What Is Ash Ketchums Best Team Ever?!

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Ash ketchum's time is up and with that we now have a final definitive list of all of the Pokemon that Ash Ketchum has ever caught so what if we went into that list and took out the Pokemon that are the absolute best and stitched together the Perfect Ash Ketchum team using all of their histories and battles to decide on the ultimate team that Ash Ketchum could ever use he's a world champion now and back when I did this video last with my buddy logs then he certainly wasn't but maybe he could have got there sooner if he just had the right team of six it's all about team composition and with the wrong combination of Pokemon or Totodile Ash's team would suck and that's exactly what we're talking about over on my Channel with Ash's worst team check that out after this one now we did these videos a few years back in the middle of X and y's airing and Ash's Pokemon and experience has changed a lot since then so finally and ultimately at the end of his journey this is potentially Ash ketchum's definitively best team so to start with we're gonna look at our available roster which is around 54 Pokemon wide not counting the Mr mine that he's only used for a little bit is Roshon decks and Rotom phone there is a Rotom in there but they're not Pokemon he's ever used the battle or ever will the Larvitar he took care of during the Gen 2 Arc the Raticate he traded for for a single episode of the Beedrill he traded away we're also not going to count the Haunter that you had for an episode back in gen 1 but that doesn't really matter because he has a Gengar now everything else though is game and we want to stay true to the Pokemon that he caught in the anime so what that means is not the best Gengar possible but here's Gengar the moves that those Pokemon have access to and the abilities that they displayed so no optimal move sets here and much like last time the first place to look to see how his Pokemon performed over the years is to look at spreadsheets and statistics provided by the community these charts aren't never 100 accurate it all depends on how you define a battle and a knockout and whether the Pokemon gained experience from just knocking out one Pokemon or none at all was the Exp share turned on we can't 100 know but this is a fantastic starting point at least for us to work with so first we have this chart by Pokemon Master wheeler showing us all the Pokemon up to the end of the alola journey with their total numbers of battles and how many they won this is both a number and a percentage which is hugely helpful because a 100 win rate is fine but not great for Pokemon that's only battled once of course we're missing Journeys after that I had to turn to Twitter where I found this chart by Aura surge hugely helpful all of the battles these are referencing are PWC battles only but that's fine actually as it gives us an idea as to how these Pokemon perform in a competitive setting and this graph was only updated to pre the battle with Cynthia so I've gone through and updated the stats with only Pikachus needing to be carried over and assigned a percentage for each so it's up to date right until the end of this battle with Leon that gives us a Dragonair with 5 out of 10 battles one at 50 win ratio a Gengar with 7 out of 16 battles one with a 44 win ratio Pikachu's has been updated so that it has one 497 battles out of 560 or 89 dracobish or is 6 for 12 which is 50 surf etched is five for thirteen at 38 and Lucario is 13 out of 20 battles at 65 so before we get to the process of elimination there are two Pokemon that very obviously should belong on Ash's best possible team and will represent the team core this of course being Ash's Pikachu and his Ash Greninja these Pokemon both share intense bonds with Ash Greninja going so far as to cause this power boosting specific Ash transformation and Ash using Pikachu won most of his battles and in the world championship performed better than any of Ash's other Pokemon Greninja only barely lost the Kalos championship and that battle really felt like it should have been ashes not for some little devious bits of plot and while Greninja has access to battle Bond either Pikachu or Greninja could be equipped with a z move with Ash's Pikachu knowing 100 million volts So based on their current anime move sets we would have a Greninja with battle pond knowing double team aerial Ace water shuriken and cut and Pikachu with the electro web Thunderbolt quick attack and iron tail and that Z move and if Pikachu were to go gigantomax it would have access to Max Steel Spike g-max volt crash and Max strike of course there may be better ways to run this Greninja I mean cut is clearly not the best move but it is the one that ashes Greninja specifically knows and we didn't want this list to just become about looking at what's uber in the current video game meta that changes over time and this is Ash's best Pokemon and these are the moves he has taught his Pokemon to use and become skilled in which is more how it works in the anime anyway for example Pikachu growing to be proficient in Iron Tail when first using it is that was a big thing supposed to be an egg move and yet here it just learns it so what's next well there are a couple of Big Time anime contenders that have been through a lot with Ash Sceptile Charizard Lucario there are a few reasons for and against all of them but Lucario is a Pokemon I really want to draw Focus to a 65 win rate Lucario is the one Pokemon that Ash has achieved Mega Evolution with mega Lucario has always been powerful but there's something else about Ash Ketchum that makes him proficient with Pikachu Greninja and Lucario and that is his ability to sense Aura Ash in law seems to be a descendant of or directly an aura guardian of Swords he's been shown in the Lucario movie or in the Riolu Ranger special episode with his own Riolu just to display incredible senses of Aura and Aura training Ash has the ability to work with Lucario's Aura not every trainer that has a Lucario has this kind of connection to it and even though it only has a win percentage ratio of 65 from 13 out of 20 battles in the world championship matches one I want to put a focus on the fact that one these are World Championship matches which means the oppon opponents are generally tougher and also just put that focus on Ash's Pikachu Greninja and Lucario as three Pokemon that Ash is connected to in a way like none of the other Pokemon he owns these three are the Pokemon that work unrelentingly hard for him so it just feels like they need to be on the team it's like having a psychic connection to these Pokemon so where does that leave us well we have a potential Z move user in Pikachu or Dynamax we have Ash's Greninja which has access to the ash Greninja form and the Mega Evolution on Lucario so what's next a legendary Pokemon perhaps we're going to begin a process of elimination here we have 51 Pokemon and only three slots to fill so let's just hard ban anything that has a 75 win rate or below we can always re-add Pokemon back in later if need be for team balancing's sake immediately one of the Pokemon we lost that's worth talking about is Sceptile and this Pokemon is powerful beating a Darkrai in the Hoenn League but it's not an instant pick however on average Ash has a grass Pokemon that fills the slot so much better with more experience than almost any of Ash's Pokemon it's Ash's Bulbasaur it has a win rate of 77 and it isn't even fully evolved Bay Leafs is even higher however Bayleef has done a lot less battling than Bulbasaur but we are going to eliminate these grass Pokemon because neither of them are fully evolved and with Pikachu already on the team we don't want to weaken the team any more than we need to however if there is a time here where a grass Pokemon would make the type composition of the whole team work Sceptile could be reconsidered then the other eliminated Pokemon here is we'll come back to that though aside from those the other Pokemon eliminated consists of some great Pokemon like his Gengar and Dragonite which could be code tenders but focusing on win rate we're looking to make the best team possible and we only have three slots to fill so our remaining candidates for the three slots are gujra naganadel incineroar Snorlax lycanroc Infernape primate male metal and baby Dawn fan I'll also eliminate primeape here due to its lack of experience yes yes it has a 100 win rate it won every fight we saw but that's so early in Ash's adventures and also it's unclear how Ash would work with primeape and we only saw it for a very brief window so no I think it's pretty clear that for the next slot we want to be looking at nagan Adele and Goodra and at first I was inclined to say naganodell it's an ultra Beast for Oculus sake but the closer you look at it the worse it is than Goodra it has less experience Goodra could use rained ons to help set up Greninja and its moves its stats are actually lower than goodras and it has the poison typing you might think that poison is a benefit in the team but with Lucario and the Electric Pokemon ground is becoming a real problem that not gonna Dell just Ultra beastial no doesn't fit in with who draw on the other hand is fantastic to add to the team and it has better moves Pikachu Lucario Goodra and Greninja nice so far just two slots left and as we go we're gonna need to start plugging the team into Marilyn's team calculator where we can see that weaknesses through ground fighting and fairy are the big three coming through granted if we had nagan Adele Ferry would be less of a threat but their ground so much more but Ash has a Pokemon that perfectly balances against all of these attributes which is not currently on the list with a win rating of 70 Charizard is immune to ground strong against fighting unresistant to fairy it's also arguably one of his most powerful Pokemon and yes the win rate is lower but it's so strong and it spent the early months of its life throwing matches lowering its overall win percentage but nowadays it's taken out Articuno and boobs Blastoise and still showing up from time to time to aggro iris's Dragonite Charizard is an iconic ash catcher Pokemon through and through and there's no question to me that this is the Pokemon that should be on Ash's team complimenting the first four of course there is a downside if you include Ash's Charizard then you eliminate the need for his incineroar and Infernape incineror is a competitive Powerhouse right now appearing in VGC all the time however the moves that make video game incinero are so great like Parting Shot are not moves that ashes incineror knows how to use plus would we use it over Infernape well no Infernape like ash Greninja and Lucario has a connection with Ash he raised it from a Chimchar their bond is so strong that it is it has this Blaze ability of sorts it's almost entering a new form if they thought of doing that with Pokemon back then it might be worth swapping Lucario with Infernape but what Lucario provides in this composition is its Mega Evolution that we see Ash's Lucario use plus it adds the Steel type one of the best types in Pokemon and the team's only counter to that pesky fairy tie plus Charizard is just iconic knowing anime writing rules when push comes to shove Charizard will be there to save the day plus Charizard also has additional options in Mega Evolution if needed or even gigantomax as well and it has a wide move pool Ash has used it for a long time Ash's Charizard is just in too good of a position here to not knock Infernape and incineroar off so that gives us five out of six so who's left to join well the presence of Charizard does give us one more weakness to worry about the electric type so we've really gotta work out which Pokemon fits the Gap right here from Snorlax lycanrock Bell metal and Dawn fan and I feel like most of these aren't great ideas upping our team's weaknesses to sub-optimal levels Dawn fan doesn't give us a third weakness but it seems to leave the team wanting with so many stacked weaknesses so we're going to need to look at some previously eliminated Pokemon perhaps of the grass type variety Bulbasaur Bayleef and Sceptile and it tough one you could make a legitimately fantastic argument for all three of these Pokemon in fact you could make a great argument for all six of his grass type Pokemon because grass is the type that perfectly fits in with this team composition Ash has other gross Pokemon too our options here are Bulbasaur Bailey Sceptile Totara Snivy and Lee Vani I'll eliminate livani and Snivy right away just due to a relative inexperience compared to the others and I'm gonna eliminate Torterra 2 which would bring with it the ground type until four times weakness to ice it actually has lost a lot of its battle since becoming a Torterra seems like it shouldn't have evolved from turwig heck it may even be on Ash's worst team again check that out at the end of this video so we have three Pokemon remaining and they all have such good Arguments for them Bayleef has the highest win loss ratio and is a mid-stage Pokemon with averageish stats Bulbasaur has by far the most enticing battle win loss ratio and considering it brings the poison type it will bring a second strength against fairy Pokemon however that also means that psychic would have somewhere I'll be super effective Sceptile is bigger than either of them in stats and took on a dark cry but its win rate is only 60 in contrast to Bulbasaur's 77 and then Bailey from top of that bay leaf has only ever lost two battles bragging the highest win percentage behind Greninja at this point you could pick any of them and I'd argue the answers are correct just looking at the type chart so the only thing we can look to here really are the moves that these Pokemon have access to and here we can see that Ash's Bulbasaur does not take advantage of that poison typing which means it doesn't actually give us an advantage against Ferry but instead it is just an unnecessary weakness to psychic so for that reason I'm gonna take it out it's not like dogs are doing much better though bayleaf also Only Knows grass and normal moves Sceptile is all also only grass moves but it also has agility for high evasion so I think I'm gonna eliminate Bulbasaur because of its low stats and weakness to psychic that is unnecessary because there's just no benefit for it which just leaves us with Bayleef versus Sceptile and here if it's down to me I think I'd rather take my chance on Sceptile I chalk up the high losses potentially a few bad matchups and by the same Merit maybe bailiff's willing sword due to good matchups for it we can't know for sure unless we go back and literally watch every single battle that either of these Pokemon took part in but I just feel with its bulkier stats and the fact that it took on a dark ride Sceptile is the correct sixth pick for the team and with that in mind this is the final rundown of Ash's Ultimate Team of course we have Pikachu with electroweb Thunderbolt quick attack and iron tail it has access to the Z move 10 million volt Thunderbolt And if a gigantom ax has access to Max Steel Spike g-max Vault crash and Max strike we have Greninja with the battleborn ability double team area ice water sriken and cut we have Ash's Charizard which so far we haven't seen gigantomax Omega but or use a z move but hey ho it's got a wonderful move pool dragon tail slash wing attack and flamethrower then we have Ash's Lucario which will Mega Evolve and be the Mega Evolution on the team using bullet Punch or a sphere double team and reversal we have Goodra I mean brain dance to help set up that Greninja Dragon pulse ice B man bied and then finally we have actually Sceptile knowing the storm Leaf blade quick attack and Agility and heck maybe he'll give Mega Revolution to Sceptile one day but this is the team of six that I believe is Ash ketchum's best possible Pokemon team but if you think we're wrong you're gonna have to let us know in the comments down below and on top of that click on over to the loxins video where you can see Ash ketchum's worst team ever of all time it's got Totodile in it possibly would you talk about him a lot the silly goose thank you all for watching and of course saw hi Pokemon Masters this is catch the video but but that makes you just the biggest thank you to those who are supporting this channel on patreon and a special thank you to the big patrons of the month Jed Ruben Charmander anzable Anthony Lee the elegator and Michael hornchu thank you so much
Channel: Bird Keeper Toby
Views: 99,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ash best pokemon from each type, ash best pokemon, ash best team, ash ketchum strongest pokemon team, ash ketchum last episode, ash ketchum best team from each region, how old is ash ketchum, what level is ash's pikachu, who is ash father in pokemon, who is ashs dad pokemon, best ash ketchum battles, best ash ketchum moments, best pokemon ash caught, best pokemon ash ever had, birdkeeper toby, lockastin pokemon theory, lockstin gnoggin ash
Id: 8bdRLlRuRR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 07 2023
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