What Is the Most Unethical Thing a Doctor Have Done Involving a Patient? | Professionals' Stories #9

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Shoved in a closet and almost sold for slavery? Isn't that illegal? How insane can people be

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/karmasdoor 📅︎︎ Oct 19 2020 🗫︎ replies
doctors of reddit what is the most unethical thing you have done or you have heard of a fellow doctor doing involving a patient my best friend's mother roller is from lebanon when roller was a young girl she got pretty badly injured and went to the hospital the doctor then proceeded to tell roller's mother that she had passed away due to the injuries she did not believe her and soon discovered roller locked in a closet waiting to be presumably be sold into slavery my roommate in dental school was a medical student there was some big scandal at the hospital he was doing a rotation at because an anesthesiologist left the or with the nurse anesthetist and left the patient alone something went wrong and the patient passed away on the table where were the two of them getting down in a nearby unused room thinking that nothing could happen in just a few minutes this just sounds like the realistic version of grey's anatomy it was in the news here but there was a surgeon in birmingham i think who diathermed essentially burnt his initials onto patients livers my colleague worked with him and saw him do this i personally haven't seen much that's too bad there are a lot of pretty dark jokes in the doctor's office but nothing potentially damaging a nurse did once offer to give me unprescribed fluctuation for a skin infection but i politely refused i want initials on my liver in the hospital i work at there are many frequent flyer psychiatric patients they usually have very serious social issues for example lack of housing no money etc sometimes when the psych unit gets tired of them they buy them a bus ticket and send them somewhere far away so that they'll be someone else's problem as a specialist who sees a lot of referrals i see incompetence and laziness which can be just as devastating much more than outright and ethical behavior i'm a general surgery resident we had a patient that had been on our service for about a year older fellow very sick every now and then he would go into respiratory distress get intubated or bip up for a bit always would bounce back to his baseline of eight stroke 10 sick everyone called him the rock but not in a cool do you smell what the rock is cooking way in a boring sick person that sits their way well he had always been a full code that means that in case of dying we do everything we can to keep him alive after a long time of being impatient my attending was sick of him and made him a dnri which means let him pass if he starts to struggle he didn't want this but they got away with it saying that he did not have capacity and he was decently with it but i can see that argument so talks with the family started and they specifically stated that they wanted full code my attending didn't agree and decided to call them to confirm but we think he purposefully called the wrong number many times and eventually decided for himself that he was dnri two days later the guy went into rest distress and died i came to rounds the next morning to two attendings yelling and screaming about the right thing to do maybe i feel that it's better that he passed as well but as his family's wishes were ignored and purposefully evaded i could never go against someone's wishes that is very unethical and illegal if that happened where i work the doc will be sued for sure i once knew an ob who didn't like to work after about 5 p.m so at the end of office hours if there had someone in labor they would swing by labor and delivery and find a reason to do a c-section on them sometimes they blamed the baby's heart rate racing justified or not but the classic one would be that they would check the patient's cervix and lie about how dilated it was so it seemed as if labor wasn't progressing rapidly enough and say i just don't think this is going to work cut her and be home for dinner now in ob we love tlas three-letter acronyms and one of the real indications for cesarean cpd cephalopelvic disproportion which is where the baby's head is too big for the pelvis but for this particular doc we always said that they cast patients for cpd cesarean prior to dinner no i didn't report this doc because it's not possible to report someone for a subjective judgment call as for this doc not being allowed to practice anymore a hospital can't revoke privileges for being a crappy doc even if they want to the law is written in such a way that the hospital would easily be sued for restraint of trade i don't like it either but unless laws gets changed that's what we're stuck with you know i've heard of this but somehow this made it real and now i'm scared i briefly worked at the front desk clark foreigner at a local hospital the rule was the anyone that came in complaining of chest pains had to be backend on a machine within 10 minutes of arrival once i entered their name into the system the clock started so i was told not to enter their name until they had already been taken back to essentially make our numbers look better and make it appear as though they were receiving care within the prescribed 10 minutes people complaining of chest pains were typically brought back quickly just not always within the 10-minute guideline although generally faster than anyone else this mostly seemed to be just about producing better stats although keeping it off the system gave them the ability to delay there are three kinda lies in the world lies damned lies and statistics my opinion never trust an individual stat they are almost always manipulated and if you have chest pains take aspirin did the same kind of thing when i used to work at burger king when it was slow it get in my car order a water then drive around and do it over and over again so our times would look better but yeah this is different dr john story of lovell wy was convicted for the debauchery and physical shaming assault of many young women over the course of 25 years under the guise of pelvic exams there's a book out about it i was living in wy at the time and the weirdest part about the whole thing was the way the town rallied around him and said he was innocent i think he went right back to that community as soon as he was released there were some legal shenanigans involved and i don't remember the actual outcome not a doctor bidder male nurse at a hospital i worked at was caught sodomizing male patients as they were recovering from surgery that is horrifying as a pharmacist i will sometimes call docs on drug interactions the other day the adopt i talked to had never heard of the interaction i was calling on and said to tell the patients to take the meds i guess since you haven't heard of it it must not be a thing the ego on some of these guys is insane i am currently a medicine student in mexico one of my professors told us that during his residency he worked in hospital on a fairly poor area in these sorts of places birth control is a relatively unused practice leading to poor families of six plus children in effort to stop this they began to sterilize women during their children's birth regardless of their wishes it's still a fairly common practice in the hospital my father is a psychiatric nurse and he will openly say how jaded he is by the incompetent people he works with he has been employed as a registered nurse since the 1970s but in recent decades the government has slashed the mental health budget so instead of hiring qualified nurses who command a higher wage they hire what are essentially babysitters with no experience his patients are seriously mentally disabled not the type who need to be put in a straight jacket and sedated but grown men with the intelligence of four-year-olds these babysitters know nothing about restraining them when they get violent they just care in the corner and wait for the one or two nurses in the building there's also a lot to be said about the character of these babysitters my dad told me about one patient who had a phobia of cicadas so this a colleague thought it would be funny to catch a cicada and chase the poor patient around the grounds with it the worst case of incompetence he told me about happened at this hospital that was located within walking distance from a major six-lane motorway two nurses came in for their night shift patients are sleeping so workers on the night shift will watch tv or do anything else to keep themselves awake during quiet periods these guys had brought in computer equipment with the intention of repairing or building a computer i don't know the fact was that they were so engrossed in their task that they failed to notice one patient who had woken up and left the premises it wasn't until emergency services showed up and told them that there had been a fatal accident on the motorway that killed this patient that these nurses realized anything was amiss neither of them got sacked thanks to the strength of the nurse's union my grandfather was a physician in a small town and also worked as the pharmacist as this was how it was done in rural areas he lost his medical license for trading medication for carnal services from patients he was a brilliant doctor and graduated top of his class from dil horsey but was a weirdo when i was younger he was also arrested for smuggling drugs into canada female colleague cardiologist grabbed a sedated man's dong while he was undergoing surgery his dong was massive and she grabbed it to show us she also measured it on a related note her husband was a judge who had to resign due to a gender-based harassment issue very strange couple no kids a lot cats and they drive a subaru everyone in colorado drives a subaru they're good cars the other part of your story is messed up though i'm a physician and used to work 12-hour night shifts at this hospital in california my co-worker who was also a doctor and admittedly a young and good looking fellow and i covered pages from different flaws if there was nothing going on i would usually be in my cool room reading sleeping watching tv until a nurse would page me for a problem my colleagues on call room shared the same wall with mine one night i was reading in my room when i started hearing my colleague and another woman freaking and the noises started getting louder and fairly difficult to ignore sorry but she was pretty loud then in the middle of this charade i heard his pager go off several times without him answering it eventually i left the room and called the hospital operator i asked her who had paige doctor my colleague's name and then called the nurse who was trying to get in touch with him turns out the page was for a patient that was in a serious condition and had to be taken to the aiku i took care of everything and went back to my room later on i told him that they were paging him for a critically ill patient overhead and that he must have fallen asleep i didn't say anything about hearing his allegro chamber freaking orchestra but i think he knew that i knew because he got red and thanked me for covering for him you can't fool me this is just the fourth episode of grey's anatomy a doctor dania killed my wife once she'd been experiencing severe heartburn like pain for several days not responding to antacids or proton pump inhibitors but we went to the air where the doctor insisted i stay in the waiting room and not only failed to take a history but actively stopped her from giving one he took an ecg which was normal and bundled her out the door with a spoonful of xylocaine viscous a script for more ppis and instructions to see her gp in a week a few hours later she was literally writhing in agony so i said frick this and took her to a different or across town the doctor there actually asked questions and listened to answers he wheeled out an ultrasound said whoa and booked her in for an emergency cholecystectomy on the spot the op took twice as long as expected the thing was so swollen they had to drain it for ages before they dared move it the surgeon later told her that if she'd waited even a few more hours it would most likely have burst with hard to survive consequences i don't care about missing a diagnosis that can happen to anyone but missing a diagnosis because you will not let your patient give a history frick that so hard from a patient perspective i still have trouble with this one i was getting a severe wound on my shin cleaned off debris with a scrub brush the doctor for some reason wasn't wearing any face protection and managed to splash wound juice into her mouth her response was a p f f b t p l b b f t p b f f t t i got your juices in my mouth i was horrified never returned i would have found this hilarious for a while before realizing how terrifyingly incompetent it is veterinarian i have worked with clients to hide abused dogs that were rescued from their mean owners until a shelter was located i wasn't expecting this unethical act to be so well received thank you for all your kind words and for the gold as long as i have a place to put an unwanted pet i will continue to do what i can thank you to you all who have already adopted from a shelter or have taken in a stray even if you have paid a lot for your pet as long as you love it and take good care of it that's what we should strive for as humans i was looking for someone like you a few months ago not me but my mom worked as a nurse in brazil for a while and said that the doctors at a hospital would sleep during night shifts and it'd all be up to the nurses they would get angry if they were awoken and wouldn't take the nurses seriously which led to this one guy's death despite my mom insisting that they check on him because he looked bad because they didn't want to get up by the way this was in the 80s or so so not sure if things have changed any by now sleeping on night shift is okay in some situations if everyone is stable and sleeping and i'm on a 15 hour shift frick yeah i'll sleep if i can but if you get woken and asked for review you don't be you go do it all the while feeling lucky you could get a little kipp in medfor student here during one of my internal medicine clerkship in a small hospital i get paid to a cardio respiratory arrest in the cath lab i arrive there and the whole team is already working a way outdated acls protocol on a patient that was undergoing ptca earlier apparently the interventional cardiologist has just placed a stent and was withdrawing when the patient had the arrest after 40-45 minutes of resuscitation the patient did not pick up so i was expecting them to just announce the time of death that's when it gets unethical the whole staff agreed to just send the patient to ccu knowing he's dead intubated on ambu bag with a monitor showing a nurse's pulse and oximetry and to tell the parents that the intervention was successful and that he needs observation before being discharged to regular floor the patient was kept in the ccu and the staff would tell the family gradually that he was getting worse and two hours later they told them that he just died because couldn't tolerate the procedure all this to protect the cardiologist and so that he keeps a good reputation and record after i asked around they were apparently doing this for every arrest that would happen during catheterization in this hospital definitely saw this as a nursing student in the or specifically one doctor who'd operate on the ancient patients that no one else would touch without special precaution they'd all die in recovery never on the table we started scheduling the fragile ones for days he wasn't there my stepdad is a dentist had a boss who was a fellow dentist that was doing fillings on teeth that did not have cavities to generate more money my stepdad blew the whistle and started his own practice my great grandpa was a doctor and he used to say that he could guess the gender of a baby but he'd write one thing on the chart and tell the parent another so if he was wrong he could tell them they heard him wrong that doesn't seem that unethical to me it's grandpa shenanigans i'm not a doctor but a friend of mine's dad got diagnosed with colon cancer a while ago they treated that and then the cancer spread to his liver he had an operation to remove 60 of his liver but not too long after the procedure they found cancer in his lungs but here is the twisted part he went to a different cancer center following the procedure and they found that he had cancer in his lungs all along that's right it said on file that the hospital he went to previously knew he had colon and lung cancer at the same time for three months and were never going to tell him they intentionally were keeping it from him the man is interested in pursuing a lawsuit i for one think the whole situation is awful the cancer center said had they treated the colon and lungs at the same time he would have been better i'm not a doctor but i do work at a methadone clinic i provide services i had a client that was on 250 milligrams of methadone and continued to use h and benzes regularly like in the parking lot he overdosed once in my office and another time in the lobby we've called the ambulance on this man four times he's been doing h for 28 years we continued to up his doesn't even fazed him he still tested positive for everything i felt like it was unethical i'm harm reduction based but this was insane it was like we were passing him candy at a parade we had no idea if he was even taking the methadone he was most likely selling the fact that after he overdosed in my office yet we didn't encourage him into an impatient facility was the most unethical thing i've experienced harm reduction treatment doesn't work for everyone an ob and md was caught wearing a secret camera on his jacket and filming his patients lady parts without their permission when he was caught he went home and killed himself the worst thing i've heard of a doctor doing my mother says that while she was an intern at a hospital a doctor didn't deliver a baby properly and ended up breaking the baby's neck he and his supervisor tried to get my mother to take the blame since she would only be reprimanded while he would lose his license she refused hardly unethical but weird i was trying to get a diagnosis on discomfort in my balls doc didn't wear a glove when he made his inspection totally smelled his fingers when he thought i wasn't looking when i was a young kid and first discovering the joys of google i thought it would be fun to search my surgeon father's name one of the first results led me to a tabloid article about a nurse who was operating within his department who kept killing off patience in some twisted angel of death perceived mercy killings i was nine my doctor acquaintance bragged about making out with one of his patients immediately after she told him about being domestically abused what boy this story needs to be fleshed out although i'm sure i'll regret asking my mom worked in a pediatrician's office as a receptionist their doctors had special codes for chart notes but but ugly baby they had more for things like noting the mom was an insufferable bee i don't remember specific abbreviations but i can ask my mom later after working in a pediatrician clinic during my medical student rotations i will have to say that knowing which parents are challenging before going into the room is a good thing kiddo still gets the same treatment but the way i interact with the parents will differ this happened when i was a medical student working in the air this 20-something male was drunk driving and crashed his car into an elderly couple causing them to require emergent surgery he was belligerent and walking around naked in the trauma bay nurses were trying to get him to calm down and stay in his room and stop yelling he was calling the nurses bee and asking to go to the bathroom so they gave him a urinal as he was urinating my attending went up to him and said i want you on that bed right now he said frick you so my attending knocked the urinal out of his hand pies went flying all over the room he picked him up and threw him on the bed and pushed some rockeronium through his iv to paralyze him then he seemed to take his time with intubating him letting his o2 sat get down into the 40s before finally letting him breath again i don't know what ended up happening to the guy in the long run turns out he had just broken up with his girlfriend and went on a drinking binge he deserved to be punished for what he did but i don't think he deserved to be forcibly intimated for no reason other than causing a scene i've broken up with a few girlfriends usually i quietly sit at home and consume nothing but wine and pizza for a week too if i really loved her at no point did i get [ __ ] housed and put two senior citizens in the hospital and then cuss at the medical professionals trying to attend to me this was really a misunderstanding but in college i thought i had an std that turned out to be a recurring case of a yeast infection i got from some fine young lady the culture would come out negative for any std but the symptoms would return the college doctor was a woman and after my third time to return to tell her the symptoms were back even though the tests were negative and i had taken all the meds she turned me away because she thought i had a weird fetish of her giving my johnson a culture test not a doctor but a cousin of a bandmate came to a festival with us and proceeded to drink two bottle of whiskey neat jump over a campfires with an axe kick over a push chair with a baby inside and fall on top of it and have a blazing row with the mother before passing out halfway into his tent we were woken up by security asking if we knew him and what time he would be awake so they could kick him out following an extended period of guard duty he was woken and evicted at which point he decided to drive home to get ready for work as a doctor the next day it seems children at festivals is a subject people feel passionate about for the record it was a relatively family-oriented festival read new age hippie uk but i also have major concerns about the number of unsupervised children at the festivals i've been to and the level of frick their responsible adults are festivals can be an amazing experience for children and families but picking the appropriate festival and being a good parent i.e not getting fricked making sure your child is safe and having fun is important maybe he was a rug doctor and he was steaming mad at dirt i had what i thought was pilonidal cyst large cyst that forms at the top of your butt crack i was in a lot of pain and couldn't even sit down went to the first little dock in a box urgent care center i could find and they deemed it a really bad ingrown hair but agreed to my please to lance it to relieve pressure i'm rather hairy like my hairline starts at my forehead and doesn't stop till my ankles in many people's eyes not a pretty sight i may mention that at the time of my visit it's like zero seven three zero first patient of the day me and my giant ingrown follicle on my hairy butt are how the poor doctor and her nurse had to start their monday morning i go into the tiny oar strip down put on a gown and they come in and get to it i bled profusely ep pen be damned my entire butt crotch and lap area were completely covered in blood and pus the ingrown hair was massive and formed an l-shaped pocket that was putting pressure on my tailbone they stuff medicated gauze in the cut tossed down a handful of wet naps and very coldly and riley tell me to get cleaned up they are done after feeling a bit humiliated to begin with it takes me a good ten minutes to clean myself the doc and her nurse walked back in on me completely naked twice only to say and give a snarky comment like not done yet while rolling their eyes i couldn't get out of there quick enough i know i wasn't a pleasant patient and all but they made me feel horrible i was in immense pain and needed help fast i wasn't expecting sunshine and rainbows with my issue but i wasn't expecting horrible bedside manner and a total lack of respect either more recently i had to have an ekg done at the va docs office the two nurses came in and had to shave patches out of my chest and side i could tell they were trying not to laugh as they left before the door even closed behind them i heard them both burst out laughing in the hallway my doctor looked mortified and i shared the sentiment if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 35,410
Rating: 4.8492346 out of 5
Keywords: doctors, doctor stories, hospital, medical, nurse, patients, unethical doctor, unethical doctors stories, doctor patient, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 26sec (1526 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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