The Consummation - The Wedding Banquet (Revelation 1-22 For 2018 - 19)

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but let's get to our nine we're gonna start in Revelation 19 if you want to open in your Bibles there and what we're going to start with is what I call the consummation the wedding banquet god uses the terms that are most filled with meaning for the people that were receiving this message initially remember I told you that poor people's slaves the common working-class people a banquet to them had two significant implications one they didn't have to work most people work for when they got up until night and most people there were three classes of people in the ancient world there were the absolute desperately poor and they begged they didn't have a job they didn't own anything they didn't even have food for the day and they begged to get enough to keep alive that's the very very poor then normal people had enough money for that day's food and everything else and they went out with food to work all day to earn enough money for tomorrow's food basically the rich the third-class were the people that had stuff stored up for a few or many days so that would mean we're all rich I don't think any of you are begging you know in Powdersville or wherever screw in like you know waiting to get something for today most of us have something I mean when a cup of coffee at Starbucks costs five dollars and it's filled with college students there's no poor person hardly around see we have no idea of what the ancient world went through so when they could go to a banquet that meant they weren't working all day and they had all their needs supplied so God calls heaven this invitation the consummation of the banquet but for us I'm gonna read starting verse seven let us be glad and rejoice and give glory for the marriage of the lamb has come his wife has made herself ready all of us right now are engaged to Jesus Christ and we are betrothed to him we are engaged to him and and I'll tell you this my advice I'm a father of eight children I have five sons and three daughters I tell my sons if you're dating a girl and that girl is nice to you but she flirts with every boy that goes by she probably won't make a good wife because girls don't change and by the way boys don't either make sure you get what you see in the relaxed mode when they're not under the scrutiny whatever they act like when there's nobody like the Dean yesterday Todd came in and told you all by the way you did so well you were all on time I'm so proud of you and by the way your work is good too I got so many emails from 11:57 to 11:59 and it didn't work for a lot of you you overwhelmed the system I got all those notes to a couple dozen of you said I tried and tried and tried and can I still get credit and and so I forwarded several of your beautifully written appeals to the academic office and I said I think canvas got overwhelmed by all these papers coming in but I read I'd say I probably read three or four dozen just quickly as I could I'm amazed in fact I sent back comments to a few of you I said you know you are actually some of you whatever you are 18 19 20 are gifted communicators I mean truly it's just amazing to read your insights and some of you what you're praying for you know about Lord I don't want you know to go back to this or I don't want to succumb to my fears or whatever it was really a blessing but thank you for sending all those in thank you for being on time but for us to think about this consummation in this marriage we have to think in everyday life if you're dating someone you're selective and aggressive you select the one by the way the Lord describes the selector and aggressor as the man men are supposed to lead if a man won't lead you dating he probably won't lead you in marriage and if a man doesn't lead you in marriage your family has confusion from the start the Bible says in first Corinthians 11 I'm not teaching first Corinthians but I'll just mention it that God the Father is over Christ as Christ is over the church so the father is the authority over the son even though they're co-equal Co eternal Co substantial you're learning at and theology God the Father God the Son are absolutely equal but they have different roles the role of the son is that he is obedient to the Father's will but their equal but he has a role and the church is to submit to the Sun so it's father-son church and in 1st Corinthians 11 Paul says as the father is the head of Christ in Christ as a head of the church so the husband is to be head of the wife and they together of the family but Galatians 3:28 says men and women are exactly equal we're co-equals in fact I'll tell you the truth were not equal now that she's gone I can talk about her she just left bonnie is far more spiritual than I am she is Bonnie I married her because she loved the Lord more than anyone I ever met and I'll tell you I met a lot I met and dated the daughter of every big church pastor there were 7,200 students at Bob Jones and many of their dads were big-time Baptist pastors of churches of five hundred and thousand and 2500 and everything else and their daughters sang and played the piano and were unbelievable but when I got to know him said over lunch and I says hey what are you reading in the word they go what I said what verse are you memorizing is this what you talk about on dates they'd ask me I'd say well what do you talk about in dates I'm trying to get to know whether you're someone I could spend the rest of my life serving God with I'd like to know what your relationship is like with the Lord I think a lot of them wouldn't have dated me the second time because that's not what they were interested they wanted me to notice how painted up they were or how whatever they were they were not really into what God was doing through their life but I met Bonnie who by the way Bonnie not only exceeds me spiritually she was from New York she lived here her whole life she still has awards in New York's system that no one has surpassed and she when she graduated she had all those gold you know national merit and all this she had the biggest you know at graduation they put these big things like for being summa and Zuma zuma and Magne Magne and all that she had all those when she graduated when I graduated they didn't give me a robe I mean I just barely made it but Bonnie chose even though she's smarter than me she's more athletic she used to be on television she was a gymnast on New York television they still so she was 60 pounds and she stood on the hand of her trainer he'd go like this and she'd do all those things the gymnast do and showed the the different techniques to do them all that and I married her and even though she's quicker than me smarter than me everything else more spiritual she chose to let me leave and by the way it's easy if you have a smart wife just say hey you just take over and do it but God won't bless that and it confuses your children do you know why there's a lot of gender dysphoria that's the proper term these days for Christians they're Christians they have that why because their parents say they know and love and follow and serve the Lord and yet those children do not see a biblical model in their home they see a man who is abdicated and he'd rather watch television and be in his mancave and talk about hunting and fishing and fixing cars and whatever else the men talk about and let his wife figure out the finances and figure out the family direction and figure out the spiritual welfare of the children and those children are so confused about who is supposed to be doing what and then they start reading the Bible and they see what it says in first Corinthians 11 infusions five where else and they go hey my parents just say they believe this they just don't practice it so I'm not teaching first Corinthians but I am saying this God blesses a marriage that follows his word and it starts with girls finding the most genuine follower of Christ don't look for a perfect man because his mother died before he was born okay there in other words there are no perfect man so don't try and find a perfect one find one that God is at work in their life and see what they're like in the relaxed mode when no one's looking because that's what they are and guys look for a girl that genuinely not loudly not boy stirs not you know steal in the show but genuinely follows the Lord now perfectly I'm teasing about the wings Bonnie by the way do you know what Bonnie was when she got saved she was a bartender when she got sick she was 21 years old an alcoholic bartender who was involved in the occult and God transformed her just like that see that's what God's in the business of find someone that they don't say oh yeah I got saved when I was two and you don't see any evidence of it today look for someone that genuinely is walking with Christ know why because we have to get ready for the greatest day of our life you it's the greatest day of our life is it's the day we stand in front of Jesus Christ and Martin Luther the famous reformer five hundred years ago said something I've never forgotten in his he had daily table talks he would sit around the table with all of us his wife and all his kids and then all the other people wanted to come and he would teach them the Bible you know and he said once I have but two days on my calendar today and the day I stand before Christ Baima seat the judgment seat that's what motivated Luther to write to preach to study and to lead like he did he led his family he led the church he led scholastically he led evangelistically he was one of the more used servants of Lord in history what motivated him I have today to live and I don't know about anything else but I do know my next event after today may be the day I stand in front of Jesus Christ so let's talk about that what does it mean to stand in front of Jesus Christ well for a moment turn to 1st Corinthians 3 now this is another one of those verses that if you don't have marked in your Bible I would strongly encourage you because most believers are not fully aware they haven't they haven't pondered the implications of what this verse says I'll start in first screen and 3:15 it says if anyone well I better back up verse 11 no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid which is Jesus Christ verse 12 if anyone builds on this foundation in other words if you're a believer everything you do is building on the foundation of Christ but we have building materials verse 12 gold silver precious stones or wood hay and stubble but no one can tell what building materials you're using because these are invisible building materials are our motivations our inward thoughts what prompts us how fully we obey the Lord how genuine we are in our compassion and in our you know way that we present ourselves and also whether or not we are humble by the way humility is not thinking little of yourself I was speaking of what the Institute's and one of the people one of the students was unusual in this sense if anybody looked him they say don't look at me don't look at me well if I stood up here going don't look at me what would everyone do ya see this false humility like oh just don't pay attention to me just don't look at me and leave me alone another it's a reverse form of pride there's two ways you get everybody's attention show off you know and be the ham and the hotdog and the you know crazy person or just to have this false you know kind of cringing both draw attention the Lord knows your motivation and everything we do in our life is with building materials it can be gold silver precious stones wood hay and stubble what's the difference well verse 14 if anyone's work which he has built on endures he will receive a reward so now we're talking about rewards so rewards are only for believers building materials are only for believers and there are choices and building materials I tell most people life is like going to Walmart you take you get it you know you come into Walmart one of those retired people we're in the blue vest you know Walmart whatever it says on it pushes a basket out says welcome to Walmart and pushes your basket out and you take your basket you go anywhere you want in the store and you put anything you want in the store and you get to the end and you go to the checkout counter and you take whatever is in your basket out and put it on the conveyor belt now look at the conveyor about verse 15 if any one's work is burned he will suffer loss but he himself shall be saved yet so as through fire we had a rental in Massachusetts and it burned the renter was smoking in bed and burnt our house down the renter escaped with their life they were burned but everything they owned burned up in that house they were saved yet as through fire there are going to be believers that make it to heaven with their shopping cart of what they did their whole life that's what's in your shopping cart all sins are removed because we're justified but everything else we do that's not sin like is it sin to be on Facebook knows it sin to be on snapchat no is it sin to be on YouTube no is it sin to watch football no is it sin to watch you know Home Shopping Network or all those Hallmark you know romances movies and is it sin to play video games no but God doesn't reward YouTube time snapchat time Facebook time video game time he doesn't reward those things he doesn't reward watching football games they're in your cart they're not sin what happens to him verse 15 they burn up I went to Burger King when I was your age oh I was bad I have so many stories but I had this gigantic Chevy with a big backseat and I decided I was gonna figure out how many wadded up Burger King wrappers it took to fill the backseat and so I used to buy the buy one get one free whopper whoppers used to be this big now they're whimpers but they were whoppers you know and they were huge and I would get buy one for fifty nine cents and you got the second one free so I got two and you made a big wad and I throw it over my shoulder and I got my seat all the way up to the armrest full I mean what a dumb thing to do and I would show off how many whopper wrappers I had in the back but I spent a long time at Burger King they hadn't invented drive-throughs yet just like cell phones all things are recent and so I would go inside and wait in line and what I would watch every day the person with a little hairnet on would have their gloves on they'd reach down they get two patties and they put them on this conveyor belt that was kind of like screen and it would go across Burger King's monitor was that they were flame-broiled and so there was kind of a fire under there and whatever they put on the the conveyor belt it would go across in front of you another person with hairnet on and their little gloves on would have a bun in each hand and they would go like this and the little hamburgers would go through the fire and when they got all done they'd come to the end of the conveyor belt and they'd go like this and they go plop plop and whatever made it through the fire the person at the other end received everything in your life in frigging is 3:15 you're gonna dump on the conveyor belt in front of Jesus Christ's throne only it's not gonna be a Burger King employee at the other end Jesus Christ is waiting to see how much of your life doesn't burn up every day every moment you can either redeem the time into gold silver and precious stones or you can just throw a bunch of wood video game playing now video game playing that's satanic or a cultic or gratuitous bloodshed is sin but just wasting time as we call or just entertaining ourselves isn't sin but it burns up now let's talk about the setting look in your Bibles at revelation and starting in chapter five the first thing we see are these countless angels they're there all over the place and chapter 4 tells us that they're standing all around the throne on this crystal floor that reflects the light then you look a little further and you find those cherubim that are mentioned chapter 4 and they're surrounding the throne of God always flying around his throne saying holy holy holy and then you see the 24 in chapter 4 verse 4 there's the 24 elders sitting on the throne and when you get to Revelation 1 through 5 you'll find out that the 24 elders are one of two things either they're 24 individuals that God picked to sit on the throne remember James and John were arguing about that and they wanted to sit on one of those Thrones so it could be individuals most likely 24 is used in the Bible for the courses of priests Peter already tells us we're a kingdom of priests there were 24 courses of priests 12 and 12 twelve tribes 12 apostles it's probably representative of all the greatest Old and New Testament Saints it doesn't matter there's just 24 of them and they represent us either as priests or as church in Israel or it's just 24 that got picked but they're on those Thrones but then now here's something I bet a lot of you've never seen this look at Daniel chapter 7 this one is one that got me the most because it finally connected how all this works in Daniel chapter 7 verse 9 it says this I watched until Thrones were put in place and then the Ancient of Days was seated on his throne now listen this description his garment was white as snow the hair of his head was like pure wool his throne was fire the wheels were burning fire and a fiery stream issued and came forth before him and thousands of thousands ministered to him that's millions by the way millions of angels are ministering to him and ten thousand times ten thousand that's hundreds of millions are standing now take your Excel or numbers chart any program you use it does mathematics and for a person to have space to fall down on their face and lay down and then to get back up and then to fall back down on their face before the throne of God you need about three feet by six seven eight feet now put that factor 3 by 9 would be 27 square feet what's 27 square feet times hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of millions now think about that if you put now I lived in Michigan Michigan you know looks like Minton if you put actually it looks like that Minton going that way but if you put the throne of God with just enough room for the Angels to all stand hundreds of millions of them and fall on their face it would fill the entire center of Michigan's Peninsula the Lower Peninsula that's just the throne and all the angels standing we haven't got all the redeemed and they're all standing very close like this this is a huge place that we're talking about and it says there that in front of the throne the throne is on fire by the way and out of the throne flows a river of fire Wow now go back to second Corinthians and second or Indians five has by the way the greatest verse in the Bible most theologians think that 2nd Corinthians 5 and verse 21 is the greatest verse in the Bible I'm not teaching second Corinthians that second year but that's about justification but but look at verse 9 don't go to verse 21 even though it is the greatest go to verse 9 make it our aim whether present or absent to be well pleasing to him why verse 10 because we must all appear before that judgement seat now put all the pieces together something that's as big as all of upstate New York or bigger kind of like put a big oval through Pennsylvania that's just the pavement in front of the throne every redeemed person of all time and all the hundreds of millions and billions of angels are there and there's a throne and there's a river of fire coming up before the throne and Jesus Christ comes out and it says in verse 10 for we must all appear Greek word fonder oath a nine which means be made manifest now what's interesting we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ that each one that's interesting Greek word eschaton do you know what that word means one by one whoo you know take a picture you have all the people to go to the back you have all the people that you know like to you know go to the front but at this moment you can't go to the back one by one each of us will be called to walk up actually the throne is raised that's what Baima means and we're down at a lower level and we walk up all alone and you know what's amazing about God everyone will see everything you know you guys have great acoustics what a nice screen that is you know all these lights and I even noticed in Chapel that there's smoke somewhere coming out you know it's just exciting here that's human engineering can you imagine the God who invented radio waves and sound waves and light what acoustics and what lighting there's gonna be probably I don't know it's probably parabolic or a bowl shape but somehow everyone sees and we're each going to come one by one in front of the throne Jesus is right there we're right here in front of everybody we dump our life it goes through that river of fire that's flowing out of the throne and Jesus is waiting on the other side to see what we did with our life for him did you know that's the only reason you're here we are here to please God with our lives and right now you can coast you can fake you can excel no one really knows I mean a lot of people can talk church a lot of people can pair it a lot of people can do a lot of stuff but Jesus Christ is keeping track of what's in your cart and you're gonna put it in the fire for in thien's 3 says and 2nd Corinthians 5 notice what it says that we may receive each one receive the things done in the body Wow that's why what Todd Kinser said yesterday is important getting your body into your seat before you're supposed to be there is a conscious choice of whether to be obedient and submissive or proud and rebellious it really is you know people say I don't have enough time we all have the same amount of time that that is not true it's what you do with your time and if you're self-centered you do whatever you want to do with your time and you do not worry about other people but notice what it says it's what you do in your body whether your body is discipline whether your body is reflective of Christ whether your body is an instrument of righteousness or an instrument of sin that is what this judgments about do you what the crowns are there five of them I'm not teaching the epistles but you know there's five crowns you know one of them is you know what the one that Paul desperately wanted he said I discipline my body and bring it into subjection the word subjection is sub loopy odds Oh which which means actually it's a boxing term kind of like my dad used to punch my mom but it's a boxing term only we box ourself and it's hitting yourself under the eye to knock yourself out from things you shouldn't be doing now it's not you know some kind of a self flagellation or something it's a choice to say no to sin when I worked for John MacArthur we used to go out to eat and he would get the biggest hot fudge sundae or we'd be at some restaurant and they'd know him and he's famous and so he gave me this giant steak and he always left when he ate a dessert he would leave this perfect you know the cherry the whipped cream the pecans the fudge the ice cream and then at the bottom all that caramel he'd leave it and I see didn't your mother tell you there are people starving in India and you need to eat all your food he said yes but he said I never finish everything to remind my body that it's not in control see he didn't live for the appetites of his flesh and he constantly was discipline himself that's what Paul did that's where John got it from Paul Paul said I am disciplining my body why because we're gonna receive from the Lord a reward for what we did with our body whether what we have done is good or what's the last word of versed anybody have your Bible open what's the last word yeah good or evil or good or bad depending on what version what does that mean I thought justification took away all sins it did this is not talking about sin this is talking about good or worthless would be a better translation in fact the Greek word is foul on and that word foul on means good for nothing it's used for steam a swirl of smoke a dust swirl some people's lives are nothing more than a swirl of smoke there's nothing substantial to it it's all nothing and it's good for nothing and you're only rewarded for what's good not for what's good for nothing so that's the greatest day of our life and by the way what's the only thing that you can take with you to heaven people that's what Paul said in first Thessalonians 2:19 he said what is our hope what is our joy what is our crown of rejoicing is it not even you at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ you Saints that I have been a part of either leading to Christ or nurturing in Christ or encouraging in Christ you are our joy and our crown I remember I've told you I'm not an evangelist but I love to share the gospel I'm always packing in my my wallet a gospel tract but I remember when I was writing this course living hope that book I went every day to Starbucks five days a week for six months my lunch hour i sat in Starbucks and edited the manuscript for them the publishers and so for all those months I was in the same Starbucks and as I was going there every day I would it was the busiest one in town number one producer there are usually 20 people in line I would always stand there in line I'd work on my verses and think and pray and I finally get up and order my flat white and then I'd walk down to the end and for about two weeks I noticed that the barista that slid my Starbucks to me would never said a word but he'd slide it across and he'd look up at me and his eyes were orange like mr. oranges sweatshirt and mr. oranges sweatshirt who by the way is asleep don't wake him up leave him alone he's okay he's peacefully sleeping but do you see the orange the orange of his eyes do you know what that meant having orange eyes it meant his liver was failing he had hyperbilirubinemia he was dying of overdosing so I finally noticed his nametag and started praying I said Lord this is a busiest Starbucks in town but I'm not going to take company time if you will make no one behind me in line I'm gonna witness to that guy his name is Daniel I saw it by the way Daniel was in that period was called goth he was in this black stuff I mean he had a black M&M kind of ski cap on he had he had more piercings than I've ever seen he had a poster tone I mean it was as big as my finger and a big BB on the end of it and he had his ears were stapled all the way around you know I mean he had he had enough metal on him he could never go through an airport he wore he wore studs big metal studs they were at least an inch long like little pyramids all the way down his pants his shoes had the same studs on him he wore big metal chains about an inch and a half that clinked when he walked all the way around his way so he's wearing dog chains with studs and with big things on his feet totally perforated with metal everything jet black and he had orange eyes so I said Lord I think there's someone to share the gospel with because I could see he was overdosing with some kind of drugs or something so I put the track in my pocket and I prayed I walked into Starbucks 25 people in line so I went through and I was you know going through and as I was rounding the corner to the case with muffins and everything I noticed there was no one behind me in line that was a anomaly and so I kept going and I got up and I said a venti flat white and I kept going and I looked behind me no one in line first time in six months so I prayed prayed prayed prayed prayed I thought you only have a few seconds so Daniel started sliding my flat white across to and he looked up with his orange eyes I said hi Daniel his eyes widened he didn't know I knew his name he went hi I said Daniel there's something I tell you and I was reaching in my pocket I pulled out the track I said Daniel one day very soon you're gonna wake up in a place you don't wanna be I said Daniel you are headed to hell I said you're overdose here I can see that and I said I'm giving you a gospel track that tells you how Jesus Christ died to set you free and to forgive you of all your sins and I pushed it across you know he's pushing my that took 22 seconds he's pushing I'm pushing and by the way when I got done they were all filing up it was the most I love seeing that moment the whole line I think they'd all gotten held up you know maybe names was out there or something but they all came filled up again and I'll never forget as I took my drink and he took that gospel track his eyes were wide I mean they were this big orange you know he just looked at me so I went back to my table I finished editing I went home and I couldn't wait I was praying how should I follow up tomorrow you know what could I say and so I came in the next day and I got in line I went all the way around and he wasn't there so I came in the next day I went there every day and on the third day he wasn't there I stopped when I ordered and I said where's Daniel and the young lady running the cashiers just said where's Daniel that's what we're all asking she said did you know what happened on Monday she says that Monday at two o'clock she says he walked out of the store he walked right out she said he didn't say a word to anybody just walked out the store I thought I thought I'm gonna go out back I bet he died he's in the dumpster or something you know died of an overdose right then and and so I just prayed for him I did actually look how back he wasn't out there and I kept coming every day one year later I was back in Starbucks doing a final edit sitting at my little table where I always said when all of a sudden you know how your peripheral vision you see someone and I saw a black I could just see black then I saw metal and then I heard chains and the black spiked boots and the black pants with all the metal in the chains came and stood right at my table and I looked from boots up there was Daniel Daniel had the purest whitest eyes you've ever seen he was radiating he was still completely you know stapled and everything he didn't have that one but he had all the other ones okay and he looked at me and he said I've been looking you for the longest time he said you scared the hell out of me I said I said tell me about it he said you pushed that tract he said you didn't even explain it to me he said I took it and I read it and I couldn't understand it so he said I walked right out the back door of Starbucks he said I walked down the street of the city and each person I met I held it up and said have you ever gotten one of these do you understand that can you explain this to me and he said I kept going till I got downtown he said there was a storefront Jim and he said I looked inside it was called guts Church and he said everybody was wearing black and we're pierced and were working out and he said they were kind of just like me and I walked in and said you ever gotten this and he said yes that's the gospel and we want to share it with you sit down and they led him to Christ and he now is a praise the Lord he came to me and he said I want you to know I got saved he said I'm in a heavy metal black whatever rock band and he said and they play and they have the smoke and everything and all that and he said and I come out in the stage and I tell him how I was overdosing my eyes turned orange I was on the doorstep of hell and someone scared the hell out of me and he shares the gospel and he said I do that now full time they said I want to come and tell you thank you for sharing the gospel with me did you know there's only one thing we can take with us to heaven people you have to want to you have to ask for strength you have to ask the Lord for appointments you have to to ask the Lord to give you just the wisdom of what to say but that's what the Lord does well we need to continue revelation 19 this is the vengeance of Jesus it says in Psalm 94 in your notes vengeance belongs to the Lord the Lord is going to take vengeance there is absolute security of trusting Jesus timing there are mass murderers there are mass rapists there are met you know serial killers there are horrific people that abuse and all kinds of stuff we are not vigilantes God takes vengeance we rest what does it say in in John 5:22 and verse 28 28 says Marvel not the hour is coming in which all the graves here's voice all that are in the graves and will come forth to what judgment the Lord doesn't forget anything he's going to take vengeance he just doesn't do it right now and Jesus it says in Romans 12:19 will write all wrongs don't avenge yourselves fall said but neither give place to wrath vengeance is mine I will repay says the Lord the Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptation so we need to trust the Lord what we see in Revelation 19 is the absolute futility of resisting God look at it says in verse 17 of Revelation 19 I got to get back to Revelation 19 and in verse 17 the Lord says I saw an angel standing in the Sun cried with a loud voice to all the birds and said gather together for the supper of the Great God what is that 60 percent of all birds migrate over the land bridge between Africa Asia and Europe the greatest bird watching spot in the world is Israel and those birds that naturally come through there the Lord sends an angel say hey birds don't just fly over come eat we're gonna kill all the armies of the world this is Armageddon and the great supper of God is his vengeance but Jesus offers intimacy life eternal to avoid his vengeance if you know him we can rest in his Redemption you know it isn't in Ephesians 1:7 in whom we have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of sin I'm the worst sinner I know personally and I know that every one of my sins are on Jesus Christ and that God punished Jesus like he committed all my sins and then he put Jesus Christ perfect righteousness on me and God calls me and all those Rascals and Corinth Saints and every one of us that know Christ were a saint well this is what we call the return of the king I like it when Peter Jackson you know named his movie The Return of the King but this is the real return of the king and it's this event starting in verse 11 and heaven opened and behold a white horse revelation 19:11 and he who sat on it whose name is faithful and true and in righteousness he judges and makes war and his eyes were like a flame of fire what is this event it's right there it's right after this battle of Armageddon the second coming of Jesus Christ now I wish I could tell you what Zechariah says because it's a climactic moment the Jews have all been herded into Jerusalem because they trusted the Antichrist or he forces them in and they're there and the Antichrist is coming closing in the final Holocaust is almost upon them he has killed two-thirds of all the Jews on the planet he's ready to finish off the last third finally Satan's goal of destroying every Jew is almost within grasp and right then Zechariah tells us that the Jewish people go like this and they say Messiah Christ save us and that instant through the clouds white horse Jesus comes and incinerates all the armies in fact well look what he does it says in chapter 19 it says the Beast verse 19 the kings of the earth gathered together and the Beast 20 was captured and with him the false prophet who worked signs in his presence and look at the end of verse 20 these two were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with fire and brimstone so the beast and the false prophet alive into the lake of fire chapter 20 said they're still alive
Channel: DTBM
Views: 8,209
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Keywords: john barnett, dtbm, the bible, jesus, god, holy spirit, john samuel barnett, discover the book, heaven, paradise, end times, future events prophecies
Id: 0HuC4j6CBCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 9sec (2469 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2019
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