What If Saruman Claimed the One Ring? Theory

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a black shadow seemed to pass like an arm above him it missed a mon hen and groped out west and faded then all the sky was clean and blue and birds sang in every tree Frodo looked around him seemed true nature once again he had just taken off the one ring on among him and realized that it almost dominated his will I know what I must do Frodo said to himself he began to hurry towards the andrian they will understand I must do this alone as Frodo hurried with his hobbit silence he could hear his friends calling his name soon he made it to the boats in parth gallon alongside the river moving one boat into the river he heard a great cry in the distance Frodo wait Sam Frodo cried knowing that he had been caught turning to see his companion Frodo suddenly heard the monstrous sounds of many footsteps the Clank of swords and armor and many horns beginning to sound hurry Sam Frodo cried realizing the enemy either of Mordor or Isengard was upon them before long the entire Shore was surrounded by or akai warg riders and half works little did the two hobbits know that hundreds even thousands of orcs and youkai were in the forest around them and their companions were already engaged in combat you will not touch him Sam yelled drawing his sword go mr. Frodo as the brave Hobbit charged into the ranks of reuk eye Frodo reluctantly tried to paddle his boat away but it was no use Sam had already been captured by these white hand orcs while to the north Boromir fell in defense of Pippin and Merry Aragorn Gimli and Legolas fought hard in the forest and kept their lives as they were looking for the hobbits Frodo and his canoe from lothlórien came to the middle of the river and stayed as the ring bearer noticed that the other bank of the river had many dozens of orcs on them as well the quest is lost I have failed Frodo thought to himself well I shan't let them have the ring or me Frodo lets the boat drift towards the Falls of raros maybe there will come another day and another ring bearer who finds the ring downriver maybe he will continue the quest and have a mentor to guide him Frodo suddenly thought of Gandalf and his hearts tongue lost and thought he hadn't even noticed his boat being pulled back to the western shore until it was almost there in fear he looked into the waters to see goblins swimmers guiding the canoe it was too late the four hobbits were taken by warg Riders back to Isengard while the army of Uruk eye orcs goblins and half works followed far behind returning to their master in orthanc Aragorn Gimli and Legolas had survived the encounter near a Mon hen as they fought until many horns sounded in retreat they knew the hobbits had been captured and the army had retreated they assumed the title of the three hunters and chased the army through the eastern ment of Rohan Aragorn concluded that Saruman had been determined to get the One Ring so he had made an agile army of 2,000 to send after the fellowship what shall we do if we catch up with them Gimli asked he is right we cannot overtake thousands by ourselves Legolas added Aragorn brooded and thought over this question has the three ran many leagues finally he responded we shall wait for the cover of night and sneak into their camp we will set the hobbits free and fight if we must if we cannot avenge Boromir sacrifice then we shall fall as he did in the defense of friends against an overwhelming tide of darkness they were never given the opportunity however as the war Grider's rode into the Ring of Isengard nearly four days after the battle out of month-end if a warg or it's rider became too tired on the journey they were left behind for the Riders of Rohan to deal with Saruman was pleased in receiving his gifts so you are the four hobbits that Gandalf sent to doom I'm sorry that he puts you through this venture and abandoned you posh way through he didn't abandon us Sam roared through his tears he fell and to the abyss of Moria to save us Saruman gazed at sam's defiance you are a brave one my hobbit but even the strongest tree must break in the storm that engulfs the world all of you know what I seek and I can feel it it's malice dread and power Saruman turned his eyes to Frodo give it to me halfling so that i may defeat Sauron and to save this world as was my intended purpose Frodo knew this was a lie Gandalf had told him of the order of the istari and that the Wizards were meant to be advisors not rulers still Frodo felt so great a poll and persuasion that he could not resist he extended his hand against the will of the other hobbits and sealed the fate of Arda Aragorn and his friends came across the site of great battle were both Riders of Rohan and bukai littered the ground they found that almost everyone involved in this battle outside the eaves of Fangorn had been slain but there were no Hobbit bodies so they continued coming quickly into Fangorn Gimli begged his companions for slight rest we have been running for days with hardly any sleep food or sign of our quarry Gimli painted a voice of strength renewal and hope suddenly came you will need much more than that to save middle-earth my good dwarf the three hunters turned to find the white wizard after moments of confusion they came to realize it was Gandalf returned from death we must move quickly with the ring Saruman will cause great chaos in this world our gone you must take the paths of the Dead and bring what forces you will find in South Gondor to Menace Tirith Sauron is no longer the greatest threat to this world so Gondor forces must come West to face ceremony our war nodded and agreed with these instructions you will not be alone long as Galadriel has sent word to York in an area door to come to your aid there will be known as the gray company if you find them but you mustn't wait for them they will find you as for you two Legolas and Gimli I send you now to a Duras you must find a way to rouse the king or his lands will not last long where will you go ask Legolas most likely to my doom I go now to confront Saruman and try to reason with him however I have a friend I must see first let us disband and with all hope and strength bring the world into a better day Gandalf quickly ran deeper into the forest while Shadowfax roamed outside Aragorn bade his friends farewell going now southward at a Rangers pace Legolas and Gimli went then with all haste to Ed Arras a few days later Gandalf rode Shadowfax swiftly to Isengard so now you see true power don't you my old friend Saruman stood atop the pinnacle of Orthanc looking downward at Gandalf Saruman this is not our purpose we are supposed to advise and guide not to dominate and control Saruman chuckled a harsh and humorless laugh the effects of the One Ring were already apparent on him his skin cracked in grade his eyes were a dark fire that could pierce any veil while his robes were like that of a storm constantly changing colors of the dark abyss you disappoint me Gandalf I would have allowed you to be my pupil but instead you shall serve me with information you along with your Hobbit friends shall be tortured until the Sun and Moon become old and the world is made anew servants seize this fool nine cloaked figures came forth from the shadows of Isengard ring now forests I call you to serve yvonna and manway saved this world gandalf cried the trees began to crack and move coming towards Isengard in fury Saruman invoked words of Wrath as many bolts of lightning struck the Fangorn forest from newly appeared clouds causing never-ending fires this is only the beginning Salman roared as the ents ran ablaze outside his walls gandalf shed many tears as he was taken by Saruman snow school to the tunnels beneath or think he realized that Saruman was able to turn the NA school from their own master Sauron as his persuasion had become too great for any beings to withstand and it seems that they would serve whoever dominated the One Ring as they serve the ring itself woe to this world Gandalf said in his last moment under the sky Saruman's power grew exponentially with every piece of knowledge he received his armies grew and destroyed Rohan as Legolas and Gimli were imprisoned by the row Hyrum for trying to rouse theta and King to fight Isengard as for Wormtongue Saruman would use him until he became no longer useful for the downfall of Rohan and then he would get rid of his servant Saruman's orcs were produced quicker stronger and smarter now equaling the power of any man in Rohan Saruman stayed in Isengard during his conquest letting the nazgûl lead his armies while he became even more knowledgeable and stronger through the orthanc plant here he began to dominate Sirhan's mind and learn from him the wizard of the night as Saruman now called himself defeated saurons forces in the East fold saurons army was originally meant to destroy Gondor in what would have been the siege of menace Tirith and the battle of the pelennor fields there was only one hope for the world now Gondor as Aragorn had come into his kingship and usurped Denethor espouse mustering an army of 20,000 to now march against Saruman but before leading his forces from Menace Tirith to Orthanc in a final struggle Aragorn gazed into the on or plan tear and Menace Tirith to master it and see what awaited him what he saw was fair Numenor that had drowned thousands of years before he saw Arwen who awaited him in Rivendell but these images were sown by Saruman there were true images but those that manipulated the King of Gondor they played into aragorn's driving motivation hope hope for diplomacy was to be his downfall rather than lead his men to their doom Saruman had shown him the strength of his armies in the plant ear Aragorn was to come himself to Isengard as gondor's ambassador and swear fealty for this Saruman promised that he would help Gondor in its endeavor to see Numenor again Aragorn knew these promises were lies in the depths of his heart but he didn't have the will to resist them so he and the gray company came to Isengard to instead be captured alongside Gandalf in the hobbits held and tortured for information however Saruman sent word to Gondor that all was well and Aragorn was to learn from him Gondor was to start making weaponry for Isengard immediately at this point salman used to the power of his ring and his knowledge to greatly expand his industry to all corners of his territory soon after Saruman personally went to Mordor at the head of his army and found Mordor to be nearly empty of its forces a week yet still personified Sauron came to the black gates and surrendered to Saruman and his ring Saruman was immoral II delighted by this turn of events and accepted though he was the most powerful being in the lands of middle-earth Saruman hadn't realized that Sauron had one more trick to play out over the next hundreds of years Saruman brought industry to all the lands enslaving radagast the elves dwarves men and hobbits alike while Sauron became his most loyal servant even his steward Sauron taught Saruman all he knew while Saruman planned to continue to grow in power and knowledge so that even the Valar couldn't defy him eventually Sauron convinced him that there was only one way to beat the Valar and only one being that could help Solomon do this so in the year 35 18 of the Third Age 500 years to the day that Gandalf was first betrayed by sorrow and put the top or think Saruman Sauron and now a broken Gandalf and radagast created a storm atop the pinnacle of Orthanc it became so incredibly powerful that the earth itself shook in terror lightning and fire ran into the sky breaking the door of knights Saruman unleashed the greatest evils upon the world before realizing what he had done Saruman himself felt fear again Sauron had victory and sour man's pursuits of knowledge and power he had trusted sour Ahn's counsel to such an extent that Melkor the great enemy and his servants were released upon the world once again this caused mandozers prophecy dagger dagger earth the final battle to actually happen in the Armageddon of the world the Valar had to respond to such a threat resurrecting all of their forces to fight against melkor's forces as the vision of dagger dagger earth foresaw in the end though Sauron nor Saruman had won as the free peoples and the Valar still triumphed resulting in the beginning of the new universe with the second music of the I nor in the first universe and the next there would always be hoped for renewal this time the song would be less tumultuous and light would shine upon Aluva tars children once again hey everyone Joyce Tangier and I'd like to thank you all so much for watching I hope you all enjoyed it if you did be sure to hit that like button and share it with a friend who you think might enjoy it I would like to thank those of you who voted on the Facebook and Twitter polls for this video and so many others to be made now I really wanted to make this theory interesting and I do think that if Saruman got the One Ring something like dagger dagger Roth or another type of world renewal would happen as there would be so much evil in Arda that would need to be cleansed since Saruman is a wizard and is innately powerful already I would imagine he would become exponentially more so with the One Ring and in his pursuit of knowledge and power caused the world as we know it to end I want to hear what you all think about this theory down below have happened like this or otherwise let me know please join us on Facebook and Twitter through the links in the description below to contact me more directly and make sure to subscribe to stay up to date with my next videos next week I'll have an epic character history on Kelly brembo for you all as always thank you all for joining me on this adventure until the next one my friends
Channel: Men of the West
Views: 332,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lord of the Rings, Theory, What if, Yoystan, Saruman, Men of the West, Tolkien, Theories, Dagor Dagorath, One Ring, Gandalf, Elves, Dwarves, Men, Hobbits, Radagast, Aragorn, King Elessar, Gondor, Isengard
Id: Sx9WtEYqt_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2017
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