What is the Temple in Ezekiel 40-48?

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my question has to do with Ezekiel beginning in chapter 40 description of a temple which I don't think the lines with anything that is existed on earth so far so I just want to know my question is this a future that is a great question yes its future no it's not heavenly but it does blend into the heavenly and and just to show you and and again I would love to come back to all these but if you look starting in Ezekiel 36 37 38 you see a progression going on in chapter 37 is the the entire coming alive of the dry bones and then of Israel and then in 38 and 39 they're attacked by a horde of enemies and it names I mean Iran Persia is named in there as well as a lot of other of the turkey and the the Central Asian nations Muslim nations are named and immediately after that God decimates them and destroys them and in fact it says that 5/6 of the army that's a that's a pretty decimation 5/6 that's 80 % of the armies that come against Israel are destroyed on the mountains of Israel it says in the the Gog and Magog section here and immediately after that happens this happens so it is certainly there's never been an army that has marched on Israel in history from the north that 80% of them were killed on the mountains that included Persia and all the other countries and then after all of that this future point most likely corresponds with what revelation 26 times says 1,000 years so when we come back when I don't answer these in a short way we'll actually read all these verses now this is a great question and this one is timely this one is in the news and so I pulled up a few illustrations let's go to Ezekiel and for most of us it's a rarity to go to Ezekiel but whenever we're going to Ezekiel I mean unless you're in the among the 653 read through the Bible Club people and you're gonna get through Ezekiel but but what about Ezekiel 42 48 it's a puzzling passage because so many things happen there for example there's a temple and so immediately you say is this literal or not there are sacrifices so immediately the people that think there's no future for Israel immediately say this could not mean what it says it's got to be figurative or it's got to be allegorical or something but before we look at Ezekiel 42 48 you have to actually look at the context remember the king of inter proper interpretation is context I mean you've got to always look at who was it written to and what did it mean when it was written and and set the frame and so basically if you look at Ezekiel 36 and 37 before we get to 40 it says the whole 36 chapter I mean look look at verse 8 the the mountains of Israel you shall shoot forth your branches and yield your fruit my people Israel for they are about to come and then it talks about the the the returning of them and then in starting in verse 9 I am for you I will turn to you you'll be tilled and sown and so the Lord is talking about and look at verse 10 something about rebuilt cities and all that and so what 36 is talking about is some type of promised I mean no matter what I mean no matter where you are in the millennial views Presbyterians Calvinists which is aa millennial or you know evangelicals that are dispensational that leave in the millennium no matter what you say this is I mean what your frame of thought is it's they're returning in verse eight they're being restored in verses 9 through 15 and in verse 16 they start they start being renewed spiritually and in verse 19 it says in chapter 36 I scattered them among the nations and they were dispersed throughout the countries and I judge them and that's that's talking about this whole promise of you know that's in Leviticus that if they sinned they're gonna be you know spread all over the world now you get to 37 and something else interesting happens Israel is regathered and and look what it says in it's this vision of dry bones in verse 1 he set me down and/or the hand of the Lord came upon me and brought me in the sphere of the Lord and set me down in the midst of a valley that was full of bones and their dry bones in verse 4 and in verse 5 I will cause breath to enter unto them and verse 6 and then you shall know that I'm the Lord by the way Ezekiel 37 6 it's the 52nd time that phrase is in the book did you catch the phrase what it says and then you shall know that I am the Lord do you know what the whole Book of Ezekiel is about then you shall know that I am the Lord anytime God repeats himself 52 times the same phrase and it go it goes all the way the end of the book did you know the whole Book of Ezekiel is God saying I'm gonna show the whole world that I'm God you know it's interesting what's going on right now the world is poised to look at who is the Lord this is this is the generation we're living in and what's going on right now in Syria and Iraq is a whole part of this who is the Lord is it Allah or is it Yahweh who calls himself the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and he calls his son the son of David he's very connected to the Jewish people this one he's connected everything about God is in the scriptures this Jewish even the Eternal City it's called Jerusalem it has gates they have the names of the twelve tribes of Israel not Ishmael you understand what I mean the he had twelve prophets all of them are are being apostles they're all Jewish every word of this book came through Jewish apostles and prophets or under their tutelage on and on it and we are in this climactic time when there are the fastest growing number of people are followers of Allah and the Lord says look back at at chapter 37 and verse 6 but I'm gonna do something that's gonna make all the world know that I'm the Lord and what are you gonna do there well look at verse 12 of chapter 37 I mean this this is kind of fun reading are Ezekiel 36 and 37 literal that's a good question of course I believe they are I believe that the people reading it didn't think that the Lord was talking about the church at all or some allegorical anything I will open your graves verse 12 says and cause you to come up from your graves and bring you into the Land of Israel bring you up out of graves that is so fascinating if we're actually living in the end that's talking about Israel coming out of the death camps I mean those people did you know that when you were in Auschwitz if you survived it and they didn't gas you and burn you did you know that those smokestacks and Dachau and all the rest of them that they were so burning so many bodies and those crematoriums that they didn't have the epa to filter all that stuff that the soot and ashes of hundreds of thousands of burned bodies were falling like dust did you know that if you look at the pictures a lot of those people that were liberated by the Allies they had actually dust on them from being out side in this this smoke from the crematoriums they actually had the dust from the bodies of their own countrymen and women that when children that were burned it's amazing and Lord brought them up out of the graves and brought them into the Land of Israel verse here's the 53rd time verse 13 then you'll know that I'm the Lord I have opened your grave so my people I brought you up from your graves and verse 14 I will put my spirit in you and you shall live and I will place you in your own land and I personally believe that that's and and I am NOT alone in that that's what evangelicals that are dispensational believe that God is using Israel in their unbelief and in their belligerence and in their whatever else they are their pride he's using them to give a climactic moment who's the real God Allah have you ever thought that during the tribulation how our Christians killed the same way we're watching them on YouTube clips are you I mean the you know all the people Isis is killing how they killing them cutting their heads off how is everyone killed in the tribulation the Christians they're beheaded isn't that fascinating it's very fascinating to me now I mean that's just circumstantial evidence but it's very interesting so Ezekiel 36 and 37 talk about the return the restoration and then after Israel is in their land Ezekiel 38 and 39 look look what Ezekiel 38 and 39 save now the word Lord came after this life this this these dry bones come to life in 36 and 37 now the word of the Lord came to me saying verse 2 son of man set your face against GOG in the land of Magog and the Prince of rog and Meshach and tubal and prophesy against him and say thus says Lord I'm against you I will turn you around I'll put hooks in your jaws I will lead you out and all of your army and horses and horsemen all splendidly and look at verse 5 Persia Ethiopia Libya and on and on and on you go through all those names no is this literal I mean we're talking about geographically identifiable and and if you ever want to study something interesting the names of these groups of people come from what is called the table of Nations and there are a lot of reasons that I am a creationist a literal six-day kind of like Exodus 20 God is - he says I made the heaven earth in six days and rest of the seventh and you should work six days and rest the seventh - three million people that meant God made the earth and six 24-hour days and rested the seventh 24-hour day and they're supposed to work in their fields for six 24-hour days and rest the seventh so that that is a very simple thing but in Genesis 10 we have the 70 descendants of Noah of Shem ham and Japheth that overspread the world and if you look at those 70 names from the table of Nations in Genesis 10 and if you do your homework you find that many of those names are actually in the royal libraries of Europe actually in the Danish library going back to you know the the pre-roman times you'll find the same names that are mentioned here as well as in most of the other countries so what am i saying about that well what Ezekiel come on back I'm going the wrong direction what there we go what ezekiel 38 and 39 is describing if you were trying to identify a group of people in the future it's kind of like what they still do when I passed it in New England they would say I'd say how do I find your house they say well go to the where the Shell station used to be I said what they said go to where the Shell station used to be I said we just moved here oh okay well that corner over there always had a Shell station on it and to all of us who have lived here our whole life it doesn't matter that's always for the Shell station used to be what the Lord is saying I want you to look for where are these people that overspread the earth that were called by these names where they live during this time period at the end that's what that's what's going to be the trigger for the end of the of the world and then by the way Ezekiel 42 48 come on turn off there we go is equal to 42 48 immediately follows this see either you think that the Bible is like a deck of cards that you can just shuffle any way you want or it was written intentionally and it's very interesting that this part the the return and renewal of Israel is followed by the attack by the the Prince by the way the the the word for Rosh you know the head it's just another term for the Antichrist this is going to be the Antichrist people that are going to be coming down and fighting against Israel but immediately following that is this and what we find in Revelation 20 this temple is tied to this thousand years that God promised that everything I said Israel is going to enjoy that they've never enjoyed because they never obeyed me I'm going to do for them finally I'm gonna make them be the head of all the nations when was the Israel ever the head of all the nations they're the smallest little piece of the world and God says they're going to be the chief in the head over all the nations of the world when is that ever happened see all this is future but let me just take you through before run of time because there we go here's a quick chart this is typical Dallas stuff the order of events Christ was crucified you know Christmas crucifixion resurrection the church this break here is an indefinite period of time this is Ezekiel 36 and 37 Israel's reestablished the the church goes out why does the church go out many reasons one is first Thessalonians 5:9 God always keeps his word he says I have not appointed the Church of Jesus Christ for the wrath I'm going to pour out on this world I'm gonna let out every horrific demon creature that I'm keeping in the pit and you're not going to have to face that horrific wrath that's what Paul taught the church then there seems to be this this Antichrist making a peace treaty gives Israel three and a half years of peace the Antichrist then wants to be worshipped that's at the midpoint of this seven years then there's the most terrible horrible three and a half years the world's ever known where the where the weather goes wild where the oceans die where hailstones weighing 100 pounds cost people and we are are in this what's described in Revelation 19 this banquet where we've made ourselves ready wearing the garments Christ gave us we come with Christ in Revelation 19 riding on horses to Armageddon right they're coming with him and so we have to get up to come with him and then after the end of the Tribulation Period which ends with Christ's return Satan is bound now you're in Revelation 20 and the sheep and goat judgment that Jesus talked about in Matthew is when he divides the survivors of this where half of everybody dies in the world he divides him into the the rebels the unbelievers and the believers and the believers populate the earth and and have this kind of like perfect almost Eden like environment where there's no poisonous animal spider snake there aren't carnivores I mean the Lions aren't chasing people around and there seems to be general health in fact Isaiah about 22% of the Old Testament is about this time period Isaiah says that if you only live to be a hundred years old you're like a child people go oh they only live to be a hundred what was wrong with them they're so you know that was a short life because everyone it appears lives the whole millennium they all live a thousand years it's perfect environment everyone's eating and it appears that the the most of the curse is kind of held back but even at the end everyone rebels by the time you get to Revelation 20:11 215 they surround the holy city this Millennial temple we're going to look at that that is literal and the Lord burns them up and we go into Revelation 21 and 22 real quickly that's just an overview if you charted the names in in Ezekiel 38 here is Ethiopia here is Libya put and cush those are the names of where you know Noah's descendants went here's the land of Israel that God sovereignly elected the Jewish people by the way the people the replacement theologians which is basically the Roman Catholics most Presbyterians most Methodists most Episcopalians and I could go on and on but most Lutheran's the people that say that Israel has been replaced by the church then don't believe in sovereign election because God sovereignly elected Israel the nation the descendants of Abraham not the spiritual children that all of us are but the physical descendants of Abraham God sovereignly elected and promised them all this stuff here in the Millennium he promised them there's 22 percent of the Old Testament he promised them he's going to do and so it would be as equally fitting to believe that you can lose your salvation is to believe that Israel can lose their promise of being everything that God said and so it's really going to happen that put and cush and then Gomer in - garma and you could take a lot Gore goes all the way toward Germany may Gog this is the southern part of Russia and look at that Persia or Iran are going to come now another way of looking at that is if you look at the table of Nations all of this is the region where the put families were the cush families this is Sheba and d-dan the Assyrians are here Turkey is mentioned me Shack to Baal best - garma I mean there they didn't have a map and we didn't get a map in the Bible Gomer but look at little Israel right there with all these enemies coming at them now another way you can look at this is on Google Maps you know and here's Sudan and Libya all coming toward Iran coming in Russia Turkey it's very interesting that the events going on right now that's why there's growing unease in the world because we've got the right now we've got the [ __ ] world fighting itself you know the Shia and the Sunni and the only thing that unites the Moslems is if you can just get them focused on Israel they won't fight each other but if you can't get them focused on Israel they fight each other and so if someone can figure out how to get them stop fighting each other and focus on what they're supposed to be doing annihilating Israel and Christians by the way then you will have this attack now what's really interesting is there might be oh there's another one another view of the same using the same geographic areas this is what's really interesting Psalm 83 talks about another attack on Israel and it has a different group if you look at at verses 6 to 8 in Psalm 8 Psalm 83 the tents of Edom which would would be kind of like Palestinians southern Jordanians and that's a real hotbed for terrorism right now Ishmael lights that's the Saudis Ishmael is the father of the Arabs Moab the geographic area of Moab would again be the central Jordan which is what the Palestinians are because Israel was part of Jordan before the 48th independence the hey Greens you say what is that that's the descendants of Hagar the Egyptian matriarch that's Egyptians they seem to get in on this gebe all those people live north of Israel which would be close to Hezbollah and the northern Lebanese Amman that's right across from Jerusalem that's the the people that live by Amman you know the Palestinians in northern Jordanians M out Amalek the Amalekites that's the Sinai area and that's where they lived in the old days Philistia the region where the Philistines lived is where Hamas is now in the Gaza Strip tyre that's a refugee camp today again that's Hezbollah and southern Lebanon and then of course we have Syria which are the Syrians in northern Iraq use and it appears this group and by the way this group has never attacked Israel simultaneously because they didn't live at the same time the Assyrians the Philistines the ammonites the Moabites Ishmaelites the [ __ ] these were not concurrently in power enough to attack Israel and Psalm 83 not saying that we're gonna resurrect [ __ ] initially lights and Moabites but their descendants which is very interesting you notice that this does not have Iran and this does not have what we would call the Soviets or even the [ __ ] states of central your are a Central Asia this is a different so we're not sure exactly God didn't send a map or a chart into the back of the Bible but it's never been quite like it is right now and it could settle down or it couldn't but that's why I take regular trips to Israel because I know Israel's there when the dust settles so if you want to be safe go to Israel okay
Channel: DTBM
Views: 33,416
Rating: 4.7605324 out of 5
Keywords: john barnett, dtbm, temple, ezekiel 40-48, holy, place, location, jerusalem, religion, religious, land, worship, john, barnett, dr, bible, biblical, ezekiel, old, testament, questions, answers, sermon, truth, church, verses, building, future
Id: EvbLzSzyhKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 35sec (1475 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2015
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