What If NATO And Russia Went To War?

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so today we're going to be taking a look at a scenario where nato and russia go to war tensions between nato and russia have been pretty high recently concerning the ukrainian conflict so let's go ahead and take a look at a scenario where the two sides go to war you guys enjoyed this video make sure to leave a like on it and subscribe to the channel if you're new and yeah let's go ahead and get started now in a war between the two sides nuclear bombs are likely to be used now i'm backtracking i didn't used to say this but um now after some comments made by putin seems that the nuclear bombs are likely which is sad because using nuclear bombs would most likely end the world uh but in this video we're just gonna be focusing on conventional warfare so new nuclear bombs and yeah let's go ahead and get started so starting this war we're gonna be building off the ukrainian conflict so as of march 3rd this is pretty much what the front lines in ukraine look like so we have kiev right here which is uh looks like devout of cave is about to take place but moving back from that let's just go ahead and fast forward a little bit to looking ahead we can see a front line that might look like this and then maybe one that looks like this but let's go ahead and just kind of start the world war iii here over here on the ukrainian and polish border let's just go ahead and say that some ukrainian troops decide to retreat into poland in order to escape getting killed we have some russian soldiers who follows them across the border without knowing that it is in fact the border the ukrainian soldiers meet up with polish soldiers and the russian soldiers follow suit the russian soldiers thinking that the polish soldiers were also ukrainian starts to open fire and we have ourselves a world war iii because an attack on one is an attack on all that's hypothetical but it's definitely not impossible to see that happen obviously right away poland will join and then that would activate nato so here we have our complete activation of nato so all 30 member states are involved now and seeing as this was an accident realistically there would probably be some diplomatic talks in order to end this but let's just go ahead and say that those fail and war continues nuclear bombs are launched russia tries to nuke europe usa retaliates world ends that's the realistic route for this but we're gonna be taking a look at conventional warfare as i said so let's go ahead and start with that as we know nato has been increasing their forces in the baltics poland and romania and with this we have troops that are ready to defend and we might have some troops that are ready to invade it's safe to say for the first couple of days there would be no progress made on either side but eventually we'd most likely see something take place down here in ukraine first of all we would have a lot more moral in the ukrainian army because being pushed back this far obviously is not a good thing you know kiev has fallen yeah your country doesn't look like it's going to last much longer but with nato joining in your moral might be boosted obviously your supplies would also be boosted and your troop number would be boosted so with this we can assume that the ukrainians would start to gain hope again and fight back but anyway polish and ukrainian forces start to push back russia and belarus as well as nato forces crossing over into belarus now assuming that russia has mobilized its entire army at this time because of the whole ukraine problem they sent in a third of their army and aren't doing too well so let's just go ahead and assume that they mobilized another third or maybe even all of it just to get ukraine out of the way so finally we have those forces arriving in ukraine and starting to sweep through the country eventually we see a meet up with nato and russian forces and the first major battles start to take place the russians would use the black sea to their vanish and push down into the romania and the russians would most likely also invade moldova for a more strategical approach now if you didn't know there has been leaked plans for russia to invade moldova which is frightening because you know once they're done with ukraine they're going to keep going so yeah that's uh that's worrying but anyway after taking over all of moldova we have a lot of countries around the world starting to get angry there's been 141 countries just condemning russia for what they've done in ukraine so i wouldn't be surprised if we saw a majority of those countries join in on this war and just form a giant coalition against russia but then of course russia also has its allies iran is the most likely candidate to join russia as an ally we could also see iraq and china and north korea are definitely on the table for now i'm not going to add them at this point in time because i don't think they would join right away because you know china they've been taking an interesting approach to the whole ukraine thing they've been like uh russia should respect ukraine's territorial integrity but nato shouldn't be expanding and then it's kind of been like a neutral kind of thing so yeah they're staying out of the war for now but back over in europe we have some frontline changes iraqi and iranian forces start to push up into southern turkey and russian forces push down the coast of bulgaria now with real conventional war in real life this would not be a good war for russia at all nato has around 3 million troops while russia has around 1 million you know the u.s alone also has a million so it's not going to go well for them the sanctions that western countries have put on russia are crippling its economy and a lot of people said that wouldn't happen but it is indeed happening russia doesn't care though which has already been proven as they invaded ukraine and the citizens are being arrested we already know that russia doesn't care but we can assume that they're just gonna keep going here finally we see some stuff happening over here in the baltics russian forces crossed over to latvia and estonia while down south we see native forces push out from lithuania into belarus the next country to take aside on this war is georgia so they join in on nato's side and we also have azerbaijan joining in followed by this we have finland and sweden now both of these countries have stated that they're not going to join nato but they are definitely majorly nato leaning at this time i feel like they would only join nato if they felt absolutely threatened by russia and russia has been threatening both of these countries but i don't think it really scares them they're nordic after all but anyway with the addition with these two countries we have a new front being opened over here in northern russia we start to see major u.s allies certainly get involved so we see colombia join this war and in turn we see venezuela and cuba join because russia is backing both of those countries we could see nicaragua join in on russia's side because they've said that they're pro-russian at this point i don't know if they would because they just get clapped by everyone around them but overall we do have some countries in this world starting to pick a side such as saudi arabia and the uae katara would just be neutral they play both sides really smart yemen which is an interesting one would probably join the war in some way or another and we could also possibly see oman join in although i'm not too sure about that one it would be a very different war if china joined in and honestly let's be real here china in one way or another depends on the west for economical reasons and in turn for that the west also relies on china for economical reasons so it wouldn't be very smart for china to join in although uh with the addition of china on the red team the red team would have a greater chance of winning or even stalemating but i don't see it too likely that china would just join in even because russia started this war with the troops pushing into poland and seeing how the world is reacting to ukraine and russia does seem that the aggressors are always well obviously the aggressors are always in not in the light so we see a lot of countries kind of condemn them as we've been saying with russia and ukraine as i said with how china is reacting with the russian invasion of ukraine i don't see them getting involved with a russian nato war just because like i said russia was the aggressor now africa is a really interesting one and especially northern africa because this place is uh it's really weird on how they pick sides so i know a lot of them are pro-russian for example morocco and then on the other side of that we have like uh syria speaking of syria they officially joined the war now honestly i don't think israel and palestine would join in on either side because you know they're fighting each other and then of course what would be the point india would definitely stay neutral even though russia is the aggressor of palestine they're not palestine pakistan and china have not joined the war so they don't have a reason to join against russia and then again you know russia is the aggressor they're fighting against the uk and the usa so they don't have a reason to join in on their or on russia side i don't really see any of these countries getting involved at all without china being in the war so with that we have none of the oceanic countries joining in other than australia and new zealand of course because you know it's australia and new zealand so with this we do have some likely contenders for each side so on russia's side uh like i said china is a likely contender although most probably not and then of course north korea is also a likely contender japan and south korea could join in on this war but that might activate china it would probably be of their best interest to not join in mongolia is definitely a likely leading russian although they wouldn't really contribute much pakistan armenia both likely russian allies and then on nato's side maybe mexico maybe brazil brazil's kind of been weird about the whole thing um probably not argentina maybe morocco maybe ethiopia and then i think that's all oh and then of course in europe austria bosnia herzegovina kosovo ireland both likely serbia would probably be very smart about this and not join in because as you can see they're surrounded by blue but with this war and what the west most likely winning it we would see a very different world and i'm going to talk about that more after we see the west wind so finally we have the western forces being fully mobilized and start pushing back russia russia is kicked out of bulgaria and troops push up into romania in hopes of taking out russia we see a majority of troops pushed out a small push into moldova has started and the recapturing of ukraine is started up north we see belarusian forces fold and a small uncirculated made of russian forces in northern ukraine these forces are then wiped out which gives way to more land being retaken by nato finnish forces finally cross the border and start taking areas of northern russia and at this point we have saint petersburg being threatened over in the caribbean the us manages to take out all of cuba and down south with usaid colombia starts to push into venezuela turkish forces push down into syria while iranian and iraqi forces push up into turkey and azerbaijan russian forces also push into georgia via their claims that they already have and with this we have a pretty bad situation over here in the caucuses for the blue team but over in europe it is going a lot better as nato forces push across ukraine eventually all areas of ukraine are liberated other than the donbass region and crimea is re-liberated russian forces are pushed out of the baltics and one large front line starts up in europe the first major development in this war is the capturing of saint petersburg with this we have the russians losing control of northern russia hence it falling over to finland we see the russians kick completely out of donbass and a reverse invasion is started we finally have the capturing of kaliningrad and overall nato is doing very well in this war now talking about european countries that can join in once again um this is the first time that i'll ever be saying this but switzerland could possibly join in and that that's a weird sentence to speak because switzerland is technically no longer neutral and uh that's really interesting also speaking moldova is no longer neutral and dora uh switzerland as i said and a lot of these microstates are just no longer neutral moldova applied to join the eu after the leaking of russian plans to invade the country so moldova is a eu candidate now ukraine is a eu candidate although i'm not sure how that's going to work with them getting invaded now this is taking into consideration that the process for these countries joining is going to be sped up just because of the war situation i think georgia's process is also getting sped up so we can see the eu expanding in these coming years back over in south america we see us and colombian forces completely kicking out venezuela in the middle east we have blue team forces taking over yemen saudi forces pushed up into iraq eventually they meet over what turkish forces in syria nato's advance into russia is continued and even sped up as the russian army loses moral we've seen data forces push over to the border of kazakhstan and probably russia is split in the two so we have obviously the rest of russia then we have this very strategical area down here next to the black sea and caspian sea so with this we have nato forces starting to sweep down turkish forces sweep up and this entire area falls to nato with this notice advancing to russia is continued until eventually the alliance is at the gates of moscow i did this in a similar video and i will be doing it again here so here we have moscow the city and here we have nato forces advancing towards the city and then just for better reference here's the outskirts of moscow so i guess technically everything that sits within this is the city and then this is obviously like the kremlin itself so native forces start to advance towards the city we have a native flank heading north and a native flank heading south in the middle here we have two nato divisions pushing towards the city in order to connect these two flanks i'm gonna be using the word flank a lot here but off the northern flank we see another flank form which goes to encircle a russian army stationed here and then of course we have the main flank pushing around over in moscow we do however see a russian defensive plane come in so in the south we see russian forces start to push up and push back to southern flank this goes pretty well and pushes nato back from the city although with the encirclement of the russian army up north we have a big chunk of land being seeded over the nato with this defensive units are set up on this northern flank area and the main forces are moved down south in order to counter this invasion we do see a little bit more progress being made by the russians but eventually those forces do arrive and we have not complete annexation but we do have these forces pushing back russia all in the meantime though we do see this nato flank continuing to push around the city and closing in on it the southern russian flank is finally kicked out and the southern nato flank is re-established up north we see yet another nato force push up and into russia this force is mainly focusing on cutting off infrastructures so it does have a little bit of a weird path same thing happens down south so we have another force pushing out in order to cut off infrastructure but with this we finally have the northern and southern nato flank meeting up and cutting off moscow from the rest of russia two flanks on the outside meet up and a large nato defensive forces pushed into the area we eventually see the stranded russian troops over here pushed back into moscow and with this the outskirts of moscow falls so at this point this is what it looks like so obviously we have nato pushing over to moscow and then of course they're advancing on all other fronts now for the battle of moscow itself we have native forces pushing up from the south and from the west this is once again where the main nano force is and they enter the outskirts of the city with all hope lost and native crushing in from all sides we eventually have moscow fall into nato forces and that all happened in one little tiny speck on the map which you can even barely see so with this of course we have moscow falling and nato continuing their advance until further notice down south we see syria fall as well as iraq and the iranians are kicked out of turkey with this forces start to invade the country and eventually with pretty much no more contenders in this war we have russia and iran surrendering so taking a look at this peace treaty here we have a less kind of violent peace treaty than i usually do because it's more realistic starting in europe as always we have finland taking over a lot of northern russia this is just the normal in most of my videos so we have estonia and finland finally bordering and then latvia gets in russian land and lithuania gets some belarusian land poland gets kalinigrad and a little bit of belarus ukraine gets even more russian lands which now that i think about it probably isn't the best thing but they do get crimea back georgia gets a big chunk of land out of southern russia azerbaijan connects its exclave turkey indexes all of syria and gets a chunk of northern iraq saudi arabia takes over the majority of yemen but oman does become this chile of the middle east norway does get a little bit of land although i'm not sure if that's too realistic over in the caribbean we have cuba becoming a part of the united states and colombia gets a lot of southern venezuela and a little bit of western venezuela the rest becomes a u.s puppet iran gets a new government iraq gets a new government belarus gets a new government and then of course russia gets a new government so with this we're actually gonna be taking a look at a new kind of format that i usually do we're gonna be taking a look at nato and the eu after this war so here we have the nato alliance after this war now this could actually go one of two ways without russia being a threat we could see like nato's downfall or not downfall but a lot of countries leaving and then of course we would also have the opposite effect which is what is shown here more countries joining nato the first country to join is colombia followed by sweden and finland down south we have ukraine finally joining moldova georgia and i think that's all bosnian herzegovina and kosovo because without russia serbia can't really do anything and uh kosovo just kind of goes its own way and becomes a proper independent nation not that it already wasn't so now looking at this let's go ahead and take a look at the european union and yeah it's probably what you expected a majority of europe being in the eu now uh russia here may be because the new government might want to join and belarus most likely because it's smaller easier to control and then of course we have all the eu candidate states joining in so georgia turkey bosnia herzegovina all those countries join in moldova now um ukraine we could also see serbia finally join in with them becoming more western i guess because you know without russia serbia doesn't have anyone to fall to other than western countries the uk with new leadership could probably rejoin the eu which now we have the entire continent of europe in the eu which makes sense european union and honestly sir i wouldn't push it too far to say that switzerland could join the eu so with this the european union is finally a union there would probably be no unions at all but it is one ginormous economical continent now so yeah that's gonna do it for this video so if you guys enjoyed it make sure to leave a like on it and subscribe to the channel if you're new so yeah that's gonna do it for this video um i'm doing a live stream tomorrow so this video goes out on the third or not the third my bad this video goes out on saturday the 5th there will be a live stream on the 6th talking about ukraine and uh yeah if you want to show up to that then that's happening tomorrow if you're seeing this holiday it's published everything is the day after it's probably live now but that depends on when you're seeing this and if you're seeing it in the future that means you missed it although you can probably still watch it so if you guys enjoyed this video make sure you leave a like on it and subscribe to the channel if you're new that really helps me out and shows me that you guys are enjoying the content leave a comment if you have anything interesting to say and i will see you guys in the next video you
Channel: AdizzPro
Views: 190,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nato, russia, ukraine, russia ukraine, russia ukraine war, russia ukraine conflict, nato ukraine, northern atlantic treaty organization, what if russia and usa went to war, what if nato went to war with russia, russia vs nato, nato vs russia war, world war 3, ww3, ww1, ww2, world war, nato vs russia 2022, war, war scenario, map, mapper, mapping, maps, alternative future, alternative history, adizzpro, adizzpro ww3, drew durnil, oversimplified, geo facts, belarus, usa, poland, romania, moldova
Id: xh9-f67gS3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 05 2022
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