What is Ash's WORST Possible Pokemon Team??

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so Ash's journey is finally over after 20 septillion eons the tortures finally being passed which of course means we have an end point for ash videos about him and his achievements and exploits will no longer become outdated I say as if they won't bring him back for cameos from time to time possibly older and with different teams but ignoring that possibility his main Journey the ash Arc of Pokemon is done in its Ash grew a lot as a trainer and eventually made a team worthy of a world champion but of course you don't get to that level without making a few mistakes and Ash has made plenty while a lot of his Pokemon are particularly powerful he has several that are just kinda objectively both in literal Pokemon game mechanics and in an anime personality Shenanigans like torkel is a pretty okay at best Pokemon but Ash's torkal in particular yeah no that is something a lot of folks discussing these kind of things tend to forget that the anime logic and the anime rule set don't really line up super well with the games p perfect pristine example of anime logic where in the games this would not work but in the anime it's a legitimate strategy I guess and considering personalities that's kinda taken from the games because in the games of course Pokemon have Natures that supposedly represent the Pokemon's well nature and behavioral traits and this is represented more extremely in the animated series with Ash's total for example being a total goofball who's just full of love and joy would that be jolly or impish his Heracross that gets easily distracted by the sweet smell of well sweet things like Ash's Bulbasaur yeah and who can forget Ash's Charizard a Pokemon so lazy in the original series that it cost Ash the Pokemon League because it shows instead of fighting alongside Ash to not respect him and have a nap I will never forgive that lizard but hey all the way back in 2017 bird keeper Toby and I asked what is the worst possible team Ash could come up with and what is the best and since it's been so long Ash has caught quite a few more man and also now that he's done we can finally make the definitive best and worst teams if you could choose six Pokemon from his entire journey to make the ultimate team of super sucking which six would he pick and also if he wanted to make the best team ever which six then turns out it's not so simple as just picking the sixth strongest and calling it a good team and that video is over on bird keeper Toby's Channel which you should really check out after this video links at the end back in 2017 we came up with these six Pokemon as Ash's worst team Turtle Oshawott to Unfezant Boldore and Talonflame Talonflame clearly being the best of the bunch in chosen because it provides the team with as little type coverage as possible looking back that was honestly a mistake back then X and Y was still airing and Talonflame went on to become one of Asher's most experienced Pokemon with 19 official battles and this is against gym leaders and such with whole teams and Talonflame was usually among the first Pokemon Ash sent out meaning it's bound to lose eventually and that same logic applies to Hawlucha too not all wins and losses are equal I mean who's the worst from Ash's world championship team oh that is easily so fetched oh really yeah out of its 13 league battles it only won five of them giving it a win percentage of 38 yikes admittedly though while it's not only the worst by that metric when you look at its known it's pretty good surprisingly all right last time we didn't really look at their move Pools by which I mean the moves Ash has taught his Pokemon not the moves the Pokemon has access to in the games most of his Pokemon typically only know moves that match their type and sometimes a normal type move as well and that's a big part of what sets his world champion team apart their move pools are like good these are the moves his suffet knows many powerful attacks and strategic moves among four very different types and it's the same story for his Gengar while his win rate is a mere 44 it is fully evolved and those moves of several types and is even known to gigantomax if we're going to go by win rate alone and saying these are his worst Pokemon because of their win rate then yeah they'd be on the team but I feel like at this level losses don't mean as much occasionally or even most of the time losing against a world champion Contender is a given or as losing against some kid on the street now that says something about how awful you are yeah there's a lot more to consider this time around I feel like you're making these harder than it needs to be okay Vibes then Vibes is how we will balance for that I'm All About The Vibes looking at ashy's Pokemon with the worst win loss ratio we get this bundle all with ratios definitively less than 50 meaning that they lost most of their battles depending on how you define a battle and such you could include these Pokemon too also for this we're not going to consider Pokemon that Ash has given up on I mean released so no Butterfree with its measly 33 let's stop making a team I have a feeling here it's not gonna be too different I mean Ash has become more experienced as time's gone on however the differences may surprise you but to get the obvious one in possibly Ash's worst singular Pokemon it had its moments yes but it is a distracted and emotional mess and also it's stupid or I guess perhaps it's emotionally intelligent instead of any other sort of intelligence oh my gosh it has an extremely low win to loss ratio and even in the Ash and Pikachu manga it's kind of a dip and the icing on the cake is that Ash's torkel's move Pool isn't great so pretty sure it's got a guaranteed spot on the team and maybe Totodile still does too it too is kind of a goofball not really the best at fighting as a result but sometimes its silliness pays off uh I don't need to see this its win ratio isn't as bad as some others but it's unpredictability and being completely involved and being from Ash's less experienced early years definitely helps keep it on the team just like his glycol bold oil and Pidgeot I mean did his Pidgeotto or Pidgeot ever win a single battle I just remember it losing constantly like why even send it out well it does beat a kid's retardo with a mere 33 win rate it's not even the top percentile of Rattata and what about gliscore 28 win rate the actual worst Pokemon one that Ash has is glyce score and that cannot be glisco's fault necessarily Glasgow generally is a Pokemon with fantastic types and cool moves and a personal favorite of mine but Ash's Glasgow just doesn't really have a personality for battling and that's what I put it down to and as for Baldor Ash rarely used it and it's not fully evolved it's really inexperienced just generally kind of mid or meh what's worse middle man thus said losing so much and being terrible like Oshawott in general but ashes especially a 42 win rate fully unevolved Only Knows water moves and Tackle doesn't quite think things through but at least [Music] silly Oshawott why maybe Ash has bad luck with bipedal Wars Sipes he trained and used weasel a ton and he still has quite a few notable wins however it still only ended with a 41 win rate but I'd say there's potential there but you know who doesn't have potential this is wild interestingly as a turtwik it was doing pretty well actually winning the majority of its battles but as Ash's turtly began to evolve into a grotto and Torterra he did worse and worse starting to lose more battles as it grew but it is a fully evolved Pokemon with great personality for backlink so even though it has that 38 win rate I'm not sure it quite fits on the worst Ash team the same can be said for Noivern an incredible Pokemon fully evolved and it's a dragon type it may only have a 30 win ratio but we couldn't the conscious put it on the worst team because after all he's had it since it was an egg so there's a bond with this Noivern and I think giving away the anime logic works is it kind of works in the same way that in let's go you have your friendship mechanic that allows your Pokemon to pull through in moments where they really shouldn't despite its low win rate I'd say that Noivern has a lot of potential to do good thanks to the power of friendship also flight is a huge Advantage when it comes to anime style Pokemon battling whereas being slow and armless Pokemon like his Baldor or palpatoad is a huge disadvantage we'll have to consider how also it affects the Vibes I'm All About The Vibes and of course so does their experience after all Don fan has a mere 43 win percentage but it did so many battles in the Battlefront here and those are some high level of homies compare that to say Ash's muck that has a 50 win rate but is easily one of Ash's least experienced Pokemon it has only one win and one loss with two moves body slam and sludge bomb but remember anime rules it was absorbing attacks from a Pokemon League level Bellsprout with no problem basically taking no damage thanks to its incredibly squishy body now that you mention it did it ever really body slam that bell sprout or did it just kind of cover it until it suffocates so how's his Gibble good type bad personality man little experience and it's the same story with the rest of these two like how often has Ash used one of his 30 Tauros with its terrible move pool so all in all here are the contenders muck torkel Tauros Totodile Gliscor Gibble Pidgeot Oshawott and boldor and not as bad but still potentially on the team dishonorable mentions to help a toad weasel Snivy Torterra and Unfezant alrighty then let's start to see how these Pokemon might uncomfortably fit together to make a Pokemon team with terrible type coverage and Maryland has a perfect tool for exactly this and notably most times have more resistances than they do weaknesses so the goal here is to get the weaknesses as high as possible while also having that resistances column kind of as close to that number as possible so first this is the team we get if we look solely at Ash's Pokemon with the six worst win rates there's a pretty big weakness to rock and ice but all their resistances make up for it funny that there's two tortoises also but you'll also notice they are all fully evolved and the skilled world champion level surf fetched is here by technicality so let's go ahead and swap it out for the next worst and there you go that definitely made the team a lot worse so now we'll swap out Noivern and Torterra for the next Worst by win rate since they are fully evolved with pretty decent personalities and now while this team seems worse especially given how inexperienced Tauros is the type defense is actually quite a lot better now that Glasgow it may be fully evolved and maybe a Glide school but it has a personality terrible for battling and the worst win percentage ratio that Ash's Pokemon have ever had in all of Ash's history so uh it can stay for now but I think we need to swap out the pidgeots actually why don't we just set the win rate aside for just a moment and make a team of just his Pokemon with the worst battling personalities and experience that's not a lot of weaknesses why don't you ignore everything and just try to maximize those weaknesses yeah that's gonna take a couple hours but editing magical time skip this team in all my experimenting this team has the highest number of weaknesses while the resistances aren't much higher and yet another thing to consider is the use and viability of other types in battle by which I mean like in The Meta ice is not a great type of Pokemon to be but ice is a very good type to use and attack from so this team having a big ice weakness is bad right and water is the most common type so having a big weakness there is bad too flying's up there as well so with this all in mind I think we can definitively say for sure what Ash's worst team would be correct and so Ash's worst team is six unused Taurus foreign a team made up of six out of the 30 Tauros Ash has never actually used they are all extremely under level and no zero useful moves they haven't had a single day of training and they are all just normal time so all you need to lose instantly is a slightly Speedy or slightly more experienced Pokemon with a fighting type attack and these six Tauros will just stand there taking it and fainting this is how Ash would put together a team if he wanted to be the very worst like no one ever was sure that just sounds you sound like a cop-out though I am not open to criticism oh well how about this instead let's just start with his last team here and just swap out a few of the okay ones for those much less battle experience even if it technically makes the team composition a bit better I think practically it makes the whole team a lot worse for instance Snivy isn't that bad it's very middle at best so swapping out the Oshawott and yes the weaknesses aren't as bad but Ash would have a much less trustworthy team here same goes when swapping out to Otero with his very non-experienced muck or one of his totally unused Tauros why not five more of his unused Tauros hmm well I think it's clear to see at this point that there's no singular answer there's just too many variables at play for me personally I think the team with the biggest type composition mess up is probably the one that I'd lean towards I'd say it's the six Tauros [Applause] foreign I do not wish to raise the stakes but to lower them into a grill the the stakes are the losing no no I got it [Music]
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 186,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon anime, anipole, ash, ash pokemon, ashs pokemon, ashs best pokemon, ashs top ten best pokemon, ashs top ten worst pokemon, top 10 worst pokemon, ash worst team, worst team, best team, ash best pokemon, torkoal, torterra, gliscor, ash pokemon league, pokemon legue, pokemon league, pokemon world chamption, pokemon journeys, pokemon horizons, ash vs, ash vs cynthia, ash vs leon, pokemon movie, mandjtv, temp6t, birdkeepertoby, bird keeper toby, pokemon win rate
Id: vbH2JmHqiuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 07 2023
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