Big Romanian AK Collection Overview (Update For 2020)

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Hayami share and you've asked for it it's one I cants I've been putting off but definitely needed a weekend to do back in 2012 on March 22nd so in the first year we had this channel we did that about a 17 and a half minute overview of Romanian a.k variants it is rather cringe-worthy not that our current videos are amazing but it's more so people wanted an update and for me to kind of spread out my entire Romanian collection so that's what we're gonna do in this feature-length video we're gonna look at quite a number of Romanian ak's and Romanian aka derivatives we're gonna go old-school YouTube and strut them off on the couch that takes her back huh so yeah almost all of these I think all but one are imports and most of them are pattern except for a couple of strictly speaking military guns Frank cougar so with that why don't we just jump in and gonna do these a bit randomly just to keep me on your toes and keep you keep you interested that said it's gonna be a long one drink feel free to use the pause button with that well let's dive in so let's kick this a Kay video off with something that's not an ache a why not when we did the original 2012 video I didn't have one of these and it was never at the tippy-top of my want list but and I figured if one ever came around for a reasonable sum I'd hang on to it this is a Romanian m56 which was there a designation for the Soviet SKS 45 not surprisingly it was adopted in 1956 and production was set up it the Cougar Arsenal and they had a licensed nearly exact clone of a later production style Russian SKS and the rifles were turned out between 1957 and 1960 I decided to Kalitta included in this video for a couple of reasons for one it does fire 7.62 by 39 it was the first rifle in that caliber to be used in Romania for another actually the quality is quite good and they said very attractive very deep blowing much like Cougars earlier m53 both action their Mosin Nagant clone and some 62-54 they had beechwood furniture and again future buys are pretty much identical to a later production Russian these aren't the most common s kisses in America not by a long shot they're actually pretty uncommon at least compared to Russian Chinese and Yugoslavian and usually when they're found they're pretty well used and left and they're not refurbished or if the arbor furbished it's an original style refurbishment not the Soviet or Chinese styles blade bayonet folding cleaning rod this one has the leather sling on it and one final reason I decided to include it at the beginning this isn't so much a problem today but back in the day a lot of people tried to make SKS's into a case they thought hey it's communist and it fires that cartridge what's really the difference so the they would take out the fixed in round mag cut a throw one a 20 or 30 round Tapco mag which never worked great and even worse they would take off the very nice wood stocks and put on some plastic abomination in centimes they would plug something onto the barrel muzzle break or flash hider notice the barrels aren't threaded so yeah they had to figure out a way and even sometimes they would pull off the bayonet for reasons only known to them trying to make it into something it wasn't now part of it was they were inexpensive but then again ak's were pretty inexpensive back in that time - and once you did the math money plus time you could have just bought a Mac 90 or Egyptian postman Maadi or even an early remaining and they came important mechanically they're very different guns the SKS is on a milled receiver it uses a tilting tipping bolt it is a short-stroke gas piston and on long so why some parts look similar for example the sights you can definitely see inspiration from the SKS that went into the a K even the gas tube externally looks somewhat similar yeah there are just a lot of differences but anyway since this was first in Romania and really one of the first rifles of communist style that cougar milk built I thought why not include it today again like I said I didn't have it back in 2012 when we did that video but it's here in 2020 and I've had this one for a couple of years for more on this we have done a full full video but basically it's just an SKS which is not at all a bad thing the very neat World War two self loading type guns but they were caught in between a transitional period from bolt actions to select fire assault rifles so in Romania as with most other places in the world they were only in service at least frontline service for a pretty brief period of time which explains why cougar only made them for about four years with that let's get into the main attraction definitely doing these out of order I guess I'm maybe doing them besides so let's talk about the Romanian PSL which stands for three words and Romanian that I'm not even gonna try to say but basically translate to scoped semi-automatic rifle this is a DMR designated marksman rifle it's often called the sniper rifle it's not that implies a certain level of skill and training that really this just doesn't meet rather this was designed to be able to be issued one person mass-produced not to be too expensive and just kind of extend the range from four or 500 meters with aks and our pk's up to about 800 meters and two hitmen size targets they weren't one mo way guns never were never probably will be now of course the question would be why didn't Romania just adopt the SVD dragunov made in Russia that's what most people did the dragon out firing seven 62-54 are just like Moses before it well 1968 political relations between the Soviet Russian government and the Communist Romanian government were not great in fact they were pretty bad that's right the Warsaw Pact was not in fact one big happy family much like NATO there were disagreements and falling outs so would cougar under government direction did they started with the a.k platform specifically the RPK like machine gun and they expanded it to fire seven 62-54 rimmed this ended up giving it a 24 inch barrel and it has a muzzle break now some had a fixed muzzle break that was part of the front sight kind of a la SVD others like this one have a removable break on 24 millimeter threads that was done so they could remove it and install a blank fire a dot device or something else interestingly and again kind of like the SVD it has a standard bayonet lug for 8 minutes the barrel is quite thin cold hammer-forged chrome-lined and the reason it's then is that didn't need to be heavy this isn't a rapid-fire gun it was meant to be fired rather slowly controlled aimed shots it has a nice kind of long a K style handguard it uses a short excuse me a long stroke gasps piston system just like any game like the RPK it's on a one point five millimeter stamped receiver with bulged front Traian uses a two lug rotating bolt it feeds from double stack ten round mags again it wasn't meant to be rapid fired it has a Draganov inspired buttstock takes a standard a case sling and he has a kind of neat spring-loaded butt plate and it has a rudimentary carved cheek rest on the stock for right-handed shooters and of course it has a scope an optic is standard-issue this was done was built by Romanian optics enterprises in Bucharest and they did get some help from Zeiss Germany as well as some assistance with the rifle and mounting and everything from Zastava Yugoslavia it started off as a pretty close cloned copy of the Soviet PSO - 1a for periscope but - they called this the LPS - one but they very quickly you in the first couple years simplified it to the LP s - - this was to make manufacturing a bit easier and also make the optic a little more durable get away from some of the shortcomings and there have been a few others over the years used on these really for optic stuff you'll need to ask J that is not my forte can't imagine why now back when I did the we did in the 2012 video I don't think I had a PS l I'm pretty sure the one on that video was Jay's I did have one earlier but I sold it to a returning Marine who had gotten home for Iraq in 2011 and his wife is going to let him buy one gun and he wanted a PSO and I didn't have any in the store I had mine and I just let him talk me out of it I said in the 2012 video that these are kind of hard to get back then in 2012 and they have been but that was after years of them being very easy to get they started coming in in the very late 90s early 2000s and for a long time you could just pick one up but then around 2010 to 2013 they started coming in and smaller and smaller batches and the price started to rise for example when these first started coming in in the early 21st century they were as low as $500 without optic or $600 with optic and back then they came with four mags a pouch a sling scope cover and other cool accessories and the sunny were talking about the us-made guns like century sold from from kits that the receiver had to be cut up because they accidentally came in with the third pinhole in fact the ATF still doesn't like the third pin oh just ask classic firearms and PA see USA last year anyway so they were pretty affordable people respected him but they thought a 704 an overgrown a K that was typically what you saw him in the stores for they didn't really do it my life L didn't buy then of course they started to disappear after 2013 and prices started to rise about two years ago now PSL started to come back into the country but these days they're at least two grand to 2500 new so that really has changed the game they enter our true import Romanian imports this one is here this one is a fpk which is one of the many names used this was imported by Tennessee guns t GI they also did a version they assembled here called the FBI a dragon of Io imported some under the SSG 97 name in century has imported them under several names including RoMac 3 PS l PS l 54 c and so on then a couple of full-length videos so you can check those out if you really like to hear more on the history what's neat about these since they were always a semi-auto and since they don't have a pistol grip and since they only take what i'll call it low cap mags they really are very close to qualifying is sporting all they had to do was build them on a receiver without the third pin I know people disagree but the fact of the matter is the ATF considers that a no no argue with him if you wish and for import they have to shave down the bayonet lug because that's a no-no feature sometimes they would never even have it on the barrel other times they would shave off the entire bottom sometimes they would just shave off the wings and leave the nub and some came in with a fixed muzzle break which I think was what they were supposed to have some came in with a removable muzzle brake which I think technically they weren't but no one really cares about this stuff and some like this one came in with a removable muzzle break they had a small tack weld to hold it on they are neat guns they are fun guns just personally I don't think they're $2,000 guns that said they're really no worse often the accuracy department then a lot of SV DS or Tigers and because they're based on the a K system what they lose marginally in accuracy they make up for and just dependability and durability because it is an a K design even though it is a scoped rifle you can hand these to conscripts and there's a good chance they won't break it in the first two at two days chance I didn't say promise but anyway these are true imports and that's always neat there are plenty of kit-built versions here as well trying to determine which you have can be a little time consuming but again that's in the full-length video if you'd like to check that out but they are cool guns part of military history they've been in service since 1975 they were officially adopted the previous year hence the model of em 1974 and they are still in service today in Romania and they've actually been a pretty popular export for cougar they've sold the number to African nations Middle Eastern nations and others and again they kind of collabed with sustad oh you also did an overgrown 8k for their DMR known as the m76 woods yes we've also done a video on so check that out of interested so with that let us move onward see told you I was doing them by size this is actually the only gun I believe it's a US kit though although it is from an original Romi kit and to have it just because I really really like RP case I have long before the 2012 video and I still do eight years later this is a Romanian PM the 64 kit which was their license produced version a cougar the usual of the Soviet RPK which is basically short for Kalashnikov a handheld machine gun which basically means a light machine gun it still fires 7 62 by 39 its nak system bolt and everything but it has a 1.5 mil receiver club put stock more or less borrowed from the RPD takes a number of common parts has a 23 and a quarter inch heavy barrel this is a u.s. barrel it's when it's still in the white this kit came from arms of America so it's all remaining except for barrel and receiver and it's a relatively early ish production model as I said in the 2012 video number of Romanian R P K's had the PKM bipod the thing has been akin 2010/2011 that period it was really hard to get info on her mania guns as we know a little better now they did use the standard fixed leg RP k pod there was also a transitional pod and then the adjustable pod so ya mister threaded fourteen by one usually just have a muzzle nut on the PM 64 while they can feed from standard 20 and 30 round AEK mags they were issued with 175 round drum in this campus pouch and 440 round extended mags they used the same sling early on it would have been leather the handguard especially the lower is thicker for the heavier barrel and for better heat dissipation yes systems pretty well the same interestingly like early mo lot guns early Romanian guns had the ribbed top cover later they would go to the heavy-duty one but early on they didn't because reasons also early on they didn't have the lightning cut in the bolt carrier and they would have a blued finish as opposed to laters could be parkerized Risto blue they use salt blank now oddly some Romanian guns especially earlier ones had a more or less standard AKM rear sight instead of the windage adjustable RPK I don't know if these are replacements or what was up that I didn't know that some including this one cereal match the rest of the gun so at one point either from the factory straight or at the unit armor level because all the rear sights were just hand edge they weren't stamped that's what they had probably just you know trying to simplify parts makes sense yeah a nice little kit bill they kind of wanted it to have early RPK features and like Romanian stuff yeah this is a example of a first decade production PM 64 cougar would would build these for number of years and early on they would be very true to the Russian pattern first developed it each ask and then manufactured at what we noted his mo on but beginning in the mid 70s they would start to depart a bit from that so with that let's let's take a look the AES 10 B paratrooper was in our 2012 video and it was extremely similar to this one but that was Jay's in the video this is mine actually it's my second one yeah my RPK love continues with this I've said in many videos the thing was when the original AE is 10 B with the thick stock came out they were five hundred dollars to be fair that was usually dealer price I bet they would go on sale for his Louis 425 delivered that's when I bought my first Vic stalker which was in the 2012 video of the one with the PK and bipod but when the paratroopers came out they were quite a bit more dealer cost was was between 900 and on sale at 800 I did buy one but and a friend needed one for a friend of his and I let him talk me out of it for a modest profit I think he gave me like 950 or thousand it just that was a lot of money back then for an aku no doubt RBK what have you but I thought I'd be content with the fixed dock and I was for a number of years but oh well here a few years back maybe five years ago I really just wanted the paratrooper model again because it's uniquely Romanian whereas the original production PM 64 was just a copy of the Russian but the time the paratroopers are being made in the 80s they had taken some liberties now this one here is like all the es10 B's is still in seven 62 by 39 these definitely can feed from drums but they typically were used with 840 round mags instead and the paratrooper models were imported for a little time for a bit of a special one kind of like the wasser 1063 to be honest so yeah let's deploy this and talk a bit more about it the fixed stock a is 10 these need to be made from brand new you know mm whatever production parts or they could be assembled from existing rifles the thing about it is the ones that were symbol from used rifles while neat being a parts kit gun made in Romania kind of like the Worcester 1063 often weren't 100% matching this version though the paratrooper these seem to be at least by and large they're dated 1989 which most all of the kits were according to century they found a cache of late production ones that were basically unissued or at least unused and 89 would have been at the end of the Communist era so that's kind of neat for the history and these would have full RPK features like the smooth heavy-duty top cover and the adjustable windage and elevation site they also have a variant of the Romanian folding stock which means they have a standard rear trunnion unlike the Russian paratrooper which has a special rear this stock was actually a simplified version of the East German MPI 72 stock which is kind of neat and it's just a little bit thicker and beefier for the use with the light machine gun then this found on your typical PM 90s and PA 86 s and of course it also is made to fit properly in the heavier one point five millimeter receiver these have the bulged Trinian's they do not have magwell dimples like a Wasser but i'm like a washer that's not really a problem because while earlier production RP case did have dimples later production ones in both Romania and the Russia did not and this one has a primarily phosphate finish which is fine it has an original cougar 23 and a quarter cold hammer-forged glen line barrel heavy duty so let's look at some of the changes for the paratrooper well these as far as I know that could be wrong I'll have the adjustable leg bipod there was a nice innovation there are many it did it's probably not as durable as the Russian but it has kind of a quick-detach feature up here whereas the Russian is just permanently bolted you can just unscrew the big wingnut and take it off when it's folded it also they gave a little what I think it was kind of a little nipple or rest on the handguard retainer for it to rest up against and when you have it partially deployed like this it can still fit under the barrel fully but it's just tall enough to let your 40 round mag clear the ground and not monopod because with the regular Soviet bipod you will monopod on the 40 round mag you want on the drum or a 30 round earth but on the 40 you will so that's practically a nice little small banette change another thing your imported AES tins almost always have the folding carry handle this strictly speaking wasn't on the early PM 64 but it was adopted for the 545 version now in the first video I said that was just called the P 86 LMG or PM 91 again it kind of gets to the limited numbers and I've still heard all kinds of names for it PM 89 PM 91 Wikipedia currently says PM 93 for the 545 RPK the other way they made one I haven't ever imported one I wish they would even parts kit would be neat but that's where the carry handle comes from as is the 545 but you know it's kind of neat and you can easily remove it it's held along with a c-clip if you really don't like it just folds to the side to get it out of the way also from the 545 version I said in the 2012 video that I had a replica Romanian flush shredder on that gun this one is a real Romanian birdcage now this is for 30 caliber 7.62 so it won't damage the gun but the 545 version is identical strictly speaking this probably isn't right for this gun it probably should just have a nuzzle nut but who's to say a Romanian couldn't put one on their gun anyway the five four five versions had them I think it's neat it's my gun and it takes three seconds to remove it looks neat and probably the last and most recent thing I did to my gun here was to put the paratrooper foregrip on these are actually surprisingly rare the original imports they machined the foregrip off the wooden handguard and since this is a specific handguard for the RPK one from like a pm-63 absolutely won't work right but arms of america had a few kids come in and those kits funnily enough cost nearly as much without barrel or receiver as did the actual AES 10b paratroopers ten years ago but you know they sold out and they're rare so and those two were 1989 dated interestingly enough so put that on and the thing is if you think putting a 30 round mag and Wasser tin what the foregrip is difficult imagine getting a 40 round mag in this with the dog now they didn't move the dog further forward to give it a little more clearance but this is still a really long mag so you still have to kind of almost put it up and then very gently rock it you can't just come in and do it big wide sweep with it and of course I had my favorite sling on this one too which is very appropriate for an 80s or 90s production done and century much like with the PSL has started to bring the AES 10b back with all new production parts but they are 13 to 15 hundred but to be fair to century that's what used ones are you know like new ones were bringing you a gun broker because much like with the PSL back when these are available I heard more than one person say why do you want it it's bigger it's heavier it doesn't really have any better accuracy than a regular ek they just thought of it as a long-barreled okay which is I guess in a way especially if somato very true in a technical sense but Damon it's an RPK they just look cool anything about the bipod that just sits there just looks cool personal opinion but hey this is kind of a hangout video and hey you guys wanted Romanian collections so that's what you're getting so yeah my paratrooper once I had one sold it regretted it got another one Jay still has his as well so you know it's something with both of us on the same gun with that I guess this time we should probably move on to the ones you knew would be in this video neither of these existed when we did our video in 2012 and while I do have the kr9 made by Kalashnikov USA which I have to admit is probably my favorite 9 mil a K type gun as of now the reason I still have both of these is because it's kind of in the why not category neither one was extremely expensive especially the PAC 9 up here and these are imported by Chiappa pretty neat they've got a short little barrel they had the modular mag well I'm I do have the breader 2 but I have the Glock in it right now I did thread the barrel on this and put on just a kind of generic birdcage anyone looking flash hider I actually kept the original hand guards because I think they're kind of nice and they do have a small little removable hand stop and they have rails and they do have a very simple but hey it's their rear notch sight and I actually do really like this pistol grip it's reasonably ergonomic and the vertical lines that they're done always reminds me of like a Tokarev I mean they're not the same but just reminds me and I decided to keep this one is a quote pistol with the end sling swivel kind of making it a PDW kind of an mp5k style I thought that would be fun for it because it's perfectly suitable just as you see it here and it has a few differences for example hinged top cover does have the dimpled mag well and then the combo front sight to Casablanca then the other one the knack nine these are imported by century they also do a carbine now but this one's perfectly good as a pistol it has much longer barrel 1111 1/2 inches depending on who you ask and these do come in threaded for mine I put on a Romanian birdcage flash writer immersed I'll you can tell it's a little bit longer because of the gas system this one takes standard two hand guards up and down I've got a bakelite upper on it because I know so kind of cool and I've actually got a WBP lower railed with the vertical slot of accepting signing grip here you know I mean those things angled that's the word I'm looking for words get my favorite Romi sling on it put the longer Glock Magon at this time why not it too has a dimpled receiver it has a standard top here without sight on it just a rail on top of the cover never the same as a standard rear sight here it's shorter kind of like a Draco basically this is a Draco a 9 now that's that's the take away yeah this when I did that a brace to it simple easy to do I believe I ended up using the cnc warrior adapter i've had a few different ones all you have to do is remove the rear sling swivel which is very easy it just has a screw and then you can plug in anything for a brace or even a stock if you wanted your choice these didn't come with this cool of a pistol grip but oh well but they do have a updated mag wheel system which I do like better on the pack 9 the mag well is integrated into the handguard to some extent here it is totally separate and it also has a spring-loaded retainer so you can't just accidentally hit your paddle and drop it Jay and I both own these at least he owns the PAC 9 and we found them to be very reliable and it's nice that they take hum and mags now these are made in Romania and they are made in the town of Cougar but they're not made by the Cougar you're thinking of they're actually made by a smaller company known as Nova module Nova module and I'm not sure if they're absolutely strictly commercial which kind of seems to be but it on the other hand it seems a little odd to come up with a pretty unique design just for that I don't know if it was a submachine gun I really would like to know more about these over there but they've been coming into the US for a few years now the reason I like the KR and for that matter kp9 frankly it's a little bit later because of how they do the trunnion on it it has a special made receiver this one fills the gap in the front with just a very heavy front trunnion also it has a buffer in the back to keep the bolt from traveling too far backwards whereas the kr9 really doesn't and of course the fit and finish on the kr is just better that said the reason I haven't sold the other of these is the money the PAC nine here I think I picked up on sale for like 300 bucks 350 new in box and the knack nine similarly I get our on sale for about 650 not the cheapest in the world but you know they are all original Romanian receivers you do get chrome-lined barrels and they're just fun so even though they're maybe not what you'd consider strictly military that's why they have a place in my romanian collection let's move on it was featured in the 2012 video and it's still here my Worcester 1063 you if my somato cougar p.m. 65 their take on the a k ms it's a very close clone this was the one I've had forever but then I change I made once I got it as I put Dana's wood on it because I mean you know you need the curve to the rear dong and I've took the muzzle brake off and just put on a simple muzzle nut otherwise it's it's unchanged whether sling under folding stock I always thought it was interesting that they use the aks 47 single left side locking stock instead of the newer akms to side locking stock in fact ones like this still have the early style milled stock so early on they pretty much took a AKM in putting aks 47 type 3 stock on it it was machined I think in that 2012 video I even intimated that some of the stocks could have originally come from Russia that still seemed to maybe be the case they're extremely similar to Russian if you look at them so if they're not from Russia they did a damn good job copying them later though they would go to a simplified milled stock that was uniquely Romanian and you can see that on the newer Wasser 10uf so that we have different videos on and then finally they went to a tubular stamped stock still single side locking only that is unique in Romanian but also pretty flimsy it's still a good gun got the Romanian trainer mag in it they've got four arms of America last year this was the original folding stock version so muzzle nut and then a slab on the rear this here is the newer one now this particular gun I didn't have in 2012 this is a newer production I think it's from 2015 Wasser 10 and I've set it up as a PM 90 now the PM 90 name is not an official Romanian designation they still just call them pm-63 because why not this is Cukor's modernized 762 by 39 AKM to Polly it'll have the Romanian side folding stock this one has the export lever style and instead of a muzzle nut which was common earlier these had the AKM sugar scoop and aside from maybe different handguard options that was it you know it was just a slight facelift to a gun that in 1990 but the folding stock being the big identifier another thing I've had these hand guards forever like 20 years these are original laminate palms well yeah remaining it didn't always have dongs they they definitely did palm swells in fact their original production guns from 63 64 65 up to the mid to late 60s were promised well it wasn't until and I forget the exact date 66 to 68 somewhere in that time frame they started going to dongs but even then once they had made the dong handguard they still kept making the palms well for export on the aim line a I am but also certain units in the Romanian military for example the Navy preferred it and I could understand why the foregrip does give control and full auto fire and maybe makes carrying easier but it does make magazine insertion more cumbersome and it's something to bang your front of your gun on and potentially especially with the standard front facing dog hook you're going on going on so in a situation where you don't want to get hooked up on things having the slick hand guards is not a bad option so deploying these out you can see the downward sweep of the more traditional style stock I also notice it's very tubular with very few rivets and stuff and you can tell on these they have a spring-loaded buck plate whereas the AKMs stock doesn't not how I thought they were need this one as I pointed out as part of the 1063 series meaning it was built from an original rifle on a new semi receiver and with the new cougar barrel over in Romania I recently did a pretty extensive video on the 63 so you can check that out pretty neat gun I always thought the 1063 s in fact I have called them for the best single Romanian import and on an objective level that's true I think personally it's the AES 10 B but objectively because it's it's as militaries you can get so this was their original paratrooper mountain trooper compact gun but by the 90s they had quit making the under folder and gone to something like this now it is a little bit longer because of the sugar scoop and because of the folding stock block that hangs off the back so little less compact a little bit more cumbersome but the nice thing is cougar no longer had to make two different guns they just made the same gun with the same rear trunnion and they could put whichever stock they needed on it and so it could whoever bought it for example this started off as a regular Worcester tin and I put the furniture on it which took maybe ten minutes but with the under folders and back when these are more common people would ask all the time hey can I put a fixed stock on it anything's possible with the drill and tap and welding or whatever but as a general basic rule no once you're under folding that's that's pretty much what you got it's pretty dedicated without gunsmithing so it makes sense from a military point of view and like I said this is a new production of Wausau this is after century kind of tightened up QC and I kept wood and when they were on sale one day period never hurts to have an extra Romi gun and I bought these before the price really jumped they had already gone from three four hundred dollars up to five six and now they're eight hundred plus but that's what happens when a gun found that gets popular like anything else the very reliable and know the Wahlstrom continues eight years later and like I said the last couple of years we've even seen the under folder come back so that's pretty cool I did have one of the ten UF's the new production ones but during the recent panic I tend to my aka collection down but it's three or four and that was one that I decided to let go because I knew I wasn't gonna let go of the 1063 but didn't really have a justification for having to row me under folders so that's what it is what it is and I've seen some other remaining hand guards modern polymers to different things but these are in seven six two 39 and as I mentioned in the RPK video Romania was one of the relatively few countries to adopt five four five and one of the few to actually build rifles in it so let's talk about that Oh what can I say about this one my essay or two it's one I nearly don't shut up about as much as my sailor one and a is ten B yep same gun that I had in 2012 as I said in that video I would one day get around that doing the conversion and I have over the years put on the front sight and 22 millimeter I like it we can put one part on and get both the bayonet lug in twenty two millimeter threads plus the coarse original break I decided a long time ago to leave the gas block alone I mean the accessory lug is ground off but the stub is there if the step or God I think I'd care more but yeah I've got a bayonet lug so I hate taking gas blocks off unless it's really necessary because what if you get it back on the alignments all wrong and it's not as reliable and it's gonna spend a hundred percent for years and years I can't remember which forearm I think I had this one on it in the video I know in that 2012 video though I had actually what was a Bulgarian bakelite upper which is very similar to Romanian but several years ago when the kids came in I picked a Romanian bakelite upper to put on just because and likewise he thinks to Arms of America we got some original Romanian thirty round mags and again this push-button stock I've had for ages I actually bought it during the assault weapons ban still yeah I know I'm a real hedgy person about a folding stock in 2002-2003 whatever the hell was same bolt carriers had so it's definitely it's kind of complete there's not a whole lot more I could do to make it a PA 86 or officially PA model 1986 cologne yeah that's that's what these are the SAR tubes they were just some motto compliant guns that came in they like the SAR ones came in from 99 to about 2003 then they were replaced by the Worcester 2 which when we did that video of 2012 the Worcester tears are still at least nominally available but they officially discontinued them to them off their catalog at century in 2013 and to date they have not to come back as of mid 2020 so the only Romanian 5 or 5 by 39 guns that we've seen in recent years are kit-built guns that have original Romanian parts with aus receiver us barrel like for example the Eames 74 is that Atlantic has sold many people just kind of think of the SAR - and that's the PA 86 is a ak-74 because it fires that cartridge it's not as I've said in many videos it's actually Romania reworking their existing pm-63 so the AKM to fire it they never had a licensed official or otherwise from Russia to produce the ak-74 so that's why it has some odd features that were uniquely Romanian like the 22 millimeter threads the unique gas block for a 74 of course the furniture is also the military P 86 s had a four-way selector safe single three round full and their magazines are actually adapted from the aka M scaled down like the ak-74 mags they can be topped off by stripper clips but they have a little bit more of a curve to them and as you notice they're metal and the mags have not always been easy to get they also did an extended 40 round version for their RPK and the same caliber interestingly while Russian bakelite sin Bulgarians will fit and work quite well and they say r2 and Worcester - they're not 100% because the magazines were built for we're just ever so slightly different for example I've known a few ak74 guns that don't like to take Romanian mags and a few Romanian guns especially kit builds that don't always feed a hundred percent from some bakes and other things it's like a 99% commonality but you don't administers that one little percent there's a little bit different in fact Romania used a different fire four or five cartridge slightly different bullet weight and whatnot - because they were kind of doing their own thing the thing is Romania is one of only a handful of countries that actually produced five four five by 39 caliber guns of course you have Russia and you have East Germany and Poland Bulgaria China made a few but for export North Korea allegedly made some but we don't really know much about their production so there were just not that many countries interested in building these and even the ones that did like East Germany and really Poland only made them for a few years before the end of communism Romania is one of the very few that kept making five four or five guns and continues to issue five four or five into the 21st century that is one of the few of course outside of Russia in very closely related nations to them like Ukraine and Belarus it's just interesting and even outside of manufacturing not very many countries for example in South America Asia Africa were interested in the fight for five-round they like 760 about 39 for one thing mags parts everything or everywhere and also it was a large slow-moving but still large cartridge then was pretty heavy hitting while still being relatively light recoil they liked it that's the main thing but when it came to five four five most took a look at it and went yeah we'll stick with 7.62 by 39 Finland is a good example in Europe of this and others just looked at it and went how's that different from five five six NATO if we're gonna go small diameter high velocity we'll just go with the more common NATO cartridge which takes more common mags now five four five fans don't add me I'm not saying that is or isn't my opinion it is but I'm just telling you how nations outside of Russia's immediate sphere of influence viewed it you just didn't see a point to it that's why only Warsaw Pact nations really went for five four five and even then several drug their feet as long as they could and at the same time when a communism ended they ejected five four five as quick as they could in the 90s again Poland is a good example they just officially adopted the tanto in 1988 already declared it obsolete around 1995 and had the WC 96 breel in service a short time later Bulgaria too phased out five four five in the 90s switching to a mixture of five five six and seven six two and again China never used it at all they had they do their own thing they have just made a few for export yeah this gun was in that video years ago and it's probably not going anywhere even after completing the project I'm very happy with it you know in the recent five four or five panic people were looking for SLR 104's and Sega SGL thirty ones and vepr FM seventy fours everywhere and willing to pay thousands of dollars it was amazing to me when I mentioned hey if you looked at an SAR - or a washer - some of course knew of it but a lot of them didn't know this thing existed and I said yeah it's a you know maybe that doesn't have quite as night efficient a nice fit and finishes some of the others but it's it's a military-grade gun and when I would tell him is above all he came with a very good barrel cold hammer-forged Chrome and it's an import in at least the SAR to even had the dimpled receiver and of course the boster to does not I'm not as up on the Worcester to I think the SAR to is better and most people would agree but the Worcester to is no dog and if a nice one walked in I would probably actually use it and convert it into a PM 80 which is the short rifle version so we have someone musta email me a loss or two but with that let's let's talk about the short rifle and yes eight years later and this one is still here too and it makes Bri frequent appearances and videos honestly just because it's really fun to shoot my wasps or 1063 KO a door merely can just think of it is a Draco Draco carbine or a semi-automatic version of the cougar PM 9 be short rifle and like the wasser we looked at earlier that I've done in 2 p.m. Donny this is the modernized version the same stock takes standard sized hand guards has a shortened gas system combination front eyesight and originally the barrel would be well bit of contention there because there are different version so I'll talk about that in a second but it arrived between eleven and a half and twelve nine inches on the barrel which I mean it would end right here and typically they would either have kind of a conical booster or a birdcage flush rider like for example the one you saw on my AES 10 D of course this one came in as you know from the videos with the extension on it to make it illegal still has the cleaning rod under the barrel has the correct 500 meter so shorter range rear sight and that's really that's really it that's what makes the PM 90 it's basically the rear is identical in the same mindset is the kind of keeping everything as simple for production as possible now the names of these reeben there's there's really not a lot of good info we know this is a short rifle used by paratroopers tank crews whatnot there are photos of them being used in the 80s especially during the overthrow the communist government in 1989 1990 of that period we know that they've done them in 7.62 by 39 which seems to be the more common but they've also done in five four or five by 39 and by five six NATO at least a variant of it and of course you saw the nine-millimeter which is basically a Draco and a millimeter so yeah that's the thing some people have said the name is PMAT p.m. now he seems to be the common but again these are kind of Cougar factory designations the original version didn't use the standard stock rather it used a very unique left side folding stock it was essentially an under folding stock cut in half and made into a side folder very peculiar and the hinges internal kind of like on an AMD 65 but then they kind of standardized on this and they do make 20 round mags as I said in 2012 I had some rummy Pantera mags and other people wanted them more than me and I've never picked up more because of the Hungarians and really the only difference where the Hungarian ribs go all the way to the bottom Romanians stop about an inch and it's just smooth is it nature but for 250 dollars a mag other people can have them I want things other than that now one interesting thing as I said the barrels are not 100% standardized there are slightly different links the same thing goes for the gas piston and the gas tube this one here is from a kit and you can see hopefully that it is longer then the one of my gun so this one would actually be for a slightly longer barrel model likewise the piston here is nearly full length whereas the one in here is about a half-inch shorter and I find that interesting I have no real explanation like I said back in 2010 it was hard to get info on these and in 2020 it's not much better which is a little weird because we've had used kits come in for example apex sold some and we've had new kits come in virgin unmarked hits there were sources like M plus M Colorado gun sales which Atlantic firearms and others had built into very cool pistols and here we are with stock deployed most I've seen kids they have the lever stock and these seem to be more or less made for export although there are many military has some and they're known under the name AI m are Umrah at least that select-fire versions obviously this isn't this is a worcester 1063 KR as i said and of course the pistol version the Draco has come in for a number of years and Draco's mostly came in 7.62 by 39 there was a 223 version the champion 2007 and there was even a 22 version but there was not to the best of my knowledge a 5 for 5 version which was a real shame because I would love to have either gun just like this a card man with an extension or a pistol in five four five maybe one day I think they would be neat glamorous washers non dimpled receiver and it has the scope rail although I don't think most of the military guns have a scope rail if any again this is for short things hence the short rifle and of course my favorite sling on it another one that you know as I said in several videos in the past I picked up as it came in used and you know kind of been different to it then but once we shot it a few times it's just a fun shooter and they're kind of rare I don't know that they're really valuable but kind of rare today and just an odd thing to have and it's one of the newer creations for cougar and I'd like to see them bringing a carbine back again preferably just like with the AES and five four five that would be great but 7.62 is what sells who knows the virgin parts kits are cool and the surplus ones are cool too so there are there's open options there's also the Draco Sea which was built with an under folding rear trunnion so that's another little variant yeah since we did the video years ago there's been the mini Draco with about a seven and a half inch burro and the micro Draco with a 5.9 inch barrel so tiny they should just do one with a bullet tip literally sticks out the muzzle they can call it the Draco Dart and with that we come to the end is the beginning as the end is the beginning what you all came for what you know is coming mag pouches hey I actually found Magnus is neat and back when washers used to always come with one you could really kind of pick some neat ones here's a romaine in leather for sell very basic belt pouch holds 30 round mags no pockets for anything very heavy-duty though here's probably the most commonly known one this is the Romanian to sell and they have two different buttonholes depending on if they're for 76039 or a five for five they're made for 30 rounders although I suppose 20s will fit just a little loosely there's several variations different straps types in the back and they have a pocket for an oiler and a cleaning kit on them you see these a lot with like the G guns the Gardez here's a neat pouch and you didn't see a lot of them until recently this is a force though intended specifically for the five four five by 39 PA 86 it holds four mags and it has several big generous pockets and it has kind of pull through 's they're not the same mass but remind me of East German here is the big pouch for the RPK the PM 64 it holds 440 round mags and has a small pocket in the French French there we go I've been talking for a while and shoulder strap also belt loops and there are some variations of this as well there's even a few different heights depending on if it's four five four five seven six two or both and it's very much patterned off after the Russian there's also a 3-cell of course that's very similar to the Russian polish what have you and you already saw the pouch on the for the drum and then finally we have the pouch for the PSO it holds 410 round mags and the front and individual pockets and then it has a real big pocket in the back they can hold the sectional cleaning rod equipment for your scope and even the scope itself will fit back here belt loops it's gonna this cool leather border like I said I really do found pouches interesting alright for real what you came for romanian Tokarev dtc oh is that these are cool when they came in I was always have had a soft spot this is a recent import from M plus M came in a couple years ago has a phosphate finish kind of neat it's a shame about the door key safeties they make toka ribs get more company should do the trigger safety like on those m57 that have Yugoslavia no yeah this obviously fire 762 Tokarev it's their copy it's identical to a late Russian and this had been very affordable so if you don't have one you should pick one up there pretty cool safety sucks but you know leave with it be glad you did alright we'll get to it and to wrap things up it has to be they say are one of course probably the most exposed to rifle on this channel so there's no and I'm not really much more I can say about it that if I left it out it just wouldn't be right this was my first this was Romania's first this was the well I should say the PM was 63 the military version was their first a k they built before that they had ak-47 type 3 smells but they were just purchased from Russia and before that you know as I pointed out at the beginning they had the SKS so they started building these as early as night some people even say it was before 1963 climbing uh to see a 62 date but anyway about 63 they were in production I've seen kits from then and if you count the PM 90 which is really the same gun they stayed in production and really till this very day because the wasps are still coming in this very day and as I said and why I was her 1063 video the first semi autos came in in 1997 between then and 99 they were imported under a whole host of named you can look those up but in 99 they kind of got unified under century is the SAR one for 76039 SAR two four five four five by 39 NSA are three four or five point five six NATO and those all came in until 2003 and they are quite well respected today because they're dimpled receivers they take standard double stack magnet a standard AKM furniture and this one's in pretty much the same shape it was in in 2012 probably a couple of thousand rounds more down the pipe but again like this doesn't mind I did however years ago finally get around to threading the barrel fourteen by one left hand and then promptly screwed on a muzzle nut which means effectively it's the same as being unthreaded but hey it looks better right I decided not to even mess with the bayonet lug maybe one day I will but it's such a minor point in necessity and the SAE our two-part I really hate mmm taking the gas block off unless it's necessary for maintenance repair personal preference but there you go this originally came with the modern green sling is they all did back then but I put a leather sling on because it's more appropriate for what I was kind of going for is a pm-63 clone it's basically an AKM and if you want to know more on this gun or a main en a case in general what does it comes to semi autos just check out the playlist there's more than a couple on this channel but it started with the pm-63 for romania and it's this whole AKA obsession from begin with not only the SAR 1 but this SAR one right here so there to be a good one to wind the video up on why not all right wake up we made it through hey you wanted an overview of all the Romanian aks so what you asked for then you get a bonus one two I figured when I was thinking about why not talk about the Romanian SKS it's a neat gun yeah the pm-63 the SAR one where it all started it's under folding brethren the RPK is in the series the one's kind of looked over but now really appreciated PSLs and the five four fives that I still don't know that how many people all know really about as they're all looking for Arsenal's and Russians and of course newer variants in the PM 90 line and the little nine mils just cuz Jane I like nine mil anything and I'm Lak but they're not really a case you're just blowback guns you know still kind of fun I wish I know more about their their history why Nova really makes them but there it is so yeah we've done videos on all of these so if you'd like to get more information about how they shoot how they hold up over the years more on the history and check those out if you have any questions about waters AES tins PSLs feel free to drop them in the comments or hit us up on patreon speaking of if you'd like to help support us go check out the link to our patreon page a bucking up to ask questions five bucks you can request a video ten bucks you pretty much get a direct line and we'll do we can for you with that if you could like share and subscribe even if that's what you can do that's still great we appreciate it and yeah it's been over eight years since the original video it's been an interesting interesting ride but like Romanian guns then I like Romanian guns eight years before that and I still like Romanian guns today and I will probably still like the mate years later they're just fun and very honest aka imports so with that and also on behalf of Jay we both appreciate all your support and hope you enjoyed this extra length video now that we're back from vacation trying to catch up on a few things and we will both catch you very soon next time
Channel: Mishaco
Views: 35,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Educational Historical Documentary Historic History Preservation Documentation, Misha, Mishaco, Ozark Bear Arms, OBA, plinking101, MishacoOBA, Romania, Romanian, AK, AK47, AKM, AK74, variant, variants, review, PM63, SAR1, PM65, WASR10/63, PM64, AES10B, RPK, Paratrooper, Draco, 9mm, 7.62x39, 5.45x39, SAR2, PA86, PM90, PSL, FPK, WASR, PAK9, NAK9, SKS, M56, Cugir, guide
Id: XX-7gUFggOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 8sec (4628 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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