Matt Kahn - Whatever Arises, Love That

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often times we'd manifest experiences like disappointment betrayal heartbreak dramas dilemmas right it seems like we're all by and large in this experience that says I'd love to love myself if only I had time because I got all this stuff going on got craziness at work by God my family met my family got them got all this guy kids baby got to work hobbies I don't know what else all right we always have things to do and we always have these problems to fix and what if I told you this that in your holographic reality right with a holographic reality I mean the world you see and you as a person are both made of the same energy and things are popping into your holographic reality for you to experience and interact and learn things from it and what if I were to say that all of these tumultuous distractions and upheavals from your life are manifesting tangible justifiable reasons why you still don't have time to give you the loving attention that you have not learned how to give yourself up to this point then until we learn to love ourselves we create space in our life for all of these things to manifest to pop up as justifications as to why I have no time to love myself clear all these things to fix and work on I'll put you in a bigger level if the world stopped and loved its own heart if every person stopped right now and said I love you to their own heart just to their own heart knowing when we say love I love you to one heart equally our blessings to go to all hearts if every single person said I love you to their own heart the ocean would instantaneously be revised oh and there would be no pollution there would be no Fukushima pollution in the world and every single person that says no that's not true is just a fine why they have the right to give their attention to the very thing that distracts them from the love they have not learned how to give themselves so it's well intended that people want to stop and do great to fix the world and to bring pollution to an end and I'm a fan of all of that however all of the people that are focusing on the problem are equally not spending time loving their own heart so all of the things that they need to fix that are the problems of the world give them more time to justify why they don't have time to love their own heart and it all starts as an energetic misunderstanding I'm not saying love your own heart who cares I'm saying you cannot shift an external manifestation without changing the internal vibrational source and every single thing in your life and my life and everyone's life is a holographic play now it seems as if we are all in the same plane turns out we're all in our own timelines we're all in our own worlds we're all in our own universes and we're all playing different roles in each other's play and we all think we're all in the same movie which is just how good the editing software and the special effects really are the fact that we all think we're all having the same conversation we understand each other is the greatest hallucination magic or miracle life could ever manufacture people make sounds only they know what they're saying and the other person subconsciously agrees to take the intention behind their sounds and to make that the meaning that they affixed to it and say I understand the fact that you see two people talking and they kind of seem like they get one another is remarkable one person said hmm that's what's happening but we have subconsciously agreed that there is meaning and reason and so there is that's how powerful we are when this dawns upon you deep enough and you realize if I started to make time to love my heart in response to anything that pops up in my field and I take care of business my personal life but as a spiritual practice I make time to love my heart and that's it and anything that bothers me or frustrates me is just showing me the next part of myself to love in my heart and loving my heart becomes the only response to anything in the world you would no longer energetically create space for life to have a reason to pop into your Holograms thing that's tear you away from love and distract you from love and over a period of time you would start to become the first person who would be enveloped by your love at that point your vibration increases and you change your point of attraction and then all of a sudden the things that you attract seem more loving and harmonious and even if its tumultuous you're going to get through it very lovingly and harmoniously because you are in fact influencing and changing your perception and the actual reality that you're experiencing by saying to the universe I don't wish to have for anything in life but to love if anyone comes my way I will love them if anything gets my attention I'm going to love it if some god-awful dark winged bat what the hell I don't know what else comes in my presence I love you I'm gonna do just completely go off the rails with love I have a nightmare I'm in the middle of a nightmare I love you you wake up in the morning I love you you see a bird hey love you keep up the good work what what happened if you went Jim Carrey bonkers with love and you realized your life is only giving you justifiable reasons it's giving you reasons why it's very important for you to try to have control and try to worry and try to keep everything going in your life it's showing you why you can't let go because you've spent so much time unknowingly holding on that life is giving you the greatest evidence as to why you should repeat the behavior that's not giving you the results you desire so why not change your behavior start loving yourself and watch the illusion that you're not locked in to fall apart and completely unravel what I'm talking about is a love revolution and starts within you and it does not necessarily need to include anyone else because everyone's got to start their own revolution and it doesn't matter if people are nice to you or not they're not nice to you why are they not nice to you because they're treating you the way they treat themselves and the way they've been treated by others so they're showing you how much love lacks in their life which means they're crying out for love and they don't know they're crying out for love and they're projecting on to you what you haven't done to keep their ego happy and it's someone begging for love and so we don't give people what they want we give them what they need I love you if that doesn't make them happy if that brings disappointment it's gonna just keep going with the theme of their life as if they weren't disappointed before this moment come on and then the you that feels like I shouldn't disappoint people I love you to that this is about a love revolution because if because if we think we are going to externally take care of business and then all of a sudden we're going to have time for love when has that ever worked when is that ever worked in the history of whatever in the history of whatever includes a lot it's very official because the the cons of the controversy the propaganda the throwing for the propaganda and I say this with respect but the propaganda is that when you think external things need to change in your life and your world and your society whether it's a political climate so so economical climate whatever when we point to the external that needs to change first it becomes us versus them you versus them and it creates separation duality and the exact climate where love does not receive your time and attention it creates conflict and it creates competition and there's no cooperation of that so what is the space that cultivates the greatest spiritual cooperation when you stop waiting for other people to cooperate with you and you just start cooperating with reality everyone's got to start their own love revolution so you're the only one living in your reality no one but you knows that you're here everyone only knows their experience of you you're the only one that can start cooperating with the forces of nature and cooperating with the forces of nature means I wake up in the morning whether I'm familiar with loving my heart or not I become familiar with it I love you don't try to feel it if you don't feel it because if you say I love you and you don't feel it doesn't feel authentic that just means you haven't said those words enough time for your subconscious mind to know it as familiar and so it's still being interpreted as foreign which means the subconscious mind doesn't know that it's safe for you to let that in she keeps saying it to yourself over and over again it goes into the familiar category and all of a sudden your subconscious mind gives your body permission to feel the energy of those words so it's not faking it it's just knowing that you are the one that is rewriting the program's of your subconscious mind you are the one that can rewrite your brain chemistry you are the one that can clear and rewrite your DNA and all you have to do is love your heart on a regular basis relentlessly and I say that as a very exciting positive word love yourself relentlessly and when the voice in your head says that's enough do not stop because what's telling you to stop are the patterns that won't make the journey if you continue and those aren't the patterns you want your reality because it's those patterns that are giving rise to you manifesting all the things that keep you distracted from loving your own heart and when you love your own heart you're loving all heart simultaneously so why would you not want to make time to love your own heart when all that's going to do is bless every single one in existence and transform reality from the inside out we all know the kind of world we want to live in and I will tell you that it is you starting your own love revolution and loving your own heart that will bring to an end the things that you no longer resonate with and we'll create the space for the things that you wish to see in the world to come to life we are way past the point of history of I want to experience heaven on earth and while wanting heaven on earth we sit around waiting for okay who's going to do it any one of you there's billions of people on the planet anyone want to have a crack at it I'll cheer you on no we're gonna build this thing together together but individually and we're all going to eventually realize I will not find personal happiness absolute fulfillment complete and absolute liberation joy and satisfaction in my personal life nor will I know will I be able to create the space for the world to experience that and to manifest the highest possibility of this planet until I start my own love revolution and stop expecting anyone to do anything but be there to inspire the feeling in my body that I will love no matter how I feel about it if we desire the world to be different if we desire to experience change if we've all been like we're excited about the future and what possibilities are going to happen you've got to be the one that creates that and when people hear that they immediately go to external creation and that's not what I'm speaking of I'm speaking of creating new patterns within your subconscious mind by making I love you the most popular thing you say to yourself and you become the most safe person for you to be around because the magic is when you are the safest person for you to be around you will never feel unsafe around another person because you'll always be there with you and the only reason why other people can make you feel unsafe is because you are not yet the safest person for you to be around which is another way of seeing how often you say I love you to yourself I mean there's the evidence right there and I say this to you as someone who used to be scared of everything I was scared of myself scared of high-potential scared of my light scared of darkness scared of anything imaginable I was scared if I was an unfamiliar situation I'd be scared that's right enough everything basically until I surrendered to love and I'm not going to say that the surrender to love that I've experienced was this valiant I decided to surrender to love today and I went easily I just eventually saw then nothing else worked or mattered so it wasn't like this valiant declaration it's just the direction life pointed me and at a certain point it was either surrender to the harmony of loving myself and trusting life or be smashed and I was smashed like we all have been smashed over and over and over again and for me the greatest day was in my final smashing the pieces forgot how to reassemble and I never came back together again and what remained was the liberated grace of light the light that is here loving itself as I am and celebrating the love that I am i aiming that love into your heart and transforming the existence of every human being when I loved you at a time and all I asked you to do was join me think of it this way when you give your attention to loving yourself you're not focused on worries and we are not consistently focused on worries because you have a different focus which is love life no longer has the need or gets the message from you to put things in your hologram that remind you to experience worry because the more you do something the universe thinks you're saying hey I'd like to have this experience again so every time you worry life goes we should whip something up to justify worry oh you didn't want to worry why did you keep doing it you kept doing its we kept giving you things to worry about son I thought you liked it I don't know I don't know it's your reality I guess I'm brought you happiness on if you don't like worry fear doubt self-hatred then it's not trying to stop those things because those are like snowballs that are rolling downhill they've built momentum it's an avalanche now so we can't stop what's already emotion but we can create a brand new creation that when that new creation is at a higher vibration it transmutes everything below it so when you focus on loving your heart you create new vibrational patterns at a higher frequency that nullifies and transmute all patterns within your field simultaneously when those bigger patterns start getting created and then life no longer gets the message of hey put crap in my life so I can worry hurt hate and then be disappointed that I don't have time to love myself and the magic is if you put it all on the line and when I say put all in the line what are you going to lose right you're going to lose the lowest vibrational ego experiences in the universe you're not really losing anything kind of like a jackpot more so it's kind of like where do I send the basket of muffins right you're losing the things that bring you the greatest amount Rama so not losing anything of value but when you take your attention off of worry regret guilt shame I mean we can go through the list jealousy hostility anger rage when you take your attention off of those things and say I'm just going to love the one who feels that way you're no longer telling reality to pop things in your hologram to give you reasons to go through those emotional mechanisms does that make sense I'll tell you a story to illustrate this point and this is true story because making it up wouldn't be as funny as the truth right so many years ago I came to a point in my journey and I realized that there were some subconscious beliefs in my field and they were around scarcity and money issues I don't know if anyone could resonate with that but maybe not but I was kidding and and what I really noticed and this is something that I noticed I noticed that when I would see a credit card bill in the mail oh right that was the first thing Oh like that same feeling of like Matt to the principal's office you know that kind of feeling which of course doesn't mean bad it could be like maybe I'm getting an award maybe I'm so amazing I'm getting a treat usually not but that was the feeling like credit card came in the mail Oh David open it is oh right it's already just abject disappointment and myself just abject I am horrible right this is gonna show me some impulsive behavior and things that I want to look at and so I was hurt to notice that just the bill itself would just be this doomsday Oh and I started to realize that I was anchoring energy into a mechanism that required that credit card bill to be something inherently limiting to justify the repeating of that patterns that make sense and so instead of thinking I'm going to stop going up oh because that's the problem if you think I'm going to stop the negative pattern it already has energy you can't stop it you've already created it but you can create something totally different and if that's at a higher vibration that will just transmute so here's what I did it's very funny so I decided that every time bills come in the mail I would just go woo and I would get excited first thing I did a couple steps I did and this is and then literally this is how I learned a manifest prosperity because it's all an energy game I assure you it's all an energy game so first thing Bill come in the mail mmm yes bills are here and then the next thing I did is I would use the reality of the bill to prove to myself that the bill was trying to convince me how abundant I was so I open up the bill yes bill hello Discover card I'm gonna discover something today Discoverer says in the name I'm gonna discover something right now look at the bill okay and I would say you know like total balance owed well that's a large number Discover Card Wow you know okay I just discovered something and I would and and I'm trying to create a new pattern so I'd say to myself there's gotta be a way this is trying to prove how abundant I am and then I would see the minimum payment owed would be a far smaller number and I would always tell myself the smaller number is all they're asking me the big number is eventually this is your what you're gonna give us but right now all we want is this and that I actually have in my bank account which means an abundant all they're asking of me is what I already have I'm rich because this money they say you owe this but I have that I can participate in this moment I'm abundant I have everything I need exactly when I need it in this moment I'm wealthy and so then month after month woohoo I'm wealthy woohoo I'm wealthy within three months and Julie knows during the time I did this work energetically transformed her entire reality and I said this is all going to change there's oh there's a windfall being created it's going to come edit it and I say that because I don't have more access than you do I just have a willingness that when I learn and see something deeper I'm willing to put into action relentlessly and I'd walk around downtown Seattle and I'd see people on their lunch breaks in their nice suits and I would just be like look how abundant you are because every time I would I would I would focus on someone else's abundance what is my subconscious mind hearing repeatedly abundance abundance abundance abundance so what became the most popular word in my subconscious mind abundance what did I start to experience and receive manifestation is a cosmic word game so if you can repeat abundance out of it and manifest money out of the ethers of life and I'm only telling you this because it's never untrue then what are the odds that by you saying I love you to yourself and sending I love used to every person that passes you by and traffic what are the odds that over time you manifest an entirely different earth where people act and treat each other that mirror back the way you've taken the time to love yourself life will pay you to not worry when you spend your time loving yourself just as you're sitting and receiving this transmission of energy also caught all subconscious self-defeating habits and patterns and I'll blockages and barriers to your own love or being completely dissolved as you sit here that's the energetic healing transformative gift I offer in the work that I do and as that work occurs I'm here on behalf of the universe to brief you on different ways that you could approach your reality because you are co-creating this whether you know it or not and it's not about trying to create outcomes we don't create outcomes what we do is we anchor vibrational access to certain levels or states of consciousness and by giving the body permission to feel a certain way naturally by using those words as gifts that we give our own heart to other hearts we create access to infinite quantum timelines or we get to experience a world behaving and treating us the way we've thoughtfully and lovingly begun to treat ourselves that's not just manifestation that's quantum mechanics life is a cosmic word game all words have energy the words you say to yourself most often dictate how you feel about yourself and how you feel about yourself becomes the view of how you think the world sees you there is no world seeing you there's only reflections of how you treat yourself that you think other people seeing you and then how you talk to yourself you call forth actors to play in front of you and to treat you the way that matches the way you feel about yourself most often so life's a play but are you playing yet or are you lost on the play because those that really understand the mechanics of this aren't just here to create a nice big fancy house to drive a nice big shiny car which is fine at a certain point you will have manifested living crap out of reality and there's nothing more to want and then you get on to the real work which is to actually manifest reality so that all beings in your presence can be as free and loving and harmonious and satisfied as you have come to me so the reason you have infinite access to create anything in the universe and you can have any amount of money you really desire because life will make up anything out of thin air and give you everything you want just to get you completely so either overly satisfied by your desired or nauseated by your emili´s thirst for more and so finally your power and your ability to access takes on a much bigger picture for the well-being of all so eventually we all start working for the well-being of all and whether you just want satisfaction your personal life what it takes to create complete resolve in your personal life are the exact same steps that are required to create harmony for all so it doesn't matter what your focuses and if you want personal happiness before you start focusing on the big picture for the world it's okay because exactly what you're going to be required to do to return to love is equally going to affect and benefit others so when we know that love is the secret component to help us access the infinite mysteries of our souls journey it actually doesn't even matter if you're coming from a greedy place because greed plays no part in the fact that everything that you learn to create with love for yourself is equally a benefit for others so like greens not even relevant greed love is so powerful Greed's our relative how's that so it's not like oh because then it becomes written in spirituality becomes like behavior driven right oh I'm being greedy I'm not being a good little boy oh it's not the way we should act that's not God like doesn't matter it doesn't matter what matters is that you start your own love revolution that's all that matters doesn't matter why that's why it's a love revolution because the lower the lowest qualities and existence could never get in the way when you really understand this and you start to really embrace the power of your own divine authority so here's the question I want before we go to questions I want you to ask yourself if each breath right it could be our last we really don't know I mean we have this confident idea well there'll be more we really don't know to be honest we really don't know if every breath is the last if we treat every breath like the last it becomes a huge gift but every breath you don't know if it's to be followed by another one so if this breath right here is the only one you know that you've been given why would you use the breath to say anything to yourself for others other than I love you what the hell's so important that I love you is that it's not man that's not that important you've been given one breath in this moment every time you blink your eyes you're in a different time line you're in a different reality even though you think you're in the same one you have one breath right now in this reality before you're completely reborn within a split second and given a brand new body when you blink that's what happens by the way it's amazing especially you don't know that's amazing you have one breath what if the power of your choice was that with this one breath I give it to creating harmony peace and resolve for all hearts to wiping out the history of persecution and violence purifying all lands creating abundance for all beings and creating a world where all can thrive and prosper and share their gifts and all you have to do is take the breath and give it to sing to your heart or to others I love you that's as simple as the love revolution gets what makes it powerful is when you give your choices and your breath to those powerful words you're here to be an individual you're here to create anything that you want and you have the right to want anything that you desire but you must first stand for love which is why the quote is enter the kingdom first and then all these things are normally given to you and the kingdom is your own heart and you enter the gates of the kingdom by returning to love and becoming the safest person for you to be around what I love you at a time and the only reason why I'm sitting here transmitting and speaking these words to you is because my life has become a testimony of that choice when we're not together that's what my life is dedicated to wherever I go in every breath that's my choice and there's so many gifts than that life becomes so outrageously satisfying life becomes so miraculous and so powerful I want you to taste what I've been savoring I want you to discover what I have found and the love revolution is the only way for this to unfold I love him I love him I love him every time you say it your barriers your walls your inner imprisonment dissolves I love you I love you I love you you
Channel: Sounds True
Views: 160,316
Rating: 4.9094028 out of 5
Keywords:, Sounds True Audio, Weekly Wisdom, Matt Kahn, Spiritual healing, Emotional health, Self-healing, forgive someone, Spiritual guidance, Pain and suffering, Mystical experience, Love and forgiveness, how to, learn to, forgiveness, spirituality, sounds true, tami simon, sounds true audio, matt kahn whatever arises love that, whatever arises love that, whatever arises love that audiobook, matt kahn forgiveness
Id: f_ameLVhsIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 15sec (2235 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2015
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