What is WITCHCRAFT and why is it DANGEROUS?

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amen amen we are celebrating today the pentecost   and the pentecost is uh the interesting part is  the jews already celebrated that on Wednesday   and so we arrived in Jerusalem on Wednesday night  and as you know in Israel they start the day   the night before so the Sunday starts on  Saturday night and Monday starts on Sunday   night so we arrived there and at six o'clock  the day before everything shuts down and   everybody starts to celebrate shabbat meaning  the day of rest where you absolutely do nothing   it's completely amazing actually and so uh all  the stores are closed you can't get shopping or   anything of that sort and so we come there I know  the shabbat is on Saturday not on Wednesday so we   come and I say what's going on why is there double  shabbats when we come here and they tell that   Israel has three three holidays for which all the  men have to come to Jerusalem into the temple and   one of those holidays is the pentecost we call  it they don't call it pentecost they call it   um shevat which is the feast of weeks or they  call it the place or the time when God gave   the Ten Commandments the Torah to Israel it's  interesting because this holiday has two meanings   one is agricultural it's when you bring the  first fruits of the harvest to God in the temple   and the second meaning of this same festival is  when you celebrate God giving people a Torah means   Ten Commandments because jews believe that  by getting them out of Egypt God delivered   them from bondage physically but by giving them  Ten Commandments he delivered them from bondage   spiritually and it's interesting that on this  day when all the jews were coming into Jerusalem   down the street from this beautiful big festival  and I can tell you even they don't have a temple   right now a lot of people flocked Jerusalem on  Wednesday allah the hotel we were in booked out   people from all around the world come to that  place once in three once once a year or three   times a year but this is one of those times and  so and I'm just it really hit me that on this day   that morning everyone is there and down the  street in some kind of a closed-up room there   were disciples praying and the holy spirit  came so powerfully that there was a physical   manifestation of the presence of god there was  a sound there was a fire and there was a wind   and all those people who were just simply  celebrating something that happened thousands   of years ago came out from their places of living  and they saw this little house the upper room and   something happened something new was birthed you  see thousands of years ago God gave him a Torah   but then God gave him the Spirit God gave them  the guide thousands and thousands of years ago   they celebrated bringing the first fruits but  on the day of Pentecost you know those three   thousand people that got saved it was the first  fruit of what is to come of all the salvations   that has to come through the crusades through  the home groups through the church services   through the power evangelisms through the yogi  bear and through the Sunday school and through   everything that God is going to still do in  the church today and today we're celebrating   that day and I want to give God the glory for  the coming of the Holy Spirit come on somebody hallelujah guys the 3 000 souls  that got saved in Jerusalem   is just the beginning we will see thousands  save locally and millions save globally we're   going to see many people come to Jesus Christ  because the Pentecost was just first fruits of   the harvest that is to come disciples are gone now  but this is our time we will not be here forever   but while we are here we're going to contend for  the move of God in our generation and the next   generation is going to be passed on with that move  of God in Jesus Name because somebody say amen on the Pentecost you know we celebrate today not  just the receiving of the Scriptures and though   they are God inspired they are the foundation for  our faith but on the Pentecost God gave us more   than just the tablets God gave us the guide  God gave us the God himself the Holy Spirit   He came down he took a group of uneducated  inexperienced young people and He used this   group to shake the continents the roman empire  that stomped everything out of its way and was   able to destroy Jerusalem and destroy the the  rest the remaining of the rebels in the Messiah   yet this great empire couldn't stand against the  Great Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit touched the   emperor Constantine touched the rest of the people  and then this same empire started to spread the   message of Jesus Christ whether the government is  for our faith or not we know who is for our faith   his name is the Holy Spirit and if he is on  our side it doesn't matter who is against   us can somebody say amen that's why church  it is wrong for us to have a small vision   i once was interviewed in one tv show in  California and I said it's unforgivable sin for   a church to have a small vision everybody almost  had a heart attack and let me correct myself   it is wrong for us to have a small vision  having such a great Holy Spirit on our side   can somebody say amen let's put our hands  together for Jesus Christ one more time hallelujah a few weeks ago I started a little series called  the spiritual warfare where I talked about   the serpent the fiery serpent the main idea was  the complaining does to the devil what worship is   to God then after that I shared a little bit about  the spiritual strategies for spiritual warfare   how satan uses evil days to make us into evil  people a few weeks before I left I shared also   about the spiritual missile where we mentioned  that prayer is a weapon and our mind is the battle   and I think I mentioned at that time that that was  my last message in the series and I gently lied   well I didn't lie but just I have a something that  I want to share today and I believe that God is   going to minister today to us in Jesus name I will  give credit first of all to um late Derek Prince   for the contents not just of this message but  the impact he has made upon the Christianity   and our church in the terms of deliverance and  I'm saying that because I received few remarks   or some people say that um I copied a phrase from  Derek Prince and I said it's not a phrase it's his   whole teachings concerning deliverance and they  said why don't you give him credit I said if I   would give him credit after each statement I will  be mentioning his name more than Jesus so so he   said I stopped giving him credit long time ago so  but i'll just mention it once I do encourage every   person to read his books on spiritual warfare  and listen to the message called witchcraft   which actually I'm going to share today in portion  I want to speak today about shades of witchcraft   now I understand you came here  on the Pentecost day you're like   I'm not really excited to hear about witchcraft  and uh and you may think witchcraft is something   that is so far away from your zip code and  somewhere in Africa or India but I'm going   to bring it down home it's a lot more near to  us than we imagine or we think first of all the   definition of witchcraft and again Derek Prince  mentioned this it's the attempt to control the   person and make them do what you want by the  use of any other Spirit than the Holy Spirit   it's a controlling people that's what it is and  witchcraft world you know woman is is called a   witch and a male is called a wizard of people  who control uh other people in the Bible there   is so much that is said about witchcraft first  of all we know it's forbidden and is denounced   it was practiced by Egyptians it was  practiced by magicians by Balaam by   Jezebel by Ninevites by Babylonians by Simon  the sorcerer by a bart Jesus the one that Paul   made blind because he was distracting others from  the name of Jesus Christ it was practiced by a   growl at Philippi who was filled with spirit of  divination it was practiced by by false prophets   it we know that this witchcraft in the Bible  was also and there's a Scripture where it's   mentioned that it was practiced by people  taking body parts or the parts of animals   and chanting over it to create kind of spells  over people they would take bones they would take   rods they would take certain objects by which  they would exercise these demonic enchantment   and witchcraft we know that the biggest one that  happened was the king Saul when he went to a witch   to see a witch and after that he died and it's  interesting that after his death it says he died   because he consulted a witch he did a lot of  nasty things in his life but it's not why he died   he died after he consulted a witch we know when  the apostle Paul brought revival to the city of   Ephesus he asked people to burn witchcraft books  books that have to do with witchcraft with magic   and we know also that in the last days there will  be a huge witchcraft and sorcery in the world   that the antichrist will use to help him  bring people under his objection people are   not going to blindly just worship a man unless  he will use some kind of a power to entice them   and he will use that power in the last days and so  it's it's the power that is at work today and what   Derek Prince said which was powerful he said that  witchcraft is the religion of the fallen humanity   if you have your Bible let's go with  me to Galatians chapter 5 and verse 19.   now the works of the flesh are evident which  are idolatry fornication uncleanness lewdness   verse 20 idolatry and I want you to underline  this sorcery some translation says divination   and others say witchcraft works of the flesh are  and we see the works of the flesh it mentions the   the drinking it mentions the hatred it mentions  the idolatry fornication and it's interesting that   one of the works of the flesh is witchcraft and so  the three shades of witchcraft number one is work   witchcraft as a work of the flesh meaning it's  not something demonic it's something fleshly where   witchcraft in the core of sorcery or  witchcraft is being able to control   another person and witchcraft as fleshly  or as work of the flesh manifests itself   in three different ways one is  manipulation intimidation and domination and these three are works of the flesh and  they are evident everywhere in the life today   in every sphere of the world whether it's in  politics sometimes even in church sometimes in   the household especially manipulation women  know how to do this really good kids are   experts at manipulation when a kid is very  young it manipulates the parents they know   it comes with the mother's milk why because  witchcraft is the religion of the fallen humanity   it's the work of the flesh where we  manipulate other people sometimes women   do it with their tears sometimes children  they do it with crying also uncontrollably   just to be able to twist the arm of  the parent twist the arm of the husband   to do whatever they want husbands  are really good at intimidation many times that's done in the government  many times as done in the company   it could be even done in the church where one  particular person who is very controllable   and that control it it's not a personality it's  the work of the flesh and behind that is demonic   forces that are at work no marriage can succeed if  witchcraft is in the center no church will succeed   if pastors control their people or if there is  someone who has a gift from God and uses that gift   as a way to get their agenda pushed through the  pastor and control the pastor that's witchcraft   no business will succeed if  the employees or the employer   will look to control another person because that  is not a blessing and that is not a gift or a   skill it doesn't give you a right because  you have more degrees than a speedometer   to control another person it's just simply  demonic and that is the work of the flesh   amen many people that use that in relationships  and that use that in church where they will   look whatever they can to control another person  and we have to understand as Christians today   that that is not from God amen God called us to  honor other people's will honor other people's   choice even if that hurts us or hurts them  imagine how respectful God is to our choice   lovingly he allows us even to go to hell  but he will not violate our free choice   anything that violates your free choice anything  that subdues that controls that is from the devil   it is not from the Holy Spirit amen  and that is one side of this spiritual   thing called witchcraft number two the shade  of witchcraft which is a spiritual force   this is demonic it's people who practice who are  witch doctors sorcerers people who cause spells   people who send dark forces and who want to  control other people's lives through the act   of sorcery and through the act of the dark  spirits and through the act of all of these   ungodly things and these things exist everywhere  we were in Seattle just a week and a half ago   and right in the center of be right before the  space needle on the corner a little place where   you can come and you can have your future being  read you can come and you can cause cast spells   and today and that's very popular  in our movies most selling movies   in America today almost every weekend some kind  of a movie comes out that really hits high has   to do with witchcraft and magic and I know that  those are movies but what it does is it causes   our culture to be okay with the terminology  and ideology of casting spells and witchcraft   and then when people hear speaking  in tongues they have a heart attack   somebody falls on the floor and their blood  pressure rises demon speaks to somebody ah   that's from the devil really and you can watch  six harry potter movies in a row and that's normal   the devil is a liar and that is the work of  the devil so the enemy wants to desensitize our   culture to cause it to be okay with the darkness  but hate the light amen and I'm gonna bring it   down to the work the work of the devil forces the  witchcraft one the first one a is witchcraft which   is a spiritual power that operates by spells  and curses and this is very clearly evident in   balaam when balaam was hired by balak to curse  Israelites so that he can defeat them in battle   these guys knew spiritual world better  than sometimes a lot of preachers today   instead of going to battle they first hire a  sorcerer and for those of us we have to understand   balaam was one of those guys that sometimes he was  open to the Holy Spirit but because of his greed   and because of his not having being born again he  was open to the demonic spirits and he would cast   spells as a sorcerer upon certain countries and  then his king would go and defeat those countries   and that's exactly how it happened with Israel  balak hired him and says we'll give you money   if you cast some spells you can pronounce some  curses and then balaam was not let go by God   and then eventually he you know maneuvered his  way and decided to go and when he went there   it's interesting that God didn't let him curse  Israel Israel was sleeping they didn't even know   there's some kind of a guy on the mountain trying  to curse them Israel had problems to their throats   yet when balaam stood to curse them he says I see  no iniquity in Jacob because God in the spiritual   world pulled the curtain and said balaam you're  only going to see what I show you and when I show   you the righteous you can't curse them I already  blessed them ah this gives me a lot of comfort   there can be witches wizards warlocks and witch  doctors and everybody they can fast and pray and   do all kinds of herbs and all kinds of smells but  I can sleep like a baby because during the night   God the Spirit puts a curtain over my life I might  not even know it and protects you and protects me amen I remember I was uh reading once a  story about he came to set the captives free   Rebecca Brown discouraged every one of you from  reading the book and uh but because it's very   intense about the spiritual battle and so after I  finished reading the book I read it in a setting   in one setting it was three in the morning I felt  I was living at the time I had my own room I was   living to my parents and I felt like every witch  in the world was lurking at the window of my house   because your senses you become so aware of the  spiritual world that you literally became become   to be afraid and so I was about 17 or 19 years  of age I was really really intimidated and at   the time I went to sleep and and I said Jesus  you got to help me out because it's kind of   embarrassing I'm a youth pastor go to my parents  and ask my parents to you know to sleep with me   plus I know the Bible I know Your authority and  Your power and but I'm scared because I read this   book about spiritual warfare and at that time  I remember the verse where the Bible says the   Lord is my shepherd I shall not walk I shall not  want and it says that His staff it comforts me   and his rod it comforts me and being young  person I didn't put too much theological   preferences on it I only imagined this Jesus is  a shepherd and His stick is to beat the wolves   so in my mind I drew a mental picture that as I'm  going to sleep I see Jesus standing with the rod   and any witch that will come into my room he will  beat them out of my room and that's the image I   planted in my mind and that's with that image I  fell asleep and no it might not be theologically   correct but honestly it's spiritually applicable  when you sleep during the night you have to   understand is that there are spiritual forces  they seek to curse even right now there are   spiritual forces that are surrounding so that our  president will be assassinated there are prayers   being gathered by witches to bring him down there  are there are prayers that will be gathered even   against your family against the pastors in our  city to bring them down the spiritual people who   know the spiritual world will do that but we take  comfort not in the fact that we pray more or fast   more but in the fact that when we rest and not  even aware of who's trying to cast something on us   there is a God and he covers us with this precious  blood come on somebody come on you're clapping   like you don't know what I'm talking about we know  that God is on our side can somebody say a man   and this lady he was she was describing in  this book how one time she was writing a book   about someone that she was delivering from  demons who happen to be the wife of satan's   whole deep storm not going to go into it but  they used one episode where during the night   these witches they decided to attack the house of  a Christian this house that had a lot of children   very wonderful family they decided to gather up  the witches they came out of their bodies and   they tried to go into spiritual world and come  and attack the house of these christians caused   some kind of a fight some kind of a stir and as  they came out of their body they got all prayed   up and worked up and everything as they were going  out they came to their house really late at night   and lo and behold they saw a wall of giant figures  surrounding them and both of these figures had   swords on both ends and they surrounded the  house literally like some invisible bodyguard   and they tried to cast their spells on these  forces and these giant figures the more spells   they cast the weaker they came until they got  so weak they quickly ran into their body in a   spiritual world they came back to their body and  the next day demons were punishing them for being   defeated and this lady who was serving satan she  describes she says she was explaining to demons   that we can't defeat them why are you punishing us  you should give us more power he says that's how   demonic kingdom works one they can defeat you and  number two they get punished for not defeating you why do you think demons don't want to leave people  why do you think they hold on to every bit of   him because that demon every demon that leaves a  person will face a judgment by satan first himself   because he let them go and that's one of  the reasons we have to stand our ground   and understand we are on the Lord's side  God is on our side we may not be perfect   we will never be Israel wasn't perfect but in the  eyes of the enemy God closes the curtain and only   lets the enemy see the blood of Jesus Christ and  we are protected because somebody shout hallelujah the second part under the spiritual  force of witchcraft is divination   divination is pretty much similar to divination  is pretty much similar to that we see a girl   being possessed with a spirit of divination  in book of acts 16 16. and this girl she was   there in the city of Philippi and the demon  that came out of her in some of our Bibles it   says actually in original it says spirit not  of divination but spirit of python spirit of   python it's very interesting i've read something  that the spirit of python was a python serpent   the greek mythology believed the python serpent  guarded the oracle of Delphi until Apollo slew it   and then took the name python the word was later  applied to governor soothsayers inspired by Apollo   we have to understand one thing everything about  greek mythology it's not mythology it's demonology   when I was younger I just thought I'm like my  goodness people just came up with cool names and   cool stories zeus and lightning and everything  and then when you watch the deliverances and   we watch the deliverance first first I saw that  is with Bob Larson and I realized that actually   all of them are demon names but all the fights the  war that's going on in the greek mythology it's   actually demonology it's actually what happens  in the demon world and and those things are not   naive they're not just cute ideas about the past  these are demonic these people didn't worship   zeus they worship Satan they didn't worship you  know these Diana and so many other goddesses   these were demons they were tormenting people's  lives and it's literally evident this girl she had   a demonic spirit python who you know just these  were the people who practice sorcery in that day   and that demonic spirit I want you to see  something how witchcraft is dangerous because   this girl she was not saying anything wrong what  she was saying was true but it wasn't the truth   what she was saying was true but it was  provocative and we see that Paul was   provoked in his spirit she was saying these  are the servants of Most High God they're   here to declare the Word of God that's not  false that was true but this is where the   trickiness about the spirit of divination and  the snake is the sometimes people get it right   sometimes people get people who have this kind  of demonic spirit in their life they they're more   likely to get dreams visions and even prophetic or  some kind of a words and they sometimes get them   right and if you're not a person who lives in the  Word of God you will get quickly fooled by that   stuff and then controlled by this stuff I had this  happen to me numerous of times at first I was very   immature and I fell prey to it or somebody gave  a word that totally messed up my life for that   first few months completely disoriented me  and then what it did is that person gained   authority over my my life because now everything  they say I have to rearrange my life to it   and then the Word of God takes the back seat  and literally I knew it was divination and just   because somebody put some spiritual words behind  it that doesn't mean anything when i was a little   bit older similar happened again this time people  had visions for me and these visions were very bad   and people like that they had their visions come  true all the time and those are the most dangerous   when they come and they gave you a resume like  everything i see happens let me tell you what i   see about you I was like oh no and then they tell  you everything bad and you're like oh Jesus what   am I going to do with that and if you are mature  and you live by faith not by somebody's nightmares   a righteous man lives by not by someone's dreams  not even by your own dreams prophecy words of   knowledge are important they're great but we  live by the word of god and so what I would do   is I would take that I'll say thank you and then I  would just pray about it and if I don't feel right   I put a way back and some of those people that  would give those words later on they would be   delivered in the conferences we would have and you  will be shocked what spirit would come out of them   spirit of python and I'm like i'm glad I didn't  rearrange my life over some kind of a word that   you got in your nightmare be very careful because  this stuff is especially we are church that is   open to the words of god visions and dreams and  everything be very careful on who you follow   on facebook just because somebody puts a prophet  before their name that doesn't make them a prophet   we have a church today who is very open today  on facebook there is more prophets than users   everybody is a prophet and I respect we respect  the prophets I mean you see in our church we   invite them the apostles and everything  but not everything on facebook and not   everybody the emails and rights or calls  is the one that we should follow because   a lot of times the enemy will get a grip of  your life and control your life you know how   python kills its victims not not by venom by  surrounding it and squeezing life out of them   what the first thing the enemy will do he will  use those kind of people to squeeze your trust   in the basic truth of the Bible and you will be  fishing for the latest and the greatest prophecy   and you will no longer be living by this but you  will be twisted and moved by around by all kinds   of doctrine and that stuff is dangerous church  that's why we have to stand on what God says we   welcome prophecies we welcome words of knowledge  we welcome visions dreams and we sort that out   we pray the truth but we stand on the word of  God what god says it settles it in Jesus name the third thing is sorcery sorcery so witchcraft  divination and sorcery and sorcery is what works   by objects charms music and drugs the new  testament greek word translated sorcery is   foreign which is a source of our english word  for pharmacy in Paul's day word this word was   primarily meant dealing with poison or drug use  and was applied to divination and spell casting   because sorcerers often use drugs along with  their incantation and um so what happened is that   you you see this in TB Joshua's church many times  or in Africa where people would say native doctors   or they would say uh these doctors that they would  people go in who'd used medicine and witchcraft   in combination and so that's what happens with  sorcery it's interesting that in revelations   it says revelations 9 verse 21 it says that in  the last days the people who practice sorcery   will be destroyed the word sorcery in that word  is actually drugs I genuinely believe yet drugs   you know weed has become legal in our state I want  you to know this it's a legal open door to demonic   I want you to read I want to read something to you  from uh Bob Larson's blog in hinduism marijuana   which is in their language called ganga has been  used to worship the demon of death and destruction   for thousands of years but Larson said I have  confronted possessed people who never practiced   eastern religions bhagat shiva and other hindu  demons like kali jezebel by taking a joint Chinese thousand has a long belief that inhaling  marijuana is a way to communicate with spirits and   tell fortunes in pagan norse organism pot has been  used to invoke freyja which is another form of   jezebel a demon that Bob says he often dealt with  when ministering to those of Scandinavian descent   pot was important to celtic druids when practicing  witchcraft tantic buddhism employs pot as well as   sikhism in many religions of the world where  witchcraft is implied weed is involved it's legal   open door to demonic I understand some of you  may be here today this is not to judge and to   guilt-ship anybody it's for those of us who've  been delivered to know what we got delivered from   you didn't just get delivered from smoking grass  you got delivered from the demonic oppression   that's why mark your life see that the moment  weed came in so did the poverty lower grades   bad relationships immorality and so many other  things it's not just it's not just the marijuana   that brought that there was other spiritual forces  that came in one out of six people that drinks the   smokes weed gets introduced to heavier drugs I've  had friends that I knew that I lost them to death   because of weed started with weed they convinced  themselves it will never go further it went into   heavier drugs and their life got destroyed first  they lost their mind they lost everything they   heard everyone around them and then the enemy  took their life I do believe that the chief   way that satan gets into people's lives  in America and especially in our city   is through drugs yeah we may not  be practicing white and black magic   but through this stuff you may say  but I don't feel demon possessed   no satan is a thief thief is only as successful as  his ability to penetrate your life being anonymous do you think satan will come to you after you  smoke a joint and says I'm a devil I came to   get you of course not it would make him dumb and  he's not dumb he is crafty and he is sneaky and   he is crazy and so if I know that some people  maybe have to take you may say well but it's   for medicine purposes get a hike for medicine  purposes get some sleep for medicine purposes   go to prayer line if you have such a depression  that you need to smoke it out not at the expense   of relieving one problem to create another problem  satan gives with one hand and with another hand   he takes what your life depends on and so yes  it's legal in our state but it's a legal door   in a spiritual world against the principalities  and forces of darkness and for those of us who   got delivered from that stuff we are glad that  Jesus Christ delivered us from that spirit in   Jesus name because somebody say amen and if you  are here today and you are addicted to that and   you may say you know what after service today  we're gonna we're gonna pray but afterwards you   will be able to come and we'll have pastors here  we'll be able to minister to you minister this   freedom if you want to be free Jesus will set you  free if you don't want to be free Jesus will never   be able to set you free because Jesus will only  set you free from your enemies not your friends   if you make drugs your friends he can set you  free they are yours for life you know have fun   and get high but if you want if you're tired of  it and you say I cannot be free on my own i just   need help from god god will help you church will  help you in Jesus name because somebody say amen   and the last thing the last shade is the  witchcraft in the church witchcraft in the church   Galatians chapter 3 and we're going to  come to a close after read the scripture   Galatians chapter 3 verse 1 2 and 3. of foolish  Galatians who has bewitched you bewitched you   that you should not obey the truth before whose  eyes Christ Jesus was clearly portrayed among you   as crucified this only thing I want to learn  from you did you receive the Spirit by works   of the law or by hearing of faith bewitched  in greek it means an evil eye it means when   there was an obscured revelation or obscured  vision now of Jesus crucified it's when satan   does his best to remove from the upfront of our  vision Jesus and his cross Jesus and his cross   for one reason were three reasons why satan this  is called witchcraft where satan wants to remove   and put all self-help anything that could replace  the power of the cross cross is not cute you know   we have made it romantic in the 21st century  you wear a little crucifix but imagine carrying   electric chair on your chain it's brutal we had  a chance to go see one of the places where they   believe that Jesus was crucified what shocked  me is when they pulled out history and they said   romans didn't crucify people on hills  they crucified them on intersections   and the busiest highways so that the most  people can see the crucifixion and the people   be terrified to rebel against the roman regime by  looking at these victims and never ever dare to   oppose roman empire the fact that they put the  writing over Jesus's head indicates he wasn't   crucified on some distant hill as we see in the  passion of the christ and they show us the place   where most likely yes everything there in Israel  is a hill but most likely it was in a place that   there was a huge traffic and Jesus stood there  bleeding Isaiah says unrecognizable as a human   thick scored thick thick thorns were driven into  his skull and nails everywhere and that wasn't   romantic that wasn't good that was shameful and  that God used to crush the kingdom of darkness   that God used to become the  message of Christianity that's   why Paul says to greeks it's foolishness to a jews  they're saying it's nonsense but he says to us   it's the power of God and no we don't see the  crucifixions today and we don't have to be   constantly reminded of the gruesome of that event  but we're reminded of the benefit of that event   the cross is the way to heaven the cross  is the heavens way to us the cross is the   license for my healing the cross is the license  from a joy and not only to get sat but to live   a saved life as a pastor as a church member  as a stay home mom as a politician as a police   officer as an unemployed person the cross is my  only source of victory does somebody say amen all the benefits come through the cross cross  is the means of satan's total defeat cross is   the only source for our living some of you heard  my unfortunate story before going to Israel I was   very careful to check my wife's passport make  sure it's not expired but of course I wouldn't   check mine because mine never gets expired until  I got to the airport and I realized that they told   me I can't go to Israel and I said why I have  my bags already packed I got my cameras ready   i got everything prepared I am dressed for Israel  we got a whole team i'm leading a team that's what   I said I wasn't really leading a team but I was  leading a team i am ready to go to Israel and they   said you can't go because of one thing because  your passport is not correct passport and I felt   like the man in the bible who got sent from the  feast because he didn't have the wedding garments and there in the Pasco airport  disappointed and heartbroken   I realized there are certain places you can't  go without a passport you can't go to healing   without the passport of the blood you can't go  to salvation without the passport of the blood   and see blood of Jesus is your passport  to living a successful life it's not your   bachelor's degree it's not your virginity it's  not the fact you went to church all your life   it's not the fact your mama and your papa was  christians it's not because your grandpa was a   pastor maybe all of that stuff is non-existent  in your family history if you got a passport   called the blood of Jesus Christ you qualify for  a successful life people will look at you and say   I worked harder than you you say yes but I got a  passport for a successful life they say but I went   to college and you got that job because the blood  of Jesus Christ is not only paying for my sin it's   the source for my life because somebody's saying  man hallelujah how many of you got a passport this   morning how many you believe you're going to live  a better life than ever ever you thought before   how many of you you believe that because of the  blood you will aim for what you don't deserve
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Views: 39,377
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Keywords: witchcraft, dangers of witchcraft, witchcraft spells, witchcraft is dangerous, how to get deliverance of witchcraft, witchcraft act, learn witchcraft, free from witchcraft, occult and witchcraft, end of the world, prayer against witchcraft, breaking witchcraft curses, breaking family witchcraft, prayer to break witchcraft curses, secrets of the occult, word of god, jesus, deliverance, demons, mythology, demonology, bob larson, isaiah saldivar, alexander pagani
Id: pLSnObYor_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 1sec (2401 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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