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[Music] hey guys welcome back to the rock i'm chris at rockford ordnance and we got something really cool today uh you know ammo may be really short and hard to come by and there might not be a lot of guns out there uh you walk in your local gun shop and it's empty well i'm here to tell you that again if you keep looking you come across some jewels i stopped in a new shop i had never been to before i had seen their ads and it looked kind of cool and i walked in and i look up on the wall and lo and behold oh my god there it is a wall full of aks ars anything you could want tavores on and on and on i'm like wow and the one thing that really sucked was i wasn't planning on buying anything i had little kid just a little bit of cash on me i'm like oh damn and you know with uh the election and everything that's happening uh my thought on it is the first thing that's gonna go away away uh are import rifles and import ammunition so my mission as of late has been to fill in those holes in my collection and get any and all imports that i want now i suggest you do the same because they're going to get hard to find so this week's been spent doing that have spent a whole lot of money and got a whole lot of cool things and we're going to bring them all to you but uh the one thing that was on the wall that i well i had one sort of but i couldn't pass this up and this is a zastava npap i'm sorry oh is it an mpap no it's a zpap the reason i say it like that make a joke of it because essentially uh this is or i should say was their end pap and i'll get into that here real quick uh and give you a little history and run down on how these rifles came in and how they kind of uh evolved and how we end up here uh that being said though i put something in the title that really might uh oh you might agree with or you might uh unsubscribe me here but i'm gonna go through this and tell you why i think this is your best value and best rifle on the market today okay for what rifles are available today now what what's out there today i mean there's everything on the secondary market i guess but on the primary market you've got romanian products your wasser uh a few other versions you know uh the uh the dracos and and whatnot you've got arsenal products there's some some stamp products out there and some of their milled products the sams as well and they're available you know they come and go and you've got zestava you've also got some american offerings out there that are really good but you know if you're starting a collection or you're gonna have one ak i would uh i would push you toward an import rifle especially with what's going on today might be your last chance to get one um hopefully not but who knows you know so that's essentially what's out there right now guys um and i'm going to give you a brief history on these rifles how they came in how they evolved and how we got here so uh let's jump into that uh the initial end paps came in or i shouldn't so the uh initial guns that came in were called paps just pat p-a-p and they were essentially sporting rifles uh they had single stack magwells so 10 round mags that kind of thing and as things evolved and some of the band sunset they started bringing in some double stack guns and i'm going to skip over a lot of the original stuff because there are a few different importers and whatnot if you want a full history lesson go over to misha misha's channel michiko and he goes through the whole thing and he's got it down year by year what went on but after those single stack guns and we started getting some double stack guns and that was the end pap right now the end pap was essentially this gun and you say well wait chris the end pap is a straight walled receiver and this is a bulge receiver keep in mind guys when this zpap came out a while back the original guns were straight wall receivers one millimeter thick they didn't have the bulge trunnion right uh the z-pap was an n-papa at that point identical guns no different today we've got some other features because zastava listened to what the public wanted and they gave it to you and that's part of that value that's part of a company listening to you and what you want to see in a gun and bringing it to market that's part of the value here part of the great thing so i've had this rifle before matter of fact i still have it it is my endpap you may have seen it in other videos why did i buy this because at the time i was buying up both vapors and arsenals and all kinds of stuff and you know high quality rifles and i wanted one that was solid well built and that i could shoot the crap out of and not worry about killing the value and things like that so i bought this endpap and back then they were going for i don't know 695 on the secondary market even knew i think i saw them as they were phasing out 695 795 they were right in line with wassers and to me it was always a better value i have a wasser i think this is a better rifle period and i'll tell you why so this was it it came in it looked a lot like that one had a wood uh hand guard and top cover had a wood stock as a matter of fact that was the one downfall of this gun here's the stock that came on this one now look at how much bigger this stock is i mean it's crazy it's so tall that comb on it's crazy tall and the comb is the problem the extra length wasn't a problem it gave you more length to pull by about an inch had a rubber pad uh you know typical 922r compliant stuff a little light little balsa but the problem was this comb you could i couldn't even get down unless i was way up on the receiver down far enough to get a sight picture with it and when you fired the gun it kicked and gave you a cheek slap uh it just depends on your body type because some people say it was fine others say it was terrible but they went to this smaller stock it was available as an option from sentry it's still on their website you can order it uh but got rid of that and went through an m4 uh stock adapter and mission first tactical stock three power uh primary arms prism scope uh tdi aluminum m lock hand guard these people are great if you can get your hands on one of these they're awesome they work just killer super light we've got the uh cheese grater top and a meridian defense bb2 muzzle break and when i tell you this gun is on the money it is the one gun i can grab always it's always on it always holds zero the thing is so easy to make hits up close at yardage 200 yards 250 i can just pop them in there no problem it's had thousands and thousands of rounds through it and it looks like the day it was made it's even in other videos you see where i had it all camo'ed out and everything and i take the paint off and it's like the day it was made and i don't have to worry about it right at the time i thought ah who cares this is replaceable you know not a big deal and now who knows it's collectible it might just be a pre-band pretty soon right anyhow so this gun comes out uh the end pap and it does okay and then they come out with the bulge trunnion gun same gun as the unpack but bulge trunnions and it's called the op always wanted one right and i just never the deal never fell into my lap where i could grab one well this is the same gun as the op bulge trunnion uh factory built import there it is the op um there's been a bunch of other guns in there and century made a lot of guns century was making parts kit guns they were subbing them out to be built by other people and i got one and it's what made me fall in love with hugo guns this was my first ak it's an under folder and uh sentry offered these and just a super nice gun the the receivers were made by nodex bud and put together by a few different people and i'll show you how this is you know essentially what a wartime gun was and and and made of all the good stuff so 1.5 millimeter receiver 1.5 millimeter receiver bolts trunnion bulge trunnion these guns however and we'll get into some of the pluses here had tapco fire control groups this gun came with a sentry grip just that square blocky design and it also came with uh this polymer hand guard and top cover these were nice they kept the heat away they didn't need a heat shield it just worked and they did just fine but i wanted it to look original so factory wood and factory grip they had grenade launchers they had factory night sights that flipped up and for a long time uh sastava actually used the same site base just left off the little night site flippy deal here and you've got night sights in the back but uh all the same stuff now this gun as the original m70 uh battle rifles right and uh yeah this thing is what made me fall in love with these and again this gun has been through thousands around it's by far the smoothest ak i own i would argue smoother than some of my milled guns and just phenomenal for those of you that don't like under folders i do this little uh paracord thing here and it's comfortable i'm right down on it comfortable great anyhow so two things that came to market before the zpap and kind of how it got there and now it sits alone at the top of the stava hierarchy and it's everything that their original m70s were and i'll tell you why as we go over this rifle a little bit so this new one came out originally with walnut furniture and then also you started seeing these flames maple ones and they had both there at this shop and i just i love this thing that initial uh walnut it looked kind of dull to me and just not right like the stain they used didn't look right i don't know those initial ones the original uh m70 hand guards were made out of beach by the way but when i saw this i got said god that's gorgeous and it's closer to the initial the original uh beach finish that i like it so um you look at this rifle and you say god chris that's pretty look at that wood and the flaming and everything uh i've seen these but i haven't seen one look quite that good well there's a reason when you open the box it comes with a little pink slip in there and says hey after you clean it the first time you want to apply some oil to the finish and what they recommend and i just happen to have some is boiled linseed oil now i've had this can forever as you can see by the top of it here and i use it on everything grand stocks a lot of stuff whatever that original that finish is original to it's been used for and i've had it forever it's done a ton of guns and uh because it doesn't take much so all i did was you put a little on your finger and you start wiping and you cover everything real good don't have to be too neat about it and rub it all in real good kind of smooth it out let it sit for about 10-15 minutes and then wipe it down and buff it with a rag let it dry overnight do the next uh do the same thing the next day and i did that last night and here you see it it's done two coats and what it does is it seals the wood uh against moisture against the elements against dirt oil all those things and gives it just enough sheens to where it's not too pimpy looking uh protects it and it really accentuates all those highlights in this beautiful wood absolutely gorgeous so unlike the other uh guns that have come out that either had original hand grips or those sentry ones uh you know this is stava guns always came with some other style hand grip and now they're doing this wood one it's nice i don't know if i'll keep it though it reminds me a little bit of a broomstick i think i'll go to an original uh original grip like on that under folder there but what is very nice certainly usable way more usable than the balsa wood that comes on a wasser and certainly up to par with the polymer that comes on an arsenal let's say so let's go into some of the mechanicals right here's something neat your safety works great but you've got this little cut out here that you can pull the bolt back lock it in there and keep the bolt open should you be on a range that requires that or something another nice thing is it comes with a bolt hold open magazine like it or not they're kind of cool they're kind of unique to yugoslavian guns when you take it out they go forward but as the gun's cycling maybe with a lot of noise around in the heat of battle you can tell that gun changes because you don't get that forward motion and you know when you're out of ammo so i kind of like it for that reason the other thing is the top covers on these heavy non-ribbed top covers heavy enough to where they don't need the ribs and they also have this little button here let's see if you can see that little button right here and what that's for you saw in the under folder there that it had a grenade launcher well hugo's love their grenade launchers every ak they produce for the military had a grenade launcher on it pretty much and what they were doing is they'd lose top covers the top covers would come off right from the recoil of it so this is a lock for the top cover a lot of guys hate them because they think they're pain in the neck i say they're easier here's how you do it that most guys don't know the most guys struggle to push both the side and the back button here and and wrestle the thing off right you don't need to press them both uh all the time press the side one in or here press them both together at the same time and then let off on the side button and let off on that one it holds it in so you can simply lift it off no fighting with it no nothing now here's the great thing all rifles coming into this country imports um have to comply with 922r right so without getting into the details of it you have to have so many usa usa made parts in it and all there's a number count and most manufacturers choose to replace the fire control group with either a tapco trigger an alg trigger sentry has their own what rack 2 or something like that and arsenal has one too their enhanced two-stage trigger the problem with us triggers is for whatever reason they tend to full pulled open mag in here not good for demonstration purposes but i wanted to [ __ ] it back they tend to leave the hammer height much higher than the stock hammers from the factories and what that does is as you're cocking the weapon you let it go forward and some of them will stop right here where they engage that hammer the hammer's so high it doesn't allow it to ride back over smoothly some will actually stick right there and until you give it a pop then they'll go forward finally well the factory triggers don't have that high hump that's part of the reason you get uh tail mushrooming here because they're hitting that wall of that high hammer so much that it tends to to wear them uh it's it's just something unneeded so zestava stayed with their factory trigger and used other components to get to the account for 922r it's a great trigger it's a battle trigger it's single stage there's no wall you don't hit a wall you pull pull pull and it just it's off really nice smooth nice reset audible and short just nice so you got that going for you over and above some of the junk triggers they put in these things and other makes this does have a side rail most uh m70s did not uh back in the day the originals and of course the under folder didn't because of the under folder it would hit they used to mount the sling mount back here on the m70s they have moved it here on the zpap which is fine and then you have one that's integral in the gas block here so it works out real well one caveat is the side rails are different than other side rails they are proprietary to hugo rifles so you have to get a mount that will work with them and uh rs regulate fabulous mount it's all i use i shouldn't say all i use the arsenal mounts too they're inexpensive and nice mounts they just tend to sit a little higher than these but rs makes one and i've tried it on this it slides right on a very nice very firm fit you can adjust these two but if you're going to mount an optic this is what you want rs regulate and that's a 307 on that one so another plus there um these go back together easy too with that button you just put the cover in place you don't have to be pounding anything just put it in place hit the button boom it's on that simple 1000 meter sights and they polish the top and they're easy to read then because they're blacked out thousand meters um works real well it does not have the night sights like some of the uh m70s did but uh you know hey can't have everything right standard gas block and all one of the drawbacks people uh you know tout as well they kind of touted it as a drawback is they take different furniture than most akms you notice you got three slots here instead of two but it gives you a longer grip area to change your grip move around a little bit and if you change to something like that m lock tdi handguard it's just more real estate you have so i say that's a plus stock same thing a little different than an akm there's one bolt that holds it on through the back goes all the way through they can come loose from time to time but once they come loose if you take it off put a drop of blue loctite on crank it back down it will be there until the day you get rid of the rifle they won't move uh this comes with a ribbed back plate no spot for a cleaning kit on it uh you can see and why i say these are such values the machining the fit and finish on these rifles is nothing short of spectacular you look at this 45 degree gas block and i can look on that one there and they're just finished so finally there's no machine marks no nothing the bluing is absolutely gorgeous you want to talk about the one area they kick the crap out of everybody else's in the finish certainly got that crap paint on an arsenal beat and got the uh park that scuffed up parked on a wasser beat they're just beautiful guns and beautiful finishing the fit and finish look at that gas block it's just gorgeous everything everything just fits on these things really really nice they come with a cleaning rod they come with a slant break uh your typical uh sight post you can push it in and out and adjust it for elevation as well um fabulous gun guys if i had to say this over a wasser well i get a one and a half millimeter receiver thicker sturdier uh bulge trunnions like an rpk thicker sturdier thicker profile barrel uh you won't get uh you know any uh well hopefully i shouldn't say you won't but uh hopefully it helps with heat dissipation and you won't get any stringing of shots as it heats up factory trigger which is a big plus makes things a lot smoother usable wood unlike uh the wood that century puts on the wasser uh it's not polymer so it's pretty but so many things going for this gun and in today's market it's the same price you know wassers before all this stuff started were about 700 750 these came to market just under 800. now with the craziness and all i don't think you're gonna find them for that they're gonna be somewhere between a thousand and thirteen hundred uh it is a little more for this wood here uh but i was willing to pay that and uh there's just so much magwell you get the bulkhold open mag and the magwells on these things no play at all look at that i'm moving it no jiggle no noise it doesn't move all other mags fit fine i've tried them with magpuls romanians everything i got they all fit the same and they run and run i don't think i've ever had a malfunction in one of these rifles maybe something mag related but they just work and the proofs in the pudding in that end pap there uh just goes great i want to talk about the rivets real quick the rivets on this gun are decent they're not the perfect they're not the best i've ever seen but they're okay there were some early reports that uh some were not smashed all the way uh zastava did take care of them for the customers but that was way back when these first came out and i haven't heard anything about it since keep in mind if you're looking for one of these rifles on the secondary market that these original z-pap or the original z-paps uh did not have the bulge trunnion so careful there if you want that now here's the kicker and here's what everybody used to complain about was these did not have chrome line bores okay well they listened and they're now chrome lined for years and years the original guns uh that served in yugoslavia civil war didn't have it they never had chrome bores they are cro cold hammer forged but no chrome boards and people speculate that the reason that happened is they had no natural deposits of chromium others say well they were trying to cut down costs etc uh who knows but you don't need a chromeline board guys chromeline bores uh yeah they'll last longer but that was uh you know it was originally used uh for machine guns things that had high round counts and high cyclic rates because it does last longer yeah but uri it's not gonna make a difference um the other thing was they put these things down because i i think a lot had to do with the corrosive ammo they were using at the time people would shoot it not clean it and it would rust you know the kits that were coming over m70s a lot of the barrels were what they would call sewer pipes they were just trashed right so yeah chrome lining will help with that a little bit but we don't see that ammo anymore and it's really not an issue it does clean better easier than an unlined barrel so it's a big plus but i think that's kind of how uh these rifles got a bad name at some points because of that i think it just people thought too much of that chrome lining made too big a deal i can tell you that both of these rifles are magnificent and are accurate and it's not an issue anyhow yeah i was amazed to find this thing sitting there i was shocked and a lot of other things and i'll be bringing them to you but uh we we just oiled up that wood cleaned it up uh took it out for a few shots and it was spot on thing runs great and uh i can't wait till this thing's got a few thousand rounds down it and not that it's not smooth now but man they get like butter absolutely wonderful and they sound so much better than a wasser the wasser i have sounds kind of tinny racket it just sounds tinny with the thicker receiver barrel trunnion this just sounds more robust i don't know more robust all the way around then there's the guys too that say oh they're just so heavy my god i can't lug that around really really you can't lug around a whatever this is six and a half pound rifle can't hold it with one hand i mean i don't know guys they better start weight training that's all i can tell you all in all i think for the money for what's available out there now this is a great rifle you're gonna run into arsenal's and i think the cheapest ones out there now are 13.95 for the stamped rifle uh the 107. if you want to get a folder it's 1700 the sam rifles are starting at i think 1800 and go up from there some are well over 2 000 and that's if you can find them for a gun that lists at 8.95 and can probably be had anywhere from a thousand to twelve hundred dollars uh you know that's what they're getting for wassers now guys that's less than what they're getting for arsenal's right now the ones i've seen at least so let's say a thousand bucks i don't think you can beat this rifle right now in today's market what the future holds i don't know but i can tell you this uh the first thing they're gonna go after probably with executive order is import ammo and import rifles um they'll be gone they're not gonna come back if they go away they're never coming back ever just like guys say well the russian ones will come back nope not coming back chinese nope not coming back vapors gone russian again they're going away guys this is the last hurrah unfortunately as they say elections have consequences and i don't know it's it's a very very sore spot with me right now and uh you know you try telling people and they don't think it can happen you know they go back to the obama uh gun control thing you know everybody oh everyone thought he was going to you didn't do anything trump did more to hurt that one okay stop yes maybe but he also didn't have uh the senate that's the only reason he didn't do it there at the end this time guys it's going to happen now i don't know what that will cause i'm kind of a bit afraid as to what it will cause because i can tell you it's the line in the sand for most people and uh i don't think it's going to go over very well at all i think it's going to create massive massive problems but if these go away you know right now as things stand today i'll say i think they're going away you'll never get them back so here's what i've been doing the last week or so since the inauguration i have been out shopping and shopping hard i've added every import rifle i have wanted and planned to put my collection over the next whatever years i condensed down to a week um they're they're here they're arriving they're coming you i got a lot of video content now guys i got a lot of stuff to bring you tons and tons and tons of videos on some of the best rifles in the world and they are in my hands or will be in my hands very shortly next couple days i suggest you sorry guys just lost the light i suggest you do the same if you can afford it if you have to put a few things off uh get them now while the getting's good and before they get super thin and the prices go up even more because unfortunately they're going to take advantage of it um when it happened i got on the phone immediately to my guy and uh started order and got him in the mail got him coming and this i got lucky enough i walked in and saw it and i thought i should just order it from x and i said nah it's here it's in front of me i can grab it i'm grabbing it now and that was that so hope you like this maple wood i think it's beautiful uh i finally got my opap right there's my op and uh i'm sure this is going to be one of my favorite favorite favorite rifles because i love hugo so much and here it is factory built done ready to go i can't wait to just go pound out a bunch of rounds and ammo shortage i got to go pound some rounds out in this we're going to go put 500 of 600 a thousand through this thing i have to it's going to be that much fun the good news is you'll get to see it so what the heck that's why i put ammo away right so i can use it and have fun what good is it if i can't use it i got enough we're gonna go out have a bunch of fun guys get your hands on it get your hands on mags uh my suggestion to you is be buying as much of everything as you can possibly afford right now and get your hands on because it's gonna get bad i don't mean to create a fear thing or fear monger i'm not trying to do that i'm just telling you what i think reality is um and i'm part of it just like you right if if they go away i can't get them either so i'm not trying to fear monger i'm just trying to give you my best advice here i don't these are rifles i've wanted part of my collection rifles i love that i oh god i can't wait to get one of those that kind of thing you know and you like to space it out because it's fun and and it's not that affordable right so you want to space it out not only for money but for the fun factor oh you finally got it you get to play with that rifle for six months and then here comes another one you get to do that one i would love if that was uh if we had that luxury but we don't have that luxury right now we have to uh be accumulating is what i'll tell you so do your best to accumulate i know it's hard i know with everything going on money's tight for a lot of people i can tell you this i wouldn't worry about it because if you can afford it these are probably some of the best investments uh you can get your hands on later in the year when the stock market tanks and i'm sure it will positive it will um you know the left will tell you it won't but it's going to it's going to and uh these will do nothing but make you money the day he signs that thing unfortunately these double or triple in value that day and uh that's that i'm not buying them for the money i buy them for the fun in my hobby but uh it's a double benefit when it can be an investment as well and they are some look at some of these things vepers are double the price triple the price look at chinese weapons i got a chinese gun that's one up for ford is it four thousand percent i don't know i mean craziness craziness ammo whatever it never goes down you never lose money you can always sell it for more and in most cases uh if you can wait for the right time it sells for double triple four times its money so great investment better than gold better than silver better than anything uh get out there guys i hope you enjoyed it uh sorry to end on a downer note like that but uh it's just the truth it's been fun running through these rifles i love each and every one of these and god i use them and have so much fun with them why do they want to take my fun away why it's my fun we're not here to hurt anybody we're here to protect people and we're here to enjoy ourselves what is it the pursuit of what happiness right pursuit of happiness that's what we're here for so anyhow get on a rant i'm sorry guys uh check us out uh on wednesday nights i missed last wednesday it's just been crazy but i think we're back on schedule now wednesday nights are going to be the uh live stream night uh 7 30 central i got a lot of michigan guys watching so for them it's uh 8 30 their time i guess and uh yeah we had a we run about two hours but i did have one went four hours holy cow i don't know something like that it was longer i'll try not to go that long but if you guys want to listen um i'm a night owl so doesn't matter to me come check us out guys it's a lot of fun we're developing an audience and uh the chat is awesome and it's a blast so every wednesday night 7 30 central check out our facebook check out our instagram we got some new stuff there and uh yeah don't get down we're in this together we got each other right but uh until next time guys as always rockford ordinance out
Channel: Rockford Ordnance
Views: 17,694
Rating: 4.8486485 out of 5
Id: ZTZDhc4NftA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 38sec (2378 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2021
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