What If The Russian Empire Came Back?

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so today we'll be taking a look at a scenario where the Russian Empire returns to modern day now the Russian Empire is one of the largest countries in history of course not as large as the Mongol Empire or the British Empire but it's definitely up there in terms of how big and powerful an Empire once was now at its peak the Russian Empire looked something like this and think it was back in 1895 but correct me if I'm wrong but I believe that's around the time that the Russian Empire was at a total peak of course it collapsed in 1914-ish when it fell to the Communist revolutionaries but uh we're going back in time and we're picking that thing up and we're dropping it in the modern day so if you do enjoy this video make sure to leave a like on it and subscribe to the channel if you're new all the support is greatly appreciated and really helps out our Channel and yeah let's go ahead and jump straight into the scenario alright so the Russian Empire was just plopped down on top of Russia and many of its surrounding countries in the entire world is uh scratching its head because this is a very peculiar event Empires don't tend to randomly come back out of nowhere but in this case it just has and it is the largest country in the world by far of course it already took over all of Russia which is already the largest country but now taking up other large countries like Ukraine and Kazakhstan but with this land mass and all of its population Russia is probably the most powerful country in the world ahead of the United States now economically it may not be but uh military-wise yes the USA is most likely beaten by this power and that's because they're taking over countries like Finland they're taking countries over like Ukraine and you can maybe even argue half of Poland would be enough to put them over the United States but yeah they're back and they want to put the Mongol Empire to shame so the first thing they're going to do is well invade Mongolia Russian troops start to storm in from the north and across the entire Mongol border much similar to the way that the Mongols invaded Russia itself back when that was a thing you know the 1400s back back then sometime you know the whole plague thing and then yeah the middle was the Medieval it was like the Renaissance time so those weren't fun but the Russian Empire obviously sweeps through Mongolia and there is little to no resistance except for when China comes in because they are not liking this new Russian Empire that's happening of course first of all they already are more powerful than China which is going to be a threat to China but also because the Russian Empire has no desire to have diplomatic relations with any country so it's kind of a rogue Empire in terms of world diplomacy just does its own thing so China is going to invade Mongolia in order to stop Russia from invading Mongolia very very smart and they're gonna get the remainder of it so it's gonna look something like this now of course Russia doesn't want to hold diplomatic relations with it which means they don't really want to have a peace treaty with China in it so they're just going to go ahead and tell their main General who's already like right there to meet up with the Chinese main General they talk things out they're like yo we're just going to take what we have and you can chill all right looking at this piece still here we see that a majority of Mongolia is the core is going to be annexed by the Russian Empire and the rest will go over to China just like I discussed a couple seconds ago but now Russia is in an interesting scenario of course because it's always an interesting scenario here on this channel because we're very interesting people but what I'm trying to get out here is that they don't border any particularly weak countries they border China they border Afghanistan no one can win their Iran turkey Sweden Norway Romania uh arguably Poland those are all countries that can defend themselves pretty well I mean Poland's extremely crippled so maybe not Poland there is a little bit of a weak spot here in Slovakia and Hungary though and that's exactly where they're going to focus on next so declare war on Slovakia and Russian troops start to remove inwards now it is very important to note that NATO the EU the UN and so on and so forth no longer exist in this timeline that's how it is and pretty much all of my videos unless I say otherwise and that's because it's not really fair for the main country in the video so like if NATO existed they wouldn't be able to expand into Europe they'd have to expand elsewhere and that would get kind of boring so yeah those blocks do not exist in other news Slovakia no longer exists but this is the point in the video where things are going to start getting weird because countries are going to start forming alliances now I know I just said that alliances aren't fair but these alliances aren't going to be as strong as NATO or like the EU block or things like that so that is important to note but there will still be alliances and set Alliance that's going to be forming right now is going to be called the anti-russian expansion league so the a r e l Arrow where weird name their main goal of course is to stop Russia from expanding but the only problem is that they can't really cut off them from the Balkans because Hungary is a stubborn little you know what and they don't want to join the alliance so Russia is going to teach them a freaking lesson hunger gets absolutely smacked around as they deserve to as their capital is destroyed and flattened and the rest of the country is also flattened and they are now speaking Russian it is important to note during this war Hungary tried to join the arrow but they were denied and told to screw off so more countries now join this Alliance including Slovenia and Croatia and uh we have a similar problem with Serbia not wanting to join now their defense is that Russia is their Ally and they would never invade Serbia we'll see how long that lasts anyway in the coming days we have multiple more invasions this time of kalinograd which technically will be an independent country in this video because it was not a part of the Russian Empire at its greatest extent I forgot Alaska Silly Willy me I want to die okay there's the Russian Empire's greatest extent for those of you who already left their comment criticizing me on that why don't delete it because I want the Impressions but like you made a fool of yourself and the people who watch the whole video they're gonna critique you you did it to yourself for not watching this far stupid head alrighty anyway Colin grad stood no chance they're gone Poland yep you're an excellent shopping blog so Russia declares war on Poland but we're gonna have something interesting Happening Here uh except it's not interesting and probably very very foreseeable but uh yeah the same thing that happened with Mongolia is going to happen here the Germans are going to join in this war in order to take over the remaining half of Poland and that's just to kind of put up some ground against them I guess like a neutral zone but yeah we eventually have Poland looking like this and let's go take a look at this Beast deal this one though will be negotiated a little bit in order to kind of like ease tensions with Russia the arrow really wants to uh not get invaded by Russia so they're gonna like try their best to be as friendly as possible work with them on the peace negotiation so maybe give them a little bit more than they uh should have all right look at this piece though here you can see what I just said went into effect so Russia does get a majority of Poland but Germany and czechia still do get a little bit and they're going to set up these areas as neutral zones so just to redraw the borders here real quick this is what check your sorter used to look like this is what Germany sort of used to look like take sort of to like the extreme because that's not right but we can see that this is Germany's neutral zone and this is Chucky's neutral zone all right so Russia has expanded fully into Europe and they are now probably going to collapse because of how much land they have but they do not care they are Russia they're going to do what they want and think they can get away with it until it comes back to bite them kind of similar to what's probably going to happen to Russia in real life so let's take a look at this map real quick the board of Serbia which you could go after but if you do that that's going to set an example for the rest of Europe and that's going to Domino into pretty much all the other countries joining in because you know Serbia did say that they doubt Russia would invade them to the biggest Ally but if they did invade them that just goes to show that Russia is willing to do anything to get land and I highly doubt that any of these countries that border Serbia would refrain from joining the arrow and at that point you you don't want that because that would be a struggle to fight against but going down to the Middle Eastern Area here we can see that Iran is here I don't think Russia wants hands with Iran because they're friendly with them even though they dropped all the Diplomatic relation we're going to ignore just that for Iran Afghanistan invade that place if you want to collapse waiting on the USA they do not want to throw hands with China or Japan that's a war they do not want so Russia strategy here is gonna go something like this you only live once the Russian Empire declares war on the anti-russian expansion League yep no one's safe not even these guys who all banded together so at this point Russian troops are aligned across all these borders and they are about to show what the Russian Empire is capable of the United States at this point has the bed has been browned just one more year one more year and I'll be 18 and no one can tell me not to curse just one more year one more it's gonna be great it's gonna be horrible I'm gonna I don't know what's gonna happen but it's gonna be it's gonna be interesting anyway uh this greatness Russian troops all up in here so they're invading the mountains here that's probably the Finnish Battalion but they're invading mountains down in Romania you know Andrew Tate recently got out of jail but it is not going to be enough um if you've been seeing his Twitter post recently yeah he's um he's different he's not what he used to be so all his Bugattis turned into Honda Civics if he no longer smokes cigars he smokes Vapes so yeah Broski is dead the checks get their neutral zone violated and so do the Germans Germany manages to put up a solid defense but checkia is not capable of such thought they are the lower life form compared to Germany is that racist probably not but I'm sure someone will make it racist I don't mean the people I mean the country guys anyway uh yeah it's not looking good for the arrow here um they really never stood a chance because their only players are Termini and gerky Croatia Falls that leads to the full and collapse of Austria and at this point Russian troops are lined on the German border however they are not entering also just a quick question for you guys this is kind of off topic for the video more for the channel would you be interested in seeing a Call of Duty Vanguard campaign video Now Call of Duty Vanguard came out in 2021 I believe so it's a it's two years old so it's not old it's a brand new game basically and um The Campaign basically goes to World War II in different perspectives so you play it as different people you play a D-Day you play in the Pacific Theater For the United States and there might be an African campaign but I could be wrong on that but let me know if you'd be interested in seeing that now I know that is more related to history than sons of the forest was sons of the fourth that video did not do good that's why I didn't do a part two of that even though a lot of people that say that won a part or two majority didn't so that's why there wasn't one but Call of Duty Vanguard that is a it's a first person shooter if you don't know what it is but of course you're fighting through World War II on different fronts so if you would be interested in that let me know because Call of Duty that is a game that I enjoy um The Campaign that I played a little bit of it it was super fun also yeah the Eastern Front you fight in the Battle of Stalingrad so that would be cool once again just let me know open to all input and of course and fill enough for you guys say you would like to see it I'll try it out maybe I'll do a community post but back to the video turkey is being invaded now they're doing elections right now which is pretty interesting their leader oh I'm gonna pronounce his name wrong aerodogan something like that I don't know that he's not the best of people um but let's not talk about leaders here let's talk about capabilities the Turkish country is not doing great lots of bad things happening there and I'm totally not just saying this because I want to wipe them off the map right now they lose Ankara which sucks but they hold on the Istanbul and eventually the Turkish military manages to put up a stalemate against the Russians mostly because the Russians aren't focused on this area they're focused on Deutschland and Deutschland is going to lose his Capital very quickly and the bells of Germany is starting to bring fashion of World War II the Soviets I mean Russian spearhead across the Netherlands and to this point Frankfurt is captured leading to basically the surrender of Germany the southern end collapses the northern front manages to hold out for a little bit but eventually they're pushed all the way back up into Denmark who is quick to surrender over to Russia at this point Norway surrenders as well as Sweden and Russia has managed to win this war minus turkey now with turkey they're gonna go head up and set a peace deal here and they're going to kind of twist turkey's arm behind their back here and force them to do some things regarding this area but first let's take a look at this peace treaty alright so taking a look at this peace treaty here we can see that the Russian Empire has basically become World dominant uh they've taken over a good portion of Northern Sweden a little bit of Norway although they didn't really have much interest in this area moving going down South we could see that Poland is completely annexed as well as Germany and uh czechia osteoslavinia and Croatia are all made into Soviet Russian public States and Turkey got out of this pretty easily uh they only lost a little bit of their Coast up here in the Black Sea but remember I did say that there was a Twist Russia was given Port rights to the is the this straight whatever it's called Istanbul is still Turkish the city is controlled by turkey but the specific passing rights and the area like the land the coast is controlled by Russia similar to how the United States controlled the Panama Canal after they finished building it I don't believe they still do they might though I might sound stupid saying that as well but whatever but yeah they control the passage rights and porting rights to Istanbul in this straight over here not Istanbul and that's going to allow them to kind of raise tariffs there and tax a lot of these countries who are going to go through the Black Sea and into Russia or maybe Bulgaria similarly if a turkey wants to use it or if Bulgaria wants to use it they have to go through the Straits and of course that is going to be tariffs and the taxes will go to Russia Russia is at a pretty good point right now um they have a good portion of Eastern in Europe they have the troops they have the economy they could very well like challenge the world now I don't want to say at right now because of the entire world formed a coalition against them they wouldn't win but just a little bit more if they were able to get into the Middle East and take over this area if they were to go over the rest of the nordics and go over into Western Europe take all that I think they would have a shot now India China and the United States those are the guys would be a problem if they all work together but the Russians could probably pick them off individually but yeah they just have to get the Middle East they have to get control the Suez if they get over here to Spain might as well take control of this and just basically control trade with Europe from there I would Bank of them going after Japan because that is a very valuable piece of land I'd bangle them going after China getting over this coast and Taiwan they could try to get this straight in Malacca I don't know why I know that straight but I don't know this straight I'm weird I guess they could probably get this but I'm not sure if this actually used like controlled I doubt it because our Trey and Yemen are two different countries but I don't know it happens sometimes and then I'd probably go after Canada and then you have a really big border with the United States you take them out and then the world is basically yours but yeah um that's your Russian fantasy for today and probably for the rest of this month because this month is going by very quickly uh it is going by quickly but school I'm telling you right now man it is not going by quickly if you haven't seen my latest Community post go check it out because I'm not going to explain all the stuff that I did there here again so just check the community post for an explanation of some of the stuff that's been happening recently and just further input for the rest of the summer but I want to thank you guys so much for watching this video if you did enjoy make sure to leave a like on it and subscribe to the channel if you're brand new support really helps us out it really helps us grow our channel into something even bigger I'm not going to say a million subscribers because that is very far-fetched at this very moment but in the near future I believe we can probably get there but that's like a full-time YouTube thing and I'm not old enough to do YouTube full-time yet because I'm still in high school and then we'll see how College Plays out but most large YouTubers dropped out of college I'm not saying this is a good example but if it happens to me and it works out and then maybe it is uh stay in school kids and I'll see you guys in the next video and of course they keep telling the super fans this includes Patrick closer Kylie speaks please Nevada garbage trucks inserminator once again thank you guys
Channel: AdizzPro
Views: 127,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Russian empire, russia, what if, what if the russian empire, what if the russian empire came back, what if the russian empire returned, russia ukraine, ukraine war, russia vs ukraine, soviet union, ussr, russian empire history, russia vs europe, russia vs china, map, mapper, maps, mapping, mapping scenario, war, wars, war simulation, war scenario, world war, ww1, ww2, ww3, alternate future, alternate history, adizzpro, adizzpro empire, drew durnil, oversimplified, geo facts, nato, eu, csto
Id: jxMtg-Puiyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2023
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