Roman Empire vs Mongol Empire | Age of Civilization

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oh and it's going down this is the biggest conflict so far I can't even see what the hell is happening this is so crazy now I always see images comparing the Roman Empire to the Mongolian Empire obviously they're both pretty thick boys but let's see exactly who would win in a face-off here in 2020 we've got the full 2020 map and we're just gonna see exactly which one can do the best or I don't they're gonna conquer each other we'll see I'm gonna imagine that the Romans are probably gonna take out some of their neighbors and I guess the Mongols would do the same as well just you know stay away from Japan you guys don't do too good going after Japan the Mongol Navy was never that amazing but it's fine because they don't really need to worry about that because again I guess whichever power takes out the most neighbors then they'll feel you know comfortable attacking and going after some of this stuff yeah they're definitely gonna battle technically speaking the Roman Empire has a little bit more score than the Mongols which is a little surprising because the Mongols look like they're massive but not according to this and obviously this is gonna change India is the third strongest power so maybe they'll be able to hold back the horse archers and whatever other horse things that they sent after them Rome definitely don't have to deal with the same sort of like great thing to worry about but then yeah they have to worry about like a coalition maybe Germany Poland and Scotland I guess could all work together but for now I guess we'll just see which state collapses first because the u.s. never ends up doing - whoa as they're divided between Canada and Mexico but I don't know maybe things will change I doubt it though I mean Georgia is off to a quick start taking out Florida but you know I guess they got some backup what you got Florida why you guys out in the ocean maybe you shouldn't do that Vermont already after Canada I don't think that's a good idea at all but you know we'll see actually it's way more than just Vermont Massachusetts over here to New Hampshire why is everyone taking on Canada come on guys leave their syrup alone oh my goodness Montana's over here what what why is everyone this this doesn't seem fair all right clearly we got a very aggressive AI just right off the bat oh there goes India okay well that is really not good for Rome Russia also is kind of here but they're pretty much like insignificant they're like just they're just no there's no people I'll they they get a lot of value from this area Rome you guys gonna do nothing you guys gonna do nothing that's what yeah nothing all right Wow I am kind of in shock right now I don't know what's happening to Canada it doesn't look good though I wonder if Africa can get like a little African Union and unite and maybe stand up to these two that'd be kind of cool Oh Norway is going in deep they're sending in like 250 people all of Norway is going after Russia which all of Norway yeah is like all hundred people do definitely is like a new balance of power oh wow all of India's gone well that's really bad I'm pretty sure Mongolia they passed Rome now I think what the hell we got like Little Wonders labels I never knew that there are pyramids here oh the Dutch got taken out okay Dutch got taken out also Ireland is taking back Northern Ireland from Scotland which is a weird thing to say Chile come on Chile that's not you're not supposed to be there us unsurprisingly looking pretty disgusting right now New Mexico and California both ate Arizona though also Alabama is in Cuba and they pieced out for that so that's great how you doing South America looking ok it's ok Rome is just chillin and that makes me a little worried like Rome are you sure you should be just chillin like this Mongolia is just continuing to eat more stuff Oh organ with the the swoops this this would they're swooping they wait what the organ isn't even exist over here they went after Alaska ok Idaho is telling Canada you de ho and I have been waiting to tell that joke since the first grade is that who is this is this a native tribe our natives coming back I think and is this a peace deal yet oh my goodness oh no it's not a peace deal ok it took me a while to see those lines that's a thick Montana a very thick Kansas Texas also looking great I don't know if I'd say it's thick but it is juicy unfortunately for Norway they kind of got taken out by Denmark and Finland so Russia is still up here and that would have been good like if Norway took Russia cuz you know Mongolia wouldn't have been able to get that I don't know what Mongolia is doing exactly oh yeah isn't also pulling like the bane of Mongolia Poland helps stop the Mongol invasion but yeah it doesn't look like they're gonna be doing that here Cuba has been partitioned between Alabama and Florida so there's probably like a little neutral zone aligned you know one side is is you know I don't know we're trying to make a reference to Korea but the Koreas doesn't even exist anymore so it's now it doesn't matter oh damn going in after Lao and possibly some more Oh Burma having some trouble why's Malaysia here - whenever - Thailand I'm enjoying this South Africa South Africa is really hard to see I don't know why they chose this color and with is font come on it's not visually appealing guys wait a second is that Rome no that's that I I don't know who that is Liberia Liberia I I had to do a double-take I'm like wait no that can't be a light beer no ads Liberia so little Liberia has Iceland which was Greenland before this is this is Liberia by the way I don't even know what to say New York's also coming up there this has been just a Chris stupid game it's it's stupid California has taken out Mexico I think all they wanted was Baja but no they're just gonna take the whole thing out it's fine because New Mexico can carry on their legacy I guess kind of because they are taking all of Canada for some reason wait no they already did no they haven't done it fully yet and I think they're trying to Denmark is now attacking Scotland but it looks like the Viking the second Viking invasion probably not gonna go as well although that is a lot of Vikings compared to the Scottish I've noticed every time I bring in like one big Empire in this game it always takes them a second to get going like they don't want to immediately start attacking each other Mongolia or Rome I think they want to build up first just to make sure that they can definitely get the win wow that is a disgusting North America not gonna lie Florida also swooped in and got the Yucatan Peninsula that is impressive I don't know why you did that South America can you just stop Kent can you stop with the herpes seed we don't need more Brazilian herpes that actually sounds like a terrifying disease just checking in again it looks like Rome still has to lead and buy a lot now 700 but this game works in weird ways Texas is now third ahead of Germany and ahead of California after they took all of Mexico I don't get that taz-mania really high up there actually this whole list is just odd because there's so many countries that aren't here and probably that shouldn't be here - speaking of countries that shouldn't be here Nevada is is there if they're keeping Alaska alive and Nevada is also doing okay with Oregon territory they need to really watch out for New Mexico though because they're terrifying that epic showdown between California and Texas is coming especially if Texas is third and this is all I got I don't get that Pennsylvania looking ok to wait New York what happened in New York ok Texas whole Pennsylvania is dotted all up and down this East Coast's this is the first time the states have ever had a good game I cannot believe it anyways come on Brazil how you still holding on I am so shocked Russia still alive and actually they might not be anymore Alaska is attacking from the Siberian what the Siberia is this Siberian Strait what's a straight the Bereans straight anyway something like that yeah and they're just going in Rome is now heading after sub-saharan Africa so they are willing to do some things here and that's actually really needed because I still think manga would probably win in a fight but we'll see I don't know how long it was gonna take me to notice that Mongolia was in Ethiopia I thought that was just like a yellow Ethiopia but no that's not that's not the case drew Rome is still keeping the Europeans alive which I would think that if you take out like Germany and Poland do you be looking pretty good maybe even Scandinavia they don't want to do that yet Nevada come on can you leave Greenland alone don't do that to Greenland also leave Liberia alone well like Barry's still life somehow oh and it's going down this is the biggest conflict so far I can't even see what the hell is happening this is so crazy please stop please stop white I don't want to see Chad right now don't remind me of Chad I will never be Chad alright immediately this is not looking good for the Romans I mean there's a battle taking place for Romania Romania and oh they're definitely in lose Romania but then they got everything going on around the caucus mountains this is where like a flood of Romans are heading look at this they're using this Silk Road oh that's beautiful I don't know if this is a Silk Road I'm just I'm just talking out of my okay meanwhile Bangladesh taking over a lot of Southeast Asia for some reason just to throw that out there Oh Oh BAM another place that's yeah this is looking like I think it might be the end of the world now it's actually the time for everyone else to strike though oh the Romans are actually in there going in deep somehow I don't know how that's happening look at Tanzania down here oh man that's a pretty great African Empire I mean not good enough but it's it's alright I can't believe New Mexico is likely the nation to win or Idaho in in North America it's still kind of up in the air actually soon you see that battle between California Texas so you never know oh the Romans were getting in there deep they got all the way over here but probably not a good I don't even there's no one even here this just ice stuff trying to get like an inside look at maybe who could win oh the Mongolians coming in hard where did the Romans go they might have sent everything and they just lost everything all right well they're at least getting Russia this definitely seems like one of those like conflicts that's probably gonna last for thousands of years is Rome doing a two-front thing no they're not doing two fronts they got all the way down here to the Congo though which is kind of amazing so at least they're not fighting anything down this way I didn't think about that but that could have totally been another reason why Rome wouldn't win this game cuz like the Mongolians don't really have to do with another front at least I doubt it if the Japanese want to try that whole Imperial thing again though and you know do some terrible stuff I mean I'm sure I'm sure Rome would probably aid them in that California is now officially in South America they're probably gonna get kicked out but I don't know they got 2,000 troops I don't know why but that's happening and Georgia is just letting them through which Georgia controls Panama and Georgia's also Georgia's down Gary is there any other like North Americans down here where they should yeah George's and Chile fantastic cuz great conflict has gone off to kind of a stalemate at this point uh there's still so many troops left but not so like a lot of these guys are not like thousands a lot of them are just like hundreds so it's a lot of casualties just so much fun like how Poland's just chilling here with zero troops great job Poland that's that's an excellent strategy to be fair that Poland is kind of going after Russia or at least they they were and I think they lost everything because of it oh wait Rome pieced out for this this tile was this Mongolian or was this Russian and they just took it from Russia I don't know how they got this Japan is an ocean now I can't believe New Mexico has done this like how did how did New Mexico do this and they have Greenland and what if the Mongols are gonna have to deal with more possible revolts and rebellions cuz rebellions are definitely thing in this game we've seen a couple new nations form up that actually might be an issue and see this they're kind of there but they just disappeared making groups of people disappear fantastic guys real good example wonder what they're gonna do with this Ethiopian territory oh they don't have anything there nothing Germany for some reason stationed nearby they could maybe help out amazing how like clean this map kind of is looking kind of it looks really disgusting in other areas but I mean there's really only a couple colors that are out there taking stuff over yellow is really dominating imagining Mongolia and New Mexico in this weird alliance that's fun blue also Tanzania Argentina Idaho that's a fun friendship team big of Madagascar wrapping around Tanzania getting a little piece of content so Africa okay it is still stalemate I can't believe wait are they do they peace out so Mongol the Mongolians are definitely dealing with some rebellions and certain people have gotten their freedom the problem is they might lose it kind of fast cuz oh yeah see they keep popping out also just notice New Mexico has landed in Ireland with 5,000 troops so there's really no one that can stop them Kwami besides Rome but Rome is distracted actually you know I do think they pieced out I don't think there against each other just realized Alabama United Cuba and uh her guy up here - in Central America Minnesota Audient realized Minnesota is still around I think there was a revolt that just happened though technically speaking I think Rome did peace out for some lands cuz they I know I made this map they did not start off with this territory also Poland going balls deep really careful just be careful there buddy doubt that oh they got a lot of troops I don't know are we gonna see another Mongolian crumble well I guess both empires ended up crumbling yeah they're both susceptible to that sort of stuff Texas is about to unite the Confederacy also Rome is attacking Sacramento so that that's probably an issue okay we know Texas is not gonna do any CSA stuff Alabama still exists and Alabama is randomly sprinkled throughout here Germany is still alive because they attacked Sweden and also Finland and Poland is getting eaten I don't know why they tried that why did you try that I guess they thought they had the experience in the past and it's just not this time guys it didn't work this time yeah I would never attack this why would you ever want to attack this Roma is none of their troops along the board where are all of Rome's troops it's not good okay they're kind of in Africa alright don't do that maybe you shouldn't do that guys are they sent to all of North America they're not really North America they did get pushed out by California California got lucky also Argentina fighting a battle between California and Bolivia and maybe Venezuela I don't even know what that was going on down here Oh cameo from the Persian Empire why why also a bunch of rebellions Livonia I don't okay I don't know why the Mongols are dealing with some issues internally the Persians we're not just gonna sit around though as we just talked about the Mongolian and Roman empires they're a great Empire too they just don't look that great here but yet maybe we'll bring him back another video I feel like I'm kind of obligated now to cuz they really shouldn't have came oh I sling ice Scottish Iceland there you go didn't think it'd be Idaho taking out Texas but that is exactly what's happening Texas where are all your soldiers oh here they are oh they are probably back in the East Coast oh my goodness that's actually a terrible and they got a block down now Ida host locked in here this has got to be the most disgusting South America I've seen in a really long time oh and must give these back to Wow oh and one of these rebels might be polish we get might have some polish rebels oh okay yeah nevermind you're not getting your freedom California is just so focused on South America now they're trying to be like the new California Brazil I guess Japan will yo what are you all doing stop at Japan we've got enough weebs we don't need anymore who is this here - also in the Philippines Bangladesh Bangladesh is over here in the Philippines that's cool oh-oh-oh Mongolia now attacking Tanzania and they're attacking Rome okay this is the final conflict this has got to be the final showdown actually punch of people were involved because Rome was going after Germany is going after Tanzania oh-oh-oh Rome's losing whoa whoa okay now it could be like last time like Rome might have all their troops like sent away like we saw oh is this gonna be the greatest comeback of all time no I don't know that's how that's like thousands of troops now landing here they're getting ready oh yeah they're pushing back they're pushing back deep cuz I don't know doesn't have oh they do have stuff over here not a whole lot though like a lot of 12s actually that's from Italy never mind are they really about to collapse here at the very end I was about to end this video - and that would have been weird Japan also has this piece of Alaska cool to make that you know a little appearance over here in this continent didn't expect that what is that nation I've never heard of that in my life Georgia also getting argentinas that's cool East African Federation they did do a union I just said that I just said it to be hopeful I guess what they did form something Rome is collapsing and weirdly in this universe it's Western Rome that might end up surviving I don't know though watch this East African Federation win the game I mean I don't know if it's possible it's it actually is you never know a like Age civilizations has some funky things happen Texas is now back and they're fighting California so I doe only kept a little bit of this also Australia has Alabama so okay is it over I can't tell if it's over yet oh maybe now that even Germany is having some success out rebels in Germany that's oh okay that just formed Scotland even won a war why how did Scotland win this Sanks Callens got some troops so they're pushing Rome out of the British Isles this is just such a huge twist I did not expect this to happen oh that's how you know that's a low blow it's just a little slap in the face if they thought you know if Byzantium ever comes out which I don't think they will I think we Rome's just gonna get eaten maybe the Persian Empire will be among the last places to exist that'll be perfect Japan was briefly even attacking Australia they just got kicked out but yep they're up to that whole thing again love all the Arabians have just been chilling here not doing much they ate the nations they wanted and all they're gonna do for this game uh-oh it's starting to go a little bit back and forth kind of I'm not sure if the Mongolians are out of steam oh they might be just focus on Iberia that's probably it well here's our disgusting map that is I don't even know it's a about I mean I know I briefly said that it was kind of looking good but no I completely take that back here we go top 10 Arabia did make it in top 10 Idaho number 9 that's amazing Indonesia California Hawaii Hawaii that's age of civilizations for you Bangladesh there it is East African Federation looking good Rome a third at New Mexico second and Mongolia number one that is that is exactly if that's what I expected just something just I don't I don't know if this problem is let me know down below if that was your prediction or who would actually win in a real simulation cuz I don't know some weird things happened here and I don't exactly know if that would actually go down like that but it was fun and different and finally the states did something so that was kind of cool thanks for watching see you next time and big thanks the January patrons lvc elijah senpai education wasagamack cg itza oder dong millet I leave in 56 Earth Day daddy hello skinny change Tyler Beach mega fan boy two-pointed holding like Stalin and mayonnaise incorporated thanks again [Music]
Channel: Drew Durnil
Views: 868,497
Rating: 4.8889337 out of 5
Keywords: Drew Durnil, age of civilization, age of civ, civ, civilization, age of civilization 2, age of civ 2, civilizations, rome, mongolia, roman empire, mongol empire, 2020, empires, geography, us states, all 50 us states, mexico, canada, germany, khan, genghis khan, caesar, ai only, funny, highlights, modern day, battle, battle royale
Id: ara1zr2cCqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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