The Korean Cold War

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I healed no more nukes Booyah I did it I ended the war wow you mean we we won the war but details maybe I should go enough Wars for now the hunting season is closed relax buddy deep breaths oh hunting season level one deactivated for now a friend of America how easily you forget the good times we're still Frenemies oh shut it y'all big China wants to sleep what a weirdo but hey look after all this war Korea is now free cute so cute so much potential but can they reveal the great nation alone yeah I'll adopt him what boom great idea oh you don't two are in it together huh we complete that game too I'm not here we will adopt him too stop involving me well we could share good idea wait a sickle oh wow are we still doing a family show I hope baby Korea's all right oh hey Mr spherical here it's been a while since I've appeared here on the channel that's because I was playing prey Shadow Legends the sponsor for this video no kidding I'm already on level 14. this game is awesome with over 700 unique Champions lizard men orbs dwarves Undead elves OMG so many factions put your skills to the test against Raids 12 challenging dungeons to play with your friends play against your enemies new Champions modes and features I can even play on my phone or computer millions of artifacts team compositions and strategies to test out I'm customizing the heck out of this level 15 baby dude over 400 million players and more than 190 country balls Brazil China Germany Australia the world is playing this right now join us today and if you haven't been watching raid call of the Arbiter which rock have you been living under the limited series as well and truly underway so be sure to check it out there's also a bunch of brand new content and rage Shadow Legends related to call of the object including a free legendary champion the mighty orc warlord our attack all you have to do to get him is log into raid for seven days between now and July 24th easy don't forget to keep up to date with raid call of the Arbiter on YouTube there's more awesome stuff coming if you haven't started playing yet then what are you waiting for use my link in the description or scan my QR code to get insane bonuses we're talking an epic Champion night Eric from Banner Lords faction and other useful things and I'll see you on the battlefield now let's get back to Baby Korea being sliced in half oh gosh that's it hunting season mode is on level two Here We Go Again fine you've got hunting mode I go beast mode stop haven't you lost enough for the second war fine for administrative purposes okay oh perfect here's something all right I'll call him South Korea that's so unoriginal say oil to Daddy he'll get there hold on Soviet Union what are you gonna call here North Korea is fine okay but remember that this is not a foreign and this is your new home blue is the new black red is only color anyone that says otherwise is the enemy hey bud until you grow up to become a good independent countryball dad murica gonna take care of you that's right now have you heard of our Lord and savior capitalism have you heard of our Lord and savior communism yeah that's my boy Mart salutes freedom come freedom in 3D [Music] one party rules [Applause] I will bring freedom to the Korean people I will reunify the Korean Peninsula under my own communist regime ah in that clown had the audacity to invade me note I said to him the winter is coming did you wake me up just to talk about the weather well hey Mr Soviet Union and Mr China I have a sick idea a good night but my idea oh yeah tell me about it really now what were you saying comrade I'm a grown man now and I have a dream oh a dream let's see if our indoctrination I mean education worked I will invade I mean unite the careers again what I will be the Supreme everyone will love me and my communist wait wait listen your heart is in the right place but your brain is being crazy ah uniting Korea takes too much Manpower and it is too hard for you my people will fight for me I am the family I am the love I am the god [Music] your army is not ready says the guy who lost to Japan in 1905. oh that's it take that back take that back right now make me oh you little enough you want to get eaten no right so let him have his war and leave me alone okay sure thanks Mr China next time someone wakes me there will be hell to pay happy everyone will kneel before me what a beautiful day stepdad are you winning son North Korea is coming at me with like 75 000 men oh my stars and Spangles don't let the marxists get you son Papa's coming how did you get here so fast With a Little Help from My Friends now you're surrounded you capitalist Pig join me and we can rule the galaxy together and by together I mean me I'll never give it to Communism corruption yes communism never you have chosen death we could be so much more together my twin brother what did you call the war is over baby because now I'm here stop right now North Korea ah I'm all right oh he came as well good brother no no no no no no no Korea can't be all red it's a disease a virus I won't allow it I must exterminate it oh shoot Mr Soviet Union was right I totally need a China assist brother hunting season no I can't stop you now dead miracle uh I think we are lost nonsense you hit your head too hard I can smell commies stop at that oh we shouldn't go too far I go anywhere I want yeah anywhere we won't hey step dad uh about what happened you betrayed me after all I did for you that was really horrible sassy boy hey no North and I may have some bad blood between us but he's still my brother Korea like me are you a commie then stop with all of that he might be different you know cause we come from different backgrounds and all but hey people can change right we all have that potential so instead of going all out and killing each other over these ideologies why not try to work things out peacefully just the thought hmm oh hey look a cave your stepdad knows what's best let's bounce hey step dad I'm busy right now kami's love to hide yeah come out I've got a bad feeling about this come out commies I can smell you should we even be here comings don't die by themselves up we go oh boy no that's China's territory now you did it suckers I'm so sorry don't worry North Korea sleepy Uncle China is finally awake Ray Shadow Legends once you're in and crushing your enemies come find me under my own name of course level 18 already ah and if you're fast enough you can join my awesome Clan just hit my link in the description and I'll see you on the battlefield
Channel: MrSpherical
Views: 909,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: North Korea, South Korea, Koreas, Cold War, America, US, USA, Soviet Union, Russia, Countryballs, Baby, Baby Korea
Id: f1JgIjNpZ8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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