Watch THIS Before You Buy an Alcohol Stove!: Alcohol Stove Battle - Testing 11 Different Stoves

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it's time lot of trainings gone into this day the day I wasn't sure we never come but it's definitely time [Applause] [Music] hey guys already here and welcome to the paleo hiker MD Channel is there a best alcohol stove out there I've done tests on all kinds of alcohol stoves but they're always one against the other you never know how they're gonna compare if they're in sexy firemen think temperatures water same amount all that stuff I've always done one against the other and it's time that we put them all up against each other I currently have 11 different alcohol stoves so then we're very familiar you'll recognize them some of them are ones that I've made myself there are videos on how to make all of them that I'll be testing today so check down below for links for those rules are very simple we are going to use one ounce of heat out of the yellow bottle we're going to try to be as exact as possible by using our scale to weigh out exactly one ounce of fluid or at least if it's not exact one ounce all of them should have the exact number of grams of alcohol in them we're gonna use 2 cups of water here at room temperature probably 59 or 60 degrees right now here in my shop we're gonna start the timer when I first light any of the stoves if they take a while to bloom so beat it we'll just have to wait for it to bloom it's all gonna count as part of the overall time this should be pretty interesting I'm about to boil 22 cups of water what's even more impressive is that you are actually considering watching me boil 22 coats of water so let's meet each of our contenders talk a little bit about what makes each individual stove unique and will weigh it for you guys gonna make this nice and quick I have detailed videos of pretty much all of these so just a couple of quick points let's look at the containers okay so contestant number one is the Trangia spirit burner some of the highlights are that it has an o-ring here at the top so you can put alcohol and store it in there you can just close it off put this in your pack and you've got alcohol stored it also has a simmer ring right here which allows you to control some of the flame the weight is 111 grams or 3 and 7/8 ounces the transi of coughs between 14 and 15 dollars on amazon so let's see what kind of times we get with the Trangia spirit burner okay let's get this party started Trangia light it up turn it on get this going let's see how long it takes okay we're coming up on it here I changed the view a little bit so y'all can see better okay we have a boil 212 at 8:17 we're gonna 8:17 let's see how long it burns for all right really starting to lose steam here I'm gonna call these when I don't think that the flame is any longer really viable even though it may still be flaming it's not really going to be doing anything and we are there so we've got 11 minutes 47 seconds total burn time for the Trangia next we're gonna look at the solo stove this is the solo stove burner this is what I would consider to be an absolute copy of the trans you it's $20 so it's a little bit more expensive the only other major difference is the type of oring it actually has like a flat ring here which keeps it it also has a different jet pattern I have a video specifically on these two stoves you can check that out for exact details the same highlights it has a screw on lid it has the o-ring to contain alcohol inside and it has this which allows you to control the flame away this one we've got 88 grams or 3 and 1/8 ounce as I said this cost $19.99 on Amazon let's see what kind of ball times we get okay solo stove one ounce of fuel lighter up put this on turn that on let's see what we get okay we're getting close here 837 837 let's see how long it burns for we call it right there 11:44 it's got a little bit of flame but 11:40 for total burn on the scylla stove okay now we're moving on to a titanium version this is the ever new titanium alcohol stove a little bit different has two rows of jets it has these bottom Jets and it has the top jet once it gets going you can actually put the pot right on top and it'll kind of act as this own simmering I really didn't realize that if somebody pointed it out that's pretty cool otherwise you are gonna have to use a pot stand and we will use the same pot stand for all of these if needed highlights on this is it's absolutely super lightweight we'll show you that here in a second and the other highlight is that you can't put that pot right on top and kind of have its own simmering action weight is an amazing 36 grams or 1 and 1/4 ounces major difference this will cost $43 so quite a bit more expensive you expect that with a titanium product but how will it perform let's find out move on one ounce in the ever new titanium stove I'm gonna continue to use this as a pot stand all I did was put like a little shim actually used a simmer ring for the Nome turbo and we're gonna light it up here it is this on start it up let's see what we get all right we've got a boil at 6:48 stop it right there 6:48 let's see how long it burns for we're losing steam oh it is down seven minutes 47 seconds 747 total burn time if you want a titanium stove but you don't want to spend $43 you can look at this this is from ballast voyage this is just a basically kind of like a knockoff of the ever-new I got in trouble by some of the people in the comments for calling it a knockoff but it's a knockoff and it has the same kind of pattern it's two different jet patterns it has the exact same markings inside it has the same highlights it's lightweight and you can also put the pot on top as its own simmer ring let's weigh this one we're looking at 44 grams or one and a half ounce so just a little bit heavier big difference this is $18.99 that's a major major change it has a problem priming and you'll see out here in a little bit I have a possible solution and fix for that which we'll discuss on a further video I'm going to modify this to see if I can make it work better but for now let's see how it performs I'm gonna show you this one takes a long time to prime so I'll just jump in and let you guys know exactly how long it takes to prime light it up this one here start it up let's see how long it takes to prime I'll let y'all know okay just fully primed two minutes ten seconds till full prime let's see how long it takes to boil all right it's caught up pretty well you've got a boil at 811 811 for a boil let's see how long it burns for only the top burners are going right now about to call it that's pretty much out ten minutes 27 seconds 10 27 let's move on to the next one okay this is an interesting one this is by lazada which is a very common company now you can buy on Amazon or Aliexpress kind of Trangia kind of not it does not have a simmer ring but it does have the o-ring so you can store the fuel in here this is made out of aluminum I have tested this a few times we're gonna give it a good test today the benefits I think mainly are the lightweight and the fact that you can screw on the top let's weigh it we got 26 grams or 7/8 of an ounce so very very lightweight believe it or not this costs an amazing three dollars on Aliexpress if you're willing to wait about 20 days for it to come in the post you will get this for 3 bucks let's see how it does ok this is the lik sada aluminum and on put this in start her up oops let's see what we get all right we have a boil at 8 minutes 42 seconds 842 let's see how long the burns I think it's getting close to dying let's see alright it is dying in there 12 minutes 14 seconds 12 minute 14 seconds on the licks up continuing on with stoves that you can purchase this is the mini bull designs elite pro okay you can buy this at mini bull designs it's a website I'll leave a link down below very nice stove it's a very well made it's got fiberglass wicking here to act as a pre heat wick highlights of this is that it does not need a pot stand it has the pre heat wick which allows it to bloom much faster and it's also very very lightweight so let's see exactly how lightweight we've got 14 grams or 1/2 ounce you're looking at that correctly 14 grams 1/2 ounce it costs $20 and is handmade by tinny the owner of medieval designs this is the first of three we'll look at from medieval designs let's see how it performs so we've got one of our mini bull designs here we're gonna light the outside we're going to go ahead and start the timer once it primes we'll put it on this turn this on should time pretty quickly all right perfect it's primed here we go we'll make sure it's centered so let's see how long it takes to boil okay very good time here two cups of water six minutes 45 seconds 6:45 that's our fastest boodle yet let's see how long it goes for all right we're gonna call that out there 755 so 755 it's producing a little bit of flame like I said but it's pretty much out 755 the next mini Bull design is the MB DC elite this is pretty similar to the other one but it's a little bit smaller so it'll produce a little bit of a narrower flame pattern highlights on this one is it again it requires no pot stand which is really nice it has the preheat wick and it's also super lightweight let's check the weight on this one an amazing 13 grams again showing it one half ounce but 13 grams even lighter weight than the elite pro this one costs $25 a little bit more expensive I really don't know why it's a little more expensive I imagine it's probably because it's harder to make so maybe it's a little more expensive but let's see how it performs now just for y'all to know I did add a little bit of alcohol to the wick I did it on the last one as well just in case y'all were wondering I did add just a couple of drops turn this on there we go okay we've got a boil at six minutes 32 seconds 6 32 let's see how long she burns for all right guys it just died 8 24 8 24 total burn time so our third and final mini Bull designs stove is the turbo Nome this is a very simple very very simple stove just a tube of aluminum ports here this is what makes it the turbo they sell an ohm without these ports it doesn't burn quite as hot it has a little lip there and inside it's just a rolled piece of carbon felt as basic as it gets also for ten dollars more you can get a very nice simmer ring that pops right on there and really limits the amount of flame that comes out the top highlights are the pure simplicity of this thing it is bomb-proof it's just a piece of aluminum that works very very well it's very efficient super lightweight and very small also it only costs $10 let's see how much it weighs 12 grams or 3/8 of an ounce will really stick to 12 grams pretty amazing like I said 10 bucks it looks a little bit misleading this stove works really really well let's check out the x guess what I'm just gonna light it start it and let's see what we get okay boil at 750 for 750 for let's see how long she goes for alright it is essentially out we're gonna call it 931 931 for the turbo no essentially out at this point and now the first of our three DIY stoves this was made out of a $1 Walmart bottle that I found it's aluminum very simple I have a detailed video and exactly how to make this stove some of the highlights is it's a larger footprint and it produces a very wide flame pattern so it's good for bigger pots you also do not need a pot stand let's see how much it weighs we're looking at 50 grams or 1 and 3/4 ounces like I said this was $1.00 sometimes you can find these bottles at Walmart you need to make sure that it's a water bottle but it's not insulated vacuum insulated or will not work but if you can find one you can make it for a buck let's see how it works ok we're gonna like this one up this one will take a little while to blue so the size of it makes it a little harder for it to bloom so it's gonna give it a second here start in the bloom alright almost everything's ballooned you're gonna put it on and see what we get just died guys had just died I was watching it it was actually five minutes 55 seconds died at 5:55 next we'll look at the DIY Kent Kent stove then at least for me started at all Colorado camper made this I believe many many years ago I have a video on how to make one his is the original video and it's very very good very simple stove super lightweight very efficient always one of the best performing stoves if I haven't already I will be publishing a video showing you the difference between different heights between the top here of the carbon felt and the bottom of the pot nonetheless this is the one we're going to be using today maybe that's a hint as to which one worked some of the highlights are just the absolute efficiency of this model it's very easy to make it's ultra light you don't need a pot stand see how much weighs 28 grams or 1 ounce i put the cost of this at about $3 if you're gonna put in about a dollar for the cat can a dollar for the tomato paste and a dollar for a piece of the carbon felt 3 bucks pretty good deal let's see how it works lighter up this one blooms very quickly there it goes make sure that's nice and centered and let's see what we get getting close here 6:24 boil at 6 24 let's see how long goes for alright we're gonna call that out at 8 minutes little bit of flame coming out the side but just add some little ports it's pretty much out eight minutes on the cat can't stove last DIY stove is this sprite can stove that's what I call it again I have a full review on how to make this a detailed video on how to make your own I don't know if they make these sprite bottles anymore but they still make diet coke bottles and they still make cook bottles very similar so you can try to get those and make it out of the same type a bottle it'll just be a little bit different highlights of the fact this is basically free you can drink the sprite or just borrow cam from somebody you can usually find these things very easily if you just look around you'll find a nice free can it's also very easy to make you don't need a lot of tools you don't need a pot stand it's super lightweight I like catching a theme here 14 grams 1/2 ounce as I said I'll consider this to be free let's see what our final contender does in the bowl test ok I didn't think this day would come but this is the final one the sprite can here we go we're gonna light it up it's lit all right I'm gonna turn this on just got to wait for it to bloom this bloom is pretty quickly usually and here it there it goes bloomed very nicely let's see what we get seven minutes 15 seconds 7:15 see how long she goes for all right guys it it's basically out we're gonna call it nine minutes 16 seconds 9 minutes 16 seconds we have a small flame but it's pretty much out first I'm gonna put a little graph up here for you guys to review all of the results the transient boil water in 8 minutes 17 seconds and burned for a total 1147 Sol Stoke bowled in 8 minutes 37 seconds and burned for a total of 11 minutes 44 seconds the ever new titanium boil very quickly at 6 minutes 48 seconds but burn out pretty fast at 7:47 the boundless voyage after taking quite a while to prime actually got water to a boil in 8 minutes 11 seconds and burned for 10 minutes 27 seconds the Licata aluminum version bull water in 8 minutes 42 seconds and burned for 12 minutes 14 seconds the mini bull design elite pro actually was better than what I originally got with my first testing with it it was much better it boiled at 6 minutes 45 seconds and burned for a total of 755 this is because of the size pot I used I'll talk about that a little bit later the MB DC elite which is in the Starbucks coffee can boiled at 6:32 which was our fastest bowl time and burned for 8 minutes 24 seconds the turbo known for minimal design boiled in 7 minutes 54 seconds and burn for 9 minutes 31 seconds the Walmart stove which I made which is not surprising goes along with the testing of head in the past it's very inefficient it only burned for 5 minutes 55 seconds and did not get 2 cups of water to well it's the only one which did not achieve the boil the cat can stove which is a 1 in 1/4 inch distance between the bottom of the pot and the top of the carbon felt got water to a boil in 6 minutes 24 seconds which is our new leader and was eventually our fastest it burnt for 8 minutes total finally the sprite can was pretty fast they boil the 7 minutes 15 seconds and burn for a total of 9 minutes and 16 cents so before we get too into it let's just realize something I'm not looking for a winner I'm just looking at how these things generally work 11 different stoves in as similar conditions as I can possibly put them with the same amount of fuel how did they stack up against and we'll the results we already discussed them I know a lot of people are looking for alcohol stoves and they're wondering what should i do should I get a production commercially available alcohol stoves should I make my own should I buy one of these stoves like from me bull which is basically a DIY but done very professionally and very well point of this video is to try to help people make a decision on what kind of stove they want to get are positives and there are negatives to each of these stoves most of these stoves have been discussed in detail on other videos on my channel I leave them down below this video was just about how do they stack up against each other and yes before anybody says anything there are a lot of other stoves out there feel free to put them down below I'm always looking for new things to test and purchase but I know there's other ones out there these just happen to be the ones that I own so I put them all to the test no way that I can own all the possible alcohol stoves out there now I know people are gonna ask what my favorites are well I'll give you kind of three different favorites first is the purely commercially available mass-produced type stoves for a long time I've always used the Trangia and truthfully the ever new titanium has taken over as my go-to the only thing I don't like about the ever new is that it doesn't fit into a lot of the things made for the Trangia so that kind of limits that said it burns very hot it boils water very quickly and it cools off very quickly which I really like although it's really hard to go wrong with the Trangia next we'll look at the DIY stoves or DIY type stoves that you can buy commercially now of course I just looked at three of them from mini bull designs I think they're excellently made tin he does a very good job and I would get the MBD C elite it's the one made out of the Starbucks coffee can it is excellent super lightweight I don't remember what it was like 14 grams or something crazy like that very efficient it has actually taken up residence inside of my ultralight cook kit and it's gonna be going on the trail with me from now on last will be just a purely DIY stoves which of my stoves do I like the most I mean it's a cat can stove it always has been it produces the most consistent results big picture wise out what did we learn we learned something very simple taking aluminum cans or cat cans or whatever it is you can make a stove that is better than just about anything out there if you get to the quality that tinnie puts out when he puts these things together for as many bold design stoves that's great you can do that you don't have to have that kind of precision to make extremely good stoves in fact the cat can't stove was the fastest stove out of all 11 six minutes 24 seconds to avoid tinnies MD BC Elite was very close at 6 minutes 32 seconds I would say that these stoves statistically are right up against each other if you don't want to make one and purchase one I think one of the mini bull designs are very good if you got some tin snips and a cat that can eat some extra food make yourself a cat can stove once again I have to thank you all for watching water boil case you're wondering yes I have spent the last like two hours watching water boil and if you burn this much alcohol indoors like I do guys Fennelly I've got fans go and I don't have them on now because I'm filming but during the process I've got fans going blowing all this extra carbon monoxide out because it can't accumulate and burnt a lot inside so be careful if you use these stoves indoors we've talked about that on other videos make sure you're safe out there guys in general if you use just a basic stove and you don't burn a lot inside it's not gonna create enough carbon monoxide to cause an issue but when you're out here having a boil fest I had to take some precautions to make sure that we cleared this thing out I have all kinds of videos on stoves an entire stove playlist probably over 50 videos at this point I'll leave a link down below to my stove playlist check it out do me a favor guys if you like a video like this if you appreciate the work because it takes a lot of work I really really would like if you guys give me a thumbs up down below help spread things across YouTube can make this video show up on more people's feeds if you want to make sure you don't miss any videos hit the subscribe button and if you want to be absolutely sure you never miss a video hit that ding dong bell and you'll be the first to know I've been planning this video for a long time next up I have another ambitious video I don't know what I'm gonna get to it cuz it's gonna be a total total nightmare I'm gonna look at all the different wood stoves that I have and it's like 10 of them which means I'm gonna have to process wood for each one of them and get them going it's gonna be kind of a nightmare that might not be for another year so after this but I love doing these kinds of videos putting them together finding out what the results are more than anything hopefully showing you guys a little bit about these stoves so you're better for them when you're making a decision on what to buy appreciate you guys checking out the Paleo hiker m.d. channel stay tuned more video soon [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: PaleoHikerMD
Views: 334,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alcohol stove test, battle, alcohol stove, best alcohol stove, trangia, evernew, lixada, minibulldesigns, diy alcohol stove, best diy stove, cat can stove, fancy feast stove, best, stove, alcholol, spirit burner, ultimate, minibull, minibull elite, elite pro
Id: pexDNx5LtdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 32sec (1352 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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