Overnight Arctic Circle Train to World's Largest Ice Hotel

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today we're riding one of the only overnight trains in the world that travels north of the Arctic Circle over the next 48 hours we'll travel 800 miles south from narvik Norway to Stockholm in Sweden and we'll be taking two different trains to get there our first train will take us through a winter wonderland over the border into Sweden where we'll stop to sleep in the world's first and largest ice hotel and spoiler alert we finally saw the Northern Lights then we'll board the overnight train that takes us the rest of the way to Stockholm we've ridden trains all over the world and this specific one has been on our bucket list for years so join us to see if this journey through the Scandinavian Countryside lives up to the hype good morning from narvik Norway we are currently 137 miles above the Arctic Circle it snowed all night last night and has given us the perfect setting for riding the Arctic train this train is if we're being honest this first leg is probably the least exciting part of the journey so stick around First Impressions it's very warm probably less roomy than I would have expected and I feel like we got jumped on the window seat foreign So the plan for the next 48 hours is to take this train three hours to Corona then tonight we are sleeping in the world's largest ice hotel and tomorrow we'll jump back on the train to continue the 16-hour overnight Journey all the way down to Stockholm over the years bathroom tours have kind of become my thing so let's dive right into it they are cranking the heat in here it's hot it smells like pee and the color of the light looks like pink I feel like I was a little harsh in my initial review it's really not bad it's kind of like an airplane battery what else could you ask for except for maybe an air freshener [Music] no one is sitting in the good window seat in front of us so we're gonna steal it oh that was poor time what a view wow it is stunningly beautiful and I can already tell you it's worth riding this train even if you don't need to get from point A to point foreign [Music] station I've ever seen foreign is a little ahead of schedule so we have an unexpected 20-minute stop in this tiny little town it is so dreamy out here [Music] this always made me nervous maybe it's too vegetarian now also to coffee we have officially crossed over into Sweden I'm very sad to leave Norway behind we've been here for almost a month which in Karen Nate years is a very long time we've got to explore Norway first by ship through the fjords looking for orchids then we got to explore it in cleaning its butt and then we just got to experience it by train it all just kept getting more and more beautiful I really love Norway we're celebrating a little snack now that I've gotten into the wrap I take back my initial review the middle of it is still frozen this is like freezer burnt cabbage I'm so crunchy [Music] all right the first leg of the trip is finished we've made it to karuna now we have to figure out how to get to the Ice Hotel like digital uh meter said salute all right thank you all right welcome to the Ice Hotel a lot warmer than I thought it was going to be this is like the storage room where you leave all of your stuff it's where I might end up here tonight [Music] time okay so we can't check into our actual ice room until 6 PM until then the entire hotel is open is basically a museum for people to come check out so how cute is me check it out pronunciation of museums I even tried Museum okay we're gonna go look at the icing toe now [Music] this is really cool do you dare me [Music] yes no don't even the chandeliers made of ice get married here We Gather here today to celebrate the love that Cara has for Nate has agreed to stay in yet another Frozen accommodation a pretty epic place to get married amen this place is actually so cool I don't think I need to say this but in case it's not obvious the floor is ice the walls are ice ceiling is ice and if you don't know how science Works in order for things to be frozen it needs to be below 32 degrees what is this oh is this a room what it's so pretty the way that this works is every winter over 200 artists like ice sculpting artists apply and they choose one artist for each room I think there are 55 rooms did I make that up I think there's like 12 are these art Suites there are a few art Suites like this that an artist gets to come and just completely design from the ground up so they're all going to be different and now we get to look at them all we'll save ours for last this was really pretty though I hope ours is pretty there's flowers everywhere there's even chairs oh it's cold it's cold this might be weird to say but I'm a big lighting guy since I've been behind a camera almost every day for seven years the light really makes me happy and this hotel is beautifully lit this is cool this shows you who designed the room and also who did the light design for the room I think this one's even better this is cool cool they just keep getting better this one has animals and music wow this one feels huge oh she's like half girl half seal the heaviest burden is but a grain of sand I am women I am seal I am sulky coping Conan it kind of lost me at the end but that was so pretty I bet when she walks into the next one she goes I love it it's even bad okay this one is what's the right word um abstract I heard you out there it is so cool to be able to check out all these different rooms but saving our room for last is a bit of a risk because we will have seen all of them and will either be happy or disappointed I mean none of them have been bad but there's definitely some that are on a different level this one has a sunshine and clouds I love this yeah this one's the best this headboard and the is this a footboard you call it a footboard well I feel like I'm in Rome look at all the Arches oh this is a very like childlike thing it's I love this one whoa It's like a video game okay are you ready to go in hours it's called fro It Is by a single artist I'm scared I'm scared it's very simple it's pretty apparent that this person was by themselves it kind of looks unfinished I think the bed might be a tongue and then this is our table Welcome to our bedroom which is the only room that you walked into it just didn't make any sounds it's kind of like a bougie like statue looking thing they walked in looked at it for two seconds and they're gone I guess we'll go see the rest of the place and come back here when it's time to go to sleep [Music] we're warming up with some really hot and savory veggie goulash we've got better it was 12 bucks but they don't drip you on the portion size oh I can't stop [Music] I saw a bunch of kids doing that earlier but I was way too cold but now I got these suits and I feel Invincible all right we're having a competition to see who can go the furthest down the slide oh you really went for it [Music] you're such a good winner I won this way this is the most people we've seen all day and it's just the bar which is also made of ice so I scanned the QR code to our suite turns out bro is pronounced it is the inside of a seat it is the potentiality before creation it is protection it is light it is life it is yeah so our bed is made out of a seed and the way she's interpreting it is it's the potential of creation which kind of confirms how I looked at it which was unfinished that's the great thing about art is there's no right and wrong there's only preferences there's only some melted the glass ah sweet home you may have noticed this is not Pro there were a few open art Suites tonight and they gave us our pick and we chose Milano oh my god oh it feels kind of frozen so our bed we're already in a better spot than where we started in the cave if you missed last week's video we slept inside of with a lot less Comforts in this we're pretty much living in luxury here on top of our mattress we have what I think is a reindeer skin which will give us extra insulation and then these giant sleeping bags and sleeping liners we just finished brushing our teeth and getting ready for bed in the shared bathrooms and all we have left is stripping down to our thermals and getting into these sleeping bags which I'm not looking forward to should we do some push-ups first how about this while we get in bed I'll tell everybody about the sponsor this video and every time I say the word VPN Kara has to take an article of clothing real quick let's say a big thank you to Surf shark VPN for sponsoring this video we've been using search right now for the past three years and if you've never heard of a VPN before it stands for virtual private Network and it encrypts all the data set between your computer and the internet so that no one can steal your sensitive information what a VPN it can be used for more than just security it can also be used to unlock content that isn't available in your area which we'll be using tonight by the way VPN so one of our guilty pleasures is watching Saturday Night Live are we boarding that Saturday Night Live only publishes to YouTube in certain countries so we want to watch Weekend Update we have to set our location to be back in the U.S which is super easy if you don't already have a VPN but we've gone too far you can stop put it back on Derek is very unhappy when she's cold we highly recommend surf shark we've been using it forever and it's the only VPN to offer one account for unlimited devices you can use our code Kara and Nate to get 83 off plus three extra months for free and there's a 30-day money-back guarantee so there is no risk to try it out to get started just click the link below we want you to briefing and they told us to pull this as tight as we could over our face we leave our mouth out because if you breathe into the sleeping bag it creates moisture and then that moisture freezes and then you're colder I'm very warm right now but I've also been focused scale one to ten How likely are you to sleep through them one well let's just get a text that I didn't want to get but I kind of wanted to get it's a random number but it says there is Northern whites outside do not miss it is this a joke no oh I don't even want to go I'm warm and happy this is why we've been above the Arctic Circle for over a month and if you had to see the Northern Lights this is our last chance isn't it yeah we're going way far south tomorrow crap will you go confirm yeah I'll go and then I'll text you I'm not getting out unless they're really good come on I can definitely see them a tiny bit but I'm gonna hang out and see if they get better whoa that's a good one look at that I would just like to make it known that I'm out here and I'm cold but look wow it's just appearing it is official we did not leave the Arctic Circle without saying the northern lights look at that okay I'm so glad we got out of bed for this this is amazing oh my gosh look at jiggling and the stars are sparkling [Music] I'm so warm but do I want to get out that is like so good oh my gosh Nate charging it's crazy I was actually just talking to the lady that works here and she said this is the first day that's come up above the mountain I just got out of the shower my hair's soaking wet oh my gosh it's freezing my hair's freezing we have been in Norway for 28 days and this is the first time I've felt the sunshine on my skin I can't believe it [Music] it has gotten so much colder but I think it's perfect whether to be riding the Arctic train which has just arrived 13 hours to Stockholm Starts Now welcome to vegan 11. oh is that German oh twins no one's in here sorry welcome it's so tiny we can tell you the best oh my gosh I think there's towel art up there or there's a person in there I think we brought too much stuff tiny room oh no oh this one's huge I can get one bag up there we don't travel quite as light as we used to jingle it around and see what happens that's not going anywhere oh yeah our backpack is fit no problem so cold that's us yes yes is there someone else coming in this room or we have it all to ourselves [Music] our stuff put away let me show you around our home for the night first of all so many hooks behind our coats we have this little table here's a ladder to get up to this super tall bed and we have our very own sink with soap and plastic free water bottles in room temperature control like usually like the whole train is whatever temperature they set it to but I think we can make it hotter or cooler I guess for the sleeping in the Heat tonight we have an outlet so if there are three people in here that will be a little awkward there is free Wi-Fi apparently we'll have to test that out another key card this is a little hint we're gonna check that out later I love having a window especially in the morning when you've actually seen that'll be really nice oh this is huge it looks kind of gross it doesn't look good we have two more Outlets um they're reading lights never mind lots of buttons vacuuming some tall unscussed Med give it tanning tag persona no it is not tell art that's pretty much it for the room there's also a restaurant car so before we put the beds down and figure out how those work I need some dinner let's go do you oh I feel so warm right here oh we're going around a curve right now and it's like you should have worn a jacket it is absolutely freezing between cars there's a restaurant car like skill 110 how positive had several drinks [Music] dinner wasn't much of an experience they're so tiny room but we're just gonna take our Foods [Music] close them oh I don't see them oh my gosh it's actually not the first time Karen's trying to break into someone's room on a drink this is ours wow luxury whoa that is Hefty yeah I'm very happy about that I'm hungry Bean lasagna probably would not have been my first choice but it was only other vegetarian option on the menu there wasn't the wrap that we had bon appetit that's very good now the questionable part is this kale salad because they pulled these out of the fridge and put them in the microwave and heated them up and left the salad in there microwaved whoa wow that was dark good news the bathroom is very normal toilet sink there's soap paper towels and it doesn't stink I really appreciate when they clarify this otherwise I'm too nervous to drink it and if I'm thirsty I'm like I could be drinking it but what if it's not good but this always concerns me does this mean don't flush the toilet paper there are a lot of toilets that don't want any toilet paper but it just kind of looks like a napkin which I hate means like all the other stuff people try to push yeah pretty Elemental which is a good thing [Music] okay so I think we're on our own to make our beds for the night we're trying to decide if we should convert our bench into a bed or if we should just pull this down and when we checked it it was already made we have a little seatbelt that way we're rolling around these Swedish train tracks again sorry oh I have hit a wall Nate wants to talk bunk and dig it up there just pull this down you have a little louder what's up there this time a giraffe or an elephant oh you need to go to sleep not quite but I almost have enough Headroom to sit up on the top bunk it's more spacious than it looked up here oh oh I'm gonna miss you up there bring me some coffee all right good morning are you okay oh are you okay oh my gosh don't do that ow gosh I just hit my shin so hard how do I know if you're being serious good morning overall very good night of sleep and um a lot warmer than the Ice Hotel well this thing rattled all night ah [Applause] I was so confused when I walked into the middle car this morning you know like when you're half awake and sometimes you just feel like you're going crazy I was like I could have sworn this is not what the milk cart was doing because like but apparently at some point the night was switched out Mill cars this one's much bigger much nicer it has tables there's more food options I really I'm just here for the coffee uh it feels so weird that it's white outside before 8 A.M we haven't seen anything like this in the last month I will say if you're thinking about booking the Arctic Circle train I thought winter was the right decision because it'd be snowy outside and it'd be the right atmosphere for traveling in the Arctic Circle but looking back it's just dark outside the whole time so if you really want to ride this train for the experience and see some of Sweden I'd recommend booking it in the summer foreign we're about to be in Stockholm I never passed out the opportunity to take a shower on a train this will be number four and I'll let you know how it Stacks up overall I'd say that was a great shower probably ranked number three the Orient Express being number one the maharaja's express number two this one and then Amtrak my only two complaints are that the water does not stay inside of the shower this is my original towel and I was soaking wet because I left it on the ground and you just have to push this button over and over again to keep the water going they do also have a hair dryer oh [Music] in about 10 minutes we will arrive to Stockholm Central Station which is down station for this trade to get off the train please take a closer look around you so you don't forget anything on board coffee getting off this train or what whoa It's not Frozen and it doesn't move before you go can I tell you what I am most excited about right now yeah we are riding a daily travel newsletter called The Daily drop it keeps you up to date with the top travel news as well as the best deals and we are getting amazing feedback and I feel like I can say that because I'm not actually the one writing it so I'm not like bragging on myself we're actually using the tips and tricks that we talk about in the newsletter as well that's why we got upgraded to this executive room which also includes free breakfast and free lounge access yes there are lounges inside hotels I did not know that until a few years ago so if you want to become a better traveler or just start traveling for cheaper definitely give it a read it's free and it's the best honestly I am so excited about we have so many plans for this newsletter this year we're giving away more trips like we're going to be talking about it a lot and you're going to want to be subscribed [Music] Nate found a sled thingy you're not very fast it looks more fun than they actually are oh my gosh those have champagne beer cider shots I mean I'm tired I'm gonna go around my nose kids just from walking outside for five minutes did you open one of these no really you did I did yes what a satisfying sound this is more what I get
Channel: Kara and Nate
Views: 2,001,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ice hotel, hotel tour, northern lights, arctic circle, ice hotel sweden, sleeper train, arctic sleeper train, overnight train, luxury train journey, icehotel in sweden, ice hotels around the world, train, train travel, overnight train vlog, sweden overnight, sweden overnight train, overnight train to sweden arctic, norway, sweden, kara and nate, kara and nate train, sweden ice hotel, biggest ice hotel, arctic train, first class train, arctic train travel, travel, travel vlog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 3sec (1683 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2023
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