Pictory Tutorial & Review - How To Use Pictory To Generate Videos With AI

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- Using Pictory, you're able to convert your scripts into videos, convert articles into videos by simply pasting the URL. You're also able to edit your videos using text, so, no editing software required. And you can very well upload your own media and photos and turn that into videos too. For example, in a matter of minutes, I converted my script into a video like this. It converted my script into a video, and using the power of AI, it found relevant videos that would go with the text. It also found a relevant music background that would go with it, and also captioned it. All that can be done using Pictory, and I'll show you how in this tutorial plus more. Hey, it's Aurelius, welcome back to the channel. In this video, I'm going to walk you through and give you a tutorial on a pretty cool AI video editing tool called Pictory. To get started with Pictory, simply use the link in the description box below. That'll take you to this page right here and you can click on get started for free. If you wanna still be able to create sales videos, marketing videos, social media videos, and perhaps you wanna start posting on YouTube, but you don't wanna show your face and just don't want to be on camera, then it might be an ideal solution for you. 'Cause, as you saw, you could easily convert your texts into videos and use all sorts of media, pictures and videos, or even if you are a course creator and you want to make educational videos, but simply you want to present it in that kind of format. Some other uses and people who would want to use it include marketers, you've got agencies, bloggers, and I mentioned course creators and coaches too. With that said, let's get started, and I'll show you how to use Pictory. Once you've signed up, you'll see a page like this where you can start creating your content and it will ask you which content would you like to repurpose into videos. Now, the first option is script to video, and that's the tool that I use to create that example video that you saw at the beginning of this video. And as listed, Pictory recommends it for educational videos, listicle or compilation style videos, coaching videos, and step-by-step guides. The next option is article to video, where you can see simply copy and paste the exact, let's say, press release or blog posts into this field here, and then proceed. And then that'll basically gather some key areas and key texts from your blog and convert it into videos. The next tool that Pictory offers is editing videos using texts. Now, don't get this mixed up from script to video. It's actually the other way around. So, let's say you already have a video recorded, created, or if there's an existing video online that you've already posted, you can easily edit that using text, and I'll show you how exactly it works. And the final option is visuals to video, where you can upload your own media such as photos and videos that you may have lying around, and then make videos out of those. So, it's kind of more of a flexible option as opposed to these other three. Let's now create our first video, and I'm going to demonstrate how to convert your script into a video, so, let's go ahead and proceed. This is where you can paste your text, and the first thing you need to add is your video name. So, what is the topic of your video? I've got my script ready, and I'm simply going to copy and paste this from Word, that's the title there. And right here you can either start typing your script or if you've got it ready somewhere else, simply paste it in. Once you've written your script or you've pasted it over, the next thing is to proceed. But, before we proceed, I just wanna give you a little rundown in terms of some of the options that you have here. First is pasting from clipboard, and that's quite self-explanatory. I'm not sure why they've got this button, because you can simply copy and paste it over. The one below it called highlight, this one's really handy, because you want to allow the AI to be able to find relevant videos and media that will go with this text. Something like five quick tips how to stay positive. So, I would highlight something like this, and then it'll find or try to at least find something that would best fit this particular text here. So, go through your script and anything that you see that would help the AI find better visuals, that's where you go in and click that highlight, and, basically, just bolds it. But it'll tell the AI find something that is relevant. But I've gone ahead and highlighted some keywords here that I want the AI to find relevant media and visuals for. Below the area where you enter your script, it has spell check and it says yes, and there's no mistakes here. I know, because I've already checked and gone through this particular script. On the right, you'll see characters, so 3,436 characters for this script. However, I do wish they had a word count as well. Just that little extra tool would be handy. Above all that, you've got scene settings, where there's an auto highlight keywords option, and you can enable or disable that, or automatically select the visuals for you. And right here you've got create new scenes based on sentence breaks or line breaks. So, you've got line breaks. That's a line break right here, line break right here. So, you can customise this in a way, so that it'll create a new scene based on a sentence break or a line break as you saw, or you can select both where it'll create new scenes based on sentence breaks and also line breaks. So, you've got sentences here, and ones where there's line breaks too. Apart from that, that's all you need to do at this point. And what we're going to do is click on proceed to move on to the next step. Here, you'll choose a template based on the library of templates. You've got one that is based on the lemon theme, you've got corporate, red ink, sunrise. Let's go down the bottom and see what else we've got here. We've got a retro style here, orbit. So, feel free to look through these templates to see which one would be most suitable for your topic. There is an option to create custom templates. However, you need to first edit a video, and then you can save that as a template, and then it'll be under my templates. I'm going to select the sunrise theme, since it goes with this topic, and I'll click on select. Next, choose an aspect ratio. Do you want landscape, portrait, or a square format? So, depending on the platform that you are going to be posting and publishing your video on, that'll determine which aspect ratio to go with. So, let's say you are going to post on YouTube, then you wanna go for that 16:9 ratio. Whereas with TikTok, Instagram Reels, and Shorts, you wanna go with that 9:16 ratio. But, let's go with 16:9 and we'll click on continue. Depending on the length of your script, that'll determine the time that it'll take to complete the job and process this video. All right, so it completed in under a minute, and this is what you'll see next once it's completed. And the first thing you may see is the video. And we can easily preview this and this particular scene by clicking preview, or we can preview the entire video if we just wanna go through it firstly. And this itself may take some time, but let's do that later. And the first thing I wanna go through is the scene selection, right? We've got our scenes, and we specified that we want to create a new scene based on a new sentence and line breaks. So, we've got this first one saying, "This video will go over the five quick tips on how to stay positive while under pressure," and it's found kind of a background that would go with it. If you wanna move on to the next scene, it's as simple as clicking, and there we go. And you may notice that the video that it found may not be relevant to what this is actually about. That's where you can actually go in and create or, more so, replace it with a different video. But more on the customizations later in this video. On the left you've got the different options that you can play around with. We've got visuals where you can go through the library of existing images and videos that the Pictory website has. There are different textures as well that you can play around with. You can upload your own media too. You can add your own elements by going to elements, and there's different things like stickers, you got GIFs and emojis. In the audio section, you can choose a custom background music, you can also add voiceovers, and this is powered by AI. Under my uploads, you can upload your own background music or voiceover, and there's recent as well. Some text options too where you can add headings and subheadings and body texts, some styles as well. And this has to do with things like the captions, and you can see what the default style is, and you can use that and apply it to any scene that you want. Under branding, you can add your own logo or intro, stinger video. Under format, you can change your video's resolution from a 720p video to a high quality 1080p, or optimise your generated video for size. And, once again, you can change the aspect ratio of your video from 16:9, 9:16, to 1:1. But, let's go back to story, and this is where we can go back to the scenes and edit and delete anything we want, also, customising each of the scenes. When you select the scene, you can go directly to the text and edit or add anything you want. So, let's say, this can even lead to added amounts of pressure, then that'll update in real time. On the video interface, what you can do is edit the text and drag it where you want. So, let's reposition it somewhere in the centre or middle right there using the guides. You can change the font by going here, and let's say we want this font instead, and there we go. Let's say this video here isn't relevant to this particular sentence. We can easily add our own visuals by going to visuals, search something like stress instead of pressure. Let's use this first one here of this lady, and we'll click once and that'll replace it, and that looks much better. There's an option to preview this specific scene by clicking on preview, and that'll only play this scene right here, nothing else. You can trim this particular scene by clicking on trim video and using these little scrubbers right there. So, if you wanted to start here instead of here, then you can do so. In addition, you can add a voiceover in this scene by clicking on add voiceover, and upload your own voiceover if it's already recorded or you can record it directly on Pictory. So, if I click on record voiceover, you can see the little record button, and that's where you can go ahead and record your voiceover. Some other settings that you may want to use include visuals and texts where you can loop the video in case that video is short, but your text is quite long, so you just keep looping that same video. You can even hide the text for this particular scene, add a visual zoom and pan effect if you wanna do so. And one particular option that you will definitely play around with is the scene duration where you can change the timing. This is five seconds, but if you have shorter text, then you may wanna just use two seconds as opposed to five. So, you need to play around with it and preview it yourself, and that's where you can go ahead and simply customise it. So, go ahead and go through each of your scenes, and anything where you feel like you need to customise and add particular elements, audio, text, then feel free to click that. Let's say elements. And we can add a sticker. Let's say, this right here, just to play around with it, and you can drag it where you want, and that's already inserted. The handy option you may want to use if you don't want to use your voiceover, is simply going to audio. And then, under the voiceover tab, you've got options to add different voice talents and based on AI voice, you can filter by male or female, and different speeds as well. So, let's say you want to preview Eva here. - [Eva] Welcome to Pictory. It has been shown that video in- - And let's say you like the voice of that, we can apply it to this particular scene. Essentially, it will read out what you have here in this sentence, and let's see how it sounds. - [Eva] However, we need to stay positive in these moments. - On the subject of audio, you may also want to play around with volume where you can control the amount of background music and the voiceover volume. And, there we go. That's how you can add an AI voice to your scenes. Next, you can add transitions in between these scenes by looking in between the actual scenes. So, you'll see here, add transition, click it once, and then it'll give you some options in terms of transition effects. Let's say, we will do a wipe left. So now, when we go from the scene one to scene two, it'll use that wipe left effect. To see the total duration of your video, you can go to estimated video duration, take a look there, and you'll see it's five minutes 39 seconds. And once you're happy with your edit, simply click on preview, and that'll give you an idea of what your video will look like. As a little side note, depending on the length of your video, that'll determine how long that preview will take. And, this in particular, this five-minute video, so far it's been about two minutes and we're still going. All right, so it's generating the preview, and if I play it right now- - [Eva] We'll go over the five quick tips on how to stay positive while under pressure. - Once you're ready to download your video, simply click on download, then to video. Next, let's briefly go over the article to video option. And, what I'll do first is go to one of my articles, and it's this one here on medium.com. Simply copy the link at the address bar, go back to Pictory, and then paste it in. And what it has try to best do is find those key areas of your article. So, you've got the title "Don't Give Up, Keep Going," by myself, and you've got different scenes and you have found a relevant video. So, we always have the moment in our lives when we feel that thrill of excitement, so I just found that. Now, some of the things may be a little cheesy. That's where you can go in and customise it as you saw in the previous example. So, at the end, we've got, "Work hard and work smart and success will follow." So that's the article to video option. Now, if you want to start creating short videos from long videos, then you wanna select edit videos using text or, simply put, if you want to edit your existing videos, then you wanna use this option here. So, let's go ahead and try a demo video, which is this option here, because this is actually a pretty good video to use. Okay, so in this example, we've got Barack Obama, and we've got the text here, the transcript of the video. What you'll see is the option to, basically, remove these uhms and uhs. In other words, the filler words. Let's go and skip ahead to this point right here. All right, the start of it, and you'll see Barack Obama here saying, "Uh." - But it is not interfering with the rest of our bilateral relationship. - If we click on remove filler words, you'll see it's removed. And, let's play it from somewhere here. And you'll see that the AI removed the filler words. - Agreement on hockey, but it is not interfering with the rest of our bilateral relationship. - There we go. So, it's removed it, and that will perhaps save you a heap of time in finding those and editing those yourself. The next option is removing silences. You can specify how many seconds of silence you want to remove. So, let's say there's a scene where there's at least a two-second silence, you can automatically let Pictory know by clicking enable, and click on okay here, and now, it has basically gone through the whole script and found any of these scenes where it has more than two seconds of silence. Another option you definitely wanna play around with is the highlights option. So, if you go to auto highlight, you can select the number of seconds to find those highlights and important points in the video, and basically download those clips individually. So, let's say, we want 23 seconds of the clips, right? And then it'll try to find the highlights for you. Now you can see the highlights. If you go to highlights, you can see what you can select and what would be relevant to create those clips. But, let's say, you want this particular highlight. So, "Our countries are no different, but in terms of our interests," we click that, and we can download the video clips right there. What you can also do is change the aspect ratio. So, let's say, you're wanting to repurpose this video into TikToks and Instagram Reels, you can go to landscape right here, and change it to something like portrait, and drag the particular subject or person that'll keep that frame there. Below, you'll see subtitles, where you can enable or disable the subtitles, and choosing the maximum number of lines, so if you want one or two. And then you've got templates library, where you can choose the styling of the captions. By going back to the highlights, if you find a particular area or scene that you find interesting and you wanna actually extract, then you simply highlight it, click on add to highlights, and then that'll highlight it and add it to the highlights list. Once you're ready to download your highlights, click on download highlights video or customise the highlights video so you can go and dive deep into each individual highlight video, and then customise it just like in the previous examples. And the last tool that you can use is visuals to video, where you can simply click on proceed, and then upload any photos that you want to include in your custom video. And once all your media files have been uploaded, you can go ahead and simply customise it the way you want by adding additional visuals, you can add elements, texts, and so on and so forth. In terms of pricing and plans of Pictory, there's a few options. When you sign up, it's just a free trial and there will be a watermark on your video. So, it's not so good if you're going to, obviously, upload it for commercial purposes, or if you're uploading it on YouTube, you wanna definitely go on at least a standard plan, where you're given the option to create up to 30 videos per month, and each being 10 minutes or less. You also are given 34 AI voices, which may be more than enough. But, if you're looking to create more than 30 videos per month, then, obviously, you wanna go onto the premium plan. And, by the way, these prices are based on a yearly option. If you're looking to simply pay on a monthly basis, go to monthly, and now you see the pricing there. If you're finding Pictory a little overwhelming to use, they've got this knowledge base where you can go through some of the guides. For example, if you wanna learn how to generate multiple short videos from one long webinar or a video podcast illustrating the points right here and how to actually do that. But, hopefully, this video has helped you*** get started with Pictory.*** Look down in the description box below to sign up to Pictory so that you can start making your videos with no technical skills. Thanks so much for watching this video, and do stick around to watch these next relevant videos.
Channel: Aurelius Tjin
Views: 10,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pictory ai, pictory review, pictory tutorial, pictory ai review, pictory ai tutorial, how to use pictory ai, how to use pictory, ai video, pictory text to video, pictoryai, text to video, pictory ai text to video, pictory voice over, pictory script to video tutorial
Id: KYr9mTx8bqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 24sec (1104 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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