What if the Mediterranean Sea moved from Europe to America?

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so what if the Mediterranean Sea was in North America this is one of the more cursed Maps in EU for I don't know I've seen a lot of cursed maps but this is definitely up there I love how the Black Sea is included and we have all the natives here before the Western Hemisphere is colonized but this is just the I don't even know how to describe this cancer this is cancer I really don't even have words I think it's I think that's the problem I don't have words for this side of the world but I do like this Great Lakes I can't believe they brought that actually I've I've been like I load the game for a little bit I play the game before I start one of these AI games I had no idea like Michigan is basically here so you know they get to kind of have a separate they got like four black seats instead of one big one I think four is better than one there is no Italy but all of these Italian nations got way thicker so maybe there's a chance actually I don't know there's a lot of gross things happening and I don't know if anyone's really gonna be able to come out on top because it's just how do you at this point Erica it looks like they're gonna whoop Casteel but you never know I don't even know if it's worth colonizing the Western Hemisphere anymore there's a whole lot less land I mean maybe go after South America but I don't know I think I want that these natives are now the new Roman natives they're the new American Romans let's see if they can actually expand like the Romans I doubt it when did France get like bumps all over their face I don't know when that happens I've done a video with no Mediterranean Sea and I've done a video worth at least just the Mediterranean in North America but never both at the same time and never during this time period I think the that's why this is so much worse than ever before her because the map is already really bad do the Ottomans become the great lake Empire because they can easily wrap oh well there goes kandar now just get crimea and everything up this way you're good let the way India I don't think the Ottomans are gonna be quite as powerful in this game without the sea I think and they're almost there basically landlocked I really don't know like will the people that border the Mediterranean do better or worse because even the people that are next to the Atlantic Ocean do you even want this there's not that much stuff over here anymore and Scotland is almost dead already oh there goes our Island look that Vietnamese nation right there I'm liking that sexy Vietnam I'm just thinking this is just gonna be a game where India wins or maybe Ming maybe Ming won't explode I do think that without the massive inland sea this is probably gonna make things worse for everybody just the natives would take over I think that could be a thing too and already we have Castilian West Indies they're the first to make it to the Western here I guess or Portugal I don't know it's one of those two doesn't matter Portugal's probably the smart one here maybe you do want to just stay in South America it looks like we're gonna have a thick burgundy on our hands because they are crushing France at least for now oh look at the Pope the Pope's got two lands two different separated lands and and he's doing good see if he keeps both of them I doubt it but let's see Venice is basically useless now how does Venice even work anymore oh is this gonna be super easy for the Europeans just to come down and dominate Africa like you know Africa Kahn is protected now there's not a whole lot protection Aragon it's already right there the man looks actually will probably strong you know them they love Australia they're gonna go colonize Australia that will be the one thing forever no matter how cursed the world is we're always gonna have some mummies in Australia I like these Turkish Native Americans they look like they can have a lot of fun they're all next to each other they're also changing their borders a lot how is kill always like doing this they're always like colonizing like this I guess it does affect England but not yet it thinks to early for the Mediterranean to affect England I think I'm even gonna colonize what's going on guys Casteel is already here in Mexico and Texas mainly like the deep south they got here fast oh they're already over here all right where is everybody else norway's here we got Vikings real excited Portugal I think is doing the smart thing just staying down in the south Portuguese Brazil just popped up Japan is somewhat unified but there is this Yama Yama and Yaman uh thing yeah that it's kind of weird to see Japan here but not with everything that's not I'm not used to that usually it just stays separated Japan doesn't show up like many times making is not exploding by the way meeting is gonna be there think Ming should have already exploded by now since they didn't they're gonna be they're gonna be thick boards gross having problems with Morocco and Castile I think Morocco might have tooken they took the southern half and then Casteel took this I don't know this is not looking good though porch was just gonna have to chill in Brazil here comes France France French Columbia French Columbia upward schools in the Laplace a - I don't know this big blue blob looks pretty pathetic surprisingly the HRE didn't get any like cooler or anything like that I thought yeah there's a chance maybe I guess I don't know why but I don't know maybe they could have had more of this new southern land this is what the new update by the way so there's a lot of little nations that I'm not used to seeing something clearly really bad happen England I don't know how Cornwall got released and Scotland has more territory than before yeah we got an independent Iceland let's go Iceland get over there you can get over there just kind of dodge away around Norway and you're good okay it's really just gonna be Spain Spain Ceylon when they cares about North American Mediterranean Sea North American see how would we even call that the Mediterranean American see clearly the Aztecs are not taking any sort of new bonuses for this being here the Navajo look pretty good though yeah sexes are still around for now there is a way to get through the Atlantic side and into the Mediterranean like right here Florida of course Florida controls the pass Oh No Oh Florida and then zoom in Illinois what I live in the state of Illinois Florida countries Florida the state is Illinois I'm so afraid for this world I don't think they're prepared for Florida yet they're Spain is even in South Africa so something bad I think is happening to the British I don't know why they're not doing anything two sicilies controlling the old Italian peninsula there's no Italian peninsula but you know I'm saying I like how that came out of nowhere the Pope still controls both of his lands France is looking even more disgusting Burgundy's giving them some Burgundian Western Europe for Gandhi in Western Europe that's a crazy name up they lost that title euros go Swiss observe a gang got a root for my boys Hamburg looking good it's Sweden has pretty much unified the Nordic lands except for this one little part Oh Muscovy sucks it's not good game for Muscovy kazan all these hordes are messing them up oh boy oh boy oh boy be careful to make be careful don't don't get too big I don't want to see it happen again Korea no no Korea you gotta watch that dung that's the problem koalas United there Madagascar island to the stuff they control in continental Africa the British do not wish to play this game I guess is that them nope that is Burgundian Canada never thought I'd see that it's kind of beautiful then there's Britney over here Britney's Oh Britney's gonna get kicked out by somebody they unfortunately France has almost lost French Columbia I mean they're still vaguely there what what is this what you guys come from some of the bad having a Portuguese La Plata Castilian Louisiana that's a weird Louisiana but you know what that's fine northern Italian Castilian Louisiana something like that that's their name you guys were here - oh boy Florida watch it Florida Florida might get this part of their land kicked out Michael eyes this kind of beautiful but Spain will probably end up dominating North America this is not enough Britney's gone dang it Britney I think Brittany's here actually but yeah I don't know what happened in England I just really want to know what happened in England they never formed the British so they have just been just chillin there now locked out they can't get anything this is kind of a weak Ottoman campaign that than anything at all man looks I guess they've done a little bit algiers is giving Aragon some trouble obviously there has not been any sort of wedding Iberian wedding Portugal got their southern land back from Morocco yet Casteel could be easily number one Oh Great Britain did form now but I don't know anymore cuz steel strong but they didn't end up getting like Iberia there is no Iberia what am I talking about I guess Iberia is just a land formation it's not a peninsula anymore what is happening to the Portuguese all the colonies down here boom independent Cuba let's go let's go let's go for now what what what is going on in this game there are some weird nations I think the natives are doing pretty good the Aztecs are still kind of here right there are some aspects but some of these independent colonies might mess that up yeah they're going after I love this Cuba I love this Cuba so much France is trying to keep Colombia alive but it's unlikely they keep that going Wow okay so France can't even get to their colonies anymore they have been completely shut out Austria and France well there is still in Austria and now they have Austrian France so there you go that's a beautiful burgundy I really like that Burgundy what is that I never I've never seen that nation before that's gotta be new Bellco zero Bellco zero this looks like just a custom nation that got popped in hey Timmy still going Timmy's going probably head-to-head against Persia India hasn't really unified but there's you know maybe three three powers here Delian Hindustan that's kind of rare Korea's got their Korean back there dong well not all of it back but you know Japan even moving Japan does have Taiwan though I like that I don't know how they got that here comes cuz steel for the Philippines and yeah it's just Casteel out there I mean France is doing a little bit but they're gonna lose that stuff the British did do some colonization it's just like this island probably a couple you know how they love a random islands they had to keep that up it's actually the only thing they saw the Mediterranean here and they were just like you know what we don't want this anymore independent Alaska let's go independent Alaska and a Cuba okay so Castillo lost like all their colonies they had a lot of colonies so it makes sense they couldn't keep up pima is a native empire they are getting very close they have the native technology group and they have been kicking Casteel out of Mexico just one by one province yeah Cuba I am loving this Cuba I'm not gonna lie Louie that Cuba Cuban Cuban Colombia Cuban Colombia why did I say Cuban there we go Louisiana is still going that's Scotland by the way those colors are the same but to Scotland that beautiful blue Ireland's it's almost United and then the aisles so Scotland is just in Canadian North America and then the Isles are here in Scotland Aragon is starting to push into revolutionary Casteel that explains why they lost so much ah Ottoman is doing a little bit better the Ottomans are doing a little bit better so old is gone or almost gone Poland's doing that thing Rigga is looking pretty good in the Baltic area I like this livonian order to the hoards have won over modern-day Russia they are gonna stay here actually Ming is gonna keep on going up towards Siberia Ming is gonna win this game I think the only thing that Castilians still have control over is like Oceania so least they got that going for him else kilwa is gonna be kicking out Castilian South Africa it looks like dang they're completely seeped out the dongho let's go I'm like in this Rwanda I've not seen these guys here before either hey H are we getting a little bigger a little bigger with these guys kind of moving down this way it's funny how like if I like your color I'm automatically gonna be for them like I kind of want to root for these guys never seen him before but I'm a new fan such a bandwagon nation ruder person I stand them though I stand them I can't believe I said that an ironic Lee let's go Navajo let's go I'm rooting for the natives honesty let's kick them all out Floridian Great Lakes I don't know what Great Lakes you're talking about this is an inland sea Florida somewhat easy to tell Florida this is an inland sea ah yes the Ottomans surrounded Lake Michigan and they are going after more of Lake Superior and I guess since the British have just given up they decided not even to go after India they're not even taking chunks out of India somehow even the natives in South America that shouldn't really be affected they're also doing pretty good at least they were they were giving the Portuguese colonies a lot of trouble oh yeah they're getting a lot of help from the natives it's rare that we ever see Burgundy colonized so I really like this game so far oh wait burgundy formed France didn't they yes oh my goodness we have burgundy and formed France dang this is not a fun this is not fun to be Casteel so not only did they just get out of a massive war with Aragon in Algiers but they get messed up by rebels I don't see how they're keeping Australia or New Zealand Vega is doing good mang is doing really good I thought that I forgot that they have all these tributaries and they are looking pretty big too I'm sorry Taiwan this is Great Britain I don't know if Japan actually controlled you paper it might lose this though Ming is coming after him gotta love this Sweden I gotta love the Sweden I hope they hold on to everything please or go get some colonies or something oh is that old Scotland right that their name yes Mexican culture everywhere dominates Alaska Florida this southern part little bit of Portuguese in there a little bit up here we've got Burgundian there is some American because the Scotland the Scottish colonized here the Scotland yeah the Scotland that's fine there the Scotland now we still got some native culture here pawnee dakota aztec still in there still surviving I think they're gonna be ok - Portuguese / Brazilian cultures taken over here a little bit of French shut this way and Burgundian got excited I was like who got Hawaii of course I'm not even surprised almost miss this beauty we have an Icelandic colony Iceland made Finland that is incredible I'm having a lot of things that I see in this game that are making me pretty excited I don't know if I'm gonna be able to continue this video at least with dry pants oh yeah oh yes that's right Norman Britain Normandy got released or something it must be the rebellions what's Norman Britain let's go Vikings are back kind of I don't know if it's the same but you know they're back well Burgundian France was forced to release the United States and Canada so now we have a Burgundian French United States like American culture Canadian culture thing something like that and if you think about it's over the Black Sea so like is this Russia Russian America modern-day Russian America I don't know damn Alaska cool it cool it it just gets tougher for the British as they've lost Taiwan Ming got that back Ming's gonna win this game but who will get second I don't know if it's gonna be Casteel cuz Casteel don't look that good here's the thing I don't really want to Alaska to like hurt Navajo though I'll take the novel Oh something Bad's gonna happen please leave him alone please leave alone or Pima - I like the penis here Austria is now a coastal nation yep that's right Austria is a coastal nation and they might get even more stuff from France France not having a good time what the hell is that what is that the Americans somehow grabbed this it's almost like a canal I don't even know what this is imagine if there was like a river connecting it why did the US take just that specifically so they have now caused for Florida Floridian Mississippi to form oh I don't know what this game is all about no this could steal in Canada but that just got messed up I like it Pawnee is basically the Naples of this world whoo I'm liking this Molly look at that coastal Molly since that all the Europeans didn't do anything with the Ivory Coast's they don't have a single thing out here oh there's just this and then whatever that is that might end up going to somebody else this minute strange game and then India's still fine to know Europeans out this way maybe Ming has shut him out yeah Ming is definitely having like a little bit of an impact probably a lot of an impact sorry just leave him alone Ming do you just leave them alone you're being good so far can't have it happen again tendu now reaching over like this Filipino Empire keep going Iceland baby keep going let's go oh they did lose Finland though it's kind of sad dammit Canada ruining the fun oh my goodness oh my okay Norman Britain it's starting to get out of control Britain is gonna be lucky to survive by the end of this so nobody that doesn't look too good Florida's doing some damage so is Canada US might be lucky to survive - I guess Casteel got a little jealous of what the US had they got their own little like thing connecting land water masses wait that's got that Scotland why do I keep mixing them up let's go Navajo I don't even know who I want I like both sides I don't really want Alaska or Navajo to win take it out on these other guys we see them all the time not only have they stayed revolutionary but Sweden has Swedish Russia so Russia is and kind of in this game livonian order looks amazing there is no polish nation there's a little wine eeeh kind of Austria took a big old chunk out of France unfortunately Norman he's gone but that was amazing we did get something kind of pretty much the same in summers of coolness Ireland Ireland got Cornwall in this part of Scotland monster is here - how the hell do I don't know the Irish were just taking chunks out of England there was never really too many epic battles between Aragon and the Ottomans or the Mamluks could have been involved - Casteel survived and so did portugal revolutionaries sweden has been a thing for a while but they didn't do much else and Castilian South Africa has constantly been sieged out by rebels it was just rebellion City yeah we did have Australia so we do have a Castilian Australia both of them got their independence Australia and Oceania Japan decided not to play the game and Ming probably won like I said very weird North America like kind of kind of the weirdest North America we've ever seen love that the Navajo and Pima survives love the Cuba and then we have disgusting border Gore down here this late in the game and have this bad border Gore that's not good I'm kind of thinking I should off myself Cuba 8th place that's nice to see Cuba in eighth place we got France Persia Aragon vagina gar oh yeah India up there the man looks the Ottomans and Ming so almost no European power except for Aragon in fifth in France and seventh weirdly no no North American power is there both sides I think it hurt both continents maybe we should actually think about pulling a Patrick Starr and just taking the Mediterranean and push it somewhere else we'll see I think it might be a good idea thanks for watching see you next time a big thanks to patreon supporters knock knock who's there make up make a who make a discord Snow Flower got to carry a baby for nine months just name of Drury gig chaser one two three Mike storm trooper final man plugs and Berg Rossi trained over dumb guy for my snowed over londone7 popcorn mm Roush bad smacker 3000 I'm the real lotharian after I leave a nice corporate name Bolin like Tyler beat Pulaski love Maxie Elijah senpai LPC
Channel: Drew Durnil
Views: 203,067
Rating: 4.9505525 out of 5
Keywords: Drew Durnil, Eu4, Europa Universalis 4, Europa Universalis IV, mediterranean sea, europe, america, eu4 gameplay, eu4 colonization, eu4 america, EUIV, AI Only, EU4 AI Only, Continents, Map, Maps, Geography, History
Id: gMmB3Vm-kyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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