Treating the Farm as an Ecosystem with Gabe Brown Part 1, The 5 Tenets of Soil Health
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Channel: undefined
Views: 938,395
Rating: 4.8569684 out of 5
Keywords: brown's ranch, gabe brown, living web farms, cover crop farming, organic farming, restorative agriculture, regenerative agriculture, organic growers school, organic farm enterprises, no till farming, north dakota regenerative agriculture, north dakota organic farm, ecosystem farming, biodiversity, farmscaping, water infiltration, soil health, building soil, soil aggregation, farming in cold climates, microbiology, root exudates, living soil, soil erosion, glomalin, plants
Id: uUmIdq0D6-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 151min 0sec (9060 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2017
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