What If Every US State Was Independent?

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So today we're gonna be taking a look at a scenario where all 50 U.S states are independent that's right every single state including Wyoming Texas California and New York they're all going to be independent countries in this video so if you do enjoy it make sure to leave a like on it and subscribe to the channel if you're new we just hit 96 000 subscribers and we're getting super close to 100 000 and it'll be awesome if you can get there by the end of February but anyway let's go ahead and just jump right into this video so uh we're gonna be focusing in on North America here because this is actually a different map than what we're used to and as you can see it's uh it's not looking right so that's why we're going to just kind of focus in over here now if all 50 US tits went independent then there would be a very large worldwide like collapse maybe not like a full-on collapse but it would hurt the world economy obviously the US military is no more so NATO would get damaged and Russia would do all the Russian things and overall uh this would not be a good scenario now what I originally wanted to do was I want to take this and do it with the whole world map but since I can't get the state sporters onto my other world map I have to settled for just doing it in North America and that's fine I mean maybe one day I can figure out how to do it and get it to where I can like have a normal world map and do it but this is just kind of weird and I don't really want to use this map because it looks bad so we're just gonna once again focus in on North America the first off we have some obvious things happening such as some unions forming um the United States or the states individually themselves some of them are not strong enough to exist um such states include uh Alabama Mississippi Arkansas Louisiana and West Virginia those guys would most early collapse as soon as they got independence due to their lack of economics and lack of leadership I did not just throw some shade there excuse me other states like maybe Texas California Florida and New York they might be okay it'd be like a medium-sized country in terms of economics I mean California would be great economically but in terms of other stuff they might not be so great so once again unions are going to form in the First Union we're going to see is one in the Deep South and this is a union Forum between Arkansas Louisiana Mississippi and Alabama now obviously honestly I mentioned this earlier and I said these guys are poor but if they do come back together this might actually make them a little bit stronger um there's still going to be a really poor country but nonetheless it's better than being for individual countries who are all struggling and going to collapse West Virginia really wanted to end on this Union but unfortunately they don't even border the uh I'm just gonna call it the CSA because at this point it basically is they don't think we boarded the CSA so that would make no sense and West Virginia might be in some trouble later on if some surrounding countries decide to want to expand but for now we're unionizing Alaska is an interesting one here um I don't know what they would do so we're going to pretend that Alaska doesn't exist and as for Hawaii we're gonna sink it into the bottom of the ocean all right more unions there will definitely be one over here in the Upper Midwest between these guys Montana Wyoming North and South Dakota Nebraska these guys aren't really anything by themselves I've been to Kansas there's literally nothing there like there's no if you're going to go to Kansas or something just change your plans because don't go there's literally nothing there so like I live right here on the East Coast there's plentiful amount of things to do I decided hey let's go to let's go to Kansas or something and then uh it's uh no don't just don't so the great Union of corn is a uh official thing now and I don't know what the country would be called probably just like Central America um ignore this area please but yeah these guys they are chilling under one Union and they're all farming their corn and they're gonna sell it and they're gonna get a minimal amount of money because that's um well yeah they're not very rich in the first place and uh one final Union and that's going to take place over here in the Northeast and uh it's gonna be New England this is probably the most common uh Union in mapping it's just because it's it just makes sense and like if it happened in real life it would make sense as well but here it's going to happen with these guys now maybe he's actually gonna go ahead and join Canada here uh Maine is basically already Canada but more south and they got independence they wouldn't be that strong and if they joined Canada they would be under a new Province and they would be happy I could see the same thing happening for Alaska here but once again we're just going to ignore it and I will get to the good stuff aka the wars now in a realistic scenario there would be no war and there'd be a lot of alliances and unions like I've shown here but since this is an 80s prep video we're gonna throw out realism and we're just gonna do our own thing so the East Coast here um the 13 colonies more so they don't like each other we have North and South Carolina going to war Georgia gets in on this Florida gets in on this Virginia gets in on this West Virginia gets in on this even though they kind of were invaded Ohio gets in on this even though they weren't a 13 colony Kentucky and Tennessee both get in on this and Maryland gets in on this so yeah the the East Coast just decided that they don't like each other and now we have a big old war breaking down here now if we look at the power rankings here on the blue team obviously Florida's number one Ohio number two Virginia number three and on the red team Georgia number one North Carolina number two and the other two members aren't anything actually I might put North Carolina's number one but with this uh the East Coast has decided that it does not like each other and a war is breaking out so let's go ahead and jump into that war now we do have to remember that down here is where the war started and we have North Carolina invading South Carolina they're mainly Focus stand on the coast and try to aim for their Capital else or in the war we have um well we have West Virginia actually invading Maryland I know it's strange but they managed to do it somehow Kentucky invades into the southern portion of Virginia and North Carolina pushes into the east of Tennessee back up north though we do have Virginia and Ohio making a plan to meet up in West Virginia now the problem with this is that there are big things called mountains that are all over this place and even down in the Tennessee in the northern Georgia and um yeah those are not easy to go through the Appalachian Mountains although they're not as like sharp as say the Rocky Mountains or any other mountain in the world they are still mountains so it is a very small and tedious Advance however it does still go through and progress is made down South we have the Floridians uh they're going across the border and into Georgia they've captured Savannah they pushed up over here and attempt to go over towards Atlanta at this point in the war we're gonna have a Tipping Point and that is the CSA joining this now why would they do this I don't know they're struggling they don't need this um but they decided that hey you know what we could try to get land from this let's go ahead and join and with this they push into Tennessee and make it push towards Nashville Kentucky goes ahead and finishes off this and from here we have the surrender of Tennessee the CSA then focuses in on the panhandle of Florida but they really aren't successful back up north we have Maryland pushing back the West Virginians in a combined effort with Virginia to push out to West Virginians from their Panhandle now we finally see Ohio and Virginia meet in Charleston and with this we have the surrender of West Virginia now with one solidified front up north here we can see The Blue Team kind of going on a little collation here better go down into Kentucky Ohio's going to focus in on Kentucky and Virginia's going to focus in on North Carolina so the ohioan troops advanced in from the north as well as The Virginian troops they focus in over here on the outer Bank areas and take a majority of North Carolina's coasts at this point they're campaign to South Carolina is almost over however the Florida flirty Floridians I think it's Floridian they arrive and they're going to back up South Carolina's Frontline and prevent any more advances the Floridians then sent out the Gators to beat back the CSA and be back the CSA to do as they chase them all the way back into Mississippi as well as up into Northern Alabama Florida is kind of like carrying The Blue Team here and uh they're gonna chill like they're chilling right now but at this point the war for Gene is making some great effort up against the north carolinans they're bombarding the coast with the uh the Navy that was left here generously by the US and North Carolina is tuned to surrender which is essentially going to end this war with of course South Carolina getting all their land back George was going to surrender over Kentucky is going to surrender over and with this the CSA is All That Remains and they are soon to surrender as well so let's go and take a look at this peace treaty all right looking at this peace treaty here we can see that the blue team did gain land however there are some countries which kind of suffered from this most notably Tennessee and South Carolina who either didn't gain land or lost land due to some compromises Ohio Virginia and Florida are going to be the only three blue team countries that actually got stuff out of this war and it's going to kind of create a little bit of tension over here on the East Coast before anything else so we do have a new alliance forming and that is an alliance between Ohio Virginia and Florida and this is just going to be known as the East Coast Alliance Tennessee sees that they weren't even invited to the alliance despite being on the same team as all three of these countries and that they also kind of got screwed over the pastry and they're just kind of like you know what fine we'll join the enemy and join the enemy they do as they join the CSA Kentucky is also quite the follow who lost land but like not that much land um but once again they don't feel safe so they joined the CSA the other countries over here are just gonna chill out for now North Carolina and Georgia are fine they didn't lose anything that's like too major aside from like the Outer Banks and uh yeah they're fine so the CSA has kind of expanded a little bit but still it's just a really poor country so there's nothing really too big to worry about but now we have Canada doing something interesting and that's actually invading that's right Canada is going to invade someone oh and that's somebody just so happens to be the corn Union I don't know what they did to make the Canadians mad but whatever it was they probably regret it Canadian troops cross over the peril LL and into Montana and North Dakota now just um there's Fields there are some mountains here but mostly Fields farmers and corn a Canadian severely outnumber anyone that's here I'm sure they have their guns and they're shooting the Canadians but the Canadians they don't care as an actual military compared to just a bunch of crazy people and down into Kansas they go they captured Topeka they capture uh Wichita and some other major city I forgot about and to Iowa captured Des Moines and that is going to do it for this guy now I technically no they're just going to take a couple States but still they've been eliminated so let's go and take a look at Canada's proposed peace treaty okay Canada really so basically what they do here is they just take the parallel and move itself and they mess up they mess up big time because as you can see uh this line is not very straight also for some reason they forgot about this piece of land and it just kind of goes straight up leaving this weird tail thing and it just looks like when they first drew the borders all over again I don't know what they were thinking I mean at work they got land but it didn't work out what they were trying to do and uh Canada looks kind of weird now but not as weird as this Union but now the Canada has expanded uh some other countries are just one country in particular is going to just like say hey since they did it we can do it and that somebody is Mexico and they are going to be going after both Arizona and New Mexico but also Texas let's think about this for a second here Mexico is obviously stronger than all three of these countries combined but it's Texas Texas is well Texas they remember they all know they surely do but will actually be enough to stop the Mexican Army find out in the next episode of alternative future of the world just kidding we'll find out soon so they're mostly focusing over here on Arizona they take Phoenix in after that it's basically nothing same thing with New Mexico as soon as they get their hands on Santa Fe they are nothing with Texas though it's a little bit different um they do some stuff they get around the coast they approach Houston but uh other than taking like El Paso they don't have many major cities under the belt in fact some of the crazy taxes up here in the north are going to go out and just kind of retake this land and soon enough next goes like and you know what we got what we wanted let's peace Steel in Mexico's all right peace is cool let's do it all right look at this peace treaty here um well Mexico got their land but why did Texas get New Mexico well remember how I was talking about those crazy Texans that went over to New Mexico they uh they never left and then they did the whole thing that happened during the uh Mexican-American war where they just kind of went there and then they demanded that they were part of the U.S in this case they just demanded that they were a part of Texas and they got away with it too now New Mexico and Arizona are crippled from this and they go ahead and unite together into a union and from here it kind of goes on pause for a couple of years not much happens um the wars that would have been fought have already been fought we do see the Cascadian region unite as well as California and Nevada and together they form the West Coast Alliance over on the east coast we do see the expansion of the East Coast alliance with South Carolina we have Pennsylvania New York and Maryland joining that eventually this just kind of becomes like a economical Union and a lot of countries start to join it so much so that it actually starts to like engulf all of the East Texas even joins it and a similar thing happens with the Californian one with Utah joining it as well as this Abomination Colorado's in as well as this Central Union and mostly now it's just kind of focused on who they're up against so the West is up against Canada and then the East is up against Mexico so that's kind of like the Coalition that's going on there eventually we see the collapse of the CSA which leads to a big land grab oh my God what the f I was gonna say Frick don't freak out but uh yeah this is not this is not pretty America has done it again they don't know how to draw borders we we don't know how to draw borders I don't know how to draw borders uh there's one notable State who hasn't joined an alliance yet that's Oklahoma they joined the West Alliance because you know what screw taxes and uh now the North Carolina's in the Georgians they're gonna wake up and they're gonna go ahead and join the East Alliance and now we just have two big divisions here who are not interested in fighting at all in fact that we have something quite the contrast happening slowly but surely more on Union started to take place Florida and Georgia put aside the differences Virginia and Ohio unite together Illinois and Indiana the entire northeast Maryland joins in on that Virginia Ohio Alliance Wisconsin and Minnesota eventually Missouri joins in on the Illinois Alliance this great southern thing that unites together with Texas over the Pacific area we have a giant Union between Cascadia and California which will actually make it a pretty strong country in the world globally it's probably ranked in the top 20 maybe Utah Colorado and Arizona and Mexico they all unite into the four corner Alliance or just the Union Oklahoma joins that Central thing corn uh yeah corn and eventually the entire Western Alliance just unites under one country which is just going to be known as well the United States of West America the East Coast sees this and they're going to be like you know what that's a good idea first off we have Virginia and New York uniting into one and I know there's more than just those two countries but since there's so many we're just going to call it that this is going to be known as Northeast now and we have Michigan joining that creating a kind of funky looking border over here because of the Upper Peninsula so this is the entire country which looks kind of weird North Carolina joins in on this then eventually we have Minnesota Wisconsin joining on the central Alliance they Unite with Texas to form Central North America Florida joins in on Northeast Alliance just to create Eastern America and there are a lot of Americas and also just South Carolina who finally is the last original state to join in on the union and they joined the Eastern one of course so now we have Eastern America Central America and Western America and no not these guys it takes a few years for the Central and easterners to unite that's just because of political differences but eventually they sort it out and they're like you know what fine we'll do it and do what they do as they unite together into East America so now we have the United States of West America and the United States of East America and uh are they gonna fight I mean it would be cool if they did but it also wouldn't make sense there I am throwing realism at you even though like what 15 minutes ago I just said that I don't want to do realism but yeah since they are the only remaining countries in their alliances and obviously the alliances aren't going to exist and after years and years of being apart the West and East unite in order to form the United States of America who is a bit crippled I mean Alaska is still there or why he's in the bottom of the ocean but mostly the important parts of America are here you just might not have any Lobster you might not have Mount Rushmore and you might not have a useless chunk of land over here on the southern border but hey America is America again and the world is unhappy the world is also very distorted anyway if you did enjoy this video make sure to leave a like on it and subscribe to the channel if you're new I know I haven't done a US focused video in a hot second so I'm not expecting this video to do good at all I'm actually kind of expecting it to do like horrible so that's whatever um if you did watch this video thanks for being a true fan and I'm not saying the other people aren't true fans but like you know you can watch the video if you want it's like what the Empire series if it isn't a country that interests them they just throw it out the window and that kind of hurts because you know I put I put time and effort into these videos just because this is about about America doesn't mean you don't have to watch it but hey once again if you did watch it thank you so much for watching um if you made it to the end you should probably leave a like on it and subscribe to the channel because we are aiming for 100 000 subscribers soon and it'd be great if we can get there anyway thanks for watching and I'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: AdizzPro
Views: 206,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: united states, what if every state was independent, what if every american state became independent, what if all 50 us states were independent, what if texas was a country, what if california was an island, what if every, us state, was independent, what if, map, mapper, mapping, maps, mapping scenario, war, war scenario, war simulation, world war, ww1, ww2, ww3, alternate future, alternate history, geopolitics, adizzpro, adizzpro empire, drew durnil, oversimplified, geo facts, nato, china
Id: tabrbsbYB7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 01 2023
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