"There is Something wrong about the Greywarrens" Creepypasta Original

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They say that every family has a secret with some of them being darker than the other some of the secrets were often untold where it meant being unethical and just plainly illicit or immoral but some should be told to many to serve as a warning the secret I uncovered concerns the race of humanity as a whole and I'm very certain that nothing could be as dark in otherworldly than the kind of secret that this family be holds it wasn't easy growing up as an orphaned child but was taken in by a small foster care on the countryside and they knew nothing about my parents my early childhood life was a constant struggle of self-importance and desire for belongingness my identity was a mystery that soon became irrelevant my issues were common to a child who had nowhere to begin and nothing to look forward to a kid who knew nothing about himself would soon develop a void in his heart and unsurmountable questions that only lingered as he grew older in order to fill this void foster parents would take in some of the children weekly for a day or two these short-term respite carers were meant to introduce the kids like me to a life of having a family even just for a while and also to provide some day offs for the volunteers at the center for a few kids these temporary families were sort of a trial the child who was taken in could potentially be adopted for good which was pretty much the ideal scenario for anyone who wanted to have a better life with a good setup to start anew I had a fair share of experience with this matter but while most of them were naturally good-hearted folks their status and situation were mostly unfit to be an ideal candidate for a permanent home somewhere only there just say that they did something good for others while some just simply didn't want me as a kid now I deeply appreciated these people who took me in temporarily and spared their precious time to care for me but it has gotten pretty repetitive and somewhat belittling after a couple of years the sympathy that these people felt for me were mostly sincere and heartwarming but you could only want so much of it until you wish for a connection that was more genuine remember well-dressed family started to visit the center almost regularly the gray Warnes was a small family of three the manner of their speech seemed like they were well cultured or rather very aged their child was a 10 year old girl who would just often stand on the grounds and stare at the other kids quietly there was the sense of mystery behind her innocent demeanor and yet I couldn't really point out what it was at the time judging by the age of their beautiful daughter they must have had her quite early since they looked like they were only in their late 30s like most people who seem to have quite a comfortable life they came here to extend their blessings for us unfortunates it was always a good thing whenever people would drop off some stuff for us but the situation change when that they said they wanted to adopt me no one ever tried to adopt me for good I was already 14 then so I thought that this chance was less likely going to happen the foster parents always picked the young ones by the age of 15 it was typical for an orphan to lose hope I started spending more time with them they visited me regularly then take me in during the weekends some of the orphan kids even envied me for the kind of attention I was getting their house was pretty decent it was simple yet well taken care of they were very kind and accommodating not like the others who only spent a couple of days with me then later acted like I owed them something the father David he seemed really responsible he didn't talk much but he was always there when he was needed Stella the mother was very sweet and motherly there was really nothing bad about her which was almost weird Margaret the daughter was such an interesting character she only talked once in a while but the way she would speak had this tone of dominance and maturity that didn't fit her young age in innocent face she would often just stare at me and smile it was such an ideal setup even the food was always good but it seemed like they never really enjoyed eating and I thought that they must be tired of having these good meals that they were just too bored with it and I felt like it was just too good to be true that there was no reason for me to doubt and not like it after a few months the gray Warren's finally adopted me I was given my own room and I designed it myself I finally felt like being a son with the family and that I could call my own David was hardly around since then but Stella and her daughter were always there Margaret however still rarely talked to me we had a daily visit from the center's representative to check the situation but after the given period of that visitation the gray warns suddenly decided to move they revealed to me that the house we were staying in was not their real house we traveled for two days and arrived in a remote island where mountains surrounded the land and they owned all of it the real home of the gray Warren's was far from the simple one we previously lived it was a mansion with acres and acres of empty field for some reason a few odd-looking Birds kept on circling above the mansion there were tall walls dividing the property and the gates couldn't be any more grand with an insignia of their family inside the mansion were a collection of aristocratic antiques that screamed a very sophisticated taste with the theme of reddish wood in stony sculptures embellished with gold and silver I was welcomed by a very old lady by her appearance she looked at least seventy years old she could only smile at me and escorted me to my room despite her smile I could sense some sadness in her eyes the poor lady was missing her tongue like before was pampered and well taken care of I had complete and quite hefty meals and I was fully clothed with comfortable clothes I was given anything I asked for although there were strict rules that I had to follow all of the daily activities were scheduled there was only a given time when I could roam around outside and there were places and rooms in the mansion that I wasn't allowed to go into I was also told not to make any noise no matter what I do as weeks passed I started to notice some strange things there were nights that I could hear a voice of a crying child I was told that the only children and this mansion was margaret and i but i was certain that the voice i heard wasn't Margaret's in rare occasion i would also hear what seemed like moaning of an old lady in pain but i couldn't really tell where it was coming from i tried to sneak into some of the forbidden areas of the mansion but margaret was always there to block my way and divert my attention to something else aside from the voices at night another strange thing that i note Estella's appearance seemed to change a little during one of our dinners I noticed that her eye color turned hazel blue but I could swear that it used to be a deep dark brown I asked her about it and she said that she was wearing contact lenses back then a few days after that the shape of her lips and the height of her nose seemed to change as well I never saw her wearing any bandages so it was clear that she didn't have any plastic surgery another day passed and it looked as if she suddenly became younger in general but unlike stella who has been around for me to see her changing david was gone and a young teenage boy was introduced to me he was clark or so he said which eerily resembled david for some reason an unexpected visitor came by one rainy night i just heard someone calling me from the outside i looked outside my window and saw an old lady hiding behind the tree she was waving at me and signaling me to come out i came out of my room and was about to go to the grounds but i was stopped by margaret who was standing in the hall she told me I shouldn't go outside because it was raining and that ghosts come out to play during the rain I didn't tell her about the old lady and I just went back into my room but when I looked out the window to check on her she was gone I decided not to mention this to anyone since the strange things started to happen one after another I was already having a lot of thoughts about the mystery surrounding this family in the next morning during our meal the old mute servant was looking at me strangely as if she wanted to say something then she was sent out to do other chores when Stella noticed her it rained again during the night and the old stranger came back to me once again only this time she was caught I looked outside my window and saw Stella and Clarke approaching her it seemed they only wanted to talk to her but the old lady panicked and ran away he immediately just for a few seconds after she fled saw a large creature come running just behind Stella and Clarke to chase after the old stranger it was so fast that I couldn't tell what it was but it was at least larger than a tiger I was still looking out the window when the old servant snuck into my room and grabbed my arm I couldn't tell what she was trying to say but it was clear that she wanted me to come with her and so I did as we were making our way to the door we were stopped by Margaret once again it was standing right in front of it It was as if she always knew what I was about to do she asked where we were going and stared at the servant was such hate I stepped forward and answered on behalf of the servant I said that I saw Stella and Clarke outside and I wanted to see what they were doing there and that I asked the servant to accompany me but just a few seconds later Stella and Clarke walked in and said that they saw a stranger in the woods so they drove it away to keep us safe I had no choice but to go back in my room once again and that was the last time I saw the old servant something was going on I knew then that I had to run away based on what happened so far I made a few changes in my plan and executed it when an opportunity came I waited for another rainy night for some reason the stranger which I also never saw again only appeared when it rained so there must have been a reason for that I exited the house through my window it was a long way down so I had to tie my beddings together to create a makeshift rope I noticed that the birds that always hovered above the house weren't there at that time I headed to the woods immediately without knowing what could be out there after almost an hour of aimless walking I heard someone calling me I looked around but I couldn't see anybody until I notice a burrow under a tree it was an old man he waved at me and so I went closer he guided me through the burrow and I realized that it was a network of tunnels after a while of crawling we finally surfaced near a river where a boat was waiting I wanted to ask where we were going but just like the servants the tongue of the old man was cut off as well after roughly an hour on the boat we went inside a cave that connected to the river in there was a small community of older people and a lady approached me as we set our foot onto the cave floor luckily this one could talk she asked me how old I was I was turning 15 at the time and I was baffled by the things that she said to me next at the age of 15 the children would be sacrificed to the eldest of the Grey Wardens every year they would take a number of children from different parts of the world and bring them here to make sure that they were healthy before the time comes she believed that the gray Warren's had been around for centuries trying to keep up with the times and evolving when necessary this lady was the oldest person in this community she had to have been in her early eighties but she told me she was just 25 years old she was living inside this cave for a decade and she was the first to rescue the others who were left in the woods to eventually die those who were chosen to serve the household had their tongues removed so that they couldn't tell the next victims anything some managed to survive like them but mostly became food for the hounds the great mother the eldest of the Grey Wardens could suck out the youth of a child and order to lengthen her life and through her the other members could also live somewhat immortally Stella it was the youngest and perhaps the weakest of the family was David's younger sister and since the last sacrifice David's youth was brought back to him and was now called Clarke Stella was still learning how to manipulate her body and was perhaps fed inadequately thus the poor and rather slow transformation which I easily noticed as it was happening she was somewhat treated poorly by the family because of her warm connection to the kids they took in they were wary of her loyalty as they suspected that she was starting to have feelings for the children to my surprise Margaret who was introduced to me as their ten-year-old daughter was the eldest of the three this young clever girl must be at least a hundred years older than the two and she was the one they were deeply terrified of she was once angered by one of the servants when he spilled something on her dress and she tore him to two effortlessly the old servant that tried to help me escape must have met the same fate she told me that there are four more children staying inside the mansion with me but there were only two left alive they suspected the I would be the one to be sacrificed next they could only come near the house whenever it rains this was the only time when the birds weren't around to serve as the gray Warren's eyes from above and the old lady who tried to rescue me was killed off by one of the hounds who also served under them these creatures and they referred to as hounds were far from the likes that mankind could recognize these were large muscular beasts that can move exceptionally swiftly they would often be sent out to hunt those who dare to approach the grounds which they would shred to pieces with their large claws and sharp fangs they wanted to help me run away with the boat that they made but I declined after hearing what was really going on I wanted to save the one remaining child and all these poor fellows as well I had no clue how to pull it off but I felt like something must be done I decided to go back to the mansion it was a stupid decision but I had to I marked the tree where the tunnel was so I can easily recognize it later on and I got back to the mansion and climbed back up to my room without me knowing some of the survivors followed me back they started making noise to distract the gray warrens household in some ways it worked I was able to sneak out of my room without getting caught and I checked the other rooms as quick as I could as I checked on the rooms I could hear what was happening outside I took a quick peek at the window and saw the hounds ravaging the poor survivors mercilessly their limbs were being pulled off while Clarke was just standing there as it happened I was finally able to locate the other child she was a young girl about the same age as me I tried to tell her what was really going on but she didn't believe me she was too afraid to look outside so that she could see her for herself and I had no time to waste and so I grabbed her by the hand and took her by force as I was dragging her I thought that we needed to get out when a different exit since my room was already too far and going out the front door would just be a death sentence we broke into the very last door at the end of the hall and I realized that it was a stupid mistake as I turned my head to see what was inside laying on the bed was a grotesquely misshapen being the number of disproportionately long limbs hanging at the sides of the bed and slithering at the floor it was the great mother the eldest of the gray warns her skin was swollen and pale dripping from her hardly recognizable face she gazed at us with her white eyes but it appeared that she could no longer see I'd covered the young girl's mouth as I saw that she was about to scream she finally realized what I was talking about so she followed me as we slowly backed off and exited the room there was no other choice we had to run back to my room where my makeshift rope was already prepared it was the only easy way out we slowly climbed down and went back to the forest I wanted to help the survivors who came with me but I knew that there would be no hope for them and I would only be putting the life of the young girl and myself in danger I'd led the way and we crawled back to the tunnel like before the boat was there waiting for us at the river we took the boat and went on our way but as we entered the cave that sheltered the survivors all that was there was a haunting image of a massacre they were all murdered disembodied with their blood showered all over the cave walls and standing right at the center of this hellish scene was a young child covered in blood smiling it was Margaret she must have followed me when we first came here I was the blame for this nightmare I led the devil right to the home of the people who tried to help me as she was slowly walking towards us the malicious grin of a demon in the face of a young child I knew that we had met our end but an unexpected person suddenly appeared an unexpected aid coming from behind she pushed Margar harshly against the wall and she fell to the ground it was Stella she tossed us the key to one of their boats and told us where it was docked as Margaret was getting back on her feet Stella told us there was no way that she could defeat her she told us that she could only try to buy us some time so that we could escape I could see in her face that she was about to sacrifice her own life as a single tear shimmered from her eyes we wasted no time we located the dock and took one of the gray Warren's boats we both didn't know how to operate it and so we just sailed as far as it could take us luckily another boat passed by us eventually and brought us to the nearest land I went back to the orphanage and I brought the young girl with me many people sacrificed their lives just so that they could save the two of us unfortunately not a single person believed our story and I couldn't blame them the secret of the gray Warren's family remained a secret since the truth was too much for anyone to handle I just hope that the story could serve as a warning there is an island out there owned by a family that has survived the tides of evolution and change and they survived as long because they were more than capable of doing it they did not belong to the cycle they're pretty much above it I was later on adopted by another family and I would meet up with ivory the other survivor once in a while we chose not to talk about her past so that we could move on without being haunted by the memory of it but even so it doesn't change the fact that the Grey Wardens are still out there still feeding off of innocent children
Channel: Creepy Ghost Stories
Views: 14,405
Rating: 4.8950276 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, narration, nosleep, creepypasta reading, creepypasta narration, nosleep story, scary story, scary stories, horror stories, creepy story, asmr reading, asmr story, reddit stories, Creepy Ghost Stories, Creepypasta Stories, Creepypastas
Id: Dp4RerC7ToI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 23sec (1463 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
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