What is the RICHEST thing someone has done in front of you? r/AskReddit

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what's the richest thing someone has done in front of you an international student was introducing himself to our group and the professor the tuition fee for an international student is twenty-one thousand pounds the prof asked him how are you handling the tuition fees what do you think of it he replied it's proceeded but I can handle it prof asked him if he applied for student loans he ded us replied what's a student loan with an innocent look on his face the property other classmates just looked at him with all I used to work for a movie theater chain a longtime employee was getting married and invited the owner at the wedding he handed the couple an envelope he asked them to open it then there was a card and a little blank cheque he told them he wanted to pay for their entire wedding honeymoon and all he told them to write whatever it cost on the cheque and tell his secretary how much it was I work at a tennis club with a few well-to-do folks this one guy and his wife came up and we got off on the worst fort he rudely complained about the steak he ordered and was just kind of an all-around jerk not long after that they come back he must have realized his actions and felt bad because he came up asked my name and shook my hand and asked if I could deliver a couple drinks for him and his wife at the pool when I did he shoved a 20 in my hand and every time I delivered drinks after that I think he gave me 80 bucks over the course of the night he comes to the register to close his bill and he says thanks for all your hard work and slips another bill in my hand but this time it's a 100 I told him that I couldn't take he's filled my pockets enough already seriously it's fine I could tell he was distraught enough that he wanted to make up for his behavior before and it seemed he felt money was the only way to do it and I'm sure to him tipping me close to $200 was nothing the look of dejection on his face when I turned down the one-hundred was something I hadn't seen before since then he has succeeded in slipping me a one hundred a couple of without me noticing I feel bad because all I care about is that he just treat me like a human I don't like just taking other people's money especially as some form of recompense place a 5 million dollar bet on a single hand of baccarat proceeded to lose and not even bat an eye meanwhile I decided not to buy ice cream so I can save some money a rich woman had a flat tire and didn't know how to fix it so I pull over to help her when I was done we got talking and hoops she so happened to drop her wallet and it land at my feet she said keep it I felt so bad I said no I can't she insisted see I get home and - and the wallet nine hundred and eighty seven dollars was in there with ungodly amounts of change this was last month as well that nine hundred and eighty seven dollars paid off one of my college loans I will be honest I cried a little because of this person she didn't keep any cards in her wallet she probably has a tip wallet for [ __ ] like this or something was in a small size little bar for breakfast in SF in comes a guy who orders the same as I did pancakes with coffee we finish around the same time and I leave my regular 15% tip service and the food wasn't special but whatever I'm the European and I know it's their salary basically but this other guy starts counting his $100 dollar bills one two three four five six seven eight nine ten he smiles shuffles them together puts his empty cup on top and leaves his bill was about twenty dollars or something he paid one thousand dollars when I was in junior high a kid I'll call Joe the four th moved in around the corner from me and we got to be friends his parents were divorced and he lived with his mom but had regular visits with his dad what I didn't realize at the time was that the fact that his last name was plastered all over the city on auditorium's hospital wings university buildings etc to coincidence one day Joe the fourth invited me to go to his dad's house for dinner his dad lived in a fairly large old Victorian house in a rather rough scale area this was the kind of house that had dumbwaiters and secret passages it was pretty fun to explore but I really didn't think much of it we had dinner and afterwards his dad decided we needed some entertainment so he got on the phone and around 15 minutes later a Spanish guitarist and a flamenco dancer show up and put on a show for us I realize that's not a show your ostentatious as casually tossing handfuls of money to a waiter or valet or things of that nature however the idea that he would casually drop hundreds of dollars for a private show just on a whim illustrates just how little money really meant to him his dad was very laid-back he usually drove an old pickup and always wore jeans and cowboy boots and usually a flannel work shirt to look at him you'd never guess how wealthy he was when I worked as a computer tech I went out to a house call I arrived and realized it should have been called an estate call the place was senselessly large I go to this guy's office to look at his computer and I needed a pen for something he opened his desk drawer and asks me if guns made me uncomfortable because he had one in that same drawer I respond that I think guns are cool mild exaggeration he proceeds to take me to his gun safe I'd like this 9 x 9 x 9 Bank falls so many guns it was insane I was obviously impressed he said oh you like this stuff check out my gun room I tagged along more curious than interested then I see a room that Dwarfs any other I've seen in a residential building there were guns like you wouldn't believe 50 calories mounted machine guns small cannons like every small arm from the Civil War to modern time even as a gun novice I knew enough to be impressed [ __ ] was crazy referre Nash an entire house with brand new expensive designer furniture and toss out the old designer furniture on the curb like it was broken down junk couches beds wardrobes you name it the old furniture was only a year old they'd purchased it all brand new the year before I have a buddy in the service industry so he is in people's homes pretty much daily he's also a talkative person and generally really likeable every six months or so he'll call me over and show off some new piece of furniture he got for free he's gotten the two year old washer and dryer set a 60-inch TV a leather massage chair a new pub hide kitchen table and a patio set all this stuff is super nice and barely looks like it was used he says people often times we'll just give [ __ ] away just so they don't have to bother with the hassle of figuring out how to get rid of it I finally got this amazing beautiful legacy 990 monorail transport system that I had been wanting for years go to rich friend's house I see some pieces he has it too let's build it nor the pieces they're all mixed in with the others so let's pick them out right no it'll take hours quicker to have the maid just go buy a new set and she did she went out and bought two Lego space mono rails plus a few other sets to fill it out my friend summoned with a wave of his hand more Lego than I could hope for in years he gave orders to an adult I was astonished I worked on a 124 foot yacht and went to look and another yacht he was interested in buying that was stored and owned by the shipyard the broker was being a real dick so we just walked off but he really wanted this classic and he called the yard owner after not getting much help he calls his legal team tells them to buy the whole freakin yard two weeks later and he and his team took possession of the yard his new yard Trumpy and several others told me to come with him for the management meeting and fired the Frick out of the broker I got my first real captain's job out of the deal solved a minor inconvenience by buying a truck I was loading my car after a Home Depot trip and a few spots over was a couple who just bought several large bags of mulch well they couldn't fit all their mulch in there e-class Merced's so the wife told the husband to go to the car dealership across the street and buy a truck and that's exactly what the husband did he walked across the street to a toyota dealership and bought the first used truck he saw to move the mulch [Music] a long time ago I worked at a security at a casino I remember once watching a man bet dollar sign 15k three dollar sign 5k chips a hand at blackjack and lose literally every hand without any reaction whatsoever he probably lost dollar sign 60 K in the five minutes i sat watching him pull sir there used to be an elderly guy who would come and have the entire section of the high roller slot machines reserved for himself he'd spent ten or twelve hours going down each row pulling handles at between $100 and $500 a spit he would usually give advance notice that he was coming and there would be service and attendants specifically assigned to him while he was there this always humbled me when I think I have some money there's always someone in Vegas dropping your entire yearly salary on a hand of blackjack unless you're in the 1% I saw someone crash a Lamborghini in ten minutes later a driver showed up with a Ferrari and buddy drove off while his driver waited for the tow truck how rich do you have to be to have someone on call to bring you a new luxury car when you're in an accident so one of my [ __ ] jobs in college was doing door-to-door pamphlet bombing and collecting donations for environmental initiatives at the SF Bay Area normally it's all volunteer stuff but this time they were hiring people as it was an election year normally it's a goal of dollar-sign 30-50 per day for each person this girl who had done this for a year partnered with me and she was just such a nice girl but no one was donating despite her charm I did a few and fed no better finally I knocked on a door and the dude comes out I did a script kind of half-assed mainly because I was impressed by his sound system in his living room that I had peeked he showed it off to us offered us a drink and went off to get his checkbook he comes back with his wife and she was like ooh let me get my checkbook too the guy asked us what we normally get per week for this and the girl I was with told him on a good week around dollar sign 200 - 250 the guy makes a face and was like nap that can't be right and hands us a check for $5,000 then his wife shows up and was like you did five I'll do six and gave us another check but for six thousand dollars we were speechless and my partner started to cry the guy also asked us to give him a call by the end of the week so he can follow up with our records I found out later that he was a retired music producer who was super loaded but lived in a normal-looking house outside of Oakland crazy stuff I went to my boss wedding the whole thing was just so damn decadent there were over 1,000 ppl of the gas film crane high budget bollywood music videos produced at the Brydon group driving luxury cars multiple wedding cakes etc what made me pause though was when freaking 510 dollar sign bills started raining from the sky and the guests danced album the bills were American I'm in Canada - I tried to be low-key and grab some but my GF said it did look bad as everyone else sporting expensive looking suits and saris were ignoring them understandably I was achieved when I asked for a race soon after and I was told the company wasn't making enough to justify what I wanted buy a brand new $60,000 BMW without hesitation he was a Saudi dude I was tutoring in English and he needed a car so he just bought one with the same attitude that one would have when buying a gas station sandwich people with that kind of money are just living in another reality Saudi guy I know from University got something like two hundred thousand dollars a month from his family unbelievable wealth in that country to get nothing you can join my discord link in 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Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 419,846
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Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: diBBphqhCJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2019
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