How To Use Pictory Ai - The Easy Way To Create Videos From Text

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Pick 3 AI is a new AI video creation platform where you simply just give it some text or a script and it turns it into a video automatically with the power of AI so all you do is paste some text and pick 3 will find all the different video clips to go along with that it will generate AI voiceover it will create your subtitles and your captions it will resize your content even for short form platforms and one of the most unique things you could actually take an entire video and you could edit that video using just a text file that it creates from the video transcription and pick 3 has a free trial so you could get started completely for free and then it has a monthly subscription depends on how often you want to use it but I'll put a link in the description below so you can sign up and start using pictory right now and in this video I'll show you some of the most useful options inside of Pick 3 for generating videos all using Ai and I want to show you specifically the script to video the article to video editing video with text and the visuals to video too those are the four big pillars of Pick 3 and I'm working on a complete deep dive a bunch of different use cases in a complete course so I'll go ahead and Link that below if you want to sign up for that right now let's go ahead and create our Pick 3 accounts so you could go ahead and create your first video from a script this is the script video this is the very first thing you'll see but these are the other options that I'll show you these are the four different pillars that are available they do add new content all the time as well but right now let's go ahead and do script to video I'll show you these other three in a second and then all you have to do is give your video the title that's the name of the video file and then your script will go over here if you haven't generated a script you could use things like chat GPT give it a prompt like a sentence and say write me a script and then you could go ahead and paste that and then tweak it here before going to the next step I already have a script that I wrote myself so I'm going to go ahead and paste the title over here and then I'll go go ahead and take the rest of the script so all this right here and I'll go ahead and paste that over here so that's all I have to do and if I want the voiceover to highlight some text it's going to do it by default but if I want some text highlighted what I could do is Select it right now and I could highlight it right here in this format so this is going to bold some text and it's going to have a spell check already so it's going to do a quick spell check for me that's set to yes and right here scene setting two I could Auto highlight keywords so if I don't want a manual highlighted by default it's on auto highlight so right now I really haven't done anything besides pasting my text here it shows you the character counts and the next step is just to press proceed right on top now it's going to ask you to choose from a template now these are all the different templates under the template Library these are basically based on the type of caption and text it's going to generate for you let me just show you the first one here but you could hover over each one to see how the text animates in and a little bit more about a preview of what it's going to look like I'm going to select this first one here and then you choose your aspect ratio so I'm creating this for YouTube 16x9 is what I want that's the traditional video how you're watching this video vertical videos are YouTube shorts for example or Tick Tock Instagram reel and this is just a regular Instagram Square so I'll choose in this case 69 and I could actually reshape it in a second in the next page so I don't have to be stuck with the shape right now if I want to change my mind or even create multiple versions in different sizes I could do that with one click in a second now depending on the size of the script this may take a couple minutes in this case there's only been about 10 seconds here and it's almost done now it's going to bring me to the victory customization page and I want to show you some of the things that you could do here now there's a lot of things you could do but I'll show you some of the most important ones and then I'll cover the more deep dive things inside of the course but basically you land on this page called story under your story page you have your script that you gave it or your text on the left side and you have your video on the right side you'll see a watermark here but it's telling you it's getting the clips from something called story blocks story blocks is another platform but I they actually licensed all the clips from storyblocks they have about three million different video clips and audio files that they have now inside of Pick 3 for free or as part of your subscription I'm going to press got it and there we go so the story block Watermark will go away when you download your video to post it so don't worry about this one now what you could do next is you could go to the left side and you could make any changes to your text so right now everything is editable so if I wanted to make any changes maybe I made a mistake I could go ahead and type in anything here by just double clicking the text and making any changes I could delete things I could uh type new words and everything will be up updated here now let me go over on top if you look on the very bottom of the page it basically breaks up your video into these things called scenes so every little text piece here so this says scene one I could come down here and see the visual for scene one right now scene 1 is being previewed on the right side and it's down here as well so three different places that I see things related to scene one if I want to go to scene two I could click the text over here it will preview scene two or I could preview it from down here so you could basically jump back and forth between your different scenes using this down here your timeline basically and then over here using your text editor now what I recommend first is you go through your text preview each one so you could just press preview right here and it's going to basically play the video here and you could pause the preview anytime if you want to preview the entire video and not just scene by scene you could press preview right on top top and it's going to generate a preview of your entire video so this is basically the entire video and the clips that he found for me I could change them but it does a really really good job finding the clips is putting in the background so far I just gave a text and pressed proceed I haven't done anything manually right and it's added music for me it's added the captions it's highlighted words inside the captions in red what it thinks is the most important words in this section is added those videos in the background it's done all of that for me without any manual work so far but let's say the second scene I don't like the background so what I could do is I could go to the left side on their visuals and I could actually add a different clip right so you can see all these different clips again there's millions of different clips between the library here between the video audio and images so I could search for something else so let me search for a different clip so this is about online video so I could search for online video press enter and I'll get a bunch of different ideas if I just want the video type I could choose video instead of images and it's going to give me a whole bunch of different ideas here to choose from and if I like something more all I have to do is click on it right here and it's going to replace the background on that exact video I didn't have to drag and drop nothing I just clicked on it and now it's part of that video now I could go back to story and my second scene has now changed so I could go back and forth between story and visual to change some of those elements then you have the thing called elements now these are graphics and gifs and things like that like stickers you could click on these and they will be added to your scene as well and then you could drag him and put him somewhere within your scene so these are pretty interesting in this case I'm going to go ahead and delete this one you have your audio tab now the audio tab is really powerful so you could add music here so by default it's applied a background music again this selected it based on the template I chose and based on analyzing my video but I could listen to any one of these songs or I could choose my mood and purpose and genre even duration here and for example if I want something that's more hopeful I could apply that it's going to refresh this library and then I could apply this it's going to change the music file and if I preview it it will play with that new music file but let me show you voiceover these are AI generated voiceover files so let me go ahead and press play Just so you hear what they sound like they give you a little preview it has been shown that video increases conversion rate by 80 percent so you could get a preview and then you could apply it and your entire transcript and text can be voiced with this generated voice this is the AI voice and in fact anytime I go back to my story and I make any edits to the actual text the voiceover will also update so that is incredible you can't do that obviously with human voiceover this is generating in real time and I could jump around between female male any of these that I have options of on here even different accents like UK accents here or Indian English accents they're all available here and I could quickly change them and I could change the speed here too if I want them to go faster or slower I'll show you a quick preview here of what that sounds like so you could hear the voiceover with the video clip YouTube Tick Tock Instagram and online video in general are about to change forever since the start of the first YouTube video there have been three big Paradigm shifts in the world of online video and we are about to hit number four so that's something I just created in a couple minutes but if you don't like that AI generated voiceover they also have ADD voiceover option where you can record your own voiceover now with this I recommend you use a professional USB microphone I'll link that in the description as well so you could plug that in and then use that instead of something like your computer which is not going to be as professional you could also upload voiceover if you hire a voiceover artist but those are your voiceover options then over here you also could add text so by default you added the captions but you may not want the captions or you may want to add other text you could just click on text here it's going to add it to whatever scene you're on and you could type your own text and you have all the formatting options that you typically have with text you also have styles over here so this is going to change the style of your captions for example so in this case I chose that in the beginning in the template page but you have a huge library of styles here where you could change it at any time and you could customize them you have custom branding so you could upload your own logo for example your text so this is if you're doing this for your company makes sense to have custom branding most companies have that then format is really cool now look at this let's say I want to change this entire video right this is a horizontal video for YouTube but I want to make it vertical I'll just click here okay look at that now I have a vertical video you move the text it made sure nothing is cropped out the background video is obviously going to look different because this is vertical but it did that to my entire project right anytime if I jump ahead you could see that everything has been resized to be vertical I could now go to square and then go back to horizontal and with a paid version I could also have a 1080p which this is why I recommend the paid version after you do the free trial one of the main reasons is you want a 1080p file and not a 720p very very easy to do all of that when you're happy with your design and your project is done you just press download right over here and then you download the video so I'll download this video and it's going to basically create the scenes generate the video file forming the next step it's going to run in the background too once this is processing once the voiceover is processing so I could actually do something else while it's exporting it will send me an email that is ready so that's your crash course to script to video but let me show you a couple of more interesting things before I finish up this video article to video is very similar you could copy and paste a URL of a website and it turns that URL into a video okay just the same way as you turn the script into the video this takes a blog post or a press release or an article from your website that you just paste a URL from and it will turn it into a video and this last one turns visuals into video so you could basically give it different clips that you made maybe short videos or existing images and it will turn that into a finished polish video just like script to video that is also similar to what I've shown you so I won't go into detail in this format but I'll show you this one edit video using text this one is going to to blow your mind so all I have to do is upload a video so let's say I just created a video I'm going to upload it it's unedited raw video here's just a screen capture I made on a different AI platform called designer so I'm going to grab it it has voice I'm going to drag and drop it over here and I'm going to press proceed okay and it's going to have one speaker that's just me talking but you could have multiple speakers it's going to upload this video and then I'll show you what you could do next okay now that the video is uploaded look what happened right here on the left side it added and created a transcription automatically from what I said in the video so whatever the speaker would say it would automatically transcribe it okay now what I could do here on the left side is I could actually look through the text here and I could make edits so let's say actually this was redundant and I could press delete okay right here delete from video and it just made that edit for me in the video okay so I edit text instead of editing the video and that portion of the video is now gone from the video so let me just show you again I'm going to select this section press delete it's going to say delete from video okay I'm going to delete it from video and just like that it just did a quick auto save and it's been removed from my video in addition to that he added subtitles for me so you could see the subtitles appearing so the transcription and subtitles were created automatically I could change the size again I could leave it on landscape change it to Portrait or Square but look at this cool thing remove silences so I could click this and any silences that are one second or more I could remove them with just one click this just removed pretty much every time I was in between sentences or thinking about the next thing so now literally anybody that doesn't know how to edit videos could do it I mean this is not creative video editing obviously but to clean up any kind of a text document this could do it you could also remove filler words these are words like um it will remove those automatically with one click and then down here you could press play on the video you can see by the way it was just 17 minutes and it just went to 13 minutes because I clicked these two so that means four minutes just got cut out with one click because of these two settings up here and by the way I could still add different video elements to this as well if I press customize video it's going to bring me to that same page I showed you before where you have all those customization options available to you and this is just like what I showed you before where I could jump between scenes if I want to add a different type of visual or different text elements or different stickers on top of my video I could still do that but now this came directly from my own screen capture that I could easily edit and then when I'm happy I could download and all the things that I've created so far show up under my project tab without ever having to do anything on this new account so all my previous videos are showing up over here I could jump to any one of them from here and when I'm happy with this I don't have to do anything else and if I click the logo it's going to bring me back here where I could start a new project at any time so that's your crash course on Victory AI again Link in the description to that and a complete course that is coming out soon make sure you check that out I hope you found this useful and I'll see you next time
Channel: Howfinity
Views: 54,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Use Pictory Ai, howfinity, how to, tutorial, Youtube, pictory ai, pictory ai review, pictory review, ai video, pictory tutorial, ai generated youtube videos, ai video generator, how to make ai generated video, how to make money online, automatic video creation, ai video maker, Create Videos From Text, pictory, Pictory ai tutorial
Id: jyk4ISfdMs8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Sun May 07 2023
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