony just as I saw myself hit the ground I washes of the blood began a seat belt from underneath my mangled corpse i sat down on the chair and picked up my laptop I wasn't even controlling my actions at this point It was as if I was just going through with the motions I could see the reflection of the woman again on the screen I knew it was actually me now but I still felt afraid maybe more so now is I was more confused than anything and then beginning to type the sound is a cry for help almost I don't know if anyone will even read this and honestly I don't know what you could do to help me even if you did I fear that I may be stuck in some sort of loop that I'm unable to escape from I don't know how I entered this time loop or what I'm supposed to do all I know is that I need to figure out a plan to get away from the shadow person in my room and off this balcony even if that means falling to my death again
Channel: Slumber Reads
Views: 42,066
Rating: 4.7154951 out of 5
Keywords: slumber reads, area 51, area 51 stories, area 51 scary, true scary stories, scary true stories, scary stories, true horror stories, true stories, true creepy stories, horror stories, scary horror stories, creepy stories, scary story, scary stories to tell in the dark, true scary horror stories, true scary stories reddit, scary, real scary stories, true scary, creepy true stories, true scary stories august, 5 scary stories
Id: igj-tR3iBYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 20sec (3920 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 05 2019
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