How to make a laminar flow hood for cheap! mycology flow hood done simple!

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I donโ€™t think iโ€™ve ever gotten through full video of his. Just too long winded for me. This couldโ€™ve been a 15 min video

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/gritmo ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 24 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

yes! this fellas got some excellent videos. his liquid culture tek is my favorite and has never failed me.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/spageddy77 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 23 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

The OG of YouTube mycology

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/thebigfungus ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 24 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
so since the channel started a lot of you guys have been following along we've been getting into more advanced techniques we've been really pushing ourselves and you guys have been asking me Willie can you make a video showing us how to make a flow hood they're very very expensive but we need one because we're tired of contamination we want to try new things we really want to step our game up but they're just too expensive if you guys go look the cheapest flow hood shipped to your door online is just under a thousand dollars shipped that's absolutely insane and you guys can make a much better product for less than half the price and that's what we're gonna be doing today as you guys can see behind me we got the main components and I'm gonna show you guys how to do this from scratch so this is going to be something that you guys could share with your friends show them how to do it and you guys will be able to have this knowledge throughout your entire mycology career so I'm really excited to show you guys how to do this this is a highly requested video so hopefully you guys enjoy it but without further ado let's jump into it no acid in all to lobby everything moving at a fast rate you Bobby groaning hey this Basin to the heat is you can try this at a future superhuman Matt what's going on trip team thank you guys for joining me on a brand new video now if this is your first time on my channel Willie's world first of all let me welcome you to the trip team family make sure you hit that subscribe button and hit that like button drop them comments and if you guys want more videos on texts and stuff like that just go into the description there's gonna be a link there that will take you to my website my Vimeo my patreon all that good stuff so you guys could get all the videos you need I have well over a hundred videos of different texts different types it grows all types of things like that that I can't put on my youtube channel because of YouTube's Community Guidelines we want to stay within those so if you guys want them really good videos new ones come out every week just go into the description so like I said at the intro of this video we're gonna be making a flow hood today so what is a flow a laminar flow hood or hepa flow hood is exactly what it is it's pretty much a box or a hood that you work in front of that produces clean laminar flow of air and that's what it is every single lab every professional lab that you roll into has some type of flow hood now when we first start out when you're working on a very minimal budget you guys are probably using what's called the SA B which is a still air box well a flow hood is the next level up that's the professional level you know you could start off with a still air box will get you through you know its hit or miss sometimes you have great success sometimes you get fuck-ups it just is what it is is nothing perfect about it but when you guys start working with a laminar flow hood everything gets much better you could pretty much do a lot of open work so that's when you can start doing the Eggar transfers your cloning your isolation in the open air right in front of you laminar flow hood like I said if you guys go online and you want to purchase the same exact type that we're gonna build here the same exact specification is the same exact dimensions it's about a thousand dollars shipped to your door and that's the cheapest one which is just way too much for the average person and I'm not knocking in and I'm not saying that they're not a good product I'm just saying that's way too much and I know a lot of you guys don't have the money to stretch like that but you guys really want to flow hurt and there's other videos out there but none of them are gonna be as simple and as detailed as this one so pretty much if you guys go into the description and you guys want to follow the same exact thing I'm doing in this video you want to use the same exact components there's a complete shopping list down below so I tell you guys exactly what dimensions the wood needs to be cut how many pieces of that wood you need how many nuts and bolts you need the size of the nuts and bolts everything's worked out literally just copy it put it on your phone and when you go to the hardware store you literally could just go down the list everything's there I took all the guesswork out I wanted to make this video as simple as possible just so you guys could follow along I'm not gonna be getting into the specifics of laminar flow when it was discovered what type of math problems we do to figure out if we have laminar flow even though all that's interesting that's not what we're trying to do here I'm just gonna cover what we need to cover and I'm gonna show you guys how to make your flow hood so with all that said let's jump right into it and something else that's really cool that I think you guys will enjoy the flow hood that I actually build in this video I'm giving it away to you guys so I already have a flow hood I don't need another one but I know you guys do so if you're one of my patreon supporters you guys have a chance to win this flow hood I'm gonna put up a post on patreon explaining how you could win this flow hood and one of you guys are gonna win it I'm gonna give it away within the next week or two so if you guys are interested and get and then on that just go check out all the details in the description below so just a quick history on laminar flow and exactly what it is so pretty much laminar flow is a steady stream of air there's what's called turbulent flow laminar flow and transitional flow so turbulent flow doesn't come out in a straight line what actually happens is it's all over the place crossing over each other and then there's what's called transitional flow transitional flow is a mixture between turbulent and laminar and then you have laminar flow which is what we're trying to achieve which is a steady stream of air coming out in direct lines it's not confused it's not bouncing up and down off walls or off each other it's a steady stream of air and that's exactly what we want so that's what we're trying to achieve now the history of laminar flow is pretty cool and there's a math problem you could do to figure out laminar flow if you're gonna achieve laminar flow but we're not gonna go over any of that pretty much we're just gonna jump into it and we're gonna start talking about the components that we're gonna be using in this video so when you guys are ready to make the choice to build a flow hood or flow box or a flow cabinet which we're actually gonna be building in this video you know there's a lot of terminology it's pretty much just called the flow hood even though what we're technically building is a flow box or a flow cabinet or a horizontal flow hood they're pretty much all called flow hoods but technically a flow hood is above your workspace blowing down it's a hood it kind of looks like your exhaust above your stove except it's not sucking and yeah it's actually blowing a steady stream of clean air out of it that's pretty much what a flow hood is so anytime you see people working on agar dishes doing inoculations or anything like that making spore syringes you'll see them in front of a grid like this and what that is is that's their flow hood so for simplification it's just a flow hood that's the terminology people use even though technically it's not a flow hood it's more of a flow cabinet or a flow box still works the same exact way and you'll still achieve the same results so when you guys set off on your journey to build your flow hood the first thing you need to do is decide which filter to get so you need to really sit back and decide what size flow hood do I need you know do I need something that's really big like a 24 by 48 inch filter that's usually used for large workspaces or companies that sell sports oranges and different mycology supplies or do I need something for personal use like we're gonna be built in here that's a 12 by 24 filter they also have 2 by 2 they also have 16 by 16 there's all different sizes out there so you really need to decide what size you need so the one we're gonna be building here in my opinion is the perfect size for any mycologist doing things for themselves now if you guys have a company you want to make sports oranges you want to start selling pre-sterilized greens or agar or something like that then you guys might want to go with a bigger filter but if you guys decide to go with a different filter than the one we're using here in this video you guys are gonna have to do some math and I'll explain all that in a few minutes now once you guys decide what filter you're actually gonna purchase then you guys need to figure out what size fan blower motor is gonna go and pair up with that filter now I've already done all the work for you if you use the same exact items that I'm using in this video but I'm going to show you guys really quick how did your term in which filter matches with what blower motor and all that good stuff very very simple so let me show you guys how to do that really really quick so once you guys have decided what filter you're actually going to purchase that's gonna determine how big your Flo hoods gonna be but if you guys are using the same exact filter that I'm using here you guys need to figure out the cubic feet of the filter so this filter is twelve inches tall by 24 inches across now they have a 24 by 24 they have a 24 about 48 they have all different sizes once you guys get your filter you need to figure out the cubic feet so the cubic feet on this filter is 2 feet now if you guys use the 24 by 24 it's 4 feet and so on it's very simple to figure out once you guys have the cubic feet now you could figure out which fan will work for your flow hood so to figure out the CFM it's really simple you take the cubic feet which in our case it's 2 feet multiply it times 100 that gives us two hundred CFM so at the minimum before we do any other math we need two hundred CFM to power our filter to give us the correct laminar flow the reason we multiply it times 100 is because the minimum required is a hundred feet per minute to achieve laminar flow now once you guys know the cubic feet you guys know the CFM for that cubic feet you have did your little math problem your two feet times a hundred that's gonna give you your cubic feet per minute now you guys need a factor in two other things so when you guys go to purchase your filter you guys are looking for the specs so now we figured out the cubic feet we figured out how much CFM we need now you guys need to find what's called resistance now you guys could find it just saying resistance it could say WG that's the same thing and as you guys could see on this filter it has 0.89 so we're just gonna round it up and we're gonna say point 9 is our resistance on our filter very very important so once you guys have figured out your resistance you guys could find this like I said before you even purchase the filter you could check out the specs and you could see what the resistance is or in most cases it will say dot WG and then it will give you a number so in our case it's zero point eight nine is our WG but we're just gonna round it up to point nine just to make it more easy so once you guys have your CFM and you guys have your resistance level you guys are all set now you guys could go and figure out what blower motor is gonna work for your filter but there's one other thing you need to figure out which we're not going to be building in this video because it's completely optional it's a pre-filter so a pre-filter is a pretty much a box that goes around with your blower motor so this is our blower motor it's gonna sit on top of our flow hood we would build a box around this and then we would use one of them cheap filters that you buy it one of them big department stores and just slide it on there and that's just gonna help prevent any dust or debris from clogging up your fan or the backside of your filter or anything like that now it's completely optional my flow hood I've had it going on about six years it has no pre-filter on it but the area I work in is pretty clean it's always being dusted it's always being cleaned it's always being vacuumed and whatever else it needs so there's not much dust and debris in the air now if you guys are going to be using your flow hood in an area that's dirty that there's a lot of dust and debris then I suggest using a pre-filter it will prolong the life of the blower motor and your filter but it's not going to make your flow hood any more or less effective it's still going to function the same way but if you guys do decide to use a pre-filter now you need to add on to your resistance number because now you're creating more resistance so in the case of our filter it has a resistance level of 0.9 but if I wanted to add a thin pre-filter up that by one or two so if that would move my resistance level up to 1.0 or 1.1 but since we're not going to be using one we don't worry about that like I said it's completely optional and if you guys want to build one for your floor it only cost about 15-20 dollars to do so but if you guys want to add one to one of them pre-made ones that are cheap online the cheapest ones online if you add a pre-filter it increases the amount the dollar amount by 100 or $200 more so now you're up to about $1,200 shipped to your door so you know it makes a big difference if you want to have one built and sent to you and already have the pre-filter and all that it increases the price significantly when you guys could build the same exact pre-filter for 15 20 dollars but once you guys increase that resistance number now you need to get a more powerful fan because it has to be able to suck it through that pre-filter push it into your flow hood and ultra thick HEPA filter your scientific HEPA filter so you guys can achieve laminar flow so it changes everything up so if you guys are building it the same exact way I'm building it use guys using the same exact materials you guys don't need to worry about any of that but if you guys want a pre-filter if you guys are using a different filter different dimensions then everything changes the only way you could follow along with this video step-by-step is if you use the same exact things I used in this video this is the cheapest and easiest way to get the best results so once you have that number in our case it's point 9 and you guys have your filter picked out now we could move on to figure out now which blower motor we need to power a flow hood so I'm gonna show you guys how to do that right now so once you guys have your filter picked out and you're going to look for a blower motor a squirrel cage fan a blower fan whatever you want to call it it goes by different names you guys are gonna go to the manufacturer website the most recognizable brand when it comes to blower fans is dating now we used a generic dating for a flow hood it's pretty much a cheaper replacement that has the same exact specs as the date and model just it's cheaper it's a it's a no-name brand once you guys have a blower motor in mind that you want check out the specs to see if it will work for your filter what you do is you go to the specification sheet for that specific model blower so as you guys can see right up here in the right-hand corner we have the model number 1 TD YouTube so this was the first blower motor that I looked at and I realized very fast that it was overkill it was way too powerful for the filter that we was using and the way you figure that out is you come down and you look for this right here this is your fan curve chart so this is gonna tell you if that blower motor will work for your filter so let's just zoom in real quick so remember I told you guys you need that W G or that resistance number so our resistance number on the filter was 0.89 and we said we rounded up to 0.9 instead of 0.89 even if we rounded it up to 1.0 this blower motor would still be way too powerful so what you do is you find your resistance number right here on this axis so it has 0 to 2.5 on this specific blower motor so you find 1.0 just for instance it's a little bit more resistance but if we wanted to use a pre-filter would probably be right in this area so you just come right here to the 1.0 and you start to draw a line draw a straight line until it hits the curve so this line right here and then once it hits that curve you draw another line straight down and that's gonna tell you how much CFM for that resistance it will give you so this is well over a thousand CFM at a 1.0 resistance which is way too powerful we don't need that to achieve laminar flow for a specific filter we only need to hit 200 CFM and order to have laminar flow so this is way too powerful so I had to look at a different model and that model was perfect so the next blower motor I looked at was a day in 1td t8 and if you go down to the fan curve you'll see on this fan curve we actually have two lines and that's because we have a high and low setting so depending on what you have it on it's gonna have a different CFM rating the previous blower motor we was just looking at only had one setting so what we're gonna do is we're gonna come over here just like we did on the other one and we're gonna do the same exact thing we're gonna fall right here in the middle because we're looking for 0.9 so this would be point 1 this is point 8 so point 9 would be right here on the resistance so we're gonna do the same exact thing we're gonna draw a straight line to the Highline because we have it on the high setting and then what we're gonna do is draw another line straight down and as you guys can see that's more than enough cubic feet per minute to supply laminar flow to our filters so this blower motor will match up perfectly with our filter so this is gonna work so what we ended up doing was googling a replacement for the day in 1 t dt 8 which is the model number on this date in blower motor and we ended up finding a generic brand that has the same exact specs that's a direct replacement for this blower motor if it was to fail so that's how you determine if a blower motor will work for your filter so you always come right here find your resistance so like we said ours is 0.9 but if we was gonna use a pre-filter would bring that up to 1.0 1.1 and would see if this would work for our filter in our case this works perfect so we're all set to go so this is the blower motor that we actually ordered so that's how you figure out which blower motor you're gonna need for your flow hood it's very very simple once you guys have that resistance number and you guys have the filter picked out figure out if you're going to be using a pre-filter or not you guys can figure out which blower motors gonna be good enough to power your flow hood so now that we have our blower motor and our filter all picked out it matches up perfectly now we could start constructing our flow hood that's gonna house our filter and our blower motor I have everything ready to go so we're gonna jump into it now in the description below there's a complete shopping list all the tools I used in this video like the sander the drill anything else the saw that I used in this video I already had or a borrowed off a friend or family member so none of that is factored into the price most of you guys have access to simple tools like that you guys don't need a power sander you guys could use sandpaper and do it by hand and you guys don't need a drill you guys could screw the screws in by hand if you guys can't afford one I don't have access to one but none of the tools affected in because most of us already have them or we could borrow them off somebody to construct our flow hood but all the hardware all the components of the flow hood are factored into the price and they're in the description down below so I'm not going to go over them one by one but when you guys see me using it to construct the flow hood just know that dumber in the description below they're all itemized by number and everything like that so it makes it very easy for you guys so let's jump right into it let's start building our floor alright guys so right here this is gonna be the bottom of our flow box so this wood is already cut like I said all the dimensions and everything are in the description below so pretty much you guys could go to Home Depot Lowe's you guys could pick up this wood right here and tell them to cut it to the dimensions that you need it now I'm just for wanting you guys that's what I did because I thought it would just things easier there cuts were completely off I still had a saw a lot of the stuff myself to get the exact cuts that I need you want to try to be as precise as possible when you cut these because you want everything to fit together nicely you guys don't want to use much silicone if you have to in the end to try to close up some of them gaps so the better you guys could cut this wood the more exact you could cut it the better it will come out now I don't know if that's the case but every Home Depot and Lowe's that you go to may be in your area they pay attention to the detail and they'll cut it exactly how you need them to cut it but they do pretty much tell you when you go there that it could be off give or take buy a little bit so don't expect them to care about it as much as you so I still had to go in and saw a bunch of this wood myself to get the cuts exact and then what I did was I sanded around all the edges of the wood you want everything to be as smooth as possible now this wood right here is 1/2 inch thick so it's a half-inch thick MDF so MDF is kind of like a particle board you guys could use hard wood which is more expensive you guys could use plywood if you guys want but I don't like it because it tends to split a lot or you guys could use MDF which I think is the best wood for a flow hood in my opinion this is a half inch thick they do have one inch thick they have a quarter inch thick but half inch thick is perfect quarter inch I feel is too thin because once you start drilling screws down into the MDF it will split apart and it's very hard to get it in the middle of the edges when you guys are drilling and setting your screws to put the pieces together so a half-inch works great one inch is too thick it's going to make it too heavy but if you guys want to use one inch thick MDF that's perfectly fine also if you guys use a thinner of wood there's a good chance that there's gonna be some vibration in the box because these blower motors create a lot of air so if the wood is too thin it's on a stop vibrating and bellowing on the sides so for our tops and bottoms of our flow hood we're gonna be using a 2 foot by 2 foot section so let me just demonstrate how it's going to look real quick so as you guys could see this is exactly how it's on a look we have our bottom piece that comes right out to our edge and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna take a 13 by 24 inch piece so as you guys could see it's 24 inches long by 13 inches tall and what we're gonna do is we're gonna put it on the sides just like that the reason why it's 13 even though our filters only 12 is because our wood is a half inch thick so we need an extra inch so that it covers the top and bottom so you guys could see that so what we're going to be doing is our outside panels are going to be overlapping our bottom and top panels so I just wanted to demonstrate that for you guys so like I said in the description below you guys need two pieces of half-inch MDF that I cut 13 by 24 and you guys need two pieces that are cut 24 by 24 and then you guys will need a 12 by 24 piece for the back panel but everything's in the description below so don't worry about it so what we need to do is we need to put these two pieces together so what we're gonna be using this device right here is called the corner clamp it's gonna hold the two pieces of wood so that we could screw them together now you guys could purchase one of these on Amazon or from Home Depot foot very very cheap or you guys might even have one you might guys might even have somebody that could just help you out and hold it while you put it together but I do suggest using a corner clamp because it will make sure everything's perfectly lined up so the screws going in the right way you don't want them to go in crooked so as you can see I have my two pieces inside the corner clamp so my side piece is overlapping my bottom piece so what I like to do is on the long sides of my flow hood I use four screws so I use four screws on my long side and the way I figure out where to put them is very very simple so what I do is I take a scrap piece of wood that's the same demint as the word I'm using and what I do is I match it up to the corner and then I'll take a pencil and I'll draw a line so I know how thick I have on the other side if you guys don't use this technique this other ways that you can figure it out but what I like to do is that and then what I'll do is I'll mark out where I'm gonna put all my screws so I'm gonna draw this line right now and then I'm gonna show you guys how I mark out where I put my screws so as you guys could see i roughly marked out how thick the wood is that's behind it so what I like to do is put a little mark where I want to put each screw just like that so as you guys can see I have four marks and that's where I'm gonna put my screws to attach these two pieces now if you guys want to use more than four screws that's perfectly fine it's up to you but the four screws in conjunction with the wood glue works perfectly fine it will create a good sail a good bond and you guys have nothing to worry about plus in the end if you guys want to go around your flow hood with the clear silicone you guys could do that as well just to create an even better seal so what I'm gonna be using is ultimate wood glue now I just want to tell you guys I'm not a carpenter I'm not an electrician but this is just simple math this is simple construction it's nothing crazy and like I said you guys could get your wood pre-cut everything done so you guys just need a assembly and that's pretty much what we're doing right now we're just assembling our flow hood so what I'm going to do is I'm just gonna put a thin strip of glue between the two pieces and then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna drill in my screws so as you guys can see I put a thin strip of glue and I just let it run down in a straight line and then once it gets all the way down to the bottom then I'll close up these two pieces of wood again alright guys so now I have my strip of glue in there I want to make sure everything's flush before I start drilling it together so what we're gonna be using is one-inch number eight screws these a flat top screws so they lay flat once we drill them in now these are one-inch if you guys want to use longer screws you could but I suggest being extremely careful because MDF will split so you guys want to be very very careful you guys want to screw in your screws at a low speed and you guys also want to take your time doing it because you don't want it popping out the sides you know or something crazy like that alright guys so now that we have our strip of glue what I'm gonna be doing is I'm gonna start attaching the two boards so you want to make sure everything's flush and what I did is I pre-drilled the first hole so what I did was I took my drill with a drill bit and very slowly where we marked we're gonna put our first screw I drilled the whole you want to do this with MDF or plywood because if you guys just try to put the screw in its gonna end up stretching the board or making it split so if you guys pre-drill the holes before you put the screws in it will work a lot better so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna continue drilling out our other three marked screw areas and then we'll put in our screws alright guys so now as you can see I have all four holes drilled so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take my screws and I'm gonna stop putting them in very slow so as you can see we have our four screws in and now you guys see that we have that pencil mark where we measured out the thickness of the wood you could just take a rag and wipe that off or an eraser and wipe that off it comes off very easy but you always want to drill your holes first because if you guys just try to put the screw in there what's gonna end up happening is it's gonna split the MDF the same thing will happen with the plywood if you guys use plywood MDF is amazing and it's very strong but what it is but as you guys can see it's like fibers so once you start drilling into it with the screw it will start to split those fibers apart now if you guys are using hard wood you guys don't have to worry about that it's not as big of a concern but if you guys are using MDF do this the same exact way so now that we have one side panel and we have our bottom panel you guys can see we have a little bit of glue coming out right here let me just move the camera so you guys can see we have a little bit of glue just take your finger and just wipe it just like that no problem so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to do the same exact thing on the other side all right guys so we're gonna do the same exact thing so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take my piece of wood just so I can measure out the thickness and then what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna mark where I'm gonna drill you want to try to not go too close to the edges or too close to the bottom or the top because it will split now if you guys want you could put your strip of glue now then drill or you guys could drill first and then put your strip of glue how do you guys want to do it it's really not a big deal you guys could do it either way all right guys so now we have all of our spots for our screws drilled out so now what I'm going to do is I'm gonna put a thin strip of glue and then we could start to put the two boards together all right guys so as you can see now we have the basic frame to our flow box or a flow hood so it's 24 inches in depth and it's 13 inches high so our filter is 24 by 12 but like I said we needed that extra inch on our side panels to help cover the bottom and top panel so let's slide our filter in here and see how it looks as you guys can see beautiful fit fits perfect and now what we're gonna do is we're gonna put our top on but I just wanted to tell you guys if you guys purchase one of these filters and they come with these little aluminum fins this some of them bent don't freak out about it just take some needle nose pliers and put them back in place easily you guys don't need a sweater it's not going to ruin the functionality of it sometimes during shipping it will get knocked around and one or two might be bent you could just bend them back into place no big deal so now that we have everything pretty much set up we're gonna put our top piece on our flow box so this is how it will look once the top piece is on as you guys could see it looks great and let's talk about placement of the blower motor so you guys need to remember the filter is so thick so for this filter it's almost six inches thick so we've got 24 inches to play with so the filter comes back about six inches and then we have some empty space and then you need to remember the thickness of the back panel is gonna be a half-inch so what I like to do is I like to set my blower motor as far back as I could but I'm still gonna leave that half-inch space for our back panel so I'm gonna give you guys a top view when we go to figure out where we're gonna place it but for right now let's attach our top panel so as you can see we have the outside frame of our box can struttin so now we need to do a couple things internally so like I told you guys there's a detailed description down below of everything you will need exactly how many screws exactly how many nuts were bolts exactly the things I used in this video so there's no guesswork all the guesswork has been taken out so in that list you guys will see that you have four one-inch planks that are cut seventeen and a half inches so what's gonna happen is these are going to go inside just like this on all four corners and what's going to happen is this is going to also create support but not just support its gonna create a stop for your filter and for your back panel now guys it's going to be a tight fit because we made this exact cuts so you guys want to make sure you level everything out and it will slide in there you just need to work the filter in there the tighter the better that means you're gonna have a better seal alright guys so as you can see now a little trick if it's too tight to get it in remove one of the corner screws get it in and then you guys could put the screw back in that's exactly what I had to do here because it was a little bit too tight all right now our felt is in there it's flush exactly where we want it so you want to make sure it's where you want it so make sure you take a look and if you need to flush things out a little bit more just adjust it because once you put these planks in they're gonna line up with your filter so as you guys can see we're looking at the back side so what you want to do is you want to take them planks the seventeen and a half inch 1 inch planks and what you want to do is you just want to run them all the way up to your filter just like that and now what you could do to make sure your gonna have enough room for your back is you could take one of them planks and you could just make sure that it's flush so when we go to put our back piece in it lines up perfectly right here so that's gonna be good for that one and now I'm gonna put one more plank over here and I'm gonna do the same exact thing I'm just gonna make sure it all lines up nice and good all right it's looking good so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna make sure these are pushed all the way forward and I'm gonna make sure they're up against the wall of the flow good and now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna use two screws to screw down each of these alright guys so as you can see I have both planks drilled in so I have two screws in each plank and this is going to serve as a stop for our filter and our back piece but it's also going to create strength it's on now really strengthen up the structure of our flow box or our flow hood so now I'm gonna flip this over and I'm gonna do the same thing with the other two sides and as you guys could see a half-inch fits perfectly fine that way everything's nice and flush alright guys so as you can see right here we have all four supports in there now we're all done with the inside of the box but now what we need to do is we need to figure out the placement of our blower fan so that's what we're gonna do right now we're not gonna close this up we're gonna leave this open so we can continue to clean out any dust that might fall in there but right now let's leave this open and let's figure out where exactly we're gonna put our blower fan so now we need to figure out where we're gonna put our blower motor so it's very simple to figure out pretty much you need to remember that you're gonna have 1/2 inch of wood right here when you guys put your back plate on and you guys got about six inches of filter so what I like to do is I like to push my blower motor or my blower fan as far back as possible so what I'm gonna do to make sure we don't run into our back panel is very simple so what I'm going to do is I'm going to take a little bit of scrap wood from the half-inch MDF that way using and I'm just going to put it flush with the back and I'm just going to draw a light line just like that just so I know where back panel is gonna sit so I could figure out where we're gonna put the blower motor so here's our blower motor and we need to figure out what size hole we need a cut for the inlet of the motor so if you guys could see we need to cut a hole that will accommodate this Inlet right here so this is about eight inches wide and four and a quarter inches tall so we need to cut a hole that will fit this so what I'm going to do is I'm gonna place my blower motor here and I'm gonna make sure it's centered because I want it in the center of my flow box as far back as I could bring it making sure I don't hit our back panel and then once I have it centered I'm gonna outline the entire flange that goes around the blower motor and then I'm gonna show you guys how to get an exact cut to match this Inlet alright guys so that's pretty much centered right there so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take my pencil and I'm just gonna go around the flange of the blower motor so there you go guys you could kind of see exactly where the outside of the flange is gonna be so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna fill this in just so we have a good reference this isn't really that important but pretty much you could see the outside so now what we need to do is we need to figure out where we're gonna be cutting the hole so that the air can go into our flow hood so what we're gonna do is we're gonna take a blank piece of paper and we're gonna outline that flange so as you seen we outlined our flange so the outer part of our flange is already here on the top we've already centered it where we want it to be and now what we need to do is figure out how to cut a hole that's exactly this size so this is the easiest way to do it take a blank piece of white paper just fold it over the top fold it around the corner just like that and then what you want to do is just try to hold it the best you can take a pencil and just start going like this just like that and as you guys could see we have the perfect outline that will match our flange perfectly like I said I'm not a cop and er I'm sure there's probably a thousand ways to do this but this is the easiest way to get an exact cut so now what I'll do is I'll go around with a pair of scissors and I'll cut this and then we'll place it on here and figure out where it needs to be relative to the bolt holes so it's very very simple you guys can do the same exact thing I don't know maybe a carpenter might call me an for doing this but like I said I'm not a carpenter and this might seem preschool but it will work so now we have a little template so what we could do is just Center this make sure it's as even as possible now we got about a half inch of space on all four sides and that's how it's supposed to be because that's what it measures out on the blower fan itself so what we're going to do is we're just going to go around our template alright guys and I know it's light but I can see it perfectly so we have our little template where our inlets gonna be so we're gonna cut out this piece right here and then we can move forward so what we're going to be doing is called the plunge cut so what I'm going to do is I'm going to take a drill bit and I'm gonna drill in each corner so that way I could use the saw and maneuver it to cut out this square perfectly so I'm gonna show you guys how to do that right now so what you want to do is take your drill bit so this is a quarter inch drill bit so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna go in to the corners and drill down just like that and I'm gonna do that to every single corner so now we have all four holes drilled so now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take a jigsaw and I'm gonna cut this out right here and that will be left with a perfect hole that will fit a Inlet for our blower motor alright guys so what I got right here is a jigsaw so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go right here and I'm gonna follow along then lines all right guys so as you can see we cut out where our inlet is gonna go now what I'm going to do is I'm just going to go around this with a sander just to make sure everything's nice and smooth if you guys have sandpaper you could do this by hand MDF is very soft it's not hard to sand at all so I'm gonna take the electric sander and I'm just going to go around this really fast you could also take some compressed air or you know the electronic duster the the can and just go around this and get all the dust off and from the inside of it so as you guys can see I already sanded it out it's all set and now this will fit our blower motor perfectly lining it up it fits absolutely perfectly I'm gonna see if I could get you guys a view from the inside so as you guys could see this is the inside view I'm just gonna line it up so you guys can see and as you guys can see it fits perfect we're all set to move forward all right so now what we need to do is we need a markup where we're going to drill out holes for our bolts so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna line this back up now that I have it lined up perfectly now what I want to do is I want to take a pen or a pencil and I just want to mark where we're gonna drill for our bolts so now that we have everything cut perfectly we have it sanded what I did was I lined the blower motor back up with the outside flange line that we drew and I marked my holes for my bolts that are gonna hold down the blower motor so what we're gonna be using is quarter-inch bolts and nuts with washers that are one inch long them in the description below so you can copy this same exact thing that I'm doing for the same exact amount of money so what I'm going to do is I'm gonna take a quarter inch drill bit and I'm gonna drill out these holes right here alright guys so I have my quarter inch drill bit my drill is level and slowly I'm gonna drill out these holes and mrs. Anna accommodate our bolts alright guys so now we have all of our holes drilled this was our plank that went in here we could get rid of this now what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna clean out the inside just make sure all the sawdust is out of here before we stop bolting up our blower motor and our back panel alright guys so I cleaned up all the sawdust out of the flow hood so now what we're going to do is we're going to put our back panel on we're gonna screw it down and then we're gonna put our blower motor because if we put the blower motor first it hangs off a little bit so it'll be difficult to get screws in here when we go to put on that back plank so you want to put on the back plank before you guys actually bolt down your blower motor alright guys so as you can see I have the back plank on if you have to loosen up the two screws on the ends just to make it fit in there nice and snug cuz the cuts are so perfect that sometimes it's a little bit too snug for the stuff to fall into place once you put the screws in so you're after to loosen them out fit it in there and put them back in that's perfectly fine and like I said if you have any small little gaps when you guys finish up we're gonna clear that up by going over it with some clear silicone that's gonna sail everything up to make sure it's airtight so don't worry about it if you have any small little gaps any little imperfections you could always fix that after all right guys just like we did with the sides we're gonna mark where we're gonna put our screws so like I said I like to put four screws on the long sides and on the short sides I use three screws so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna mark out where I'm gonna drill so we could screw in our screws and like I said you guys could use a piece of scrap wood to outline where that other piece that's on the other side is so that way you guys get perfect drills every single time we already marked it out here because we was how to market for the blower motor so I'm gonna mark where I'm gonna put my screws and I'm gonna screw that down and then I'm gonna move on to the sides well at the homestretch yeah there's a big mess but don't worry we could always clean up after pretty much our boxes together so now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna pull the filter out we're gonna bolt down our blower motor then we're gonna wire it up then we're gonna put our filter back in and then we're gonna put the frame around our filter so our filter is gonna have a frame around it that's gonna lock it in place and then if we ever want to change out the filter we just removed the frame change the filter put the frame back on and that's it it's as simple as that so let's pop this filter out real quick let's bolt down our blower motor and then we'll wire it up put it back together and then we'll be done and I'll show you guys how it works so what I did was I put my blower motor up I removed the filter I put the bolts through and then the nut and washer go at the bottom I'm gonna show you guys real quick so you can see inside there you guys can see how I set up the nut and washer and then at the top you guys can see that's how it is now there's six bolt holes you guys could use for or you could do all six I'm only gonna be using four on this flow hood that's more than enough but if you guys want to bolt it down with all six bolts that's perfectly fine as well so it's really up to you guys like I said if you want to use all six bolt holes that's perfectly fine so these blower motors are for furnaces and stuff like that so in certain settings they require all them bolts but for your flow hood it really doesn't but if you want to do it like I said you could do that but for one in each corner is perfectly fine so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna finish bolting down my fan then I'm gonna put the filter back in then I'm gonna show you guys how to put the frame around your filter and we're gonna wire up our blower motor this is a two-speed blower motor so I'm gonna show you guys how to wire it just on the high setting because the low setting won't work for your flow hood but if you guys wanted to have both wired up you could do that and then alternate between slow and fast it's really up to you so as you could see I put the frame around the filter so this is a 23 inch by one inch plank and these are 13 inch by 1 inch so they're one inch wide 23 going this way 13 on each of the sides now there's not here at the bottom the only reason for this frame is just to hold the filter from popping out you know because the fan or the blower motor creates so much wind so much air I don't want it to shimmy out or push out so this just holds it in place if you guys cut everything exact it's airtight literally this is airtight if I don't loosen up two of the screws on each side I can't get this filter out so I'm not really worried but it's there just as a precaution so you guys could do the same exact thing I don't put one here at the bottom because I want to be able to work as close to the filter as possible and when you guys have it on top of a desk a table or whatever you guys are gonna be working you're gonna be trying to work as close as possible to the filter so I don't want anything obstructing that because I want to get flush right up with it so now that we have the frame in place we have our blower motor all bolted down as you guys could see this is our laminar flow hood or a laminar flow box it's beautiful absolutely perfect everything matched up perfectly so now what we need to do is we need to wire up our blower motor it's very very simple I'm going to show you guys how to do it and once you wire up your blower motor then we could go around in silicone any areas that we're worried about that might you know create an air leak or something like that if you guys come to the side of your blower motor you'll see that there's actually a wiring diagram right on the side of your blower motor now depending on what type of blower motor you get it's going to be wired up differently this is a 2-speed blower motor so this actually has a low and high setting but we're only going to be using the high settings so it shows you right here how to wire up both and if you guys wanted to get a three-way switch you guys could have off first speed second speed or low speed high speed but we're just going to wire it up so that we plug it into the wall it turns on high speed we unplug it and it shuts off now if you guys come to the side of your blower motor you guys will see you have a red white and black why're the only two wires we're gonna be using are the white and black the red one we can actually cap it off tape it up and just put it off to the side we don't need it this wire is for the low setting since we're not going to be using the low setting we could cap it off and put it off to the side the black wire is for the high speed in the white wire is your neutral now very very important I learned this the hard way this motor has a capacitor what a capacitor does is it stores the charge so if you guys plug it in and then go to unplug it and by accident you touch these wires back here or areas on the capacitor you will get shocked because it stores a charge so very very important that you guys don't touch this as you guys could see it's capped off really nice they did a really good job to try to make it as safe as possible but just take precaution so what we're gonna be using is the black and white wire so first let's cap off this red wire so what we have right here is wire connect is or wire caps you guys there on the shopping list down below so you guys are gonna need at least three of these but depending on which motor you use if you want to venture outside of the stuff I'm using in this video you might need more or less it depends yours might have three different settings or it might only have one setting so it could vary greatly first thing I'm going to do is I'm gonna cap off the red because we're not gonna be using it so you just put it down in there twist it and it will stay on there next you're gonna need some electrical tape so this is also on the list like I said every single thing you need to make this flow hood is on the list so let's open this up and let's tape off the wire we just capped so as you guys can see we taped it up capped it off and what we'll end up doing is setting it off to the side once we're all done wiring everything up we'll zip tie it so that way it doesn't get caught up in our motor or anything like that quick suggestion that I'm gonna tell you guys make sure you use really good electrical tape use the brand name stuff I'm using 3m but there's other brand names out there the reason for that is it's really good it's really sticky if you guys use the cheap stuff it's not gonna stick the right way it's gonna end up unraveling so just spend the extra money and get the good stuff so now we'll just set that red wire out of the way I just put it behind the capacitor for now just to hold it in place now we need a wire up our wires so great here this is a three prong plug you guys could purchase this it's also on the list or you guys could get a two prong plug if you guys want to use this blower motor this one comes with the ground but since this is already grounded on the body of the blower motor itself we don't need a wire up a ground wire if you still want to wire up the ground wire all you would do is take the ground wire which is the green wire and run it straight to one of the bolts on the body of the blower motor that way it has a ground it's not needed it's not necessary but if you guys want to do that you could we'll do it just for the purpose of this video but it's not necessary so if you look at the packaging that the electrical cord comes in or the power cord it actually tells you the instructions it tells you which wire's what like I said the green wire is the ground wire and then the one above that is the neutral and then the one below that is the live wire so what we're going to be doing is the neutral is going to go to the white wire and the live wire is going to go to the black wire so that's what we're gonna do right now so what it's telling me on here as you guys could see is the neutral wire is the side that has the bumps on it and the live wire is the smooth side so first let's wire up the live wire so we're going to take the black and we're gonna put it with the smooth side once we twist them together now we could cap it off just like that so now we have a live wire connected so now what we need to do is we need to connect our Neutral to this side now that we have both of our wires connected the right way we double check just to make sure everything's correct now what we could do is we could take a screwdriver unscrew this screw or this group and we could put the ground rate to there so what I'm gonna do is I'm actually gonna put the ground to one of the smaller screws like I said you don't need to do this you could just cap off the ground wire like we did with the red one and you guys could tape it up and use it just like that you guys don't need to ground it out but I'm gonna ground it out just for the purpose of this video just because I'm using a three prong power supply but if you guys will only wanted to use it to wire power supply that's perfectly fine that's all you need for this setup alright guys so as you can see I have my ground wire attached to that screw just as a precaution and what we're gonna do is we're gonna tape up our capped off wires and then we're gonna make everything look nice and clean before we plug it in and try it out alright guys so as you can see I have everything taped up I was very generous with the tape I want to make sure it's taped up really really good that no why is touch or cross or anything like that if you guys buy your blower motor brand new they usually come with the one-year warranty so if they burn out or something like that they'll replace it no questions asked I mean they're really good about it and like I said this is a Dayton blower motor but it's actually not a Dayton it's actually a generic Dayton so it's a replacement for the Dayton motor same exact specs everything just it's not brand name and that's how you guys are gonna save some decent money by purchasing one of those it's still just as good the setup everything is the same exact as the Dayton one but it's not Dayton brand name still has the warranty and all that good stuff but you guys who saved some good money if you guys want to buy the Dayton one that's perfectly fine it's about 50 dollars more if you guys want to purchase the brand name one but this one works just as good so as you can see everything's taped up so what I'll end up doing is I'll end up either stapling this down somewhere just to keep it out of the way of the blower motor and I'll make it look really clean and nice I'll zip tie it maybe even a pair or something I'm not sure what I'm gonna do with it right now but what we're gonna do right now we're gonna plug it in we're gonna check it out and see how it works and there you go guys the fan blower motor is working perfect it sounds great it's super quiet and I'm just running my hand around all the cracks and crevices I can't fail no air coming out of nowhere we got a really nice tight fit what we was able to do was cut exact and take our time so we've got everything to line up perfectly but we're still going to go around in silicone where the wood meets each other just as a precaution just to make sure we're not losing any air whatsoever but as for the test run on our blower motor it sounds absolutely amazing all right trip team congratulations your flow hood is together it's pretty much 100% done and functional you guys can use it right now but before we actually use it we just want to do one more thing just to make sure everything's airtight so everywhere you see two pieces of wood meet so right here right here a pair we want to make sure that there is no air escaping from them connection points so what we're gonna be doing is we're gonna be going around with silicone that silicone is gonna solidify and just make sure that we have it airtight sale on our flow hood so what I'm gonna be using is ultra clear silicone now there's clear silicone and then there's ultra clear silicone this goes on and it stays crystal clear it doesn't yellow and once it's on and it solidifies and it's cured you guys won't even realize that it's there so it's not gonna be a eyesore so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go around all them joints where two pieces of wood meet each other and we're gonna silicone them right now I have my ultra clear silicone and what I'm gonna do is just very slowly I'm gonna go and sale all this up our I guess so as you could see I siliconed around all my cracks and crevices now depending on which brand and which type of silicone you use the curing time or the time it takes for it to dry is gonna vary mindsets to completely cure it takes about 24 hours so if I was gonna use this flow hood I would use it 24 hours after I laid my silicone now obviously that time can vary depending on the atmosphere in the room that it's curing so if it's more humid hot cold all that could play a factor into how fast or long it takes for it to cure another thing is once you fill up the cracks and crevices which is silicone if you want to go over it with a popsicle stick or a coffee stirrer just to get everything flat or even a business card just to get everything nice and flush cuz once it dries you could see how it looks wet right here you could see the difference you know that the silicones there and then the wood underneath once it actually dries you'll hardly be able to even notice it also make sure you guys when you're laying your silicone on your fluid that you're doing it in a well-ventilated area the silicone does have a strong chemical smell and breathing in all them fumes can't be good for you it will definitely make you lightheaded so just be careful in there you go trip team that's how you make your flow hood your professional mycology flow hurt for less than half the price of the cheapest one online hopefully you guys enjoyed this video now a few questions that are going to come up I'm sure you guys are gonna be asking is what percentage of effectiveness should my filter be you guys when you go shopping for your filter you'll see ninety-nine point nine seven ninety-nine point nine eight and so on all the way up and the truth of the matter is they're all 99.9% effective that ninety-nine point nine seven nine eight nine nine really at the end of the day is gonna make very little difference when it comes to your filter and the higher up you go the more expensive the filter comes now if you guys used to go 24 by 48 or anything larger than the 12 by 24 that we did in this video of course that's going to increase the price because the filters are going to be more expensive when you might need to upgrade the blower fan to a more powerful blower fan depending on what you're actually using but in all honestly 12 by 24 is the perfect size they also have 24 by 24 but the way that works out is it's a perfect square so you have a lot of space that's not being utilized that's going vertically so there's a lot of space up top but you could only work right in front of it so it's better to have a shorter filter that stretches the long way so a rectangle filter like 12 by 24 24 by 48 and so on so like I said thank you guys for joining me make sure you hit that subscribe button follow me on all my social media and I'm going to be giving away the flow hood on my patreon so if you want a chance to win that flow hood just go check out my patreon it's where you could support me if you want to support me you get extra content I do exclusive giveaways things like that so it's up to you it's not required my videos are free but you do get extra stuff on that if you guys want to join up and show that support also if you want to grab a trip teen family sweater just go to my website look for trip team swag we have new trip teen family hoodies and t-shirts and crew necks like this one right here so if you guys want to grab one that's where you can grab one and I also want to give a huge shout out to this company right here so you guys don't notice this but always under my shirt I'm always wearing my mushroom diffuser it's very important to me so I want to give a huge shout out to April city pound so if you guys want to go check them out they'll have really dope essential oil diffusers like mushroom diffuses um diffuses all different things in our load Minds up I've put it under my shirt and the aromatherapy you get from it is really helpful it keeps me calm and relaxed all day and it just it's sick you know I always keep it close to my heart it's always under my shirt and if you guys want to grab one make sure you go check them all I'm gonna have the Instagram in the description below they're a small company their trip teen family so make sure you guys go check them out thank you for all your love and support I'm Willie Michael do good be good live good namaste
Channel: Willy's World
Views: 154,950
Rating: 4.8134832 out of 5
Keywords: mycology, willy, myco, ttf, cubensis, spores, liquid culture, agar, pf tek, monotub, trip, team, vlog, mycelium, contamination, fungi, monoculture, san pedro, viral, prank, grow youtube, inspiration, grow, kit, cultivating, seedling, promix, nutrients, pan cyan, pe, shaman, acrb, mhrb, extraction, how to grow, spore print, mist and fan, paul stamets, McKenna, rogan, science, flow hood, laminar, cheap, hepa filter, how to wire
Id: XBhlfuJ7ick
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 34sec (3934 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 18 2019
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