"I'm An Officer Of The Law And I'm Concerned" | 6 Scary Stories!

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tonight I'll be telling six stories from a late night walk gone south to a police officer who stumbles upon a scene not of this world and much more if at least one of these stories don't unnerve you well I don't know what to tell ya a huge thank you to the writers for allowing me to share their stories as always you can find their links in the description remember you can send in your own story to our wild age stories at gmail.com if you enjoy these hour-long videos please be sure to drop a like rating as it lets me know that you want more of them subscribing if you're new is also very much appreciated enjoy the video and as always I hope you all have a great night many things come out past midnight various animals and humans alike what I'm referring to specifically though are things that should not exist terrifying creatures beyond the comprehension of the most wicked of imaginations have you ever been out past midnight if so surely you felt that odd feeling as if you're being watched when you're alone when you're alone is when you're most vulnerable to them you see they don't like to hunt groups of people it's much easier when their victims are isolated this is why you probably won't see anything odd when you're out with friends this late why would I know this you ask well I had my own experience many years ago this experience shook me to my core what happened made me reevaluate everything I thought of our reality and made me believe myself to be mentally unsound my Thanksgiving break had just started and my plans were to spend the first few days at my friend Tyler's house this was all back in high school so I had no means of transportation besides my parents originally they were supposed to take me over there but they decided to take a little surprise vacation of their own I got a text midway through the day from my mom saying that she was unable to give me a ride and since my dad was going off with her he couldn't either this left me with two options I either walk over to Tyler's or I simply just don't go initially I went with the ladder me and Tyler played Xbox for a few hours I was a pretty Kenn cursing and killing each other in both privates and online matches in call of duty before I knew it the clock had already struck 11 I made mention of this to Tyler saying I should probably get off and do some of the homework I was assigned over break Tyler then threw some insults at me saying that I should walk over but I was a wuss etc typical talking between two 15 year old boys somehow Tyler eventually convinced me to just say screw it and walk it was a two and a half mile walk so I figured I'd be done in roughly an hour I packed all my stuff told Tyler I was on the way and left it was about 11:30 I should have never said yes to coming just thinking about how I could explain these events is giving me feelings of dread a little information first I live in a very poorly lit area it was a small city called Norco pretty much the literal ass crack of California most of the lights were in the inner city and at the time I lived in the outskirts la post in my area were far and few between in a lot of the land I had to traverse before making it to Tyler's was barren it was the type of empty space that would give anybody walking on it late at night an eerie feeling just add on to this despite the lack of light I thought I was brave enough to go without a flashlight that was a very naive kid as you can tell the first 20 minutes went by without issue this is about the time it took me to get out of the populated area once I hit the more desolate area I could tell something was off I swore that literally a minute ago I could hear all the sounds of the night crickets chirping when blowing all of that however it had come to an abrupt stop this gave me a very unsettling feeling so I checked the time to see how long it had been since I'd left my house it was 12 on the dot this meant that I had about 20 to 30 minutes left of walking to do before I was at Tyler's the distance wasn't an issue for me but the unnerving silence was all I could hear at that point were my footsteps in my breathing I've never been in such a quiet setting before it was almost as if their world froze around me I kept walking for what felt like hours and decided to check my watch it was 12 with the distance I thought I had covered it couldn't be the exact same time it was when I initially checked as I wasn't a mist of trying to figure out if my watch broke I heard a noise in the shrubbery to my right this caused me to jump due to the prolonged silence I had gotten used to I was no longer the only one breathing I heard a long laboured breath something that sounded like it was coming from a dying animal now I wasn't a veterinarian and it was midnight at this point I wasn't going to go and check out where the noise came from or her movies had at least taught me some common sense I quickly moved from the sidewalk in which I was walking on moving towards the center of the street and Stud the creature I had heard from the shrubbery moved as well it came out of the area in which it was hiding all my red flags have been raised I was about ready to haul ass out of there at this point I was looking directly at it when it stepped out into the dimly lit area I could barely make out any features remember how I said the light posts were far and few between lows at the point of my journey in which the streets were still scarcely lit and details were somewhat visible the first detail I noticed was the extremely elongated shadow that this thing casted on the ground the creature must have been at least eight feet tall he looked human in overall appearance since it was standing with its back to the most recent lamppost its face was too dark to make out specific features even with this is a factor I could see that it was smiling you wore a tattered up tan trench coat which went down to its waist an unkempt a vest what seemed like shredded-up dress pants and torn up shoes all the clothing it had on was clearly too small for it in the brief few seconds that I was staring back at this thing a few events transpired these events have haunted me well into my adult years at first I notice its head was slowly tilting to the side all while maintaining that seemed to him crooked smile the same smile that makes my blood run cold whenever I think about it are those asking why I didn't just book it at this point try putting yourself in my shoes that was a 15 year old kid who had never experienced true fear at any point in his life I truly did not know what to do I was frozen what happened next is kind of a blur I recall hearing a horrifying mix of bones breaking as well as a blood-curdling inhuman scream I saw the creature get on all fours positioning its arms and legs at impossible angles it then started galloping towards me the damn thing was charging me it took me a minute to react to what was occurring I finally hauled ass something I should have done from the start I glanced behind me to check the distance I had made from it but it was moving at an extremely alarming pace this was a pace faster than I've seen most animals on forest run it was catching up and quickly I brainstormed and had the bright idea of tossing my duffel bag full of Xbox equipment clothes and toiletries directly at the creature it had seemingly hit it in the head buying me a decent amount of space from it I kept sprinting until I saw a car's headlights turn the corner for the street I was on I waved frantically screaming as loud as I could for help I heard the creatures bones making us sick meat eating noise will smack in the pavement it was right behind me at this point as I could feel - labored breathing on the hair on the back of my neck my screams got louder in my waving more frantic until silence the car was around 100 feet from me at this point the creature had seemingly just disappeared altogether or run back off in the shrubbery I didn't care I was alive and that's all I was concerned about I was crying out of breath and frankly a complete mess but who wouldn't be the driver clearly seeing my current physical state pulled up next to me and asked if everything was all right and if there was anything he could do to help me I was a big blubbering mess and I couldn't even form a complete sentence when responding to him i thinkt him profusely for coming when he dead but he clearly didn't understand why I was so thankful I don't blame him who would the events I just wrote down here are truly bizarre and I probably seem like a madman to you yes if you would drive me home as I was just a few minutes drive away and he obliged I almost forgot about my duffel bag due to all the hectic events that took place as I got over the car to retrieve it I looked up the hill into the shrubbery as I stared up that hill I swear that I saw that crooked smile through the greenery staring down at me after I made it home that night I called my parents up and pleaded them to come home simply telling them that I was chased by a man who was attempting to rob me I knew they wouldn't believe my story about the creature I saw shortly after they returned the cops came as well they asked for a description of the individual who chased me not wanting to go into detail about the horrifying proportions of that thing I just told him that it was too dark to make out any distinguishing features apparently they also interviewed the man who saved me and he told them that I was running from nothing just complete darkness his testimony was among one of the reasons my parents coaxed me into therapy that along with the fact that I wasn't near the same person I was before my parents left for their vacation eventually everything went back to us somewhat normal stay despite my traumatic experience needless to say I never left my house past midnight again unless of course I was in a car even in groups of friends I still declined going out without a solid means of transportation the events of that night have always stuck with me it's been years and late at night I still hear those sickening bone pops and inhuman screams right as I'm trying to get some shut-eye I've moved around quite a bit since then trying to get to larger cities just to avoid the unnerving empty scratches as well as the dim lighting that my old hometown used to provide no matter how far I move from where it happened I can't seem to shake what occurred on that dark night over Thanksgiving break no amount of medications therapy sessions or research into what the hell that thing was has helped me cope with the trauma of it all it's almost as if now that I know creatures like that exist reality seems like a stranger to me how little we as humans seem to know about our little crevice of this universe terrifies me I constantly wonder what else there is that we simply lack the means to perceive all of this brings me to the main point of writing and sharing this with you all consider this a sort of warning for those of you who are night owls things are not what they seem when it's dark out please be careful share this with those you care about and most of all be wary of the creatures that come out past midnight please excuse me if my writing might be a little off or scan unusually I'm new to the whole writing down my experience thing especially considering that I determined to myself that I'd be quiet about it for the rest of my life figuring it better to leave alone and not let people think I was weird or on drugs no I've seen plenty of stories about the strange and unnatural in the woods and up until five years ago I only put a little bit of stock into it growing up my grandmother would tell me things about what goes bump in the night in the dark she was a huge fan of movies like The Haunting and rose-red and I always found it's sort of unsettling but I never disbelieved her fully I had one of those spiritualist grandmother's who had courts laying around her house to soak up bad energy and she claimed to be a psychic and medium she taught me a prayer once and I'll never forget it at least now I've owned from Ghoulies and ghosties and long-legged beasties and things that go bump in the night Lord protect us she'd always say that at the end of the nighttime prayers whenever I'd sleep over and it always gave me a little chill all of this I understood after I learned what had happened to her when she was a little girl when my grandmother was about eight years old she got lost in the woods of North Western Maryland not a soul could find her and neither hide nor hair of evidence was found to suggest a kidnapping from her home she had been gone a long time in after much hopeless grief from her parents was presumed done it was only until about a month later that she was found by a hiker underneath the short old set of stone stairs that once led up to a barn out in the woods her fingernails and toenails were black with what appeared to be dirt inside in patches of her hair were missing from her head when she came to after being rescued she told the police the man with long arms and a big mouth would stare at her through the windows of the barn all night and wouldn't let her leave of course this particular statement yes amongst the whole story was very strange considering the only windows were on the second floor of the barn she didn't mention at all how she got out there or what if anything the man's sitter did to her besides that so that leaves me with what I considered to be just as close as I ever didn't want to - what goes bump in the night it really bothers me and I hate talking about it but I figured you'd all get a kick out of it considering the other kinds of stories that are popular on here that's and if it's archived somewhere I can just direct people who ask me about it - this thread it was April 30th or while I suppose May 1st 2014 I was stationed to a certain area just north of my hometown which I would prefer to keep undisclosed it was quiet sitting in my patrol car on the lonely little back road that people usually fly down during the day when cops are at their most busy elsewhere this particular time of the year however some kids from the area were known to get a bit rowdy and head into the woods and made quite the racket that could be heard echoing down the hillside that might sound was right next to it's usually some kind of party that leaves them drunk high or a combination of the two and more than one of them had been caught speeding off their asses of course in years prior this was the usual routine and what I was expecting was the usual suspects and their shenanigans my car and I were sitting tucked in a little opening in the woods that led to the road next to a small cornfield comparatively to others I was strategically stationed just so I could see a small country road church that was about 65 to 70 feet away from me that kids like to break into in trash usually leaving some kinds of blasphemous messages on the walls graffiti or other nonsense it was getting really late about 2:45 a.m. or so when it happened I saw headlights twisting down the road behind me so I immediately pulled out my speed gun to monitor how fast the car was going the speed came out to be 70 miles per hour certainly not the 30 miles per hour that the posted limit was here we go again just another drunk teen that thinks they're invincible I thought as a shitty old dark red Corolla came flying down the road it was strange though I know it couldn't see me in the trees but almost like the driver expected me it slowed down and headed into the church parking lot just past me as I put on my lights I got this fluttering eerie feeling in my gut as I approached driving those seventy feet up to the church he stopped the car vertically facing the church and I parked just behind him noticing immediately that the car didn't have any tags god I still can't describe with words the kind of feeling I got when I saw what I'd done I walked up to the car standing in front of the tinted driver side window the driver rolled it down in an absolutely acred odor came billowing out of the vehicle at me it was strong smelling of blood and feces almost giving off its own warmth though I suppose man I was sitting in the seat was lanky with a mop of greasy black hair half covering his entirely too flushed and ill-looking face he was sweating and gripping the wheel tightly with both hands little Nets were flying around inside the car and I could see other dead bugs lining the windows it was disturbing to say the least and I was sure something dead was just running out of eyesight I asked the man what he was doing who he was and if he was all right and he looked at me just staring with wide eyes that almost looked like they hadn't what appeared to be a goopy clear film covering them it looked like it would be uncomfortable to blink so I thought to myself that I'd be staring too if I had the same on my eyes I asked him again what he was doing and again nothing I looked down to see if he was injured and could only make out what look like inflamed lymph nodes in his neck but they were moving side to side on naturally like it was something else just underneath his skin at this point I was pretty spooked I'm not ashamed to admit it and wanted to end my patrol so I showed it a little louder then I thought I should have for him to exit the vehicle I wish I hadn't he did so crawling out of the window like some kind of psychopath and standing up in the parking lot almost as if his torso controlled the rest of him pulling him up by a string on his back I stepped back a good distance and he started what I can only surmise to be his version of walking towards me almost like he didn't have all of his motor controls figured out he started to speak in a garbled and slow tone and while I didn't exactly see them come out of his mouth the mess of baby spiders that were on his cheek wasn't there before he started speaking he was coming at me quicker now so I pulled my gun and warned him to stay back this of course much to my chagrin didn't deter his advancement so I fired a warning shot into the air it wasn't too close but he was close enough to me at this point but I could feel the warmth of his breath touch my face he stopped and I you not got down on all fours and started crawling at me and before you think in know not backwards like in some Exorcist movie but just Dylan his hands and feet like an animal I was cornered and alone so I shot at him just the leg just enough to stop him or so I thought this not only didn't stop him but he then started to quickly crawl away toward the church and then go past it into the woods I just kind of stared completely baffled and terrified by what had just happened he stopped just before reaching the woods to look back at me and it may have just been my nerves and the fact that it was dark out but I swear his eyes were pitch-black in that moment I immediately went to my patrol car to fall for backup to search the area I just stared forward at the church with my gun trained to the woods ready for it to come back but it never done the big cross on top of the steeple seemed like it almost mocked me like God had gone and left us down here with whatever that that I just saw was after that though nothing was found no one in the area that matched the description of course this did nothing to ease my nerves a thorough investigation was done of the car as well and while there were no human corpses in it there was what appeared to be the mummified remains of small woodland animals in the trunk however had a couple of the stories on here about this kind of stuff I gotta say while I was reading these I was really relieved that it wasn't just me that had experienced that kind of terror well on the job in the real us make of it what you will but I know one thing and that's that there is a lot of scary out there not even necessarily paranormal or unnatural well I'm not sure what I saw was supernatural or just crazy lunatic hopped up on drugs but just things that won't hesitate to prey on you if you get in their way so be careful this event is told to me from the perspective of my father during the early 2000s it was about 1 o'clock in the morning when I was leaving from work my colleague let's say his name is Ronald was also held up late like I was he asked me to drop him in the way and I generously let him into my car and gotten myself in the driver's seat I started the car and headed towards the main road as I've already mentioned it was past midnight which is probably why the roads were absolutely deserted usually I am NOT a rash driver but since there were neither cars nor people ahead of us I figured I could speed up a little Ronald didn't mind so why not 15 minutes later I was still driving through the empty road in speed real speed I kept driving in before I knew it we had reached the highway we still hadn't seen any cars in the way which was very strange because we were not in a little town how come we didn't see anyone this thought didn't even come to my mind at that moment because I was happy with the speed I was driving with I kept driving farther into the highway when suddenly a woman wearing white appeared in front of my car I was still driving with speed so I couldn't hit the brakes in to light I just killed someone what just happened I couldn't even think at that moment I was frozen about 15 seconds passed and it felt like hours I finally returned to my senses and turn to face Ronald by the look on his face like a Zell he was just as terrified as I was why wouldn't he be what just happened I heard Ronald say I I don't know I answered a second later I started getting out of the car and Ronald also followed we looked front nothing absolutely nothing I've bent down to look underneath the car nothing again where was the body of the lady I'd head where could she have possibly disappeared it certainly wasn't my imagination because Ronald had seen it happen too we decided to get back into the car and drive ahead we drove in silence until we saw a gas station ahead of us we got out and told the worker of the gas station about what had just happened a worried look appeared on his face when we finished you're not the first person to experience that he said there are so many people who come to tell me this exact tale in he paused and I believe that those who stopped there for too long don't survive there were about a dozen missing-persons complaints filed last year from the families of those unfortunate ones the evidence says that they disappeared in the highway just behind you neither my father nor the colleague of his can explain what happened I was about seven at the time my father told me this I don't know if what happened was the doing of an actual ghost maybe it was a trick of light maybe both Ronald and my dad had the same vision at the same time maybe the worker of the gas station was just making up stories I honestly don't know I live just outside a major metropolitan city in an average neighborhood for the past couple of years my life has been running pretty smoothly now I'm the kind of guy who prefers to do things by himself so I don't get into that dating scene very often and when it comes to friends I prefer quality over quantity so well I can probably count on both hands the number of people I hang out with they're all really good friends the short version is I'm the prototype introvert aside from the Maine Coon cat Dora I live alone which is exactly how I like it now we all have our good days in our bad but until the day before yesterday I had to have given my life an A+ rating but a lot can happen in the span of a few days beyond the backyards of me and my neighbor's our woods not creepy or forbidding woods just a patch of forest where you'd see the occasional deer or bird on a nice-enough day I'd look at the woods from my window for a while which I enjoyed doing somehow it was relaxing but I'd never gotten around to actually going in those woods I wasn't afraid or anything like I said it wasn't anything scary so one quiet weekend I walked Dora and yes I'm the kind of guy who walks his cats on a leash outside and as we check the woods together I noticed a seemingly abandoned house smack dab in the middle of the trees it was a small one-story house it was very sketchy looking his windows covered only by screens on the trashy wooden porch wasn't even trashy or padded rocking chair unoccupied and sitting in silence the door was weak and looked to be half off its hinges I could tell by the stench of rotting wood that no one lived here or at least they shouldn't have been Dora jerked for de bent as she spotted a rat scurrying out from one of these foundations I wasn't interested in watching my cat mala rode into death so I hold her back but when I noticed that several other rats followed I was terrified of rats and mice and this was beyond unnerving so I decided it was time to go but before I could make my way back up to my backyard I suddenly heard moaning it sounded like the kind of noise a person makes when they were sleeping and you try to wake them up in the middle of the night it was coming from the other side of the house this gave me a chilling feeling side of the rats and against my better judgment I investigated at the back of the house was a window but this one didn't have a screen it didn't have glass either what it did have only made me all the more unsettled on the window or bars metal bars like that of a prison cell I heard the moaning again only this time it was louder it almost didn't sound human if that makes sense no it was really time to get the hell out of there I picked door up and turned around to head back but as I did she suddenly hissed at something behind me I quickly turned around to look and briefly saw a figure quickly - away from my view Dora was still growling in my arms as I went back towards the front of the house I saw that the old rocking chair was no longer occupied a scrawny ancient looking man sat there he was wearing a red flannel shirts worn-out jeans and tattered loafers short white hair peeked out from a brown wool Barrett he spotted me and spoke to me currently he wasn't not friendly this is private property he said almost snapping at me and you've upset Wilbur get the hell out of here I can only guess that this Wilbert was who ever or dare I say whatever I had heard moaning Dora was still growling in my arms so I returned to my home and tried to calm her down she was still agitated calm the evening and shied away from me when I tried to pet her comfort her I truly have no idea what my cat saw that she could have been riled up for so long all night a date away at me and I couldn't sleep at the crack of dawn I finally gave in to my curiosity the day's first light was only just beginning to fill the sky when I mean my trek back down to that house I was more sneaky this time since I know about the old man by the time I got down there it wasn't night any more but it was still too dark to see so I used the flashlight on my phone as a source of illumination the smell of wood rock crept back into my nose and again I heard the moaning I crept slowly over leaves and broken sticks and made my way back to the barred window I cautiously went closer up to the window and shined my light at the source of the noise what I saw I can only describe as some sort of feral man he was sitting against the corner of two balls hugging his knees to his chest he was sickly looking in emaciated dead half-eaten rats rabbits and squirrels were scattered about the floor the nails on his fingers and toes were sharp and on trimmed he had a short unkempt beard and shaggy and tangled hair so long it almost looked like a mane aside from the smell of him which was beyond unbearable the thing I noticed most of all was the collar around his neck which was attached to a chain which was in turn attached to the wall and on the collar I noticed something that chilled me to the bone I read the name Wilbert I immediately recalled the old man mentioning that name from before I was stopped from my train of thought when Gilbert suddenly spotted me his eyes were crazy and wild abruptly he stopped moaning and looked at me then he curled up his upper lip and bared his teeth like a dog the first thing I noticed about his teeth was that they weren't square like a human's they were sharp like an animal's as he bared his teeth at me he growled suddenly I felt back and dropped my phone to the ground as he lunged at the bars on the window barking furiously and when I say barking I do mean actual barking like a dog he continued to bark as he reached his hand out from between the bars desperately trying to get a hold of me suddenly I heard a voice call out will birds I recognized that voices belonging to the old man I heard him barge out from the front door and angrily walked toward the back window goddamnit if that idiots back here again I swear to Christ I heard him grumble but by then I was already scrambling back up to my feet and running back to my house I didn't even bother trying to find my phone all I was concerned for at this juncture was my life my heart suddenly went into my throat as I heard the words get in Wilburn you know come from down the hill followed by charging and wild growling and barking I jumped over my fence and raced in my basement door Wilbert was close behind as I slammed the door behind me unlocked in I saw through the window the horrifying sight of Wilbur jumping from all fours afoot over my fence and running over to me he spotted me and barked and growled as he scratched at the door I ran to my room and locked in remembering with dread that I didn't have my phone I didn't have a hands in my house so that phone was the only way I could have called the police I still heard Wilbur its barking from outside I desperately hid under my bed like a child and waited it all out after a while it seemed as though Wilbert had given up as the noise eventually stopped I fell asleep at some point and woke up around 1:00 p.m. still under my bun when I emerged to face the day the first thing I noticed with relief was that Dora was unharmed it took some courage before I was able to look out the back door and when I did I saw my phone right outside event on it was a sticky note on the sticky note was a message that said don't come back ever believe me when I tell you that I didn't after this experience I'm not sure I know the world I live in anymore and I'm turning into a downright nervous wreck I'm still trying to find a new house as far away from that place as humanly possible and in the meantime my days of looking at the woods from my window are over we had been driving from Iowa to hkey Arizona to Flagstaff to visit her parents it was a typical hots and Bleakley dry Arizona day with not even the faintest sign of a cooling precipitation Flagstaff would be cooler than our two key for sure but I've yet to grown accustomed to the scalding aridity of the state and anything above seventy is too hot for me Nadiya however love the warmth and so we decided to spend the weekend with her parents instead of mine who reside in my home state of Maine we drove through the desert taking notes of nothing worth relating in making relatively good time as we steadily sped past mile markers Nadia's parents said breakfast would be ready at 9:00 a.m. so we left at 6:00 and we're only just pushing into 8 a.m. and about 15 minutes of travel left I didn't see the rock didn't think to expect a boulder in the middle of the road or anywhere else in the vicinity of flat desert through which we drove it was as if the thing materialized in front of our car we collided with it violently and Nadia was thrown through the windshield her seatbelt torn loose from its bindings in the sheer force of the collision I was luckier if you could call it that and remain in my seat though my forehead cracked the windshield the car was totaled its front end almost cartoonishly crumpled a black plume of smoke rose from the engine and a heat filled the interior somehow conscious despite my skull having rammed into the glass i unbuckled my seatbelt exited the vehicle on legs no more stable than a newborn's and stumbled over towards where I thought Nadia had landed I saw her first and it wasn't until my eyes adjust as the glare of the oppressive Sun I saw the man standing over her he wore black slacks a white long sleeve buttons shirt and black leather gloves he turned to me gave me a gesture that meant one moment and then knelt down and began choking Nadia days from the crash and not entirely comprehending the scene before me I just stood there Nadia turned to me eyes wide while her fingers frantically clawed at the hands of her suffocate her finally compelled to action by the look of terror in her eyes I snapped out of my delirium stumbled as fast as I could to her attacker attempted to pry him off her he pivoted keeping one hand on her throat and withdrew then fired a gun striking me in the stomach I fell back onto my ass and sat there more shaken by the sudden impact than the actual wound he kept the gun aimed at me for a moment longer then placed it slowly back into the holster I hadn't seen before and returned to strangling my wife when she finally died he stood up dusted himself off and offered me a hand to assist me in standing I took it for some inexplicable reason and we stood facing each other for a while neither of us uttering a word his eyes were normal enough small circles of hazel set in large spheres of white without any sinister aspect about them short cut brown hair rose an inch from his scalp and every other physical trait was unremarkable and somehow on befitting of his actions this worldly standard men had just murdered my wife and yet he didn't look like any kind of demon in human form you shouldn't be out in this heat he patted me on the shoulder then walked past me turning was a laborious ly painful exertion and by the time I had fully turned around I only saw a portion of his back before he strode into the conflagration that had once been the car the flames and smoke consumed him but he didn't scream and I couldn't see anything resembling a scorched corpse as i hobbled around the vehicle he had disappeared into the wreckage bodily the heat was debilitating a thick some fallen haze descended upon the desert combined with the heat of the burning car and enveloped me in a roasting blanket that sent me to my knees my stomach gushed blood soaking through my t-shirt and falling in an unimpeded stream onto the road where it seemed to simmer and hot pools atop the asphalt I lost consciousness then from either the unendurable heat or the loss of blood or probably both I woke in the car on the passenger side Nadia was driving we were on the same stretch of road where in a few miles I knew a boulder would disastrously impede our progress I've been susceptible to minor transients hallucinations when under the duress of extreme heat it's coated in my genes this intolerance and I tried to tell myself that the horrible event of a few moments ago was merely a sort of heat fever dream that I had nodded off in in my mind fabricated a hyper-real nightmare but I distinctly remember the drive specifically being behind the wheel all the way back to when we first departed when I had insisted that I Drive so that she could rest we had spent the previous night packing and I noted off earlier than she did i sat in the passenger seat scanning the road ahead for the ill arrived Boulder but it was nowhere to be seen we drove steadily passingly the scattered cacti of the region until a tire burst our vehicle was sent flying uncontrollably into the desert beside the road and I was thrown from the car like a rag doll I landed on my back and a shadow passed over me I first thought it to be a bird but its speed and size was not that of some avian creature the sound of shattering glass and crunching metal followed the passage of the shadow and I realized that the car had soared over me in that instant I scrambled to my feet and ran to the vehicle desperately hoping to find Nadia azan harmed as I had been 'icarly upside down two wheels still spinning well a third was crumpled irreparable and the fourth missing I run up the vehicle to the driver's side and was met with the battered almost unrecognizable face of my wife I vomited and turned away from the car only to face that stranger from what I had thought was a heat induced nightmare the heat it does terrible things to the mind you really shouldn't be out here friend let's get you somewhere cool somewhere cool apparently was the clutches of this man's gloved hands because in an instant he had seized me throw me to the ground and began strangling me just as he had done to my wife I struggled tried to wrench his hands-free from my throat but he was incredibly strong his relaxed almost dullard face gazed down at me and as my vision blurred and a pressure built within my chest I found myself grateful for his presence over me because it's shielded my eyes from the and girl Sun that burned overhead for some reason I fear the solar blight more than my killer again awake and the passengers seen Nadia's eyes are unseeable behind her sunglasses though I doubt she's been aware at all of what has been going on the road stretches on and measurably and the Sun punishes the expanse with its hot violence my chest hurts and my head swims in the murky semi lucid state that follows our recently passed delirium I forgot about the boulder about the tire puncturing object in the road there wouldn't be time to argue I simply had to act without warning I reached over to the steering wheel and yanked it towards me steering the car off the road and into the thick bramble scattered about hoping to slow the car's speed in the brush nadia screamed and struggled with the wheel but I'm much stronger than her and the car eventually came to a sluggish stop in a rough prickly thicket no not without harm Nadia had been banged up pretty bad and blood dripped from a wound on her head her eyes flickered and her head lolled about she had surely been concussed I felt a stinging pain in my neck wear my seat belt rose up and tightened around my throat this Tim passenger seat belt was annoyingly unreliable though otherwise I was alright or at least I thought I woke in a hospital some time later and Nadia and a doctor stood over me she was bandaged but otherwise seemed fine though both her and the doctor looked down at me with troubled faces honey how are you feeling she spoke softly though I detected fear in tone in the words which worried me I'm fine how are you she responded similarly the doctor questioned me asking me general questions about myself to determine whether or not any possible brain damage had occurred in the rack and I answered easily and accurately then when the general inquiry had finished the questions regarding my intentions came in a third person in the room who I had not seen before made himself visible I screamed dressed in the same the exact same clothing was the man from the road who had strangled my wife and I shot me in the stomach and strode to his own fiery destruction the doctor and my wife attempted to calm me down and after several moments quieted the murderous man announced himself as a detective and that due to the nature of the incident and nature owed to my wife's retelling of the story it was being treated as more than just an accident when I asked why Nadia blurtin you intentionally ran us off the road you could have killed me tears spilled in her eyes and the doctor escorted her into the hall leaving me alone with the detective I know who you are you son of a bitch I beat you this was an unprecedented level of anger for me and I was surprised by my own words right after speaking them the supposed detective did not reply simply looked at me with the same passive inscrutable expression he rose added my chest and went to the door he knocked the doctor opened in a to shared a brief exchange the doctor re-entered without my wife who I could see standing in the hall face hidden by her hands before closing the door the detective said to the doctor let him get plenty of rest that he can do terrible things to the mind he walked into the hall and as the door slowly closed I saw him wrap his hands around Nadia's shoulders leading her away from the room I was released from the hospital a few hours later after insisting that I had rested enough my doctor advised me to contact him should I have any newly emergent symptoms and to avoid exposure to sunlight something to which I happily agreed my wife however and left at some point and neither the hospital staff nor the nearest police station from which I assumed the detective hailed knew of her whereabouts a person I spoke with from the station did not know of anyone matching the description of the detective that I gave and I realized that he never offered his name I proceeded via uber to the house of my wife's parents who hadn't heard from her either perhaps she simply needed some time away to process what I had done or whatever had caused my actions perhaps something sinister is going on I do not know the wind came from the north I stood in the yard facing the lake and I felt the wind against my back it toyed with my hair tossing it against my neck and the ends felt like dry straw this guy in front of me was white and blue leached away by the searing heat the color returned as I pivoted turning to put the lake behind me and stared out at the clouds covering the horizon flat-bottomed and lo heavy with rain a gray carpet upon which billowing dollops of white flowed pitted like cauliflower this was a good sign I thought no threat of tornadoes all that was left to worry about was the wind I went inside my mother sat at the kitchen table where thin hands folded in front of her and she stared steadily at the thin flesh like tissue paper and the age spots like obscene freckles or tea rested nearby the surface clear of the tendrils of steam that had been there wind I'd set it beside her I frowned slightly but took the mug from her without a word I poured it out in the sink and refilled it from the pot and returned it to the table close to her elbow is it going to rain she asked me her voice quivered I think it's going to pass us by I replied is the tea ready it's right there beside you she turned tremulous reason her hands a half inch from the table as if to reach for the cup then she set them back down her head slipped back into its initial position staring straight down on the table surface and then she went still again this was the extent of our conversation since I'd moved in we talked in fragments and I felt like I was trying to assemble shattered porcelain trying to make a whole lot of the pieces I urged her gently let me take her to a doctor she refused in brief moments of intense lucidity I'm listening to the wind she insisted that's all it is listening to the wind I've read about the kitchen for a bed whiped countertops that were already clean stacked the forks that they sat aligned in a neat pile instead of a haphazard tumble in the silverware drawer I glanced out the window from the kitchen sink the back porch was a flat slab of concrete with a few pieces of rent furniture the white paint flaked almost entirely away the cushions faded with the ghost of a floral pattern wind chimes swayed in the breeze like pendulums the brass bells claimed on their chain a deep undertone for the lighter voices of the thin silver tubes that lines the overhanging roof in even intervals to the right along the metal humming birds chattering haphazardly and I regretted buying them for her birthday many years ago they were a chaotic jarring sound against the rest of the wind chimes what direction is the wind coming from my mother asked towards the lake I replied not turning around I felt her brief silence like a weight against my back this was not a conversation that we'd have in pieces not one that she would complete ours or perhaps days later I weighed in well it's not a problem if it lets up before sundown she sighed no I agreed it won't be a problem if it lets out mother's decline began only a few months ago and progressed rapidly I heard a house-sitter and moved back into my childhood home to watch over her initially I had planned to sell my house expecting this to be a long-term arrangement but after the first month I realized this would not be the case I arranged for monthly payments to my house sitter for weekly check-ins and talked to my boss about working remotely and then taking FMLA if caring for my mother required all of my attention then I began the slow futile process of convincing my mother to let me take her to a doctor I remember her standing out in the yard staring off into the horizon and watching the movement of the clouds I went to stand next to her and after a moment of silence I gently suggested that she let me make her an appointment I'd found someone I son he was highly recommended if she worried about the expense I would cover it I had a very good job and no children to provide for after all she'd always been a little less sad about my decision to not marry or have children it was never something she pressured me on but I saw her longing for grandchildren and how she interacted with the children of other adults close to my age it got worse after my father died I feel guilty for making her sad it's one of those things that can't be helped our choices are never enough for anyone I don't want to see a doctor she told me and her voice was strong I'm not sick but you are I thought she was just in most days staring aimlessly off at nothing watching this guy in looking for patterns and things that were otherwise meaningless she hardly responded and when she did it was often in response to something I'd said hours or days or even decades before I'm listening to the wind she's son that was the beginning of it she listened to the wind chimes she asked me to tell her what direction the wind was coming from from the lake I would tell her always from the lake then one evening had sundown I went outside and looked towards the lake and felt the wind against my back it swooped over the small house rustling the tops of the trees that had backed up on town I felt uneasy when I turned around to face scent but I could not explain to myself why that was I went inside and mother was waiting there in the sitting room on a cream sofa her eyes were sharp and she asked me as she asked me every evening now which direction the wind was coming from the north I replied her mouth tightened into a thin line and she stood she walked deliberately with a purpose I'd not seen out of her since I'd moved in I went to her alarmed and took her arm and gently urged her to sit back down I was afraid of what would happen if she grew agitated her fingers latched around my wrist I was surprised at the strength remaining in her body my mother has always been a strong woman it was a source of pride for her we promised something to the wind my mother whispered he comes to claim it I had never heard this from her I was unnerved and thought perhaps it was best to humour her if it would calm our down together we checked all the windows we made sure they were latched tight and she fell for cracks and if there was the slightest hint of air from the outside she stuffed the frame tight with rags she did the same with the doors and it left her breathless I told her to please sit down I could do the rest by then the wind had picked up the wind chimes banging against one another nearly drowning out the murmur of the restless trees mother was agitated and I went to start the kettle so I could make her some tea perhaps the ritual was more to comfort myself but I didn't know what else to do I was unnerved by my mother's terror and somehow the act of securing the house had made the nights and the wind outside seemed menacing the wind sounded like the tap of fingers against the kitchen window and as I walked past it to the stove I caught a glimpse of light in the corner of my vision a glitter two points like eyes and the brief impression of movement startled I glanced over nothing just the wind chimes swaying outside the attic mother said abruptly I need to make sure the Attic is safe I told her I would do this I didn't want her climbing up on a ladder right now I fetched it from the garage and I hurried digging it in not wanting to be out there any more than I had to with the wind banging against the garage door like it was standing outside and beating against it with a pair of fists I made sure the door was locked behind me and he replaced the towels are on the bottom edge to stop off the wind I went up to the attic I climbed a ladder and pushed up the loose panel on the ceiling it smelled of old wood and a faint hint of a fragrance rose perhaps I pulled myself up sitting on the ledge of the beams and then pulling my legs in a single light bulb was affixed to a roof beam testing a warm glow over that dusty attic boxes were piled about the edges and I felt a roof vibrating around me with the wind I dropped back down into the house and fetched a box knife mother wasn't going to sleep anytime soon and when I looked into the kitchen she said perfectly still with her hands folded in front of her and her eyes closed she'd be there for hours if I left her alone I had a suspicion as to what was in the boxes as there weren't many mementos from their early life in my childhood around the house I'm uncertain what drove my son desire to look through them nostalgia grief I returned to the Attic curiously I didn't feel the breeze I'd been in my own attic and I had felt the air working its way through the cracks and whispering throughout the room by edge closer to the slant of the rough we're joined with the floor and peered at the wooden underside the Katara streaked the seams on evenly applied a set the knife down nearby and I stood close enough but I could feel the house shaking in the wind the roof mere inches from my brow trying to determine how long ago they'd applied it the wind struck the house with a roar like an enraged animal a crack a shattering of wood something struck the side of my face cold wind blew in and then my hair was seized a sharp agonizing yank I was on my toes my feet barely touching the floor spine arched in a vain attempt to relieve the pressure at the back of my scalp I flailed desperately stretching my fingers out for the box knife that lay on the boxes near buying my fingers brushed its metal surface and it closed there and then had twisted my body and lunged wrapping my hand around its grip I barely felt the pain my body taut with adrenaline as I reached up with both hands seized my hair and pulled it into a tight knot near the base of my skull and I hacked it off with my knife may her parted I fell heavily to the ground landing badly and my feet gave out and I crashed sideways into a stack of boxes they went over I went with them and for a moment everything was falling and wrong side up and then I was on the floor half sprawled in the crushed cardboard I stirred up the hole in the ceiling and a man stared down at me I could see only his eyes in the sharp edge of his cheekbone through the hole and his skin was the color of the night sky no there was no skin merely the outline of a man then he was gone and there was nothing but the empty sky visible through the hole in the roof my hair lay strewn on the attic floor spread in a half circle around me I reached up to what was left behind shorn unevenly just below the years I began to cry rapid painful sobs that caught halfway in my chest like taffy I struggled against them thinking that no not no I couldn't collapse no not over my hair my beloved long hair the winds side through the hole in the roof and caught the shorn strands in its fingers turn them over scattered them and finally blew my hair away into the shadows of the Attic my mother was shaking when I returned to the kitchen she looked up at me raised a trembling hand and tried to speak the wind she croaked I heard him and she began to cry I made tea and said a mug in front of her and then we sat there at the kitchen table together in silence and listen to the wind clawing at the windows with fingers that I now knew to be human in form we talked about what happened in bits and pieces over the next few days I repaired the hole in the roof with a few layers of plywood and scheduled someone to come fix it properly at a later date I checked the wind on my own now I asked my mother to see a doctor less often instead I asked her what she was listening for when she sat there distant and lost inside herself I knew what she heard she son I'd always known didn't I remember how scared I was of storms as a child how I would hide in my room when the wind picked up only when it came from the north she's son I knew that something was coming it was an unpleasant memory and I unearthed it reluctantly I had been a frightened child there were many nights when my dad sat in my bedroom with me while I cried in fear and told him that something was trying to get inside my room he's taken towels and plugged the cracks in the window telling me that would keep me safe when I was older I thought it was just a way to reassure me and also a way to compensate for the aging houses quirks this was not something new perhaps mother had always listened to the wind she just listened more intently now though I could not tell if this was because the wind was growing more aggressive or if she herself was failing I went into town and got my hair cleaned up so that it's sat in a tidy Bob my mother noticed it intermittently but she never asked me the cause of the sudden change in her mind it had been this way for some time it was so pretty long she said one day touching the cut ends with a trembling hand when you were little do you ever think of growing it out again I remember this conversation and many others liked it over a decade ago I remember the resentment taking my mother's comments as disapproval and maybe they were and how I lashed out and told her to mind her own damn business and I'd cut my hair however I pleased yeah I sighed I think I will I returned to the Attic on a day when the wind was coming across the lake I opened up the boxes and pulled out old photo albums i sat there under the dim light of the single light bulb and flipped through them I paused on one of the photographs from when I was an infant my parents stood beside us old sign in the front of my childhood home they were shoulder to shoulder smiling and my mother held me in her arms their hair was windswept I squinted there behind them was a smudge no not a smudge a shape no line of dust and light the shoulders and head of a man peering over their shoulders and gazing down with the child in her arms his hair long and entwined with the wind itself as it danced around them I knew what it was they promised the wind I took the photo downstairs to her mother sat on the back patio on the wicker furniture she watched the wind chime sway in the breeze i sat next to her and set the photo in her lap and her fingers unconsciously moved to cover it I asked her about the wind and why they had promised me to it her eyes were vacant she told me they didn't know as much back then about the things that could happen after childbirth as she hadn't gotten help in one day at noon on midsummer when she was at her darkest and bleakest moment and wondering why I existed at all she cursed me she didn't remember the words she Sun her voice breaking as it did so often no they came to her it seemed like what she should do and so she cursed me and it was the wind that heard the curse they tried to keep me safe unless the wind come and claim what it had been given for so long they'd succeed in but now it seemed like the wind was only waiting and the day had come when it wanted what was rightfully its own I shouldn't have let you come home she whispered you're sick I protested of course had come to take care of you she shook her head and she seemed like a little child in that moment helplessly denying the world around it I was weak she continued I missed you I should have gone to a nursing home I know I should have instead of letting you come back but this house she trailed off her eyes fixed on the photograph in her lap on their proud faces in front of the house they decided to raise a family and it's not your fault my son because I didn't know what else to say a wind shifted we both felt it around us the wind chimes began to sway in unison rocking on the ripples of air that curled around us mother sat there listening i sat there listening and neither of us had to say a thing before we both understood the wind was coming from the north and that he was coming I took her inside I made her tea and then went back outside I stood in the yard facing the lake and I felt the wind against my back I looked at the clouds gauging whether it would rain knowing that there was a little risk of tornadoes night came and the wind had not shifted as I'd hoped even though I knew in my heart that it would not I checked the locks in the window and stuffed rags in the frame and check the lock I did installed in the attic entrance then I joined my mother in the kitchen and we waited his night fell neither of us would sleep tonight I thought I wondered how long this could go on being trapped in this small house like this under siege by something neither of us really understood I wondered if perhaps I was delusional myself cooped up too long and falling into my mother's delusions the wind hit the house it groaned the windows rattled in their frames it raced around the house with a shrill whine like it was screaming its frustration my knuckles were white and my fingernails dug into the skin on the back of my hand across from me my mother was still in silent her breathing shallow and her eyes closed the hours passed like this we listened to the wind as it swept around the house clawing at every crevice that might yield a weak spot it smashed into the door and steady rhythmic blows and I shuddered at each impact then close to midnight my mother began to cry she didn't open her eyes tears ran down her cheeks and dripped onto the table I spent so many years listening she whispered when I heard him coming I closed up the windows and stopped up the cracks then you left but he kept coming to the house and he was so angry and tired another blow to the door the frame groaned while there reached out and placed her fingers over mine she stroked the back of my hand urgently so tired her voice was a whisper I've poured myself out listening and now I feel like I'm all gone blow to the window the glass pane cracked with a snap like the ice and winter I jumped in my seat heart pounding but remained otherwise fixed in place holding my mother's thin fingers I'm so sorry my mother's voice was faltering I felt like I was watching a candle gutter I deserve better than this a moment of silence the clock red midnight i sat listening and realized that the only sound from outside of the house was the gentle clink of the wind chimes I still didn't went to the kitchen window and looked down there was nothing there and the trees were growing still the window was quiet the outline of a man stood only a few yards away staring directly at the window I could not see his face in the darkness but I felt his smile he dipped his head in a subtle nod at me then he turned and walked away in the darkness walled him up mother died a half hour after midnight I didn't notice at first she sat at the kitchen table with her back straight and her fingers wrapped around her cooling tea her face was closed peaceful her eyes shut as they'd been for most of the evening it wasn't until I went to replace her cold tea but I realized something was wrong when her hands stiffly resisted instead of simply releasing the tea mug and they fell away to either side frozen in place like claws and I realized she was done today the wind comes from the north I'm counting the hours until sundown sitting in the kitchen with the photo albums from the attics turn before me and the last of my family line when I am gone there will be no hand to turn the pages of aged photo albums and stare at the faint smudges and the edges of the photo of the outline of a man hovering always nearby watching waiting the wind comes from the wrong direction it comes to claim a promise that was made I have on locked in open the windows the door hangs open I do not know what will happen nor would I hope to accomplish I feel that I have reached the last chapter of a book and there is nothing left to do but close to cover with a sigh except that it has come to an end set it aside and give the wind what it wants you
Channel: Slumber Reads
Views: 47,141
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Keywords: slumber reads, police officer stories, emt stories, 911 stories, true scary stories, scary true stories, scary stories, true horror stories, true stories, true creepy stories, horror stories, scary horror stories, creepy stories, scary story, true scary stories reddit, scary stories to tell in the dark, real scary stories, true scary, scary true, scary, best true scary stories, 6 scary stories, true scary stories august
Id: 2378CtDA-4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 54sec (3714 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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