What If Asia Had A Civil War?

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so today we'll be taking a look at a scenario where asia has a civil war so every single country within asia will be having to choose between one of two sides and then they will be forced to go to war and it's going to be very interesting because asia is the largest continent and has the second most amount of countries in it it's also a very complex continent especially when you're looking at the middle east and central asia so some countries are going to be having some troubles choosing their sides now if you haven't seen what if europe had a civil war video i highly suggest you go check that out because you guys really did like it and if you haven't seen it it's a really good video and the same thing is going to be happening here so i'll be going through all the sides and then at the end of the video everyone will be going to war so if you guys do enjoy this video make sure to leave a like on it and subscribe to the channel if you're new it really helps us grow and helps us reach our goals of 100 000 subscribers and yeah let's go ahead and get started now if you haven't guessed already the war is going to be starting between india and pakistan and that's simply because it gives us the most interesting sides so it doesn't really matter who the aggressor here is so the colors don't necessarily matter but pakistan is on the red team and india is on the blue team and just add some extra spice to this china is going to be joining in on the pakistan side since they are their biggest ally and from here all the sides are going to be starting to fall into place we have nepal and bhutan joining in on india's side we have myanmar joining in on china side and from here we have every single southeast asian country joining in we have vietnam on the blue team cambodia and lao on the red team and honestly thailand is like probably a red team i want to say but at the same time i don't know we'll be putting them on the red team for now simply because they have relations with china i'm not too sure about their relations with india although uh if you guys want to let me know let me know in the comments i probably should have looked that up before i started recording but now it's a little too late to do some research so uh yeah going over to east asia we have taiwan on the blue team as well as japan and south korea followed by this we have north korea on the red team going down south we have the philippines joining in on the blue team and then next up we have malaysia joining in on the blue team brunei is small and they're surrounded by malaysia so i think they'd probably make the smart call of joining in on the blue team and it is here that it gets a little interesting also i do apologize if i sound like stuffed up it's because i am i'm like kind of sick right now it's like allergy induced sickness i don't know it happens sometimes it's really annoying but i have like really bad allergies so yeah anyway moving on over to central asia this is where things get even more spicy so starting off with kyrgyzstan they join in on the side of china which automatically makes tajikistan join in on the side of india next up we have pakistan calling in one of their allies turkey and once again if you haven't seen the european civil war video once again highly recommend you see it but turkey wasn't including that video because i was saving them for the asia video and the same thing is said with russia but anyway turkey joins in on the red team and this makes iran join in on the blue team now i know there's going to be some overlapping relations here and i'm aware that the middle eastern front is going to be very controversial some countries here are aligned to other countries that are also aligned to the enemy countries so it makes for a hard decision when coming up with these things but i know turkey and pakistan hold a special relation uh i know iran also might be within that so it's confusing but it's just gonna have to be how it is uh armenia is joining in on the blue team arizona on the red team with turkmenistan on the red team and honestly everybody hates afghanistan um i don't know i guess they would join in on the red team because of china and sort of pakistan i know iran doesn't like afghanistan i guess i should say the taliban but we're gonna be having afghanistan on the red team and that kind of sets it up easier over here in central asia but now we come over to israel who has to make a very hard decision um iran which is one of their greatest enemies is on the blue team but then again india is on the blue team as well as japan and south korea other western countries that israel aligns with so they might have to set their differences aside just for this video just for this video though because i guarantee you they will never be on the same team ever again in one of my videos israel reluctantly joins in on the blue team which makes palestine join in on the red now a lot of you guys from lebanon have been commenting yes i do see your comments i see a majority of the comments i just don't really interact with them because there's so many and i don't want to make people feel like it's unfair uh that their comments aren't looked at even though they are so if i were like reply to one comment then i kind of feel like i have to reply to them all and i don't have the time for that but keep commenting because i do see them also yes i see your guys's questions what program i use i'm finally revealing that i know i acknowledge those comments and there's a very specific reason why i don't tell anybody what i use that question can be answered at 100 000 subscribers because i'm doing something for that you should subscribe so you get to know what program i use maybe anyway back to the video here it gets a little complicated because saudi arabia is um a big hater of iran but at the same time you know what actually no i'm not going to say that saudi arabia joins in on the red team i can already hear the comments i i'm so sorry it's just very complicated to sort out these teams over here koi joins in on the red team yemen on the blue team and all these guys joining on the red team as well so yeah um i know it's it's it's a little complicated and i apologize for that don't get mad at me this is a fictional scenario these sides would never happen in her life simply because a civil war in asia would never happen in real life this is just um yeah let's just continue on how about we do that now also i've been seeing comments about iraq joining in on iran's team and i do see those comments as well i understand that iraq and iran aren't on the best of relations however when put against turkey iraq doesn't really have a choice also saudi arabia so if you guys want to give me a full briefing on why iraq should be on turkey's team in the comments please do because i would love to see you guys opinions on that and like why i should do that and then given that information i can probably research into it more and make a further decision for their future videos but for now they're going to be aligned with iran and now it gets complicated because israel is on the side of the blue team so i guess jordan joins in on the red team lebanon i don't know because lebanon is also interesting you guys say a lot about lemon on this team i know people from lebanon are commenting they say they would always want to join in on like nato side videos i get that but would the government actually want to do that to be honest with you i don't know but for now they join in on the blue team on the side of iran probably a smart call so they don't get invaded by israel but this is just this is really weird i've never seen friends like this in the middle east then we're left with the wild card which is syria do they join in on the side of turkey which makes no sense or do they join in on the side of israel which makes even less sense probably on the side of the blue team because iran is there they back up rebels in syria and because turkey is not very nice to syria back up north we have georgia joining in on the red team this makes sense um there's really no point of them joining in the blue team it's just kind of suicide and there's the middle east all wiped out so yeah um bahrain so small that it's irrelevant so i'm not even going to say anything about it but now we hop ship we go over to sri lanka which joins in on china's side the only reason i'm putting them on china side is because i know they're aligned with china military-wise not too sure about india i don't think they are yeah they join in on china side and then the same thing with bangladesh honestly i've seen you guys say things about bangladesh in both ways saying that would be on india's side saying you want to be on china's side in the scenario i don't know i don't think it would be on the same side as pakistan so i'm going to be putting it on the side of india i also don't think it's a smart call for them to join the red team because they would then be surrounded by india who would just invade them so then being in on the blue team makes more sense to me than them being on the red team but now we have to address the elephant in the room so russia here is an interesting scenario so they have allies on both teams russia has iran and india on the blue team but then they have china and turks sort of turkey on the red team as well as saudi arabia so it's um they have to make a call here and they have to be smart about it alrighty then so just like that russia joins in on the blue team kind of weird because they're going up against some of their friends and you know they're kind of siding with some of their enemies over here but overall russia probably made the smarter call here because from here we have some things falling in place in favor of the blue team who would most likely see indonesia joining in on the red team then finally what i've heard is the most neutral country in asia uzbekistan i honestly i don't know i would probably be smart for them to join in on the blue team i'm thinking that uzbekistan is smart like that so they do just that that avoids them from getting steamrolled by iran and russia and now this is where the fun begins so every single asian country which i feel like i'm forgetting one but i honestly might not be but yeah every asian country is now involved in this war it's looking like it's in favor of the blue team but we'll just have to see so let's go ahead and start this fighting so almost immediately we have the entire kashmir area sinking into the bottom of the ocean i think this is probably the most appropriate move for this region as um clearly i don't know enough about it to talk about it i'm judging by the angry indians and pakistanis in the comments so yeah this place that is normally very high above sea level is now very low below sea level invasion wise though china manages to push over into eastern india as well as northern nam we see the north koreans make a tiny campaign into the south but that's eventually stopped turkey starts to invade northern syria and saudi arabia starts to invade up into iraq armenia capitulates now i know armenia is really mountainy but i mean it's kind of tradition for me to just the kind of steamroll of armenia and i don't mean that in a bad way don't take that in a bad way i will sue you israel continues its brutal occupation of palestine while also running through the desert of jordan we have iran invading up into turkmenistan eventually they meet up with central asia cutting them off from the coast india starts to campaign into southern pakistan while also starting a campaign into myanmar together southeast asia manages to wipe out myanmar pretty quickly and i just remembered the country i forgot singapore they would most likely join in on the red team back up north though uh vietnam starts a campaign which makes most cambodians have a very bad flashback they also push a little bit into lao but are eventually stopped due to the sheer amount of chinese troops pushing in from the north speaking of said chinese troops they are pushing even further russia invades georgia again and they not beat the border of turkey and we have the same thing happening to azerbaijan for the 50th time they get split in half by russia and iran why does that happen every video i'm starting to think maybe my videos are repetitive yeah no crap anyhow turkmenistan continues to get smacked around by central asia speaking of smacked around myanmar gets smacked around while at the same time china smacks around india over here the koreans push back the koreans and actually push them back so far that korea becomes one korea but china says no to that and that's eventually still mated but russia does have the last laugh here as they start to invade over here in eastern manchuria they connect up with the south koreans and make one united front against the chinese now the chinese here are um well they're pretty much screwed geographically they border the most countries in the world and honestly um that's probably for the worst of things they only border six of their allies in total and um those said allies aren't strong apart from pakistan throwback back over the middle east turkey continues its brutal campaign into northern syria now threatening israel from the north israel says no i am the threat and still mates them while the same time they managed to capitulate jordan seeing this saudi arabia starts to say hey that's not very cool and they re-push into jordan but are eventually stallmated by the israelis iran makes a campaign into kuwait this goes successfully eventually they even managed to push back the saudi arabians over here in iraq over in tajikistan we no longer have tajikistan but the liberation of xinjiang starts in fact the liberation of tibet also starts by the way this is not an invasion that's impossible these are rebel groups in tibet so um the chinese army has to now deal with rebels in this area very fun oh there goes taiwan over in korea we have china pushing back however this is kind of stopped eventually into counteracting russia and mongolia start a joint campaign in northern ontario so china really doesn't have any advantages here other than like southeast asia where they continue to push into vietnam until eventually we have vietnam falling back to their home country and starting a guerrilla warfare campaign over in sri lanka we have them being taken out by india and over in pakistan we have them making a campaign towards india's capital while india continues to push in from the south we eventually see iran helping out india over here in the east we also have iran pushing up over here in the turkmenistan until the country eventually capitulates and we are left with the uninvadable nation in the middle east turkey manages to wipe out all of syria which leads israel to kind of hold off on their own saudi arabia and turkey eventually meet up which cuts off israel from the rest of the blue team from here israel is forced into isolation we have russia helping out iran and taking out azerbaijan and re-liberating all of armenia eventually we see russia pushing into northern turkey which um isn't projected to last very long elsewhere the red team sees even more trouble kyrgyzstan starts to fall to russian forces eventually they line the chinese border and start to push into xinjiang india manages to make a play which outsmarts some of the pakistani army cutting off supply lines and effectively making troops surrender except that would never happen in real life because pakistan would never ever surrender to india these tibetan rebels here although very noble are not very strong speaking of force out of existence myanmar as a state just starts to fall apart completely they're still not very stable in real life and eventually southern myanmar falls to india which is probably not the best of things to happen because the red team will just push right back into the territory that is not yet controlled by the indian army and yeah southeast asia is going to be a really big problem for the blue team especially because this just happened uh no vietnam didn't surrender they're just guerrilla warfaring it out and they're kind of winning but that's just because it's vietnam you know they always wonder so overall it's just really bloody everywhere um the sides are pretty much equal in terms of occupation at this point in terms of strength though i'm gonna have to give it to the blue team simply because they have three of the strongest countries in the world right here uh russia iran and india but at the same time the red team does have china and turkey as well as saudi arabia and sort of indonesia and then of course pakistan so maybe their team is stronger um but then again south korea and japan are two of the strongest countries in the world so almost the coin flip the acquaintance was 60 40 60 being in favor of the blue team of course by the way blue team on top as they liberate tajikistan and eventually they meet up with lake kashmir and what this pakistan and afghanistan are simply isolated the blue team definitely has naval superiority down here i'm not too sure about over here though but with this naval superiority they managed to blockade pakistan and officially take their coast which makes pakistan start to starve this is not a good day for pakistan as they are now losing to india and russia and iran and japan and south korea and the philippines and of course bangladesh and then also you know the most powerful country in the world that was drawn up i apologize but yeah slowly enough pakistan starts to capitulate which is going to make a lot of you all angry i don't care though so now pakistan officially capitulates they don't surrender but they capitulate and once again we're left with the unavailable country not sure the blue team does seep in from all sides however they don't manage to capture the capital of kabul and everyone just kind of looks at each other while the taliban hide out in the mountains again over in turkey we have the russians being kicked out also something i feel like happens in every video nowadays and down in the middle east iraq starts to get invaded once again israel is still holding out although they are making a successful campaign up in syria and at the same time surprisingly enough they do manage to push back into jordan and even parts of saudi arabia this is mostly due to the fact that the red team is underestimating israel holy i forgot about the maldives they're in the ocean so i guess that doesn't matter they're literally not on this map i don't i don't know did i do that i don't think i did that well the maldives are gone which is probably the most realistic thing that's happened in this video so now that the blue team is all connected and dandy over here and sent so now that central asia is all connected and dandy over here in the central asian region we have them focusing in on we have them focusing in on the mon we have them focusing in on the materia region now this is the most painful campaign of the war although the blue team is making strong gains here china is furious by this and probably launching nukes and stuff but that does nothing so what does china do now that it's losing well they do the most rational thing and invade mongolia literally a bunch of fields literally nothing here so it works and they push into russia only problem with that is manpower is up here now what's the problem with manpower up here no manpower over here problem no manpower over here uh oh so yeah this just kind of starts to not go well for china in any way possible um their leader kind of not that smart so they immediately withdraw all their troops from mongolia this has a very bad effect for um obvious regions a quick withdrawal is not a good withdrawal unless well no we're talking about war here oh everything is really falling apart for china now they made a big mistake but the only thing that isn't falling apart is their economy just kidding that's in shambles as well as everyone else's economy who would have known that war is not beneficial to any party oh the philippines all alone over here in the west philippine sea whatever will they do nothing because they're actually holding out pretty well so yeah it's just it's just really not going well for anyone at this point i mean the red team they aren't making any gains but at the same time they aren't necessarily losing over here which is probably a good sign for them in fact they even just made a gain in the baghdad but other than that eventually if china does capitulate they're screwed there's no going around that the fact that they're just gonna die so once beijing starts to get threatened we have these guys saying hey we're going to leave this war but you're going to give us some land that's mutually agreed upon we even have israel leaving and at this point it's just china and china kind of does what china does they fall apart into a million pieces i mean half of their country just rebelled beijing just got captured by a bunch of koreans that's embarrassing and yeah china surrenders who's left well nobody that's willing to fight this war so yeah let's go ahead and take a look at this peace treaty i am so sorry for that ending but this is probably the most that i've talked all day because my throat hurts so um yeah actually i gotta get thumb there real quick but yeah sore throat making video at the same time not the best of combinations well this is gonna hurt a lot of feelings so um yeah i i guess we can just do a quick overview of this i'm not gonna go into full detail but if i just jump back to this screenshot and then jump over to this you might be able to see what kind of happened here i think the only red team countries that got away unscathed is afghanistan lao kind of did in cambodia thailand yeah so southeast asia is fine but as for the rest of the red team they're either non-existent or extremely crippled this is yeah it's just you know i'm not gonna i'm not gonna say anything russia has expanded their borders and i know a lot of you guys always complain about russia not getting any w's in my videos that's because russia itself is an l but you know i get it um i'm supposed to make unrealistic scenarios so i guess i should start making russia beat nato and stuff because that's that's really unrealistic so i should start doing that more anyway jokes aside or was it a joke that is gonna do it for what if asia had a civil war no i i really feel like i should go over this peace treaty but just i think this going back and forth like pause it i think this says enough if you guys did enjoy this video make sure to leave a like on it subscribe to the channel if you're new we're getting close to 70 000 subscribers which um i think we're projected to hit it by september 10th which is in like 20 days so um let's let's prove that wrong let's hit it before 20 days if we hit that before september 10th i'll have more confidence and i was hitting 100k by the end of the year as of now not likely but not impossible so we're going to keep grinding there we're going to get there eventually so yeah once again if you enjoyed do all that support stuff really helps the channel out if you want to see more of the civil war content next up i'll probably do north america followed by that south america and then eventually africa don't really see us doing oceania because there's only like three big countries there but yeah if you want to see the expansion of the series make sure to show some sport i'll be the last time i say that in this video i swear once again thank you guys for watching and i'll see you guys in the next video you
Channel: AdizzPro
Views: 335,936
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chinese civil war, civil war, war scenario, what if asia had a civil war, what if europe had a civil war, eu civil war, india vs pakistan, india vs china, russia vs china, north korea vs south korea, saudi arabia vs iran, turkey vs iran, asian civil war, war in asia, map, mapper, mapping, maps, war, war simulation, world war, ww1, ww2, ww3, cartography, geography, geopolitics, history, alternative future, alternative history, adizzpro, adizzpro empire, drew durnil, oversimplified, geofacts
Id: fl2mtnFrMQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 23sec (1163 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 24 2022
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