What If Europe Had A Civil War?

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so today we're gonna be taking a look at a scenario where the continent of europe goes into a civil war that's right the entire continent of europe will be forced to choose one of two sides in which they'll have to fight each other and at the end of this video we'll be seeing which countries would come out on top and which side would win and on top of that we will also be taking a look at some brand new borders of europe so if you guys do enjoy this video make sure to leave a like on it and subscribe to the channel if you're new we're aiming for 100 000 subscribers by the end of this year and it would be really cool to get there but anyway without further ado let's go ahead and jump into the scenario now i have done a similar video to this in the past however i do want to make this a series since you know there's six continents which can be mapped and overall i think it would just be interesting to see how this would play out also this series is really good i might do something similar to the uh the war of empires video which was what if every empire went to war i could have all the sides come back and it would be kind of similar to the total war video except it would be with these new sides and it wouldn't be based on like actual real-life politics but that's only if the series does good so if you want to see it do good then you know subscribe like the video share it but now let's go ahead and start now if i'm being completely honest with you i'm not really 100 sure where this would start at because where it starts will definitely have an impact on which countries join what side and also it's important to know that every single country is going to be involved so every european country which can loosely be defined as these guys will be forced into picking a side but let's just go ahead and start this off in a classic way it's going to be the uk versus france now of course this wouldn't happen in real life but this is how it's going to be starting so now the rest of europe is going to be forced into choosing a side almost immediately ireland joins in on the side of france and portugal on the side of the uk now it really wouldn't necessarily matter who started the war it's just going to matter who finishes the war these trenches is going to be joining the site in which they find more favorable so right now spain they could join in on france's side they'd be able to annex portugal if they win and of course spain's long rivalry with the uk so spain joins in on the side of france i mean andorra it's pretty simple i'm i don't think they would try to do anything stupid here jumping up north iceland will join in on the uk side and here's where it gets interesting so some countries like the netherlands belgium and luxembourg have very good relations with both sides for mostly the same reasons if you look at belgium they are half french half german which in the end makes it more favorable towards france but at the same time the uk belgian relations are very good so i mean yeah this is where the hard part comes in like i said but now we have a plot to us with germany joining in on the side of the uk this is mostly because germany has established the fourth reich it's like the fourth time that i made that joke in this entire channel's history but now they're in to play the game and well i mean comparing germany and france germany would get slapped but you know maybe they'll have some allies yeah like i said allies there's luxembourg they're really gonna help oh and there we go there's the netherlands see look germany is gonna easily be able to win this totally but with western central europe now joining in on the side of the uk it doesn't look too good for the blue team except for the fact that italy just joined in on the side of france and as well as the most powerful country in europe monaco the vatican and san marino aren't even visible on this map but i mean it would be pretty obvious which side they would join and now we move up north to the north now denmark got invaded in six hours in world war ii and honestly they ain't having that again so they're joining in on the red team although they might be getting invading six hours because sweden just joined in on the blue team mostly because sweden and denmark have a long history of hating each other in real life obviously they don't hate each other anymore but you know we can add in some history to this speaking of history norway joins in on the red side would it make more sense for them to join in on the blue side probably because of norway sweden but uh let's just go ahead and say they don't want that to happen again so they joined the red team now poor old finland here who is the happiest country in the world and also the most depressed country in the world is um forced to choose between sweden and norway so for now they're just gonna wait it out and see which side would be more beneficial we've lost joy joining in on germany's side for obvious reasons and then we have switzerland who barely ever gets talked about now i did say that every european country is going to get involved and that's going to be holding true so unfortunately switzerland is forced to pick a side and uh that german majority really really sets them up for this now we go down to the balkans this is going to go by really fast so slovenia doesn't want to get killed by italy again so they join in on the blue team same for croatia and you can see how this is gonna go serbia on the red team along with montenegro bosnia on the blue along with albania north macedonia and kosovo greece and bulgaria on the red team romania on the red team moldova on the red team and yeah there's the balkans so yeah it's kind of obvious why this would happen and a lot of it has to do with this area in particular a bulgarian north macedonian relation is not well north macedonia in the greek relations also not well and then serbia of course romania would probably not want to side with the blue team simply because of kosovo being on it but now we move up into the eastern half of central europe where we have poland hungary slovakia and czechia now you would think that hungary would be a hard shot to call but i mean looking at the teams serbia romania and the red team would they really help them out absolutely not they join in on the blue team and this leads to poland joining in on the blue team and from here the red team starts to get outnumbered slovakia makes a smart call to join in on the blue team but czechia does not make the same smart call and joins in on the red team now check polish relations might stop this from happening but honestly czech german relations would also stop the vice versa from happening so i think here is just like kind of the more sensible thing to do also russia's not going to be included in this scenario simply because russia would be way more interesting for the asia video instead of the european one i mean this itself is already super super confusing and complex but imagine if russia got involved well it would just end a lot quicker for one of the teams speaking of teams ending quicker belarus joins in on the red team that's because they hate poland but that might not have been the smartest move because ukraine technically isn't a war with russia in this video and we all know how ukraine thinks in belarus nowadays also malta blue team obviously and i guess cyprus is also european so they're going to be joining on the red team on the side of greece and the uk and then the last country here finland estonia is on the blue team sweden's on the blue team so finland joins in on the blue team now is this feasible in any matter probably not some countries on each team have like claims against each other such as hungary and ukraine greece and north macedonia so there is some differences on each side however when banded together this kind of makes sense now if you think a country probably wouldn't be on a team then feel free to let me know in the comments however you should probably back up your statement and uh you should probably want to defend that and you know use reason because if you say that like moldova should be on the blue team then you're gonna have to explain why moldova would want to do that in sight against romania if you know what i mean anyway now it's time to throw hands germany pushes through belgium and luxembourg in order to invade belgium and from here they use this to invade northern france now we all know how this went in real life but um unfortunately france is stronger than germany in real life and germany gets pushed back to a defensive position over in ireland we have some of the irish military crossing over the northern ireland although the uk is quick to send troops over to northern ireland in order to hold off the entire irish army until a good majority of the british army is able to arrive in this area spain starts special operations into portugal both from the north and from the south heading over towards lisbon over in the balkans we have a southern balkan gangbang going on greece and bulgaria rip apart all of north macedonia as well as kosovo but albania holds but albania holds strong bosnia falls into a civil war once again and followed by this to sink into the ocean seems like bosnia really likes the ocean in my videos up north we have ukraine invading moldova and then we have belarus getting clapped by all of eastern europe so i'm gonna show that they eventually collapse the red team makes a decision to invade down to slovenia in order to cut the blue team in the two which goes successfully then pushed around into the country until eventually the blue team says stop it and while the red team stops germany and the czech republic make a joint operation into western poland but once again this is eventually stopped we have hungary attempting to re-establish their claims however this goes very badly very quickly as the romanian army pushes hungary back to their border overall um it's about equal right now with the blue team and the red team getting their fair shares although i mean the blue team is it severely outnumbers the red team in many categories back in iberia we have portugal managing to push back spain in the south however multiple offensives in the north proved that portugal is really no match for spain northern portugal is then circled and this eventually falls leading to spain having a crushing campaign towards lisbon from the north the southern campaign is eventually restarted and eventually the city is reached and captured from here portugal split into three pieces which are all eventually annexed by spain and portugal is officially capitulated back over ireland the uk manages to push back the irish army and from here they start to invade the country this goes by pretty quickly since ireland is very underpopulated and the military really isn't that big however nationalism might be able to hold off the uk from completely indexing it a swedish and finnish campaign manages to capture the capital of norway which is oslo from here they snake around the coast and essentially norway just kind of dies everywhere else you just kind of have mountains and then a ton of oil and then of course beautiful nature but overall the most important areas are along the coast so um yeah poland's army arrives on the front line with germany and from here they push them back and then we actually have poland pushing in now germany's army is mostly defensive and not offensive so it kind of makes sense as to why this would fail but on the other side of things germany did recently raise their military budget by like 100 million or maybe it was 100 billion probably 100 billion since germany's rich so maybe this could go well for germany that's not looking like it though the czech republic and austria managed to make a small campaign into slovakia which aims at capturing their capital although this fails romania sees this as an opportunity to try to spearhead over to the rest of europe but this also fails although little progress is being made each day on the topic of progress ukraine manages to completely index all of moldova and from here they push into romania capital bucharest is in sight although ukraine really doesn't aim to capture it since they are seeing this trouble over here in hungary and slovakia they kind of want to hold that off and prevent that from happening italy's army finally arrives over here near venice and they push back the red team cutting them off from the adriatic sea the campaign is made in southeastern austria which is aimed at capturing vienna now there's an obvious reason why italy just can't do this that's because the alpine mountain range is right here literally impossible to invade well i mean hannibal did it but that's just because he was hannibal i can belgium the french army pushes back the germans and now france uses germany's own technique against it france pushes in from the netherlands and luxembourg from here france manages to capture frankfurt which is the economic capital of germany this is a huge blow to the red team sweden crosses the strait and arrives in copenhagen and manages to capture the capital and from here we have denmark falling in an astonishing seven hours germany starts to fall apart and it's really starting to look like a hoy4 campaign gone wrong the french and the swedish meet up and this creates one large front line against the country the uk and france are playing a game of battleship over here in the english channel and nobody is winning because the navies are similarly matched stair troopers aren't really an option either because air superiority wise they were also matched and yeah it's just the uk kind of doing what they did in world war ii romania continues its campaign over towards central europe although the point of that might be fading away oh god the polls are in berlin yeah there really is no point anymore germany loses all of its coast which leads to the catastrophic collapse of the country bavaria essentially just secedes and from here germany surrenders time for sudetenland and there goes the czech republic the vodka manages to push back the rogue czech troops and vienna austria is captured at this point it's really just the alpine mountains that exist france manages to make a little bit of a push into this side of switzerland but that's mostly just because there's not that many mountains there also i didn't say anything about lichenstein i'm it's pretty obvious they're on the red team you can't even see them so i guess you guys would just assume that so now we have romania withdrawing all of its troops from hungary in order to set up a defensive line serbia manages to push back blue team troops and even manages to make a little bit of a campaign into croatia although said campaign has stopped almost immediately ukraine now refocuses on capturing bukodas and which they managed to do and from here they make encirclement in the the only coastal area of romania that remains this encirclement is pretty crucial as it eliminates a good portion of the romanian army and with this we have hungary seeking to get back to transylvania well ukraine seeks just to kind of get rid of romania as a whole so yeah the red team is definitely slipping at this point i mean there's only like three four major players left romania is barely even there and then norway i mean it's just yeah it's it's um just gonna go ahead and say that norway surrenders probably the smart thing to do in this situation so with hope being lost for the red team we have iceland pulling in italy and switching sides we have the surrender of austria in switzerland montenegro switches sides and the northern balkans starts to get crushed by the blue team bulgaria is eventually stormed kosovo and north macedonia are liberated and the slow invasion of greece begins at this point it's just greece cyprus and the uk then occupied ireland who starts to rise up against the uk i mean the uk is most likely setting their forces all over europe in order to try to well i guess save greece although there'd be no way that they would be able to get troops down there so i guess the uk is just kind of chilling i mean france and the blue team definitely have air superiority as well as naval superiority at this point simply because the uk is the only major player left so ireland rising up and rebelling against the uk isn't completely impossible the ira-ish army manages to capture northern ireland and from here the uk greece and cyprus agree to me for peace with the blue team hey future me here so my audio decided that it didn't really want to record um classic me recording issues i know but essentially um the video is finished and there's really no point in recording the entire video just for the last two minutes of the video so i guess what you're seeing now is the new borders of europe yeah they're really bad and i talked about that in the video but um basically every country that won the war got land no matter what so that's kind of what is going on here once again i do apologize for this error i mean there's nothing i could really do about it happening i'm not sure why i always have recording issues when i'm just trying to you know do my thing anyway um i'm just gonna kind of repeat what i said in the video so thank you guys for watching and uh yeah this is kind of a weird ending because i'm voicing it over i don't think i've ever done a voiceover video before so this is definitely weird but yeah if you guys did enjoy this video make sure to leave a like on it and subscribe to the channel if you're new we're getting close to 100 000 subscribers say this in every video and i'll see it now even though it's a voiceover we really want to get there by the end of the year and it would mean a lot to me if we could do it so once again thank you guys for watching and i'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: AdizzPro
Views: 253,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: civil war, europe, eu civil war mapping, what if, alternate history, alternative future, what if europe had a civil war, eu civil war, eu vs russia, map, mapper, mapping, maps, mapping scenario, war, war simulation, war scenario, world war, ww1, ww2, ww3, what if war broke out, alternative history, alt history, alt future, adizzpro, adizzpro empire, drew durnil, oversimplified, geo facts, poland vs belarus, ukraine vs belarus, uk, france, uk vs france, germany vs poland
Id: JPc2o9Gndqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 17 2022
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