What if the Empire of Japan Started 400 Years Early? (EU4)

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when are you going to stop disrespecting Japan Japan has a very deep and rich culture but for some reason all anyone talks about is the anime well that's not going to happen today nothing personal kid yeah okay uh that might have been a little bit of an exaggeration but the Japanese are gonna have a pretty amazing campaign here I will say that because they have more land here at the start then I've ever seen they have their kind of World War two start Imperial Japan is gonna be inside of you for I think it's safe to say they're gonna have their best game yet and they're gonna be colonizing they probably are just gonna be aggressive in general as they should have been instead of you know waiting all the way to the 1900s I also trigger the me explosion which happens about half the time but it's kind of funny how similar this looks like to you know the Chinese Civil War it kind of fits the whole theme of this video what yeah I mean this is a big deal because they don't have to worry about a big power somewhat threatening them now they can kind of just build up and wait for I guess those damn Europeans to ruin everything I believe they're gonna struggle here at least in the very beginning though because just like in World War two it's gonna be tough to keep these people under control especially this early in the game yeah I expect them to lose some land I know they're gonna get to Australia at some point it's right here seems simple enough but that makes me think they probably won't make a Dilla movies at least not exactly the way we know Godzilla I think those movies will probably focus now on like big scary ass birds they're already starting to have problems which I guess you know we predicted lots of rebellions starting to happen especially in yeah some of their new territories they also at some point need to really worry about India maybe not the very beginning of this video but as we all know especially when they get the ball rolling tiga is just hard to stop up yep okay it's re starting they've lost a couple nations and that's not gonna be the last of it but luckily the Japanese AI loves to do like tributary States so I'm sure they'll get it back eventually they don't matter because Japan's gonna dominate the globe we all know this because their mortal enemy doesn't exist their kryptonite isn't here so they can't you know attack them and completely shoot themselves in the foot it is pretty cool to think that now Japanese samurai are going out and invading other nations people that have never seen them before this has got to be terrifying needless to say Europe is gonna be interesting to watch especially if a certain nation pops up the Dutch I believe the Japanese the Dutch had like a interesting relationship didn't they and not world war two yeah I know that not not when the Dutch East Indies got taken away I'm talking about weight earlier than that surprisingly you know they're not super far ahead I think I mean yeah they have a lot of development but if the Ottomans have a good game I could definitely see him pass them up especially if they keep losing land like this you guys you guys lost a whole lot you might as well just give up here don't even come back oh it's actually not that bad they did turn a lot of these places into tributary States it might have been voluntarily can they do that I'm not sure but yeah they still a lot of power here right now they're apparently focused on colonizing Indonesia which is smart there's a lot of a lot of money to be made here and whenever you need oil and rubber in the future you should be good I was kind of hoping we'd see Muscovy have a good campaign that way as they continue to expand towards the east we could see some siberian wars pop up that'd be nice but I don't know if it'll happen we got Japanese Mongolian Wars popping up which it kind of seems even but then again not really they're gonna lose your capital this might be their next tributary state new world colonization has begun with Portugal in the Caribbean and I believe Spain yes Spain and Brazil so I don't think we'll see like crazy European colonies but Japan will probably mix it up danmarks looking like they're gonna give Muscovy a hard time and I believe the polish that the waning Commonwealth is still a thing so maybe we won't see Russia in this game there's likely to be a whole lot of Shinto people running around I don't know if that's how to refer to them as but yeah with Japan taking over a lot of things I'd imagine this religions gonna be pretty popular Wow and they have three vassals so they might not be as as weak as we're thinking they just didn't wanna have like direct control that was probably pretty messy looks like Austria got a union with hungry which explains how they've just been annexed we'll see how they do against the ottomans yeah we'll walk the Deaf and check on the HRE as well oh yeah they're looking sexy things are looking alright I'd be very concerned if they weren't looking all right it's only been about a hundred years which peaking of unions the Commonwealth is getting real thick that's kind of scary Musca he's done but we should see interesting stuff from Eastern Europe and we're definitely gonna see some man in the high castle type with Japan taking I think most of California it makes sense they can send trade back to their home trade node there definitely to do that and what about the Japanese Navy is at this time I feel like they're probably not the best more than likely and they got to worry about Karma there's probably be a storm one day that wipes out their entire fleet either way they did make it to Australia which I'm wondering if they're gonna lock this whole con it down themself or if someone's gonna kind of mess some things up well they're doing all right they've got like the third biggest Navy in the world and they've got 12 heavy ships they just have to worry I mean more than likely one nations gonna pass them up so the Dutch will exist in this universe that's gonna be fun as well as they actually just made my favorite friendship team of all the South American cocaine company I guarantee it's gonna be pretty profitable all right what the hell it's it's 1584 and japan already has one of those like trade provinces from Madagascar and no one else is doing this right now which is pretty interesting because they already have Japanese Indonesia Japanese Australia they pretty much have a lot of colonists that's safe to say which speaking of the party's just begun there's still plenty of land up for grabs and yeah I think it's safe to say we'll still see a couple new faces and clearly Denmark is having some issues they will probably not be super into colonization right now I actually knew that because with the existence of Iceland's it's kind of obvious they're not gonna do well at least now if like a horrible plague just starts wiping out everyone they can just close her name reports and you know be huge dicks I don't be honest I had no idea that cocaine company was gonna be this big I mean I knew was gonna be profitable but not not this profitable I don't know how they're gonna sell to without China although China likes opium maybe the Japanese were like this we also got Scotland's who managed to escape the British Isles Casteel 13 colonies obviously by Britain and new Denmark did make it but at what costs was it worth it really Florida damn okay I was not paying attention I was clearly not paying attention or they're just colonizing this really quickly yeah Japan already has all of all the west coasts which by the way the Imperial Japanese are actually a lot stronger than it might seem if you look at this map mode you can really tell just how crazy things have gotten oh my god I don't know what this African nation thinks it's doing well back in Europe the French are well the French were already surrendering you guys aren't supposed to do this yet you suppose to be pretty amazing during this time period you started too early what the hell is Timmy doing Timmy I wanted you to calm down Timmy can be really powerful sometimes if he changes he could form something else someone pops up but anyways he is starting to border Japan that might be interesting all right man Luke's it was funny like the first time he did it maybe even the second I'll give I'll give you the third it was cool the third time too but why are the Egyptians always colonizing I mean yeah I get it alien technology that explains 90% of the time they get over there but not every time okay and they don't exist in Africa anymore so come on guys probably start to see the first couple wars between the Japanese and basically the Spanish with new Casteel that is gonna be a pretty good rivalry yep okay this was definitely a worry of mine this is definitely caused some problems I wouldn't be surprised they're probably already rivaled they've been around for a while Oh apparently most of the world hates the Japanese they despise the Japanese this is not overkill at all just you know parts of India the Ottomans a lot of Europe oh that's nice what by the way I mean they have like no friends and they've had no friends for the most part in this game I guess they don't really need friends when you're just out here killing everyone the new rule is pretty much just filled out ain't no one getting up in here it is pretty packed lots of different nations though I've actually surprised the French did so well especially because they have been struggling all game inside of Europe but at least they got something and damn you that the weeaboos were bad right now you just wait you gotta be a weeaboo in Japanese California it's mandatory here we are pretty much at the end and things have gotten kind of out of control japan going after siberia they're actually gonna touch tips with the commonwealth that's how it this content is for the most part stayed the same except i think california lost some territory new Casteel definitely got some more stuff I don't really understand where British Africa came from that feels like it came out of left field I don't even remember them having much territory this way but wow this is kind of scary as expected Shinto has become a pretty huge religion I don't think it's number one I'll check but like Catholicism is still very dominant in Europe surprisingly and then yes soon he's doing well out Japan got second alright that that hurts they were close to I mean that is essentially Thai we kind of call that a tie right kind of surprises the Ottomans at number one I thought it'd be someone else it was guys I think it's safe to say this was probably the best game we've seen at least for Japan and EU for although they might be losing some stuff soon let's not worry about that the Europeans definitely caught them at the end which a little bit sad they were super open in the beginning also I'm very sad about this the Japanese didn't get Pearl Harbor come on that would been perfect thanks for watching I'll see you next time big thanks to my patreon supporters opc3 crews elijah senpai reciprocation Jen's love dis mister diddles man cooter donkey yes city but 9000 sargo Maxie G King Solomon and Moke Abraxas princess Emma tanner of the Nazareth raging fruit David Diaz mr. Frank la banda nickel Alfonso and 6 him the Lord of silence city 1097 Hut man
Channel: Drew Durnil
Views: 540,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Drew Durnil, EU4, Japan, EU4 Japan, Empire, Empire of Japan, EU4 Empire, Years, 400 Years, Europa Universalis 4, Europa Universalis IV, Europa Universalis 4 Japan, Europa Universalis IV Japan, Japanese Empire, Imperial Japan, Japanese, Anime, Highlights, History
Id: VDsqmfFFzes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 04 2018
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