What If Rome Returned Modern Day?

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So today we're gonna be taking a look at a scenario where Rome reappears in the modern day of course the Roman Empire was one of the largest in history and honestly it's kind of amazing how it held together for so long but it is back here in 2023 or whenever you're watching this and it's just as strong as it was back then if not even stronger and of course they're gonna be possessing powerful countries such as France Italy turkey all those guys are really strong so they get all their equipment all their military stuff like that and this possibly could be the strongest country in the world so if you guys do enjoy this video make sure to leave a like on it and subscribe to the channel if you're new we're on day two of daily upload week I'm still trying to get to 100 000 subscribers so if you haven't subscribed already make sure to do so we're gonna try to get there before the end of January although there's no real like deadline anyway let's go ahead and jump right into this video so Rome has just reappeared in the modern day and obviously um the world is going to be very confused how this ancient empire has just resurfaced considering that that it's made up of like a lot of different groups that wouldn't get along like the Turks or the Israelis and the Palestinians uh the Spaniards and the Moroccans the there's a lot of groups here that want to mix it well together but somehow in some way Rome has reunited now it is important to note that this isn't a 100 accurate border um I tried my best just to like look off a reference and then redraw it onto the map it's close enough to where it's still considered Rome also I didn't know that the border between England and Scotland is literally the Roman border that was made hundreds of years ago so that's kind of interesting how they cut that as the Border anyway Rome's first task as a new um country Empire thing is to invade the remainder of Austria and the remainder of mondova these are weak countries who um well they're barely even existing at this point and Rome's just gonna finish them off in order to get the extra land so there goes Austria and there goes Moldova Rome has just expanded for the first time and Europe is absolutely terrified of this monster right here because honestly they're gonna have their way with Europe I mean I don't see how they could protect themselves looking at the countries which have been affected by Rome's existence obviously the UK which is just broken down to Scotland and Northern Ireland Germany lost a big chunk of land um the northern African countries here are going to be screwed because they don't have access to that Mediterranean but actually Algeria with all their stuff up here same thing with Libya and Tunisia they're Bailey surviving over to the Middle East Iraq is like not even there Iran took a hit but nothing too crucial same thing with Saudi Arabia Egypt is pretty much done overall the world around Rome is hurting and that's gonna make Rome very happy so now Rome is going to go after a couple more countries and those countries are going to be the ones that are barely surviving so Iraq Georgia and Azerbaijan at this point no one dares to try to stop Rome because they're just too much too fast I managed to wipe out the caucuses and soon after we had the fall of Iraq but now we finally have some countries doing some things first off we have Ireland and Scotland as well as Northern Ireland uniting into the Celtic Union not much of a big game changer for them but I guess they're better off together than they are alone Germany and the remainder of the Netherlands united into just Germany and another country that joins that is surprisingly enough going to be Checkers or just check yet not czolakia Slovakia is going to chill on their own they're going to try to peace out with Rome but Rome's not having any of that then we have another Union breaking out between Norway Sweden Denmark and Iceland Island so just changes to try to get more power into their hands nothing much nothing too major but nonetheless you're still going to try to prevent Rome's expansion but now Rome is going to take their eyes off of Europe in the Middle East and go into Northern Africa where they um they don't have as much land as they'd like first off they're going after Morocco troops enter in from the north and are going full force uh Morocco is gonna be able to defend off a little bit here but once again it is basically just this like all these armies within these countries are united together under Rome so that's going to be like near to impossible to stop so the Romans quickly go down into Morocco they take what the most valuable land is considered and eventually Morocco surrenders we see full annexation by Rome and a bunch of Roman troops sitting on the border of Algeria but Algeria it does have a little bit of a trick up their sleeve and that trick is to unite with all the other countries who lost land from Rome but there is just one thing that's wrong with this and that is the latter of what I just said which is countries that lost land to Rome and like I said earlier on the video North Africa lost all of its valuable land and is literally just like a few Maybe populated areas along the border and then desert so yeah this might not have been the best move for all these other countries the Romans start their invasion in over here from Morocco where their troops were already lying across the border we also see them use their armies over here in your Carthage and pushing in from here and overall we are seeing a majority of Rome's assets over here in Algeria because that is where they mostly plan to invade I'm sure they did have some scouting troops along this border just to like you know Scout but I don't think they're geared up for an invasion so surprisingly enough if it's surprising at all the blue team will be able to gain some land here and it's gonna kind of hurt Rome because they're going to go ahead and cut them off from like each other no don't get me wrong the entire Mediterranean is Roman so they could just like do that but something like this does kind of hurt in the long run if there are any trade routes through here and the blue team is able to take control of this it's just gonna kind of look bad on Rome for a couple of weeks we also have the blue team making a campaign into Southern Egypt they get fairly far considering that they are like barely even alive until they are stopped and soon to be decimated now like I I said like multiple times now this is a realm with modern day equipment so um bombs nukes uh death you name it they got it the Romans start releasing their newly found long-range missiles um All Over The Blue Team here specifically hitting these armies over here destroying some of their own land if that's okay because of the Rome they have plenty of land long story short these guys are kicked out of where they've invaded I hate this mouse I need to get a new mouse now so the Romans continue to push in and they're going doing some at a pretty rapid Pace now they're not going to push fully into the Saharan Desert because there's literally no need to do that after a few more weeks of fighting we were left with front lines it looks something like this and at this point the blue team is gonna go ahead and surrender because they have nothing less to fight for alright looking at these new lovely borders here the Roman Empire is going to become the Roman world if we keep let it going and it's just looking not good for the whoever is on the border of this country now of course there are going to be countries who are going to be capable of stopping rooms such as the USA uh the only problem is there's a giant ocean separating them so there won't be any like land battles it would all be Naval and even then the us would have a really hard time trying to invade any of this I could also see Russia doing some damage maybe even China but in order to topple this we would have to have the US Russia China and maybe even India all working together to bring down Rome and that's just because it's such a vast Empire it's in a pretty inconvenient location for those four countries and also it's just like really freaking strong for some reason so uh Robes of Rapid expansion is once again alarming countries all around it and now we're gonna have the largest Union take place in this video before that Western Sahara sinks into the bottom of the ocean in the Saharan African Union has just formed now a lot of these countries that just joined this Union are Islamic and that may have something to do with Rome's attack on their Northern Islamic neighbors but also just because these are a bunch of border states who don't want to lose their sovereignty so they're going to give other sovereignty to each other in order to stop Rome from just taking it themselves so it's notable countries that join this are obviously going to be Sudan which is probably the most notable one there we have Ghana Chad of course uh Molly no like major Powerhouse is joining but Nigeria is strongly considered joining as well as Cameroon and um I don't really think anyone else will want to join because they're probably out of range for Rome but now another large one takes place over here in the Arabian Peninsula and this one is between Saudi Arabia Oman the UAE Qatar and Kuwait once again um probably not gonna be strong enough to hold back Rome but it will be a like a big slow down if they do try to invade Saudi Arabia which I don't even think they will but now Roma is going to go ahead and do something that's going to get them into some trouble later on in the video but for now they're going to invade Ukraine why do they want to invade Ukraine well because the Black Sea touches the Mediterranean Sea and anything that touches the Mediterranean Sea is Roman therefore Invasion now I'm pretty sure Rome did also Patrol Crimea or some Southern parts of it um I just didn't draw that in because I thought it would look weird but anyway Roman troops now enter in from Romania and to say the least Ukraine is not up to par with Rome once again like we're not even buffing rum here they're just like this is insanely powerful I don't know how anyone would stop us and uh yeah Ukraine will not be able to do it themselves here but they do meet up with the Juniper River and this is where we see something interesting happen Russia joins the war because that's a very Russian thing to do these guys are going to go ahead and start to invade into the donbass area as well in from Northern Ukraine now they are not on the same side as Rome here that's why they're a different color and the reason for invading Ukraine is very different well actually kind of isn't they're not going after the Mediterranean Sea but they are going after Ukraine because they want land same thing Ram's doing so maybe these two guys aren't too different from each other we'll see here in a couple minutes though so overall Roman Russia managed to capture this much land and now they're just kind of staring at each other at the border Russia wants to be friendly Rome does not want to be friendly and uh they're just going to go ahead and meet and Kiev to divide up what they have looking at this peace deal here it doesn't really look fair to Russia and that's because it's not um the Russian Ambassador who met and Kiev with the Roman uh probably just the Roman King because that's a very Roman thing to do send your highest official to a meeting um he's going to like threaten the Russian Ambassador and they're going to get a lot more land than they should have and this makes Vladimir Putin very angry so Vladimir Putin sends a bunch of his troops down here to the border of Rome and they start taunting the Romans you had that coming buddy turns out the more you mess around the more you find out and Vladimir Putin is about to find out very hard that you don't mess with the Romans not first the Romans are gonna have a very sweeping campaign here uh looks like Russia wasn't even ready for this war and that's because they're not but after losing a majority of their southern lands their army finally gets their head out of the dirt or I guess their head out of the snow and they start to fight back against the Romans and actually do a lot better than the most of the world would anticipate they start to bulge down towards the uh the sea right here I forgot the name of and that's where Rome's like haha just kidding and uh their troops just kind of yep so Russia sends a letter of apology over to the Roman King who um rips it up but ultimately still accepts the peace deal or I guess accepts talks to peace and then once again meet up in Kiev and this time Vladimir Putin is there and the Roman king is not there but the only thing is Vladimir Putin is not a very threatening guy so um the Romans are gonna be able to get what they want here and looking at this peace deal here Rome is at its all-time greatest taking a huge portion of Southern Russia and leaving Russia without a lot of valuable land full of resources especially over here in the caucuses but now the world has seen it um rum just tore up Russia Rome would most likely tear up the USA so what is the world going to do well that seems very appropriate now why didn't Slovakia get colored in well that's because the Roman I um forgot to show that clip before I showed this clip so uh there goes Slovakia anyway the most unlikely of countries have just come together to form the anti-roman expansion Alliance which um it's consisting of a lot of big players here those said big players include the United States includes India Russia Germany Poland uh the Scandinavian Union Finland the uh Central or the Saharan African Union uh Iran and Saudi Arabia or I guess just Arabia lots of big players in this Alliance here and uh Rome is not going to be too happy about its existence so they're going to take it out on Kazakhstan now what did Kazakhstan do to deserve this nothing they don't they don't deserve this Rome thinks they do though so they start to invade them and at the same time as this is happening Kazakhstan joins in on the anti-roman expansion Alliance and uh Rob is given an option they can either leave or go to war with the Allies Brum says let us take what we want and we'll be done and they agreed to that all right Rome is looking ridiculously long now they span all the way over here from the tip of Morocco to Kazakhstan that is a large country as South as Algeria and as North as England uh this is a country you really don't want to mess with I mean let's just fill in the Square that it fits in here yeah that's like a good portion of the world and unfortunately for the world uh Rome's kind of Outlook is something that looks like this now that's a lot we'll run things you can do it now there's only one problem Rome can't really expand anywhere especially with countries like Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan joining this anti-roman Alliance and now they officially border no countries which are neutral Tyrone says you know what let's roll the dice here we're about to collapse from all these different ethnicities clashing within us why don't we just try to go to war with this purple team and go to war with the purple team they do it's time to experience a mass amount of death in Europe for the third or fourth or maybe even fifth time in history so almost instantly the Celtic Union is put out the dry following this the Romans used our mass amount of troops which are already over here to invade up into Russia hoping to reach Moscow and knock them out of the war this is by far going to be Rome's biggest task um because this is the most countries I've ever fought at once also the most amount of land they've ever had to invade so like I said they are gonna go push for Moscow first and then spearhead is created to go up north in order to capture the city meanwhile we have everyone pushing down the coast of Arabia and into Southern Iran in Africa they don't really do much because there's no point in trying to invade these guys so they instead focus on everywhere else either pushing up into czechia and Germany and pretty much taking out this country within a few weeks Belarus is invaded as well as Poland and it really just looks like a Roman barrage here and that's because that's exactly what it is now secretly U.S troops and Canadian troops are swarming into Africa especially over here in the western Terran sea but for now they don't do much I mean of course you're gonna be sending troops over into Europe in order to fight on the front lines of I guess at this point Poland but that's like a very annoying route to get there like you would have to go up and then like yeah that's annoying to get there so I don't know where they'd fight India's doing the same thing they're sending troops right into Arabia and troops right into Iran Russia of course is fighting for its life right now but since the Romans did kind of disregard Africa the blue team down here is going to be able to push into their puppet state this pretty much goes unnoticed by the Romans since this is just a majority like of desert areas but it will set up the blue team that be able to set up camps along this border and eventually invaded the actual Roman Parts but yeah everywhere else Rome is having the major advantage they're sticking out to their spearhead over here near Moscow they're also pushing into Kazakhstan now for some reason back down in Arabia they aren't having much success with a mass amount of Indian troop there but there's a little bit less of Indian troops in Iran which gives way for them to be able to push even further now they go up from the south in order to try to capture Tehran which is Iran's Capital since there's a lot of mountains over here wouldn't want to go through those but I wouldn't be surprised to somehow managed to pick up something from Carthage and use like I guess Elephants or what would like the modern equivalent to elephants be that would actually would probably just be tanks they had figured out how to do it I bet you they would back over to Russia we have a major event taking place which is the capturing a Moscow by the Romans Germany couldn't do it France couldn't do it but the Romans which are basically just France and Germany and a bunch of other countries combined they could do it so now with Moscow gone Russia is still going to try to hold out as best as they can although they are losing their um stability really quickly look at the Romans meeting up with the Baltic Sea and coming up Poland from the baltics speaking of the baltics they have nothing really to fight for as they barely even have armies and it's really looking like Rome might be able to win this war somehow Meanwhile Back Down in Africa the blue team has managed to take out all of the puppet States and Rome still has not really no I mean of course they know but like the higher up military commanders they're like oh yeah sure I'm busy I'm doing Moscow right now leave me alone and this is gonna come back to bite them because the US and Canada and now even India who threw some of their troops from Saudi Arabia put them across the Red Sea and over into Africa they have a bunch of troops along this front line close to a million and yes there is a draft because I mean this is like if you lose this war it's over not just for you but basically the entire world as long as Rome can stay stable but finally we have e day happening which is the sequel to D-Day America troops who are tasked with invading Morocco Algeria Tunisia and Western Libya are going to be lined up across this border while Canadians and Indians are going to be lined up over here in order to take Egypt in the remainder of Libya on June 7th 2020 five or six we have American troops crossing the border into Mainland Rome this marks one of the only times that Rome has been invaded by someone that they are currently invading and uh Rome is quick to pick up on this except they're not that quick to pick up on it you see the Roman commanders down here in this region they were told about it but unfortunately they mysteriously disappeared before they were able to send any messages to the Roman King so there is a mass amount of delay but just like do remember this is the modern day so of course like technology you can just send a quick Snapchat to your king like hey yo Americans here send help please LMAO so the American campaign is going great as they break up and finally meet the Mediterranean Sea for the Indians Canadians it's also going well as they finally meet up with the Mediterranean Sea as well and push over towards Alexandria they cut off a big chunk of Roman troops who are forced to surrender and now they've meet up with the Egyptian Coastal on the Red Sea and almost take all of it so overall e day is going great for the blue team and it will continue to go great as Southern parts of Morocco reclaimed and now we're just left with the more populated areas of Rome which are of course going to be over here in Morocco Tunisia Libya and this part of Algeria and then the more populated areas of Egypt now Rob of course knows about this now I mean they've lost a good portion of their land so they're going to start to kind of slow down on their Advance up here especially over here in Germany and they're gonna like start sending troops down south in order to fight against these guys now the US and code did have a plan for this because of course on the Mediterranean Sea is a huge Advantage from rum right now the US uses this cool thing called icbms they launch them from over here because they most likely don't have any over here I don't see why they would but they're going to strike a lot of areas including two knees they're gonna strike any ports in Morocco basically they're going after any major Point ports that Rome does have all the white dots include major military ports for Rome and they are now in Ruins and Rome is going to try to repair these but honestly they're probably not going to have enough time before the Americans get there now like I said Rome also has their own modern technology so on this end one right back at the West and strike major ports and cities along the eastern coast of America this gets the war pretty close to nuclear war between the US and Rome which is something I thought I would never ever say in my life but here we are but I think Rome might be smart enough not to use those shiny bombs that they have in France anyway with the Roman Navy unable to help the Army get down here to Africa the Roman King gives the orders to abandon everything down here basically if there are any shipping routes to leave take those shipping routes and get out before the Americans kill you and that's mostly what happens with Africa falling to the blue team so now the US and Co over here near Egypt and Israel and they're gonna go ahead and push across now the Romans are still defending here but they still kind of have that Retreat mentality so the Americans are able to take advantage of that and push further in than they were supposed to and they start to get up right behind the enemies over here in Arabia so with them now in Northern Saudi Arabia they're running a huge risk of getting encircled that is for the Romans and that is exactly what happens yeah communication is still apparently back in the um the before Christ times for Rome the Arabians are able to take advantage of this encirclement and completely wipe out a large Legion on the Roman army at this point now the Roman King is just basically pulling his hair out as his um lower ranking officials in the military are apparently they don't know how to fight a war and he's even more mad when they pull their troops out of Saudi Arabia and Iran for no apparent reason this in turn leads to a ginormous gain by The Blue Team in Iran over here who are now knocking on the door of the European steps now fortunately for Rome they were able to push into Poland and Germany and capitulate it as well as Denmark and they'll now have made a landing over here in Sweden but the problem from the south grows as Rome is starting to slowly slowly start to kind of fall apart yeah that they have a lot of countries under control right now and the problem with that is that that's a lot of countries and unconsensually invaded countries at that it's also winter time and oh no there goes Russia okay well it's uh yep that's gonna happen winter time in the baltics as well and Northern Belarus so Rome at this point is um it's really been flipped on them they've probably lost more land than they've gain at this point and uh Rome is gonna start to maybe think about leaving this war trying to get a peace deal um but the the loot team isn't going to accept it because they're coming crashing down right now and they have an opportunity to get even more land back than they originally had Canada makes a landing over here in the Celtic area which was surprisingly only being defended by around 20 000 people and it's no different with Britain who um they just kind of Breeze through so now Rome is really screwed I mean they're losing so much land Sweden just pushed them back and the Russians are continuing to roll in through the winter we have them losing all other games over here in Eastern Europe and at this point they're basically only holding on to the key Roman Empire areas which they originally had the king does one last order and that is to full send all troops everywhere and this actually goes pretty well for them truce reitering to Sweden take Oslo as well as Stockholm with them retaking all of Belarus and the southern baltics pushing into Russia as well Russian troops are pushed back as well as troops over here in the Middle East and it was a pretty good counter-offensive but oh no oh no Romania just broke away there goes Iberia all right they uh they surrender so let's see what the blue team is gonna do to roam here well that probably wasn't as bad as Rome thought it was going to be um I don't know what happened to the map it's turning red and it's also fading so I'm just gonna go after this pretty quickly I don't know why this is happening but Rome is reduced down to only France Italy Belgium Luxembourg and then a handful of the Baltic countries you're half of hungry who is weirdly enough given over to Romania of all countries I think we come down to Africa it also consists of Morocco a little bit of Algeria and just the northern coast that they once had now Egypt has released uh Iberia is released turkey and some of the baltics are released and this is a huge cut into the Empire but the Empire does still exist because you can see here highlighted in red they also for some reason still control uh Cyprus and this is just a map mistake here yep just ignore that I don't know why this is happening but yeah Roma's beat back they're um forced to have a reduced military their economies and shambles start inflating and printing money and a weird guy with mustache comes into Power that's going to wrap up this video if you guys did enjoy it make sure to leave a like on it and subscribe to the channel if you are new day two of daily upload week day three is tomorrow day four is the following day and I would hope that you guys know that because that's pretty common knowledge how you know days work and stuff but yeah so um subscribe if you haven't already 100K trying to get there and I'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: AdizzPro
Views: 369,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roman empire, rome, what if rome returned, what if rome never fell, rome vs modern world, map, mapper, mapping, maps, mapping scenario, mapping simulation, war, war scenario, war simulation, world war, ww1, ww2, ww3, alternatvie future, alternatvie history, afow, ahow, history, cartography, geography, geo politics, adizzpro, adizzpro empire, adizzpro ww3, drew durnil, oversimplified, geo facts, modern day, nato, eu, france, germany, israel, italy, what if rome returned modern day, ukraine, russia, uae
Id: DgdrTGdjRO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 09 2023
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