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"We're so removed from reality now that we think that watching us indulge in a hedonistic lifestyle will somehow make for a good video".

Browsing the chapter videos, I'm really spoilt for choice - "Drinking $300 champagne" "A BAR on a PLANE?!" and "My First CAVIAR!". Wow. What a video of top-notch content, all sprinkled with Kara's in-depth commentary.

Fucking Christ. I watched about 2 minutes and then decided anything else was better than this dribble.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/Mightysmurf1 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2022 🗫︎ replies

Are they trying to be The Points Guy now with comparing airline seats? The Points Guy just won a Webby, so it‘s honestly not surprising they‘re doing this now. Close your mouth, Kara, You might catch a fly

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ALS1-2 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2022 🗫︎ replies

And Lufthansa lost their luggage I heard. In Finland. Bummer.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/DesertPrincess5 📅︎︎ Jul 02 2022 🗫︎ replies
today i'm doing something i've never done before i am flying in first class oh my gosh this is gonna be the best flight of my life but not just maybe first class with tons of purpose i cannot believe i'm doing a wine tasting on an airplane right now this nine hour flight from miami to frankfort cost eight thousand dollars this whole travel day ended up being even better than we expected after landing in frankfurt we spent the day at the best first class lounge in europe and then a chauffeur picked us up in a porch and took us straight to our plane so make sure to stick around till the end for that but here's the funny part that's already making me feel a little bit guilty while i'm in the front of the plane having no doubt the best flight of my life nay is gonna be in the back of the plane and economy sorry it's my turn well the last door is closed so within the next seconds we will be ready to push back [Music] you guys are all set to go even though karen's the one flying first class today it's really working out for me so far i got the fancy first class ticket holder and we also got personally escorted to the very pride of the security line so you may be wondering why karen and i are flying separately today it all goes back to a trip that we took last year to greece we both flew home at separate times because i decided to stay and run my first marathon and she flew home early to meet her sister's new baby for the very first time this is my nephew hank and when i flew home i use frequent flyer miles to book a first-class suite on emirates it was my first time ever flying first class and it was even more amazing than i could have possibly imagined i have no words right now needless to say cara was a bit jealous so i kind of owe her this i would have flown first class with her but unfortunately there were no more seats available to book with points plus i thought you might enjoy seeing the contrast should be fun for some of us if you were confused about what i meant by no more seats available to book with points let me quickly explain how you can book this 8 000 first class ticket for less than a hundred dollars using points it's super easy to earn membership reward points by signing up for one of the many american express credit cards then you can transfer those membership reward points to avianca airlines and once you have 87 000 abianca airline frequent flyer miles you can use those miles to book a lufthansa first class ticket all while paying less than 100 in taxes and fees okay enough with the nerdy miles and point stuff let's head to the lounge there's a poll my first class ticket got us into the le tam lounge where we spent our time very differently i decided to save myself for the plane and nate well let's just say he made the most of it and two hours later it was time to board our flight that was the most luxurious part of my entire travels i took a water cookie you may remember our new friend from earlier to our surprise she showed up at the lounge to escort us to our gate and pass the crowds to the first class seating area it was us and seven other first class passengers who looked way less excited and a little more dressed up i'm still being treated like a flying first class even though i fly economy i'm gonna have to walk all the way to the back of the plane this is gonna be embarrassing don't miss me too much no way all right back through the business class okay 23. well this is home sweet home for the next nine hours a seat reclines a grand total of six inches i did have the last minute opportunity to upgrade myself to economy premium this is still going to be nowhere close to kara's experience or anything else yes please thank you [Music] wow this is the most expensive champagne and this is your pajamas i wonder how early is too early to put my pjs on definitely not too early for slivers my premium economy seat isn't so bad they gave me a bottle of water a blanket there's a remote control for the tv and i even got an amenity kit [Music] i had champagne in my just make yourself hands lean back and we keep you informed about our exact arrival time we haven't even taken off yet and i already feel like this is going by too fast thank you so much also this entire menu is just mine yeah patent shots also on behalf of their cabin tour i'd like to welcome you by the hour of thunder starlight flight to frankfurt look at that bridge real quick i want to say a big thank you to surfshark for continuing to support this channel whether we're attempting a crazy challenge or flying first class we know that we're protected with the best vpn on the internet if you don't know what a vpn is it stands for virtual private network and it encrypts all the data sent between our computer and the internet so that no one can steal our sensitive information which is especially important when you're connecting to free wi-fi networks like the ones inside of airports but a vpn can be used for more than just security it can also be used to unlock content that isn't available in your area it's super easy to change the virtual location of your computer and get access to a completely new content library a lot of calories well just don't leave it on too long if you don't already have a vpn we highly recommend surfshark we've been using it for over two years now and it's the only vpn to offer one account for unlimited devices you can use our code cara nate to get 83 off plus three extra months for free and there's a 30 day money back guarantee so there is no risk to try it out and to sweeten the offer even more this month surfshark is giving away their antivirus for free to get started just click the link in the description below or scan the qr code on the screen it might be here or here or okay back today let's try this aisle privacy screen this is ridiculous it goes without saying this is the absolute best airplane seat i've ever experienced my entire life but there are three really cool things that just stand out above the rest the first really cool thing is how much space i have i have not one not two not three but four windows that are just in my seat i'd like to point out that nate only had three windows and his emirates first class scene i'm just saying the second coolest thing is i'm sitting right next to a drink bar on an airplane right there so instead of there being an aisle and then another row of seats like mine there's an entire bar in between and the third coolest thing is just the location of where i am in the plane right now my seat is in the very nose of this airplane above me is the cockpit so the aisle just ends in this closet it turns out economy premium isn't so bad i've just been served this little mini plate of shrimps that's so good i'm sorry what is that oh the veggie option um how cool is this amenity kit it's like a little mini suitcase it looks like a reusable tote bag this thing is jam-packed a toothbrush toothpaste i love these brushes got one on our qatar airways business class flight years ago you are like five hours and i still have it to open it like this some kind of refreshing towel oh mint look at this adorable little earplugs holder of course socks and [Music] an eye mask microfiber on the inside another cute little package skin caviar i love amazing eye cream moisturizing lip balm and the seat also came with this fancy little foot rest i would just like it to be known that she just offered me another drink even though i still have a uh three-fourths full class of champagne is it okay i was wondering where the table was like some garlic i love garlic how cute are these little salt and pepper shakers and this little bitty olive oil a bowl of butter and garlic bread look how far away i am from my tray table there's got to be a way to move my seed up i could just pull this toward me okay this bread is warm i don't know why that surprised me so much this is the most moist decadent piece of bread i've had in my entire life i'm not being dramatic right now just look at it oh so many options what to choose i wonder if i know how to get all of them i would love some caviar i can give you a double portion if you like okay because some passengers don't like the caviar do you eat that with the caviar yeah i've never had caviar before but i'm very excited thank you oh darn it got caviar all over my hand oh man i don't belong up here oh no i think i have it in my hair oh yep [Music] first bite i'm just gonna have it by itself smells like fish i feel like i just took a bite of the ocean very salty but i think it'll be better with all the things she also brought me this beautiful toast okay we got a little bit of everything sour cream egg yolk egg whites [Music] oh thank you she's trying to get a thumbnail [Music] that's not what i meant to do i laid my seat down and now i can't get it to come back up is there a secret button somewhere oh there we go that's better for dinner i'm having the spring vegetable result [Music] i would order this at like a five-star restaurant but i'm on an airplane right now i don't know what nate's having for dinner thank you you like a red wine is there a red wine that you like to go with the cheese a lot of passengers love the french red wine but you can try all of them because they are open we can do with wine tasting that sounds amazing all right wine number one thank you wow quite the tasting pour oh it smells so good [Music] okay i know you're gonna stop believing me at some point but this is the best red wine i've ever had this is gonna get any better literally everyone else in first class is sleeping right now and i'm up with gabby having a red wine tasting and eating cheese red wine number two [Music] wow but this one this one smells like i'm walking through an herb garden so just to clarify what's happening right now it was my flight attendant's idea to do a wine tasting and she proceeded to pour me six full glasses of beautiful french wine and in the moment this seemed like a great idea never in my life did i think i would do a wine tasting on an airplane okay i know i said they're all my favorite at some point but if i had to choose one it's my number one if i'm just gonna drink a wine by myself not by myself by itself go do this one i'm thinking of this as research you know like to be about this fight then you'll know which one to choose well we only have five hours and 55 minutes left i should go to sleep but i'm not 3 900 miles to go here's the first class toilet disinfection just a moment no way a window in the [Music] bible i don't know how to say this without sounding this navy and white top with these brown pants it's just evian facial i don't know if anybody watching this ever watched the parent trap growing up but there's that part when they're camping this little guy was on her avion bottle oh it's giggle when i see evie on well turns out premium economy isn't so bad but i have a feeling kara is going to sleep a lot better than i am wow all the way flat beautiful there's nothing better falling asleep to a movie like flat on an airplane it's 1am in miami but it's 7 a.m in frankfort so good morning gabby just brought me a beautiful breakfast bag and a giant cup of coffee i'm gonna go check out me oh never mind this went by way too fast would like to say goodbye to you now we know you had the choice so thank you for everything lufthansa and star line for this fight tonight thank you see you next time i love your pajamas thank you i love even more that you haven't changed out of them so we have an eight-hour layover here in frankfort and we tried to go to the welcome lounge upon arriving but the guy was very excited to tell us that we could go to the first class terminal to what he called the best lounge in all of europe he said this will be better for you i tell you where to go it smells like first class cara flying first class is really working out for me the first class terminal is incredible and it has its own security like the security that you need to get on the airplane you go through here in the first quest terminal it was the best airport security experience of my entire life there's also of course drinks and food and like a full sit-down restaurant back here [Music] [Music] enjoy yourself enjoy a show whoa well i guess i'm finally going to change out of my first class jammies i was going to take a bath because for some reason these rubber ducks are a thing they say loutons are first class on them shower was the only option so we have received a few gifts since entering the lounge oddly enough they are rubber ducks we asked and they said the backstory had something to do with there being a bathtub in the lounge and they started putting rubber ducks by the bathtub and people started stealing the rubber ducks so then they just started giving people the rubber ducks and now it's kind of like their signature i'm pretty sure the only way to get one of these ducks is here in the first class terminal so they've become kind of like collectors items and some of these ducks are sold on the internet for over a hundred dollars why am i not surprised that this is the most beautiful variable i've ever seen so they have a buffet with food like most lounges do but they also have this formal dining area [Music] they prepared a nap room for you they're so nice the very nice lady who's been helping us in the wild saw the cara fell asleep in that chair right there and she came over and she said i think she'd be more comfortable in a bed so she won't get a room ready for good night again this may be the most over-the-top portion of the entire experience thank you so much oh no way it shines a laser it says porsche on the ground that's too much this porsche is going to take us directly to the airplane this is insane that is the most like a famous person i've ever felt and the best part of flying first class or not flying first class thank you for the ride and that was the end of our first class experience from here we just hopped on a short flight italy
Channel: Kara and Nate
Views: 2,134,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: first class, lufthansa first class, trip report, flight review, lufthansa first class terminal, first class flight, boeing 747, business class, first class flight vlog, first class flight food, first class flight review, lufthansa, lufthansa first class seat review, av geek, boeing 747-8, boeing 747 tour, boeing 747 interior, first class flight experience lufthansa, kara and nate, travel, travel vlog, travel couple, couple vlog, kara and nate first class, travel day, vlog
Id: VQFqbkA45lc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 23 2022
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