Don't be Afraid, Fear God! | Pastor Vlad

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I want to dive into a topic that is not  rarely discussed in church and especially   even by me the topic of the fear of God I want to  title this today don't be afraid fear God I know   it's a contradiction but don't be afraid fear God  the idea of fear of the Lord is very confusing for   some people because some people are saying how  can you love God and fear him at the same time   the bible says love casts out fear why this bible  expects us to fear the Lord and love the Lord it's   very simple how can you fear someone you deeply  love you can understand that when you get married how you would love this person deeply and be  terrified of them at the same time fear of   the Lord is not being scared of God it's living  with the awareness of his presence that causes us   to change how we live if you ever seen a police  officer on the road how many of you know that if   you're not aware that the police officer is on  the road on the side your driving is by grace the signs are there but they're for other people   they're not for you because you're in  a hurry because you have your own rules   and the police officer doesn't change anything  until you become aware of the police officer   then quickly grace goes out of the window and  the law steps in you quickly you slow down you   right away check buckle up you turn off your phone  and then prayer language starts Father God in the   name of Jesus Mary anybody out there just kind  of Lord I promise and then you begin to make   vows you begin to make promises your driving  changes you go from a reckless by grace driver   to a person who obeys the law your heart begins  to beat you're not scared that the person is   going to do something bad to the police officer  you're just simply scared you're just scared   a little bit and that changes your driving now  God is not your police officer he is the father   but when you live with the awareness  of his presence your driving changes   your talking changes how many of you had a morning  when you spent time with the Lord and you felt   overwhelming presence of his you felt like you  were walking on water after that your spouse was   nicer you were nicer to them that you didn't  beat the dog didn't curse the cat everything   around you just seemed a little bit better  you walked out with a different attitude why   because when you live with the awareness of  God's presence you will always live speak and   have a different attitude and my friend  that is the fear of God come on somebody fear of God is an incredible respect and reverence  growing out of the greatness and the power of God   young people especially always ask this question  of me and they'll probably ask of you how can I   have the fire of God I just want to have a fire of  God and I hope they don't mean by have a hype for   God but have this burning desire for God I always  tell young people this don't seek the fire of God   seek the fear of God anytime you have a fear of  the Lord you will always have the fire of God   the fire of God is not emotionalism the fire of  God is not hype the fire of God is not having   an outburst of passion for God that lasts for the  weekend the fire of God is not having a one night   stand with God the fire of God is not having a  weekend custody where God has a weekend custody   of you and and then the rest of the week you  live as you own the fire of God it comes out   of the fear of the Lord that causes you to run  from sin and run after him because somebody's amen I’m gonna have four points today I didn't  preach for a few weeks so it accumulated the first thing if you have your notes or if  you're watching us on livestream you can write   below is this is the fear of the Lord is not the  same as being scared of God being scared of God   is not the same as the fear of the Lord you don't  have to read very far into the Bible third chapter   of the book of the bible and you will see a man  scared of God Adam hid because the scripture says   I heard your voice in the garden and I was afraid  because I was naked and I hid myself my friend   that is not fear of the Lord that is being scared  of God because the one who is afraid of God hides   from God the one who has the fear of God hides  in God and there's a world of difference John   bouvier said the fear of God is not being afraid  of God it's being afraid of being away from God   that will preach the fear of God is not being  scared of God it's being afraid of being away from   God in exodus chapter 20 verse 18 and I’m gonna  read the four verses I want you to listen to these   verses very carefully as I read now all the people  witnessed thundering’s the lightning flashes the   sound of a trumpet and the mountain smoking and  when the people saw it they trembled and stood   far off verse 19. then they said to Moses you  speak with us and we will hear do not let God   speak with us lest we die in verse 20 and Moses  said to the people do not fear for God has come   down to test you that his fear may be before you  that you may not sin so people the Israel were   scared because who wouldn't be when almighty God  came on the mountain and the mountain is shaking   and not two smoke machines I’m talking  about real smoke not control behind the   sound booth by a man like Ryan fink but  a smoke controlled by angels in heaven   and the mountain is shaking there's the lightnings  and the people are standing far foreign and saying   Moses go talk to God because we don't want to  hear when he starts speaking imagine what's   going to happen and I want you to see what Moses  says he says God is doing that but don't be afraid   why so you can have his fear they were  scared but that's not the fear of God you   know who had a fear of God Moses because he  went into that thundering he went into that   scary place because the fear of the Lord always  draws you close being scared of God pulls you away   verse 21 it says the people stood far off but  Moses drew near the thick darkness where God was   and I’m going to coin a quote by John  Bevere he said the one who is afraid of God   stays at a distance the one who fears  God stays close the big difference   between the fear of God is it draws you close  being scared of God keeps you at a distance   being scared of God is one of the first  signs you don't have his fear because his   fear pulls you in and I’m going to explain it a  little bit so for those of you who are like man   I grew up with an abusive father or maybe I grew  up with an abusive authority and now the fear of   God the last thing I need is to hear about that  it's actually really good for you stay tuned my problem personally that  I see among Christians today   myself included many of us have a relationship  with God we lack reverence for him we're going to heaven but living in hell we flirt with sin instead of fleeing sin  we can speak in tongues 300 miles per hour   and our lives many times don't resemble any  different than the people we work with and   the people that we hang out with for and  it's not that we don't have a relationship   with God it's that we lack reverence  for the God we have relationship with who we revere is our governors who we review  is our doctors because when the doctor calls   you and they said you got positive covet you  don't even think second time is it true or not   yes I’m sick when God says you're healed  you're like nah we don't tremble before his   word we tremble before sir and I’m not saying  to doubt doctors I’m not saying to disrespect   the authorities what I’m saying is that we  have reverence for everything that moves accept God but the God we have relationship  with its lovey-dovey thing oh I love him   my friend that is awesome but your Christian life  can really have an upgrade if you go from having   relationship with God and take a step higher and  have a reference for him you will tremble at his   word you will honor his presence you will live  with the awareness of who he is in your life my friend your view of sin is going to change your  view on the immorality is going to change your   view and the world is going to change having the  fear of God is not the same as being scared of God   having the fear of God is a good thing you're  drawn to him you have a reverence you have   a deep respect you have a an awe you tremble  before his word what his word says that settles   it for you it brings calm to you and you are then  number two free from every other fear of the Lord   removes every other fear fear of the Lord gives  you freedom not to panic not to be timid and   not to be terrified fear of the Lord is amazing  because fear of the Lord especially at this hour   frees us Jesus said in Matthew chapter 10 verse  28 he says do not fear those who kill the body   but cannot kill the soul rather fear him who  is able to destroy both soul and body in hell every person watching us right now and sitting  in this room will have fear in their life   we just have to choose which fear we're going  to have you will never be able to live without   fear my friend mark my words you will just  have to choose which fear you want to have   you can have a fear of the Lord or fear of being  single all your life you can have fear of the Lord   or fear of bankruptcy you can have fear of the  Lord or fear of cancer you can have fear of the   Lord or fear of covet you can have fear of the  Lord or fear of being rejected the fear of never   utilizing your dreams the fear of not being  accepted you can choose your fear my friend   but it's not possible to remove fear you can only  replace it and it's time to put fear in its place   put the right fear in our life so that we walk  with the fear of the Lord does that mean that all   other things don't matter does that mean that we  are reckless does that mean that we walk through   the valley of the shadow of death with a smile  on our face sometimes no but we fear no evil   that's why the Lord says 365 times do not be  afraid do not fear but the same God says the   reason why we can not be afraid of everything  else around us is because we have a greater fear   that consumes all other fears consumes all other  fear every other fear is consumed by the fear of   God the fear of death is consumed by the fear  of God because you know life will end whether   you die out of sickness or you die at full age it  will still end and you stand before a mighty God   the fear of failure is consumed because you know  in Christ you're more than a conqueror the fear   of loneliness is consumed because you know he who  raised Christ from the dead lives inside of you   the fear of my life will mean nothing Allah have  no significance is consumed when you know for I   know the thoughts that I think of you says the  Lord the thoughts of good and not of evil to   give you hope and the future the fear of the Lord  consumes all other fears if you are consumed with   the fear of sickness if you're consumed with the  fear that somebody will betray you your spouse   will cheat on you your kids won't have a change  if you're consumed with the fear I’ll never get   married everybody else is getting married if  you're consumed with the fear that you know what   my business will not take off because I got full  load and that I’m gonna go bankrupt I want to give   you another fear a good fear today please swap  fears replace fears don't just try to remove it   because some other fear will come in put another  fear that will push everything else out my God now all the people in exodus chapter  1 verse 17 it says but the midwives   fear God and did not do as the king of Egypt  commanded them but saved male children alive   for those of you who maybe maybe  it's a little bit harder for you   to swallow how can we have service  and defiance to the governor's orders this is just our collective  maybe not every person's   inclusive in this place but we're not scared we have a fear I have a fear that beats in  my heart and this is not a fear of a governor   and even covet we have a fear midwives the bible  says they feared God and they saved children   against the governor's orders because at that time  what would be honoring the pharaoh would be to   kill children and so today I want to let you know  that God wants you to live in the fear of the Lord   and you will be free from the fear of man  you will be free from the field of failure   failure you will be free from the fear of  disappointment you will be free I’m not saying   you won't feel that fear you won't be paralyzed by  that fear because the bible says in proverbs 29 25   it says the fear of man brings a snare and whoever  trusts in the Lord shall be saved see because when   I fear God I trust in God I trust in God to  provide for me I trust in God to protect me I   throw myself in the mercy and the grace of God and  I say God I will tremble before your word I will   honor your presence and God I am not disrespecting  man I just refuse to be paralyzed by men I don't   want to be ensnared by a man or by my past or by  my future because he who fears God will be safe   somebody say amen my friend whoever  you fear that is truly who you revere who you fear is who you revere many believers have a relationship  with God but they only revere men because if somebody sends them a call if  they see that person texting shortness of   breath your palms are sweating and you become  scared your boss your ex or maybe your present   your spouse your child your  employees your co-workers while we have a relationship with God but truly  we revere man I want to love men and live your God   I want you to love God and revere God so  then you can be free to serve men without   seeking to please them because whoever  you revere you will always seek to please   and God never called us to please men  he called us to love them you can't love   someone you depend on you can't love someone  like that be free to serve them if you need   constantly something from them and their approval  you're pound behind them you become their servant   and their slave become their slave not their  servant I’m sorry God wants us to revere God   not to be afraid of man not to be afraid of the  future not to be afraid of the past and not to be   afraid of other people the best way to overcome  fear is not to remove it but to replace it William Gernell said we fear men so  much because we fear God so little we fear the future so much  because we fear God so little   I am not saying that we will be reckless I am not  saying we will be without concern without caution   but when you fear God you can look boldly  in your future people have went through   worse my friend people who followed Christ  before us have faced very uncertain things   right now they're facing very challenging things  all around the world what caused these people not   to deny their faith when they looked at 20  30 50-year prison sentence what caused them   to not still deny the Lord it was one quality  my friend and it's not a relationship with God   it's a reverence for God because believers  today have a relationship with God on Sunday   and they go to a nightclub on Saturday they  live sin they come in all kinds of things and   they come and say Jesus loves me this I know  he does you just don't have reverence for him   and God wants us not just to have a relationship  with him he wants us to have the reverence for   him number three the fear of the Lord causes me  to flee sin having relationship with God only   causes me to flirt with sin the difference between  someone who has a fear of God and someone who has   only relationship with God is in how they  react to sin and temptation we all get tempted   we all fall into sin and Satan has access to  every single person in a sense to cause us   to feel tempted if we only have relationship with  God we will flirt with sin if we have reverence   for God we will flee sin when I say flirt with  sin I mean this it's when Christians us we say   things like how close to sin can I get without  going to hell it's kind of like me coming to my   wife and say hey babe how close to cheating on you  can I get without committing adultery what do you   think she's gonna say it's like oh yeah just as  long as you kiss but don't do like French kissing   hold hands but don't in like interject the  thing with the fingers just like like this   and then if you go for a coffee make sure that  it's not after 9 pm other than that I’m fine   how many of you know that woman if my wife  is say that we have a problem in a marriage   because real marriage the man should  be afraid to bring that question up   there should be a fear of your  wife to think that question   and that's exactly why when a Christian comes  and say things like hey how close to sin can   I get without committing sin that tells  me there is no fear of God there already   because when you are in love with God you  understand God doesn't want to be the first   out of many lovers he wants to be your only one  God doesn't want to be the first among many idols   he wants to be the only one in your life and  therefore the question to God is Lord how can   I be closer to you that I don't have a desire for  sin that I run from that thing that I don't have   an appetite for that thing God how can I be closer  because man with a relationship has a reverence   for god come on somebody proverbs 16 6 it says in  mercy and truth atonement is provided for iniquity   and by the fear of the Lord one departs from evil  one of the reasons why Christians practice sin   indulge in sin and feel no remorse whatsoever  is for this reason no reverence for God   no fear of God and if you mark those Christians  closer you will see they're consumed by inferior   fears they're living in fear just the wrong one  they're still bound by fear that controls their   decisions that paralyzes them keeps them in a  snare that that leads them that fear is still   there oh they're not fearless they still fear  something except not someone who is worthy to   be revered and last thing I want to share is  lack of fear of God brings lots of foolishness   lack of the fear of God not only it causes me to  flirt with sin my lack of the fear of God causes   me to commit a lot of foolish decisions proverbs  1 7 fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom   beginning of knowledge but fools despise wisdom  and instruction most of us learn somebody said   he said that wise people learn from other  people's mistakes smart people learn from   their own mistakes and foolish don't learn at all  I would like to paraphrase that wise people learn   from God's word smart people learn from their  mistakes and foolish people don't learn at all   to avoid foolishness in life you don't need to  have a degree you just need to have humility to avoid foolishness in life if you're a teenager  right now listening very carefully listen very   carefully it's very simple read book of proverbs  every single chapter has this thing listen to your   mom and your dad stay away from bad friends and  don't have sex until you get married and have only   sex with one person these four rules will keep  you away from jail even if you don't have a degree   you will have money in your life you will stay  away from heartbreak there is going to be no   need for child support there is going to be no  need for divorce lawyers there is going to be   no need to buy things you don't need with  money you don't have to impress people you   don't even like why because your parents in  the beginning will steer you in the right path   that only when you and I become 35 for like they  were right I wonder how much money I would have   saved if I would have not done this this this I  wonder how much on my heart would have still been   intact if I would have not dated him hang out  with them and my parents were telling me that   and the reason you and I don't obey our parents  is because we are too busy wanting to be smart   but in order to be smart you have to  make mistakes God wants you to be wise don't make mistakes you say but but  how will I learn God simple very simple   and trust me you live long enough you will  have many of your friends to learn and spy on   you say oh and I was tempted to death  so glad I listened to my mom and dad I look at back in my life I have a high school  diploma don't have anything above that I’m not   the smartest kid on the block I am not people  still make fun of me for writing a book writing   books and they're like you write books I’m  like yeah I think exactly the same I’m amazed   at myself sometimes because I’m like that's just  not me I’m not not a smart kid on the block but   I avoided a lot of foolishness in my life not  because I was smart it's because very simple   practical things that a lot of teenagers did not  do one of them is I listen to my mom and my dad   for a very long time I’m talking  about don't hang out with her   be at home at night and I’m 20  years old and I’m a youth pastor but I’m going to tell you one thing those years  passed quickly and I look back I didn't have   heartbreaks I didn't have debts I didn't have  those things and other friends who then tried   to go and get a master's degree and compensate I  overpass them surpass them not because I’m smart   not because I’m better not because my accused  better not at all in fact I’m the slowest   the only difference is this is what I found is  that God will give you wisdom beyond your years   if you fear him and the reason why  young people don't obey their parents   it's not because your parents are demanding and  not because your parents are hitler's siblings   it's because you lack the fear of God and  because the culture tells you be smart   my friend you don't have all of your life to make  all the mistakes your hardest to press is to break   it into million pieces you're not bill gates to  be able to waste all of your money on all the   wrong decisions you don't have your only God  short period of life you can't learn from every   mistake people have went before you and God  has documented in his word and if you choose   the fear of God yes you might not be the smart  in the beginning but wisdom trumps smartness wisdom trumps smartness because you will see  a person who is maybe very respected in the   community have a particular cleverness in this  one area but you see they can't put the marriage   together you see them they're even maybe doing  a hard surgery on people or they're a lawyer an   attorney went through so many years for college  and you're realizing six four relationships   already children from different countries and  you're like why is this person so smart here   because being smart and being wise are a big  difference because wisdom comes from the fear   of God smartness comes from university and  smartness comes from experience and smartness   comes from watching YouTube videos smartness  comes from taking online courses smartens come   from oops I did it I’m not going to do that again  that is where smartness comes in but wisdom comes   God says don't do it you're like but I want to  my friends are doing it everybody is doing it   but God I trust you you're not trying to hurt  me you're not trying to steal my fun you're not   trying to destroy my life God i trust you God I  fear you God I will place my life in your hands   God I want to follow you and God says I’m  going to protect you from this dumb mistake   don't mistake that crazy person that crazy  person I know you don't have this and you don't   have that because I will add as a bonus what other  people are seeking as I go oh my God Jesus my God   God will add as a bonus what other people  seek as a goal that's wisdom you know joseph   was a man who was very smart in the eyes of the  world pharaoh called joseph whom can I find who   has a spirit of God in him joseph had a gift of  translating dreams but I want you to notice one   thing that joseph used to describe himself when  his brothers came joseph said this then joseph   said to them the third day do this and live for I  fear God the secret of joseph's wisdom the secret   of not flirting with Potiphar’s wife when he  had no accountability partner no software on his   computer and his phone to track his purity life no  bible teacher to remind him that that immorality   leads to poverty and leads to bad things nobody  nothing was there how could a teenager a young man   good looking young man who was rejected by his  family who had the same appetites that you and   I have who have the same urges that you and  I have he had the same flesh but he ran from   sin instead of flirting with sin how can a man do  that and he didn't have the Holy Spirit like we do   did not know the blood like we do did not have  a church like we do and there's one thing joseph   uses to characterize himself I fear God in  jail I served other people because I fear God   when I had opportunities to commit immorality with  the person who actually wanted to sleep with me   not like some of you who are trying to  beg another person to sleep with you never mind that was for not for us not for  you guys on livestream that was for somebody   who'll be rewatching it 20 years down the road  joseph actually had a woman who wanted to sleep   with him and joseph said no where does he get  that I fear God and that's why when he had the   power and his brothers came in who caused him  harm and pain he didn't destroy them fear God   my friend the secret of your blessing is to have  wisdom and the secret of wisdom is to have the   fear of God maybe you were born on the right wrong  side of the tracks maybe you were never handed   anything that was good you may feel maybe you  feel like man but so many things are against me   fear God you will have wisdom you might  not be the smartest but you will be wise   and that wisdom will protect you from foolishness  and that alone will give you peace prosperity   and protection generally speaking there are  exceptions yes but generally speaking that alone   will give you time in the conclusion I look  over my parents lives my mom and my dad and   they don't know I’m gonna mention this but  I’m the oldest and uh so I’m gonna say it I might not be going home today  after church but I’m gonna say it   my dad and my mom you know they don't speak  very good English in in the united states   we moved 20 years ago I’ve watched them  they're quiet people most of you don't   um amount of them they're sitting right now  here with us they raised five children my dad   you know was never allowed to go to college  because he was a Christian when they found   out he was a Christian they didn't allow him  to go to college when he came to united states   he tried to get a job as electrician he couldn't  pass the test because he didn't speak well English   so he started to work for post office  and that's where he works my mom works   fixing and assembling wheelchairs both of them  are the most generous people I’ve met in my life   the top 10 givers in the church my parents are one  of them I have not had a birthday where my parents   did not give me a large sum of money we just had a  birthday a week ago my mom brought a gift with my   dad and then they brought a seed into the online  school they do that every time in the church for   over 15 years when we needed to fix anything in  the church after work while my dad was building   his house he will come here work here and manage  finances for 15 years when we offered to pay him   he always declined we have a lot of people today  who won't come to pick up a rock if you don't if   they don't give you an invoice and I’ve seen that  in my parents you know they just finished building   a house and this is just me being proud son of  my parents and they build that house for cash   my mom drives that red tesla it's hers she  doesn't know electronics and she drives a tesla they don't have education this is English is their  third language because Russian and Ukrainian and   I look at them and I said what is the secret if  I could use one word to summarize my parents and   that would be this they fear God I’ve seen them  you know they're very minimalistic people they   don't you know watch movies they don't go out to  eat they're very simple they focus on God they   focus on the church they focus on their family and  they focus on each other never seen my mom and dad   raise voice against each other and never seen  them you know threaten each other with divorce   they stayed as one couple for over 30 years they  focused on giving to church they're focused on   serving and I’ve seen God this quiet simple couple  God used God bless God raised and I watched that   and I said God I said God I have so many more  gifts I have so many more opportunities but God   I want to have that that they have because  I’ve seen people with opportunities and gifts   who will fall flat on the ground who will end  up in jail who will get who will do all of these   things their marriages fall apart because once  they get big they only maintain a relationship   with God and they lose reverence for God and I say  God no matter how big the ministry gets no matter   how much you enlarge my territory and influence  God my prayer is God i fear not to fear you I’ve seen it for 30 something years and  for 20 years living in the united states   going to school and kind of watching other  people's lives I see what the fear of God   brings and I see where education cleverness  good looks connections everything on the   outside without the fear of God where that  brings and I said God I fear not to fear you you can be impressed with my gift the  world can be impressed with my anointing   but I know one thing longevity and God's  blessing rests on those who fear the Lord   for his heavens are high above the earth so  great is his mercy toward those who fear him   he will bless those who fear the Lord both small  and great those of us who feel small God says I   will bless you if you fear me those of you who  are great God says I will bless you as well   he will fulfill the desires of those who fear  him he will also hear their cry and save them   the angel of the Lord encompass all around those  who read their bible and come to church on Sunday   no it says those who fear him and he delivers them  because somebody say man my desire church is not   to belittle anybody who's watching us through here  my desire this it's just my cry it's my prayer   I turned 34 a week ago and I I pray to God I said  Lord help one characteristic to stay with me until   I die and it's not my speaking it's not my writing  it's not a large church it's the fear of God if I   have his fear I’ll be wise I won't be doing shady  stuff if I have his fear even if nobody's watching   I will walk under his eye and under his protection  and God will give me wisdom and wisdom will always   lead the blessing amen I pray that over  you today that God will give you his fear   if you lost that if you're living a shady loose  life I pray to God he's going to convict you   right now I’m going to tell you one thing life  will punish you life in America will punish you   sin will punish you but God has a way of leading  people away from those foolishness things God just   I don't know he takes those people who are small  they seem like you're looking at them like they're   not going to make it and God says watch me and  God just guides them through them through death   through death that and then you look whoa what  happened to you you're like I’m surprised myself   those who fear him he blesses them with wisdom  even if they lack smartness cleverness they'll   never lack wisdom it's not about material things  it's about the issue of the heart if you lost the   fear of God if honestly like you have no reverence  for God whatsoever God is not trying to guilt-trip   you he just wants to wake you up today and I know  this message has woken you up and I know that I   just want you to just pray this prayer I know you  prayed before god give me a husband give me save   my children God give me a house give me this but  I want you to pray this prayer right now say God   fill me with your fear God give me your reverence  God I fear not to fear you in Jesus name
Channel: HungryGeneration
Views: 18,553
Rating: 4.9320002 out of 5
Keywords: don't be afraid of the gift god gives, afraid, do not be afraid, don't be afraid of the gift series, don’t be afraid of failure, not afraid, not afraid live, not afraid lyrics, eminem not afraid, not afraid jesus culture, leary, god fear, fear of god, do not fear, faith not fear, faith over fear, fear, no fear, praise, fear not, library, god dream, fight fear, jesus fear, bible fear, god failure, breaking generational curses, fear of death, inspiration, overcome fear
Id: B72CY0kmCMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 52sec (2152 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 03 2020
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