What is Pictory AI? 2023 Tutorial (Everything You Need to Know)

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what is Pick 3 AI everything you need to know three AI the platform that you can use to create videos through its text to video features in a matter of minutes you can create an awesome looking video that is based on your script in this video I'll show you how you can get started with Pick 3 how you can turn your script into a video as well as how you can add subtitles and how to edit your video with the help of AI so if you want to follow along this tutorial click the link below to sign up for a free trial there will be a discount code for you but more on that later now in Pick 3 AI you have four basic features you have your script to video then you have article to video edit video using text and visuals to video inscript to video you can upload your own script and it will be converted into a video using stock media if you don't have your script and you want to copy or replicate article or if you just want to build a video around the article that you wrote you can use the article to video feature and in this you don't have to copy and paste your article instead you can just paste the URL of your article and then have a video then you have the edit video using text now you can input video from any kind of source and you can edit it with text so if you're not certain how to edit videos you can easily use commands such as how to or add a sticker add a element such as that to edit your videos using text so you can cut portions you can also add your intros outros and more then you have visuals to videos so you can create a slideshow video using pre-existing images or short video clips that you already have and you can build a new longer video using your pre-existing clips now we're going to delve into how to actually use Pick 3 because Victory can be a little overwhelming if you're just starting out so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to go to script to video this type of tool is especially helpful if you're trying to create listicles or YouTube videos you guys can see that it is recommended for educational videos listical videos coaching videos and step-by-step guides so the first thing you want to do is click on proceed over here and then over here you're going to enter your video name now after that you're going to paste your script and just like that I have pasted my script now you will see that you will have your basic scene settings on the top right and you will have Auto highlight keyword now you can choose to turn this off and highlight your own personal preferred words or you can turn on auto highlight but to highlight your own words let's say I want to put emphasis on the Eiffel Tower so I'm just going to select this and then click on highlight to the top left now out you guys will see that the AI will use these highlighted words to find the best visuals now you will also see that these lines are pretty long these sentences won't be broken down seamlessly instead these would be added as they are so one thing you have to do is break down your sentences into more digestible bytes for your video so you want your captions to be one or two sentences long hence why you want to add enters or spaces between your script just like that so you guys can see this line is a little long art Enthusiast Rejoice let's say I only want this to be one scene I will simply click on enter and then the rest of the sentence will be moved down this is how your scenes are going to be split you can do this over here and you can later on do it as well but it's a little easier to do it over here now after that you will also see that victory has a spell check so if you've written it script and you haven't double checked it already you can see on the bottom left you have a spell check so mine already says yes because there are no mistakes but if you have any mistakes you can point them out and fix them over here now on the top left we have our scene settings and we have Auto visual selection turned on and after that we're going to click on proceed now once you do that your scenes will start getting generated so you want to make sure that you have broken down all of your scenes like this so any sentence that is too long needs to be broken down after that you will click on proceed now you guys can see that there are a myriad of templates available on Victory you guys can choose any template that you want you have a bunch of different options and color schemes within these options and I'm going to be using a simple template so I'm going to be using captions yellow but you can use any template that you want now after that you have to choose your aspect ratio show for us we're building a YouTube video so I'm going to be using 16x9 but if you want to build Instagram or YouTube shorts you can choose the other aspect ratios now after that our video will be generated so our storyboard is currently being built it takes a couple of seconds for our storyboard to be built so you guys can see that our video has been generated so now we're going to begin customizing our video you will see on your left you have your script and on your right you have a preview these scenes are going to be Auto selected by Pick 3 and sometimes the scenes cannot be befetting to what you wanted so if any of these scenes are different to what you anticipated or what you wanted you can easily change this as well so for example we have our scene one now this might look a bit too much for me so I can easily customize this to do that you can simply click on the scene that you want to edit then you can click on visuals on the left side of your screen and you can search for the particular type of visual that you want now after that once you have found the type of visual that you want you can just click on that particular Visual and it will be added to your scene and just like that a new visual has been added now usually pick 3 does a good job at picking out the good scenes that are befitting to our script however sometimes there can be some issues so if you don't like a scene you can easily customize it like so now you will see on your left you have a myriad of features you have your basic storyboard in this storyboard you can easily break down your scenes as well so if any scene is too long you guys can see these captions are too long I don't want them to be so long I can easily break these down now you have two way ways of breaking these down first off is that you can keep the same background and the captions would be a run-on caption or you can simply break them down and build a entirely new scene so to do that you will see your scene on the left side and you can move your cursor to the place where you want to split your scene like this and then once you have your cursor placed exactly where you want to split your scene you're going to click on the split scene option that appears right above your text box now after this your scene will be split and you will see that it has the same background you can choose to change the background to do that you can click on unlink scene on the top and once you do that this will become a separate scene and you can enter any kind of background you want so let's say I want to change the visuals on this like so now in this way you can break down your scenes if any of them are a bit too long so you guys can see this is also a little too long so I will click on story and then I will move my cursor over here and I will click on split scene like so so in this way our scenes have been split you can do this for any of the scenes that are too long or if you left out some parts in your script that are run-on sentences you can also break those down as well like this now just like that I have broken down the longer sentences and made them into more digestible bites now after that you guys can see that there are audio visual text elements and styles and other options so the first thing you can do with these kinds of videos is that you can add your own run-on text on the entire video so instead of having to add your YouTube title or any other information that you want to be displayed on your pick 3 videos you can easily we go into text click on add a heading or body text whichever one you want to add like this you can add the name and you can customize this text as well so you guys can see I can move it around and I'm going to make it smaller so you can go on to the top toolbar and then change the size like this now this is a little too small I'm going to resize it again this looks pretty good now after that you can also change the fonts and there are quite a few different fonts you can choose I'm going to choose this one and then you can make it bold you can also underline it strike through it you also have different font options so if you want all of your letters to be capital or all of them to be small now after that you have your basic alignment so I want this to be on the left and then you have the color so you can customize the color of the text as well as background and highlight color so I'm going to maybe make this yellow like like so this is going to be our text color and then in the background I don't want a background so I'm going to keep it transparent and then you have a highlight color if you want to add a highlight effect to your text like so I'm going to place this on the top left or the bottom left whichever one you prefer now after that a very essential element of any of these videos can be some other kind of visual element so if you want to add a picture within or if you want to add more visual elements you can go into the visual section and you will see that there are videos but if you want to add something different you can go into elements and in elements you have emoticons as well as chips and stickers that you can add so let's say I want to add a gif I'm going to search for butterfly and let's say I want to insert this GIF over here and I can insert that anywhere I want this will add a more Dynamic visual element in your your videos now after that you guys will have to add a voiceover to your video you can easily add a AI voiceover using Pick 3 and to do that simply click on audio on the left side once you do that you will have this bar over here and you want to click on voiceover you will see that you have filters as well so if you want a male or female voice as well as the speed of the voice and then you have quite a few different accents available you can pick out anyone that you want now you can check out and play around with these voices I'm going to be using this voice over here and I'm going to click on apply now you guys will see once you've added all of these elements one very crucial thing that is your scene duration so the scene duration is set on the top left of your preview board and the scene duration is going to be different for each scene now a very quick trick that I like to do is I like to set the scene duration to 1 and then I like to click on apply to all scenes now this actually is not set the scene duration to one instead it makes it very direct so as soon as the voiceover finishes the scene ends this helps in making sure that the flow of my video is very very smooth and there are no unnecessary breaks within the voiceovers so once you have added all of these elements and you are satisfied with the overall appearance of your video you can click on preview on the top right to get a basic preview of what your current video is looking like so I really like my video so far however I want to add a different kind of transition to my video so you can easily add different types of transitions simply by clicking on your storyboard on the bottom and you will find this option called add transition now you can add any type of transition there are quite a few different ones you can choose from so let's say I want it to be a smooth left like this now once you add your transition you can choose to apply to the entire video remove it or remove all transitions now I want this to be applied to my entire video so I will click on apply to entire video now this transition will be added to my entire video however scenes like this where the text is a run on text so this scene in which I have used one background scene and broken down the text the transition will not be applied because this is actually one scene with a longer text now once you are happy with your preview and you are satisfied with the overall appearance of your video you can generate your final preview and then simply download so we're generating our final preview let's do activities that will make you to the city of London so you guys just saw that these two scenes or these two text blocks are going in flow and there are no transitions in between so if you want a transition in between you can go back into your storyboard and unlink your scenes and then a transition will be added in between now I'm satisfied with the overall appearance of my video so I can click on download on the top right and download it as a video just like this and your video will be downloaded now after that this is not all that victory has to offer Victory actually has so much more that you can do you can easily convert a article to a video so we're gonna go ahead and make a video using a article now I'm going to take this article over here and I'm going to click on copy and then I'm just going to paste it over here click on proceed now you guys can see that articles can be be pretty long so pictures AI is actually taking the source article and it's building a summary or a more condensed version of that article so it's easier for it to convert it into a visual element so you guys can see that the AI powered summary is being built and the top 10 most beautiful places in Paris what to do in Paris if we had 10 places here are the ones that we would recommend Eiffel Tower Notre Dame the Lord of Museum Arc of Triumph under the spell of the ancient Romans okay so you can edit this from over here and you will see that it has extracted the key messages from here so if there's anything else you want to do you can simply click on that particular line and this line will be added to your text as well once you're satisfied you can click on next now from here you can proceed just as we did with our text to video video feature so from here you have your text ready and you can start choosing your template and make the rest of your edits now not only that but you can also edit videos using text so if you want to edit videos using text you can click on proceed over here and you can input a YouTube video link or upload your own video so I'm just going to upload my own video like this and then click on proceed so you guys will see that your video will be uploaded and from here you can get a automated transcription of your video so that basically means that whatever was said in your video will be transcribed and you can fix any mistakes then you also have removing filler words on your top so what this is is that when we're speaking we do a lot of um and oz so all of those filler words would be removed from your video then you have removed silences so in longer form videos there are a lot of silences so you can easily remove those by enabling these options and you can select how long is a silent so any silence more than three seconds I want to remove So currently in this video there are none but you can easily remove those and remove any filler words then on the bottom you also have your template library that you can use to build your captions within your video so you can use these pre-existing templates to add your automated transcription into your video like this now you guys can see that this video does not have any audio currently linked to it so it's not going to show any captions so in this way you can edit your videos using text and easily have a broken down video of your original content so you can build transcription as well as your subtitles directly in the factory app now after that you even have visuals to video so if you have multiple short clips like these and you want to join them together you can select them click on upload and then you will have your files uploaded you can even do this with images so if you have any images that you want to build in a slideshow video you can easily do that as well so we're going to wait for our files to be uploaded and once we've uploaded our files or our visual elements we can add the type of captions we want to add so I'm just going to scroll down and I want to add captions yellow over here like this and this is also going to be a 16 by 9 ratio video and now our scenes have been added you will see that once your scenes have been uploaded they will be added to your storyboard and you can start adding your own story or script within your video as well you can add visual elements such as shifts and stickers plus you can even further expand your video so if you want to add more scenes you can do that as well you can click on the plus icon on the right side and click on a blank scene from here you can choose the type of scene that you want I'm just going to choose a basic little scene like this and once you do that you can simply click on that particular scene go into visuals go into library and you can add a new video so let's say I'm proceeding with my video about Paris and I'm just looking for new media so I can click on this over here and just like that a new scene has been added I can later on choose to add my own voiceover as well as my own script on my pre-existing videos so just like this you can build different types of videos using Pick 3 AI and it is a amazing tool to use Pick 3 is available for free however the free version of Pick 3 has a watermark so so pick 3 has three basic plans the standard premium and teams starting at 19 a month on the standard plan where there is one user per account if you have a team then you have to go for the 99 dollars per month plan which has three users per account as well as the fact that it has 90 videos per month included then you also have text to video project lens of up to 10 minutes in the standard plan however that is 30 minutes in the team's plan and 20 in the Premium plan so depending on your use and what you're using the frequency of your use so if you're using this for YouTube videos if you're using this as a hobby or if you're using this for YouTube shorts or Tick Tock then your use is going to be different and a different plan is going to be required so if someone is looking to build YouTube channels with this I would recommend the team's version simply because it gives you the best value for money if you're someone that just wants to do this casually these standard or premium ones are going to suffice for you however if there is a sizable content amount that you have gathered and you're pretty sure you want to make quite a lot of content then go for the premium one because this also allows you 20 hours of video transcription and it's only 39 dollars per month so if you're building YouTube channels with that even as a side hobby then it's going to be pretty much value for money and if you choose to pay annually you can save up to 15 now if you plan on using Pick 3 use the discount code Creator 20 for a 20 discount and we have a link for that in the description box down below so make sure to check that out and if you found this video helpful make sure to leave a like And subscribe and I will catch you guys in the next video
Channel: AI Education
Views: 3,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pictory tutorial, how to use pictory, pictory ai tutorial, pictory, how to use pictory ai, pictory ai, pictory ai review, pictory review, pictory text to video, pictory ai text to speech, pictory demo, pictory script to video tutorial, pictory coupon code, pictory honest review, pictory.ai tutorial, full pictory ai tutorial for beginners, pictory review and demo, pictory vs invideo, how to create pictory ai account, pictory discounts
Id: sCl2nrKjOFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 58sec (1318 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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