The Most DEADLY Cycle that BLOCKS Your Subconscious Mind And STOPS The Law of Attraction

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in this video we're talking about the most deadly cycle that keeps you stuck struggling broke unable to attract the soulmate unable to live the life you want or that same cycle can work for you and unlock the potential of your subconscious mind this is clark woods refusing to settle let's get into the video [Music] users welcome back to the channel 34 30 rock and roll guys liking this content all right well it's free for you the only thing I ask did you hit that like button and you subscribe with the bail notification turned on no why YouTube turns that off but uh if it's not on you won't get notified when these videos come out and then you won't get any of this pictographs I spent 30 minutes making for you so I'm gonna walk you through this cycle right here it's super cool super powerful even if you've heard some of this stuff before the subconscious is all about repetition okay that's the 85% of you that is beneath the surface it's like an iceberg right and there's that little top up there it's probably 5% if you're going by thoughts you have 60 to 70,000 thought today that 5% that your conscious mind that's taking in information that's learning okay that's above the surface so this is what we're talking about that other 95% that a lot of people don't get to and that's why they stay stuck struggling with these three words we're gonna go over that and how you can unlock house money relationships anything you want this is where it changes okay sound good also I'll link down below 11 questions that will completely change your life they did for me you can do these in a journal to help reprogram your subconscious mind that's free in the link below you can get that as well where to start with this man first thing credit where credit is due a lot of these come from dr. Joe Dispenza up and geeking out on his stuff and his books becoming a supernatural just want to give a shout out to him so let's get into this your personality it's made up of three things your thoughts your actions and your feelings let me give you a perfect mundane example of this I remember when I was in college okay I took a bunch of weird jobs and one of them was scrubbing bagel sheets at an Einstein bagel for like 10 bucks an hour and I walked in one day and everyone there was really negative they were thinking like this job sucks man welcome to it like oh that's a great welcoming and their actions matched it they'd hand me these bagel sheets and like hey Clark okay we have one rule wash these sheets like they're not your dishes what do you mean by that I said yeah you know just kind of rush past it just get some soap on there throw it in you know no one's gonna notice it's grease sitting there like this what do you mean wash them like they're not your dishes so that was the actions that they were taking and then that's what reinforced the feeling of yep this job sucks you see how that works now the same cycle works in Reverse if you think you can you can that's a Henry Ford quote says whether you think you can or think you can't you're right guy knows something built the one of the first automotive businesses still around to this day thinking acting and feeling that's the bat that's a foundation that creates your personality if you meet someone and they're on fire there's a likeable energy about them maybe it's you you go into a party you light up a room it's your personality coming out you're thinking acting and feeling you can do this for a day you can do this for a year you can do this for ten minutes and it influences your personality which is your personal reality see their semantics some good stuff but if you don't change this you're just gonna be stuck in the old you okay it's gonna be the same cycle repeating over and over again you want me to give you another little metaphor to reinstall this download software that you can put in your subconscious all right in a video a couple weeks ago I started it by just having it on my phone on me but my phone and I showed you a voice memo recorder and I hit play and I'm like what the heck it's the same voice mumble that we recorded ten seconds ago with a mess up so we hit play again play again play again and it plays the same voice memo over and over and over again why is that that's because you don't change by hitting play play play you just can get the same result what do you do you hit change by pushing record recording a new one that's what we need to do so your life is gonna be the same if you keep hitting play your life is gonna be totally different as soon as you hit record how do you hit record you change your thoughts your actions and your feelings this is so cool this is so powerful that determines your state of being you ever been in a really awesome state like you were everything was flowing maybe you were the life of the party tell him a joke maybe you were playing a sports game and you were in the zone what people say everything's flowing maybe you were working and really dedicated maybe we're filming videos maybe you were talking to someone and you're just figuring everything out and you can really understand each other that state of being gets reinforced that's what we have to tap into this make sense there's one more it's right up here belief the power of belief now this is more powerful more powerful than any of these three because the way you feel influences your belief and the way you believe influences your thinking your acting there's three toxic beliefs three words that I want you to eliminate from your vocabulary and if you view these words man it's it's gonna keep this spiral and you're gonna stay stuck right here your personal personal reality is going to remain stuck what are these three words they're these lack loss and never I lack I lost it'll never happen do this with me don't you feel like an energetic depression write a contraction when you say lack loss and never that doesn't even sound good to say but surprisingly a lot of people when you talk to them and get deep like I do on one-on-one coaching and stuff a lot of their limiting beliefs right here the beliefs that influence their life and keeps them stuck seeing how this works keeps the fruit rotten come from lack loss and never so I do a lot of coaching with people for an example on how to build a YouTube channel I noticed the people who quit and don't get any results have these verses the people who are successful they don't have these I lack subscribers I lack views I lack attention well that's a belief that's gonna influence your thinking well I'm just gonna upload a video five people are gonna watch it okay you know here goes Oh see okay the action I took is I uploaded one video and then the feeling is no one watched it so that is what I'm going to belief and that's going to keep you stuck talk about loss the next one you know I was talking to Dean grassy OC really successful entrepreneur and he says some of the most toxic language that he cares people say or that man remember the good old days those were the good old days I lost the good old days or the best times are behind me that's a form of loss that you lost something back in the day regret shame guilt all these lower vibrational words or frequencies that you are gonna experience come from feeling like you lost something why it's so hard to get over a breakup that's super painful because you feel like you lost someone feel like you lost something why our deaths of a pet so traumatizing it's cuz that's a loss okay so anytime you're saying loss to yourself I lost I lost I lost it's gonna stop you from any sort of action or feeling and then never it's never gonna happen because here's all the reasons in my past why you know I tried businesses and failed yeah then your new one isn't gonna work either because you're taking that baggage with you everywhere you go let me give you a personal story to illustrate this so now that we know this cycle right here we can start moving into the new one okay don't you break this cycle you can start unlocking your new future because if nothing changes nothing's gonna change it's just gonna remain at that homeostatic step point your life is just gonna say the same 12 months from now no matter how many resolutions we set no matter how many courses we download no matter how many YouTube videos you watch it's gonna be the exact same if you don't do this here's what I believe you have untapped potential within you I think we all have untapped potential within us and that you already have the power to change you just have to tap into it how do you do that refusing to settle now I actually got this sounds woowoo and out there almost as a vision it was 2015 I was just out of college I was travelling around Southeast Asia I bought a one-way ticket I said I don't know what I'm doing with my life I'm 30 K and dad I'm in my moms basements life kind of sucks but I'll leave it all escape remove myself from that environment and just go around and travel and experience what's out there see how people live see how I act in that situation and I ended up in Cambodia at anger okay it's a temple very old one of my favorite spots I just felt this energy there and I'm everyone gets up really early and they watch the Sun Rise so you're seeing the Sun Rise come up at like 4:00 a.m. peeking over these little cliffs of Angkor Wat right there the old ancient temple and I realized something that it just hit me and I wrote took out my journal and I wrote it and I drew a picture and everything I realized that that ball it's almost like this untapped potential that's rising up and you can see it when it's not that big but then it lights up the entire world as the Earth rotates right that potential that's rising up if you just tap into it more if you rise it higher if you let it go go go go go gets brighter and brighter I realize we have that to whatever extent within you within us and the only thing that's gonna hold you back is if you refuse to settle a lot of people are gonna keep you down man they're like don't go that high don't raise up that high don't take that action don't do it that's like people putting blinders on so you can't even see that Sun Rise rising up that's people trying to keep you from refusing to settle and keep you settling keep you stuck you have that untapped potential within you you just have to tap into this do you change your beliefs your thinking your actions and your feelings it just cascades into this new sense of you do this with me right now let me illustrate this for you simple little experiment here raise your hand as high as you can okay raise it as high as you can lure as high as you can okay now raise it just a little bit higher just that final stretch now how did that happen I told you to raise your hand as high as you could and then a little bit more when you get that push and you raised it higher that's that untapped potential that we always have that next little stretch within us to unlock things in your life do this with me what are you thinking on a day-to-day basis that could be holding you back the negative thoughts are they reasons why you can't reasons why you lack you never you lost or they positive ones that are filling you up and if you if you're honest with yourself and you are trapped in some loop or you're trapped in some negative thinking or overthinking anxiety right because anxiety I feel like is in times in my life at least it's a lot of overthinking and being in the future whereas depression is really being in the past and be the best times are behind me or regret or shame or all these different things beyond the scope of this video okay so you catch yourself in this loop and you realize it's negative well then you need to focus on thinking you need to put more books in you need to put more videos in you get around people that are changing your environment watch videos like this brainwash yourself with this positivity and you'll start to think differently where are you getting hung up are you getting hung up on the actions because here's the thing a lot of people they watch every single video out there that self development they go to all the self development seminars they download all the courses they still can't make change they still can't unlock this their new future they're still stuck here it's because you actually have to take some action okay like you can't manifest a million dollars I don't care what any YouTube video says or anyone says by just sitting there and picturing a million dollars no one's gonna come knocking on your door hey here's a check for a million dollars if you meditate on it three eight hours a day I mean one person that's happened to you need to take different actions even the craziest stories about people winning the lottery they won the lottery because they thought they won the lottery and so they were just brainwashing himself out we're a lottery winners and they started taking action by telling everyone that they were lottery winners right and they started feeling like there were lottery winners and then the story goes that they actually did win the lottery they won the jackpot but even they took action they were buying the tickets buying the lottery tickets they were taking the action of telling people that they won the lottery didn't just sit in their room all day and feel like they want to or think like they want it you have to take action okay there's the law of attraction but then there's also the law of Goya you get off your ass and do things okay I love that man because we have to take out and nothing changes nothing changes you get it and then if you're feeling this is really important so if you're thinking you're acting but you're feeling like a failure but you have success isn't that the ultimate failure so Tony Robinson says success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure you want to be a rich miserable person a Hungry Ghost so the Buddhists call it that you have everything but you're going through life like you need more you need more you need more so they're hungry and they're eating eating eating but like caspere right he doesn't have intestines or anything like that so we can't digest it so it's just going through him don't be that be appreciative this is where you practice gratitude feeling can also be from visualizations visualizations crazy if you need to do that I'll link up the vision board video we did we were actually putting images to these words and these thoughts and this visualization okay fantastic place to start for you that vision board video it's awesome go watch it and if you want to mean ask those eleven questions in the link below go download that and really allocate maybe one a day for 30 minutes and you're gonna start to see your life really changes when you're thinking changes or and your actions change or when your feelings change it goes back up and it creates a new belief that you start operating from I'll end it with this we're going to sit down and get heavy for this there's a statue of David over in Europe people they line up outside and they're just crying because it's so beautiful my mom went there she said she cried because it was so miraculous so beautiful so perfect and there's a story that goes when Michelangelo was getting interviewed someone came up to him like how did you carve David out of that piece of rock Michelangelo says one of my favorite quotes says David was already in the statue I just chipped away the marble not good you already have this version inside of you you just need to chip away the marble you already have that untapped potential that's rising up and all you need to do to fully actualize it is refuse to settle and keep getting bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger don't get trapped in the cycle of lack loss never of thinking acting and feeling in the past be inspired refuse to settle go into that future tap into the subconscious set your goals do your vision board answer those 11 questions and your life will start to change I'm Clark with diffuseness settle thanks for watching see in the next video till then stop settling start living see ya
Channel: Clark Kegley
Views: 49,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: law of attraction, subconscious mind, block law of attraction, most powerful manifestation technique, subconscious mind law of attraction, 3 dangerous words that block the law of attraction, how to reprogram subconscious mind, reprogram subconscious mind, reprogram subconscious, words that block the law of attraction, the secret, law of attraction techniques
Id: U1z1KU_j9hQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 30 2019
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