What if Thorin Lived? Theory

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if more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold Thorin said it would be a merrier world I realized this now even after we have lost so much doble looked his last upon his remaining allies that he had come so far with now only to leave them at the gates of Erebor to turn westwards towards the Shire Thorin stood at the front of his company of ten other dwarves farewell master burglar I must thank you for all that you have done since that fateful night in the Shire without you we would not be standing upon the threshold of our home now and I might have lost myself in the Arkenstone or two the dragon had it not been for you and fili and Kili I may also be buried with my ancestors now the mention of fili and Kili stung Bilbo's heart as the painful memory of their passing was still fresh during the battle of the five armies some few days before Bilbo had rushed to regroup with the company of dwarves as soon as the dwarves emerged from the garden Mountain The Hobbit fought alongside fili and Kili defending King Thorin as the dwarf regained his honor in the battle Thorin was struck upon the ground by some orcs and fili and Kili gave their lives to defend Bilbo as he hauled the dwarf king back into the mountain this had not been an easy task for Bilbo as thorn was heavy in his armor and there were few moments when Bilbo was almost hit in the head with rocks however once he was out of plain view of the other free peoples gobo put his magic ring on and though he was invisible he was also given a strength that helped him bring thorn into Erebor the Eagles came and to their aid was enough of a distraction to by Bilbo the time he needed and so the preceding days were filled with both merriment and sadness the free peoples had won the battle and thorn was saved but none of them would forget the cost it has been a true honor dobo said suddenly coming back into the present moment The Hobbit bowed with tears in his eyes and with the gray wizard and the host of thread wheel Bilbo was off headed Thoren called out after him if you or your folk ever have need of us mr. Baggins we shall be there Bilbo turned with a smile and waved the dwarfs watched them go for a time until the King turned and declared there is work to do for the glory of our ancestors and Odin himself Erebor shall be rebuilt and the dwarves shall be made strong once again before Thranduil and Bart had left the outskirts of the mountain with their people the Arkenstone was finally returned to Thorin as he was a changed Worf after the battle and in payment Thorin gave one fourteenth of Erebor treasure hoard to the men of Laketown so that they may build a new bard was also given the necklace of Giri on and like he did in the original timeline bard gave the emeralds of Giri on to the elven King Thranduil these Trading's helped form new alliances between dwarves elves and men and these alliances would continue to come into play over the next many years and so King Thorin the second Oakenshield let his dwarves and those who hailed from the iron hills and state in the Lonely Mountain as they began to rebuild Erebor they would make it stronger and grander than before with greater defenses than it had known in the days before smaug's attack the dwarves would be inspired by their king and the presence of the Arkenstone in the rebuilding process Thorin was 195 years old at the time that Erebor was reclaimed from Smaug and those many years of his life taught him much that would carve his face he ruled sternly but wisely as he had seen how easily greed and the Arkenstone could affect his mind and those of his kin he did not rule alone either as he often turned to his friend steward and heir Dain ironfoot who had been present in the Battle of the five armies and in the days after war these titles as Kili and fili had once been the heirs due to their great friendship thorn and Dain bonded the iron Hill dwarves and the dwarves of Erebor so much that the two realms of the cos odd were closer than the folk of know Grodd and Belle aghast had been in the first stage under thorns leadership the next 60 years in middle-earth after the events of the Hobbit would lead to prosperous growth and expansion for the free peoples Thorin was seen as a living legend and a hero one who could inspire dwarfs and others like the Trading's of the Arkenstone the necklace and gems of Giri on and the treasure of airborne fostered new socio-economic ties and the newly reconstructed Dale became a place of commerce once again as it was home to trade between elves dwarves and men in the north due to the fact that Thorin still lived these alliances remained strong and developed over time even as the kingship of Dale passed from bard to bane and from bane to brand and so the dwarves of Erebor had the resources to expand to their kingdom by building new colonies and reclaiming old ones King thorns sent expeditions of dwarves from Erebor and the iron hills into the gray mountains to reclaim Danes halls from the cold rake that took it many years before those same dwarves would go on to secure mountain debod as well while other Dwarfs were sent to the auto carnea or the red mountains in the Far East to establish connections with any of the dwarves that lived there another group of dwarves also went to the Dwarven halls in the Blue Mountains to continue building their each colony would have a lord that ruled in the name of the king these Lords would be the members of thorns company and the members of the company that were not given these stations would be thorns personal advisers of different subject matters in Erebor Thorin would also send some dwarves as emissaries to Menace Tirith and rohan for new politico-economic alliances because Thorin was beloved by many dwarves these colonies and alliances would work together and continue to be united with our newfound halls resources and population growth I believe that in the twenty 990s of the Third Age Thorin would send his good friends Balan and Owen with a large company of other dwarves to enter Casas doom however Thorin knew that his advisor Dain had seen dirt in Spain during as I knew it Bazaar or the Battle of Moria so he commanded the Dwarven company to act with all stealth that they could muster and establish two small encampments on the western and eastern sides of Moria thus the company would split into two parts and one would enter through the eastern gates while the other crossed the mountains and entered the doors of durin even though these two small establishments would not reclaim Casa Doon it'd be the first step in the right direction as the dwarfs could slowly defeat the orcs and goblins within casa doom without awakening the terror that slept inside and if worse came to worse throwin instructed Owen who would go to the west side and balan who'd go to the east side to lead their dwarves quickly out of the doors behind them and leave their encampments behind indeed this would work better than balanced expedition in the original timeline although Owens dwarfs would have some trouble with The Watcher both dwarven encampments would be able to hold their ground and expand further into casa doom without awakening Durin's bane and so we are brought to the events of The Lord of the Rings by this time Thorne would be about 255 years old but he would still be holding on to his life for some years to come as the dwarves had very long lifespans his colonies would flourish and parts of Casa doom would even be reclaimed all because his legend United the dwarves of the world the strength of the dwarfs would be nearly unparalleled at this point in comparison to the other kingdoms of the free peoples and their might would prevent saurons forces from taking hold in northern Romanian during the War of the Ring the messenger sent from Mordor asking after Bilbo and the One Ring would be immediately captured by the dwarves and that would start sirens attacks on the north earlier than in the original timeline Thorin would send Gloin Gimli and other dwarfs to the Council of Elrond like in the original timeline and Gimli would also lend his strength to the Fellowship of the Ring however in this timeline the two orbs had a more active role in the war of the ring join and balance dwarves would help the Fellowship find their way through Casas doom but the movement across the kingdom would still awaken the Balrog after the defeat of Durin's Bane by the hands of Gandalf the Grey the dwarves would work to free Caza do him altogether looking now elsewhere the dwarves elves and men would not only hold the North against sauron's easterling's but they would push saurons forces back all the way to the ash mountains on the north side of mortal world dole gold ore would be held by the elves of Mirkwood and Lothlorien while the dwarfs and men of dáil joined aragorn's forces at the Battle of the Black Gate and 30:19 of the Third Age the Battle of the Black Gate would have been less of an urgent situation for the free peoples as Thorin himself would have commanded that of the world from behind to the battle lending new dwarvish military strategies to the free peoples Frodo Sam and Gollum would complete the destruction of Sauron and the ring and thanks to the dwarves and men of the north far less casualties would have been had in the last battle against Sauron Aragorn would be crowned king and some of the dwarfs would stay with Gimli to reshape ministereth after its siege these Sam dwarfs would afterwards follow Gimli into the glittering caves to establish a new dwarven settlement in the caves of UGG Laurent besides all of this Durin's folk under the command of Thorin would also prevent the scouring of the shire after the Battle of the five armies when Thorin told Bilbo that the dwarves would be there if he or his kin ever had need of them he meant it that worms who lived in the Blue Mountains had reported brigands and ruffians coming in and out of the Shire as the Dwarven traders and messengers crossed the Shire and noticed this and so Thorin set a watch on the bounds of the shire stretching their guard even to Bri in the east and these dwarves would defeat Saruman's forces that went into the Shire saving the hobbits from enslavement or worse and so the dwarves that helped save the world on many occasions would follow their king Thorin who was now renamed daughter in the seventh into the fourth age as the reunited dwarven kingdoms prospered for years to come durin the seventh would eventually pass away within the first few years of the fourth age never having another heir besides Dain and his son Thorin the third Thorin Oakenshield would have had a long life longer than the average lifespan of 250 years in fact but throne in the first splud flowed through his veins and for all of his accomplishments he had his own strengths and the influence of the Arkenstone to thank indeed throughout all of these events the dwarves had the Arkenstone out in the open to motivate them to achieve greater feats as in the original timeline it was actually buried with Thorin and I believe that the Arkenstone along with the leadership of Thorin would have led the dwarves to do some incredible things and so the unified dwarves were strong following the kin of dota and the seventh for many generations to come thank you all so much for watching I hope you enjoyed this theory video if you did please hit that button share this video with a friend I believe that if Thorin had lived the dwarves would have taken a more profound role in the events of the late Third Age and I think that this is actually one theory where less evil events would have taken place in middle-earth had it happened I also do believe that the influence of the living legend of thorn and the Arkenstone itself would have inspired and unified the dwarves of middle-earth to an extreme degree but what do you all think with the events of Thorin surviving The Hobbit go like this or would something entirely different happen please let me know in the comments below if you'd like to contact me more directly please be sure to join us on Facebook and Twitter through the links in the description below and don't forget to subscribe to join the men of the West and all of the three peoples today I will see you all again next week with a long-overdue video on the rise and fall of númenor as always thank you all for joining me on this adventure until the next one my friends
Channel: Men of the West
Views: 384,471
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Keywords: Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Thorin, Oakenshield, Bilbo, Yoystan, Theory, What If, Gandalf, Galafee, Tolkien, Men of the West, War of the Ring, Dwarves, Khazad, ERebor, Lonely Mountain, Moria, Khazad-Dum, Men of the West Theories, Arkenstone, Dain. Ironfoot, Balrog
Id: maNn_rztDLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 38sec (698 seconds)
Published: Sun May 13 2018
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