What is the Significance of the Date of Sept. 11? It's More Than You Think...

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[Music] hi i'm father chris aylar and welcome to another edition of ask a marian charles from rocky river ohio areas where i used to wrestle in is a great place to live but charles asks father i heard you give a talk about islam and you said there was a significant reason why the events of september 11 2001 happened could you please explain that again all right well first of all charles this coming saturday is the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on 9 11. a very sombering moment in our history and in the history of the world you know almost everyone who is old enough to remember the assassination of john f kennedy remembers where they were when they heard the news back in 1963. likewise almost every american remembers where they were on 9 11 on 2001. i personally was in north carolina at the vet with my big yellow lab rocky when the assistant came in and told us that the twin towers had been bombed and i recall the vet saying that he kind of went like this saying you know she doesn't know what she's talking about she must be mistaking because that could never happen in america well we know otherwise there were many heroes that day such as the new york police department the new york fire department and even benjamin clark the chef who saved over a hundred people by dragging them from the burning buildings you know almost three thousand people lost their lives that day friends and loved ones who will never be forgotten so let's take but a moment right now let's take just a moment of silent prayer remembering those innocent victims who died on this the 20th anniversary of 9 11 and entrusting them to god's mercy you know people often ask me father you always say that god wants to bring a greater good out of even the worst evil what possible good could have come from 9 11. well september 11th was on a tuesday back in 2001 and the following sunday the churches were packed you couldn't get in at least in north carolina where i was because the lines were outside into the sidewalk thousands of people came back to god on that day and many parishioners have remained ever since becoming active catholics now why did the terrorists pick this particular day did this date 911 have a special significance the answer is yes because september the 11th back in the year 1683 was the height of islamic power in the world but the next day september the 12th it was all dismantled they were surprisingly defeated at the battle of vienna in austria by a christian group now this is interesting because assuming uh the sultan the muslim sultan assumed that he would be victorious he said beforehand that his next stop was saint peter's in rome since there would be nothing stopping muslim takeover of the vatican and all of christendom after he took vienna so this shocking defeat during the height of islamic power marked the end of the muslim expanse into europe 90 000 christians defeated what some say was up to 300 000 muslim troops and from this victory we get the feast of the holy name of mary why well a guy by the name of jan sobieski if you've ever even heard of him a great polish general and king entrusted the battle to mary shouting our lady of chastijova as his awesome calvary charged into battle to defend the christian faith now again we don't advocate war this is not what i'm doing here but our catechism teaches us that self-defense is allowed in church teaching now what happened was the pope and european leaders then hailed sobieski as quote the savior of western civilization isn't that amazing a guy you probably never heard of saved western civilization the day was commemorated in vienna in austria by creating a new pastry called the croissant which we love here in the office which was shaped as a half moon representing the crest on the muslim turkish flag you know marie antoinette we always hear about her she actually introduced the pastry to france in 1770 but she wasn't french she was actually born in vienna so she brought the pastry which we think is french she brought the croissant to france now soon it was eaten along with coffee which was found in the abandoned tents of the turks after the battle now sobieski found bags of coffee beans which explained how the turks could fight day and night they were all on caffeine the beans where uh the beans came from ethiopia this was one african country which stayed christian during a lot of the islamic invasion of many parts of africa so the muslims called them infidels or coffer from which we get the word coffee and legend has it that pope clement viii was told to declare coffee quote the drink of the devil but when he tasted it he said this devil's drink is so good we should cheat the devil by baptizing it so then coffee was allowed now after this victory at vienna a polish general opened vienna's first coffee house so now you know why vienna is so well known for its great coffee so to finish although we know islam is a christian heresy and contains a lot of errors god still loves them and is constantly calling them to conversion through his son jesus christ for instance in 2014 boko haram which is a terrorist group mostly muslims took 200 young girls hostage in nigeria and what happened was a catholic bishop was praying for help and jesus appeared to him to this catholic bishop and he thought it's time to fight again like we did in the crusades jesus came appeared to this bishop and had a sword and he handed this sword to the bishop and the bishop thought okay it's time for self-defense and the bishop reached to grab the sword from jesus's hands and it turned into a rosary you know he said the rosary was the weapon to overcome boko haram this was jesus's words and later many of those girls were released and even some of the boko haram in fact in that area surrendered you know and then there's a story of a priest friend of our marrying community named father richard from nigeria one day he was back in nigeria he was celebrating mass when 12 terrorists came into the church strapped with explosives under their clothes to blow up the church the leader walked in in the middle of mass father richard was celebrating and he went into like a trance and he saw mary and jesus and so he went into this trance seeing mary and jesus and proclaimed to those who were with him his other terrorists that jesus christ is god and all the terrorists that were with him like a dozen converted on the spot these are the amazing stories that we're not hearing about in our newspapers you know another thing that god wants us to learn from all of this especially 911 is to forgive i know it's hard but st faustina wrote that jesus said to her quote my pupil i have great love for those who cause you suffering do good to those who hate you saint faustina said i answered o my master you see very well that i feel no love for them and that troubles me jesus answered it is not always within your power to control your feelings you will recognize that you have love if after having experienced annoyance and contradiction you do not lose your peace but pray for those who have made you suffer and wish them well that's from the diary 16 28 in scripture jesus tells us you shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy but i say to you love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you for you may be children of your heavenly father for he makes his sun rise on the bad and the good and causes rain to fall on the just and the unjust for if you love those who love you what recompense will you have do not tax collectors and prof pagans do the same shall be perfect just as your heavenly father is perfect that's matthew 5 43. so you might say father i can't forgive those people i can't love them it's not natural of course it's not natural it's supernatural thank you charles for a great question and may almighty god bless all of you and the families of those who we lost in 9 11 keep them in your prayers on this very special day and may almighty god bless you the father the son and the holy spirit amen
Channel: Divine Mercy
Views: 31,859
Rating: 4.9709301 out of 5
Keywords: Divine Mercy, Mercy, Shrine of Divine Mercy, National Shrine of Divine Mercy, Shrine, Mass, Holy Mass, Rosary, Holy Rosary, Chaplet, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Catholic, God, Jesus, Christ, Marian, Marians, priest, catholic teaching, pray, prays, praying, spirituality, chris alar, Alar, Fr. Chris Alar, Twin towers, 9/11, Sept. 11, September 11, terrorist attack, Osama Bin Laden, New york
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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