"Episode 11" Creepypasta

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[Music] my wife and I have a tradition every anniversary after we go to whatever theater or fancy restaurant we can scrape enough dough for we give each other a present she gets me a new tie and I get her a cartoon growing up my wife loved animated television shows it was her hobby when she wasn't doing schoolwork chores or playing with her friends she was watching cartoons she continued this habit from diapers to art school and had built up quite the collection sprawling across a collection of DVDs VHS tapes laser discs and even some film reels that's actually how I got to know her I'd like to talk to her about what animated shows of my favorites while she painted so every year I try and find some cartoon she's never heard of I don't always succeed but I was riding high after last year's victory I had managed the scrape up an ancient Ukrainian VHS in a book nook it only cost me three bucks and thankfully it didn't crumble to dust by the time I got home with it this year I was determined to beat her again but work had been pretty busy lately I'm a substitute elementary school teacher and the flu had knocked a good number of teachers out of commission so I was pretty much busy all day as luck would have it I found my salvation in my colleague Milo's Milo sir was referred to exclusively as mr. C by all the students since his Eastern European and last name rolled off the tongue like a sea urchin a gray haired man in his early 60s he spoke with a heavy accent and was notorious for never remembering anybody's name but all the kids liked him thanks to his polite harmless nature and the faculty was quite fond of him too one afternoon during lunch I was in the teachers lounge drinking a soda and in came Milos I waved and he gave me a smile in return he bought himself some peanut butter crackers from the vending machine and sat down across from me he talked for a little while about whatever stupid decision the school board had made and the conversation eventually changed to that of our wives he had been married for 30 years so he had much more to say than the five I'd been together with my spouse I told him about our anniversary tradition and he set up a little straighter it's funny you should mention that I was going through my attic last week and I found a box of my mother's video cassettes really that's interesting what was inside I asked most of them were old recordings of me as a young man but one of them was a cartoon I had never seen before my wife would probably know what it is what's it called I'm not sure Milo said pausing to think but I'd never seen anything like it quite strange I only watched one episode before I lost interest I asked him if I could borrow it to see if my wife and somehow overlooked whatever cartoon this was ah you can have it mother said with a wave of his hand I'm too old for such things you mean it yes the condition is poor but it still runs in the VCR we made an agreement Milo's showed up the next day with the tape I offered to buy him lunch in exchange but he politely refused saying getting rid of some of the clutter is payments enough I examined the tape tucked into a Bank sleeve with some takes drawn on it in sharpie it was written in Cyrillic characters so I had no idea what it said but they had looked to be 11 episodes of this strange cartoon recorded unto it so I completed my day and came home at around 5:00 my wife wouldn't be home until 8:00 since she was attending an auction so after I finished my paperwork and ate some supper I decided to see if the tape contained anything that my wife's watchful eye may have accidentally overlooked I went to the living room with a glass of white wine and I cat frisbee and popped the old VHS into the tape player sitting on the love seat with frisbee purring in my lap I had laid my laptop next to me so I could decipher some of the text if need be it took a couple of seconds but I soon saw the tracking signal show up on screen the only semblance of credits was a few words that briefly flashed on the black screen they were written in plain white text and I paused the tape to type the words into Google Translate as you all know Translate isn't a flawless program to say the least but it claimed that the words were Bulgarian and translated to something like this is the first episode the episode started and what looked like a college dorm room there were two beds and the only occupied one had someone's sleeping under the covers this person woke up and tossed this covers off he looked like an average college kid with scruffy facial hair and a university t-shirt on he ambled away into the bathroom which is off screen and after a few sounds of rustling clothes on running water walked back on screen in a jacket and toque one thing I noticed off the bat was the meticulous detail put into the art and animation the backgrounds had all kinds of extra things that look at a model airplane halfway built sitting on a desk open drawers with clothes hanging out of them the light of the window fading and reappearing in accordance to unseen clouds every frame of the character's walk cycle was unique now reuse shots or loops every step he took was slightly different than his last one if this was a weekly cartoon the animators must have been working pretty damn hard to deliver this level of quality anyway this character left his room and walked down an empty hallway his sneakers making hollow thumping noises against the ground once again sounding like each sound effect was unique he reminded me of Courage the Cowardly Dog the creator's claimed that they wanted to make a cartoon based largely around sound for all I knew this could have been their inspiration the protagonist left the building the outdoors a dreary looking representation of an urban landscape with a layer of what was either missed or smog hanging over the tops of the windowless buildings there was no soundtrack just the sound of his feet on the pavement and urban ambience in the background the distant roar of traffic on a freeway the occasional shrill backing-up signal once I heard the squeak of brakes though oddly enough I didn't see a single vehicle I could see the individual wisps of breath rise from the protagonists mouth implying it must have been cold out so far so good I didn't recognize anything and I doubt my wife had seen anything like this the whole thing had a level of pretentiousness that she fell for hook line and sinker minutes came and went as I watched this poker face the young man walked to whatever destination he was heading to it didn't take long for me to lose interest go to animation or not boring his still boring and watching this kid trudge down an empty street wasn't all that riveting in my opinion the only event worth mentioning during this endless walk was when the kid walked past somebody else the angle of the shot was positioned so it faced the strangers back and they were dressed in heavy clothes to the to past each other with a quick greeting without even looking at each other he stopped all of a sudden in front of a large building and he looked up at it even though it lacked any defining features the boy seemed to recognize it and went through the door when he entered it was a small group of girls or holding thermoses talking quietly in the corner of the lobby of whatever building this was and they all went silent when the protagonist drew close to them he stopped and he stared at them the girls all looked like they were trying to hold back laughter and the guy had the same bland expression he had the entire episode they stared for a good five seconds before one of the girls promptly threw the contents of her cup into the guy's face he winced and stumbled back with a hand over his eyes apparently they found their random act of cruelty hilarious because there he started cackling like Harvey's the scene switched back to the guy he was now covering his whole face liquid running down his hands and dribbling all over the floor as he tried to write himself he slipped and fell landing back first onto the floor the girls laughter was rekindled and now they were pointing and drawing as much attention as possible despite the fact that no one else was around I was shocked when I saw the skin on his face was blistering that beverage in the thermos must have been hot after the poor kid got back to his feet he pushed past them and traveled deeper into the building the girls through what was left of their beverages at him as he fled the episode ended with a close-up of the main characters blistered distraught face at this point I had a fast-forward because the speakers had suddenly released a deafeningly loud shriek Frisby flared out a shock and I seriously think that if my volume had been turned up any higher my wine glass might have shattered thankfully that seemed to be the end of the episode so I didn't have long to wait before I could go back to normal speed I turned my volume down to almost silent and warily pressed the play button the electronic wailing had vanished and apparently another episode was beginning the title car red and this is the second one it was identical to the way the first episode began beginning with the protagonist his face unblemished climbing out of his dormitory bed my initial thoughts was that there was a recording mistake but this theory was quickly debunked when I realized that the protagonist was in a different set of pajamas this time instead of going to the bathroom the kid went to the desk next to his bed and sat down in one motion he swept all of the clutter off the surface papers and food wrappers fell to the ground beside him and the model plane smashed into dozens of little pieces he opened the top of the drawer and removed a sewing kit placing it onto the desk it cut to a view of his face staring down at the palm size kit on the desk he withdrew another objects from hammer space for those unaware hammer space is the area where all cartoon characters pull the surprise from that is to say nowhere it was a doll a crude stereotypical caricature of a baby its eyes were gazing off into the distance and the mouth is puckered into a dopey little o with blushing red cheeks and hair the color of sand the protagonist stared down at this doll with the same pokerface it kept up since the first episode he then picked up the needle from the sewing kits threaded it and began to work on the doll the shot was angled in a way that you couldn't see the doll's face while he sewed it this green show the protagonist face as he works for a good minute then he appeared to have finished and it showed the end result the dolls face was snarled in black thread its eyes were now xed out and a sinister grin was formed with tiny vertical lines serving as the mouth and two longer diagonal ones shaped in a way to resemble eyebrows the cute innocent looking little thing now looked like some kind of a wicked voodoo artifact the protagonist stared down as his masterpiece and actually cracked a tiny smile as macabre as his creation was he seemed genuinely proud of it the episode ended after that I've seen some bizarre animation in my life from Coon skin to heavy metal to The Triplets of Belleville but this this was the type of thing you'd find in David Lynch's garbage disposal the kind of artsy disturbing crap that some uber Christian mom probably thought contained the demonic message telling kids to eat babies but hell it was unique and it was free so and decided to use it I was about to stop the VCR but then the next title card popped up instead of just a few words this one looked like a whole essay entire screen taken up by words credits maybe just to satiate my curiosity I typed a few words into translate to see what it said ears son hello this is my it was a message now intrigued now intrigued I typed the rest of the text and accounting for Google's translates from many mistakes I think the message roughly translates to something like this yes son hello this is my animation for Academy I labored maybe worked on it for a long time and I have for you I hope or wish you enjoy and I will do it soon further research taught me that eosin is a Bulgarian male name and coincidentally there's an artist named eosin Gear Solid who's done a lot of illustrations for children's books who's also you guessed it Bulgarian whether or not this is the same yes and this message was addressed to is beyond me but there you go third episode had the exact same beginning as the first two and I was sensing a pattern forming here the same kid got out of bed wandered into the bathroom freshen himself up and came back fully dressed looking carefully I found the stitched face doll from the previous episode on his desk the needle jabbed vertically into its forehead it was eerily familiar to the first episode but with an entirely new set of animations to show the exact same events unfolding I wasn't looking forward to watching the kid make his pilgrimage to that building again so I took the opportunity to use the bathroom while the tape ran unfortunately while I was out of the room that ear-shattering squeal were hang out again and had to hurry back to shut it off once more I kept the audio muted for my sanity sake as I watched the next scene unfold the girls who'd mercilessly harassed the protagonist earlier who nowhere to be found and he continued into the next room without incident it was a large room presumably an auditorium with a bunch of folding chairs set up in front of a raised platform on this platform stood a new character a man about my age with coke-bottle glasses and a dorky pink tie if theater hazard a guess I'd say he was supposed to be a professor since the protagonist was clearly in college after a few more people filtered into the room and sat in the audience the professor as I'll call him began talking I tried turning the sound on to hear what he was talking about but the audio was overlaid with screeching so I had no choice but to mute it I did my best to try read his lips but I think the dialogue must have been in Bulgarian too about minutes into his lecture the professor took his glasses off rubbed his eyes before putting them back on and continuing he was either really engaged with whatever he was talking about or really angry about it because he was going off the rails I could see his face flushing and beat of sweat emerging on his brow the audience of about 6 people didn't seem to care in the slightest mid rant the professor's eyes bugged out of his head and he grabbed his neck as though he was choking his glasses fell off and his tongue stuck out rigidly as he stumbled around grasping at his throat it was animated with hideous detail I could see every individual vein swelling up on his neck and someone even took the time to animate the ribbons of drool running down his chin despite his obvious distress not one of the audience members budged an inch staring at him with bored indifference eventually the professor collapsed onto his back and laced spread-eagled on the platform two streams of blood trickling from his eyes as though he had just been strangled the audience sat there for a moment before commonly getting up and exiting not locking or speaking to one another the episode ended with an overhead view of the auditorium the professor left abandoned on the stage from this point on I'm not going to describe every single episode with such detail for brevity's sake I'll just summarize the basic plot and show what the title card at the beginning said episode four text it should be clear what this is the protagonist goes to his desk again and starts writing on a piece of paper scratching at the back of his neck constantly near the end of the episode the protagonist examines his fingers which are now bloody a shut of his neck reveals a giant welt which he seemed to have scratched to the point of bleeding episode 5 text I wish it could have been this easy the protagonist picks up the piece of paper he was writing on which still has bloody fingerprints on it and tucks it into an envelope exiting his room with it he goes to a new building which resembles another dorm and slides the letter on to the door of another room marked 0 5 6 he leaves and a close-up on his neck reveals a bandage which he promptly tears off the wound from the last episode in his absent episode six it was so and a word I can't translate the protagonist goes to another new building a dining hall he meets the stranger from the first episode whose face is still hidden and the two sit down together and talk the rest of the episode is only one shot and over-the-shoulder view of the protagonist from behind his friend as the two of them talk one can see a member of the kitchen staff overzealously tenderizing a chunk of meat in the background bits of gristle flying all over the place the episode ends after the stranger gets up and exits leaving the protagonist to sit by himself and stare into space episode 7 text I tried not to blank what I was or maybe felt the protagonist goes to his desk again and starts scratching down the beginnings of another note the camera cuts away at about the two-minute mark to the door where an envelope is slid under it into the room the protagonist goes to pick it up and suddenly becomes very excited when he sees the sender he returns to his desk with an eager lock in his eyes and sits down to open it the camera faces his back as he reads it sitting silently he starts to tremble he balls his fists crumples notes into a wad and hurling it against the wall he storms into the bathroom and the rest of the episode is spent staring and an empty room and hearing the kid shouting and crying Hough screen episode 8 text that isn't important this is the shortest episode narrowly escaping the four-minute mark the protagonist is absent is bed empty instead the opposite bed is shown to have someone in it someone who's neither visible nor asleep the figure twitches and thrashes around under the covers but is unable to get up the reason is clear the blanket is anchored to the bed with barbed wire each length tied to an opposite side of the bed frame so the person at least I assume it's a person was tied to the bed like luggage to the top of a car the thickest squirms for a good while before going limp episode 9 there was no title card for this episode this episode has its typical beginning the protagonist getting up and putting his clothes on the opposite bed is unoccupied again with no signs of a previous struggle the protagonist stops halfway to the door and turns around he looks directly into the camera smiling and starts talking I had pumped the volume down to barely audible to avoid any more yelping from the speakers so attentively turned it up a few notches I was immediately punished for my curiosity and my ghastly wail presented itself again drowning out any semblance of dialogue and I silenced it in disgust the protagonist speaks the viewer for a few minutes laughing every once in a while and then exits ending the episode episode 10 this episode was shown from the top-down perspective and appears the pick up exactly where episode 9 left off the camera follows the protagonist on his walk to the same building he traveled to in episodes 1 & 3 zooming out to an almost outrageous degree when the camera enters the outdoors he got to a point where the protagonist was merely an ant-sized figure scuttling down a turgid collection of identical colored rectangles it was at this point where the video appeared to have been damaged the image being shredded by stripes of black and white static and jerking violently I heard the VCR give a panicked were as it tried to make sense of the corrupted film and eventually the TV screen was engulfed in snow I should have been pleased that I wouldn't have to watch anymore but there was an inkling of curiosity I couldn't get rid of true the show's narrative had been waver thin at best but I kind of wanted to see the eleventh episode just to see if it brought the plot it pretended to have to a close I got my wish as I was searching for the remote the static on the screen flickered I paid no mind at first until it flickered again this time more violently the wall of hissing nonsense that covered the screen was flinching like something on the other side was trying to force its way out and all at once the picture snapped back into existence it was another title card thankfully I'd found the remote and I got the chance to pause it and type the text into Google Translate it read this is my favorite episode I remember letting out a noise of confusion when I paused the tape it showed an empty room with four chairs arranged in an untidy row a small table sitting beside them the animation was completely different from the previous episodes unlike the pseudo Disney hand-drawn nature of the previous 10 episode 11 looked more like it had been rotoscoped Roza scoping is an animation technique or artists race over live-action footage frame by frame is a very old practice if you've ever seen the music video for take on me you can get the idea of what the scene looked like except much less professional the image remains static for a few moments until someone appeared in the chair second from the left after a John cut it was a girl unconscious from the way she was slumped over soon after another girl flipped under the frame seated on the Father's right similarly limp eventually all four chairs were occupied by an unconscious girl even though I probably shouldn't have I hung muted the television there was no shrieking anymore or any noise at all for that matter I jumped from the silence was broken by a loud creak followed by some footsteps there was a noticeable dip in audio quality without being muffled and dull when the footsteps stopped there's a short third in a shrill noise that sounded like someone undoing a zipper the angle was obstructed when a body moved in front of the camera with the boiling lines of the rotoscoped figure twitching like mad it took a second for me to realize that this person was shown a small cylindrical object to the audience the person set it down on a small table and removed a tiny pill from their pockets promptly so long it they turned to one of the girls who was still unconscious and gently shocker when there was no response they sighed and walked off screen returning a few seconds later with a bucket they threw the contents of the bucket directly onto her face the girl awaking with a frightened squeal after she blinked and sputtered for a few moments she looked up with the offender a look of absolute horror spread across a face the person spoke disclosing his identity is a male then I've had my stomach tighten I knew that voice it was the protagonist I haven't the slightest idea of what he said but the girl furiously shook her head to deny whatever he accused her of he then lunged at her and seized the handful of her hair the girl beginning to scream and sob hysterically the protagonist snatched the cylinder off the table and shoved it into the audience a second time before a knife sprung from the other end it was a switchblade he then drove it into the girls neck she was unable to scream now the blade must have hit a larynx a feeble gurgling noise was the only thing that she had left the protagonist removed the knife blood spurting from the wound this was the only thing that had any color through the entire segment being a muddy red widow beside her had woken up and was said to screaming and she saw her neighbor gagging on her own blood the protagonist clapped a hand over her mouth slitting a throat with one quick slash I couldn't take it anymore this had officially crossed the line I lunch for the remote but I moved too quickly and knocked it off its place on the armrest and it tumbled her to reach cursing myself I got down on all fours and grasped for it trying to ignore the agonized screams and pleading coming from the television by the time I found it it was too late the deed had been done the bodies lying in monochrome silence I was seconds from pushing the damaged X button seconds from contacting Milo's and demanding what kind of sick joke he had played on me but I didn't something stopped me the protagonist the murderer and taken something out of his jacket and now hanged it in the direction of the corpses a cell phone it wasn't even an old-fashioned model it looked identical to an iPhone and it might say even shaded the Apple logo to make it more pronounced that wasn't possible this was an old cartoon there was no in hell they could have been an iPhone in it and besides if this really was a recent cartoon why was it on a crappy VHS and how did it end up in the possession of an Eastern European substitute teacher did Milo's make it was this his idea of a practical joke the last week the tape consisted of the protagonist taking pictures of his victims but every time he snapped the photo there would be a cut to a different image it was the same scene but it was live action with grisly full-color images of the girls and their wounds the tape ended with a final message which I had no time to translate I was busy rifling through one of the kitchen drawers for the school directory I finally found it and tracked down my losses number I never contacted him before but I needed answers now Greg I froze I heard the familiar sound of the door closing and my wife entering the kitchen carrying a large canvas like package you'll never believe what they had there thank God was so poor where I would I smile evaporated when she saw my expression you're pale do you feel her right she inquired I need to make a phone call I managed to say I grabbed the phone of the receiver and dialed in the number or my concerned wife went to put her things away I paced the kitchen as I listened to the taunting buzz of the connection noise in my ear finally Milo's picked up the phone hello I was ready to let him have it but I didn't want my wife to hear anything my loss is great Sykes I need to talk to you about the tape you gave me oh hello Greg I'm sorry to hear that you having trouble is it broken the naivety in his voice made me want to throw the phone across the room no it's what's on the tapes this isn't funny in fact it's pretty damn sick did you honestly think that giving me some fake snuff movie who my wife would be cute it was a pause I don't understand episode 11 Milos those dead girls what are you talking about stop playing innocent it gets my voice low but I made sure to fill each word with venom where did you get those pictures hmm some Gore site calm down I don't know what you mean by dead girls Milos I've already told you that this isn't funny just apologize and we can put this past us there was another moment of silence before Milo spoke again Greg listen to me I don't know what you saw but I can assure you I didn't have anything to do with it do you need me to contact the police you've scared me enough goddamnit isn't it enough that a shrill scream from upstairs cut me off my brain didn't bother to register anything and I've reached my wife I was downstairs and then I was upstairs like I had teleported it was afterward and I became aware that I rammed my right big toe onto the bottom step while sprinting trailing blood up to my bedroom my wife was pressed against the bedroom wall opposite the window her package jettisoned into the center of the room I'd no need to ask her what was wrong she was already pointing the window now add something scrolled into the glass three symbols in a vertical column X I I Roman numerals of 12 and below this nailed to the cell was a crude babydoll its eyes hexed out given a malevolent smile with black string the police were already on their way my loss had contacted them after I dropped the telephone I was going to search the house but I realized that the message in the window was carved from the outside I settled unlocking every feasible entrance to the house not bothering to question how someone could have reached our bedroom window on the second floor without a ladder after everything was done my wife and I sat in the bedroom she must have been crying I remember her shaking in my arms I know I should have been trying to comfort her but I spent every moment of that agonizing wait the police staring at the window I practically flew to the door when I heard the urgent knocking Polly my wife with me I wasn't going to let her out of my sight again I hesitated out of pure paranoia leave my wife to open it for me Greg and Lisa Sikes a middle-aged cop stood and our doorstep Lisa invited him in and the officer promptly yelled Jesus Christ the VCR was ablaze melted to a rectangular block of slag he must have been lit on fire earlier and we just didn't notice up in our bedroom the tape was still in there it was going to be ruined that was what had started all of this that was what the police had to see I grasped for the VHS slot and tried to ignore the pain from the burning metal it took both my wife and the cop to pry me off despite my protests that we needed to get the tape out of there I eventually calmed down enough to explain what was going on to both of them they both listened carefully despite the insanity of the story I told them everything where I got the VHS the weird title cards the flawless animation episode 11 the cops got a hold of Milo's but could ultimately find nothing incriminating he couldn't answer any of the questions either insisting that he had never seen the tape before he found it in the Attic we haven't spoken since the case was eventually dismissed as harassment at no point approved since the evidence had been destroyed try as I did I couldn't get the VCR to open to retrieve the corpse of the tape my wife has been acting more uncomfortable even after I stopped mentioning the tape and we got a new window a final message after episode 11 somehow remains stuck on the screen even after the tape should have been ruined when I couldn't sleep at night I translated it episode 12 coming soon you
Channel: CreepsMcPasta
Views: 78,741
Rating: 4.875957 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, creepy pasta, creepypastas, reddit, reddit stories, scary story, nosleep stories, reddit horror stories, creepy story, nosleep, r/nosleep, creepypasta reading, horror stories, creepsmcpasta, horror, Scary Stories, creepypasta stories, paranormal, asmr, podcast, audiobook
Id: k6p6j5yqCLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 14sec (2474 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
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