What is Kabbalah?... Here's the truth

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the ancient mystical teachings known as Kabbalah which for millennia has been unknown obscure hidden secret has recently become almost a household name even fashionable you hear the word Kabbalah I know am I traveling and speaking engagements you add the word the Kabbalah of you have double the audience the Kabbalah of money the cabal of sexuality the Kabbalah of Donald Trump just kidding the cabal of anything right away adds to the intrigue so one would think okay everything has its time once obscure and hidden and concealed now has become popular and fashionable but is that really the case do you really know what Kabbalah is to even know the meaning of the word Kabbalah ask yourself ask anyone out there what does the word mean so most people say the secrets of existence the secrets of the cosmos is that the definition of the word Kabbalah or is that what the teachings teach and even that what does that mean the secrets of the cosmos there are four personality types archetypes that Define us all check out the description below of course on the Kabbalah of the four elements so let's begin why Kabbalah does for some reason capture people's attention because people like the secrets let's be honest human beings gravitate the Exotic the Exotica things that are apparent or revealed we always want to know what's behind the door what's under the dashboard what's behind the scenes Beyond the Doors of perception and we look for that mystery so it's not surprising that people are intrigued when you hear the mysterious esoteric teachings you hear the secrets of the soul the secrets of the cosmos the blueprint and DNA of existence of the universe and Beyond the blue the Divine blueprint that makes us all tick these are fascinating elements and that's why on one hand yes it does touch upon touch a certain resonating element in US wanting to know like just like children like to open up and see what makes something tick we want to know what makes things thick and we've heard that the Kabbalah teaches that so we're interested but what the great care has to be taken that it shouldn't feed and and spill over into sensationalism which is why they say about Kabbalah those that say don't know and those that know don't say which of course creates the quandary if I say anything it means I don't know however as we shall discuss the kind of time that Kabbalah did become more revealed for certain very important reasons so what is couple what is really first of all the meaning of the word because once we have the meaning of the word that will become the key that will open up for us this fascinating journey into these deeper dimensions of existence and of ourselves so the word Kabbalah surprise surprise be deceptively simple it means to receive or reception so what it means to receive a reception and you'd say what one second what does that mean I mean if I have a mobile phone and has a signal I'm receiving I'm receiving indeed that's the key to what Kabbalah truly is so though all knowledge is passed on from teacher to student from parent to child from generation to generation which means the student has to be in receptive mode the receptor or receptacle receiving from The Giver from the transmitter yet when it comes to these teachings it's even more critical and that's why the entire study of it is called Kabbalah and for two reasons you need to be in a a receiver from someone before you it's not something you can come up with your own ideas these are ideas that in order to preserve their integrity and to really have the impact they really need to be pure and passed on from teachers to students so you need to be macabola who did you who are you macabo from who did you receive from you could say well all knowledge is that way true but the more subtle the knowledge and the more profound the more dense the more subtle the more important it is to have that receiving teacher from student and the second element which goes even deeper and connected to the first reason is that you need to be in a receiving mode if you're a master or you feel you're a master you feel you have a lot to give that's not the mode of Kabbalah the mode of Kabbalah is I'm an empty receptacle an empty Channel channeling something greater than I am so though again this is true for all knowledge but when it comes especially to spiritual to the spiritual DNA the inner workings of existence and of the human being there it's even more Amplified and more important because you're dealing with literally the nuances think of it this way when you perform surgery especially sensitive surgery neurological surgery brain surgery or heart surgery it's very different than other types of surgery now all surgery you need a master you don't want to you don't want a novice because every part of the body is intricate but the more intricate it is the more care has to be and how it's taught because one slip God forbid and on the other hand you're dealing with very very subtle areas of the human being and therefore much more complex and much more important to have being a receiving mode a humble mode a little tinge of arrogance when it comes to mathematics or it comes to other elements of study is also not healthy because arrogance distorts the mind creates biases and prejudices and you can end up making mistakes but when it comes especially to sensitive matters of life and sensitive matters of life and death where every detail every micro detail matters then it has to be so much more so that state of Kabbalah of having being a student and being in a student State always because when you're dealing with these inner matters as we're going to explain now you'll see why it's so critical so in life in general a person has two states the way we're givers the way we're takers or I would say receivers and transmitters in the early parts of our Lives we're more receptacle mode children learn they learn from their environment they learn from their parents from their environments from their schools from their friends from their teachers for good or for bad but that's a child is a empty as a dry sponge an empty container and just beginning to fill up with energy as we get older and we become more familiar with information we also start mastering it and then we can also become teachers in truth a healthy human being should be both a student and a teacher different times but you begin by first absorbing then by processing as I've discussed many many times now if a person never is an absorber they're not to listen well you can't trust that they'll know how to speak well because they didn't really have that state where they were humbled where they were modest where they were in that point where they are a student of information then you can ask yourself a question do they really convey the Integrity of the original I've seen people are brilliant and they present an idea and very often I go check and I see it's not they didn't really Master what it said they were smart so they got it quickly and they convey it more or less sometimes actually with mistakes but you can tell they rushed and they began to transmit before they absorbed you want someone who spent many years absorbing learning apprenticing residency before they become a teacher so that is critical as I said in all aspects of life but especially when you're dealing with the secrets of and DNA of our souls of our bodies of Who We Are then it takes on a whole new shape and form why because think of it this way if somebody gets up there is doing a course on real estate real estate tips or writing tips or cooking tips even if they have a tinge or more than a tinge of arrogance you may say you know what I don't care about their arrogance at least I'm getting what I'm what my money's worth I get the tips I don't care about the person but if they're talking about matters of the heart and soul about emotions about empathy about how to reach a more deeper Transcendent State and you and they sting from arrogance attains the whole communication they say can I trust this they're very good they're academic so it's one thing being academic about a subject matter that is not important that you be an example of it but I don't want to find out that a person is cruel to their children or to their spouse or to other people and talking to me about sensitivity you'll see why not you just accomplish the MS membership receive the truth from wherever it is but here you're learning it from a person and you say to yourself you know what is that the message that you can be one thing and say another so when it comes to matters as I said Real Estate or something like that there are two humility couldn't hurt wouldn't hurt and we'd be more receptive but when it comes to matters of the heart and soul you want some integrity at least an attempt at integrity person can say I'm not perfect what I'm teaching I also aspire to but you don't see them using the material to be arrogant that's why it's so vital to have that receptive mode when it comes to psychological emotional spiritual issues we're called psychospiritual matters the Kabbalah mode is even more vital than ever firstly that creates empathy like they say people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care secondly you can trust the material and thirdly the materials actually being conveyed consistent with what its message is as I said cooking so you're cooking fine so you conveyed it whatever way you conveyed it's supposed to give me the recipe you give me the the tools the method but here it's the it's the approach as well how you teach it is also part of what you're teaching it can go on and on but I think the point is clear so that's why when it comes to Kabbalah it was always taught with so much care it was not taught in big groups it was Kept Secret not because secret to be confidential but because it's so easy to abuse when you start understanding the inner workings of a human being and you're not a compassionate person if you're not a person of Integrity you can become a con artist you can start getting to your start can start getting to your head that you know how to figure out people you can become manipulate I'm a manipulator foreign that's on a gross level more subtly you can make mistakes in such an area that you only want people who really respect you don't want anyone in the room is in the internal surgery room that does not have the trust is not clean is not sterilized and in this case spiritually and emotionally and psychologically tampering with the inner workings of people and the and the cosmos so if they were just mechanics plumbers it's one thing it's all about physical plumbers so they're dealing with something where you don't need to have that level of sensitivity but if they are dealing with that inner self I'm giving I'm entrusting them with My Soul with my life there you want them to be in a in a Kabbalah state that they're receiving they're not the powerful all-powerful Mastery over you they are channeling that which came to them from their teacher so Kabbalah as a receiving from their teacher and which they're receiving right now because they're empty receptacles and allowing it to flow through them and that becomes critical that is why it's so challenging when you see today Kabbalah has become popular fashionable you have to always wonder are people is is there the element of that humility is it the element of that modesty that Bittle that suspension of self or people like sometimes they you know I'm a capitalist I know a lot of Kabbalah and I'll tell you what I know and they start spawning off and they may even actually know stuff but many ways they know less than Sona doesn't know because they're missing the whole point the whole point is that it create a more humbler person not someone who can say hey I got a PhD in mathematics I have a PhD in this in medicine and law and I also have a PhD in Kabbalah nah doesn't work that way couple it's not about phds kabulas the PHD is how much you've emptied yourself how much have you freed yourself of your ego how much have you gone beyond your self-interest and comfort zone that's the PHD in Kabul but you don't get a PhD because on that level we don't look for awards or Rewards or any other type of recognition you just who you are you're a humble simple servant of a higher truth and that's what the true capitalists were starting from the yard side of joy and that will explain why he he of all people we celebrate because he wasn't just another person there were tremendous sages and they were all humble people Rabbi Akiva the greatest of the Great he taught love your fellow as as yourself is the fundamental principle great of great but he didn't have that element He himself says in the talmud that my student he is the cream of the crop now that doesn't take away from everyone has their role what was key role to bridge two worlds the world of the super conscious and the world of the conscious the revealed and the hidden and that's why it was a master in both worlds Rabbi Akiva and others were also Masters they also knew Kabbalah but he was the teacher I should say the student the cambola in many ways he represented that element of of a transparent and empty container Channel said all I am is a sign a signpost I'm no sick I am nothing I am just a channel look at me as a signpost that's what he said because he channeled that deeper and higher wisdom again I want to make it clear that Rabbi Akiva and many sages did that but some people stand out for what they did in that way and that's what he represented the bridging of those two worlds the bridging of the world of the soul and the world of the body the soul of Torah the body of Torah the soul of the human being the body of human the soul of the cosmos the body of the cosmos because as the Kabbalah teaches as well as the talmud and The Madras the sages teach another fundamental beautiful principle microcosm macrocosm everything that gets exists in the macrocosmic universe or the cosmic level exists microcosm in a miniature form within us the small Universe the mini Universe the universe of microcosm that's the person um and the human and the world is a large organism a large microcosm microcosm I should say so it's all intertwined and like a hologram it's not just intertwined it's all continuously interconnected as one large integral Unity multifaceted pieces Harmony within diverse diversity that's production so the true meaning definition of Kabbalah is to receive is to Free Yourself to empty yourself to shed your sense of self in order to absorb and channel and receive something greater than yourself that success and in kabbalistic teachings and the mystical things it's more important than ever when you're studying let's say law you're studying for example what's supposed to be done in Shabbat what's not what laws what what work you can do what what you can do what prayers to say what you eat on Passover what you do on shoes so they are mastering facts facts or the intricate facts many different opinions there's theories there's ideas but it's facts you need humility as well all wisdom races Hashem the beginning of all wisdom is or of the Divine of something greater than you are but when you're dealing with the inner Dimension the subtlety becomes so much greater think of it like this when a piece of dust is on your finger a little ego on your finger a blemish but if the little piece of dust is on your eye then it's very irritating the deeper you go inside the inner workings every small Nuance every detail every iota is so much more significant that's why in the level of the DNA of the cellular level the microscopic level then every little detail matters so much more so on the cabal every little blemish every tinge of ego that's not Kabbalah mode meaning receptive mode will distort it may not distort immediately but in time so that's critical for the journey so when people say I want to go on a journey to cabal the more you want the less you'll have it Kampala journey of Kabbalah requires stepping back and don't want it so much you say about something but I do want it get the eye out of the sentence not I want it you want to experiencing something greater Free Yourself of what of your ego of your determination even just become a humble simple person and you know what'll happen these Vistas will open up for you it emerges you cannot acquire it trying to force it goes against the whole nature of it try to force the Petals of a flower to open try to force a child to come out of the womb of prematurely God forbid it needs the time to develop it needs time to emerge and it's a process it's a process and emergence that we need and we need the humility the Kabbalah state of being where you're in a receptive mode where you're not the giver that you're not the acquisitioner the acquirer you're not the buyer the purchaser you are in a receptive mode and then it emerges Abraham went searching for God he realized by process of elimination that it's not in his own environment his father was a massive major auto manufacturer you need a God an idol I have one for you Abraham at young age realized it's a whole Bluff he realized these these these um these Idols made of wood or stone or or metal were were meaningless so he rejected that the world of the Pagan world of his father and of his community and visit his Society began searching how do you search you start saying okay it's not that what may it be he went out into the Meadows into the fields into nature looked around beautiful nature so the Sun the moon maybe it's that and he realized the sun sets the moon sets they're just part of the same creation they're just bigger the more distant maybe more awesome and he came slowly to a process of elimination saying it's not this so where is it the stars is beyond the stars and then he came to the big Epiphany the realization I'm looking for my Creator I'm looking for God I'm just a piece of the whole creation if there's indeed a Creator I'm one little piece how could the peace Define the whole the whole defines the peace and he realized the actual search was undermining his ability to truly experience it of course he could experience some levels of transcendence but when he discovered that he has to let go and then what happened you know what happened it emerged his search itself though commendable and admirable and everybody should search his search led him that I should stop searching now maybe you just let it emerge let me close my eyes my ears my taste touch and smell let me stop using my aggressive faculties and resources and senses and let me see what happens and that quietude in that silence God emerges because the truth emerges from within it's not something out there again you could experience some things out there but the truth that comes from living and when Abraham realized that he said I just have to let go I need to be Kabbalah State I need to be in receptive mode stand in front of a beautiful natural wonder what happens if you're trying to master it you're trying to let me take pictures of it let me analyze it let me explain it there's a certain moment we have to realize you just let go just stand in awe and it's an unbelievably purifying and transformative and refining experience because it's not about you you suddenly get absorbed in the moment think of Music you're listening to music if you start analyzing this music I like did it stop stop everything let go and the way undress everything you know what happens the music envelops you engulfs you just like when you go underwater there's that peace you allow it to consume you instead of you consuming it but if you're a consumer if you're a purchaser an acquisition person becomes commercial same thing when you're absorbed in a book if you're reading the words and you recognize the words and the pages you're not in the zone you're not in the moment let go and then suddenly you're reading the book as if it's happening right now you can cry and laugh and someone come by and say well he's a really good book you don't even realize you're turning Pages you don't even realize there's words on the page on the page a good writer can do that everything melts everything melts with object and subject become one and you're completely absorbed those are the most magical moments of life and then suddenly you wake up and you're out of it the same things when we're in love when deep love the passions and throes of love what is what is their Ultimate Experience a loss of self completely melting and absorbed in the experience we wish we could have much more of that but we're human beings that do live in a world of duality and don't always are not always blessed to be able to come into that place where you melt into the experience but that's the Ultimate Experience you become it not your experience it a dry hand becomes wet when it's put into water a fish is part of the wetness but water itself doesn't become wet it is wetness you can acquire knowledge or you can become knowledge you become what you know not just you know the idea you become it you experience it and initially you experience that you're here and you're experiencing something then they come into one Raj B personified this type of seamlessness of all of existence and he lived on that level it was a very Sublime and very pure level but the mission and goal was not to remain there was to enter a world that of Duality a world of pettiness and their repair as the story is that must be at the hide from the Romans who pursuing him because he studied in Tortura which was a forbidden death penalty so he hid for 12 years in a mirror in a cave miraculous food all the becoming this unbelievably Sublime state with his son rabbaloza then came news that he can come back home so he came back but he was at this point so refined so away from civilization that as soon as he saw the nonsense the pettiness the meaningless things people get involved in the Wall Street the polarization of politics whenever he'd be looked at that talmud says began to burn figuratively or literally meaning his deep spiritual State could not tolerate and therefore destroyed everything around him you're not ready you're not mature enough go back a 13th year Bar Mitzvah you'll become more mature and now the 13th the 13th year one more year I should be wherever he went he repaired whatever was broken he fixed you think the first level is much greater he's so high spirituality yeah but that's not the purpose of existence the purpose of existence is to be that spiritual but also know how to package it how to tailor it how to communicate it to our world to a conscious world to a world that is not living on that Sublime level and slowly spoon feed slowly teach them also how to become that type of Sublimity and that's rushby the man of lagba Omer so even though it was his passing which is a sad day his death but because he saw the seamlessness on the unity of everything he immediately saw within the passing he saw the great Beauty and the great joy that would come out of it that does till this day similar to his teacher I'd be a keep actually the talmud the end of Marcus says the hotel is an interesting story Rabbi Akiva and his colleagues were standing I'm looking at the Temple mount and they were mourning the fact that the structure of the temple they saw facts running out of the place that was once the holy of holies the holy of holies facts A wilderness it became a desolate wilderness so his colleagues began to cry because it was the Fulfillment of the tragic fulfillment of the prophecy the temple be destroyed for the sins of the people began to laugh what are you laughing so he says because I read on the prophecy there's the end of it that after that it will be rebuilt greater than ever and never be destroyed again so what was the difference and then this colleague said to him you've consoled us Akiva you've consoled us twice consoling Consulting for the sad and consoling for the positive that come come out came out of it what the rabbit key would see that they didn't see he had a different set of eyes because his name was Rabbi Akiva Akiva comes from the word akev the hill he came from a dark place he was a convert or his parents were conference different opinions he did not studied Tara till he was 40 years old he knew a life that was desolate and he saw it from desolation come greatness so he understood something that others who grew up in in prosperity spiritual prosperity and knowledge did not fully appreciate so it's no surprise that his students says in the name of the rabbis that for great Souls like him there was no destruction he was so beyond destruction but he still lived in a world of Destruction and he still had to do something to repair that destruction but his soul his experienced Rush be like even deeper than Rabbi Akiva in a way but taking rabikiva's Q sees even in the negative the positive and teaches us how to transform That's The Power of esoteric so now once we know that we have to be in that mode so then you know what happens your soul starts speaking to you if you're going to try with a with a um jackhammer and with a pliers try to force your soul to speak to you and say I want to know the secrets of cabal like I said before with aggressive tools that can work for physical things you break open the chest and you see what Secrets it holds with the soul you need the opposite tools of subtlety tools of humility you want your soul to speak to you let go stop pursuing stop being so much about yourself moral humility be charitable and something will open up because it speaks to us only when there's no when there's nothing else in the way it's like the talmud says God says I me an arrogant I an arrogant person cannot rest under one canopy there's no room for both of us if your cup is full it can be filled cabala says empty your cup you know it'll happen your soul will begin to speak to you so it's humility it's the commitment and dedication to responsibility like being a soldier and committed to a cause that allows the secrets of your soul and of the cosmos to open up for centuries this was kept a very private thing because only a few people really were able to do it and those that did it did it for everybody else but we don't live in a world like that anymore it's not that pure world today number one we live in much darker times and therefore we have to dig deeper in order to find spiritual resources as the famous analogy of the ADI to his colleague he said how are you teaching these secrets to everybody they'll abuse it they'll waste it says well you know he gave that analogy of a child who felt very ill the child of a king his only child and he was deathly ill and the doctors gave up hope nothing worked and they sent for doctors and medical experts from all over the world nothing finally one exotic city a doctor arrives says I have a thought the King has a crown in that crown of some of the most precious jewels on Earth there's its most precious gem of all is a rare rare gem nobody else has it if you crush that Gem and you mix this powder with a little water we'll try to get it between the cleansed teeth of the silk sickly child that may help most of it may even drip out and they looked at the king his most precious Jewel king without hesitation what do I need my crown for my son my ear is not here and they crushed it and that's what they did and most of it spilled on the ground wasted but that one drop saved the child and even the doubt was enough said yes the precious gem of the inner workings which we don't just share with everyone is necessary today because the child is sickly assimilation alienation disorientation everything that people experience today when it comes to spirituality so we have to do whatever it takes we sometimes go deeper as the Ariza of the Great kabbalists perhaps the iconic Catalyst as great as the rushby some say even greater who taught that in actually revealed it said Mitzvah now it's a Mitzvah to reveal that inner wisdom took it a step further when he heard from the Messiah that when will you come he asked them assignment so I said when your Wellsprings your Wellsprings not just your Waters the wall Springs themselves the essence their Source itself will be disseminated and spread outward to the farthest outskirts and Hasidic teachings which is essentially Kabbalah for the modern time developed developed the Chabad system of making it understandable even to the animal cell meaning with examples and metaphors and analogies that we can relate to these deepest spiritual Concepts in many ways that reveals even a deeper Dimension if you're able to do that the risk there's a risk but I said it's life and death and it's also a foretaste of what will come in the future in the Messianic age or even children like in the time of rash B will be able to relate to the deeper workings of the Soul so today ironically though we're not on the level of the people in the previous generations but we have much more revelation of this but it has still has to be taught with care as that someone said like on others right it's very important to talk to speak about it in with metaphorical language people shouldn't take literally many of the kabbalistic analogies which are from human beings and to teach the esoterity is the subtlety of it as I said before if you have that Kabbalah mode you teach the subtlety of it and what do you discover unbelievable insights and yes secrets of the inner workings instead of in the inner schematics of the spiritual Genome of the human being and of the cosmos I've spoken about some of these matters at different times and it literally opens up a whole new dimension of Who You Are youth may think you are arms legs body limbs organs but we know today the human body is made up all those are made up of underlying tissue and muscles and nerves and skeleton you go even deeper inside there you find the circulatory system the nervous system the neurological system till the point of the cellular level to the point of the chromosomes the DNA itself things are invisible to the naked eye same thing in the micro macrocosm was also in the microcosm every Everything of substance is made up of elements elements of molecules molecules of of atoms atoms of subatomic particles subatomic and who knows how far down the rabbit hole you can go and all that teaches us that when you go into the inner workings it's a whole new reality all of technology is really a revelation of the inner you could say of esoteric which is not a surprise the classic Zohar work that I mentioned from the rushby actually says in one of the chapters that the year which corresponds to our 1850 I'm sorry it's a tough tough race would be um 1840 I'm sorry the Industrial Revolution there will be an explosion of upper higher knowledge and lower knowledge explosion of the esoteric teachings of Kabbalah and of the Science and Technology they both go hand in hand it's the inner workings but obviously the Kabbalah goes even deeper into the spiritual atoms and subatomic particles the spiritual DNA and we discover a whole new reality and when you know that reality you can understand existence in a new way you no longer just look at surface level you understand the forces that shape the surface just like meteorologists will tell you the systems the pressure systems the underlying forces the winds and so on that cause weather systems you go the kabbalists will tell you what's behind those meteorological forces what's behind the human being's outer expression the inner psyche so yes it's deeply therapeutic and deeply psychological and deeply spiritual and the more you study it the more you come to realize look at the world from the inside out instead of the outside in that's what Kabbalah truly is and it opens up new Vistas and unprecedented insights to be able to live life in a completely fresh and new way with new possibilities to be able to have healthy relationships and reach potential that money of us are not even aware of because you discover those inner workings but there's the prerequisite you can't go there it doesn't let you in unless the door opens and the door can only open by you putting yourself aside and allowing it to emerge and then you'd be surprised what happens so we do that through study where you put yourself a sign and just study we do it through prayer and we do it through Good Deeds to charitable acts acts of compassion the more refined you are the more humble and modest the more selfless and put yourself aside the more this emerges but obviously studying it gives you the information so my friends I'm just like bomber which is the door is a is a bridge and I would say a door open it opens up a window a door to a new reality we have the opportunity to enter there but through that humble attitude we celebrate with children unlike Burma not a surprise because children are exactly that they're the best who we are the ego list the selflessness now children could just be arrogant that they usually learn from adults but children also have that innocence that simplicity we need to be like children on that bomber and then carry it over to the rest of the year so to give one example because there's so much one example one example is a whole discussion in the Zohar and the esoteric teachings about the idea of what's called means the concealed or the hidden intelligence what some would call subconscious unconscious I like to call Super conscious because it's beyond conscious my sister that's a that that's an area that we don't have direct access to however the conscious mind does have access how does it have access a small little door window opens up between the two where we cannot see that window we only an idea settles in or enters your Consciousness where does it come from you say where that's Bittle the power of what what was that So based on the Tsar in several places because Civic teachings explain that this bridge between which we call Super conscious intelligence conscious intelligence is that with that bridge that faucet that that regulates the flow like a valve can be opened through two ways one is through effort and the second is through you name it selflessness Bittle cabala cell where you just commit to the cause you cannot open it with arrogance you cannot open on the contrary that make it even closed even deeper it's like you see sometimes you'll see a child hiding and you say you go aggressively to find the child the child will run away a flower will open when you allow it to open if you try to push it the flower can maybe even tighten up so it's the process of letting go that allows that door to open up the effort which means diligence not just automatically hoping that it'll just come to you and a type of commitment and selflessness so one thought that comes from the Azar's teachings explained as I said Hasidic thought there are many many others and they map out everything about us in my book the spiritual guide to Counting number the ideas that are based there are from kabbalistic and consider kabbalistic Works ultimately based on Nazar how each one of the Spheres is another Divine attribute that turns into human faculty and when we refine it and we just don't give in to our Natural Instincts and impulses but we refine oursel our kindness and our discipline and our compassion and our ambition and determination and our humility and yielding our bonding and our dignity you align yourself these are esoteric ideas that but it shapes who you are as a person but it's all the previous requisite for all of it is the selfless humility the Bittle the Kabbalah that's so much part of it so on this day it's a great idea to actually study something you can go online at minuteclub.com you have different just look up Raj b or like but um study something read something but also make a commitment to yourself to your soul to the soul of these teachings that you're going to try to discover more but out of but do it not in this aggressive manner commit to it and stick to it but stick to it and commit to it in a humble way not that I want it but it's necessary it's necessary for me to grow what better way to celebrate celebrate with our children with our grandchildren or the park people go to parades but celebrate the bridge between the inner and the outer because ultimately the world in which we live is this tip of the iceberg we don't really see the inner workings the more you get connected the more you connect reality and the more that has a ripple effect on people around you on your friends on family on strangers and then ultimately in the world and yes it enhances relationships it improves them infinitely because you start looking life from a different way not from the outside in what do I have and then let me figure it out what do I do in them and figure out who I am who are you and then let that dictate what you do figure out why I'm here purpose and that dictates your activities something like bomber open up these channels and blessings from Raj B to all of us to each of us please know that meaningful Life Center is here for you we're partners access take advantage make use of all our Rich resources that are on our website and please stay in touch in every possible way connect with us share like pass it on we're here every Wednesday this is a live program but it's archived you can download an iTunes podcasts however you wish were on all platforms and please send us your suggestions ideas feedback thoughts rebuttals questions I said questions thoughts and everyone should have a very blessed week a week that connects the inner and the outer ambiscus and the Merit of rash B so it should should this should serve us all well as raj B said that you can rely that that like the colleagues of Raj B said you could rely on him when things are pressured and rasby himself said I can redeem you from the judgments May redeem us from all judgments may we be redeemed in the general sense personal and global global redemption in the Merit of this beautiful and Powerful day everyone be well this has been Simon Jacobson meaningforlife.com thank you so much
Channel: Rabbi Simon Jacobson at Meaningful Life Center
Views: 869,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spirituality, soul, meaning, purpose, god, kabbalah, torah, chassidus, mysticism, psychology, bible, practical bible
Id: UcK5rht49-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 19sec (2659 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 17 2023
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