What If Japan Formed An Empire?

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so today we're gonna be taking a look at a scenario where japan forms an empire in 2022. now i've been kind of staying away from the empire videos as of recently because they just haven't been doing as well so i thought we'd maybe come back to it and try it again with japan japan's pretty popular country and uh japan had an empire throughout history so it's a pretty feasible topic if you can't tell already obviously some things have changed about this whole entire video my setup i got a new computer and um i kind of had my settings wiped for obs so i had to redo all that i also got my mic settings reset so i have brand new mic settings a new camera settings so the crop is a little bit different and then of course my entire setup as a whole is different i'm going to be making a video about my new computer on my second channel which is ages goes pro there should be a picture on screen just like my last video i'm going to link it in the description of this video and i'll also put it in the pin comments so make sure to go subscribe if you haven't already we actually hit 1 000 subscribers over there which is pretty crazy because i don't even do that many videos on it so thank you guys for that but yeah anyway things are a little bit different but actually i do think it's a lot better the mic sounds better the video quality is a lot better so i think overall it's looking good without further ado let's go ahead and jump right into this empire video so as i stated japan is going to be having their empire and uh japan lost a lot of land after world war two obviously so let's just go ahead and say that uh they kind of want that back maybe not all of it maybe not in the same form but they definitely want some more land do remember that in my empire videos the country and topic is always buffed so japan is gonna be a lot stronger here than they are in real life so starting off japan is surrounded by very strong countries we have russia china south korea and then i guess north korea so japan's gonna kind of stray away from them for a while and kind of focus their attention down south here we have countries such as vietnam taiwan the philippines maybe even malaysia and japan sees these countries as easy targets so starting off sorry the philippines but you guys are going to be invaded first now assuming that the us or any other filipino allies don't get involved uh the philippines are just on their own here so we have the japanese navy coming straight down from their southern isles and drake down into the filipino navy we have skirmishes but eventually the japanese navy does prevail which leads to a naval ending on the northern filipino island from here japanese divisions push down the coast and create a very large encirclement in the northern philippines the divisions are wiped out and the japanese army continues on eventually manila is captured from here we have the japanese navy making a lot of island hopping campaigns something they were good at in history and eventually after wiping out all northern isles they make a landing on the southern isle but unfortunately for the philippines we do have the surrender of the government so the philippines are now fully indexed by japan and are part of japan of course it's gonna be separate states so maybe like northern philippines southern philippines central philippines i'm not sure how they do it but yeah the philippines are non-japanese so once again ignoring any allies that malaysia might have we have japan declaring war on malaysia now realistically other countries will get involved in this war but since this video is in favor of japan and japan is buffed they're going to be just fine so japan uses the philippines to their advantage and makes a landing in the eastern so japan uses the philippines to their advantage and makes a landing on the borneo side of malaysia from here they take this area pretty quickly and the other half of malaysia stranded over here near the strait of malacca pretty soon we have the japanese navy making a landing and eventually we have the surrender of malaysia and once again we have full annexation so japan is now expanding down here into the south china sea and we actually have some countries not being a fan of this expansion such as china so in response to japan's expansion we have china making a new alliance with the countries of southeast asia and north korea which is the anti-japanese expansion league so with this we have this alliance containing north korea china myanmar thailand lao and cambodia and overall this is a huge stop in japan's expansion process luckily for japan though they do still have some open areas such as vietnam they also technically have taiwan but i'm not really sure how china would you know respond to that seeing as they recognize taiwan as their own and then of course we have south korea which is a pretty strong country and i'm sure japan wants to build up before they invade them so for now we have japan declaring war on brunei and as you can imagine that ends pretty quickly we also have the annexation of singapore and from here the japanese navy readies for an invasion of vietnam the japanese navy is a crucial aspect in japan's expansion here obviously they're gonna have to have a strong navy in order to pull off all these landings so assuming that japan built that up they do just so so actually looking back at the japanese navy real quick we can see that this is pretty much what it looks like so obviously the waters around japan are under japanese control and then we have this corridor going straight down to the philippines which go through all these japanese islands then of course all the philippines is on the japanese control all the waters around malaysia other than the strait of malacca is under japanese control then we have the country that they are at war with which is vietnam all their coast is under japanese control and looking at this we can actually see that the uh the south china sea is majorly under japanese control so i'm not really sure how china would react to this obviously the war would eventually break out but for now japan is going to continue having their field day so finally we have japan making their landings in vietnam we have one over here in the south one over here in the middle and then one being made up north now all of these landings are successful and they cut vietnam into three separate pieces now all these landings are successful and they cut vietnam into four different pieces with this we have south vietnam falling pretty quickly but we do see some vietnamese push back over here in the north in the middle we see japan expand upon the front and cut off even more vietnam now america china and france have all known that the jungle of vietnam is not a fun place for anyone even japan knows this but uh things have changed technology is a lot more modern military is a lot more modern and special units are designed for these geographic areas so with this we actually have japan pushing up the vietnamese coast and cutting off this large area from well what remains of vietnam the japanese army starts to squeeze in well up north they push up and meet up with the third landing from here the japanese navy bombards the rest of the vietnamese coast which leads to a easy sweep through and after losing a majority of their country we have vietnam surrendering so yeah um japan is fully indexing all these countries i think brunei might actually be next by the malaysian state but for now it's staying as is and yeah we have no satellite states being connected up yet so japan is just going on imperial mode so now japan has to kind of think outside the box here um you know there's taiwan but you might get invaded by china for doing that if south korea which is a really strong country and then there's russia who um maybe isn't a strong country so japan reads their navy and moves it up north and we actually have their armies being stationed over here and oh my god hokkaido okay i gotta remember this stuff because islands man i always forget the names of islands so with the japanese armies in hokkaido there's three uh naval landings that they're gonna make one over here in this part of russia we have one over here in this part of russia and one over here in this part of russia now you can see my name my names are not not good i'm pretty sure this is called sakhalin i think i'm i i'm not going to google it it's fine if i'm wrong then i'm wrong but after a couple months of preparing we have japan invading russia now this is a surprise invasion and russia honestly did not see this coming so the japanese navy makes a landing over here on sakhalin one made off the coast of japan and one made over here in southeastern russia japan starts their island hopping campaign and pushes up the russian isles they start a tremendous push over here in southeastern russia which is a very successful push and then of course we have so colin that's going to be really embarrassing if this isn't right it gets fully invaded by japan we have another landing being made over here which eventually leads to a cut off of russia in the future for now let's actually go ahead and take a look over here at siberia where the japan wolf but for now let's go ahead and take a look over here at siberia where the japanese navy makes a landing and this area is completely undefended by russia actually just all this is undefended so in technical terms we have japan kind of invading this although it would be impossible to invade let's just go ahead and say that this is under japanese control seeing this russia starts to move forces out of ukraine and over here into japan but unfortunately for them it isn't enough time as japan makes a larger supplement of russian troops over here the japanese army squeezes in and eventually the troops are wiped out eventually we do see those troops arrive and a pretty large counter invasion has started we even have a landing over here in sakhalin they push back on the siberian coast russia pushes down and manages to cut off a pretty large japanese army they obliterate the forces which turns out to be a horrible move by russia because japan uses this as moral and um the army starts to push back so colin is completely retaken again and after taking over all of southeastern russia we have peace negotiations being started all right looking at this peace treaty here we have russia not losing that much land but still a notable portion of it of course we have this far eastern area being lost to japan so colin is reenacted by japan these islands go back to japan and then they have a little portion of siberia so just like 1912 russia loses to japan once again and now japan is looking like a ginormous pacific empire from all the way down south to malaysia to all the way up north to siberia japan is definitely one of the strongest countries if not the strongest in the world so now japan prepares for their invasion of south korea and once again we're ignoring you know diplomatic ties with south korea and the rest of the world so if japan invades south korea we're not going to have the us get involved because this video once again is in favor of japan we can't have these foreign powers getting involved in messing up japan because that wouldn't be fair for japan so the japanese navy surround south korea and eventually war is declared japan takes advantage of their complete naval superiority and makes multiple landings around the korea that's notably low we have a pretty strong one over here near seoul which actually takes the city and yeah japan does some linking up and south korea at this point is pretty much surrounded now this would not be an easy task for japan like i said south korea is probably the strongest country that japan has fought so far but assuming all goes well for them we eventually have a pretty you know messed up fall of south korea here the army is completely obliterated and japan prevails looking at a peace treaty once again we have japan just fully indexing south korea and it is at this point that japan isn't preparing for their invasion of southeast asia now at this point japan doesn't actually really want to invade china because china is a strong country and geographically they're in a good position but instead they want to invade southeast asia in order to have more control over trade in the region and then of course imperialism so preparing for their invasion of southeast asia knowing that everyone's an alliance they decide to go for taiwan first to see what would happen japan declares war on taiwan and troops land near taipei china at this point does nothing and japan decides to go through with the invasion the fall of taiwan happens pretty quickly and it is once again fully annexed by the japanese in a peace treaty so with this japan has nowhere else to go so now it is time for their invasion of the purple countries so comparing the navies of the two areas we have japan having complete naval superiority they even took control of the street of melaka now i'm not sure how that would go internationally i'm pretty sure there'll be a giant coalition formed against them but for now they hold control over that and uh the purple team is not looking too hot now so finally we have japan declaring war on thailand and immediately we have thailand's neighbors joining in on the war we actually have china and north korea kind of holding out on joining in even though this violates their peace conference we are talking about two communist countries here so who would have actually known but anyway we have japan starting their giant invasion of southeast asia troops from vietnam push into both cambodia and lao and it is here that we see the japanese army fighting at its full force now do keep in mind that japan's army is fully mobilized there's no like defending troops over here on the main island every troop is being used in their invasion so we have troops over here in malaysia vietnam south korea and then this russian part over here we also have troop station over here in taiwan in case they need to make a naval landing and yeah japan is going full throttle so first we have the surrender of cambodia followed by the surrender of lao in thailand this leaves myanmar which is a relatively weak country and right before myanmar capitulates we have china finally joining the war so yeah this just got interesting for japan now luckily for japan they were anticipating this so it's not going to be that big of a problem although they are going to have to rearrange some troops the only problem is they didn't anticipate it happening at this point they thought china would join in a lot later so they kind of moved some troops off the defense in vietnam and lao leading to a pretty vulnerable area over here in the north anyway we have the chinese and japanese navies exchanging fire and uh naval supremacy along the chinese coast is in sight for japan focusing back down south though we have china invading vietnam while also invading northern lao we actually have the japanese army struggle with supply here which is pretty surprising considering they control all these waters but unfortunately for japan we actually have china completing an encirclement and we have a large number of japanese troops stuck over here in myanmar now once again like i said this was anticipated by japan but not to this scale so japan pulls out their secret treaty and uh yeah just like you know world war ii nations there were some secret treaties signed and in full support and aid to japan we have india joining the war now we all know that india and china have some problems in real life so this wouldn't be too out of the world and once again knowing that india has bad problems with china and china's allies with pakistan and pakistan and india don't like each other uh we also have pakistan joining this war now this was also called for and it's also justification for india to invade pakistan because honestly on the border with china not much exchange would happen since you know the himalayas are right here so as this does kind of serve as a distraction for china we mainly just have india invading pakistan islamabad is captured in the first couple days since it is you know right on the border of india and then up north we have india capturing their claims over kashmir back over here in southeast asia we have japan connecting back up with their myanmar army and pushing back chinese forces in the area vietnam is completely recaptured and for the first time we have japanese troops setting foot in china over in the korea we have south korea pushing up into north korea and japanese troops stationed over here pushed down into eastern north korea they eventually lose their coast which leads to the annexation of this area by the japanese navy and things aren't looking too hot for china here down south japan gains the naval superiority over southeast china which leads to the capturing of hanan and enable landing being made southern china from here this connects up with vietnam and japanese troops swarm into china with china losing a lot of their major coastal cities and the japanese navy successfully obliterates the chinese navy with this unfortunate event for china we have the you know the downfall of their entire alliance and country over in the west we have india gaining control over pakistan and indian troops crossing over into myanmar they eventually meet up with japanese troops and it managed to capitulate burma looking ahead into the future here we have a pretty bad you know it's bad for china let's just say that so china does hold nukes and as well as india and pakistan but as you know from any of my videos i do not like to use nuclear bombs because i think they just ruin the scenario and really it isn't really fun to watch so assuming that china doesn't go berserk and launch other nukes we have a pretty simple scenario japan manages to capture beijing and after starting to lose the majority of their country we have china finally surrendering or i'm not really sure if they would surrender but they get captured so let's go ahead and take a look at this ginormous peace conference all right so taking a look at this peace treaty here we have um you know just the complete collapse of china starting in southeast asia we have japan next single cambodia and thailand and then myanmar is partitioned between india and in japan up north we have the complete annexation of north korea and nigeria and then we have japan doing their thing and indexing large parts of the chinese coasts as for india they gain a lot of land over here in northern pakistan and china and their claims kashmir are finally internationally recognized we have them getting land off pakistan which kind of cripples pakistan because i'm pretty sure there's an important river around here but then as for china we have the release of xinjiang and then tibet and then china is just left alone so yeah that is all that japan is going to be spending their empire in this video let's go ahead and take a look at the states of japan all right so the states of japan here are pretty simple so let's go ahead and break it down up first we have the japanese mainland which consists of sakhalin islands and in siberia we have the korean state which is as shown here the manchurian state which is combined with this russian claim but that's fine so this is all maturia we have taiwan in the filipino state the eastern malaysian state borneo malaysia the northern malay peninsula state burma thailand cambodia south vietnam lao north vietnam and then the chinese coastal state now the japanese empire is complete in 2022 obviously for the like the fifth time now this video was in favor of japan realistically they wouldn't be able to pull this off and uh they're once again looking like a pretty nice pacific empire i could have made them expand even more so we could have had them taken even more of china than indonesia papua new guinea and australia but for now i think this is probably just good for you know japan's ambitions so if you guys enjoyed this video do make sure to leave a like on it and especially make sure to subscribe um showing support on this video lets me know if i should continue the empire videos or not because right now i'm kind of in between i like doing the empire videos because they're fun but they don't really perform that well so you know showing your support in this video would really help out the series once again make sure to check out the second channel ages goes pro i'll be posting a new pc building video over there and yeah so once again thank you guys for watching this video and i'll see you guys in the next one you
Channel: AdizzPro
Views: 143,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alternate history, world war ii, japanese empire, japan ww2, what if japan formed an empire, what if the usa made an empire, japan empire, what if japan, china vs japan, usa vs japan, map, mapper, mapping, maps, geography, cartography, alternative future, alternative history, war, world war, world war 2, ww1, ww2, ww3, war scenario, mapping scenario, adizzpro, adizzpro empire, geo facts, oversimplified, drew durnil, althistoryhub, what if country formed an empire
Id: lOVdEBlwcE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 30 2022
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