What It's Like To Be With Someone With A HUGE Or Tiny D (r/AskReddit)

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men or women that have had sex with a man with an abnormally large or abnormally small penis what was the experience like during sex it felt great i guess because of the adrenaline but afterwards i was doubled over in pain it felt like my cervix had been drop kicked by chuck norris i was with a guy who wasn't vert well endowed we were fooling around and he asked for a hand job i went to put my hand around and found that my hand was larger than his fully erect penis similar to many others couldn't feel it when he put it in either oh geez reminds me of the first time i fooled around with a now x we were getting hot and heavy on the couch lights off and i'm feeling around for his dick but can't find it my hand searching around like a cartoon character searching for their dropped glasses and the one or two times he topped me i really didn't feel much it wasn't bad i just didn't feel anything we had to stop after 10 minutes small as in you couldn't come or because in alpha he was breaking my cervix if she dies she dies above average can be absolutely incredible especially in certain positions that is until your cervix gets hit i have my donut it's a rubber ring not a ring the size of a donut that goes around my at the base and acts as a bumper so i can go to town without the cervix bashing that is actually genius you are a considerate big dick man i thought you said you are considerate big dick man like it was his superhero name oh mister big dick man can you get my cat down from this tree safely not to worry mom i know how to handle a i have had both the large one never learned that a majority of the population do not like getting harpooned like a dolphin within a few seconds like go slow and use lube if you have to lube isn't just for anal i can take a decent amount but when they hit my cervix oh i have to tap out for a bit i'm a big woman so the small one i felt only grinding against my [ __ ] didn't feel the penetration but he was persistent and lasted a lot longer than the bigger guys also he gave me more attention and pulled out toys and all kinds of fun stuff whereas the bigger guys were all about instant gratification and skipped foreplay in the end size doesn't matter to me had sex with a big dick guy it was simultaneously the most boring and painful sex of my life he wasn't a big dude so the blood it took to power this thing left him dizzy he pretty much just laid there while i tried to figure out how to fit this terrifying doom cannon into my body i gave up after about 10 minutes then he cried also had sex with a small dick guy i could only feel it in certain positions and he was very sensitive about his performance so he didn't take suggestions well we didn't last long had to tell him to stop about halfway in not fun when terrified of injury we were in our 20s he was a smoking hot virgin he met a woman who could enjoy all he had to offer 26 centimeters not long after our attempt and fb says they're still together over a decade later i don't even know if what we did qualifies as sex he looked at me with a terrified are you okay look on his face and was met with my freaked out expression fun to look at scary to experience 10 inches holy was with a smaller dude like others here have said felt nothing pretty sure most of the action was him grinding against my inner thigh we were young and didn't really know what else to do outside of just basic sex nowadays i would ask for more attention because regardless of size you can still have good times if there's other foreplay and fulfillment involved and i would assume most men go crazy at the thought of a woman giving them more info about what they want so the good times can roll for both parties he was a good dude and an attentive boyfriend we broke up due to being long distance i don't regret it and i'd never make fun of a guy for the size of their schlong it's not the dick that makes the man it's the willingness to be an open and loving partner it was really small bordering on micro so trust me when i say i mean what i said above in all other aspects the guy was funny caring and great to be around we stayed together for a good while and did only break up because there were more than a few states between us and when you're that young you don't really have the money to travel very often at eight it was definitely more painful than pleasurable dude had a literal cone-shaped penis too big at the base and too small at the tip the experience looking back was the worst i was young and naive like trying to have sex with an upside down ice cream cone a girl once told me that a limo is impressive but it's not that fun to drive and is especially hard to park a regular sedan might be less impressive but much more fun to drive and you can park almost anywhere so i asked how do you feel about hatchbacks he used his size as a reason to not really try in bed he never gave me opportunity to warm up and even though i thoroughly enjoyed super super rough sex he just thought ramming it into me over and over was the way to go lack of warm-up and him just thrusting hard like no tomorrow left me sore and angry not the good kind of sore either my cervix hated me when i was with him he used his size as a reason to not really try in bed i've found that the larger a guy is the less work he thinks he has to put in but i've also had the reverse happen where a guy with a small dick was trying w-a-a-a-y too hard to make up for what he was lacking his words the dude would not stop touching my [ __ ] or tits and usually that's not a bad thing but damn dude too much i lost my virginity to someone with a 9-ish incher he was the epitome of having a big dick doesn't make you good in bed didn't try to turn me on didn't do anything but jackhammer until he finished couldn't even find my [ __ ] the one time he ever tried all i really remember about that sex is the overwhelming displeasurable pain of having him punch my cervix with his a co-worker of mine was talking about sleeping with a guy who was almost the size of her comcast television remote for visual reference this is appropriate because comcast is definitely a big prick anyway she said she tentatively touched it like indiana jones with the golden idol and jiggled it about experimentally it made a thp thp thp sound like a water balloon and it was so visually striking and distinctive that she wouldn't have been surprised if it had talked or sang a song in the end she incredulously asked him what he was planning on doing with that and had to frankly tell him she didn't think that was going to happen i've never been one to care about size my ex was on the way smaller side but that wasn't his downfall he refused to listen to what i wanted and thought he was a sex god any suggestions about what i wanted were met with anger and arrogance my fiancee now is one of the biggest i've ever been with we have to be super careful in certain positions or he'll hurt me luckily for me he listens to what i like and takes it easy on me for all the little pps out there just remember a tic tac still hurts at 50 miles per hour i regret reading this thread dick is slightly too big it hurt like hell dick is slightly too small i literally couldn't feel anything being with both large like being repeatedly gut punch because the dude had no idea what he was doing i'm pretty sure childbirth was less traumatic on my cervix i am not a size queen small actually really good he had the plus of being relatively girthy and he knew how to work with what he had it wasn't deep penetration but that didn't detract from anything the angle he got was great for more clitoral stimulation which was great [Music] had a couple hookups with a guy whose dick was about the same size as my index finger we only did [ __ ] but holy it was like someone trying to make me throw up by sticking their finger down my throat is everyone measuring from the same spot from the [ __ ] to a couple inches in front my shortest ex was actually the one with the largest penis i don't know an exact side but he had a very wide girth and was still decently long we would have to use the vibrator on me first because it was thinner in order to stretch me out enough that he would fit without hurting me at the time i thought it was really good sex but now i'm with the guy that i know i'm going to spend my life with and turns out the big dick guy wasn't as good as i thought now boyfriend is still decently long as well so i'm a happy girl you should tell your current guy that sex with him is much better because his dick is smaller than your exes i'm kidding don't do this oh what's the worst that can happen she plants the seed of annoying building insecurity that slowly swells year after year as he retreats from intimacy and even touch their relationship slowly devolving into a dead bedroom until she catches him masturbating to pictures of her ex while calling him daddy and then they begin in a time scary but also surprisingly fun voyage through the world of cuckoldry abnormally large fellow dislodged my iud was temporarily crippled by the pain and had to go to the doctors to make sure it hadn't perforated my uterus wasn't exactly what i'd describe as fun [Music] i was with a dude who had a peen like a large deodorant can one night we were doing the dance of the beast with two backs and he must have bashed my cervix one time too many and i began to faint i realized what was happening and tried to make it to the bathroom not sure why i thought i'd been pretty speedy but turns out he had had to shepherd me along the 5 meters corridor because i was all over the place literally bouncing of the walls i didn't even know he'd followed me my roommate came out of her room to find me completely naked passed out on the toilet with my panicking boyfriend trying to bring me round at about 1am i eventually came round and kept frantically asking him to bring me my slip he didn't understand bring me my slip my slip i was frantically trying to cover my bits and bobs with my hands to maintain some level of dignity i wanted my nightie and had never called it my slip in all my days i was so confused the end [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
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Id: AGDofh7CBgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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