Can Italy restore the Roman Empire in a Communist World?? Hoi4 | Red World

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We Are The Shining Red Jewel of the Mediterranean a beacon of socialist Prosperity despite challenges posed by the mafia we have managed to maintain a peaceful Society however storm clouds are gathering on the horizon the Soviets leader of Europe and the Warsaw Pact are stagnating their economies rampantly corrupt but we will remain steadfast and committed to improving our nation week after week passed by only thing that happened was a little something in the USA and fortunately stable change of leadership in the USSR however in April Tunisia separated from their Union with Libya this somehow led to a complete collapse of Gaddafi's regime plunging Libya into a Civil War the immediate consequences of this was refugees turning up to her Shores initially it was only a small number but rapidly escalated to thousands this has turned into a full-blown Refugee crisis the president will address the nation he has determined that to survive this crisis we need to appease the Catholics and get their support the president condemned our own human rights violations no longer will we infringe on the people's right to freely speech and congregate we will turn back to our Christian Origins the Communist hardliners have already started opposing our plan but we will silence them through this Mission and we will overthrow the Congress who have been staunch opponent of our president's reforms General Vincenzo campurini entered the building with an Entourage of soldiers and secret police but he got two power hungry and launched a coup and arrested every single high level Communist Party member including our president that escalated quickly we are now ruled by the military but not for long the old president's reforms have shown the people the flaws of Communism and they are now turning to the only thing else they know fascism almost a hundred years ago ilduche marched on Rome and we have done the same fascism is back in fashion but we only control Rome both the northern Bolsheviks and the southern farmers are opposing us we will crush these oppositions making the streets in the north run as red as their banners and driving in with the Army to crush the southern strikes steel or grip over the country is weak we Consolidated power and centralized the nation around Rome with our power of the nation temporarily stable it is time for our leader to decide the future of Italy will we aim to restore Mussolini's social Republic or perhaps even the Roman Empire after a week of debates we have agreed to strive to restore the Roman Empire the Socialist Republic was only a puppet regime to Hitler we want to create a real Roman Nation so the long path of restoration has begun we started by abolishing the Congress completely getting rid of all Bolshevik influence instead we replaced it with the National reorganization Council that shall help us restore order throughout Italy the military regime before us didn't manage to arrest the old president but we will by forcing him to admit all the horrifying acts he has ordered the population will no longer support him our regime is now totally stable and we can re-establish the Roman senate this time it shall never fall we can now begin to transform Italy into a true Roman Nation no longer will we be Italians from this day we will be Romans but only creating a strong Roman identity isn't enough we have to revive the Roman culture too classical architecture will be restored and Rome will be rebuilt the Colosseum will be the center of Roman Sports again and the Forum romanum will a new be the meeting place of our citizens finally our Roman culture is back from the dead consumerism has gone down even more from its low levels during the Bolshevik times allowing us to build a bigger industry than our neighbors and with all this industry history we can upgrade our military and reform the legions it has to be the best military in the world because as I hope you know the Roman Empire didn't look like this we've already created a great Infantry Division all we need is more of them so we will also upgrade our conscription laws finally our culture is back but one thing is missing our language The Rebirth of Latin will unify Europe under a single one with our army upgrade that we can begin our Conquest we will begin with North Africa the Libyan Civil War is Over but the refugee crisis is still going on if we Liberate the region and give them no reason to flee they will stay and Libya will grant us all the oil we will need in the future so we declare the war of Liberation we launched two Naval invasions one to trip pulley and the other to Benghazi both managed to land even though it was more difficult than we thought it would be after sending in reinforcements we started marching Inland and along the coast in Benghazi we pushed all the way to Brook even though our supply was terrible we managed simply because our Legions were far better than the Libyan Army and in trip pulley we expanded in all directions capturing city of their City we even managed to encircle and Destroy some of their divisions but we are now reaching the desert the libyans Army's home we won't be able to fight them straight on so we will use our motorized to cut their divisions off the main front it was most effective in the East there we managed to encircle first one then two then three divisions this was all their divisions on the front but it was also successful in the west where we encircled a few and linked up with with our Eastern forces we can now March into the desert and capture their last cities after many weeks of only sand they finally surrendered we annexed everything now it will take time for the population to like our presence but investment into military police will silence them but we won't slow down our conquest of North Africa Tunisia is next instead of only attacking from our land border we Naval invaded their Capital something that they didn't expect after advancing a bit from both the South and the north they realized they couldn't win and surrendered next up Algeria and we totally overestimated them after breaking through they couldn't stop us we encircled and captured Algiers and they quickly capitulated there are now only two Nations left Egypt and Morocco we will attack them now but we have to hurry we have under estimated the resistance we would meet and our Garrison's are in dire need of reinforcements first we will attack Morocco at first it went slow we had a hard time because of a river and the Moroccan mountains once we broke through we managed to rush all the way to tanjer but after that we got stopped we will have to take a pause to restore our strength with Supply from tancher arriving we can continue our offensive after a long battle we broke through and capture meekness allowing us to capture rabbat and encircle one of their divisions from rabbat we successfully captured Casablanca with the city Seas the Moroccans are really close to surrendering we only have to talk to Marrakesh on the way we also encircled and captured the smaller city of Safi they surrendered and we annexed everything next Egypt but while we had fought in Morocco the Soviet Warsaw Pact split into all the neo-communists in the west broke away from the conservative Soviets and formed the European socialist Union they will be a problem for the future but the present war is in Egypt we launched a naval Invasion to surprise them and it worked they had almost no Defenders and we could capture 60 percent of their population without any problem we captured the Eastern side of the Swiss Canal but had problems to cross it so we sent reinforcements and blasted our way across the canal to the unfortune of any passing trade ships with the scene I captured we only have to March southwards along the Nile we secured city of the city and with luxury captured the Egyptians surrendered we annexed Egypt and liberated Sudan all of Africa is now secured and the problem we had with our garrisons is resolved too while all this had been going on the power struggle appeared in Rome the senators were in a heated debate over who should be appointed as the next Roman dictator some argued that no one should hold the position but they were quickly outvoted by the majority after many battles and squabbles the populists came out on top and assigned Virginia ragi as leader the legacy of Augustus has been restored we will now continue a reconquest but a reputation as conquerors have begun spreading this has led to the Turks taking up Shields together with other Middle Eastern Nations even the Kurds joined the Turkish Defense pact with the Turks being our strongest enemy yet and now having multiple allies we must strengthen our army before launching our attack we trained two new infantry armies and doubled our amount of motorized divisions the war can now begin our only border with the Middle Eastern defense pack this in Palestine and it is heavily fortified and offensive would fail immediately so we will use our knowledge of Naval invasions and our Superior Navy to Naval invade our enemies from to Brook we launched an invasion to Cyprus we thought it would be easy but they were prepared and repel their attacks if we want to succeed we have to surprise our enemies more so we will Naval evade Adana their garrisons will be weak because since the War Began they have been bashing their heads against Sinai so once we arrived we cut through their thin defenses and managed to establish a beachhead but sending reinforcements to push further will be suicidal since we would run out of Supply so instead we will enable invade the Turks again on another area more specifically Antalya after a hard battle with triumphed and captured the port at this location we managed to expand and even in circuit one of their divisions but we ultimately got stopped so third times the charm Izmir we easily landed since most Turkish divisions were elsewhere this meant we could expand and eventually link up with the divisions in Antalya we regrouped and began offensive towards Istanbul it went slow since the Turkish had a Terrain advantage of mountains but we encircled some of their divisions but it went far too slow partially because of Turkish air support so we decided to take a detour to one of their airports this offensive was so successful that we continued and managed to link up with our forces in Adana they see two birds in one stone since we also encircled a huge amount of Divisions we could now continue towards Istanbul and this time it went quick after encircling some divisions we rushed towards the Istanbul Straits and managed to cross it in only a short battle the Turks are now on their knees we only had to capture Ankara and then they surrendered but we still have to defeat the Palestinians with the capitulation of turkey both the Kurds and the syrians have been forced to relocate their troops from the Palestinian border to defend their Homeland this means we can blow our way through Palestine and Liberate the holy land with it captured the Middle Eastern defense pact surrendered and we annexed everything there is now only one non-communist nation left to invade the kingdom of Spain they have somewhat the same armies turkey but without allies so this should be no problem everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] we've defeated the Spanish in annexed almost everything they managed to flee and exhale themselves in Equatorial Guinea we can now attack the last country that isn't in affection Yugoslavia but there is a huge risk of them joining the French and German so we will fortify our border with them too then we declared war the yugoslavians have heavily fortified their small border with us so instead we planned our biggest Naval Invasion yet a whole infantry Army crossed the Adriatic Sea and captured zadar and split the yugoslavs immediately joined the European socialist Union for help but we won't be stopped by this we rushed towards the Hungarian border to cut off Yugoslavia before German reinforcements arrived 50 kilometers away we got stopped and the reinforcements flooded into lower Yugoslavia due to supply we have been forced to retreat back and take a defensive position but we will continue on another front the French had taken over Portugal but it will now change hands they didn't have a ton of Divisions in the area so we easily broke through and liberated Lisbon while we did this the French and Germans have tried multiple times to attack us but our defenses are too good so we will counter-attack them in Savoy their divisions were so tired we successfully broke through and encircled nice and Michael we have shown that the French are beatable with strength and confidence we continued our offensive we arrived in Marseille and encircled too long then we change direction and continued North we tried to encircle all of the French Alps in one go but after it failed we took a more realistic approach and slowly encircled them one after one this was successful but the French have now taken a more defensive stance along the road so we will use our Navy again we have complete superiority in the Mediterranean Sea but also in the Bay of Biscay so we landed with our army in almost every Beach bordering the bay after landing we even managed to capture bordu since this was a complete surprise for the European socialist Union the only reinforcements they could send were unorganized and once our motorized divisions arrived we drove all the way to Paris the the French have no only two big cities left Leon and Toulouse after our Naval invasions the French have been in complete disarray so we could break through their defenses in the Pyrenees Mountains not in the actual mountains but around them are two pincers smithing Toulouse and encircled a ton of French Defenders to capture Leon we couldn't attack from the East and instead we relocated our motorized from Paris to Bordeaux and attacked from there we breached their defenses and after a short drive arrived outside Lyon before we could enter the city we first had to link up with our Eastern forces in a circle a ton of Frenchmen but this mattered little because once we captured Leon they all surrendered we quickly cleared up any remaining Germans and then turned to our border with them in the north once we defeated them we will have restored Rome our Army on the border is huge 120 divisions are ready for an offensive and an offensive they will get the goal was to First liberate all of France and the Benelux we captured northern France and then continued into Belgium Brussels Luxembourg and lastly Amsterdam fell time for stage two of our offensive Germany [Music] thank you [Music] foreign we have annexed everything but wait we still lack a few Roman provinces we have completely forgot about Switzerland all right that wasn't difficult with our Supremacy over Europe established the Soviets are more scared of us than ever so we sent an ultimatum to their allies Albanian Bulgaria to surrender or else be destroyed like the Swiss the Soviets didn't dare to intervene and we have now all of the Mediterranean Sea Rome has been restored and even extended in Northern Germany we did this all ourselves while being surrounded by communist Nations thanks so much for watching and see you in the next video
Channel: SwinceBall
Views: 280,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #RedWorld, #Hoi4, #Countryballs, #Swinceball, #HeartsOfIron, #RomanEmpire
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2023
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