What is the best grain spawn? Does it matter?

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so one of the questions I get asked all the time whether it's a new cultivator or someone that's been doing this for a long time Willie what's the best Green spawn is there one that's better than the other or should I use a specific Green spawn for this certain type of mushroom or just keep it consistent and use the same type of greens all the time and when you guys go searching cause you guys are gonna see is user eye berries user IDs that's what everybody talks about it's pretty much the gold standard but you guys might be surprised it's actually not my favorite green spawn and I'm gonna explain why in this video no acid in all to lobby everything moving at a fast rate you Bobby closing hey this listen to the eaters you can probably set a future subscribe to my channel take a second go rig down below make sure you hit that subscribe button I really appreciate it it lets me know that you guys appreciate the contents that I'll give you guys and make sure you hit that Bell right over to the side just to make sure you guys are up-to-date when I drop a new video because the webseries gonna be coming out and it's gonna be coming out on my youtube channel and I can't wait to share that with you guys I'm actually leaving this Monday to go finish up the first episode of the web series we ought to do it in two parts so I know you guys are gonna be really really excited when that actually drops as always all my social media is right here so if you guys want to stay up to date see some things going on behind the scenes get in contact with me all that good stuff you guys can go check out all my social media so when you guys want to start growing more bulk and start going deeper and deeper into your mycology career you guys want to start getting away from the BRF k to the PF Tech and you want to stop moving on to Mono Tubbs and mark their tents and stuff like that along with figuring out what type of way you're gonna grow and what type of substrate you're gonna use you also have to figure out what type of grain spawn you're gonna use it's going to be one of the first things you need to figure out because you need to figure out what your micelle ium is gonna call an eyes and you're gonna use to inoculate your bulk substrate so three of the most common drain spawns on the market whether you're in the US or Europe is wild birdseed rye berries and popcorn those are the three most common grain spawn that you guys will find on the market now if you ask any experienced cultivator they'll tell you that robberies are the number one grain sponsor use they're the gold standard they're the best of the best and that's not necessarily true yes rye berries are great Green spawn I actually believe that they're not the best Green spawn and my personal experiments you know I've used almost every type of Green spawn there is to use and I could tell you for a fact that robberies are really good but they're not the best now why don't we use grain spawn in the first place what's the purpose of it so Green spawn is used for your mausoleum to colonize and then we're going to use that grain spawn as inoculation points for our bulk substrate now most grain spawn that we use is gonna be very rich in nitrogen but the same doesn't apply to all bulk substrates let's take straw for instance straw is a very common bulk substrate that we use on its own or we use it as an additive with our Munnabhai substrate but it's very low in nitrogen so once we have them colonize grains that are already high in nitrogen and we add it to pasteurized straw say for instance that's gonna help introduce a source of nitrogen which is one of the things mushrooms and Marcel ium needs to thrive now the reason why we don't just use a mono tub full of sterilized dry berries as our bulk substrate is simply cost it's not cost-effective that's the reason why we don't do it we use much cheaper ingredients like vermiculite and manure and then we take our colonized dreams and we add it to that and let it colonize it creates a much more cost-efficient way of doing things and you also get added benefits from all the other things that are in that bulk substrate like the manure and the vermiculite and all the other things to retain moisture in other adding nutrients like magnesium and calcium and all other types of things so let's jump into this we're gonna talk about the three most common green spawns that you're gonna come across when you guys decide to get into mushroom cultivation now these are gonna be listed from worse the first in my personal opinion you know everybody's opinion can matter they're like buttholes you know everybody got one but at the end of the day it really comes down to experience and it really comes down to what you're cultivating depending on what you're cultivating you could have varying degrees of experiences with each of these green swans so this is just in my personal opinion when it comes to some of the most common mushrooms that you guys are going to be cultivating coming in at number three is popcorn now popcorn is readily available and that's the reason why most people like to use popcorn now one of the downsides the popcorn is the expansion size once it's hydrated so once the popcorns actually hydrated it expands to about three to four times its actual size when it's dehydrated now some people might be asking why does that even matter well there's two really good reasons why that matters the first reason is you're getting much less inoculation points per pound of grain spawn than you would if you was using a much smaller grain so what that means if you guys don't know is inoculation point is how many points of inoculation you're actually gonna spawn to your bulk substrate you know where's my celly I'm gonna grow from how many different points because the popcorn swells up so much when it's hydrated you're not gonna get as many inoculation points which in turn is gonna give you slower colonization on your bulk substrate and a more uneven colonization on your bulk substrate the second reason you guys don't want to use a large grain spawn like popcorn is because there's no guarantee that the core of the poop Colonel is sterilized which means when you guys go to spawning or you guys shake it up or you guys move it around if one of them popcorn kernels burst open and it's not sterilized in the middle it could contaminate your entire jar or worse if it's already been spawned it can contaminate your entire growth so none of the two reasons why I tend to stay away from popcorn now it will work really well and I have a tech out there so if you guys want to go watch that video you guys can go watch that video I'll show you how to prep it and then use it and spawn it and all that good stuff but at the end of the day it's not my number one preferred Green spawn to use now if you live in an area where you're on a budget and you don't really have access to any other types of grains popcorn might be the best option for you every type of mushroom that will colonize rye berries will also colonize popcorn it all matters about what you spawn it to in the end so are you gonna spawn it to a man or base substrate are you gonna fruit it right off of the colonize popcorn itself it really just comes down to what type of mushroom you guys are gonna be cultivating so if I was going out to pick up some grains popcorn would definitely be last on the list number two is right berries now this is where a lot of let's say bickering is going to come into play this is extremely debated in the mycology community most people will tell you Ribery x' is the best it's the best grain that you could possibly use and undoubtably it's an amazing drink spawn it's amazing it's one of the best grain spawns if not the best it's just not my favorite there's a few things that takes Wray berries from being in first place to being in second place when it comes to this list of three let's talk about the first thing the first thing is the price robberies are extremely expensive now even if you could find a good price on the right berries themselves say from shrim supply.com great supplier they always have them in stock and they'll get to you know they'll get them to you fast even with their cheap prices the cost of shipping is almost as much as the robberies themselves so there's really nothing they could do about it you know they have no control over that so the best way to get your robberies is to try to bundle them with other things just to try to make up for that shipping cost but that's one of the really big downsides of robberies the second downside so rye berries is if you don't do them right now I have a video that shows you how to do them right and there's a bunch of other texts out there that show you how to do them great they turn into mush and they'll end up sticking to each other so you have to do them the right way you have to make sure that they're hydrated correctly and you guys take all the proper steps before you guys actually load up your jars and sterilize them if you guys just rush through it you're gonna end up with a hard rock of goop because you guys didn't do it the right way the third reason why robberies are something to be a little bit cautious about is they also swell up two to three times their size when they're fully hydrated now the reason why we want to try to avoid that is almost like the popcorn one you're gonna get less inoculation points and two when you guys go to break up the fully colonized rye berries if you guys are a little bit too rough or you guys hit the gr too hard you could burst open one of them right berries and it might not be sterilized and it could contaminate your growth or it can contaminate that jar you know depending on what part what phase you are in your growth but one of the really big downsides is the price now I use dry berries all the time I love raspberries but they do have their pros and their cons now the pros of red berries is they're very nutritious and mycelia m-- and mushrooms love them they make a great substrate and making great green spot in there readily available you could pretty much get them everywhere now in the UK I know you guys have a tough time getting rye berries but if you guys want to use wheat berries you guys could use wheat berries the only downside what wheat berries is once you hydrate them when that moisture starts to run out they actually start to shrink and may get hard so that's the only downside about wheat berries and that's why I didn't include them on this list but if you guys are looking for something that's comparable to Rye berries that's more available to you guys you guys could use wheat berries and you just could prep them pretty much the same way there's a lot of videos out there and a lot of write-ups text telling you guys how to prep them the right way now when it comes to Rye berries I pick up 25 pound bags 50-pound bags I use a local sauce and I also use shrimp supply and other online vendors now if you guys want to get your hands on some rye berries I'll put some links in the description below there that's the absolute cheapest you'll find them for anywhere online go ahead and search they're not affiliate links I don't get paid for any of that stuff down there I just did it as a favor for you guys because I know a lot of you guys are gonna be asking where's the cheapest place to get them and if you guys just go into the description yes we'll be able to find the cheapest place to get your router's coming in number one is wild bird seed or milli it's pretty much all the same thing and we're gonna talk about the differences right now so when you guys get wild bird seed it's gonna compose of a few different things corn millet in sunflower seeds now you guys could purchase millet or meelo individually on its own without the sunflower seeds without the corn any of that but it's more expensive I actually prefer millet or wild bird seed cleaned up over rye berries personally myself so when you guys purchase your wild bird seed you guys are gonna have to clean it up now I got a video out there showing you how I prepped and sterilized my wild bird seed you guys could go check it out there's actually a couple other people that just took the video and pull they're online and stuff like that so it's out there all over the place if you guys want to follow exactly what I do so pretty much what you're gonna do is you're gonna fill it up with water you're gonna let all the sunflower seeds rise to the top they're gonna float on the surface while the millet and the popcorn is gonna sink to the bottom when you're gonna get rid of them sunflower seeds the reason why we want to get rid of the sunflower seeds is because they pretty much have hollow centers which is going to create the same problem that the bur strawberries or the burst popcorn kernels would cause they could be not sterilized in the center and contaminate our growth so we want to get rid of them only leaving behind the cracked corn in the millet so pretty much once you take your while bird seed and you clean it up you just left with cracked corn and millet so if you guys want to go out and purchase millet like I said you'll get it but it's more expensive or you guys could put a little work in clean up your wild bird seed and you know pretty much end up with millet in the end now what are some downsides to wild bird seed like I had just told you guys the sunflower seeds so if too many of them get by that also increases your chance of contamination because the sentence of the sunflower seeds can rupture very easily and not be sterilized and while bird seed could be pretty dusty and dirty and it could also solidify and turn really hard and make it difficult for them I sell them to maneuver but if you guys have taken the time to clean it up just like I did in my video you guys will end up with a perfect product and now what are some positives about wild bird seed the biggest positive over all else is the price while bird seed is extremely cheap pretty much the other day I went to the local hardware store and I was able to get a 10-pound bag for $2.99 on sale now you guys could pretty much find this deal all over you know I mean just going to your local hardware store and usually what they do is if a bag has been ripped open or something like that they'll put some tape over it and just mark it down half-price or whatever and you just ask them do you guys have any damage bags of wild birdseed no pretty much sell you whatever they have at a really good price but even if you guys are buying it undamaged you guys could get a really good price on it you know there's 50 pound bags of wild birdseed for less than $20 so if you guys have the space to store both wild bird see you guys could score a really good press ii pro - what a birdseed is it's pretty much 85% millet so once you guys clean out all them sunflower seeds you guys are just pretty much left what meal o or millet and that's in my personal opinion the best Green spawn that you guys could use it's the perfect size so the chances of the center of the millet being sterilized is really high and you also get much more inoculation points per pound than you would if he was using rye berries or popcorn or wheat berries or some other type of grain spawn so you're gonna get a much more even consistent colonization of the bulk substrate if you guys use a much smaller grain spawn than Rye berries or popcorn millet and the cracked corn are also high on nitrogen just like the other two and it's a great substrate to start off your egg our edges or just to inoculate straight from LC or sports orange micelle um will thrive on wild bird see just as it will on other - but wild bird seed in my personal opinion is your best bang for the buck if you guys are starting out you guys are gonna get a lot of inoculation points at a really low price point and it's very easy to prepare and sterilize correctly regardless whatever type of grain spawn you decide to use that will fit your lifestyle and your growing what you're cultivating I'm sure you guys will be happy they all have their pros and their cons you really just need outweigh what you're trying to do in the end as long as you know what you're trying to achieve it will be a lot easier trying to decide which type of green spawn will work for you either way you looked at it most mushrooms are gonna thrive on all of these green spawns and you guys are gonna get exactly what she's looking for there's a lot of debate out there really at the end of the day use what's available to you what you can afford and you could make it work like I say all the time mycology itself is a science mushroom cultivation is more of an art array you don't need a over complicate things you don't need to really push things to the next level it's great to learn it's great to gain knowledge and educate yourself but don't stress yourself out this should be an enjoyable thing you guys should have fun while you're doing it and like I said it's always more of an art than a science so just take your time enjoy the process every step of the way and learn from every step of the way and you guys will have a fulfilling amazing mycology career thank you guys for all your love and support make sure you guys check me out on my social media hit that subscribe that like button and dislike button it really don't matter I love you guys unbeliev I go do good be good live good namaste
Channel: Willy's World
Views: 85,297
Rating: 4.7962294 out of 5
Keywords: mycology, willy, myco, ttf, cubensis, spores, liquid culture, agar, pf tek, monotub, trip, team, vlog, mycelium, contamination, fungi, monoculture, san pedro, viral, prank, grow youtube, inspiration, grow, kit, cultivating, seedling, promix, nutrients, pan cyan, panaeolus, pe, shaman, acrb, mhrb, extraction, how to grow, spore print, mist and fan, Paul stamets, Mckenna, rogan
Id: ohMXAqfpnkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 22 2020
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